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Concept of Catalog Profile in SAP PM

I am writing this blog to explain the concept of Catalog Profile in SAP PM. I faced questions
on Catalog profile many times in interviews. This concept is simple and every SAP PM
Consultant must know it.

A combination of code groups from several catalogs (ex: Cause, Damage, Object Part, Activity) that have been
grouped together as allowed values for notification processing.

Below picture shows the correlation

between Catalog Profile, Catalog, Catalog group, codes and code text.

While doing the notification processing, user wants to records the maintenance history.
They use Catalogs, catalog groups and codes to do so. Now while selecting the codes
user wants to have only relevant code groups and codes in the drop down menu. This
avoids confusion, reduces time of data entry and user maintains accurate information in
This improves accuracy of various reports.


While writing this article I was confused about the starting. I was unable to figure out where
to start, what to write down first. So finally I decided to start this section with a business
Suppose there is a factory XYZ. One morning production engineer heard an abnormal
sound in a motor and he created a maintenance notification with equipment, functional
location and description of abnormality with the technical object. Once maintenance job is
completed, the maintenance engineer will enter the technical findings and maintenance
history in the form of catalog codes. When he goes to the drop down menu of catalog, (say
Cause), he will get a list of code group and codes (provided there is a catalog profile
assigned to notification type in SPRO). Now he can select the relevant code and assign it
to notification.
Now there are two questions:
Q 1. How user is getting a list of catalog code groups and codes drop down with reference
to each catalog ?
Q2. What to do to get only relevant catalog code groups in the drop down?
Now I will answer both questions one by one and try to make you understand the concept
of catalog profile.

Q 1. How user is getting a drop down with reference to each catalog?

A. To get the drop down first you will have to define the catalog code groups and code with
code text in QS41. You can read another blog to understand the process of creating
catalog code groups and code texts.
Once the code groups and code with text are defined. We will go to SPRO and define a
Catalog profile. Here is the step by Step process to define a Catalog Profile in SPRO:
Step 1: Go SPRO.

Step 2: Then click on Reference IMG button at the left most corner.

Step 3: This will open the SAP Configuration screen. Here you will have to go to below
navigation to create a new Catalog Profile.

Step 4: Click on New Entry button to create new Catalog profile.

Step 5: A new screen will appear where you will have to enter the Catalog Profile name
.Name can contain Alphabets or numbers or combination of both. I am creating two
Catalog profiles Motors and 1000 for better understanding.

I have assigned limited Catalog groups to Catalog Profile Motor. Please refer below
screen shot:

Now enter Code Group MOTORS with respect to each catalog. This means that each of
the code and code text created in Code Group MOTORS is available in the drop down

In the same way you can select Catalog profile 1000 and assign Code Groups to it. Here
enter * (asterisk) in code group. This means that all the code groups which are created
with respect to certain catalog, will be available in the drop down list.

But this not enough to bring the catalog code groups and code in the drop down of catalogs
in maintenance notification.
One more step is still remaining.
Step 6: So far we have defined Catalog profile. Now we will have to assign the Catalog
Profile. Here SAP provides us three options:
1. You can assign Catalog profile to Notification Type in Configuration (SPRO).
2. You can assign Catalog profile to Equipment Master Data in Organization Tab. 3.
You can also assign Catalog profile to Functional Location Master in Organization

Please refer below screen shot and see the assignment:

Catalog profile assignment to notification type:

Catalog Profile assignment to Equipment Master. Here we will assign Catalog profile
In the same way we can assign Catalog profile to Functional Location Master in
organization tab at the same place.
Please note that it is not mandatory to assign the Catalog profile to all three places. You
have to assign it at any one of the place. Means either assign it to Notification type (in
SPRO) or equipment or functional location.
Step 7: Now if go to maintenance notification and create a notification with notification type
M1 and equipment 10006575 (same equipment where we have assigned the Catalog
profile MOTORS). While creating the maintenance notification we will get a message at
the bottom that MOTORS is copied to the notification. Please refer below screen for the

Step 8: Now go to the drop down of catalogs such as Cause, Damage or object parts. Here
you will get the Code group MOTORS and all the codes assigned to code group
MOTORS. Please refer below screen for clarification.

This is how you will get the Code Groups and codes in the drop down of the catalogs in
maintenance notification. If you create the catalog profile and do not assign it nowhere,
then you will get nothing while selecting the data. This answers our first Questions (Q1)
Now you will think why I got codes related to catalog profile MOTORS, why not for other
code groups and codes are appearing in the list.
Here is answer to our second Questions (Q2):
How to get relevant Catalog Code groups and codes in Maintenance notification?
As I mentioned above that you can assign the Catalog profile to any one of the places
either notification type or equipment or functional location. Suppose a MOTOR got
malfunction and while maintaining the catalogs you want only motor relevant codes to
appear, then assign the Catalog Profile to Equipment. If you want codes related to
functional location then create a profile and assign code groups related to functional
location and assign it to functional location. If you want all the code groups to appear then

create a profile and put a * (asterisk) with respect to each catalog and assign profile to
notification type.
This is how we can get the relevant Catalog Profile. This answers our second question.
Now again a new question arises,

What if you assign three different profiles to Equipment, functional location and notification
type? Which Catalog profile will be copied to notification?
Which hierarchy will system follow?
Here is the answer. The preference goes like this
1. Equipment Catalog profile
2. Functional Location Catalog profile
3. Notification type Catalog profile

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