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Assalamualaikum wr.

Honorable judges, fellow students and all audience,
First of all, let us all say praise and gratitude to the almighty Allah
SWT for His blessing, mercy, and guidance upon all of us. Shalawat
and salam may always be upon our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and all fellow students,
My name is Sayyidah Nadhila Latorumo. Im glad to be here in
front of you to deliver my speech entitled
Ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and all fellow students,
Before I begin this speech, I Would like to remind us about
slogans stuck in almost every part of our school, such as
"cleanliness is the base of health", "cleanliness is next to
Godliness", "keep clean!". But, has such slogans inspired us to
practice it? Often we see students who litter, whether it be paper or
packs of food .
Certainly , we as citizens of the school does not want to see
garbage strewn everywhere. Trash was also polluting our schools,
both in the classroom and outside the classroom, in addition to the
school dirty also can make our learning environment becomes
Ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and all fellow students,
To achieve a clean and comfortable environment, it is
essential to take actions that promote theawareness to each
student to keep clean which can overcome the above problem.
With these actions are expected of educators able to sensitize
students to maintain cleanliness in the school
Ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and all fellow students,
Do slogans that I mentioned earlier prove that we did not care
as we are still careless for example, there are many students who
litter, paper shredding in the classroom, unclean urination and
which cause the unpleasant smell, but there's more examples that

reflect that students do not realize the importance of keeping the

environment in their schools.

Ladies and gentlemen, honorable judges and all fellow students,

Garbage will also be able to pollute the environment both in
the classroom and outside the classroom, but it also can lead us
uncomfortable learning environment we do not end up with lessons
given concentration of teachers and students.
Therefore, Recycle bins must be placed at various places in
schools to promote recycling of waste among students, teachers
and other employees. Children in the school can be encouraged to
put waste in appropriate bins so that they develop a habit of
disposing of waste properly.
Cleanliness , Personal hygiene , Good sanitation provides a
clean school environment for the students to keep them in good
health and safe.
Ladies and gentlement and dear friends,
There are some steps that we can take to maintain the cleanliness
in our Schools:
Put the waste materials in the appropriate dust bin in order to
dispose the waste properly.
Take care to use the school properties such as Chairs, tables,
duster and chalks properly.
Keep the class room and school premises clean.
Maintain personal hygiene properly.
Maintain the toilets clean and hygienic.
Dont throw the papers, chalks or any other waste materials in
the class rooms and ground.
Dont break the school properties
Dont write on the walls of the schools
Dont pluck the flowers and leaves from the school garden.
Dont use non recyclable plastic packets and plastic cups

I hope with these actions, it is expected to sensitize the students to

keep the school environment clean. Cleanliness has major effect on

the health. Therefore, cleanliness need to be maintained by us and

for us as well.
As a conclusion to this speech, I would like to invite you all my
friends to go hand in hand maintaining a school environment that
we love to be a means of learning conducively and comfortably in
hygiene ways.

Thats all my speech. Thank you for the attention

Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb.

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