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Just some thoughts about Yoochuns case

about the video that sasaeng fan uploaded to youtube (but then it has been deleted) really makes me shocked.
Not because i am shocked about what Yoochun did but i am shocked how some fans could hide this scandal
back then in 2009 but now it spreads like wildfire in all over portal in major sites and blogs in South Korea.
I guess this is the consequency of split fandom. JYJ fans defend Yoochun by accused TV2XQ fans who made
rumour about Yoochun and TV2XQ fans defend their dignity by try to find many proofs that the man who hit
the fangirl in the video is indeed Yoochun.
It looks ugly.
For myself, i wont participate in this fanwar. I just want to know the truth if its really Yoochun who hit the
girl. From 2 videos, photos, fanaccounts, and even the bracelet from Yoohwan that Yoochun always wear and
Always Keep The Faith T-shirt, a gift from fans, that he wore in the video, im pretty sure that its him. I
dont want to be delusional by defend that its not him because every proofs said otherwise. I really judge
hard Yoochuns fans who defend him by saying its not him, or told he touched the fangirl by mistake, or told
that its just cool for idol to hit sasaengfan. Really? Are you not strong enough as a fan to accept his mistake
then told lies to justify his action?
Am i surprised about the vid? No. In 2010, i watched the KBS vid interview toward sasaeng fangirls who
used to follow him everywhere, they called him AngelMicky when hes nice and EvilMicky when hes
grumpy to fans. Then, i tried to read some blogs of the said stalker fans and i got the conclusion that Mickys
sasaeng fans are real psychotics who really love to disturb his life.
So im sure Yoochun has his own reason why he snapped and hit that fangirl. But, whatever the reason, it still
didnt justify what he did. Im dissapointed, and I hope he will make public statement and apologize. Is it
making me stop being a fan of him? No. Theres more of amazing sides of Yoochun than that one mistake he
did which is presented in the video.
I dont want because that one vid, it makes me forget what a good actor he is, how he is such a talented singer
and composer, a dalbabo who loves little kids, a good friend like what Junsu, Jaejoong, Yunho and Changmin
told to us, a great older brother and fillial son who took care of his family since young, and many other great
things about him.
Call me stubborn, but I choose to know all his flaws, and still like him despite all of those.
Do you believe in Always Keep The Faith slogan?
To lie my belief on something, i have to know the exact meaning of it.
Now, i dont know whats in Yoochuns mind when he tattoed the phrase or whats in Junsus mind when he
wore that AKTF necklace, but in Elle Magazine interview, Jaejoong told something like
Always keep the faith'
As far as i could understand hangugo, his answer means
Always Keep The Faith tattoo i have in the front means that i always have to save my beliefs
From it i can draw 2 conclusions
1. He just merely translated the english phrase to korean phrase
2. He really meant it as to save his beliefs
If i took 1st conclusion, i still dont know what it means, but if i took 2nd conclusion, i need to go back
around the time he got the tattoo to understand what are his beliefs.
Yoochun & Jaejoong got the tattoo and Junsu wore the neclace is around August 2009, 2 months after they
sent a letter to SM entertainment about the invalidity of their contracts. So, i can safely assume, the AKTF
phrase representing a part of the three decision to left the company.
Now, what is my take on their decision to left SM Entertainment? This is when it begin to conflict in myself:
Its still something i could mourn on forever. It is something that if i got the power to make it not happened, i
would do anything to make it not happened.
I regret their decision. I love JYJ but i regretted their decision to left the company. See, it is so conflicted
So whats my take on AKTF, a phrase that represent their decision to left SM, in my assumption? well lets
just say i dont like it. So, will i lie my belief in AKTF slogan, something i dont like? No, i dont believe it.
However, my view will change IF one of these conditions happened
1. Yunho & Changmin suddenly sported the same AKTF slogan.
2. One of the three explained that AKTF got something to do in their belief to return to TVXQ

As long as one of these 2 conditions not happened, my view will be the same.
PS: btw who are you anon? im curious.
i know you as one of homin stan before...why change your mind?
I think i already keep my existence in fandom as undetected as possible, so you must be one of several people
ive been in partnership in that site before.
As for changing my mind, there are just several things that i considered from different POV. Lawsuit-related, i
still dont change my mind. However, i decided to put stop toward negativity of mind-games, and just focus to
support five people i cherished so much.
Why i suddenly decide to support JYJ the reason is simple, i just love them too much to abandon them
anymore. I might agree or disagree toward their decisions & actions, but that didnt stop me to support them
because honestly, what they need the most now are fans support.
You know you've every right to dislike JJ but you have no right to judge what he should or shouln't do
right now as you do not have the final truth in this issue and even if you had it, what right or need do
you have to decide that he should leave or stay. I mean what does it change for you as a person, as a
fan? I really don't understand people like you. I was disappointed by some idols's words and actions
before but I just stopped caring abt them, that's all, why bother so much?!
Are you implying on my take that Jaejoong should leave for mandatory service? Its not a judgement, its a
suggestion, a solution i could think of to save him from publics view toward him at this time. Of course I
dont have a right at all, because im not CJes CEO or major shareholder who have a say in JJs career.
Now, can you give a better solution for Jaejoong to clean his image? Because i assure you, the audio of
assault to sasaeng is a big blow toward his good image.
To be fair I also dont understand people like you who easily give up and stop to care just because you
dissapointed by some idolss words and actions. *roll eyes*
Honestly I'm glad Jaejoong is as he is, a human being with flaws and not a perfect but bland as fuck
idol like others. I do not need to worship the idols I like, I'm a huge fan of GD and I can't care less if he
smokes weed to write songs. I'm also not one to say bcs you chose a job in the limelight you should
never make mistakes bcs you're a role model and all that shit, education is in the hands of parents and
teachers. Idols are entertainers nothing more nothing less.
Youre glad Jaejoong as he is. Good. But i believe he could be a better person than he is now.
Are you a fan of GD or a fan of his compositions? because if i were you, i cant care less of his health to his
songs. Idols are public figure and entertainers. Public figure makes a living from publics support. Its only
fair that public figure be a role model and keeps his actions/words in check.
And whats the relation of idols and education? LOL
you are such a jj's hater you better stfu
Define hater?
I dislike his loose mouth, impulsive, and rebellious personality because often, it was the source of problem for
Remember DUI scandal because he went out drinking? Remember when he went out drinking with Leeteuk,
he scolded a fan for stalked him, turned out the fan stalked Leeteuk, not him? Remember in old interview he
himself claimed that hes so honest that his words often being misunderstood by public?
Jaejoong hater often think his existence as a pain in the ass in DBSK. I never think of him like that. I think
highly of his talent and appearance. Such as, when my friend asked me, if i could take just one member of
JYJ to return to DBSK, who i would take? I answered Jaejoong. Hell, even as the self-claimed Yunho-fan, i
still think Jaejoong as the most attractive idol in Kpop.
Frustated, dissapointed, got headache to his actions and generally toward him? sure. But hate? never.
I've seen your name in Tohoshinki vids... it's ichigo6^^... Anyway what's your bias list in db5k?Yunho
must be the #1...
Glad you know my previous works. ^^
It changes from time to time, but usually Yunho is #1. Right now, its Yunho-Junsu-Changmin-Yoochun.

Whos Jaejoong? LOL Im just kidding.

why do you claim you already knew jj's voice for six years but you admit that you only be a fan for
three years lol
Because i was such a picky person who got conceited view toward pop music that even a very talented group
like TVXQ needs 3 years to prove they are worthy enough of my full attention as a fan.
And yes, i will recognize Jaejoongs voice anytime. Its ironic that while i always claim that hes my least
favorite member in DB5K yet i became a fan of his voice first before i became a TVXQ-fan.
can you pls link me to sasaeng blog where you hear the 1minute audio of jaejoong n thanks before,,,,^^
what for? so you can read her blog posts of how she stalked jaejoong to his apartment? hide behind his car in
the basement? what are his activities on free time?
No, i wont link you.
After thinking thoroughly
The audio file of Jaejoongs assaults to stalker fan is making me sick of his actions for these past days. Trust
me i tried to consider every aspects, legal and journalism-wise, to defend his actions: started from the fact that
in the first news, the audio has been cut by Dispatch, that Dispatch could be categorized as one of the yellow
journalism in South Korea, and several of their journalists are ex-journalists of Sports Seoul, how sometimes
sasaeng went overboard with their actions, the fact that the news published just one day before JYJ South
American concerts. However, no matter how many times i tried to search for an excuse, the moral values i
believe in simply stated that his actions, are inexcusable.
Honestly i have heard the 1 minute version of the audio back then around in February, out of curiosity when i
browsed several sasaeng blogs after what happened with Yoochun-hit-the-fan-video scandal. Because the
audio was just the sound of Jaejoongs voice with a *smack* sound, i thought what happened in the audio is
similiar like Yoochuns case and i thought sasaeng will never bring it up to the public forums. Turned out i
was wrong.
At first, i considered 2 possibilities of how this case could be resurfaced: One, SM Entertainment Black
Campaign, and two, former Jaejoongs fan become hater. The more exposure toward this scandal, turned out
that the fan who recorded this sent the audio to Dispatch. I dont know why she, claimed as Jaejoongs stalker,
did something that might endanger his oppas carrier. Maybe she became an antis? maybe Dispatch paid her?
whatever her reason, its unimportant. The important thing is her testimony of what really happened at that
time. Somehow, i particularly relieved that SM isnt the mastermind behind this case. I should believe more
because of SMs lazy and cheaps nature, it is unlikely of them for spending effort to tarnish JYJs image.
Last week, KBS entertainment relay did an interview with the said victim in the audio. She said she just got
hit that one time. It happened in Summer of 2009, Second news by Dispatch on Feb 20th said they have
interviewed about 20 stalkers that present at that time, said Jaejoong went to see his girlfriend at that time to
Samsungdong B, and he used violence because he didnt want their date to be exposed. Now, if the reason
why he did assaults was just because he didnt want his date to be exposed well, i am dissapointed and
Being a part of this TVXQ/JYJ fandom for more than 3 years taught me that we always have various opinions
toward something. But this time, some JYJ fans, especially some Jaejoong fans, really irked me. First,
whoever said fuck Dispatch fuck yellow journalism for brought up this scandal really made me lost my
patience. Allow me to judge you hard and asked you to please learn about basic journalism first before
cursing to news station/portal/site. Even if Dispatch is an unreliable source, love to deliver things out of
context, in headlines and article, the proof they got is undeniable. The audio file is legit. The voice is his; that
tone and speech manner that i have heard so many times for almost six years, the smack and hurt sounds were
there, his words were malicious. Now, tell me, even if the audio file obtained by respectable portal news like
Star News or Jongaang, you will still make a fuss of it, simply because it tarnished oppas perfect image in
public eyes. A journalists job is to search for news, and this audio file is worthy for an article. Dispatch said
they tried to dig this case after a video scandal of Yoochun resurfaced. How we could claim this audio file is
newsworthy? when other media repeatedly covered and rewrite it. Topstar, Joongang, KBS, etcs reported the
same thing. This sasaeng fan scandal is a hot topic in all major news portal in South Korea, and this will
continue until they got another scandal. You cant expect a journalist not to write about this matter. If i was the
one who got this audio scandal, with the permission of the owner to write about it, no matter how disgusted
and troubled i feel when i hear the audio, i will cover and make article from it, because thats my job as

Second, how fans like switched blames toward stalkers in general, or lets say, sasaengs as criminals. Sure,
they did bad things like hit, grope, kiss, break into apartment, use SSN, poison, and many bad things but are
these things done by this particular girl who Jaejoong used as his punching-bag that night? No. Lets just
examine this case as what it is. She, with several girls stalked Jaejoong> Jaejoong hate to be stalked > He
was drunk > He hit the girl several times and also said hurtful words like bitch, fucker > He even asked her
to come to him so he could hit her again. If that girl brought this case to the court, trust me, Jaejoong could be
jailed. But she didnt. If you could easily label sasaeng as criminal, it is only fair to label Jaejoong as criminal,
or assaulter because he himself admitted he hit sasaeng more than 10 times. Moreover, at that time, Jaejoong
was a public figure for 6 years already. He could easily hired a bodyguard, asked for restraining order, and
many things to put stalkers at bay. Most importantly, he should knew how to control his behavior and his
Latest news from Cjes is they plan to sue dispatch for defamation toward JYJ. My view is vague on this
matter because the legal ground is very weak in my eyes. I am still reading more about Korean Law about
defamation to understand this case further but i hope Cjes could use law fully for JYJs benefits.
At the end of the day, i think im more shocked to this audio than Yoochuns video. Maybe because in
Yoochuns case all i see is just an action while in audio i could knew what Jaejoongs sick thoughts? Maybe
because i never expect that he could be this low in moral values? or maybe its just my little sentiment
toward him since DBSK days where hes notorious for his loose mouth and rebellious personality? Whatever
the reason, he is not the same Kim Jaejoong i knew back then in 2006 who captured my attention with his
soothing voice and angelic appearance in Heart, Mind and Soul performance. He is not the same Kim
Jaejoong who got my interest to Tohoshinki/TVXQ, and i truly dissapointed with the apology statement he
made in Chile press conference. He didnt show remorse yet, and by the latest info about how he is depressed,
he still didnt learn his lesson how to man up and be brave to admit his mistakes by sincerely talk about it and
make a more serious apology to public and also to the fan(s) who have been assaulted by him.
Finally, it is bound to my moral values that as long as he doesnt show signs to change himself, i think its
wrong for me to support someone like him. For now, i think its best for him to stop being a public figure for a
while, and enter military service, to clean his image (like what Kangin of Super Junior did before). Until it
happened, or until i could forget this disgusted feeling about him, id rather not knowing anything about Kim
Jaejoong, than to be his hater.
You got double standards. In Yoochun's video scandal you said you will keep supporting him despite
the scandal but in Jaejoong's audio scandal you said you will stop support him.
Because Jaejoongs scandal is worse than Yoochuns scandal imho.
All i saw in the video is Yoochun slapped the fan, then pulled her hair.
What i heard in audio is Jaejoong cussed to the fan, hit her several times, said hed done it more than ten
times, said to the fan to come to him so he could hit her again, and the final blow for me is his
sentence Fuck, I hit you once, so you complain that your face is swollen and cant go home, asking me to
compensate for damages, calling the police, you bitches..Its simply too much than what i could handle, and
at that time i felt so disgusted toward his actions that i felt its wrong for me to support girls assaulter like
But now he said hes back, i hope i will be able to find more good things about him that will make me forget
disgusting actions hed done.
Why do you care so much of idols' public image? if we're a good fan no matter what our idols do we
will support them for their talent. Why bother so much about other people's opinion? just support them
but their album, go for their concert, vote them in awards, etc we can't change haters gonna hate
Why i care about their public image? because i have this habit of sharing my fave musician/artist/idol to
people around me, make them acknowledge their talent, and finally turn them into fan as well. I understand
the best the purpose of creating idol groups is so they could be marketed well and liked by many people, so i
embrace this idea, hoping that more people will like TVXQ/JYJ.
Being a good fan by buy original CD, go to their concerts, vote them in awards, even buy birthday gift, work
as translator for their japanese vids, ive done all of those, but i think i have done something that i could boast
to you.
I work in a wellknown, credible music magazine, who targeted toward music lovers. It seldom reviewed about

Jpop and Kpop artists, just about western and local music. When i talked about TVXQ/JYJ to my colleagues,
most of them said who are they? is their music good? just a bunch of pretty boys. Felt dissapointed, i
did everything to change their opinion toward TVXQ/JYJ. I introduced them to their best songs (W, Mirotic,
Long Way, Bolero, Why etc), made them watched their concert and live performance, variety shows, etcs. I
even introduced them to my boss (who got a say in what to write for the magazine). Several months later,
what ive done paid off. My boss and colleagues began to like them, and decided to make a section for Kpop
and Jpop artist in the magazine. Now, the readers of the magazine will be more aware toward TVXQ/JYJs
music and Kpop & Jpop in general, and the probablity to become their fan is going higher.
Now imagine if i wanted to introduce JYJ to my colleagues at this time, what are their reactions? probably,
oh the one who hit their own fan? not interested No matter how hard i tried to convince them that theyre
talented, people will judge them based on image too. Thats why i care to public image, no matter how you
think of it as trivial thing, but in fact, in pop music scene, image is a very important thing.
We cant change haters, but we can introduce nice things about them to people who dont know them.
jj tweeted he's gonna comeback. shame on you. i'm glad that he is not a coward who run to military
service when he got scandal.
I dont understand why i should feel shame when all i ever did was just suggesting that he better went to
Military Service to clean his image.
Good that he decided to be back. I will never say my suggestion is better than his decision. I think he
understands the best that JYJ cant function well without him, so im glad he choose to be selfless and back to
I used Kangin as a comparison in my previous tumblr post, so i assume you think of Kangin too when you
said coward who run to military service when he got scandal. To be honest, i dont think Kangin is a coward
because he went to military service after his scandal. The same that i dont think Jaejoong is a shameless chap
because he decided to be back after his scandal. The two were in different situations and conditions thus the
decision surely would be different.
you got very wide taste of music in kpop, from god to d-na. really wonder why you choose dbsk as best
idol group? what performance or song that makes you a fan of dongbang?
Five exceptional singers, good choreographies, handsome, variations of personalities and solid teamwork are
enough reasons to fall for a group. Although ive known Tohoshinki since 2006, what really makes me as a
fan is the performance of Bolero in 2009.
Even with so many good groups around in Kpop, I still think TVXQ is the best group ever.
Honestly you're just making excuses. Yes people care abt public image but most of them can still go past
that or else how could Daesung from BigBang (who is indirectly responsible for the death of a man, sth
much worse than getting in some fights with sasaeng fans) be able to come back after a few months and
despite a few haters get enough support to go on in this industry. You seem yourself as a highly
judgemental person which is sad cos besides that you seem quite mature and clever abt things.
Remember how long Daesung went hiatus after the scandal, anon? Quite long, hm? Time makes forget,
moreover of public memory who got short term memory. I believe Daesung could passed it because of VIPs
support (which is a very solid fanbase imo), the same i believe Jaejoong will (and seemingly already) pass it
because he got Cassies/JYJfans support.
But, let me remind you, what Daesung got when he decided to be back? Yes, full questions from
reporters/variety show MCs about scandal he did. Lets see in the promotion time of Timeslip Dr. Jin, I think
Jaejoong will get same treatment about his scandal when he decided to do interview with online news portal.
Its his decision to be back in a short span of time, of course there will be more risks, and i hope he wont
have a hard time because of it.
And being judgmental isnt bad at all anon, as long as youre not partial. It makes you see someones value
first before you decide is this person worthy or not of our time. Anyway, the so judgmental me like you
described still think Kim Jaejoong is a person worthy of my full support, so i dont see why you need to be
sad LOL.

I don't understand why people keep on trying to

make you change your point of view. A quick

look at your blog makes it obvious you do not

hold JJ in your heart no matter what you say abt
his talents. The only thing is that with JYJ
situation in their country, him saying he's back
doesn't change anything since contrary to other
groups it won't mean that he'll appear on tv or
radio anyways. It was just him reassuring his
fans who were worried the past few days.
can you stop complaining abt JJ, block the anons (including me I
dont care) if it makes your life difficult and go on with the things
you like, you bringing out that issue over and over again when
even Homin stans have stopped caring is really weird. Admit you
hate him and get over it, its getting tiring. Why get so worked up
abt sth that only hurts him and his fans (when youre obv not one),
just drop it already, please!
Lets just assume youre same person anon.
I dont bring the issue over and over again. I posted one tumblr
post, got similiar responses, then answered it all in the same
manner. Good that hed reassured his fans, i know i was happy
when he tweeted.
I love how you compare me with Homin stans because obviously i
am not. Dont put words in my mouth. Hatred is so old fashioned.
And your logic is quite messed up, if i hate him why would i waited
around a week, searched anything from stalker blogs, fancafes,
until the background of dispatch reporters, any reasonable excuse
for his actions with a bit hope that i could claim oh hes actually
innocent, heres the proof? If i hate him, i will write a tumblr post
full of malice right after the dispatch article out.
Because i have searched anything that may excused him, and i
couldnt find any, thats why i was very dissapointed, and write a
tumblr post. Afterall, this is my personal tumblr right? im free to
write anything here as long as it isnt rumour. If you feel
hurt/offended dont read. Simple as that. But keep in mind my
intention is not to hurt fellow JJ fans.

I know this probably means nothing. But I just

have to say, all these people are over reacting.
You have your own veiws, as do i. and they
should just leave you alone on your stance. from
what i've read you don't agree with JJ on his

actions and words, i can clearly see why they

were harsh. but for you to be hated on that is a
bit much.... i don't know why i sent you this...
haha ^^;;
Finally someone get the right message from my post: I just
disagree with his actions and pointed out my view! Banzai!
While i appreciate your words anon, i will appreciate it more if you
sent me this not as anon. ^___^

You were there for Yunho's birthday at the food

store? The one this year when he ate with fans?
That's amazing, what was it like?
Yes. Yes. Its not amazing, i still feel guilty for following him that
time, although my original intention was just to give him his
birthday present directly.
It was a casual dinner of Kamjattang with a few number of fans.
Yunho ate with his manager first, then called us to come in and
treated us. Before dispatch reporters came to ask things to some
fans (they thought me and my friend are Japanese). Then, Yunho
got into his van and went to another place, so i thought it was
enough, and we headed back to our hotel.

i am interested in your 'one of seven wonders in

tvxq' tag. what are they beside chunface,
chunglish and duckbutt? xDDD
Chunface, Chunglish, Duckbutt, Changmins bottomless stomach,
Jaes phail clumsiness, Yunmoobs, YunCasso.
which i always contemplate why i name them as wonders,
honestly. XD

have u met js-yc-jj-cm-yh in real life n whts ur

impression twrd them?
This is the most unfortunate condition after lawsuit, really hard to
see five of them all at once. Its like i need to travel Japan-Korea
regularly to see them. ;___;
Yunho- 4times: Yokohama Tone concert, his birthday at food-store,
at Incheon Airport when he left Korea to Thailand, and the latest is
Tokyo Dome concert. Impression: very fit, tall, handsome with small
face, more handsome without make upthose manly scars, and
has strong musk smell.

Changmin- 3times: Yokohama Tone concert, Incheon Airport when

he arrived from Japan, the latest is Tokyo Dome concert.
Impression: like a prince; very tall, slender, with big eyes and dolllike face. He seemed very quiet when i saw him in the bookstore
Junsu- 1time: Ellizabeth musical. I havent encounter him in casual
occasion, so the impression ive got is limited to his persona on
stage. Hes beautiful with blond hair and smooky-makeup, very
charismatic on stage, dance with a precise movement, and pour
his soul into his singing. Thats why upcoming Junsus solo concert
is a must attend on my list. (promotion..hehehe)
Jaejoong and Yoochun, sadly never see them in real life. Cross
finger i will see them before this year ends.
I may type this with casual manner but in fact when i saw them in
person i was like

For an ot5 you seem quite rational. So here's my

question: realistically do you think db5k will
reunite one day? If so, what's the circumstance:
jyj back to SM or homin quit from SM? and do
you think the contract bonds them is a slave
contract? what is the reason for jyj to quit SM?
Sorry for the many questions, have a nice
It is DELUSIONAL to think that theres no possibility for TVXQ
reunion. They have a slim possibility to reunite at near moment,
but the higher possibility years later in the future. To compare,
H.O.T. members already discussed about possibility of reunion
since 2011, 10 years after their disbandment/split.
However, the more theyre succesful in their own individual career
and as 2VXQ or JYJ, the more things need to be sacrificed, the more
difficult to realize the reunion. The question here changes to: will
all five members have the gut to sacrifice so many things in their
career just for a reunion? The correct answer, only five of them will
be able to answer.
However, if you asked my opinion, seeing how profitable TVXQ
name is, yes, i believe theyll be able to make sacrifices for a
reunion when the time has come.
Actually, its possible for JYJ to not be back to SM. They can still be
5 membered TVXQ eventhough 2/3 members have different
agencies (see Shinhwa for example). The most ideal circumstance

for some fans might be that they build their own management,
because, hey, every artist deserves his/her own independence. On
the other hand, i would like to see the glorious past of TVXQ to be
repeated so to reunite as five and stay with SM is the best choice
for a success. Please note that i have admitted that i love TVXQ
more than i love the five members.
Saying the contract as slave contract is exaggerating. It is basically
has same terms compared to most US, UK and Japanese artists
contract i have seen. The unique thing is just 13 years length,
which is actually reasonable span of time given argument that
management invested in unknown trainee to be a big star, and its
the unique thing of hallyu.
You can see the reason for JYJ to quit SM from the notification of
invalidity of contract they sent to SM: unfair profit distribution and
long term contract. Basically the reasons are about money and
freedom to manage their own career. Personally i think it was the
most stupid decision they have made in their career.
However, i am bothered so much with this sentence For an ot5
you seem quite rational as if saying most ot5 are irrational. OT5
can be as irrational and rational as Homin stans and JYJ stans can
be, anon.

Do you ship homin? Fans said stage in tokyo

dome looked like their wedding rather than
No. Let those fans said that, i was present at Tokyo Dome on April
14th and i dont remember going to a wedding instead of a
Tokyo Dome as wedding stage Min disapproves.

ans speculated that homin will make a

comeback in this summer, so does jyj. what do
you think of the same time promotion from jyj
and homin? don't you think both agencies try to
split fans as much as possible? i remember it's
always like this since kyhd-music essays and
tone-in heaven
I can only think of my empty wallet. .___.

have u met js-yc-jj-cm-yh in real life n whts ur

impression twrd them?
Finally meet.. and speak to Yoochun in Bali. Its when he got ELLE
Photoshoot there. I had tasks to do in Bali on Monday so i
specifically dedicate my Sunday to search for him and give his
birthday present. By infos ive got from trustable source, i got to
know his hotel and photoshoot location. Then, i went there and i
saw him at hotel lobby, smiled (like babo) and looked so casual and
presh. He looked so busy though so i didnt dare to disturb his
work. Then several hours later, he got back to hotel so i greeted
him Hello Yoochun-ssi. Work hard in Korean and he just nodded.
Then when he got to elevator, i stopped one of the staff and
handed him Yoochuns bday gift. After making sure hell hand it to
him, i went back to my hotel.
Impression: Hes so tall and skinny and handsome. He still got his
fair-skin when i encountered him in the morning, however when he
got back from photoshoot, he already got a lil bit tan. When he
walked, he brought up a very relaxed and comfortable aura, but
still managed to be charming. Yes, the prince of TVXQ title in the
old days was not exaggerating at all, thats exactly his aura. But,
his carefree and babo-ish facial expression is something thats
really epic too.
Junsu, finally knew his offstage persona. I happened to be at the
Press Conference for his Indonesian Concert.
Impression: At first he kept his charisma aura, but when
journalists chanted FC Men and he told us his hobby in Soccer,
thats when his actual offstage personality came out and its EPIC!
He is adorable, cute and laugh shyly in front of press. Now i
understand why Changmin defined him as pure because he
really impressed me as innocent, cute, bubbly boy behind his
charismatic facade.
Jaejoong I havent got the chance to meet you, yet. Still fingers
crossed i will meet you before this year ends. After meet four boys
in casual occasion, im kind of wondering how the hell i could act
poker-faced in front of them. But for a note, the one who is capable
to make me weak in the knees and stuttered is Changmin, because
of his unbelievable handsomeness. I think people who have met
him in casual occasion will probably feel the same too.

You wrote, "OT5 can be as irrational and rational

as Homin stans and JYJ stans can be, anon." I

think you are familiar with the twitter world of

fans. Can you admit OT5 have the reputation of
irrational there? OT5 also the most pressed.
Fans like @ Monbrielle and @ JYJCYW. Even @
I am quite familiar with how nasty fans can get in twitter.
Can you admit OT5 have the reputation of irrational there?
Yes, there are some irrational OT5s ive encountered, but No to the
irratioanal reputation. You just see the few whore very loudmouths
i guess.
OT5 also the most pressed.
Your opinion and not mine. I disagree with this, because i see it as
melancholic tendency not pressed behaviour.
Fans like @ Monbrielle and @ JYJCYW. Even @ Babyredocean.
Never talked with JYJCYW but ive talked with Monbrielle and
Babyredocean about some fandom matters. They usually have
very strong opinions and maybe thats why people like you view it
as being pressed. I view both of them as useful fans needed in my
daily fandom life: Mon as quick updater and Babyredocean as a
long time fan since 2005 where her memories about fandom thingy
is really useful for me to ask many things.
That said, i refuse to be your tool to pick up negative comments
toward fellow fans through tumblr, anon.

Changmin acting is better than Yoochun.

Yoochun is so damn overrated about his acting
skill I cant even while Changmin is underrated
and he doing damn fine in Paradise Ranch. So
please your opinions keep it for you I dont want
to see your double standar in his tag.
and you still troll me as anon?
why i should listen to you if you still cant bring me just one article
that supports your opinion? pathetic.
i guess in your eyes even Hyunbins acting is worse than Changmin

I don't understand why ot5s (you included) still

hoping that one day jyj and tvxq will be
reunited. SM put lot of investation to current
tvxq and it's succesful. I don't see why SM

would be willing to invest another money just

for the five members-tvxq if just two-members
tvxq guaranteed success.
There are many reasons why OT5s are still hoping and if i wrote
down every possible reason it will consume time and space, but if
you asked my reason, therere two: I love old TVXQ and having
TVXQ-reunion will be profitable. Business-wise, five members-TVXQ
is more succesful than current-TVXQ. Before you said i bashed
current TVXQ, please compare the album sales, endorsements,
concert-stops, the amount of radio and TV programs TVXQ and
2VXQ got.
This is my problem with some of current-TVXQ-only fans; They said
SM put lot of investation to current TVXQ, thats true, but they did
not realize SM did not treat current TVXQ as their top priority
anymore. Why? because in SMs pov its not as profitable as old
TVXQ or other artists in SMs management, right? Change the
current TVXQ is more succesful mindset, and you will understand
there are many reasons why SM would be willing to invest on a five
members reunion.

even if you r not a shipper but if you had to

choose which couple interaction you like the
best in db5k n why?
2U. Yunho and Yoochun.
Their interaction is suitabe for me, not too fluffy or greasy, and
they talk with deep meaning. I mean, its like seeing daily
interaction between my closest male friends.
And their charm to girls is undeniable. Even Lee Sooman knew this
and sent 2U to court SNSD Tiffany on dinner when discussing about
her contract (read: to lure her XD).

It's funny that you considered TVXQ reunion

from business pov yet you abandoned what
happened between JYJ vs Homin. It's impossible
to repair that bond between five of them and
act like old times. The bridges are burned.
TVXQ reunion is a business decision. The first thing that should be
considered is the profit that will be made. One thing i learned after
working for more than a year in Entertainment Industry in my
country is, we can rebuild the burned bridges for the sake of a

chest full of money and jewels.

Its impossible to act like old times yeah it will be hard to act
childish like young TVXQ considering their age. Meanwhile, about
the impossible to repair that bond they shared in the past, well,
we are not them or their closest friends/relatives, so its impossibe
for us to know exactly what they feel toward each other.

"i love old tvxq" "db5k is more profitable than

2vxq" "reunion is possible" lol i don't
understand you claim as current tvxq supporter
but you keep giving out shits about current
tvxq. Tvxq is doing just fine and you need to
move on and accept reality; TVXQ is Yunho and
You mean TVXQ are Yunho and Changmin anon? so pressed you
forgot the grammar.
When i ever told you that TVXQ are not Yunho and Changmin? I am
one of the ot5s that refuse to call them HoMin based on reason
TVXQ is only when there are five of them. No, TVXQ is SMs
property and its in SMs mandatory to decide who have the right
to promote under its name. When sky changed to purple and pink,
and Lee Sooman decided to put, for example, Kyuhyun in TVXQ, i
will accept that TVXQ are Yunho, Changmin and Kyuhyun, im
simple like that.
And no, you dont know what shits are. Shits are shouted curses in
front of Yunhos face at incheon airport, cursed Yunho and
Changmin on open forum for eating while their three brothers said
I love you on national TV, threatened to boycott TVXQs 5th
album and persuaded members on the certain sites to follow the
plan. These are what shits are. Me? Im simply just giving my
conclusion based on the circumstances.
Moving on and accept reality, you mean like force me to change
mindset to it is impossible to do reunion in the future after all the
legal battles have been settled on? Hey, i believe in the power of
On the contrary, can i ask you a favor? to be open minded and
accept the possibility of their reunion in the future? and not
bitching everytime people pointed out logical reasons why it could
be done? Huh? hard to do that, i know, so lets just mind our own

TVXQ comeback will be on September 6th.

Isnt it the schedule SM gave to media? comeback schedule around
Sept-Oct 2012. But we cant be sure on what exact day it will be
released. A&R and distribution of CDs can sometimes be
problematic y'know. Though if things happened, middle to late
November could also be an option.
Things i concerned the most is the ridiculous fight between TVXQonly-fans and Allfans in Korea and China about bulk-buy album. It
happened for Android single, it will happen for this album too. SM
doesnt care if youre a TVXQ-only-fans, or Allfans, as long as you
buy the album. But it probably a blessing on disguise; maybe fans
will try to outdo eachother on bulk-buy project, or maybe they will
realize its no use to fight and decided to just support the boys, and
maybe the 600k album sales target could be reached? lets see.

what is the reason Yunho and Changmin stay

with SM? I know people label them as honorable
by fulfill their contracts but is it the only
reason? If the amount of money offered to JYJ is
so much more than what SM offered, why they
don't join their three brothers?
Many possibilities and because i am not Yunho or Changmin, i cant
know exactly every of the possibilities offered to them around the
end of 2008-2009. But from informations i gathered, the
possibilities are:
- Because Yunho and Changmin did not invest their money on
cosmetic business, such as when JYJs parents got argument with
SM executives around the end of the year, they did not have
business motives to cut the ties of contract with SM.
- Lets assume the parties who offered money to JYJ (like Avex and
Cjes) also offered it to Yunho and Changmin, because its a smart
move to get all five members of TVXQ in their own management,
but Yunho and Changmin refused it because the amount offered is
not worthy enough if they predicted SMs future financial will be
getting better and better with the release of Gee and Sorry Sorry. It
happened. Hallyu wave boomed around that time, not to mention
the sky-rocketed prices of SM shares.
- Yunho and Changmin thought that accepting the money and cut
the ties with SM is not worthed with the consequences: to be
cockblocked by entire S.Korean music industry

- Yunho and Changmin still have solo activities under SM (drama

and musical), so it will be inconvenient to mess their activities.
All of these combined are probably reasons why they stay within
SM, and this is why i think Yunho and Changmins decision to honor
their contract despite the temptation of the easy and quick money
is a smart move. Ignore the smaller fish, and wait, you will get the
bigger fish

"please compare the album sales,

endorsements, concert-stops, the amount of
radio and TV programs TVXQ and 2VXQ got"
LOL. Tone album sales are more than Secret
Code, and tvxq haven't decide their asia tour
I love how you skip Best Selection album.
TVXQ havent decide their asia tour yet, but they already did
fanmeeting route. I dont buy the lack of songs for concert
reason; Tone is the only jpop album 2VXQ released, but they
decided to add old songs for the sake of concert in Japan, i dont
see why TVXQ cant perform rising sun, purple line, wrong number,
balloon, are you good girl and other old songs for their own concert
if lack of songs is the real reason.
I hope im wrong, but the impression i got after talking to local
promoter in my country who were willing to hold TVXQ fanmeeting
last year, its more like SM didnt sure that the amount of tickets
TVXQ are capable to sell will cover all the costs for solo concert.

Best Selection albums are not usually

considered in the same line as NEWLY
RECORDED albums. almost always u willl c Best
Selection Albums selling more than the newly
recorded ones, not to mention the fact that the
Best selection album ur talking about was
released in a period when the fandom was in
turmoil and news of TVXQ's disbandment was
on the everybody's tongues. that album alone
had more promo than all of their albums

combined. If we are considering the studio recorded

albums instead, which is what really matter to both the
artist and the record label, then Tone has far surpassed the
secret code despite everyone claiming that HoMin were not
as popular as JYJ. also JYJs japanese album The has not
even reached the 200K mark since its release after JYJ filed
the lawsuit against SM. and dont even get me started on
the Tone Tour. first time for TVXQ to have an audience of
550.000 attend their tour and total sales of tickets and
merchandise surpassing $90 MILLION USD! another record
broken since this is the first time a Kpop artist was able to
make that much money from a tour. TVXQ5 never managed
to do that even in their greatest moment (ie mirotic era).
JYJs whole world tour gathered ~250,000 fans in total.
again nowhere near TVXQs tour in Japan. i get that TVXQ5
was great, but TVXQ2 have certainly proven that they are
more than capable of achieving AND surpassing that type
of success.
First, its not a matter what kind of album released around that
time, its a matter of the timing of the release. I saw the fans &
public receptions and sales number, not what kind of album it is.
Second, both 2VXQ and JYJ wont achieve what they have now if
not for TVXQ. Take this analogy, you and your friend take turn to
drive from A to C, but you have to stop at B to fill the gasoline.
Suddenly at B, your friend decided to go to C without you and you
have to drive to C alone. Would you ever arrive at C if not for you &
your friend effort to go to B? No. The same like Tohoshinkis current
achievements in Japan, Yunho and Changmin wont reach it if they
didnt succeed as five member Tohoshinki in 2009.
Third, i never compare JYJ and Tohoshinkis popularity, because it
will be unfair. Count the time JYJ and Toho have to promote their
mini album/album, you will see why i dont follow your approach.

do you really think if dbsk back together they'll

get the same fame they used to and get much
more money than they were now as a group?
even if i love them, i don't think they'll manage
to do that, esp in korea. well, maybe they could
do well in japan to some degree, but how long

will that last? they'll go into military service

later. group separation is unavoidable again.
solo activities are unavoidable. from what i
know, cf/drama is giving them much more
money than album. and if jyj want to do.
Tumblr ate the rest of your q anon.
Before they reach thirty, i believe they could maintain some kind of
popularity like they were in 2008..probably more, considering TVXQ
reunion will attract public attention.
After military service, i can see they are slightly more popular than
In Japan you can still be an idol even if you reached 40 (SMAP).

I think there will be no strong conflict among

idol groups and their members if no one is
treating 1 member better than the others. said
by Jaejoong in an interview. your thoughts? i
feel he dissed yunho.
the funny thing is, when i searched korean keywords on that
sentence in naver, i cant find any article who have the same exact
sentence, but when i copied the exact sentence in google, i can
only find this article:
the closest thing jaejoong ever said about group conflict were in
these articles:
(and more, but basically the content is about the same as these
two articles)
in those articles he aimed of the conflict between T-ara members,
not dissing Yunho, so your opinion is so out of context.
Last, i invite the translator of that sentence to please show me the
article in which jaejoong ever said treat 1 member better, if you
cant lets just take it as a hoax and never to make an opinion
based on it.

i'm interested in your assesment about dbsk's

popularity in 2008, very popular group but not
the #1 group in korea a different one compared
to many int'l cassies claims that 2008 is their
peak of popularity. So here's my question, who
do you think the most popular group in korea at
that time and who is more popular at that time,
bigbang or dbsk?
Most popular group in Korea for 2008? Wonder Girls.
I tend to think TVXQ and Bigbangs popularity in Korea was like
H.O.T./SechsKies. Both were very popular, have distinct sound, and
have big amount of fans, and there are many ways to measure
popularity, like album sales, digital sales, cfs, tv and radio
performances, fans polling, amount of news published, recognition
from people in entertainment industry, end year awards etc, so its
really difficult to choose who was more popular at that time. With
that said, im so grateful of BigBangs popularity in 2008. It made
SM poured the best resources for TVXQs comeback, and resulted
in the never-gets-old-single, Mirotic.
If only TVXQs split was never happened, one could wonder what
YG would bring to the table to keep BigBang on top of popularity?
and vice versa with SM and TVXQ.

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