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EXIN Cloud Computing


The basics, vendor neutral

Why choose this EXIN

EXIN is the worlds market leader in
certification for IT Professionals

The Foundation exam tests your tactical and strategic know-how in using cloud
computing. The certificate is designed for everyone who already is or will be
involved in the general aspects of cloud computing. EXINs Cloud Computing
certificate is vendor neutral and focuses on the necessary basics for taking the
organization to the cloud whilst staying in control.

Exams are developed in close

collaboration with experts from

This sets the EXIN Cloud Computing certificate apart from existing certifications, which tend to focus

the industry

on the more technical aspects of cloud computing. Furthermore people within the organization

Practical and therefore directly

applicable on the job

have to be aware that there will be changes in the make-up and responsibilities of the IT department
The EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation addresses also this shift in peoples roles and responsibilities.

For managers and IT professionals at

service providers, as well as companies

Relationships with other programs

that use cloud computing

The courseware material and exam content contain many links to other areas within the Information

Connects to other EXIN qualications,

Management domain. Here youll find, amongst other things, a number of processes as described in

such as IT Service Management based on

ITIL, EXIN IT Service Management ISO/IEC 20000, EXIN Information Security, EXIN Green IT and

ISO/IEC 20000 and Information Security

EXIN Application Management (AM), which are important in directing and managing cloud computing.
Examples include Identity Management, Contract Management and Information Security.

Benefits for companies

Managing risks

Focus on non-technical aspects such

The benefits of cloud computing are well known: scalability, reduced costs and greater efficiency.

as: management, structure, people

How to successfully use cloud computing is much less well known, which is exactly where risks

and processes

arise. How do you choose the right service provider? Where should you look? Is outsourcing really

Gain knowledge and practical guidance

in the concepts and definitions
Focus on risks, security, infrastructure,
governance and compliance

cost- effective? Which aspects are and remain your own responsibility? How do you retain control
of the process? You need to know, for example, where your data is and under what legislation it falls.
The scope of cloud computing is broad:
Technical infrastructure

Helps to gain control over the supply chain

Coherence between software packages

Supports development of a business

Costs and revenues

case to start cloud computing

Understanding the risks


Everyones talking about

Cloud Computing.
And thanks to EXIN,
I really know what
the Cloud is
all about.

Cloud computing is hot. Everyone is talking about it.

Make sure you understand how to get the benefits whilst
staying in control, by choosing for the EXIN Cloud Computing
certificate to start your journey

Book your exam on

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EXIN aims to offer the best independent certification and accreditation for information


Business Info

EXIN, the worlds most renowned exam institute




EXIN Information

management in the world.

Ambitious? Certainly. Too ambitious? Definitely not. EXIN offers the most complete portfolio of
certificates for Information Management. EXIN works with hundreds of accredited partners
worldwide, who provide training and develop training materials. In addition, in cooperation with
partners, EXIN manages exam centers where you take exams under optimum conditions and obtain


your certification as an individual or as an employee of an organization. EXIN, as a knowledge

organization has been in the leading edge of Information Sciences accreditation and examination.


We have certified more than 1.5 million professionals thus far across 125+ countries and have sup-



ti n

Lean it

ported the launch of many successful certifications worldwide. Companies and governments
across the world trust EXIN for their certifications.


< The complete EXIN portfolio

The most complete Cloud Computing certificate

EXIN, the most recognized

Cloud computing as a profession is evolving rapidly. EXIN has designed an exam program in coop-

examination institute world-

eration with business and industry organizations. Professionals and managers at service providers
and end users can thus increase their knowledge and successfully implement cloud computing for

wide for IT professionals

customers or within their own organization.

Complete portfolio of Information

Users: managing the supply chain


The EXIN Cloud Computing exam focuses particularly on the purchase, implementation and man-

Exams in 125 countries

aging of Cloud Computing. The motto Get into the Cloud and stay in control already shows you

Exams in 19 languages

where the emphasis lies. Employees with the EXIN Cloud Computing certificate can create a good

1.5 million professionals are EXIN-certified

business case, evaluate results and assess the performance of the service provider. Your organization

International network of accredited partners

is better able to manage the entire supply chain and handle governance.

Service providers: setting yourself apart

Data and applications are often better managed in the cloud than by the companies themselves.
There is more knowledge among service providers, so they can ensure higher availability and can
usually intervene faster in case of emergencies.
Service providers benefit from the popularity of cloud computing. But this can also lead to proliferation and declining quality. Professional service providers are seeking ways to dierentiate
themselves from the competition. Employees with the EXIN Cloud Computing certificate are
evidence of a professional customer approach.

Scan the QR code for
more information
about this programme

Radboudkwartier 223
Hoog Catharijne
3511 CJ Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0)30 234 48 11

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