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Self Awakening

June 1, 2012
Volume 4, Issue 4

Ma h a Yog a E f f o r tl e s s , j o yf ul an d no - c os t p at h to S e lf -R e a liz at i on

Editors note
Dear Readers:
The purpose of this quarterly newsletter, Self Awakening, is to
inform Sadhaks (seekers of self-realization) and other readers
about Maha Yoga, an effortless, joyful and no cost path to SelfRealization.

Editors note

Mahayoga Global Meet 2012

Kaka Maharajs Speech


Mahayoga A Key to Success 19

Answers to questions


Dhakeshwari Temple visit


Universal Brotherhood Day


Book announcement


Upcoming events


Website updates


How to contribute content


P. P. Shri Narayan Kaka Maharaj of Nashik, India is a leading

teacher and exponent of Maha Yoga, a centuries old tradition,
whereby a realized Guru (Siddha Guru) awakens the Universal Life
Energy (Kundalini) within the Sadhak, eventually leading him/her
to self-realization.
To the thousands of Sadhaks in the Maha Yoga tradition all over
the world and other interested readers, this e-newsletter is
intended to provide virtual Satsang. It is intended to encourage
Sadhaks to remain engaged in Maha Yoga, be informed about
Maha Yoga-related events around the world, and to provide a
forum for getting guidance about Maha Yoga from P. P. Shri Kaka
Maharaj and other Maha Yoga leaders.
The success of this e-newsletter will depend upon Sadhak
participation and through their contribution of content. Sadhaks
are therefore encouraged to contribute news about Maha Yogarelated events in their parts of the world, thoughtful articles and
life experiences (not experiences during Sadhan), and questions
about Maha Yoga and their Sadhan (practice) they would like
addressed. Comments and suggestions regarding this e-newsletter
are also most welcome. Please send any content, comments, or
questions you would like to submit to
The first ever Mahayoga Global Meet was held in Pune, India on
May 1st to 3rd, 2012. This issue of Self Realization is primarily
devoted to covering that event. We will resume our normal
coverage with the next issue. Videos of the event will be
available shortly at and photographs

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 May 1st to 3rd, 2012

Consistent with his sense of duty to introduce the sublime benefits of Maha Yoga to the
world, over a year ago P. P. Kaka Maharaj expressed a strong desire to convene people
from around the world at a Mahayoga Global Meet (MGM 2012) in Pune, India. The dates
for this meet were set for May 1st to 3rd 2012, to coincide with the 121st birth
anniversary of P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj on May 3rd, 2012 according to the
lunar calendar. Under the guidance of Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, the renowned computer
scientist, a team of Sadhaks set about making P. P. Kaka Maharajs wish a reality. They
developed a program of events for non-Indian and Indian audiences, secured appropriate
venues for these varied events, lined up a stellar cadre of speakers on a diverse set of
Mahayoga-related topics and sent out invitations to representatives from all over the
world. All that planning and hard work paid off with a highly successful first Mahayoga
Global Meet. This is a report describing the three day meet.

Day 1: May 1st, 2012

The much-awaited day finally arrived as the attendees to the first Mahayoga Global Meet
2012 began trickling in at 10 am at the Karnatak High School in Pune. They were arriving to
attend the English language part of the three day program which was to be held in the Smt.
Shakuntala Shetty Auditorium, an air-conditioned facility on the sixth floor of the school
building. The attendees were welcomed on the ground floor of the building with a welcome
kit and breakfast, and after registration they were directed to the auditorium on the sixth
floor where the events of the day were to be held.
The air was replete with anticipation as over 450 attendees entered the auditorium and got
seated to the strains of Sanskrit chants and Bhajans. They came from all the continents of
the world Asia, Europe, Africa, North and
South America, and Australia. They came
from Afghanistan and Zambia, from Brazil
and Burma, from Uganda and the United
States, from Iran and Iraq, from Germany
and Gambia; from 44 countries all around
the world! They represented all the major
religions of the world; Muslims, Christians,
Buddhists, Jews, and Hindus; including
some who were raised as Muslims but
consider themselves atheists. They were
of all ages; in fact the majority of the
attendees were students and young people
who were looking for something inspiring
International audience
beyond the narrow walls which define

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

people based on their country of origin, their race and their gender. They truly represented
the global family of P. P. Kaka Maharajs aspirations; a United Nation of diverse
nationalities, races, religions, creeds, ages and both genders; indeed a perfect mix for the
first ever Mahayoga Global Meet.
After everyone was seated, the days program was inaugurated by P. P. Kaka Maharaj
lighting the ceremonial lamp with assistance
from Dr. Vijay Bhatkar and others, followed
by a short speech by P. P. Sharad Joshi
Maharaj welcoming all the attendees to
MGM 2012. This was followed by a lecture
by Shri Pradeep Karanjikar, a former
UNESCO staff member and executive at
Synopsys, on The Present World Scenario
as a context for Mahayoga. Shri Karanjikar
described the many forces at work around
the world which are instrumental in linking
nations all over the world, thereby creating
a climate which is quite consistent with the
View of the stage - P. P. Kaka Maharaj in the center
Mahayoga vision of a world united by the air
we all breath, the gross manifestation of Prana Shakti (Universal Life Energy), our common
Mother which supports all life on earth.
Next, Dr. Vijay Bhatkar, despite being under the weather, gave an inspiring speech on
Science and Spirituality. He described how
science has progressed over the years and
pointed out the similarities and differences
between spirituality and science. But, being a
scientist, he also cautioned the audience about
the limitations of science and the experiences
of spirituality that go beyond science as it is
currently understood. He also spoke about his
own experience as a Maha Yoga Sadhak and
emphasized the importance of the actual
spiritual experience which Maha Yoga offers as
opposed to simply understanding spirituality as
Dr. Vijay Bhatkar giving his speech
an intellectual exercise.
Dr. Bhatkars speech was followed by a PowerPoint presentation (available at by Shri Anand Kulkarni introducing P. P. Kaka Maharaj to the
audience. He described briefly what Maha Yoga is all about, before introducing P. P. Kaka
Maharaj as an engineer, a scientist and above all, a Mahayogi. He emphasized the
importance of the actual experience of Mahayoga and the efforts P. P. Kaka Maharaj has
made over the years to bring Mahayoga to all corners of the world. He urged audience

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

members to rise and give P. P. Kaka Maharaj a standing ovation prior to his speech which
they eagerly obliged.
P. P. Kaka Maharajs keynote address
(see page 15) was the highlight of the
mornings events. He described
Mahayoga as a direct, easy and no
cost way to actually experience the
presence of the Divine Mother Energy
within ourselves. He urged everyone
on this earth to try it because it does
not require an aspirant to do anything
other than to surrender himself to the
Mother Energy which is present within
each and every one of us. He said
that the practice of Mahayoga is
Standing ovation for P. P. Kaka Maharaj
available to all, regardless of an
aspirants age, race, religion, caste, creed, gender or status. He then urged all audience
members to try the Introductory Approach to
Mahayoga and led them in a 15 minute
introductory meditation session. Many of the
audience members got so engrossed in the
meditation that they had a hard time opening their
eyes when P. P. Kaka Maharaj asked them to do so.
Having convinced the audience members about the
ease with which Mahayoga can be practiced, he
urged everyone to do so regularly at home and
reap the benefits of peace and happiness which
come from the diligent practice of Mahayoga. He
ended his address by praying to the Divine Mother
Energy to shower her blessings and graces on all
people. Following P. P. Kaka Maharajs address,
the attendees were treated to a delicious lunch.
Once the lunch was over a little after 2 pm, the
attendees reconvened in the auditorium where
they were entertained by Dr. Sanjay Durkar and his
musical group. The group performed complicated
rhythms using 37 different Indian percussion
instruments for about an hour and infused the
audience with a tremendous amount of musical
energy. Although the international audience was
P. P. Kaka Maharaj giving the keynote quite diverse, they were all able to appreciate the
common language of music and showed their
appreciation by coming to their feet and cheering the performers.

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

Following the musical interlude, the afternoon session began with Shri Mukul Kanitkars
speech on how Mahayoga promotes Universal Brotherhood, the first of a series of four
presentations on various aspects of Mahayoga.
Shri Kanitkar is an official at the Vivekananda
Center in India and he made a strong case for
all of us on this earth to realize that we are all
brothers and sisters, a message Swami
Vivekananda brought to the world at the
Parliament of Worlds Religions in Chicago in
1893. Shri Kanitkar further made the case that
since the basis of Mahayoga is the Divine Mother
Energy which pervades us all and is our common
mother; it automatically makes everyone on
earth brothers and sisters and thus promotes
Universal Brotherhood.
Musical interlude
Shri Kanitkars speech was followed by a scholarly speech on Mahayoga and Self Realization
by Dr. Subhashchandra Bhelke. Dr. Bhelke, who was initiated into Mahayoga by P. P.
Kavishwar Maharaj, is a Professor of Philosophy and the Head of the Department of
Philosophy at Pune University, India. He methodically described the philosophy underlying
Mahayoga and compared it with some of the other Yoga approaches. He then described step
by step how the practice of Mahayoga can lead all aspirants to self-realization in as direct a
way as possible.
Dr. Ravi Kulkarni next gave an erudite
presentation on Mahayoga/Meditation and
Mathematics. Dr. Kulkarni, who was
initiated into Mahayoga by P. P. Gulvani
Maharaj, is the Institute Chair Professor of
Mathematics at the Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay, India and a
distinguished Professor at Bhaskaracharya
Pratishthan, Pune, India. In his lecture, Dr.
Kulkarni pointed out the universality of the
spiritual tradition as exemplified by both,
the Mahayoga and the mathematics
Dr. Bhelke, Shri Kamat, Shri Kanitkar and Shri
traditions. He described how the study of
mathematics can benefit from practices
such as meditation and how the study of an abstract science such as mathematics could in
turn enhance the meditative experience. In other words, Mahayoga meditation and the
study of mathematics can have a symbiotic relationship.
Dr. Kulkarnis speech was followed by a presentation on Mahayoga A Key to Success (see
page 19) given by Shri Dilip Kamat. Shri Kamat, who was initiated into Mahayoga by P. P.
Gulvani Maharaj, is now retired, but was formerly a partner with McKinsey & Company, the

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

global management consulting firm. Shri Kamat began his presentation by pointing out that
success can mean different things to different people, but regardless of how one defines
success, the singular pursuit of success can lead to chronic unhappiness. He then described
how the practice of Mahayoga, while not directed towards achieving success per se, can help
a Sadhak become successful as a byproduct of the changes it creates in the Sadhak. It
improves a Sadhaks ability to concentrate, it makes him more creative and it gives him selfconfidence; attributes which contribute to success. But more importantly, Shri Kamat
emphasized, Mahayoga practice helps the Sadhak de-link his actions from the fruits of the
actions; in other words, becoming a Karma Yogi, thus achieving Self-Realization and true
Following Shri Kamats presentation, Ms. Victoria Truver, who works at the Laxmi Narayan
Mandir in Riverside, California in the US, shared her experience of how she miraculously
found out about P. P. Kaka Maharaj and Mahayoga while she was researching the web for
material on Lord Ganesh who had been appearing in her dreams. She described the events
leading to that time, beginning with a motorcycle accident which she had miraculously
survived, and which put her on the path of Mahayoga. Ms. Truver was initiated into
Mahayoga a few years ago by P. P. Kaka Maharaj when she applied for it through the
internet. A couple of other audience members also shared what they experienced during
the Introductory Mahayoga session P. P. Kaka Maharaj had conducted earlier in the day.
The experience sharing was followed by a
question & answer session led by Shri Kamat.
Since there were a lot more questions than
could be answered in the allotted time,
interested attendees were asked to return the
next morning for a continuation of the session.
The days program ended with a group
photograph of the international student
attendees with P. P. Kaka Maharaj, followed by
a delicious dinner. It was indeed a wonderful
ending to an inspiring day.
Audience member asking a question during the
Q&A session

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

Group photos of P. P. Kaka Maharaj with some of the international attendees

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

Day 2: May 2nd, 2012
The events of this morning were split into two, with concurrent sessions being conducted in
English for the international attendees and in Marathi for the Indian audiences.
The morning sessions were once again held at the Smt. Shakuntala Shetty Auditorium at
Karnataka High School. Shri Anand Kulkarni and Shri Dilip Kamat conducted a continuation
of the question and answer session from the previous day for the international attendees in
English. The nature of the questions clearly indicated a strong level of interest in Mahayoga
on part of the attendees.
Concurrent with the question and answer session, P. P. Sharad Joshi Maharaj, P. P. Prabhune
Maharaj, P. P. Deshpande Maharaj, P. P. Rakhe Maharaj and P. P. Thakar Maharaj (all
Deekshadhikaris, i.e. those empowered to
grant Mahayoga initiation) led a session in
Marathi for Indian invitees and for the leaders
of various Mahayoga branch locations that
have been established in India. They gave the
attendees a brief recap of the previous days
events emphasizing P. P. Kaka Maharajs
strong desire to spread the word of Mahayoga
all over the world. P. P. Sharad Joshi Maharaj
reminded all Sadhaks to pursue the three
tenets of Mahayoga Sadhan (meditation),
Satsang (keeping company of those interested
in the truth) and Seva (service on behalf of
P. P. Sharad Joshi Maharaj addressing the Indian
the Guru), and urged Sadhaks to spread the
word of Mahayoga as part of their Guru Seva.
He said that while no one should be urged to receive Shaktipat Deeksha (Mahayoga
initiation), everyone on this earth needs to be informed about the free availability of
Mahayoga and the ease with which the
Introductory Approach to Mahayoga
m) can be practiced. The other
Deekshadhikaris reiterated this message by
describing some of the efforts that have been
under way thus far to take the message of
Universal Brotherhood and the ease of SelfRealization through Mahayoga all over India and
around the world. The audience members left
for lunch energized and motivated to take the
Mahayoga message to everyone on earth.
View of the audience

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

The evenings program was held outdoors at the Law College grounds in Pune. This was an
event open to Sadhaks and others interested in Mahayoga from abroad as well as from India,
and it drew an audience of over 5,000 people.
After the offering of flowers to the images of
Mahayoga luminaries such as P. P. Loknath
Tirth Swami Maharaj, P. P. Tembe Swami
Maharaj, P. P. Gulvani Maharaj and P. P.
Kavishwar Maharaj, and the chanting of
Sanskrit Shlokas from the Vedas to bless the
event, P. P. Kaka Maharaj, Dr. Vijay Bhatkar
and others were welcomed on the stage with
the handing of flower bouquets. This was
followed by Shri Nikhil Prabhune and Shri
Shyam Khaire leading the audience in singing
a song in Marathi extolling the virtues of
View of the stage Law College ground
Mahayoga and exhorting Sadhaks to be diligent in

View of the attendees - Law College ground

View of the attendees - Law College ground

its practice. Next, P. P. Sharad Joshi Maharaj, at the behest of P. P. Kaka Maharaj, led the
audience in chanting Digambara, Digambara, Shripad Vallabh Digambara, a mantra in the
Datta tradition and a favorite of P. P. Gulvani Maharaj.
P. P. Joshi Maharaj was followed by Ms. Victoria Truver, a Sadhak from Riverside, California
in the United States, recounting how she miraculously came upon P. P. Kaka Maharajs
website. Ms. Truver recounted that she had a vivid dream of a dancing elephant and was
told by an Indian American boy, a patron of the library she worked in, that the dancing
elephant was Lord Ganesh. Ms. Truver complained to the boy that she did not know who
Lord Ganesh was, to which the boy asked her to research it on the internet. When Ms.
Truver entered Ganesh on the search bar she was miraculously led to P. P. Kaka Maharajs
website, even though she recalled there was no Ganesh in the web address of the site.
Ms. Truver attributed this miracle to the Lord Shiva directing her to her Guru, P. P. Kaka

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

Maharaj. At the website, lo and behold, she
found what she had been searching for
years; the granting of Shaktipat Deeksha
(Mahayoga initiation) to anyone making an
earnest request. She applied for Deeksha
and received an e-mail back granting her
Deeksha in April 2001. Ms. Truver was glad
to hear back from P. P. Kaka Maharaj
because in her eagerness, she had forgotten
to note the web address of the Mahayoga
site and she was afraid she would never be
able to get to the website by entering
Ganesh in the search bar ever again. This
Ms. Victoria Truver addressing the audience at
confirmed to her that it was indeed a miracle
the Law College ground
by which she was directed to the website the
first time. The audience was very moved by Ms. Truvers sharing of her experience and
cheered her as she ended her speech.
Ms. Truvers speech was followed by the release of the first issue of a Marathi magazine
named Loknath Path which will be edited by Shri Hemant Pethare and will include articles
on Mahayoga for Marathi audiences. The release of this magazine was to accompany the
release of a book by the same name the next day, the anniversary of P. P. Loknath Tirth
Swami Maharajs birth.
The magazine release event was followed by
the much-awaited speech and blessings by
P. P. Kaka Maharaj. He began his speech by
welcoming the attendees and describing
how Mahayoga arises from none other than
Lord Shiva and was brought to us in the 19th
century by P. P. Swami Gangadhar Tirth
Maharaj and his lineage comprising P. P.
Narayan Tirth Dev Maharaj, P. P. Yogananda
Maharaj, P. P. Swami Vishnu Tirth Maharaj,
P. P. Swami Shankar Purushottam Maharaj,
all the way to P. P. Kaka Maharajs Guru, P.
P. Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj. He
reminded everyone that Mahayoga is
P. P. Kaka Maharaj addressing the audience at the
Law College ground
available to all, regardless of age, gender,
religion, caste, creed, or status. He described how easy it is to practice, by invoking the
example of how even Kindergarten kids were able to practice the Introductory Approach to
Maha Yoga when he led them through it. He said it is such an easy approach because the
Sadhak does not have to do anything but let the Prana Shakti (Universal Life Energy) within
him do what is needed for the Sadhaks spiritual growth.

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

P. P. Kaka Maharaj next described how Mahayoga provides the basis for Universal
Brotherhood. He said that despite external differences, we all breathe the same air,
regardless of whether we live in Italy or China or the United States; and the air we breathe
is only a gross manifestation of the subtle Prana Shakti, which resides in each and every one
of us as long as we are alive and which supports us all like our common Mother. He said the
logical result of having such a common Mother is that we are all brothers and sisters.
Therefore despite differences in our religions, race, nationalities, etc. we should all realize
that we are supported by our common Mother and stop quarrelling with each other on
account of the unimportant differences, and treat each other as brothers and sisters.
After describing the Introductory Approach to Maha Yoga, P. P. Kaka Maharaj next led the
audience members in an introductory Mahayoga meditation for about 10 minutes. Most
audience members had a very difficult time opening their eyes when P. P. Kaka Maharaj
asked them to do so and did not seem to want to come out of the meditation experience.
P. P. Kaka Maharajs speech and the introductory Mahayoga meditation were followed by a
rousing speech in Marathi by the Mahayoga Global Meet President and renowned computer
scientist, Dr. Vijay Bhatkar. Dr. Bhatkar, who has since been named as the Chairman of the
Board of Governors, IIT Delhi, began his speech by acknowledging his gratitude to the long
tradition of Mahayoga, right from Lord Dattatraya in ancient times to more recent stalwarts
in P. P. Kaka Maharajs Guru Parampara (lineage) such as P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami
Maharaj, P. P. Shri Tembe Swami Maharaj, P. P. Shri Gulvani Maharaj and P. P. Shri Datta
Maharaj Kavishwar. He attributed the resilience of the Indian culture over the millennia to
its ability to adapt to changing times without losing its core values, and the importance it
places on the long traditions of spirituality as exemplified by the Mahayoga tradition.
Dr. Bhatkar then went on to explain, that as Swami Vivekananda has said, All of us have the
potential of being Divine. But of all the approaches such as Jnana Yoga (Yoga of
Knowledge), Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion), etc. which are available to us humans, the
easiest, simplest and most direct path is the path of Maha Yoga. It enables anyone to seek
Raj Vidya, the highest form of knowledge, or self-realization, and establish a direct
connection between Jiva (our life) and Shiva (the ultimate reality).
He compared Maha Yoga to disruptive innovations in science, which occur quite rarely, but
which change the scientific paradigm completely when they do occur. He expressed a wish
that Maha Yoga would become such a disruptive innovation for the entire world, because it
does not require a practitioner to do anything, learn new skills, and is entirely free; but it
has the potential to change the entire world scenario through the actual experience it gives
of Universal Brotherhood. All we need to do is to surrender to the Prana Shakti within and
allow her to purify us through the practice of Maha Yoga, and in that process cleanse
ourselves of all impurities, including our egos. He also wished that India would become the
Jagadguru (the worlds Guru) and lead the world to Universal Spiritual Prosperity, a wish
very dear to P. P. Gulvani Maharaj and P. P. Kaka Maharaj, and one that he felt was well on
its way when he witnessed the participation of people from more than 44 countries at the
events held at the Karnataka High School auditorium the previous day.

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

Day 3: May 3rd, 2012 P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami Maharajs Birthday
The events of this day, held at the Dindayal School ground in Pune, celebrated the 121st
birthday (according to the lunar calendar) of P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj, who
initiated P. P. Kaka Maharaj into Mahayoga over 60 years ago.
The day began with a Samuhik Sadhan (collective meditation) at 6:30 am, led by the

View of the audience

View of the audience

attending Deekshadhikaris on the dais, in which over a thousand Sadhaks participated. The
air was replete with the spiritual energy emanating from the collective Sadhan which helped
uplift all the attendees on this auspicious day. After the Samuhik Sadhan ended at around
7:30 am, the attendees were served breakfast.
The stage was then decorated with a flower-festooned cradle to commemorate the birth of
P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj as more
attendees began to trickle in. P. P. Kaka
Maharaj arrived shortly thereafter and was
welcomed and ceremonially seated on one side
of the dais, across from the cradle and a
picture of his Guru, P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami
Maharaj. Soon thereafter, the audience was
treated to over an hour long Kirtan
performance (musical narrative) by P. P.
Moreshwar Joshi Charolikar Maharaj, who is
himself a Deekshadhikari (empowered to grant
Deeksha Mahayoga initiation).
P. P. Charolikar Maharaj performing Kirtan

P. P. Charolikar Maharaj sang about and

narrated various events from the life of P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj. Having
personally led a contingent of Sadhaks to the birthplace of P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami
Maharaj in Dhaka, Bangladesh, in November of last year, he also described in musical verse
the miraculous events that led to that successful visit and the wonderful experiences the
visitors had during their stay at the Dhakeshwari Devi Mata Temple (reported in the February

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

2012 issue of Self Awakening e-newsletter
As the time commemorating the birth of
P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj
approached, the pace of the song-based
narrative picked up and at the
designated time of birth a coconut
wrapped in a silk cloth, representing the
baby, was placed ceremoniously in the
decorated cradle. P. P. Sharad Joshi
Maharaj symbolically rocked the cradle,
as several married women dressed in
traditional nine yard saris and attired in
traditional jewelry, including Nath (nose
ornament) conducted Aarti (ritual
P. P. Sharad Joshi Maharaj and P. P. Charolikar
Maharaj placing the baby in the cradle
worship), first of the symbolic baby P. P.
Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj and then, of P. P. Kaka Maharaj. This was followed by a short
ceremony whereby P. P. Kaka Maharaj launched the publication of the book, Loknath
Path, a handbook on Mahayoga in Marathi language, written and compiled by Shri J. N.
P. P. Kaka Maharaj took the stage next and after a short speech on Mahayoga, led the
attendees in a 10 minute Mahayoga Sadhan. He also announced that the next Mahayoga
Global Meet will be held in New Delhi, India in 2014.

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Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 (continued)

P. P. Kaka Maharaj addressing the audience

Following P. P. Kaka Maharajs speech, the Sadhaks who were responsible for organizing the
three day event (Shri Anand Kulkarni, Shri
Shriram Samudra, Shri Shyam Khaire, Shri
Manohar Gulawani, Shri Milind Joshi, Shri
Prashant Rao, Shri Nikhil Prabhune and
Shri Dilip Kamat) were called in front of
the stage to recognize their contributions
and to thank them for their hard work.
The attendees were next treated to a
delicious lunch and were sent home with
the blessings of the entire Mahayoga
lineage through the presence of P.P. Kaka
Reported by Shri Dilip Kamat, with
assistance from Shri Milind Joshi and Shri
Shyam Khaire.

Standing from L to R: Shri Rao, Shri Kulkarni, Shri

Prabhune, Shri Kamat, Shri Gulawani, Shri
Samudra, Shri Khaire and Shri Joshi

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P. P. Kaka Maharajs speech May 1st, 2012

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P. P. Kaka Maharajs speech May 1st, 2012 (continued)

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P. P. Kaka Maharajs speech May 1st, 2012 (continued)

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P. P. Kaka Maharajs speech May 1st, 2012 (continued)

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Maha Yoga A Key to Success

Editors note: I was asked to speak on the above topic at the Mahayoga Global Meet
2012 in Pune, India. Heres the written version of my speech. For those who are
interested, the PowerPoint charts I used are available at
I have been asked to speak to you about how Maha Yoga can become a key to success, i.e.
how the practice of Maha Yoga can help you become successful.
This is somewhat of a difficult task, because success, like beauty, is in the eye of the
beholder. What might seem like success to one might be perceived as abject failure by
another. To some of you, success might mean having good things happen to yourself, i.e.
having a good education, having a great job or a career or a business, having a lot of power,
having a wonderful family life, making lots of money. Others might see success in making
good things happen to others, i.e. helping others get educated, helping others out of
poverty, taking care of the sick and injured, helping lead communities and societies improve
their lot, etc. Still others might not care so much for their own material growth, or for the
material uplift of others, but might define success in terms of their own spiritual growth as
well as the spiritual growth of others.
Regardless of these distinctions in how we define success, we tend to be happy only if we
think we are being successful in achieving our goals, whether they are material or spiritual,
for the uplift of ourselves or for others; and are unhappy if we do not achieve them. So in
all our actions we strive to become successful in achieving our goals, whatever they may be!
But there are two big traps waiting for us in such a goal-oriented success-driven life.
The first trap is what I call Newtons Third Law! Those of you who are familiar with basic
physics will know that this law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite
reaction. This law is not so severe in our day-to-day lives, i.e. the reactions to our actions
might not be exactly equal and opposite, but those of us who have been knocked around a
bit are quite aware that every action or initiative we take becomes a struggle to overcome
the reactions of forces that oppose it. Sometimes our actions succeed, sometimes they fail.
But if we tie our happiness to our day-to-day successes and failures, whether they are
material or spiritual, whether they are for ourselves or for others, we are bound to go
through life being ecstatic sometimes and being depressed at other times.
The second trap we face arises out of the fact that our perceptions of success are shortlived. If we are successful at achieving our goal, we right away move our goal-posts to
achieve what we perceive is a better and higher goal. In other words, we continually
redefine success, and doing so keeps us in a constant state of unhappiness. I call this the
trap of moving goalposts.
So, if we define success by our careers, the higher we rise up the corporate ladder the
higher we want to go. We wont be satisfied unless we become the Managing Director or the
CEO. And if we become the CEO of the organization we have been working in, we want to

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Maha Yoga A Key to Success (continued)

become the CEO of a larger, more powerful organization. If we define success by the
amount of money we make, when we think we have achieved the goal of making our first
million, we want to make ten million. If we make ten million, why stop there; we want to
make a hundred million, and so on. And there is nothing inherently wrong in that, other
than the fact that as we move the goal posts further, we become unhappy if we do not
achieve the next target. Thus we remain in a constant state of unfulfilled goals which keeps
us in a constant state of unhappiness.
If we define success by the impact we have on others, when we have achieved the target of
helping a small community of people, we want to help a larger community. If we are
successful in doing that, we might set our sights on being political leaders, of course with
the intent of helping others. And if we fail to achieve our specific objectives and goals we
set for ourselves we become unhappy. And again, there is nothing wrong with that other
than the fact that we tend to define our happiness in terms of wanting to have an ever
increasing impact on others and ever-increasing recognition we receive from others for our
good deeds. Once again, the trap of ever changing goals keeps us in a constant state of
The same applies even when we define success in terms of our spiritual goals! When we
have a particularly enjoyable spiritual experience (Kriya), we get attached to it and we want
it to happen over and over again. Or if we hear that our Sadhak friend has had a specific
wonderful experience and we havent had it, we want to experience it as well. Again, there
is nothing wrong with that other than the fact that we become unhappy if we do not have
that particular experience and we write to P. P. Kaka Maharaj complaining that we havent
had the experience our friend had. And to make matters worse, we feel that we have not
been as blessed by P. P. Kaka Maharaj as our friend has been, or we are not doing something
right! All such behavior is the antithesis of Maha Yoga! Again, it is the constant focus on
goals and the constant moving of the goal-posts which keeps us unhappy.
Having expressed all these misgivings about how we define success, and the traps that a
singular focus on goal-oriented success poses for us in terms of our happiness, how then can
we say that Maha Yoga is a key to success?
In fact, Maha Yoga can not only contribute to success, no matter how it is defined, but
more importantly, it is a key to happiness. In order to support this assertion, let me first
briefly describe some of the key elements of Maha Yoga in this regards.
Unlike most other forms of Yoga, Maha Yoga does not require that the Sadhak actively and
intentionally do anything, other than become aware of the Universal Life Energy, the Mother
Prana Shakti within himself, and to give her the freedom to do what is needed for the
Sadhaks spiritual progress. This is the essence of Maha Yoga Sadhan (meditation), the
surrendering of the Sadhaks intent to the Prana Shakti within. When the Sadhak does that,
the Mother Energy within him becomes the doer and the Sadhak assumes the role of an
observer. With diligent Maha Yoga Sadhan, the Sadhak is able to actively experience the
process of cleansing that the Mother Energy puts him through. He is able to observe the

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Maha Yoga A Key to Success (continued)

involuntary actions of his body (physical Kriyas), the involuntary flow of nervous energy
through him (Pranic Kriyas), and the involuntary coming and going of thoughts through his
mind (mental Kriyas). Gradually, with diligent Sadhan, he will find his physical, Pranic and
mental Kriyas diminishing and more importantly, the intervals between successive thoughts
(mental Kriyas) beginning to increase. It is the interval between two successive thoughts
when the Sadhak begins to experience the bliss of Maha Yoga, and as that interval begins to
increase he will increasingly exist in the blissful state, eventually reaching the state of SelfRealization.
So, how can a process designed to help a Sadhak reach the state of Self-Realization
contribute in any way to success and help him overcome the traps I mentioned so he can
be truly happy? This is because although the purpose of Maha Yoga is Self-Realization, way
before he reaches the self-realized state, a Sadhak will experience changes within himself,
which are essentially the by-products of Maha Yoga, which will give him the tools needed to
be both successful and happy. He will experience significant improvements in three areas
which are highly correlated with perceived success improved concentration, heightened
creativity and increased self-confidence. He will also find himself delinking his actions from
the fruits of those actions, in other words becoming a Karma Yogi, which is the key to
avoiding the two types of traps I mentioned earlier.
While Maha Yoga Sadhan does not require a Sadhak to focus on anything (in fact Sadhaks are
asked not to intentionally focus on anything at all but to simply surrender to the Mother
Energy within and observe what happens), as a by-product of Maha Yoga meditation, a
Sadhaks concentration will show considerable improvement. In addition to being able to
concentrate better, during and after Sadhan, a Sadhak might find himself magically coming
up with solutions to problems, personal, professional, you name it, which might have been
vexing him. He will find that the solutions he comes up with are very creative and even
Sadhaks who have not considered themselves to be creative at all will find themselves
developing creative solutions all of a sudden.
While this might seem magical, it has nothing to do with magic! It has been borne out by
western science, where in trials conducted at MIT and at other major universities in the US
and in Europe, the practice of meditation has been shown to improve powers of
concentration as well as creativity. This happens because Maha Yoga Sadhan helps a
Sadhaks mind to become calm. And when his mind becomes calm he can concentrate
better when he needs to because his mind does not get as easily distracted by random
thoughts as before. Also, when the mind becomes calm, a Sadhaks intuition becomes
heightened, and it is this enhanced intuition that gives him the ability to synthesize his
knowledge base, without even being aware of it, and come up with intuitively creative
A Sadhaks increased self-confidence comes from improved self-awareness. With the
diligent practice of Maha Yoga, a Sadhak understands himself better and knows fully his
strengths and weaknesses. He also begins to develop an inner sense of calm. With this
sense of inner calm and a better and more accurate understanding of himself, he begins to

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Maha Yoga A Key to Success (continued)

project true self confidence, not a superficial one that might come out of insecurities and
bluster, but one that is based on a true sense of self that comes out of confidence that no
matter what happens, his inner peace will remain unaffected by the ups and downs of dayto-day life.
The change whereby a Sadhak develops the attitude of a Karma Yogi is more gradual, and
comes about with diligent Maha Yoga Sadhan (meditation). It is also the most responsible
for Maha Yoga being a key to the Sadhaks success and more importantly, his ongoing
happiness. With regular Sadhan, a Sadhak begins to experience himself more in the role of
an observer rather than the doer, and when he does so he begins to get a perspective which
is quite different from the one he had as a goal-oriented doer of actions. He begins to
delink action from the fruits of that action and comes to experientially realize the
satisfaction of engaging in action for the joy of the action itself, rather than in anticipation
of the rewards that action might bring. The action he engages in becomes an extension of
his Sadhan (meditation); he derives joy from it, he sees himself not as the doer of the action
but as the vehicle through which the Prana Shakti within him the Mother Energy is
projecting herself, and he participates in the action for the joy it brings him and not for the
results derived from the action.
For those of you who are familiar with how the brain works, action that is free from the
distraction of trying to anticipate outcomes, generally results in superior outcomes.
Athletes are encouraged to be in the flow rather than be concerned of whether their
performance is a winning one or not. Making a good cricketing stroke is more fun for a
player and results in more runs rather than one that is simply focused on hitting a sixer
which often ends up with the batsman getting out. So, as a Sadhak begins to take
enjoyment in the process of action itself rather than in anticipation of the results of the
action, his performance actually improves and whether he cares about it or not, he
experiences a greater degree of success.
But more importantly, the delinking of action from the fruits of that action results in a
Sadhak gradually becoming less goal-oriented, thus overcoming the two types of traps I
mentioned earlier. Since the Maha Yoga Sadhak no longer links his happiness to achieving
specific goals, he is free from the trap of Newtons Third Law as well as the trap of
moving goalposts. He derives his happiness from seeing his actions as Kriyas experienced
during perpetual and ongoing Sadhan (meditation). As far as he is concerned, the results of
his actions are secondary to the process of the actions themselves, and do not affect his
happiness in the least. The rest of the world will likely see him as being highly successful.
The Sadhak will not only be successful, but more importantly, happy!
By Dilip Kamat

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Answers to questions from Sadhaks

Question: I practice Maha Yoga, having been granted Deeksha by P. P. Kaka Maharaj. I
sometimes encounter people who ask me to pray for them or for someone else who might
be undergoing difficulties, or who might be appearing for an important exam. Since, as a
part of my daily ritual, I pray for the uplift of all mankind, I am not sure if it is necessary
or a good thing for me to pray for the benefit of individuals. Please guide me on this
Answer: Everything that happens in our lives is the result of past Samskaras
(accumulated impressions) and the accumulated effects of actions, attachments and
aversions during our current lives; the Almighty has no direct or indirect role as such. So
praying to the Almighty for affecting the life of any individual is futile at best unless one
has a direct connection with the Almighty, which most of us do not. In fact, if we
develop attachments for particular outcomes (either positive or negative) to happen
either for ourselves or for others, we are simply creating additional new Samskaras which
will only keep us from freeing ourselves from the cycle of birth and death. Therefore, it
is best not to develop attachments by praying for, or wishing for, specific worldly
benefits to accrue to us or to others. The most we can do is to pray for the Almightys
wish to happen. We should leave it up to the Almighty to take care of the universe.
Further, a Sadhak should also not intentionally use Maha Yoga or Sadhan to affect the
lives of specific individuals, either to help or hurt them for two very important reasons.
First, it will dissipate the Sadhaks Prana Shakti (Mother Energy), thus negating the
purpose of Sadhan itself, which is to accumulate and enhance the flow of Prana Shakti
within the Sadhak. Second, the role of a Sadhak during Sadhan should not be that of a
doer (Karta) but simply that of an observer (Sakshi). If a Sadhak takes on the role of
Karta during Sadhan it will keep him from fully surrendering to Prana Shakti, resulting in
the boosting of his ego, further retarding his spiritual progress. If something miraculous
happens in the Sadhaks life or in the lives of others around him, the Sadhak should not
give himself credit for any of it, or try to replicate it or enhance it with any intent either
during Sadhan or otherwise. Doing so will only result in him thinking of himself as the
Karta, thus boosting his ego and retarding his spiritual progress. He/she should simply
attribute any such happenings to Prarabdha (destiny) and to the workings of Prana
The only exception to the above is the behavior of Siddhas (those capable of affecting
Prana Shakti) who through their Sankalpa (wish) are able to affect outcomes and events
in the lives of others. However, true Siddhas never deploy such powers to affect worldly
outcomes, and those that do, get trapped in their Siddhis (powers) and find their further
spiritual progress becoming blocked. Siddha Gurus such as P. P. Kaka Maharaj use such
powers only for the spiritual uplift of others. For most of us compassion is a virtue but it
can also be a trap, and when misapplied it can retard a Sadhaks spiritual progress.

Question: I received Shaktipat Deeksha a few years ago and for a year after receiving it I
used to sit diligently for Sadhan on a daily basis. Some time ago because of some
conflicts, I quit following the restrictions and stopped sitting for Sadhan altogether.

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Answers to questions from Sadhaks (continued)

More recently, I have been feeling guilty and I have decided that I should get back into
the practice of Maha Yoga. Do I need to take Deeksha again?
Answer: Once Deeksha has happened, there is no reason to take Deeksha again. It is also
not productive to feel guilty about not having sat for Sadhan or not having followed the
restrictions. Please resolve to sit for Sadhan regularly from now on and follow the
Once Deeksha has happened, a Sadhaks spiritual progress is dependent on regular
Sadhan to gradually eliminate the effects of Sanchit Samskaras (accumulated impressions
from past and current lives). Since we have accumulated such Samskaras over many
lifetimes and we continue to acquire them in our day-to-day lives, regular Sadhan is a
must. The restrictions are intended to increase Sattva Guna so as to compensate for the
Rajasik and Tamasik tendencies we all have, and which also get enhanced in our day-today lives. Ultimately, with regular Sadhan, a Sadhak even goes beyond the three Gunas
and reaches Self Realization. So sit for Sadhan regularly and let the awakened Prana
Shakti do what is needed.

Question: I have recently become aware of the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi and
have been reading books from his website. One of these books is named Maha Yoga where
the author describes the path of devotion. Can you please help me understand what is
required to follow the path of devotion?
Answer: We are not experts on the writings of Sri Ramana Maharshi so we cannot
comment on what might be needed to follow the path of Devotion described in the book.
Our tradition of Maha Yoga is an ancient one that originates from Lord Shiva, and which
was reenergized in the mid nineteenth century by P. P. Swami Gangadhar Tirth Maharaj.
So our comments and suggestions are based on this tradition of Maha Yoga and not
necessarily the path taught by Sri Raman Maharshi, although there are likely to be
similarities and overlaps.
The path of devotion, Bhakti Yoga is a form of Yoga where a Sadhak (aspirant) has so
much inherent love/devotion to his object of devotion (God/Guru/Incarnation of God)
that he begins to lose his own identity/ego and eventually becomes one with the object
of devotion. This union of the devotee with his object of devotion represents yoga
(which means union) and results in him achieving the Samadhi state. It begins with
Dwaita (duality), i.e. the object of devotion being separate from the devotee, but
eventually leads to the Adwaita (non-dual) state. Many saints, prophets and other
exalted beings one reads about in most religious traditions were Bhaktas (devotees) who
had reached various states/stages of self-realization (yoga).
While Bhakti Yoga may sound very easy, in reality it is a very difficult path to pursue with
specific intent. Either one is born with the inherent tendencies of a devotee, a
reflection of the Samskaras (effects of Karma/actions) from prior lives, or one has to
develop devotion in ones current life by conditioning ones mind to become devoted

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Answers to questions from Sadhaks (continued)

through techniques such as Japa (chanting the name of the object of devotion) and by
surrendering ones ego to the object of ones devotion. Achieving such a state of true
surrender to an external object of devotion is not easy, especially if one does not have
faith in that object to begin with, or without the experience of something miraculous
that brings about such faith and devotion in a non-believer.
The Maha Yoga path in the tradition of P. P. Swami Gangadhar Tirth Maharaj is different
from the Path of Devotion or Bhakti Yoga, but it encompasses it, as well as all the other
major yoga approaches. It involves having a Siddha Guru awaken the Prana Shakti
(Universal Life Energy) within a Sadhak, and the Sadhak surrendering himself to the
awakened Prana Shakti (which is his true self) and not to an external object. This leads
to the Sadhak allowing the awakened Prana Shakti do what is needed to eventually take
him to the Samadhi state.
The act of having the Prana Shakti within a Sadhak becoming awakened by a Siddha Guru
is called Shaktipat Deeksha. All a Sadhak need do once the Prana Shakti within him is
awakened is to sit for Sadhan (meditation), surrender to the awakened Prana Shakti
within himself, and simply observe what happens. He should not be doing anything
with any intent but he should let the awakened Prana Shakti within him do what is
needed for his spiritual progress. If a Sadhak needs to be doing Hatha Yoga Asanas
(postures) they will automatically happen when he sits for Sadhan in a relaxed state. If a
Sadhak needs to be doing Japa, he will find himself automatically chanting some mantra.
If he needs to develop devotion, it too will automatically happen; he will find himself
becoming overcome with devotion to the God/Prophet/Incarnation of God/Guru in
whatever dominant tradition he has been brought up with in his current or former lives.
And as he progresses on his spiritual path, his experiences will also change, gradually
moving from physical to mental and eventually to spiritual bliss.
That is why our tradition is called Maha Yoga, or the Great Yoga. Whatever type of Yoga
is needed for the Sadhaks spiritual progress will happen automatically with the practice
of Maha Yoga; all a Sadhak need do is to simply play the role of an observer and allow the
awakened Prana Shakti within him to do what is needed. Therefore, in our tradition of
Maha Yoga, one does not need to follow any specific form of yoga. Bhakti/devotion to
the Almighty as defined by whatever dominant religion and traditions you were raised in
during your current and former lives will automatically get enhanced as you reach SelfRealization.

Question: I was initiated into Maha Yoga recently and I have been sitting for Sadhan
regularly for over an hour every day. More recently I have begun hearing a subtle sound
all the time and which increases in pitch and intensity during Sadhan. Kindly explain to
me what this sound is about and should I be experiencing this sound only during Sadhan?
Answer: Glad to read that you are sitting for Sadhan daily for over an hour and you are
hearing a subtle sound all the time and during Sadhan. This is a very good experience.
The sound you are hearing is called the Anaahat Naad or unstruck sound, the sound


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Answers to questions from Sadhaks (continued)

that happens without Aghaat or something striking something else. This is one of the
Kriyas that happen to some Sadhaks during Sadhan and it is not something that is a
separate activity that you can make happen, either during or outside of Sadhan. If it
happens, it happens, either during Sadhan or otherwise. It is a high level Kriya and a
wonderful blessing. But please do not get excited by it and allow it to boost your ego. It
is a Kriya that has happened; simply observe it and let it go. Also, please do not get
attached to it and become concerned when it stops happening the next time you sit for
The Kriyas that happen during Sadhan are the work of the awakened Prana Shakti, which
makes various Kriyas happen to cleanse the Sadhak from the accumulated impressions
(Sanchit Samskaras) of his/her current and prior lives. So think of these Kriyas as nothing
more than steps that the Prana Shakti is making happen as part of the cleansing process,
and all a Sadhak should do about them is to simply observe them and let them go. As the
cleansing process proceeds, the Kriyas that are happening now will stop happening and
others might take their place. Typically, as a Sadhak progresses, the Kriyas become
increasingly subtle; the physical Kriyas disappear, making way for more subtle Pranic
Kriyas, until eventually they all disappear and the Sadhak swims in a sea of complete
calm, not only during Sadhan but at all times.

Editors note: Please send your questions regarding Maha Yoga and Shaktipat to:

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Universal Brotherhood Day and Global Maha Yoga Trial

August 2nd, 2012 from 6:17 am to 6:38 am local time
P. P. Shri Kaka Maharaj would like to invite everyone on this earth to participate in a
Universal Brotherhood Day and Global Introductory Trial of Maha Yoga Shaktipat
(Siddhayoga) for the uplift of all humankind. This introductory trial will be held on August
2nd, 2012, from 6:17 am to 6:38 am local time, i.e. based on the clock in your own
country and time-zone. Those interested can participate during that time at no cost,
from the privacy of their own homes. All are eligible to participate in this trial regardless
of religion, race, gender, age, caste or creed. This world-wide trial can be considered to
be a trailer or a precursor for the awakening of ones Kundalini Shakti (Universal Life
Energy) through Shaktipat (transfer of Energy) from a Siddha Yoga Master. It is a rare
opportunity to experience first-hand such a transmission of Energy from a Siddha Guru.
Heres how to participate:

At the designated time (on August 2nd, 2012, from 6:17 am 6:38 am, local time) sit
comfortably with your eyes closed in a quiet location in your home.
Instantly observe a wave of energy along your spinal column.
Relax your body completely in order to minimize the awareness of your body.
Let your mind observe your involuntary breathing.
Observe your experiences during the designated time interval and if you wish you
may share them by e-mail with P. P. Narayan Kaka Maharaj at

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P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami Maharajs biography- English

translation now available

The English language translation of P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami Maharajs biography is now
available in hardcover edition! P. P. Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj was the Shaktipat
Deeksha Guru of P. P. Narayan Kaka Dhekane Maharaj as well as P. P. Gulvani Maharaj. The
original biography was written in the Marathi language by Shri A. S. Potbhare and it was
translated into English by Dr. R. V. Urankar.
Copies of the book are available in India for Rs. 299 plus postage at:
P. P. Shri Vasudevanand Saraswati Swami Maharaj &
P. P. Shri Loknath Tirth Swami Maharaj Trust
Vasudev Niwas
41/17 Erandvane,
Pune, India 411004
Phone No. +91-20-25455584
Sadhaks outside of India can send an e-mail indicating their interest, including their postal
address, to The price will be determined by the number of
orders received from each country and estimated shipping cost, and Sadhaks will be notified
accordingly. The price is unlikely to exceed US$20.

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Upcoming Events:
Deeksha Day (Initiation Day) on August 2nd, 2012
Those desirous of receiving Maha Yoga Deeksha (initiation) should go to the website: for instructions.

Universal Brotherhood Day/Global Maha Yoga Trial on August 2nd, 2012

Please see announcement on page 27.

Lecture Series at the Maha Yoga Ashram in Thane, Maharashtra, India

The Thane Ashram hosts lectures/talks on Maha Yoga and Yoga on the first Sunday of every
month. The Thane Ashram is located at:
A/9 Sector # 7, Behind Omega Apartments
Vasant Bungalow, Shree Nagar, Wagle Estate, Thane 400604
Please contact P. P. Dr. Deshpande Maharaj in Thane, India at 22-2581-2811 for additional
information. The Thane Ashram also hosts Samuhik Sadhan (communal Sadhan) every
Sunday from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. The lecture will follow the Samuhik Sadhan (communal
Sadhan) on the first Sunday of every month.

Website Updates:
The Maha Yoga videos website at has available videos of
various Maha Yoga related events and speeches by P. P. Kaka Maharaj. The videos from
Mahayoga Global Meet 2012 will be posted there in a few days.
We also have an active discussion group at:
Please feel free to post messages there about Maha Yoga, the website, or this e-newsletter.
You will need to join the group to read or post messages.

New Maha Yoga Blog:

We are also trying to get started a Maha Yoga blog at
The purpose of the blog is to share with Sadhaks P. P. Kaka Maharajs guidance on issues
related to Maha Yoga, and to keep them updated on Maha Yoga-related events and new
developments. Please feel free to join the blog and comment on the content.

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How to contribute content to the e-newsletter

The goals of our e-newsletter are:
1. Spread the word about Siddha/Maha Yoga.
P.P. Shri Loknath Tirth Swami
Maharaj Mahayoga Trust
Shrirang Nagar, Gangapur Road,
Nashik 422013, Maharashtra,
Phone: 91 - 253 2311616
Self Awakening is the English
language quarterly e-newsletter
of the P. P. Shri Loknath Tirth
Swami Maharaj Mahayoga Trust.

2. Provide virtual Satsang to Sadhaks

3. Share relevant life experiences which might help the
Sadhak community
4. Seek and provide guidance on Siddha/Maha Yoga
5. Share news about Siddha/Maha Yoga events around the
If you want to contribute content (articles, news reports,
questions, life experiences) or comments related to any of the
above objectives please send them to:

Editor: Mr. Dilip Kamat

Design: Mrs. Neha Vishwarupe

To Subscribe: Please visit the

website, enter
your email address in the box that
appears on the left-side below the
menu and click on 'Subscribe'
To Unsubscribe: Send us an email
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put 'UNSUBSCRIBE' in the subject

Were on the Web!

May all desire to follow this nectarous Mahayoga Path!

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