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Technology and Communications


Technology and Communications

COM/295 Business Communication
May 9, 2016
John Quesnel

Technology and Communications

Paper Title Missing From Second Page - .1 Point
APA requires that you repeat your paper title at the top of the second page of your paper.
[Please use the APA template I provided in the Course Materials Forum]

In business communication process a proper way of delivering messages is very

important, especially when it concerns a large quantity of people who are addressed. For
example, if CEO delivers a message that the company has experienced large losses due to last
deals with the stock exchange, it means unprofessional manner of communication. What would
employees think about it? Thus, to follow proper business communication style and etiquette, it
is important to choose not only what to say but also a channel of message. In this essay a few
examples of choosing technologies for communication are provided and analyzed.

A Message To Technical Support

Lets analyze the situation. An employees computer has been infected by virus so he
should write to technical support which job is to help solve technical issues connected with
computers. Cardon (2014) says: Since emails are not richmeaning lacking in virtually all
verbal and nonverbal cues associated with face-to-face communication and lacking immediate
feedbackthey are best suited for routine, task-oriented, fact-based, and nonsensitive (No such
word) - .1 Point messages. Given issue is not an extraordinary situation and solving it is a job
(routine) of technical support, the message should be nonsensitive (No such word) - .1 Point and
without verbal part. Thus, email would be the most appropriate form of communication.

A Message From HR

Technology and Communications


I believe in this case written email to all employees, explaining future company health
plan (why this transition is happening, detailed explanation of changes, maybe even with a
comparison bar chart) would be the best to use. It is importantly to supplement an email with a
hard copy of letter because:
1. Email would come immediately, where the information about hard copies is provided.
2. Hard copy is not that easily-lost as an email.
As in the previous example, it is a type of nonsensitive (No such word) - .1 Point
information but more important. Therefore, I consider that hard copies are necessary.

A message from the CEO of a large company

In my opinion, it is important to which extent the news are negative. If it is very negative
information then I think the scheduled real-time speech with video image to all employees,
explaining the reason why the news appeared, is this real or not, if yes, what are strategies to
solve the problem would be the most appropriate. It would show CEOs responsibility for his
company and employees and maintain his reputation among them. It has to supplemented with a
press-conference addressed to managers people who take higher job positions as it is impossible
to conduct it for all employees. In addition, it would be rational to use company social
networking platform to send out an email with all employees (containing the message For those
who skipped my speech today).

A message from a gym manager

Technology and Communications


Communication channel from a gym managers to clients about temporarily closed pool
could be both oral and written. Manager should tell people when they come or leave the gym
(doing check in or check out there) that it will not work for a while. Also, he should hang a paper
containing this information to the door when go out. In this case most important audience (clients
who often go to the gym) would be notified. However, some gyms have social network pages,
gather clients emails etc. In this case appropriate messages to the gym community in a social
network or personal emails to customers would highlight responsibility and care for customers.

The media for a professional association

The media for a professional association to members about the upcoming annual
conference would be a written email. It is a type of nonsensitive (No such word) - .1 Point
message and no answer is required as it is an informative message. The context of information is
routine, in addition.

Examples showed that in different situation different communication channels should be
used. Although each company has its own culture and etiquette of internal communication, ways
of delivering information should be analyzed properly. Emails turned out to be the easiest type of
business communication, however, they would not be appropriate to deliver urgent news from
CEO, for example. There are many business communication channels and much more situations,
as well, so each situation should be carefully analyzed to choose the most appropriate way to
deliver information.

Technology and Communications



Peter W. Cardon (2014). Business Communication. Developing Leaders for a Networked World.
Chapter 7: Email and Social Media for Business. McGraw Hill Company.
References Do Not Meet APA 6th Edition Standards (Missing hanging indent) - .1 Point
Your references do not meet APA 6th edition standards.
Please go to the Library / Center for Writing Excellence / Tutorials & Guides for help in preparing your
references. There are several tools there such as the Sample Paper (APA and Writing & Style
Guidelines), APA Comparison (5th edition to 6th edition), Reference and Citation Examples, Reference
and Citation Generator, or Riverpoint Writer.
[I would suggest that you use either Riverpoint or the Citation and Reference Generator located on the
Center for Writing Excellence / Tutorials & Guides website to assist you in your next written assignment]

Technology and Communications


Week 3 Individual Assignment With Team Collaboration: Technology

and Communications
Content 3 Points

Based on your team collaborative discussion:


Identify the specific medium or media you

would use to deliver each of the messages
listed in the Week 3 Learning Team
Collaboration Activity.
1. A message to the technical support
about an employee's computer that has
been infected by a virus.
2. A message from HR to all employees,
explaining the changes to the company
health plan in the coming year.
3. A message from the CEO of a large
company to employees, explaining
negative news regarding the company
appearing on national news channels.
4. A message from a gym manager to
clients about temporarily closing the
pool in the gym.
5. A message from a professional
association to members about the
coming annual conference.
Explain your answers.


You have demonstrated the basics of
business writing which are audience
analysis, message planning, and final
message creation.
You understand the process of selecting the
appropriate channels of communication and
message design based on your analysis of
each of the five audiences.
This assignment also has a hidden agenda
which was to get you involved in the learning
team environment, discussing and sharing
points of view. For COM/295, this can be a
challenging experience, but carry your
lessons learned from this assignment
forward to future team assignments.

Write 1- to 3-paragraphs for each message

(5 messages = 5 to 15 paragraphs) that
describe and explain your choices. Your
answer can reference your Learning Team
discussion or you can make your own
Grammar / Spelling/ Punctuation 2 Points

Rules of:
Spelling correct



Issues as noted in your ASSIGNMENT - .4

APA error as noted in your assignment - .2

APA format is required for this assignment.

Total 5 Points

Points earned: 4.4 Points

Week 2 chapter 7 Email and Social Media for Business Communication

Technology and Communications

Apply principles for writing effective emails. ( pp. 179185 )
Principles of Effective Emails Components of Effective Emails
Use for the right purposes.
Ensure ease of reading.
Show respect for time.
Protect privacy confidentiality.
Respond promptly.
Maintain professionalism and appropriate formality.
Manage emotion effectively.
Avoid distractions.
Subject line
Signature block*
Explain how to handle emotion effectively in online communications. ( pp. 185
187 )
Responding to Uncivil Communications
Describe strategies for managing digital message overload. ( pp. 187190 )
Principles for Managing Emails to Avoid Distractions
Check digital messages just two to four times each day at designated times.
Turn off message alerts.
Use rich channels such as face-to-face and phone conversations to accomplish a task
Reply immediately only to urgent messages.
Avoid unnecessarily lengthening an email chain.
Use automatic messages to help people know when youre unavailable.
Explain characteristics of the emerging Social Age. ( pp. 190192 )
Characteristics of the Social Age
Networked communication
Respect for expertise and contributions to the network
Sharing knowledge
Transparency, honesty, and camaraderie
Apply principles of effective social media use in professional settings. ( pp. 192197
Principles for Using Internal Communication Tools in the Social Age
Organize your dashboard to control your communication and information flow.
Create a complete and professional profile.
Use blogs for team communication.
Use wikis for team communication.
Participate and contribute often.
Listen and learn.

Technology and Communications


Focus on content.
Make your content accessible.
Make your messages authentic and friendly.
Be responsive and help others.
Respect boundaries.

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