Using Kyplot

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KYPLOT is powerful commercial software and can make your life easier if you are
proficient in using it. You will need to use KYPLOT to complete most of your
assignments and are expected to know how to manipulate data, prepare plots and analyze

1- Download the file kyp2b15.exe from (no www)
2- After you have kyp2b15.exe on your hard disk, double click on it and install it on your
computer. By default, KYPLOT will install itself in the Program Files folder. If you
want, you can create a desk top icon of KYPLOT for easy access.

Running KYPLOT:
1- If you have a desk top icon double click on it, otherwise click Start, All Programs,
2- When the program starts you will see the spreadsheet that looks like this

3- The spreadsheet is used to enter data and also to make calculations.

4- In KYPLOT (like Microsoft Excel), the columns are labeled with letters, and rows are
labeled by numbers. The individual boxes are called cells, which are designated by
column and row. For example, the top left cell in the spreadsheet is A1. You can highlight

an entire row or column by clicking on the letter or

number, at the start of the row or top of the column, it
is designated by. You can highlight specific cells by
clicking INSIDE the cell and dragging the mouse.
Pressing ENTER moves you down a column.
Pressing TAB moves you across a row.

Entering Data:
1- Enter the following data in a column: 45, 56, 48,
51, 26, 58, 41, 67, 52, 57.
2- After typing each number, either press ENTER or
the down arrow.

3- You can enter any data in other columns or rows in the same way.
4- If the data in column A was supposed to have more significant figures we could format
our cells. To do this, highlight the appropriate cell and click FORMAT, then CELLS.
Choose NUMBER and select correct number of decimal places. You can also put
numbers in scientific notation from this screen. Also under FORMAT, then CELLS you
can change the font and colors of both the font and background. You should be able to
use these features.

Part I. Getting Started:

1- Suppose we want to make a preliminary statistical analysis of this data set, first click
and drag the mouse to mark the data set

Then Click on Statistics in the menu, then Descriptive Statistics. A menu will pop up as
shown below.

2- Choose DETAILED from the menu, then click OK.

3- The results will be displayed starting from cell A13.

Entering Formulas:
1- All formulas must begin with an equal sign. KYPLOT has many common formulas
programmed under key words.
2- Having your data in cells A1-A10, move the cursor to cell B1, then type

3- Press ENTER. Cell B1 will now display the result of the formula

4- If you want to repeat the same calculation formula to all values in column A, move the
cursor to cell B1, right click the mouse, and choose copy

5- Then highlight cells B2-B10, right click the mouse, and choose PASTE

6- You will see the formula results now displayed in column B.

Part II. Making Graphs

The following is data from a viscosity experiment. Enter it in Worksheet

This data does not have a linear relationship. In order to produce a linear relationship,
take the natural log of viscosity. Do this in column C. The formula is =ln(B2) for the
first value. Then COPY and Paste as described above.

Highlight the data area, right click , then choose CREATE GRAPH

The DATA TYPE menu will appear

Click OK, another menu will appear

Now, we need to tell the program what to graph. To do this, accept the default choices
for now, and click OK


A FIGURE window will appear, notice that there are 2 data sets plotted as Ys (columns
B and C). Also notice that the X and Y axis are not properly named yet, so are the graph
legend (series 1 and series 2). You can edit all these text fields by right clicking on them.
Left click on the graph to select it (as demonstrated by the blue border)

Then right click and choose SET PROPERTIES


A new menu will pop up, now you can set colors and symbols, and also control how axis
are displayed. Try the options (nothing can go wrong from here) until you are satisfied
with the appearance of your graph.


To calculate and plot a best fit line (or a best fit curve), select the graph then click on the
FIT button.

The FIT menu will pop up. For now, I will let you experiment with the FIT menu and
discover what you can do here. Have fun.



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