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iPhone &

Fo in
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ac ws
iPod Touch
iPhon e 3GS
3.0 Soft

Third Edition
Apple’s iPhone isn’t just another mobile phone.
The iPod touch isn’t just another music player.
They’re also the smallest Macs ever created—
because underneath that glass touch screen, they’re
running Mac OS X.
The iPhone and iPod touch represent the second
time Apple has tried to completely rethink the way we
connect with our computers. The original Macintosh
changed the world by providing a physical control
(the mouse) that moved a cursor on a computer interface. But the iPhone
and iPod touch do it one better. Now, instead of pushing around a mouse
to make a disembodied arrow or hand move on the computer screen,
you use your finger to do all the moving. When you touch a photo, a Web
page, or an e-mail message and slide your finger across the screen, the
image moves along with your touch, as if you were moving a physical
object. There’s no cursor on the screen because your finger is your
pointer—and pointing, despite what your mother may have told you, is
just what fingers are meant to do.
That brings us to the subject of this book. Why in the world would
Macworld publish an entire book about devices that are supposed to be
so intuitive? It’s a question I get a lot, including from people at Apple.
Their goal—and it’s a smart one to shoot for—is to make an incredibly
complex technology as easy to use as possible. And these devices are
easy to use, which is one reason they’re so appealing.
But make no mistake about it: your device is a computer. And a full
Web browser. And an e-mail client. It can run thousands of programs writ-
ten by independent developers, connect to Wi-Fi networks, and even log
in to your employer’s Virtual Private Network (VPN). But as easy as they
Photograph by Peter Belanger

are to use, the iPhone and iPod touch have an ocean of depth. Our goal
is to help you plumb those depths and uncover more of your device’s hid-
den potential. In the pages of this book, we’ll give you not only the basics
but also more-advanced tips, tricks, and troubleshooting advice. And for
the very latest iPhone and iPod touch coverage, be sure to visit iPhone
Central ( and our App Guide (

—Jason Snell, Editorial Director, Macworld

San Francisco, June 2009

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Table of Contents
Getting Started 43 Using the Phone
From making calls to answering
8 The iPhone at a Glance voice mail, we’ll show you how to
Familiarize yourself with your de- quickly navigate the iPhone’s most
vice’s hardware features, including important features.
every button, switch, slot, and plug.
50 Checking E-mail
14 Changing Your Settings Review the basics on how to set up
Take a tour of the Settings menu, new e-mail accounts and work with
where you can change your ring- messages—including viewing at-
tone, check how many minutes tachments. We’ve also got tips for
you’ve used, and set preferences mastering the virtual keyboard.
for third-party apps.
61 Sending Messages
26 Getting On the Network The Messages app offers a conve-
Get the most out of Wi-Fi, EDGE, nient way to have a brief conversa-
and 3G networks. We’ll show you tion or share images and video.
how to connect and what precau- Learn how to carry on multiple
tions to take to protect your data. conversations and other tricks.

31 Navigation Basics

Cover Photograph by peter belanger; Photograph courtesy of apple

Take a crash course in cut, copy,
and paste, and become a search
pro with the Spotlight feature.

Staying in
36 Managing
At the heart of all of the
iPhone’s communication
features lies the Con-
tacts list. Here’s how to
create, sync, access,
and organize your

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

table of contents

Multimedia on
the iPhone
66 Navigating Music
and Videos
Learn how to navigate your media
library easily, how to access some
of the less obvious features, and
how to create playlists on the fly.

77 Using YouTube
If you get bored with the video files
synced to your iPhone, you can
access streaming content from
YouTube’s online video warehouse.

80 Smart Syncing
Do you have more music, pod-
casts, and videos than will fit on Maximize
your iPhone? Learn how to get the Productivity
most from the iPhone’s storage by
slimming down files and setting up 102 Surf the Web
smart playlists. Safari on the iPhone packs a lot of
power. Navigate the Web, man-
91 Converting Video age your bookmarks, and learn the
for the iPhone smart way to check RSS feeds.
With the help of some free or
low-cost software, you can quickly 112 Maps and GPS
convert videos from your hard drive Use iPhone’s Maps program and
or other sources to enjoy while on GPS powers to find local busi-
the road. nesses, follow driving directions,
and keep an eye on traffic.
93 Working with Photos
and Videos 118 Scheduling
We’ll show you how to get content Track time with smart calendar
onto the iPhone, use the built-in syncing and alarm settings. Here’s
camera, record video, and show off how to manage events and dead-
your creations to others. lines without missing a beat.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

table of contents

123 The iPhone’s Other 152 Stay Connected

Applications Stay up-to-date on the latest news,
Meet the iPhone and iPod touch’s changing stock prices, and your
other default applications: Calcula- friends’ Twitter feeds.
tor, Notes, Stocks, Weather, Voice
Memos, and Compass. 154 Have Fun
These apps are an excellent aid to
cutting loose. Listen to the radio,
Troubleshooting find movie times, edit photos, and,
Tips of course, play games.

130 Tools of the Trade

Every iPhone and iPod touch own- The Best
er should learn these simple steps. Accessories
They will help you recover fast from
the most common problems. 160 Cases
Keep your device safe from drops,
136 Fixing Common scrapes, and other mishaps with
Problems these cases. Whether you want
Whether it’s stubborn e-mail attach- something stylish, rugged, or invis-
ments, confusing sync options, or a ible, there’s a case for you.
missing iPhone, here are our tips on
how to solve some of the most com- 163 Headphones
mon conundrums. Improve sound and get
interesting features,
such as noise-canceling
Third-Party Apps technology, when
you invest in a
146 Accessing Apps good pair of third-
Get acquainted with Apple’s App party headphones.
Store and learn how to download
and manage any of the thousands 167 Speakers
of third-party apps available. Find the right iPhone speakers for
any setup in our recommendations,
149 Be Productive which cover every size and budget.
Use your iPhone and iPod touch
to accomplish more with these 169 Power Accessories
productivity apps, which let you log Keep your iPhone and iPod touch
time, organize your searches, and juiced and ready to go with these
transfer files. clever power-related gadgets.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Also from the Editors of Macworld…

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troubleshooting advice from Each of the books is avail-
Macworld’s team of experts. able in three different formats:
Our Superguide series offers as a downloadable PDF for im-
useful insights and step-by-step mediate access; on CD for easy
instructions for the latest Mac offline storage; or as a full-color
hardware and software. bound book printed on high-
Whether you’re a new user quality paper.
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Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Ben Boychuk is a freelance writer Senior Contributor and trouble-
and columnist in Rialto, California. shooting guru Ted Landau’s latest
book is Take Control of Your
Senior Editor Christopher Breen is iPhone (Take Control Books, 2008,
the author of The iPod and iTunes
Pocket Guide, third edition, and
The iPhone Pocket Guide, second Associate Editor Dan Moren is the
edition (Peachpit Press, 2008). editor of and a con-
tributor to the iPhone Central blog.
Senior Editor Peter Cohen writes
news for when he’s Jon Seff is Macworld’s senior
not stoking the fires of Macworld’s news editor and resident expert
Game Room. on converting video files for the
iPhone, iPod, Apple TV, and any
Jim Dalrymple is CEO and pub- other medium imaginable.
lisher of Loop Insight (loopinsight.
com). Jim has a video training se- Jason Snell, Macworld’s editorial
ries on on how director, guides you through the
to record guitars using a Mac. iPhone basics.

Glenn Fleishman writes about

Wi-Fi at and is the
author of Take Control of Sharing
Files in Leopard (TidBits Publish-
Macworld’s iPhone & iPod Touch
ing, 2007, Superguide, Third Edition
Editor Kelly Turner
Senior Editor Dan Frakes reviews President and CEO Mike Kisseberth
VP, Editorial Director Jason Snell
iPod, iPhone, and audio gear for
Managing Editor Jennifer Werner
Macworld and runs’s Associate Editor Heather Kelly
Mac Gems and Mobile Mac blogs. Copy Editors Peggy Nauts,
Gail Nelson-Bonebrake
Art Director Rob Schultz
Senior Editor Rob Griffiths runs Designers Lori Flynn,, writes Mac- Carli Morgenstein
world’s monthly Mac OS X Hints Production Director Nancy Jonathans
Prepress Manager Tamara Gargus
column, and offers Mac hints on
Macworld is a publication of Mac Publishing, L.L.C., and International Data Group,
Macworld’s Mac OS X Hints blog. Inc. Macworld is an independent journal not affiliated with Apple, Inc. Copyright
© 2009, Mac Publishing, L.L.C. All rights reserved. Macworld, the Macworld logo,
the Macworld Lab, the mouse-ratings logo,, PriceGrabber, and
Mac Developer Journal are registered trademarks of International Data Group,
Inc., and used under license by Mac Publishing, L.L.C. Apple, the Apple logo,

Assistant Editor Chris Holt reviews Mac, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. Printed in the United
States of America.
Have comments or suggestions? E-mail us at
games for Macworld and is part of
the Macworld Lab’s reviews team.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Getting Started
How to Get Comfortable, Access Important
Settings, and Get Online

s its name promises, the iPhone is
a phone. But it’s also a handheld
computer, offering Web browsing,
e-mail, GPS capabilities, and much more.
Add to that the huge selection of applica-
tions available in the App Store, and the iP-
hone can be anything from a powerful game
console to a Spanish teacher. To top it off,
the iPhone is also an outstanding iPod. In
short, it’s unlike any cell phone you’ve ever
used before.
But to unlock all that your iPhone can do,
you’ll need to know your way around both
the interface and the iPhone’s settings and
Table of contents
preferences. In this chapter, we’ll introduce
you to the most important features on your 8 The iPhone at a
iPhone (and iPod touch) and get you up and Glance
running as quickly as possible. Changing Your
Getting On the
31 Navigation Basics

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting Started

The iPhone at a
t’s always best to start from the beginning. And the beginning, in this
case, is the outside of the iPhone—the slots, buttons, switches, and
ports. Here’s what you’ll find. (Most of these features also exist on the
original iPhone and on the iPod touch, except where noted.)


Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

a  of the Home screen will take you
With no headphones plugged in, to the Spotlight search screen.
this is where you’ll place your ear If you quickly press the button
to listen to incoming calls. (This twice when the phone is locked,
feature doesn’t appear on the iPod you’ll be able to access basic
touch.) iPod controls. At all other times, a
double-click of the Home button
Touch-Screen Display
b  can either take you to the Home
Unlike other smart phones, the or Search screens, bring up your
iPhone doesn’t have a tactile iPhone Favorites, or switch to the
keyboard or a bunch of navigation iPod or Camera apps—you can
buttons. Instead, you’ll use its 3.5- choose which by using the Settings
inch touch-screen display to make app, under General: Home Button.
selections, type e-mail messages On the iPhone 3GS, pressing and
and Web addresses, dial phone holding the Home button for two
numbers, and change settings. seconds will activate Voice Control.
The display is made from optical-
quality glass, which makes it highly Speaker
scratch-resistant. On the iPhone You’ll find the speaker on the bot-
3GS the screen also has an oil- tom edge of the iPhone, on the
resistant coating to make it easier left side. If you have a caller on
to wipe off smudges. The screen speakerphone, this is where the
has a resolution of 320 by 480 sound will come out. It’ll also play
pixels at 160 pixels per inch (much anything that makes noise on your
higher than that of most computer iPod, including music and a video’s
displays). audio track. Because the iPhone
has just one speaker, it plays all
Home Button
c  audio in mono (in a single channel).
The only physical button on the (On the iPod touch the speaker is
face of the iPhone, the Home located inside the body of the iPod
button is your shortcut out of the rather than on the bottom.)
current program and back to the
iPhone’s main interface. You can Dock Connector
also press this button to wake up a The iPhone uses the standard 30-
snoozing iPhone. If you’re look- pin iPod dock connector to hook
ing at the iPhone’s Home screen, up with your computer or other
pressing the button will take you accessories. But keep in mind that
back to the first page of the Home the iPhone is a different shape than
screen. Pressing the button when the iPod models, so it may not fit
you’re already on the first page right in some accessories. And

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started


interference from the iPhone’s cel- or buy an add-on adapter that

lular antenna may mean that exter- lets you use your favorite head-
nal speakers don’t work as well, or phones with the adapter’s own
at all, unless you turn on Airplane microphone. The first-generation
mode. (When you place the iPhone iPhone’s recessed jack requires an
in a dock-connector speaker sys- adapter to work with many third-
tem not designed specifically for party headphones.
the iPhone, it automatically asks if
you want to switch modes.) Camera
The back of the iPhone sports the
F  lens of the phone’s built-in camera.
The iPhone’s internal microphone Camera images are previewed on
is found on the bottom right of the the screen so you can properly
device. You can use it for mak- frame your shot. (The iPod touch
ing calls, recording voice memos, doesn’t have a camera.) On the
voice control (3GS only), and many iPhone 3GS, the video camera
other purposes. (There’s no micro- uses the same lens.
phone on the iPod touch.)
Sleep/Wake Button
Headphone Jack
G  Press this button to lock your
This is a standard 3.5mm audio iPhone’s screen. (The phone will
jack, like the one used on iPods, still receive calls and play music,
rather than the smaller 2.5mm size but the screen itself will be off.) If
found on many cell phones. You it’s already locked, you can press
can use any sort of headphones this button to wake it up, then slide
with it, though if you want to talk your finger across the bottom of
as well as listen, you’ll need to use the touch screen to unlock it. To
Apple’s included earbuds, buy turn the iPhone completely off,
a set with a built-in microphone, hold the Sleep/Wake button down

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started


for a few seconds, until the red card, insert the end of a paper
“slide to power off” slider appears. clip into the small hole and push.
(When shut down, the iPhone won’t (Because the iPod touch isn’t a
ring, play music, or anything else.) phone, it has no SIM card.)
To turn the iPhone back on, press
and hold the Sleep/Wake button Volume Up and Down
until the Apple logo appears. If you Buttons
wish to silence an incoming call, Below the silent ringer switch are
press the Sleep/Wake button. If the iPhone’s volume buttons. Press
you want to decline an incoming up to increase volume and down to
call and send it directly to voice decrease volume. This affects not
mail, press the Sleep/Wake button only the volume of calls, but also
twice quickly. application sounds and audio and
video playback.
SIM-Card Slot
Like other current GSM phones, Ring/Silent Switch
the iPhone uses a SIM (Subscriber On the left side of the phone is
Identity Module) card—a small the ring/silent switch. It does ex-
programmable card that contains actly what you’d suspect—push
personal data such as your phone it toward the back of the phone
number and carrier ID. Without (so that you see an orange dot),
an activated SIM card, an iPhone and the iPhone’s speaker goes
is basically an iPod touch—you quiet. Pull it toward the front of
can still use it on Wi-Fi. The top of the phone, and the ringer is ac-
the iPhone bears a small slot for tive. Note that flipping the switch
the phone’s SIM card (it’s the one into silent mode does not silence
with the tiny hole). The iPhone’s audio playback in the phone’s
SIM card is preinstalled and turns iPod area, and some iPhone apps
on when you activate the phone may still make noise. (This switch
through iTunes. To eject the SIM doesn’t appear on the iPod touch.)

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

M  and hold
The iPhone headphones operate the mi-
exactly like an iPod’s earbuds. crophone
You can listen to calls through for a few
them, as well as hear audio from seconds.
the iPod program and other apps. The iPhone m
iPhone headphones have a small will beep twice
microphone attached to the cable to let you know
dangling down from the right ear- it’s done the job.
bud. This microphone picks up your While on a call, you
voice when you speak during a call. can take an incoming call and
The headphones have built- put the current call on hold by
in controls. Squeeze the center squeezing the button once. To
button once while listening to end the current call and answer an
music or watching a video to incoming call, or to return to a call
pause playback. Squeeze it twice you’ve put on hold, squeeze and
in succession to skip to the next hold the button for two seconds.
track. Squeeze it three times to On the iPhone 3GS, you can also
skip back to the previous track. If squeeze and hold the button for
a call comes in, you can squeeze two seconds to activate voice con-
the microphone once to answer a trol. The iPhone 3GS’s headphones
call and again to end the call. If you also come with convenient volume
wish to decline an incoming call up and down buttons, on either
and send it to voice mail, squeeze side of the central button.

iPod Touch
Although this book might seem to
focus on the iPhone, most of what we
write will cover the iPod touch, which
is essentially the iPhone without the
phone part. Generally when we say
iPhone, we mean the iPod touch, too.
We’ll specify when certain features
don’t work on the iPod touch.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

iPhone and iPod touch features

With each release of a new iPhone or iPod touch, owners of older devices
are left to wonder exactly which features they can and can’t use. Here’s a list
comparing what each device can do with iPhone 3.0 installed.

iPod Touch iPhone iPhone 3G iPhone 3GS

Battery Life 6 hours 6 hours 6 hours 9 hours
video play- Internet use, Internet use, Internet use,
back, 36 8 hours talk 5 hours 3G 5 hours 3G
hours music time, 24 talk time, 24 talk time, 24
playback hours audio hours audio hours audio
playback playback playback
Network Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth Bluetooth, Bluetooth, Bluetooth,
EDGE EDGE, 3G Edge, 3G

Cut, Copy, l l l l
and Paste
Spotlight l l l l

Stereo lA m l l
Peer-to-Peer lA l l l
Camera m lB lB lC

GPS D m m l l

MMS D m m l l

Tethering m m l l

Voice Control m m m l

Video m m m l

Accessibility m m m l

Compass m m m l

l = yes. m = no. Second-generation iPod touch only.

2-megapixel. C
3-megapixel. D
Not available in all locations. Check with your carrier.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

Changing Your
any iPhone programs communications. When Airplane
don’t have individual mode is on, an airplane will replace
preferences screens as the bars in the top left corner of
they do in OS X or in Windows. your screen. The Phone settings
Instead, you’ll access these pro- option will be grayed out and
grams’ options from the Settings labeled Airplane Mode. (You can
screen. This is also where you can switch Wi-Fi back on after enter-
change systemwide settings, such ing Airplane mode—convenient if
as sounds and choice of wallpaper.
You’ll also find options to enable
Airplane mode (which disables the
phone and wireless features) and
wireless networking options.
Because the Settings screen
does so much, it’s by far the most
crowded space on the iPhone—
there are 12 separate entries on
its main screen (see “One Menu
to Rule Them All”), plus entries
for additional apps that choose to
store settings there. Here’s a look
at what these settings do.

Airplane Mode
The Airplane mode feature will
be very important to anyone who
travels a lot (you must switch off
phone and wireless features before
takeoff). Airplane mode switches
off all of your phone’s wireless
capabilities—Wi-Fi, your connec-
tion to the digital cell network, the One Menu to Rule Them All  Cus-
technology necessary to make tomizing your iPhone’s settings is a
and receive calls, and Bluetooth snap (or in this case, a tap).

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

you’re on an airplane that supports From here, you can turn Wi-Fi on
Wi-Fi, or you’re somewhere with no or off, join an available network, or
reliable cell network and you want set whether the iPhone alerts you
to save battery life while still having to available networks when you’re
Internet access via Wi-Fi.) out and about. (For more details on
network settings, see “Getting On
Wi-Fi the Network” later in this chapter.)
If you’re currently connected to Even when you’re in Airplane mode,
a Wi-Fi network, the Wi-Fi option you can have Wi-Fi turned on if
will list the network’s name to the you’re someplace with an available
right. Tap on the arrow at right to connection.
access the Wi-Fi Networks screen.
In the Sounds section, you can turn
Vibrate mode on or off (for both si-
lent and ring modes), change your
ringtone, and turn sounds on or off
for individual events such as new
e-mail, new text messages, and
so forth (see “Bring the Noise”).
When you set an alert, moving the
slider next to it from Off to On will
let you hear what sound plays for
that event (unfortunately, you can’t
change the sound). You can also
mute keyboard clicks from here
and change the volume of your
ringtone—with either the on-screen
slider or the volume buttons on the
side of the phone.

By default the brightness of the
iPhone adjusts automatically. The
iPhone detects the light around it
Bring the Noise  Don’t be embar- using three sensors to the left of the
rassed by bad ringtones or alert receiver. It then makes the screen
sounds. Pick the best noises (or brighter or dimmer for optimal
vibrations) for you in the Sounds viewing. So, for example, if you’re
settings screen. in a dark environment, the iPhone

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

Smart Battery Settings

One problem with converged devices such
as smart phones is battery life—with so
many functions, it is easy to run down the
battery without even noticing. That may be
acceptable for a media player or handheld
PDA—but not for a phone. The iPhone and
iPod touch contain a single battery (which,
as on the iPod, you can’t remove or swap
out yourself) to power everything.
Apple says the battery will last up to five
hours for talk on a 3G network (up to 12 on
a 2G network), ten hours for video play-
back, nine hours for Internet browsing on Wi-Fi, or 24 hours for audio
playback. Standby time is rated at up to 300 hours. But these guidelines
generally reflect doing one of these things at a time, and in favorable
circumstances. In the real world, you’ll likely be doing a combination of
these things over the course of a day, and in varying environments.
This means you’ll need to exercise good judgment if you want to
ensure that you have enough juice left for your phone once you’re done
listening to music, browsing the Web, or watching video.
If you don’t need to be available for emergency calls or messages,
turning the iPhone off completely will conserve maximum battery life.
To do so, press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for several seconds.
If you want to use just the iPhone’s alarm-clock feature, turn on Air-
plane mode; this disables all wireless functionality (phone, EDGE, Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth) but lets you use the iPhone’s non-Internet programs. Turning
on Airplane mode is also a good idea when you want to use your iPhone
strictly for its music-playing iPod functionality. This way, you can easily
get more than a full day’s worth of playtime from your iPhone.
On the other hand, if you need to be able to receive emergency
calls or messages, here’s how to do so while using the least amount of
battery power: from the Settings screen, disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
(in the General settings), turn off Push and set Fetch to Manually (in the
Fetch New Data settings), and, in your Sounds settings, turn off Vibrate.
Finally, put the iPhone into sleep mode by briefly pressing the Sleep/
Wake button.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

will dim. When you’re outside on a Usage  The Usage section

bright day, the display will brighten shows you how much you’ve used
so you can see it. You can turn this your iPhone and how long it’s been
feature off and manually adjust on standby since you last charged
brightness with the on-screen slider it. This section also displays a sum-
in the Brightness screen. mary of all call times and network
data sent and received. Some
Wallpaper of these statistics aren’t terribly
Your wallpaper image appears important to know, but others can
whenever the iPhone is locked or be helpful. For example, it’s useful
you get a call from someone who to know how many minutes you’ve
doesn’t have an assigned photo. In talked in the current time period
the Wallpaper screen, you choose so you won’t go over your allotted
which photo to display. You can minutes (and get charged extra for
choose one of Apple’s bundled
patterns, pictures you’ve taken
with the iPhone’s camera, or pic-
tures you’ve synced to the iPhone
(see “Background Check”).

The General section is the
main hub of the iPhone’s
settings area. From here you can
set the date and time, set a numeric
passcode for your iPhone, enable
Bluetooth and pair Bluetooth de-
vices, control your network settings,
restrict access to certain phone
features, and more.
About  The About screen lists
various details about your device
such as the name of the network
you’re connected to, how much
memory is free, and your phone’s
serial number. It’s also the place
where you can brag about the
number of applications, songs, Background Check  Change your
videos, and photos you’ve got on background to fit your mood in the
your iPhone. Wallpaper settings screen.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

doing so). Tracking minutes is also

useful if you’re billing a client for
time you spend in conversation (see
“Just the Stats, Ma’am”). A large
Reset Statistics button makes it
easy to zero out all these values, as
you might do at the end of a month.
iPhone 3GS users can also choose
whether to display the battery-
charge percentage in the menu bar.
Network  The Network menu
lets you turn 3G networking on and
off, so you can sacrifice the speed of
the 3G data network in order to save
battery life. You can also turn off
international Data Roaming, which is
very important if you travel abroad—
data rates outside your home
country will probably be exorbitant,
and by turning off Data Roaming the
iPhone will simply abstain from using
the cellular data network when it’s
out of its home territory. Just the Stats, Ma’am  Keep track
On the Network screen you’ll of how much talking, surfing, and
also see VPN and Wi-Fi options. battery draining you’ve been doing
Tapping on the Wi-Fi option will on your iPhone.
bring up the same Wi-Fi options
you’ll find on the top level of the devices, such as headphones and
Settings menu. VPN (virtual pri- car connection kits. Note that the
vate network) is a scheme that lets iPhone’s Bluetooth capabilities
outsiders securely tap into a private are limited. For example, unlike
network—offsite workers joining most other Bluetooth-compatible
their company’s internal network, phones, it can’t talk to your com-
for example. (For more on network- puter over Bluetooth.
ing, see “Getting On the Network” Location Services  The
later in this chapter.) iPhone’s Location Services feature
Bluetooth  When this setting lets apps—the ones that are built in
is switched on, the iPhone be- and others that you download from
comes discoverable over Bluetooth the App Store—figure out where
and will search for compatible you are, using Wi-Fi, cellular tower

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

data, and the Global Positioning the App Store, taking pictures with
System (GPS; iPhone 3G and 3GS the camera, and location services.
only). If you want to globally bar all In the Allowed Content section
software from knowing your loca- you can turn off the ability to make
tion, turn off Location Services. in-app purchases, choose a ratings
Auto-Lock  After periods of system for your country, and block
inactivity, the iPhone locks so that access to explicit music and pod-
touching its screen does nothing— cast content. There are separate
you must wake it by pressing the ratings entries for Movies, TV show,
Home or Sleep/Wake button. In and Apps, which vary depending
the Auto-Lock screen, you set how on your country.
much time passes before this hap- Home  This setting lets you
pens. Your choices are one, two, define what happens when you
three, four, or five minutes, or never.
Passcode lock  You can as-
sign a four-digit passcode to your
iPhone so that no one can use it
without entering the passcode (see
“Locked Up”). Tap on this entry
and you move to the Set Passcode
screen, where you use the numeric
keyboard to enter and verify a
passcode. Once you’ve entered a
passcode twice, you have the op-
tion to turn it off, change it, or set
whether the phone requires a pass-
code immediately or after some
period of inactivity, from one min-
ute to four hours. A final option lets
you set the phone to automatically
erase all its data after ten failed at-
tempts to enter the passcode.
Restrictions  This is the iP-
hone’s parental controls section. You
can set a passcode and then lock
users out of certain features if they
don’t know the passcode. You can Locked Up  Keep your information
restrict adult iPod content, as well from falling into the wrong hands by
as access to Safari, YouTube, the requiring a passcode to access your
iTunes Store, installing apps from device.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

double-press on the Home button. results by dragging and dropping

It’s a shortcut that can take you the entries.
straight to the Home screen, Spot- Date & Time  This screen lets
light search screen, your Phone you choose between a 12- or 24-
Favorites, the camera, or the iPod. hour clock, which you can have
You can also choose whether to set automatically (AT&T syncs
override your default setting and the phone to the current time in
bring up iPod controls if the iPod your zone) or not. If you opt to not
app is playing music. There is an set your clock automatically, you
option for Search Results where can set your clock from here and
you can choose what type of choose what time zone you’re in.
results the Spotlight search returns. Keyboard  In the Keyboard
You can also choose the order in screen you can turn four different
which Spotlight displays those typing features on or off. Auto-Cor-
rection prompts you with sugges-
tions for words that you may have
mistyped; it’s a useful feature, but if
you’re too proud to ask for help you
can turn it off here. Auto-Capital-
ization presses the shift key for you
when you are at the beginning of a
sentence. Enable Caps Lock lets
you double-tap the shift key to go
into Caps Lock mode, where all of
your words will be in capital letters.
And the “.” Shortcut option is a trick
that lets you tap the spacebar twice
to insert a period, which is very use-
ful at the end of a sentence.
From beneath the International
Keyboards menu you can choose
which keyboards your iPhone
will optionally support from a list
of languages (see “Para Otros
Idiomas”). If you opt for more
than one keyboard, a small globe
key will appear to the left of your
Para Otros Idiomas  There’s a key- spacebar, allowing you to toggle
board option for every language you between all the international key-
might type in. board options you’ve enabled in

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

this menu. (You can find this same words you’ve added to the dic-
menu in Settings: General: Interna- tionary by declining a suggestion
tional: Keyboards.) multiple times.
International  Choose what Reset Home Screen Layout will
language you’d prefer your iPhone move all the icons on your Home
to use from this menu. In addition, screen back to their initial posi-
you can set your keyboard op- tions. And Reset Location Warn-
tions (see above) and choose what ings means that apps that want to
format the iPhone uses to display know your physical location will
times, dates, and phone numbers need to ask you again before they
by default. discover that location (for more on
ACCESSIBILITY  Only users fixing your iPhone, see the “Trou-
of the iPhone 3GS will see this bleshooting Tips” chapter).
screen, which includes the ability
to turn VoiceOver spoken items on
and off, turn systemwide zooming
on and off, invert the entire iPhone
interface to white on black, force all
audio to mono, and even automati-
cally speak autocorrections and
Reset  You’ll find this screen
useful if your iPhone behaves
strangely—if it routinely locks up
or programs unexpectedly quit, for
example—or if you simply want to
start from scratch.
Reset All Settings will reset the
iPhone’s settings but won’t delete
any media (see “A Fresh Start”).
Erase All Content And Settings is
more extreme than Reset All Set-
tings, erasing settings as well as
data and media—essentially wiping
your iPhone clean.
Reset Network Settings will take
you back to the phone’s original
network settings. Reset Keyboard A Fresh Start  If your iPhone is
Dictionary will return the iPhone’s misbehaving, one solution may be a
dictionary to its default, erasing any full reset.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

Mail, Contacts, the name of the account to edit the

Calendars usual litany of mail settings, includ-
The Mail, Contacts, ing server names, user names, and
Calendars screen is the hub of all passwords. If you’ve added an ac-
the settings pertaining to—you count on Apple’s MobileMe service
guessed it—your mail, contacts, or on a Microsoft Exchange server,
and calendars. you’ll be able to set which kinds of
Accounts  From the Ac- data—mail, contacts, calendars,
counts area, you can see your exist- and (for MobileMe) bookmarks—
ing accounts, add new ones, and you want to sync to the phone (see
modify the settings for each existing “Exchange Rate”). In the MobileMe
account. For standard POP and account settings, you can also turn
IMAP mail accounts, you can tap on on the Find My iPhone feature (for
more on this tool, see the Trouble-
shooting chapter.)
It’s easy to add a new account.
Tap on Add Account and you’ll see
a screen that offers these choices:
Microsoft Exchange, Mobile Me,
Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL, and Other.
The first five are largely templat-
ed—all you need to do is enter a
few basic items and the iPhone
takes care of the more arcane
elements of setup, such as POP
and SMTP or IMAP configuration
options. Choosing Other lets you
configure IMAP and POP accounts
yourself. There are also options for
adding LDAP contact accounts,
CalDAV calendar accounts, and
subscribed calendars.
FETCH NEW DATA  In the Fetch
New Data section, you’ll choose
how often your iPhone will con-
nect to the Internet and bring back
Exchange Rate  The iPhone allows new mail and updated contact or
you to specify exactly what you calendar data. The first option,
want to sync with your Microsoft Push, is currently only available to
Exchange server account. Exchange, MobileMe, and Yahoo

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

Mail users. It lets you choose Choose Manually and it’ll only
whether you want new updates to check when you tell it to. If you
be sent to your phone automati- tap on Advanced, you can choose
cally as they happen—the ultimate whether to override your Push
in instant gratification, but a feature and Fetch settings for individual
that will also drain your battery. accounts.
Third-party apps can also take Mail  In the Mail area you can
advantage of push technology. control how many messages are
You can also choose a global displayed, how much of each
setting for how often to fetch message appears in the preview,
data, for tasks that don’t support the minimum font size used (small,
push—for example, e-mail from a medium, large, extra large, giant),
mail server that doesn’t do push. whether to show To and Cc labels,
whether to ask before deleting
a message, and whether to load
remote images. You can also set
whether you always want to BCC
yourself, to create a signature (the
default is “Sent From My iPhone”),
and, if you have multiple mail ac-
counts, to set a default account,
which is what the iPhone uses
when it creates a message from a
program other than Mail.
Contacts  In the Contacts
area, you can control how contacts
are sorted on your phone and how
they are displayed (either First, Last
or Last, First). If you’re syncing
contacts to more than one server
(for instance, to both MobileMe
and Exchange), you can also set a
default account for new contacts
you create on the iPhone.
Calendars  In the Calendars
area, you can choose to be alerted
Hangin’ on the Telephone  Forward to new invitations after syncing
your phone calls, turn off call wait- calendars, what time zone you
ing, hide your caller ID, and turn on want to display items in, and which
TTY in the Phone settings screen. calendar should be used by default

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

when new events are created from

outside of the Calendar program.

In the Phone screen
(iPhones only), you’ll see
your cell number at the top. In the
Calls section, you can enable call
forwarding and call waiting, and tell
the iPhone whether to broadcast
your caller ID whenever you call
someone (see “Hangin’ on the Tele-
phone”). You can also turn the TTY
option on or off (TTY, or teletype-
writer, is a technology that allows
people with hearing and speech
impairments to connect special
equipment to their phones in order
to communicate through text or by
relaying messages to operators,
who then speak the text).
At the bottom of the screen
you’ll see options for changing How Do You Like Your Video?  Get
your voice-mail password and the most out of videos on the iPhone
creating a password for your SIM by adjusting the iPod settings.
card so it can’t be used in other
phones without that password. Tap cookies, and cache. Clearing the
on AT&T Services to see a list of cache in particular can help solve
AT&T service numbers (646 to view issues you may be having with
your minutes, for example), as well Safari on the iPhone—if it’s con-
as an AT&T MyAccount button. Tap stantly crashing, for instance, it’s
on this to launch Safari and go to a possible that a bad cache file is
page where you can manage your causing the problem. You can also
AT&T account. change the default search engine
from Google to Yahoo.
Safari Perhaps the most important
In the Safari screen, item in this screen, however, is
you can block pop-ups, AutoFill, which can save you time
enable or disable JavaScript and by automatically filling out Web
plug-ins, and clear the history, forms using your contact informa-

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

tion or user names and passwords playing from the beginning or

you’ve previously entered. When pick up where you last left off and
you turn on the Use Contact Info turn closed-captioning for video
slider, you’ll be able to select your on or off (see “How Do You Like
default contact in the My Info field. Your Video?”). If you’re attaching
In this screen you can also turn the your iPhone to an external TV via
Names & Passwords option on or Apple’s video adapter cable, you
off, and tap on Clear All to delete can tell the iPhone whether that TV
saved information. is widescreen or not and set the
phone to output in either NTSC (the
Messages TV standard in North America and
The Messages screen parts of Asia) or PAL (most of the
(iPhones only) lets you rest of the world).
control how text and MMS alerts
are displayed. You can set whether Photos
your alerts show a preview of the The Photos screen of-
message text, and whether the fers settings that control
iPhone should keep nagging you how slide shows work—how long
if you don’t respond to a message each image appears on screen,
the first time it alerts you. When which transitions are used, whether
Repeat Alert is on, you’ll get a sec- the slide show repeats from the
ond ding 10 minutes after receiving beginning when it reaches the last
an SMS. picture, and whether to shuffle the
The iPod entry in Set- Store
tings contains a few The Store setting screen is
iPodoptions, such as Shake To where you go to log in or
Shuffle, Sound Check (the feature out of your iTunes account. If you are
that attempts to make all audio not logged in to an iTunes account,
tracks play at approximately the you’ll be given the option to Sign In
same volume), EQ, and maximum or Create New Account. Once you’re
audio volume. signed in, you can select View Ac-
You can also control whether count (to see payment and contact
you want videos to always start information) or Sign Out.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

Getting On
the Network
o take full advantage of Wi-Fi  Wi-Fi, on the other hand,
many of the iPhone’s and is quite fast, and Wi-Fi networks
iPod touch’s best features— are relatively common—in your
including Web browsing, getting home, at work, and at hundreds of
directions and maps, checking thousands of Wi-Fi hotspots. But
stocks, and downloading e-mail it’s not available everywhere, and
messages—you’ll need you’re dependent on the
to have suitable ac- speed of the Wi-Fi
cess to the Internet. network’s connection
to the Internet. For-
Know Your Options tunately, AT&T includes
The iPhone 3G and 3GS free access to its own Wi-Fi
give you three choices for In- hotspot network as part of your
ternet access: slow and common iPhone plan—and that includes
(EDGE), pretty fast and available in more than 7,000 Starbucks and
only some cities (3G), or quite fast 10,000 McDonald’s locations.
but spotty (Wi-Fi).
EDGE  This cellular data stan- Using Wi-Fi
dard is ubiquitous across most Happily, the iPhone switches
of AT&T’s network. Unfortunately, seamlessly between EDGE, 3G,
it can be as slow as molasses, and Wi-Fi, so you’ve always got
averaging rates just two to three a backup plan when one form of
times faster than dial-up modems network isn’t available. However,
at best, and far slower at worst. you’ll probably want to connect to
3G  This more modern cellular a Wi-Fi network whenever pos-
data standard is available in many sible, since it’s the fastest of the
cities, though it’s not as pervasive three options—and it’s particularly
as EDGE. Every iPhone service handy if you’re somewhere without
plan offered by AT&T includes a good cellular signal. (You also
unlimited use of EDGE and 3G. If can’t download content larger than
you can get a 3G signal, you’ll find 10MB from the iTunes Store unless
that it’s fairly fast—not as fast as a you’re on a Wi-Fi network.)
Wi-Fi broadband connection, but You can access your Wi-Fi set-
more prevalent. tings from two locations: from the

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

Wi-Fi menu at the top of the Set-

tings screen, or from the Network
screen in the General settings.
From here you can turn Wi-Fi on or
off. When it’s on, a Choose A Net-
work section appears. By default
the iPhone will list any wireless
networks within range (see “Call-
ing All Wi-Fi”). Those that require
a password will display a lock next
to them. Open networks won’t. You
can gauge the strength of the Wi-Fi
signal by looking at the radiating
lines (next to the lock icon).
You can quickly join a network
by tapping on its name. If the
network is protected, you’ll be
prompted to enter its password. To
view settings for any of the listed
networks, tap on the blue arrow to
the right of the network’s name. In
the resulting screen, you’ll see a
Forget This Network option. Tap on Calling All Wi-Fi  There are Wi-Fi
this if you wish to no longer auto- networks everywhere. See which
matically connect to that network ones you can and can’t access at a
when your iPhone sees it. (This is glance.
useful, for example, if you join an
unprotected network only to find
that it doesn’t actually provide a ed to a known Wi-Fi network, your
connection to the Internet.) iPhone will automatically prompt
The Other option in this list lets you with a list of networks around
you join a hidden network. Tap on it you. If you switch this option off,
and you can enter the name of the you’ll need to navigate to the Wi-Fi
network and specify what type of menu within Settings in order to
security it uses. When you’re done, pick a network. It’s a trade-off be-
tap Join to join the network. tween the annoyance of constantly
At the bottom of the Wi-Fi being asked to join networks you
Networks screen you’ll see an Ask don’t want to join, and having to
To Join Networks option. With this take a few extra steps every time
switched on, if you’re not connect- you want to join a new network.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

Locating a Hot Spot

Many businesses and cities have TIP
chosen to offer Internet access
over Wi-Fi as an incentive to bring
Use the
people into stores, downtowns, or Right Port
lesser-traveled business districts. You If your ISP uses an unusual
can find a list of locations through port for its secure e-mail,
online resources or any of the Wi-Fi you can set the iPhone’s Mail
locator apps currently in the App program to accommodate it.
Store. ( offers (Port numbers are like num-
a comprehensive hotspot directory bered cubbies in a mailroom:
online and in App form. Wi-Fi Free each cubby corresponds to
Spot ( specializes in a particular service, like chat,
finding no-cost Wi-Fi locations. FTP, or e-mail.) To set up your
For iPod touch users, many U.S. account, tap on Settings:
Starbucks outlets offer two hours Mail, Contacts, Calendars:
of continuous free service each day Add Account: Other. Instead
to anyone with a Starbucks Card, a of entering just the mail server
stored-value card you can use for name (for example,
purchases. (iPhone owners already .com), append a colon and the
have free Starbucks access through port number, like so:
AT&T.) Starbucks has Wi-Fi in its
8,000 freestanding corporate-owned
stores in the United States.
Often, visiting a local park is all
you need to do to get online. Many Security
cities and even small towns provide The iPhone’s eagerness to join other
free Wi-Fi in central and neighbor- networks isn’t necessarily good for
hood parks, or central squares with you when you’re trying to ensure
free service. This includes famous that your data doesn’t wind up in
parks like Bryant Park in New York someone else’s hands. There’s
City (right behind the main library plenty of evidence that some network
branch, which itself has free Wi-Fi), snoopers spend a fair amount of time
and the central square in Bar Harbor scooping up private e-mail mes-
on Mount Desert Island, Maine. sages and private information. Some
When you log into a Wi-Fi hotspot of what the iPhone gives up pretty
in Safari, a special Log In sheet will easily includes e-mail passwords for
pop up. It should remember your unprotected accounts, the contents
information the next time you try to of unprotected e-mail messages,
log in to that hotspot. and unencrypted Web page contents

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

(typically sites not involving e-com- and Mobile Me accounts that you
merce or banking). When you’re on set up from the Mail screen, SSL is
an unprotected Wi-Fi network, you’ll the default option and shouldn’t be
want to be conscious of what infor- changed. For accounts other than
mation you’re potentially giving away. those four service providers, you’ll
Here are some of the most important need to check with your ISP to see
steps you can take. if it supports SSL connections. If
Secure E-Mail  By default, your ISP doesn’t give you a secure
the iPhone uses SSL (Secure Sock- option, you may be able to work
ets Layer) encryption for POP, IMAP, around the problem by setting your
and SMTP e-mail. SSL e-mail con- e-mail account—at the server—
nections work just like secure Web to automatically forward or copy
sessions: the iPhone’s e-mail soft- incoming messages to a secure
ware exchanges digital certificate service like Hushmail (www
information with the mail server and You can then set
encrypts data in a way that makes up a Mail account on your iPhone
it extremely difficult to decipher. to retrieve e-mail from Hushmail
For AOL, Gmail, Yahoo Mail, with full confidence.

Share Your
Tethering—sharing your mobile phone’s data connection with your
computer—is a new feature for iPhone 3G and 3GS owners. (Tethering is
not available from all carriers, and many carriers charge extra for tethering
usage, so check with your provider first.) To start a tethering connec-
tion, go to Settings: General: Network: Internet Tethering on your iPhone.
You’ll see an on/off slider and brief directions for connecting the phone to
your computer. Drag the slider to on. You can tether your iPhone to your
computer either using the USB dock-connector cable that came with
your iPhone or over Bluetooth. Each approach requires configuring a few
network settings on your computer; check with your provider or Apple’s
iPhone support Web site for the exact details. Once you’ve got a live teth-
ering connection, you will see a blue bar at the top of your iPhone screen
for the duration of the connection. (A Bluetooth tethering connection will
disconnect if your phone makes or receives any phone calls, so USB is
likely the more reliable approach.)

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

Secure Networks Via VPN connection). If your corpora-

Vpn  As with laptop users, iPhone tion requires that, turn on the RSA
owners should use a virtual private SecurID option. If a password is
network (VPN) when connecting required, you can choose to either
to unfamiliar Wi-Fi networks. The enter it in the setup (in which case
iPhone supports three types of the iPhone will automatically use
VPN connections and lets you set it) or leave the field blank (the
up multiple VPN profiles, each with iPhone will then prompt you each
unique information. This is great time you connect to the VPN).
for users who require two or more L2TP connections also require
VPNs for their job. a shared secret that a system
A couple of services provide a administrator will give you. We
Mac-friendly VPN for a monthly recommend selecting Send All
fee. ( may Traffic, which makes the iPhone
be the best and least expensive encrypt all connections.
option for iPhone owners. When When you’re done, tap on Save.
you purchase its $40-per-year VPN The profile appears in the VPN set-
service, WiTopia throws in a free ting screen. Tap the profile to select
PPTP connection for the iPhone. it as your default.
To set up the VPN, navigate to You can enable your VPN
Settings: General: Network: VPN, through the On/Off switch on the
and tap on Add VPN Configura- VPN setting screen. If you have
tion. The Add Configuration dialog just one VPN profile set up, that
displays the three support flavors: switch will also appear on the main
L2TP, PPTP, and IPsec. Check with Settings screen below the Airplane
your network administrator if you’re mode and Wi-Fi entries. If you have
not sure which one to use. multiple profiles, you’ll see the
If you use L2TP, for instance, message “Not Connected,” which,
you’ll enter a name for the VPN when tapped, takes you to the VPN
connection, the VPN server’s host setting screen.
name, and your account name. Unfortunately, the iPhone’s
Some VPN servers require just a VPN feature isn’t as seamless as it
password, while others use two- should be. VPN connections drop
factor authentication. In the latter off as your iPhone switches among
case, you’ll also enter a constantly Wi-Fi, EDGE, and 3G networks.
changing code that appears on This means you’ll have to turn the
an RSA SecurID token genera- VPN off and back on manually
tor that you carry with you (you’ll when you switch from one network
do this every time you enable the connection to another.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

Navigation Basics
pple has adapted two clas-
sic Mac features for the
iPhone and iPod touch. The
cut, copy, and paste feature allows
you to work with text and images
between applications. Spotlight
allows you to search your entire
device from one powerful screen.

Cut, Copy, and Paste

It’s telling that the most anticipated
new feature of iPhone 3.0 is one
that goes back to the earliest days
of the graphical user interface.
Apple says that it had to take its
time and make sure that it got this
feature right, and it seems to have
done just that. While cut, copy, and
paste aren’t available in every ap-
plication, Apple has implemented
it at a basic level, so it’s available
pretty much anywhere you deal
with text. Move It  Cut, copy, and paste op-
Text  There are a couple of tions appear in a floating menu once
ways to use copy and paste on you’ve selected text.
text. Double-tapping on a word
will automatically select that word, ing it, you’ll also be provided with
highlighting it in blue and popping Select and Select All options.
up a floating menu of options. Once you’ve selected text,
What you’re offered depends on you have the option to alter your
whether the text is read-only—if so, selection by dragging the handles
you’ll only be able to copy. If you’re on either end of the selection (or
composing text, on the other hand, in some apps, such as Safari,
you can cut, copy, or paste. Alter- you may get a block with handles
natively, if you tap and hold on a on all four sides). Dragging the
word for a moment before releas- handles brings up a magnified

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

view that’s similar to the loupe, rich text such as styling and hyper-
but rectangular. The selection links. To copy a link in Safari, tap
algorithm is smart, too: if you tap and hold on any URL. A list of op-
on one of the handles and drag tions will pop up, including Copy.
quickly, it automatically detects Copy, cut, and paste aren’t
spaces and makes sure that it limited to text. You can also apply
never cuts off in the middle of a them to images in different applica-
word; should you want to select tions. Press and hold on an image
just part of a word, though, you in Photos, Mail, or Safari to bring
can tap and drag the handles with up copy options.
more precision. Shake to Undo  If at any
Links And Images  In addi- point you make a mistake—say
tion to handling plain text, the cut, you paste something you didn’t
copy, and paste feature handles mean to—it’s easy enough to
fix. Just give the iPhone a quick
shake, and it brings up a dialog
box with an Undo button. There
are multiple levels of undo, if you
need to correct several mistakes,
and you can redo actions as well,
just in case you think better of
them. The Undo Typing dialog box
pops up when you shake your
iPhone in a text-entry field.

Search with Spotlight

Apple has brought OS X’s popular
Spotlight feature, which lets you
quickly find items anywhere on a
Mac, to the iPhone and iPod touch.
Now it’s easier to find information
and content fast.
You access the Spotlight feature
by going to the iPhone’s Home
screen and then swiping to the
right. Alternatively, you can press
the Home button when you’re on
Copy Cat  To copy an image in the Home screen, or, using the Set-
Safari, tap on it and hold until this tings app, configure your iPhone
menu scrolls up. Tap on Copy. to open Spotlight whenever you

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

double-press the Home key. omit particular types of items from

You’ll see a search field at the searches, as well as to change the
top of the screen, and the iPhone’s order in which it displays results.
on-screen keyboard will appear In the Settings app, go to General:
at the bottom. Begin typing your Home: Search Results. Spotlight
search term, and in a few sec- will omit unchecked items from
onds results will start to appear search results. To change the order
on the screen. By default, Spot- of your search results, drag the
light searches your applications, three-lined handle for an item up or
Web clips, contacts, notes, e-mail down in the list.
messages, calendar events, and Unfortunately, there’s no way
iPod content. Your search results to exclude particular Mail folders
are grouped by these item types: or accounts from searches; for
audio files in the iPod app, e-mail example, sent mail or, if you’ve got
messages, calendar events, and so a Gmail account, junk-mail folders.
on. Tap on an item to open it in its App-specific Spotlight  In
respective application. Tapping on addition to using the Spotlight
an app will launch it. screen to search your entire
Unlike Spotlight on the Mac, iPhone, you can use Spotlight
iPhone’s Spotlight doesn’t search within several apps; specifically,
the full content of every file on your Calendar, Contacts, iPod, Mail, and
phone. But it does search most of Notes. By using these app-specific
the important fields across Apple’s Spotlight interfaces, you can limit
built-in applications (see “Who’s in your search to each app’s particu-
the Spotlight?”). lar type of data; in addition, some
You can configure Spotlight to apps provide options for fine-

Who’s in the Spotlight?

Here’s a list of exactly what fields the Spotlight feature examines:
Applications:   each application’s name
Calendar:  event titles, locations, and invitees
Contacts:   each contact’s first, last, and company names
iPod:  the names of songs, artists, and albums for music tracks, as
well as the titles of audiobooks, podcasts, and videos
Mail:   the To, From, and Subject fields of all local messages (including
Sent mail); message bodies are not searched
Notes:   the text of each note

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Getting started

tuning your search.

(In Calendar and Contacts, you
see this app-specific Search field in
List view as soon as you launch the
app. But in iPod, Mail, and Notes,
it’s hidden by default. Just scroll
up—meaning swipe your finger
down the screen—to reveal the field
at the top of the screen. In Mail,
you need to be browsing a mail-
box to access the Spotlight field; it
won’t appear in the Accounts view
or while you’re browsing the list of
mailboxes in an account.)
For example, when you’re us-
ing the search field in Calendar,
Contacts, iPod, or Notes, Spotlight
limits the results to the contents of
the respective app, so you aren’t
distracted by irrelevant data. The
iPod app goes one step further by
grouping your results into artists,
albums, songs, movies, podcasts, Super Spotlight  The Spotlight
podcast episodes, and so on. screen separates results by cat-
In Mail, Spotlight offers several egory. You can change the category
search filters, letting you limit your order in Settings: General: Home:
search to message subjects, send- Search Results.
ers, or recipients. (Unfortunately,
even when searching within the search to messages on the server
Mail app, Spotlight doesn’t search that you haven’t downloaded to
the body of e-mail messages.) And your phone.
for Exchange, MobileMe, and many Unfortunately, and unlike Spot-
IMAP servers, a Continue Search light in Mac OS X, Spotlight on the
On Server option appears at the phone can’t search for, or within,
end of your list of results; tap on data in third-party apps. It only
it, and Spotlight will expand your searches for their names.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPOD TOUCH Superguide, THIRD Edition

Staying in Touch
Make the Most of Your Phone, E-mail, and
Messaging Features

he iPhone packs a lot of power into its
slim frame. But first and foremost,
it’s a phone. In addition to
the features you’d expect from
a modern mobile phone, the
iPhone includes a few extras you
wouldn’t—including a new way of
interacting with your voice mail.
But the iPhone doesn’t limit the
concept of communication to just
calls. You can also use it to send
iPhone Photographs courtesy of apple

e-mail or text messages to others.

Although the process of making
calls and checking your e-mail isn’t
complicated, you can save time and get more Table of contents

done by customizing a few settings and taking 36  anaging

advantage of a few hidden shortcuts. We’ve Contacts
got the inside scoop on managing your con- 43 Using the Phone
tacts, juggling multiple callers, saving e-mailed 50 Checking E-mail
photos, filling in the gaps in the included text 61 Sending
messaging application, and more. Messages

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Staying in Touch

Managing Contacts
t the heart of the iPhone’s Sync with the Mac  On the
communication features lies Mac, the iPhone syncs contacts
the Contacts list, a col- from OS X’s Address Book, an
lection of phone numbers, e-mail online Yahoo Address Book, or—if
addresses, and other personal data you have iTunes 7.7 or later—your
about anyone you’d ever want to Google contacts. The first time you
talk to. You don’t just use this in- connect your phone to your Mac,
formation to make calls; it also lets iTunes will ask which contacts you
you avoid having to type in e-mail want to import. You can choose to
addresses every time you start a import every contact in OS X’s Ad-
new message, or street addresses dress Book or specify only selected
when you’re looking up directions. groups—assuming you’ve created
To truly take advantage of your contact groups in Address Book
device’s features, you’ll want an (see “Importing Contacts”).
extensive—and up-to-date—list of Yahoo and Google users can
contacts. sync their online contacts by
selecting the respective Sync Con-
Importing Contacts onto Your tacts option for their service. Sup-
There are a few ways to get your
contacts onto the iPhone or iPod TIP
touch. The easiest is via iTunes,
which automatically syncs contacts
Sort It Out
between your computer and device. If you don’t like the way the
Although you can sync the iPhone sorts your contacts,
iPhone’s contacts with only one you can change that from the
computer at a time, it doesn’t Mail, Contacts, Calendars
necessarily have to be the same section of the Settings screen.
computer that you use to sync your You can choose whether your
media files. This is useful if you contacts are sorted by last
keep your address book at work name or first name, as well
and your music library at home. as how they’re displayed on
Syncing is also bidirectional—any screen (“Joe Smith” or “Smith,
changes made to a contact on the Joe”). Unfortunately, you can’t
iPhone will show up on the com- sort by company name.
puter, and vice versa.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

Importing Contacts  iTunes on the Mac lets you sync all of your Address
Book contacts. Clicking on the Selected Groups option lets you transfer a
more limited collection to your phone.

ply your user name and password to Address Book. (Note that this
for the correct account and iTunes sync goes both ways, so if Address
does the rest. Book wasn’t empty, its information
If you store your contacts in a will also be copied to Entourage.)
program other than Address Book From that point on, Address Book,
or on a Web site other than Yahoo and hence the iPhone, will auto-
or Google, you may still be able to matically reflect changes made to
use them. The trick is to get your contacts in Entourage (and vice
contacts into Address Book. versa). Unfortunately, Entourage
If you’re using Microsoft Categories and Groups aren’t syn-
Entourage 2008, the process is chronized; you’ll have to re-create
actually quite simple. First, make them within Address Book (see
sure you’ve updated to the latest “Group It”).
version of Entourage, part of Mi- OS X’s Address Book also al-
crosoft Office 11.3.5 or later. Open lows you to sync with Microsoft Ex-
Entourage’s preferences, select change servers running Exchange
the Sync Services screen, and 2000 or later. In the Address Book’s
then enable the option to Synchro- General preferences pane select
nize Contacts With Address Book the Synchronize With Exchange
And .Mac. Within minutes, your option and enter the details about
Entourage contacts will migrate your account.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

For other address-book pro- you’ve entered in Microsoft Out-

grams and Web services, you’ll look Express. (You can also reach
need to export your contacts in the the Windows Address Book from
vCard format (check the software the Accessories menu; however,
or Web site documentation to find it’s far more likely that you’ve been
out how to do this). Save these using this Contacts list via Outlook
exported files to a folder on your Express.)
Mac, and then simply drag them You can also pick specific
into the open Address Book win- groups from your address books to
dow to import the contacts. The sync with the iPhone; these groups
downside is that you won’t be able are then accessible via the Group
to synchronize contacts, so when- screen, or via a Groups button that
ever you make a change, you’ll appears at the upper left of the All
have to make it in both Address Contacts screen.
Book and in your main contacts Import From a SIM Card  If
program or Web site. you have a SIM card from an old
Sync with Your PC  On a phone, you can easily import those
Windows PC, iTunes lets you sync contacts onto your iPhone. Insert the
from Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo’s SIM card into the slot on top of your
Address Book, Google Contacts, iPhone. Go to Settings: Mail, Con-
or the Windows Address Book. tacts, Calendars. Then scroll down
The latter includes any contacts and tap on Import SIM Contacts.

Group It  Only want certain contacts on your iPhone? In OS X’s Address
Book, click on the plus-sign button under the Group column A to create a
new group of contacts and then drag the contacts you want into the group.
Then sync only that group.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

plication in a new group. These

contacts are stored on the server,
not on your iPhone, so you must be
connected to the Internet to view
and search them.
Sync Wirelessly You can
synchronize your iPhone’s contacts
over the air, without connecting to
your computer. However, in order
to do so you need to be using ei-
ther Apple’s MobileMe service or a
Microsoft Exchange server (includ-
ing Google, via the Google Mobile
To enable over-the-air syncing
on your iPhone, visit the Settings
application and go to the Mail,
Contacts, Calendars section. A
list of the e-mail accounts on your
phone will be displayed; tap on a
MobileMe or Exchange account
Instant Sync  If you have a and you’ll have the option to turn
MobileMe account, you can set syncing on or off individually for
the iPhone to sync contacts, e-mail, Mail, Contacts, and Calendars
and more while you’re away from (see “Instant Sync”). MobileMe
your computer. users can also sync Web browser
Access An LDAP Account  Once your contacts are set up
If you have an LDAP (Lightweight to sync, any changes you make on
Directory Access Protocol) ac- your iPhone will be reflected in the
count, you can connect to it service you sync with, for example
from your iPhone. You’ll need the in your MobileMe contacts on your
server address, a user name, and Mac and on the Web, or with your
a password. Go to Settings: Mail, Exchange address book.
Contacts, Calendars: Add Account: If you turn off mobile syncing at
Other: Add LDAP Account. Enter a later time, the synced contacts
your account information, tap on will be removed from your phone.
Next to verify your account, then You’ll need to either re-enable
tap on Save. The LDAP account syncing or connect your iPhone to
will appear in your Contacts ap- your computer to restore them.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

Enter Contacts Manually

You can also add contacts from the
iPhone. To access your Contacts
list, tap on the Contacts button
from the Home screen or tap on
the Phone button and then select
Contacts from the row of buttons
along the bottom of the screen.
To start a new contact, tap on
the plus sign (+) at the top right of
the screen. A blank form will ap-
pear. Tap on each section to enter
the appropriate contact informa-
tion, including the name, number
(or numbers, as the case may be),
e-mail address, and Web site (see
“New Additions”). But you’re not
limited to the default list of contact
fields. Tap on Add Field to access a
list of additional options, including
birthday (or any important date),
nickname, job title, instant messag- New Additions  Tap in each field to
ing name, and a general Note field add contact information while on
that you can use for any details the go.
that don’t fit elsewhere.
There are plenty of other cool For people you call often, tap
things you can do with your con- the Add To Favorites button at the
tacts. For particularly important bottom of the contact to create a
callers, such as your spouse or shortcut to his or her number.
boss, you can assign a custom You can further personalize
ringtone so you can immediately your contacts by adding photos
identify their calls. Apple provides to them. The photo will appear on
25 built-in ringtones, but you can screen whenever you have that
add more by purchasing them via person on the line—for both in-
the iTunes Store, or you can use coming and outgoing calls. To add
a third-party application such as a photo to a contact, tap on Edit at
Ambrosia Software’s iToner (www the top of the contact’s Info screen, or Rogue Amoe- and then tap on Add Photo. You
ba’s Fission (www.rogueamoeba can add a photo from one of the
.com) to make your own. iPhone’s photo albums, or you can

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

address book, you can quickly

TIP add that number to an existing
Avoid Scrolling contact or create a new contact for
it by tapping on the arrow next to
If you’ve scrolled down to the
the phone number in the Recents
bottom of the alphabet and
list. In the resulting screen, tap on
then decide to search for a
Create New Contact and fill in any
contact, there’s no need to
additional contact information you
waste time scrolling back up
may have, or tap on Add To Exist-
to the top. Instead, tap on the
ing Contact and select an entry
top contacts bar. You’ll im-
from your Contacts list.
mediately jump to the search
To delete a contact, tap on the
bar at the top of the Contacts
Edit button at the top of that con-
tact’s entry and then scroll down to
Delete Contact.

Locate Contacts
Looking up a contact on the iPhone
is a simple affair. The All Contacts
list shows every contact on your
iPhone listed alphabetically. You can
scroll up and down the list with a
corresponding flick of your finger or
use the alphabet running down the
right side of the screen to jump to
contacts starting with a particular
letter. You can also search through
your contacts by entering text in
the search box at the top of the list,
though the iPhone only searches by
name or company name. Alterna-
take a fresh photo on the spot. If tively, you can perform a Spotlight
you choose the latter option, the search in the main Spotlight screen
iPhone will switch to Camera mode (swipe left to right on the Home
so you can snap a photo. Photos screen to bring up Spotlight). Your
taken directly from the Contacts results will include matching con-
screen won’t appear in the tacts, along with matching results in
iPhone’s Camera Roll photo album. other categories such as e-mail.
If you receive a call from a If you have your contacts di-
number that isn’t currently in your vided into groups and synced with

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

the iPhone, you can look through

them by tapping on the Groups
button and selecting a group from
the resulting list.
Tap on a phone number to place
a call immediately. If you tap on an
address instead, the Maps program
will open and pinpoint the contact’s
location. Tapping on an e-mail ad-
dress will launch a blank e-mail in
the iPhone’s Mail client addressed
to that contact. You can also send
a text message by tapping the
Text Message button, as long as
you have a phone number for that

Share a Contact
If you want to share a contact on
your iPhone with someone else,
select the desired contact, scroll to
the bottom of the entry, and tap on
the Share Contact button. This will
open up a new e-mail with the con- Search Party  You can search for
tact attached as a vCard (.vcf) file. contacts from within the Address
Enter an e-mail address to share it book, or use the main Spotlight
with and tap on Send. search page
If you have an iPhone 3G or later
and your carrier allows MMS mes- the screen, you’ll see an additional
sages, you can also share contacts option for MMS. Tap on MMS, pick
via MMS message. When you tap a recipient for your message, and
on Share Contact at the bottom of tap on Send.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

Using the Phone

he iPhone makes initiating
and answering calls a piece
of cake. There’s also plenty
you can do while on the phone to
manage multiple calls or locate
useful information. And if you miss
a call, don’t worry—the iPhone has
you covered there, too, with its
Visual Voicemail feature.

Dialing a Number
Touching the Phone button at
the bottom of the Home screen
produces several useful options
for initiating a new call: Favorites,
Recents, Contacts, and Keypad.

This section is a user-defined list
of your most frequently called
numbers—think of it as the iPhone’s
Fast Friends  The Favorites pane
equivalent of speed dialing (though
gives you quick access to the
it takes a couple more taps to dial a
people you call most often.
number than a speed-dialing feature
should). To designate a favorite, tap Favorites button that appears at the
on the plus sign at the top of the Fa- bottom of a contact record to add
vorites screen (see “Fast Friends”). someone to this list.
This brings up your contacts list. From the Favorites screen, tap
Select a contact, and then tap on on a person’s name to dial that
a home, mobile, or work number number. Tap on the blue arrow next
to add that number to your favor- to the name to see the contact’s
ites. You can add more than one full Info screen. If you decide you
number for a person—each number want to remove someone from your
shows up as a separate Favorites Favorites list, simply press the Edit
entry. You can also use the Add To button and then tap on the minus

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

sign next to that name. To rearrange

the contacts in the Favorites list, tap
the Edit button and then tap and
hold on the “handle” to the right of
each contact; you can drag the con-
tacts in the list to rearrange them.

All incoming and outgoing calls are
collected here. The Recents screen
offers two buttons—All or Missed.
The All button shows the name (if
it’s in your contacts) or phone num-
ber (if it’s not) for all incoming and
outgoing calls (see “While You Were
Out”). If a number is in your Con-
tacts list, the type of number (Mo-
bile, Work, Home) will appear under
the name, along with a small phone
icon if it was an outgoing call. If it’s
an unknown number, the city and
state for that area code will appear While You Were Out  The Recents
underneath. If the iPhone registers list highlights missed calls in red.
multiple calls to or from the same Tap on the blue arrow to access the
person in a short period of time, it person’s contact info if he or she is
shows the number of calls next to in your address book, or additional
the person’s entry—higher numbers options if not.
might reflect a sense of urgency.
Missed calls are listed in red. The address book, this pane will give
Missed button displays only those you the option to either create a
calls you’ve missed. new contact for it or add it to an
If you tap on the blue arrow next existing contact. Tap on the name
to a person in the list, you’ll find or number in the Recents list to call
additional details, such as whether that person back.
it was an incoming or outgoing
call, the date and time each call Contacts
was logged, and the duration of This button gives you access to all
the call. There are also options to of the contacts on your phone (see
send a text message or to share a “Managing Contacts” earlier in this
contact. If the number isn’t in your chapter for more details).

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

Your Faves
The Favorites screen gives you instant
access to the people you call most
often. For quick access to the Favorites
screen itself, simply double-click the
Home button. If this doesn’t work for
you or you want to change this short-
cut, open the Settings screen and se-
lect General. Tap on Home and select
which action you want a double-click
to activate—Home, Search, iPhone
Favorites, Camera, or iPod.

If the number you want to call isn’t
in your Contacts list—or if you just
like the feel of pressing numbers
to initiate a phone call—tap on the
Keypad button to summon up an
on-screen keypad.
Once you tap on the number,
you can tap on the Add Con-
tact button to the left of the Call
button—its icon shows a person’s
head and a plus sign (+)—to save
that number for future use.
You can also double-tap on the
Call button to quickly redial the last
contact you called.

Phone Calls
When someone calls you, two
on-screen options appear on your On the Line  Slide to unlock your
iPhone: Accept or Decline. Tapping phone and answer an incoming call.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

on the latter (red) button directs the

call to voice mail. Tapping on the
green Accept button answers the
call. If your phone happens to be
in battery-preserving locked mode
when a call comes in, swiping the
unlock slider automatically answers
the call. If you don’t want to answer
a call while the phone is in locked
mode, you can press the Sleep/
Wake button once to silence the
ringing instead. Press it a second
time to send the call to voice mail
If you are using the earbuds
included with your iPhone, squeez-
ing the microphone button (located
partway down the right wire) will
answer the call, piping audio
through the earbuds. When you’ve
completed the call, you can hang
up by squeezing the microphone Talking Points  Use the on-screen
button a second time. options to access additional fea-
If you’re listening to music on tures while talking on the phone. To
your iPhone, it will gradually lower navigate a phone tree, tap on the
the music volume and then pause Keypad button.
playback when you answer a call;
when you’re finished, playback “Talking Points”). The Hold but-
will automatically resume and the ton, on the other hand, mutes both
volume will slowly ramp back up to ends of the conversation.
the previous level. You can use the keypad while
on a call to navigate phone trees or
On-Screen Options dial extensions. Tap on the Speaker
Six buttons appear during phone button to put the call on speak-
calls: Mute, Keypad, Speaker, Add erphone, so you can chat without
Call, Hold, and Contacts. holding the iPhone up to your ear.
The Mute button turns off your If you need to look up a number
microphone; you’ll still be able to or an address, tap on Contacts to
hear callers on the other end of the access your address book.
line, but they won’t hear you (see You can have more than one

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

person on the phone at a time. If

you’re on a call and want to add
another caller, tap on the Contacts
button or the Add Call button. The
latter option will let you peruse
not just your main contacts list,
but also favorites, recents, and
the keypad. The iPhone will put
the first caller on hold while you
dial the number or tap on the ap-
propriate contact. Once someone
answers, you can tap on Merge
Calls to combine the two calls into
a conference call or tap on Swap to
move between the two calls while
keeping the callers separate (you
can have only two people—besides
yourself—on the phone at once).
If you are already on a call when
someone calls your phone, you’ll
be presented with two options:
ignore, or hold call and answer.
The first choice directs the incom- Party Line  When a second call
ing call to voice mail. The second comes in, you can choose to end
places the current caller on hold the first call, ignore the second call,
while you answer the incoming or put the first call on hold.
call; you’ll then have the option
to merge the two calls or swap Other Settings
between them. You can control additional phone
You can use the data functions features—such as call waiting, call
of the iPhone, such as browsing forwarding, and caller ID—from
the Web, checking your e-mail, the Phone section of the Settings
or looking up locations in Maps, screen (accessed from the Home
but if you have a first-generation screen). For example, tap on the
iPhone, you can only do so when Call Forwarding option to send
you’re on a Wi-Fi network. iPhone incoming calls to another number.
3G and 3GS users, on the other If you don’t like being interrupted,
hand, can talk and browse si- you can also turn the Call Wait-
multaneously on the cellular data ing feature off; incoming calls will
connection. immediately go to voice mail when

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

you’re on the line. The Caller ID

option lets you choose whether
your phone number is broadcast to
other phones when you call them.
This is also the place to access
your carrier’s customer support
services if available.

Checking Voice Mail

Like all cell phones, the iPhone lets
you access your voice mail while
you’re on the go. But that’s where
the similarities end. Unlike other
voice-mail services, which require
that you listen to all messages in
the order in which you received
them, Apple’s implementation dis-
plays messages in a list, letting you
pick and choose which messages
you listen to and in what order.
If you have new voice mails,
your Slide To Unlock slider will Pick and Choose  The iPhone lets
instead say Slide To Listen. This you choose which voice mail mes-
will jump you directly to your voice- sages you want to listen to. If you
mail page. If your phone is already accidentally delete a message, don’t
unlocked, you’ll see a red number worry; you can retrieve it by tapping
on the Voicemail button at the on the Deleted Messages item.
bottom of the screen. Tap on this
button to retrieve your messages to get rid of the message entirely.
(see “Pick and Choose”). Tapping on the blue arrow next
Unheard voice mails have a to a voice mail message will take
blue dot next to them. Tap on the you to that person’s contact infor-
message to begin playback. Tap on mation; it will also display under his
it again to pause. You can also use or her name the time and day that
the on-screen slider to fast-forward message was left and give you op-
or rewind a message, if you didn’t tions to text that person, share his
quite catch the details. If you want or her contact information, or add
to call the person back, just tap on him or her to your favorites.
the Call Back button. Tap on Delete You can also record your outgo-

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

ing voice mail greeting by tapping choose from a list of options, such
on the Greeting button in the top as “mobile” or “home.” To speed
left of the Voicemail screen. things along, say a person’s name
followed by the particular phone
number you wish to call (“Call Sally
Voice Control Sparrow work.”) You can even tell
To initiate Voice Control on the Voice Control to dial a specific
iPhone 3GS, hold down the Home number: “Dial 867-5309.”
button or the center button on the
iPhone’s headphones for about two
seconds. You’ll hear a quick double
chime, indicating that it’s your turn
to speak. (Press the button again
if you want to abort your Voice
Control session without saying
After the chime, you can choose
from a small selection of com-
mands. To dial a contact, just say
“dial” or “call” followed by the
name of the person you want to
contact. If you just say the first
name, Voice Control will try to
figure out whom you meant. If
you say a common name, Voice
Control will offer you—via a pleas-
ant yet robotic female voice—all
the people in your address book
with that name, and ask you to
say which one you meant. If you
start out by saying the person’s
full name, you’re more likely to get
a hit the first time. If your contact Voice Box  If Voice Control finds
has more than one phone number, multiple matches for your request,
Voice Control will prompt you to you’ll be asked to specify.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

Checking E-mail
s it did with Safari, Apple
has slimmed down
OS X’s Mail program for the
iPhone. Mail’s fast and powerful
features make up for the device’s
lack of a physical keyboard. Not
only does Mail display messages
beautifully, it’s easy to use. In this
section, you’ll get to know its best
features, like autocorrect and the
landscape keyboard. Learn how to
set up new accounts, add images
to messages, and keep your inbox

Setting Up New
When you first set up your iPhone,
iTunes will ask if you want to trans-
fer your existing e-mail accounts
to the iPhone. On a Mac, you can
transfer accounts from Apple Mail. New Account  The iPhone simpli-
On a Windows PC, you can trans- fies the process of adding an e-mail
fer account details from Windows account from one of these services.
Mail (included with Windows Vista), To add an account from a different
Microsoft Outlook Express (Win- service provider, tap on Other.
dows XP), or Outlook.
If you use a different e-mail see a screen with large buttons for
program, you’ll have to enter your Microsoft Exchange, MobileMe,
account information manually. On Gmail, Yahoo Mail, AOL, and Other
the iPhone’s Home screen, tap (see “New Account”). Note that
on the Settings button and select you’ll need to have an e-mail ac-
Mail, Contacts, Calendars in the count with one of these services or
resulting list. Under the Accounts an ISP before setting it up on the
header, tap on Add Account. You’ll iPhone.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

Microsoft Exchange, Yahoo,

Gmail, MobileMe, and AOL
E-mail Accounts
Tap on one of the first four buttons
and Mail displays a few basic fields
for you to fill in: your name (this is
your actual name—or at least the
name you want to appear in the
From field when people receive
your e-mails), e-mail address,
password, and a description (to
help you distinguish multiple ac-
counts). When you tap on Save,
Mail automatically fills in all the
necessary settings. The account
should now be ready to go.

Other E-mail Accounts

To set up a different type of e-mail
account—for example, one you
have through work or from your
ISP—press Other on the Add Mail, Your Way  Use the Mail, Con-
Account screen. Although this tacts, Calendar screen to determine
process isn’t as simple (you’ll have how many messages you see in
to enter all the necessary settings your Inbox, set the font size of mes-
manually), the iPhone’s interface sages, and create a signature for
makes it more straightforward than outgoing messages.
with many e-mail clients.
First, choose the type of the outgoing (SMTP) server—not all
account—IMAP or POP. Then enter SMTP servers require this.
the appropriate information in the
various fields. This will include your Mail Preferences
name, e-mail address, and ac- Once you have your accounts set
count description, just as with the up, you can use the Mail, Contacts,
previous option; the incoming and Calendars section of the Settings
outgoing server addresses; and screen to set preferences for your
your user name and password. You accounts (see “Mail, Your Way”).
may want to check with your e-mail For example, you can temporar-
provider to see if you need to enter ily turn off an e-mail account by
your user name and password for tapping on the account name and

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

then moving the Account slider to

Off (if it’s a MobileMe account or TIP
Exchange account, slide the Mail
slider to Off). Your iPhone won’t Avoid Creating
check the disabled account for Twin Accounts
new mail, nor will it appear in the Don’t give two e-mail accounts
main Mail Accounts list; however, the same name (aka descrip-
it will remain available in the Mail tion). Mail will get confused
settings so you can turn it back on and copy the settings from
at any time. one account to the other. If this
Tap on an e-mail account to ac- happens, you’ll need to delete
cess settings for how that account one of the accounts and then
works. Under Advanced account re-create it.
settings, you can enable SSL secu-
rity for incoming and outgoing mail,
as well as set an IMAP path prefix if
your e-mail provider requires it (see screen. If you have multiple ac-
“Getting on the Network” in the counts, you’ll see them listed on
Getting Started chapter for more the Accounts screen; tap on an
on security settings). account to see its folders (for ex-
General mail settings include ample, Inbox, Sent, and Trash).
how many messages each Inbox
displays, how much of each mes- Browsing Your Inbox
sage you see before tapping on it, Every time you view your Inbox—
what size font is used, and more. either by tapping on it from the
You can use the Signature option Mailboxes screen or by return-
to change your e-mail signature ing to it from another part of the
from the stock “Sent from my iPhone—the iPhone will check that
iPhone” (or delete it to omit the account for new mail. In fact, if you
signature entirely). However, unlike have an account set to check for
many e-mail clients, Mail on the mail manually, as opposed to on a
iPhone offers only a single signa- schedule, this is one way to per-
ture, which it automatically ap- form a manual check; the other is
pends to every outgoing message. to tap on the circular-arrow icon at
the bottom of the Inbox screen (see
Working with “Inside the Inbox”). The Mail but-
ton on the iPhone’s Home screen
Messages displays the total number of unread
To access your e-mail, tap on the messages across all your Inboxes.
Mail button on the iPhone’s Home Once in an Inbox, you’ll see a

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

also set this from the Mail, Con-

tacts, Calendars screen in Settings.
If you have more than that number
of messages in an Inbox, scroll to
the bottom of the Inbox and tap on
the Load More Messages option.
(The total number of messages
on the server will appear below
this.) If you want to jump back to
the top of the mailbox, just tap the
iPhone’s status bar where the time
is displayed.
b As with most iPhone programs,
if you exit Mail and later go back to
it, you’ll be returned to the screen
you were last viewing. Tapping on
a the left-arrow button at the top of
the screen takes you up a level; re-
peatedly tapping on this button will
eventually return you to the main
Accounts screen.
Inside the Inbox  When perus- Unfortunately, if you’ve got
ing messages in your Inbox, you multiple e-mail accounts set up
can tap on the circular arrow a to on your iPhone, there’s no option
manually check for new mail. Slide for viewing all incoming e-mail in a
your finger across a message’s single Inbox. This means viewing
preview b to delete it. mail for multiple accounts is a tap-
happy process of delving into an
preview of each message, includ- account, then its Inbox, then back-
ing the sender, the time it was sent, ing all the way out to the Accounts
the subject line, and, if desired, a listing, then into an account, then
few lines of text (how many lines into its Inbox, and so on.
appear—none to five—depends on
your Mail settings). Unread mes- Navigating the Message
sages display a blue dot to the left. To view an e-mail message (and
Mail you’ve replied to or forwarded thus mark it as read), tap on its
will have small indicator arrows to title. E-mails appear very much as
the left. they do in a desktop e-mail pro-
Mail displays only a limited gram. However, to conserve screen
number of messages at once—you space, Mail limits the number of

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

headers that appear at the top of

your screen: by default, you’ll see
only the From field, subject, and
date and time information. To see
other header information, such as
To and Cc fields, tap on the Details
button. Tap on Hide to make this
information disappear again.
To keep gigantic files from
clogging up your Inbox, Mail limits
how much of an e-mail message
it downloads (Apple doesn’t say
just what that size limit is). If this
happens, you’ll see a button for
downloading the entire message.
You scroll through messages
just as you do content in any other
iPhone program—by flicking your
finger across the screen. You can
reverse-pinch to zoom in and
pinch to zoom out. As with most
programs on the iPhone, tapping Check It Out  You can load an
on a Web link in an e-mail mes- attached image, PDF, or Word
sage switches to Safari and opens document so it appears within the
that URL; tapping on an e-mail link e-mail message. Once an image has
opens a new blank e-mail mes- loaded, tap and hold on it to save it
sage with the To field filled out; to your Camera Roll or copy it.
tapping on a map link opens the
Maps program and navigates to If a message includes an image
that location. But before you start as an attachment, you can view it
tapping indiscriminately, try this right on the screen. To save an im-
little trick: when viewing an HTML age, tap and hold on it; a panel will
e-mail, tap and hold on a link. You’ll slide up with a Copy button and
get a list of options, including Open a Save Image button (see “Check
and Copy. The link’s full URL is It Out”). Tapping on Save Image
shown at the top of the sheet. This will save the image to your Cam-
is a great way to make sure that era Roll in the Photos application.
the “account update” e-mail you Copy will copy the image to your
received is really going to take you Clipboard. If the e-mail includes
to the site it claims it will. multiple images, there will be an

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

additional option to save all of the .txt, .xls, and .xlsx. You can pinch
images at once. If you don’t have a to zoom and pan around attach-
lot of time for downloading images, ments just like with images, as well
you have the option of disabling as view them in either portrait or
remote image loading. Go to Set- landscape orientation.
tings: Mail, Contacts, Calendar and While viewing a message, you
move the Load Remote Images can quickly go to the next or previ-
slider to Off. You can still load ous message in your Inbox by tap-
images manually from within a ping on the up and down arrows at
message. the top of the screen.
You can also view Word, Excel, Although it’s not obvious, you
PowerPoint, Pages, Numbers, can mark a previously read mes-
Keynote, and PDF attachments, sage as unread. While viewing
although you can’t edit them. Ac- the message, tap on Details. This
cording to Apple, Mail supports the reveals a Mark As Unread option;
following attachment file formats: tap on it, and the next time you
.c, .cpp, .diff, .doc, .docx, .h, .hpp, view your Inbox, the message will
.htm, .html, .m, .mm, .patch, .pdf, display the unread indicator.

Push Your Mail
You can choose the interval at
which Mail checks for new e-mail
messages by going to the Fetch
New Data section in Settings: Mail,
Contacts, Calendars. After you
flip the Push slider to On, e-mail
accounts that support it, such as
MobileMe and Exchange, will get
new e-mail as soon as it arrives. For
mail accounts that don’t have Push
support, you have your choice of
retrieving new mail every 15 min-
utes, every 30 minutes, every hour,
or manually.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

Deleting Messages
You can delete a message, which
moves it to the Trash folder, in one
of several ways. If you have the
e-mail open, simply tap on the
trash-can icon at the bottom of the
screen. The e-mail message will be
sucked into the Trash and the next
message will appear.
If you’re in the list view, on the
other hand, you have two options
for deleting messages without
opening them. The quickest way
is to simply swipe your fingertip
across the message—from left
to right or from right to left—and
then tap on the Delete button that
appears. The second way is to tap
on the Edit button at the top of
the screen, tap on the message,
and then tap on the Delete but-
ton. In this mode you can select Send a Letter  Tapping on the left
as many messages to delete as arrow gives you options to forward a
you like; Mail will mark them with message or reply to the sender.
a red check mark and they’ll all be
removed when you tap the Delete
button at the bottom, which keeps the Mail, Contacts, Calendars set-
a running total of how many mes- tings, tap on the account’s name,
sages you’ve selected. You can and tap on Advanced at the bottom
always tap the Cancel button if you of the screen. From the Advanced
think better of it. screen, tap on Remove and specify
Unfortunately, there’s no way whether to erase deleted messages
to mark all or multiple messages after a day, week, or month.
as read. You also can’t manually
empty the Trash folder for an ac- Sending E-mail
count. Instead, you’ll have to either You can send an e-mail message in
redelete messages inside the Trash one of several ways. The easiest is
folder, or wait for Mail’s autodelete to reply to an existing message by
feature to delete them. To set how tapping on the left-arrow icon at the
often Mail empties the Trash, open bottom of the viewing screen (see

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

“Send a Letter”). This brings up a icon (it looks like a box with a pencil)
dialog giving you three options: Re- from either the message-viewing or
ply, Reply All (if there was more than the message-list screen.
one recipient), or Forward. If you Whichever process you use,
forward a message that includes you can manually enter recipient
attachments, you’ll have the option addresses (tap on the return key
of including the attachments or just between each address you want to
forwarding the body of the message. enter), or tap on the plus sign to add
If you want to send a new mes- a recipient from your contacts list;
sage to the sender of an existing if a contact has multiple e-mail ad-
message, tap on the person’s name dresses, you’ll be asked to choose
in the From field and then tap on one. You can also Cc recipients or
Email in the resulting screen (if the Bcc additional addresses, which
person isn’t in your contacts, in will hide the recipients’ addresses
which case you’ll also have the op- from other addressees. If you want
tion of adding him or her) or on the to Bcc yourself on every email that
person’s e-mail address (if he or she you send, so you can be sure it goes
is already in your contacts). through, you’ll find a slider for that
Finally, to start a completely fresh setting under the Mail, Contacts,
e-mail, tap on the new-message Calendars settings.

Stay Organized
You can’t create e-mail folders on the iPhone. However, if you have an
IMAP e-mail account, you can create folders on the IMAP server—for
example, by using the MobileMe Web Mail interface for MobileMe ac-
counts. These folders will appear on the iPhone after the next e-mail
check, and their contents will be synced between the iPhone and the
server. To move an open message into a folder, tap on the folder icon
at the bottom of the screen while viewing the message. Then select a
folder from the resulting list. You can also move multiple messages from
the mailbox view by tapping the Edit button and then selecting several
messages as though you were going to delete them. Instead of tapping
the Delete button at the end, though, tap the Move button (which keeps
a running tally of how many messages you have selected) and you’ll
be prompted for which mailbox to move them to. You can always tap
Cancel if you decide not to move things.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

If you want to remove a recipi-

ent before sending a message, just TIP
tap on the To or Cc field, tap on the Save for Later
recipient address to select it, and
If you want to save a message
then tap on the Delete button on the
you’re working on so you can
on-screen keyboard.
come back to it later, tap on
Once you’ve entered your subject
Cancel. Instead of deleting the
and message, tap on Send. If you
message immediately, Mail
have multiple accounts, your mes-
pops up a dialog offering you
sage will by default be sent from
three options: Save, Don’t
the account in which you created
Save, or Cancel. Tap on Save
it—you can change that by tapping
to place the message in your
once on the Cc/Bcc, From field,
Drafts folder. If your account
which will then expand into three
doesn’t currently have a Drafts
separate fields, and then again on
folder, Mail will create one.
the From field. That will bring up a
However, don’t be alarmed if
selector that allows you to pick any
the message doesn’t appear
of your addresses.
in Drafts immediately—it may
take a while to show up.
Just Add Pictures
There are multiple ways to add im-
ages to your e-mails. To send pho-
tos you have on your iPhone, go to
the Photos application. In thumbnail Typing Tips
view, tap on the arrow icon in the For many, the biggest challenge
bottom left corner. Select the photos of the iPhone (aside from resisting
you’d like to send (up to five), tap on buying one) is getting accustomed
Share, and then tap on Email. Fill in to the virtual keyboard. Here are
the To and Subject fields and add a some ways to tap into the iPhone’s
message, if desired. While sharing typing features.
limits you to five photos, you can
copy as many as you like and paste Go Wide
them into an e-mail. If you need more room to maneuver
You can also copy and paste im- the iPhone keyboard, rotate your
ages from other e-mails or applica- phone horizontally. This will switch
tions. Tap and hold on an image until your keyboard to landscape mode.
the Copy command appears. Tap on
it and return to your e-mail. Tap and Catch and Release 
hold on the body of your e-mail, and The iPhone differs from most other
then tap on the Paste button. keyboards in that it registers the

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

key you’ve pressed when you take

your finger off the key instead of
when you tap on it. It takes a little
getting used to, but the added
benefit is that if you press a key
and see that it’s the wrong one,
you can easily slide your finger to
the correct key. In fact, here’s a real
time-saver: the next time you need
to add a punctuation mark, press
and hold the .?123 button until the
numeric and punctuation keyboard
appears, slide your finger to the
key you want, and release it. Not
only will you type the punctuation
mark, but you’ll find yourself back
in alphabet mode without having to
press the ABC key.

Department of Corrections
No matter how good a typist you
are, mistakes happen. Fortunately, Helpful Suggestions  The iPhone
the iPhone’s pretty darn smart. tries to guess what word you’re typ-
By looking at the letters near the ing. If it’s right, tap on the spacebar.
ones you typed, it can deduce with
surprising accuracy what you meant the same word twice, and it’ll add
to type. This means you’ll often get the word you a ­ ctually type to the
better results by powering through a internal dictionary.
word even if you notice you pressed
a wrong key, rather than constantly Unlock Caps Lock 
pressing backspace to delete your Typing in all caps may be considered
mistakes. Once you’ve typed a few impolite, but sometimes it’s neces-
more letters, the iPhone will offer sary. The caps lock functionality isn’t
a suggestion in a text bubble (see enabled by default; to turn it on, go to
“Helpful Suggestions”). To accept Settings: General: Keyboard and tap
the iPhone’s suggestion, just press on Enable Caps Lock. Then, when
the spacebar or a punctuation you’re typing, quickly double-tap on
mark. If the iPhone is wrong, tap the shift key; it’ll turn blue to tell you
on the suggestion and it’ll go away. caps lock is on. Tap on it once more
Dismiss the iPhone’s suggestion for to disable caps lock.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

Back It
Up  Tap and
hold to bring
up the magni-
fying loupe.

Bang On  exactly where you want.

There’s a tendency to try to avoid When you release, the curser
accidentally pressing multiple keys. will be in the correct spot and
This habit can lead to trying to the Select, Select All, and Copy
press only the desired key—which Or Paste options will appear. For
on the iPhone means that more more on using the cut, copy, and
often than not you end up pressing paste features, see the “Naviga-
the wrong key anyway. Don’t worry tion Basics” section in the Getting
about pressing too many keys; the Started chapter).
iPhone only registers one key at a
time. Just press the key you want First Period
as ­squarely as possible and let the Everybody appreciates gram-
iPhone’s corrective measures go to matical correctness, including the
work for you. proper use of punctuation marks,
but the iPhone’s keyboard often
Zoom and Edit makes it a pain to switch to punc-
If you discover a typo, it’s easy tuation mode and then back to
enough to fix. Simply tap on the letters. When you reach the end of
spot where you want the cursor to a sentence, just hit the spacebar
appear, and then tap on backspace twice and the iPhone will automati-
to clear your mistake. However, cally insert a period for you. (You
controlling the cursor this way can can change this behavior by visiting
be challenging. For more-precise the Settings: General: Keyboard
results, tap and hold on the text to screen and enable the “.” Shortcut
make a magnifying loupe appear. option). With the Auto-Capitalization
As you drag the loupe around, the option enabled, it will also automati-
text insertion point will follow it so cally trigger the shift key for the first
you can easily position the cursor letter you type after a period.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

Sending Messages
ike most phones these days,
the iPhone includes an appli-
cation that lets you exchange
SMS (Short Message Service) text
messages and MMS (Multimedia
Message Service) photos and vid-
eos with other mobile devices.

Starting a Conversation
To start a message, tap on the Mes-
sages app on the Home screen, and
then tap on the new-message icon.
You can enter a recipient’s mobile
number, type a contact’s name
(which, as with Mail, brings up a list
of contacts that match; choose one
by tapping on it), or tap on the plus
sign to choose an existing contact
from your Contacts list. Make sure
you choose the contact’s mobile
number, or your message won’t go
anywhere. You can send messages Long-Distance Chats  SMS con-
to multiple contacts, but they count versations on the iPhone resemble
as multiple messages, so if you’re an iChat window.
paying per text message, keep that
in mind. Use the on-screen key- Take Photo And Video on a 3GS) to
board to type a text message and take a new photo or video for your
then tap on Send. conversation. Tap on Choose Exist-
iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS ing to pick an item already in your
users aren’t limited to text mes- album. Tap on an incoming MMS
sages—you can also send MMS message to view it full screen.
message if your carrier allows it. To You can also send contact
send a video (3GS only) or photo information (vCards) and voice
message (3G and 3GS), tap on the memos via MMS from within their
small camera icon to the left of the respective applications. In the
text field. Tap on Take Photo (or Contacts app, tap on the contact

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

Instant Messaging on Your iPhone

Want to get true instant messaging on your iPhone while you’re away
from your computer? Try a third-party instant messaging client.
AIM AOL’s iPhone app remains one of the best IM clients on the iP-
hone. Though it’s limited to the AIM network, it displays your entire buddy
list, lets you carry on multiple conversations, and lets you change your
online status. Although apps can’t run in the background, you can set
AIM to keep you online when you quit the application. If you have Push
Notification turned on, AIM will alert you to any new messages you re-
ceive, even though the program is off.
Next time you open the app, it will
display the messages you received.
BeejiveIM This iPhone chat app
offers a lot to justify its $10 price tag.
It supports multiple services, includ-
ing Google Talk, Jabber, ICQ, MSN,
and Yahoo, and you can even log
on to multiple accounts at one time
and see all of your buddies in one
list. Beejive lets you send and receive
pictures and other files, and chatting
has support for both portrait and
landscape orientations. Like AIM,
Beejive supports push notification.
  Mobile AIM Another alternative
is AOL’s Mobile AIM Service (mobile, which can automatically BeejiveIM
forward standard iChat and AIM mes-
sages to your iPhone as SMS messages. This arrangement works rea-
sonably well, but has some significant drawbacks. First, it takes longer
to send and receive SMS messages, and your messages count against
your monthly SMS quota. Second, you can’t use the service to initiate
chat on your iPhone—you can only respond to chats that others initiate.
Finally, messages you receive via Mobile AIM won’t come directly from
your buddies; rather, they’ll appear to come from various gateway num-
bers. This means that in the iPhone’s Text program, each Mobile AIM
chat will appear in a different conversation entry.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

you want to share and then tap on

MMS. To send a voice memo, open TIP
the Voice Memos app, tap on the The Quick
memo you want to send, tap on
Share, then tap on MMS.
Finally, 3G and 3GS users can If you’re in phone mode and
also share Google Map locations decide you’d prefer to just
via MMS. This information appears send a text message instead,
as a Contact, in the same way that there’s no need to return to
it does when you share a person the Home screen. Simply tap
from your address book. Clicking on the blue arrow next to the
on it brings up the address and a contact’s name or number,
map link, and clicking on the link and then tap on the Text Mes-
opens Maps and takes you to the sage button at the bottom of
location. the contact entry.
After the initial message, con-
versations take place in a screen
that looks nearly identical to an This window holds multiple con-
iChat window on a Mac. Your versations, so you can see any
message to the recipient, and any messages to and from a single
subsequent messages you send to recipient, even if they’re days,
him or her, appear in colored bal- weeks, or months apart.
loons on the right side; any replies If you decide at any point during
from that person appear on the a message conversation that you’d
left side in balloons of a different rather have a live chat, simply tap
color (see “Long-Distance Chats”). on the Call button at the top of
Messages that appear within a the conversation screen to call the
short interval are grouped together other person at the number used
under a single time stamp showing for messaging. To call a differ-
when the back-and-forth started. ent number or to send an e-mail,
If significant time has passed since tap on the Contact Info button to
the last message in the conversa- access his or her contact informa-
tion, the next message will receive tion. To quickly jump back to the
a new time stamp. top of the screen, just tap on the
To send another message to phone’s status bar where the time
the same person, tap inside the is displayed.
text field at the bottom of the win-
dow. The Messages app preserves Managing Conversations
your entire conversation with the The Clear button deletes the con-
other person in a single screen. tents of the conversation window

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition

Staying in Touch

but preserves the conversation it-

self in the Text Messages screen—
making it easy to start a fresh
conversation. To send a text mes-
sage to someone new, or to access
another conversation, tap on the
Messages button at the top of the
screen. This exits the conversa-
tion and takes you to the main Text
Messages screen, which lists all
your current and saved conversa-
tions. You can delete any conver-
sation completely by swiping your
finger across the contact name and
number and then tapping on the
Delete button that appears.
If you’re in one conversation and
messages arrive in different ones,
the Messages button at the top of
the conversation screen will display
the number of unread messages
in other chats. (The Messages app Pick and Choose  Tap on Edit to
icon on the Home screen displays select messages within a conver-
this information as well.) If you’re sation that you’d like to delete or
doing something else entirely—for forward.
example, surfing the Web—a dialog
pops up displaying the sender’s many messages as you want—
name (or phone number, if the check marks will appear next to
sender isn’t in your contacts), a their names and the background
preview of the message, and op- will be highlighted. At the bottom
tions to ignore or view the mes- of the screen are buttons for Delete
sage. You can enable a sound alert and Forward, each with a running
for new text messages from the tally of how many messages you’ve
Sounds screen in Settings. selected. Tap on Delete to remove
As of iPhone 3.0, you can also just those messages. Tap on For-
delete and forward individual mes- ward to bring up a new message
sages. To do so, tap on the Edit screen with the content of those
key while in a conversation. As in messages automatically filled in the
Mail, little circles appear next to message field (multiple messages
each of the bubbles. Tap on as will be grouped as one message).

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, Third Edition


Multimedia on
the iPhone
Explore the iPod Hiding Inside Your iPhone

ou can play music, audiobooks,
and podcasts and view TV
shows, music videos,
and full-length movies on your
iPhone or iPod touch. Store
your favorite photos on it,
and it acts as a personal
slide-show player. But the
iPhone and iPod touch
are markedly different from
previous iPod models—they
not only add slick eye candy
and a larger display, but can
also stream video and audio from
the Internet.
iPhone Photographs courtesy of apple

Unfortunately, they also lacks some Table of contents

favorite features found on previous iPod
models—the ability to copy media from 66 Navigating Music
and Videos
more than one computer to the device, for
77 Using YouTube
example—and, depending on the size of your
80 Smart Syncing
medial library and app collection, there are
some limitations on how much media you can
91 Converting Video-
carry with you. for the iPhone
In this chapter we’ll offer hints for working 93 Working with
around some of your device’s limitations. Photos and Videos

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Navigating Music
and Videos
f you’ve owned a display-bear-
ing iPod for more than a month,
your thumb will want to spring
into its normal twirl-and-click posi-
tion when you first unpack your
iPhone or iPod touch. But when
it comes to navigating the touch
screens on your new device, you’ll
find that your index finger gets the
heaviest workout.

Finding Your Tunes

When you tap on the iPod but-
ton on the device’s Home screen,
you’re taken to the last iPod screen
you accessed—the Now Playing
or Playlists screen, for example.
Arrayed along the bottom of the
iPhone are buttons that let you
quickly search different types of
media. These include Playlists, Art-
ists, Songs, Videos, and More (see
“iPod Basics”). iPod Basics  To bring up the main
The first four buttons are self- media screen, tap on the iPod button.
explanatory. Tap on each to view
a list of available playlists, artists, Once you’ve tapped on a but-
songs, and videos. Tap on the ton—Songs, for example—you’ll
More button to access additional get an alphabetical list of every en-
options, including Albums, Audio- try within that category (in the case
books, Compilations, Composers, of Songs, a list of every song on
Genres, and Podcasts. To walk your iPhone). Flick your finger up
back through the screen hierarchy, or down to scroll through the list. If
tap on the left-arrow button at the the list contains a lot of entries, you
upper left of the screen. can use the letters running down

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Go with the
Flow  Turning
your iPhone
on its side
turns on the
Cover Flow
view. Tap on
an album to
select a spe-
cific track.

the right side of the screen to jump your finger to the right or left to
quickly through the alphabet. The move from cover to cover. Tap on
letters are on the small side, so you a cover that’s visible on either side
might not press the exact letter of the frontmost cover, and that
you’re looking for, but it’ll get you cover will flow to the front. iTunes
closer to your desired destination. automatically downloads artwork
For more-precise control, run your for songs and podcasts purchased
finger up and down the alphabet from the iTunes Store. For music
column to select a specific letter. you’ve ripped yourself, you can ask
To search all of your library using iTunes to try to locate the appropri-
Spotlight from any of these screens, ate album cover; in iTunes, select
just scroll up—meaning swipe your Advanced: Get Album Artwork.
finger down the screen. This reveals To flip an album cover over
a hidden search field at the top of and see its contents (or as much
the screen. Type in part or all of an of them as your device holds) in
artist, album, song, playlist, or pod- Cover Flow, you can tap on the
cast name, and tap on Search. It cover once or tap on the Info icon,
searches all types of media, regard- indicated with a small i, at the
less of which screen you’re on. screen’s bottom right (see “Go
If you prefer to navigate your with the Flow”). Tap once on a
audio library as though you were podcast’s artwork, and it too flips
flipping through album covers, and displays a list of episodes for
simply turn your iPhone on its side that podcast. You can flip back to
(landscape mode). This activates the front cover by tapping on the
Cover Flow mode, which dis- Info icon again, or by tapping on
plays a cover for every album and the item’s title bar. Whether you’re
podcast in your library—a feature searching through a list or Cover
borrowed from iTunes. Swoop Flow, just tap on a song to play it.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Playing Music
The Now Playing screen is where
you control the iPhone’s music
playback. (You must hold your
iPhone in portrait mode to access
these controls.) This screen offers
three views, each of which has dif-
ferent controls.
Basic Playback  In the main
Now Playing screen, you’ll see
the album cover, playback con-
trols (Previous, Play/Pause, and
Forward), and a Volume slider. To
toggle between Play and Pause,
tap on the Play/Pause icon. To
advance to the next track, tap once
on the Forward icon. To move to
the beginning of the currently play-
ing track, tap on the Previous icon.
To travel to the previous track, tap
twice on Previous. Holding your
finger on the Forward or Previous
icon will let you fast-forward or Tune Controls  Skip through tracks
rewind through the current track. or create a Genius playlist with the
Tap on the silver ball in the Volume advanced playback controls.

Customize Your Menu
You can change which commands appear at the bottom of the iPod
area—for example, to get quicker access to your podcasts. Simply tap
on the More button and, in the More screen, tap on the Edit button at
the upper left of the screen. A Configure screen will appear and display
buttons for Albums, Podcasts, Audiobooks, Genres, Composers,
Compilations, Playlists, Artists, Songs, and Videos. To substitute one of
these buttons for one that appears at the bottom of the screen, just tap
and hold on a button and drag it over the one you want to replace. Tap
on Done when you’re finished.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Smarter Scrubbing
It’s easy to get more control over your timeline. Now there’s a handy
variable-precision scrubbing feature to help you find exactly what
spot you’re looking for. Just tap on and hold the scrub bar (it will glow
slightly to indicate you’re in scrubbing mode). Now drag your finger up
or down the screen to adjust the precision. The farther down you drag
your finger, the more precise the scrubbing gets, starting at Hi-Speed,
followed by Half Speed, Quarter Speed, and Fine. The more precise the
scrubbing gets, the slower you move through the track, making it easier
to jump back a second or two if you missed what was said. This feature
works for pretty much any type of media in the iPod library.

slider and drag your finger to the Directly under the timeline is the
left or right to decrease or increase Genius icon. Tapping on that icon
volume, respectively. launches the Genius feature (bor-
Advanced Playback  Tap rowed from iTunes 8), which creates
once on the Now Playing screen a playlist based on similarities to the
and you gain additional controls, currently playing track. If you don’t
including a playhead and a time- like the songs picked, you can tap
line that shows the length of the on the Refresh button to pick new
playing track and where you are in songs. If you do like them, tap on
the track (see “Tune Controls”). You Save to save the playlist. From the
can drag the playhead to the right Genius menu, you can also tap on
or left to move forward or back in New, which lets you pick another
the track. song on which to base a playlist.
To either side of the timeline, Album View  Finally, if you
you’ll see controls for toggling double-tap on the Now Playing
through Repeat (the circular screen or tap on the Playlist icon
arrows to the left) and Shuffle in the upper right corner, the cover
(the crossed arrows to the right) flips to reveal the album’s tracks.
modes. Tapping on the Repeat In this screen you can not only
icon once makes the entire album choose tracks by tapping on them,
replay once you’ve reached the but also rate the currently selected
last song. Tapping on it a second track. To assign a four-star rating,
time repeats the current song. A for example, just tap on the fourth
third tap turns off Repeat. dot. You can also wipe your finger

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

on the iPhone, tap on the Playlists

button at the bottom of the iPod
screen, and then tap on the On-
The-Go entry that appears at the
top of the Playlists screen. Select
Playlists, Artists, or Songs from the
bottom of the screen to choose
how you want to locate songs (see
“Options On-The-Go”). If you tap
on Playlists, you’ll be presented
with a list of all the playlists on your
iPhone. If you select a playlist, you
have the option of adding all the
playlist’s songs or selecting indi-

Remote Control
You can mimic most of the
playback controls using the
headphones that come with the
Options On-The-Go  Make a iPhone. Squeeze the headset’s
custom playlist without syncing by clicker once to pause playback.
using On-The-Go playlists. To restart playback, press
again. Double-click quickly to
from side to side to add or remove move to the next song in the
stars. When you next sync your playlist. Or triple-click quickly
iPhone, these ratings will transfer to move to the previous song
to your music library. in the playlist. When control-
ling music playback from the
Create On-The-Go Playlists iPhone’s display rather than the
Much like the iPod, the iPhone headset, you must move to the
provides a limited way to create Now Playing screen to pause
playlists directly on the device. This playback, or turn the iPhone
is called an On-The-Go playlist. if so it shifts to Cover Flow view
you’re used to creating such play- and then tap on the Play/Pause
lists on your iPod, you’ll find the icon that appears in the lower
iPhone process familiar. left corner of the screen.
To create an On-The-Go playlist

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Change Your Music Playback Settings

The iPhone and iPod touch provide a few global settings for audio
playback—from playing all tracks at a consistent volume to a setting
that helps you keep the lid on volume so your kids don’t blow their ears
out before they reach voting age. To view these settings, tap on the
Settings button on the iPhone’s Home screen and then select iPod.
Shake To Shuffle When you turn Shuffle mode on, you can jump
to a new song with a flick of your wrist. When your music is playing,
shake the phone and your song switches.
Sound Check Like an iPod, the iPhone comes with Sound
Check—a feature that makes volume more consistent from one track
to another. Note that just as with an iPod, Sound Check will work only
if you’ve first turned it on in iTunes. You do this in the Playback tab of
iTunes’ preferences.
EQ  To change the timbre of the music—make it brighter, bassier,
or punchier, for example—tap on EQ, and then choose one of the 22
included equalization presets.
Volume Limit The iPhone’s documentation warns about the
dangers of blasting high-volume music directly into your eardrums. If
you’re planning to lay an iPhone
on your nearest and dearest and
you know that person likes his or
her music loud, consider setting a
volume limit.
Tap on Volume Limit, slide your
finger across the Volume slider
to set a desirable volume, and
then tap on Lock Volume Limit.
A keypad will appear, asking you
to enter and confirm a four-digit
code. This locks the iPhone at this
To change the volume
limit later, press Unlock Volume
Limit, which now appears on this
screen, and enter your four-digit
code when prompted.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

If you tap on Songs, you can

choose to add all songs or add
individual songs (though if you
have a particularly large music
library, the Add All Songs option
may not work). Similarly, if you tap
on the More button, you can select
tracks by Albums, Audiobooks,
Compilations, Composers, Genres,
Podcasts, or Videos. Just as with
the Playlists, Artists, and Songs
screens, you can choose everything
in the list or individual tracks. When
you’ve configured the On-The-Go
playlist to your liking, tap on the
Done button in the upper right cor-
ner of the On-The-Go screen.
Later, if you decide to edit this
playlist, tap on the On-The-Go
playlist in the Playlists screen, and
then tap on Edit. To remove indi-
vidual tracks, tap on the minus sign
Musical Chairs  Arrange the songs (–) to the left of the track you want
in your On-The-Go playlist by tap- to delete and then tap on the Delete
ping on Edit and then dragging the button that appears. To reorder the
List icon next to each song. playlist, simply tap and hold on the
List icon (three stacked lines) to the
vidual songs by tapping on the plus right of an entry, and then drag it up
sign (+) next to each song’s name. or down the playlist (see “Musical
If you tap on Artists, you’ll see a Chairs”). To add tracks, tap on the
list of all the artists on your iPhone. plus sign in the upper left corner
Tap on an artist’s name and you’ll of the window and proceed as
see a list of all that artist’s albums you did when creating the original
on your iPhone. Tap on an album list—choosing categories from the
title and, again, you’re offered the bottom of the window and adding
option to add all songs or choose playlists, artists, songs, or cat-
individual songs to add. (If you have egories of content from the More
just a single album by that artist, no screen. To clear the playlist of its
album entry will appear—only the contents, go the main On-The-Go
songs on the album are listed.) playlist screen, tap on Clear, then

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Video in Your
a Pocket  Skip-
ping to your
favorite part of
a video is as
easy as drag-
ging the silver
ball on the
timeline A.

tap on the red Clear Playlist button. in the iPod settings. Then when
When you next sync your you give your iPhone or iPod touch
iPhone, iTunes will turn your new a shake, it jumps to a random new
On-The-Go Playlist into a regular song no matter what its current
playlist (labeled On-The-Go fol- play mode is.
lowed by a number) and clear the
decks for your next outing. Playing Podcasts
Podcast fans get special features in
Shuffling Songs the iPod application. The podcast
Unlike the iPod, the iPhone inte- player features three unique buttons.
grates its Shuffle command into On the left side under the timeline
lists rather than putting it in the is an envelope icon. If you want to
main menu. Whenever you access share with a friend, tapping on this
a list of tracks—in an artist’s or a button composes an e-mail with an
playlist’s screen, for example— iTunes link to the podcast you’re
you’ll see a Shuffle entry at the top. listening to. In the middle is a cir-
Tap on it to shuffle the contents of cular arrow that lets you jump back
that list. To shuffle all the tracks on exactly 30 seconds. On the right is a
your iPhone, tap on the Songs but- button to adjust the playback speed.
ton at the bottom of the screen in Tap once for double speed, again for
the iPhone’s iPod area, and tap on half speed, and once more to return
Shuffle. To turn the Shuffle feature to regular speed.
on or off, tap on the Now Playing
screen and then tap on the Shuffle Watching Videos
icon on the right side. It would be a shame to let that
If you’d like to add a little wide-screen display go to waste.
randomness on the spur of the Put it to good use by viewing
moment, turn on Shake To Shuffle videos on it. The iPhone and iPod

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

touch support the same two video

formats as the regular iPod— TIP
H.264, the format used by the See What’s
iTunes Store, and MPEG-4. (For in-
structions on converting video files
into these formats, see “Converting To quickly return to your song
Video for the iPhone” later in this controls from almost any
chapter.) other part of the iPod menu
To view videos on your iPhone, system, simply tap on the
tap on the Videos button at the Now Playing button in the up-
bottom of the iPod screen. Video per right corner of the screen.
content is organized by Movies, TV The Now Playing screen will
Shows, Music Videos, and Pod- immediately appear. Tap on
casts. Tap on a title under those the back arrow to return to
categories and the video will begin where you were. This doesn’t
to play, just as with a song. work in the Configure screen
However, the playback con- within the More screen.
trols—which you access by tapping
once on the screen—are slightly
different for video (see “Video in
Your Pocket”). You still get the
Previous, Play/Pause, and Forward
icons and a Volume slider that ap-
pears below. But above you’ll see
a timeline with a silver ball showing
where you are in the video. You
can drag this ball to the left or right video will fast-forward or rewind,
to move to a different part of the respectively. The longer you hold,
video. Time indicators to the left the faster the video skips ahead or
and right of the timeline show the back. A quick tap on the Forward
video’s current playback position icon lets you move to the video’s
and remaining time, respectively. next chapter (if it doesn’t have
Tapping on the double-arrow chapters, nothing happens). Simi-
icon to the right of the timeline lets larly, tap on and release the Previ-
you toggle between full- and wide- ous icon to move back a chapter
screen video views. (You can also (or jump back to the beginning of
toggle between these two views by the video, if there are no chapters).
double-tapping on the screen.) To return to the video screen, tap
When you tap and hold on the on the Done button in the upper
Forward or Previous icons, the left corner.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Keep in mind, though, that a

full-length motion picture takes up
around 1GB of storage; even on
the 16GB model, that’s a significant
chunk for just one piece of media.
To help ease the storage crunch,
the iPhone offers to delete videos
after you’ve finished watching
them; just tap on the Delete button
and Pirates of the Caribbean will
disappear from your iPhone, free-
ing up space.
You can also delete a movie
before you’ve finished viewing it.
From the main video screen, simply
drag your finger backward over the
video’s title from right to left. A De-
lete button will appear next to the
movie’s name. (If you’ve configured
iTunes to sync every video in a
particular playlist automatically with
your iPhone, though, your deletion
will be fruitless: the deleted file What’s In Store  Download
will resync when you connect your music and movies directly from
iPhone, unless you’ve removed your iPhone in the iTunes Store
that video from the playlist in the application.
To purchase content, you need
Buy Content On-The-Go to be logged into an iTunes ac-
In the iTunes store application, you count. By default, your phone is
can load up on new paid or free logged into the account of the last
content from within your iPhone or computer you synced with. Go
iPod touch. to Settings: Store to sign in, sign
On the bottom of the iTunes out, and view account details for
screen are buttons for Music, Vid- additional accounts. You can also
eos, Podcasts, and Search. There’s create a new iTunes account from
also a More button which brings up your iPhone or iPod touch.
Audiobooks, iTunes U, Downloads, You can download videos, both
and Redeem (for gift cards or other for purchase and for rental, over
iTunes codes). the network. But since iTunes video

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

downloads are subject to the same explicit material. Users can choose
10MB limit on the cell network that a rating system from one of nine dif-
music and podcasts are, you’ll ferent countries, including the United
pretty much always be restricted to States, United Kingdom, and Japan.
using the Wi-Fi network. Down-
loading isn’t especially speedy Voice Control
over Wi-Fi, but it’s a good option On the iPhone 3GS, you can also
to have. control iPod functions via Voice
If you purchase an HD movie, Control. To initiate Voice Control,
the iPhone will start downloading hold down the Home button, or the
the standard definition file, and the center button on the iPod touch’s
HD version will start downloading or iPhone’s headphones, for about
to your computer the next time you two seconds, until you hear a
sync your iPhone. double chime.
You can choose from a small
Turn On Parental Controls palette of spoken commands. Say
Parental restrictions allow control “play artist Peter Gabriel” and your
over different types of content Apple device will automatically play all
has integrated fine-grained parental songs by Peter Gabriel. If you say
restrictions in the iPhone and iPod “shuffle,” it’ll shuffle whatever you’re
touch software, which are accessible currently playing. You can also tell
at Settings: General: Restrictions. In Voice Control to play a particu-
addition to restrictions that disable lar playlist (“play playlist ‘Best of
several of the iPhone’s features, 2009’”) or album (“play album ‘Life
there’s a section that provides the and Times’”), trigger a Genius play-
ability to independently filter differ- list based on the current song (“Play
ent kinds of content, such as music more songs like this” or the less
and podcasts, TV shows, videos, verbose “Genius!”), and find out the
and iPhone apps. You can prevent name of the song (“What song is
children from downloading content this?”). However, you can’t choose
at or above certain rating levels to play a particular song, nor does
(such as movies rated for PG-13 or Voice Control appear to have any
older audiences) or, in the case of access to audiobooks or podcasts
music and podcasts, you can ban unless they’re in a playlist.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Using YouTube
hen it comes to watching
videos, you’re not limited
to the movies and TV
shows synced from iTunes. There’s
a whole world of clips, home mov-
ies, and other homegrown video
surprises—ranging in quality from
stupid to sublime—waiting on
YouTube. And it just so happens
that the iPhone can stream the
H.264-encoded versions of these
videos right from the Internet. You
can even log into your YouTube
account from your iPhone or iPod
touch to access more features,
including your saved playlists.
When you click on the YouTube
button on the iPhone’s Home
screen, you’ll see a list of options
for finding videos on YouTube.
These are Featured, Most Viewed,
Search, Favorites, and More. They
shake out this way. All about the Videos  To view addi-
tional information about a video, tap
Featured on the blue arrow twice and you’ll
This screen includes a list of 25 be taken to this Info screen.
YouTube videos featured by the
service. At the bottom of the list Playlist, and Share Video. Tap on
you’ll see a Load 25 More entry Add To Favorites to add the video
(the number you see may be differ- to your list of YouTube favorites.
ent). Tap on this to view additional Tap on Share, and a new e-mail
featured YouTube videos. message opens that includes the
Tapping on the blue arrow to title of the video in the subject line
the right of the video will bring up and, in the message body, the
related content and give you three words “Check out this video on
options: Add To Favorites, Add To YouTube,” followed by the video’s

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

URL. Fill in the message’s To field,

tap on Send, and the message is
on its way.
To see a longer description of the
video, tap again on the blue button
to the right of the description (see
“All about the Videos”). Here you
can view such information as the
date when the video was added,
its category (music or comedy, for
example), and its tags. This screen
also features YouTube comments
and a Rate, Comment, or Flag but-
ton. You don’t need to be logged
into your account for any of these
options. At the top of the screen
there is a button that says More
Videos. Tap on this to see videos
related to the one you’ve chosen.

Most Viewed
Tap on the Most Viewed button, Instant Kitty  Find the videos you
and you’ll see a list of the 25 most want to watch immediately by using
viewed YouTube videos. At the bot- the YouTube search option on your
tom of the list is a Load 25 More iPhone.
entry. At the top of the screen are
Today, This Week, and All but- on the Edit button in the upper right
tons. Tap on them for a list of the corner of the screen, tap on the red
YouTube videos most viewed within minus sign (–) to the left of an entry,
that time period. and tap on Delete. Tap on Done to
return to the Favorites screen.
When you tap on the Favorites Search
button, you’ll see a list of all the Tap on the Search button to pro-
YouTube videos you’ve chosen as duce a Search field. Tap within this
favorites. If you’re logged into your field and the iPhone’s keyboard
YouTube account, this will include appears. Enter a search term and
videos saved from your computer’s tap on Search (see “Instant Kitty”).
browser, not just from the iPhone. Up to 25 videos will appear in the
To remove entries from this list, tap screen below. If more than 25 vid-

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Into the
playback is
similar to
video play-
back on
your iPod

eos match your search, a Load 25 lists all show information from your
More entry appears at the bottom YouTube account. You must be
of the list. logged in to use them. Like You-
In the past, YouTube encoded its Tube favorite videos, these videos
videos with Flash, which the iPhone aren’t stored on your iPhone. If you
doesn’t support. YouTube has now choose one, it will have to stream
converted most of its content to once again to your iPhone to play.
the H.264 format. However, if you
upload a new video, it can take Playback
some time before it’s converted to Tap on the picture of the video, its
the H.264 format. description, or its entry in the main
list, and the YouTube playback
More screen will appear in landscape
The More button offers six addition- mode. The streaming video will play
al choices. Most Recent displays when the iPhone believes it has
a list of the 25 most recent videos enough data to play it without inter-
that YouTube has added to its ruption (see “Into the Stream”).
iPhone-compatible catalog, while Tap on the Favorites icon to the
Top Rated lists 25 top-rated videos. left to add the currently playing
History lists all the videos you’ve video to your YouTube favorites. Tap
accessed, regardless of whether on the Share icon to the right of the
you’ve actually watched them—all playback controls, and the iPhone
you need to do is attempt to stream will open an e-mail message that in-
them. To clear this list, tap on the cludes a link to the video. Once you
Clear button at the upper right of send or cancel the message, you’ll
the screen, then on the red Clear return to the video. When the video
History button that appears. My finishes playing, you’re taken to the
Videos, Subscriptions, and Play- description screen for that video.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Smart Syncing
ven with capacities of 8GB, Pick What to Sync
16GB, and 32GB, people When it comes to syncing, the
with large music and video iPhone works almost exactly like
libraries will find the iPhone’s stor- an iPod. First, launch iTunes. Now
age capacity limited, especially select the iPhone in iTunes’ Source
once you start loading up on third- list and configure the settings in the
party apps, TV shows, and movies. Music, Photos, Podcasts, Videos,
With that in mind, you’ll need to and Applications tabs to choose
devise strategies for what content the content to sync to your iPhone
will and won’t make its way to your (see “Plugged In”).
iPhone. In the Music tab, you can

Plugged In  When your iPhone is connected to iTunes, you can manually
control exactly what content to sync back in your iPod application.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Now Playing 
Since they can
hog space, it’s
a good idea to
choose how
many episodes
of a TV show or
podcast you want
to sync.

choose to sync all songs and play- of TV shows you want to catch up
lists in your iTunes library or just on during your bus commute.
selected playlists. Unless you have Click on the Sync pop-up menu
a relatively small music collection, and you’ll see that you can limit
syncing all your music probably the sync to a specific number of
isn’t an option—at least not if TV shows or podcasts. For ex-
you want to also have room for a ample, you can sync the 1, 3, 5, or
couple of TV shows and a movie. 10 most recent TV shows in your
So if you haven’t already done so, iTunes library, or the 1, 3, 5, or 10
you’ll find this a good time to start most recent unwatched episodes
creating playlists. of a particular TV show you’ve
In the Podcasts and Video tabs, selected from the list that appears
you can ask iTunes to sync all below (see “Now Playing”).
podcasts, movies, and TV shows In the case of movies, you can
or choose just a selection. Again, sync specific movies in the list that
video eats up a lot of storage appears in the window.
space—a single longish movie pur-
chased from the iTunes Store can
easily burn up close to a quarter
Slimming Down
of an 8GB iPhone’s storage. Given Your Files
the iPhone’s cramped storage Given the iPhone’s limited storage
quarters, carry just the video with space, you may want to slim down
you that you’re likely to need until those files you intend to put on it.
the next sync—a movie you want One way to do this is to convert
to watch on the plane or a couple the most obvious storage hogs to

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

a format that still sounds or looks Shrinking”). From the Import Using
good but consumes less space. pop-up menu, select AAC Encoder.
To produce 128-Kbps files, choose
Converting Audio High Quality (128 Kbps) from the
Many audiophiles, for example, Setting pop-up menu. To encode at
encode music in the Apple Loss- a different bit rate, choose Custom
less format when ripping them from the Setting pop-up menu,
from CDs. That’s because Apple select a bit rate from the Stereo Bit
Lossless doesn’t discard any audio Rate pop-up menu in the resulting
information during the encoding AAC Encoder window, and click
process. However, it also produces on OK.
relatively large files—an Apple When you’re done, exit iTunes’
Lossless file can be six or seven preferences. Next, choose Music
times larger than the same file from iTunes’ Source list, select
encoded as an AAC or MP3. the files you wish to reencode,
To fit as much music as possible and choose Advanced: Create
on your iPhone, consider creating AAC Version. iTunes will create
versions of your Lossless tracks in duplicates of the selected files
the AAC format, encoded at 128 with the settings you chose in the
or 160 Kbps. To do so, group the Advanced window. Next, create
songs you want to convert into a smart playlist that includes the
a playlist. (To quickly find these condition Kind Contains AAC, and
files, sort your iTunes library by sync this playlist to your iPod.
Kind.) Open iTunes’ preferences, Note that you can’t use this
select General, and click on the technique to reencode protected
Import Settings button (see “Song tracks you’ve purchased from the

Song Shrinking 
Make more
room for
videos, apps,
and albums on
your iPhone by
converting exist-
ing Lossless
files into AAC or
MP3 formats.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

help slim down these files as well.

TIP Select one from iTunes’ Movies
or TV Shows pane and choose
Finding the Files Advanced: Create iPod Or iPhone
You Love Version (see “iPhone- Friendly
Looking for a quick way to Files”). iTunes will create a video
apply ratings to your favor- file that’s compatible with the
ite songs and videos? Use iPhone. If you want more control
iTunes’ Play Count feature to over the conversion, you can use
gather the files you play over a third-party utility such as Hand-
and over again into a smart Brake (see “Converting Video for
playlist. Once you have them the iPhone” for more details).
in a smart playlist, choose Edit:
Select All to select everything
in the playlist, and then choose Creating Playlists
File: Get Info to bring up the The best way to organize your
Multiple Item Information iTunes library is with playlists. For
window. Then simply assign a example, you could create a playlist
star rating in the Rating field. of music that works well for you
You can also change the smart during a long commute or peps you
playlist to find the items you up during a workout (hey, why not
never spend time with and show that schmo on the treadmill
give them a lower rating. next to you that while he can outrun
you, you can out-bling him?).
iTunes actually offers two types
iTunes Store unless you burn them of playlists: standard playlists that
to CD and then rerip them (which
can result in reduced quality).
However, you can reencode the
DRM-free iTunes Plus tracks from
the iTunes Store.

Converting Video
Videos you purchase from the
iTunes Store are likewise pro-
tected and can’t be converted.
But if you’ve procured videos from
another source—you’ve ripped iPhone-Friendly Files  Use iTunes
them from DVDs you own, for to shrink large videos to smaller,
example—iTunes may be able to iPhone-friendly sizes.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Sample These Smart Playlists

Here are some ideas for creating your own smart playlists:

The Obvious Choices Playlist

If you have limited storage space, this smart playlist will find songs en-
coded at an efficient bit rate that are neither too long nor too short:
Match All Of The Following Rules:
Kind Contains AAC
Bit Rate Is 128 Kbps
Time Is In The Range 2:30 To 5:00
To make sure you save room for other stuff on your iPhone, you may
want to limit the size of this smart playlist—for example, to 2GB.

The Greatest Hits Playlist

This is a great playlist if you rate your music (and you really should). It
includes only those highest-rated tracks that aren’t too big.
Match All Of The Following Rules:
Kind Contains AAC
Bit Rate Is 128 Kbps
Rating Is In The Range 4 To 5 Stars

The TV Season Playlist

iTunes gives you the option of syncing the very latest episodes of TV
shows, but what if you want to start at the beginning? To work around
this problem, set up a smart playlist that reads:
Match All Of The Following Rules
Video Kind Is TV Show
Show Contains Name of TV Show
Play Count Is 0
Season Is Season Number
Turn on the Limit option and set its menus to read: Limit To 3 Items
Selected By Album. Then turn on the Live Updating option.
When you finish watching an episode, iTunes replaces it with the
next Least Recently Added show during your next sync. To enable this
playlist, select the Videos tab in iTunes, enable the Selected option un-
der TV Shows, choose Playlists from the pop-up menu, and enable the
smart playlist you just created.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Just Browsing 
Track down
music by Genre,
Artist, or Album
in the browser
pane. After
narrowing down
your library,
drag the remain-
ing songs to a

include the specific music, pod- one or more of the items into your
casts, audiobooks, and videos you playlist (see “Just Browsing”). For
place in them, and smart playlists, example, you can quickly place all
which are created dynamically and your jazz recordings in a playlist by
contain any items that match a set choosing Jazz from the Genre pane
of user-defined criteria (all rock of the browser and dragging it to
songs under four minutes from your new playlist. Any music with
artists who recorded in the ’80s, a Genre tag reading “Jazz” will ap-
for example). Once you’ve set up a pear in the playlist (if you don’t see
playlist in iTunes, you can use it to a Genre pane, open iTunes’ General
organize—or limit—the media you preferences and enable the Show
sync to your iPhone. Genre When Browsing option).
To quickly create a new playlist,
select the music or videos you’d Getting Smarter
like to appear in your playlist and Dragging files one by one into a
choose File: New Playlist From playlist can be a tedious affair. To
Selection. The selected media will speed up the work, switch to smart
appear in a new playlist. playlists.
iTunes’ browser is another The power of smart playlists be-
often-overlooked means for moving lies their ease of configuration. You
massive amounts of media into simply piece together a variety of
a playlist. Just choose File: New criteria—Genre, Artist, Last Played,
Playlist, select Show Browser from Rating, and Playlist, for example—
the View menu (you’ll have to be in and ask iTunes to create playlists
List view to access this option), and, of items that meet those criteria.
in the resulting browser pane, drag To get started, select New Smart

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Jazz It Up  By
combining search
criteria, you can cre-
ate a smart playlist
that pulls just a few
gems from a mas-
sive music library.

Playlist from iTunes’ File menu. In list window. Choosing All lets you
the resulting window, you’ll see two distill your search, whereas Any
pop-up menus and an empty field. might pull some unexpected musi-
Click on the first pop-up menu to cal nuggets into a playlist.
find a list of possible criteria, such Now let’s put theory into prac-
as Album, Artist, Comment, Date tice. Let’s say, for example, you
Added, Genre, Last Played, My want to create a smart playlist that
Rating, Season, Video Kind, and includes jazz pieces you’ve never
Year. When you make a selection, played, all purchased from the
the second pop-up menu deter- iTunes Store and all more than five
mines how iTunes deals with the minutes long. To do this, you’d cre-
entry in the first menu. For exam- ate a smart playlist with these four
ple, if you select Artist in the first conditions:
menu, the second menu lets you Genre Is Jazz
choose Contains, Does Not Con- Play Count Is 0
tain, Is, Is Not, Starts With, or Ends Kind Contains Protected AAC
With. The empty field is where you Time Is Greater Than 5:00
type specific information—Elvis For this playlist to work, all of
Costello or 1967, for instance. the conditions must be met, so
One condition isn’t much to select Match All Of The Following
work with. Thankfully, you can add Rules at the top of the window (see
conditions by clicking on the plus “Jazz It Up”).
sign to the right of the field. When Before clicking on the OK but-
a playlist has more than one condi- ton to save the playlist, take a
tion, iTunes gives you the choice of gander at the lower portion of the
sorting by all or by any of the con- window. Here are options for limit-
ditions, via the Match All or Match ing the size of your playlist—you
Any Of The Following Rules pop-up might want to create a music play-
menu at the top of the Smart Play- list no larger than 2GB, for exam-

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Smart and Smarter 

The smart playlist
on the top will only
find songs that
belong to both
the Rock and the
Heavy Metal genres.
Instead, use one
smart playlist to
find the Rock and
Heavy Metal songs,
and then make that
playlist a condition
of another smart
playlist that selects
only songs created
in the ’90s (bottom).

ple. The other important option is the hard-yet-still-civil stuff, and

Live Updating. Select it, and your Heavy Metal for the head-banging,
playlist will change as conditions ultraloud, guitar-slamming stuff.
change—in this example, once If you try to use smart playlists
you play a song in the playlist, it to group the tracks, you’ll reach the
moves out of rotation because it limits of iTunes’ logic. Since you
no longer meets the Play Count Is can’t combine AND and OR logic in
0 condition. a smart playlist, there’s no appar-
ent way to create one for songs
Create Extra Smart Playlists that are in either Rock or Heavy
As we mentioned, the smart playlist Metal and that were recorded be-
option in iTunes gives you only two tween 1990 and 1999.
options for finding matching songs: But there is a way to work
they have to match either all of the around this limitation (see “Smart
criteria listed or any of the criteria and Smarter”). Create two smart
listed. But what if you want some- playlists and make one a condition
thing more complex? For example, of the other. In this example, the
let’s say you want a playlist that first playlist would find Rock and
groups all your hard-rock music by Heavy Metal tunes. Set the Match
the decade in which it was re- pop-up menu to Any and then cre-
corded. However, you classify your ate two rules: Genre Is Rock and
hard stuff in two genres—Rock for Genre Is Heavy Metal. Click on OK

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Assigning star
ratings as you
listen to your
songs will help
you down the
road when you
want to create
smart playlists.

and give the playlist a name—say, Assigning Ratings

Hard Rock. For the second playlist, iTunes lets you vent your critical
set the Match pop-up menu to spleen by applying stars (from
All and give it two rules: Playlist one to five) to items in your library.
Is Hard Rock and Year Is In The After you rate your media, you
Range 1990 To 1999. can use those ratings as a playlist
criterion. For example, you can
create a smart playlist that only
Choose Better Tags contains songs with a rating of
You can use information such as four stars or more, thus guaran-
artist, genre, album, podcast, and teeing that you hear only your
television season to set up smart personal favorites.
playlists. But these items don’t To assign ratings to individual
offer much assistance in separat- items, click on the Rating column
ing the files you love from the ones in the main iTunes window (see
you merely tolerate. To really give “Superstars”). If you don’t see
your playlists some smarts, you it, go to View: View Options and
need to add some custom informa- select the Rating option. Next, drag
tion and tap into information that the cursor to the right. This causes
iTunes keeps track of, including stars to appear in the column. Click
ratings, comments, and play and on one of the stars to assign that
skip counts. rating. You can also control-click

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

In the Mood  Do you

prefer to listen to cer-
tain songs for spe-
cific tasks or moods?
Add a note in each
song’s Comments
field and use those
comments to create
a smart playlist.

(Mac) or right-click (Windows) on a Adding Comments

track and choose a rating with the Unless you’re the kind of person for
Rating command that appears in whom the party never ends, you’re
the contextual menu. going to want to listen to a far
You can assign the same rating different kind of music on Sunday
to several items at once. To do morning than on Saturday night. Or
this, select the items in the iTunes perhaps you’d like to group your
library (hold down the 1 [Mac] or movies by leading ladies or best
control [Windows] key as you make boys. A great way to do so is to
selections), and then go to File: use iTunes’ Comments field to cre-
Get Info. In the resulting Multiple ate smart playlists. Select multiple
Item Information window, choose songs and choose Get Info from
a rating in the Rating field. The iTunes’ File menu. In the resulting
rating you choose is assigned to all window, enter an appropriate word
selected items. in the Comments field (Mellow, for
You can also assign ratings example). Later, you can use this
while you’re out and about with comment to build theme-specific
your iPhone. Tap twice on the playlists (see “In the Mood”).
Now Playing screen to access the
ratings feature. When you next Play and Skip Counts
synchronize your iPod, the ratings You might reasonably assume
you’ve entered on your iPod are that if you’ve played some songs
transferred to iTunes. more than others, those tunes

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Keeping Track 
iTunes tracks how
often you listen to
a certain songa,
as well as the last
time you played it
b. That’s valuable
information you
can use for your
next smart playlist.
a b

hold a special place in your heart. playlist that looks for songs with a
iTunes keeps track of the number large skip count, and you’ll quickly
of times you’ve played something find songs you simply don’t like to
in the Play Count column of the listen to.
main iTunes window (see “Keeping
Track”). You could also use Play Recently Played
Count as a way to limit the songs iTunes, the iPhone, and the Apple
you’ve played to death. For exam- TV also keep track of when you last
ple, you could create a playlist of played an audio file or video. The
songs you never listen to and then Last Played column of iTunes’ main
play this group when you’d like to window reflects this information
hear some fresh material. down to the day and time. How is
iTunes also keeps track of when this helpful? For example, you can
and how often you skip a song create a smart playlist that includes
(by clicking on the Next button). only material you haven’t listened
When you skip to the next track to in a while. However, you must
within the first 19 seconds of a turn on the Live Updating option
song, iTunes increases that song’s when creating smart playlists for
skip count by one. Create a smart this feature to work.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Converting Video for

the iPhone
he iTunes Store may be a only (you can also download an
great place to stock up on earlier version that works with 10.4,
video content for the iPhone. although some features may not
But why spend extra money when be the same as those mentioned
you’ve already got a vast collection here). The Windows version sup-
of DVDs, home movies, and other ports Windows 2000, XP, and Vista.
video files at your fingertips? With And because HandBrake no longer
the help of some free or includes the libraries
low-cost software, you necessary to decrypt
can convert these videos commercial DVDs, you’ll
into compatible files that need to install the free
you can watch on the train VLC media player (www
or at the gym. on your
computer as well (note
Rip DVDs that some newer DVDs
Before you dive in, remem- include special copy protec-
ber that this is a gray area, legally tion that prevents HandBrake from
speaking. Because ripping com- being able to convert them—you
mercial DVDs circumvents the may need to seek out other soft-
copy-protection system employed ware in those cases).
on these discs, the legality of using When you launch HandBrake, it
this type of software is question- will drop down a navigation sheet
able—even if you own the DVD that will let you pick your DVD.
and are ripping it only to watch it in HandBrake should automatically
another form. You’ll have to assess pick the movie—the longest title
the risks yourself; if you decide to on the disc—but if not, select it.
take the plunge, read on. Then choose the iPhone & iPod
There are many DVD-ripping Touch preset, which will set the
applications out there, but for encoding attributes properly for an
this task, we recommend the free iPhone (H.264 encoder, proper out-
HandBrake 0.9.3 ( put size, chapter markers included,
This most-recent Mac version of and so on).
the program supports PowerPC Since the bit rates HandBrake
and Intel Macs running OS X 10.5 chooses for its defaults are often

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Your Big
Break  Use
one of
presets to
video for
your iPhone.

higher than they need to be, you find all the titles that are similar in
can tweak the bit rate to save length (around 22 minutes for a
space on your hard drive and half-hour show and 43 minutes for
iPhone. You can experiment with a one-hour show). Pick the first title
several settings without encod- you want, name the file, and add it
ing an entire movie each time by to HandBrake’s queue. Repeat this
testing them on just one chapter. for other episodes, giving each a
To do so, pick the same number in unique name, and then encode.
the Chapters area—for example,
Chapters: 3 Through 3. You’ll even Convert Hard Drive Videos
see the duration of the chapter Of course, videos aren’t limited to
so you know how long a section DVDs. Your hard drive is prob-
you’re encoding. ably brimming with video files
When you’re all set, tell Hand- you might like to carry with you
Brake to encode the movie, and on your iPhone. If you can open a
then go take a nap—depending file in QuickTime, you can use the
on the movie’s length and your Movie To iPhone export command
computer’s speed, this can take in the $30 QuickTime Pro to cre-
several hours (H.264 encoding is ate a video that will play on those
very processor intensive). devices. But Apple’s conversion
doesn’t support all file types,
For TV episodes doesn’t have a batch-encoding
If you want to rip several elements feature, and won’t let you change
from one DVD—TV show episodes, its settings. Luckily, HandBrake
for example—choose the settings can also handle most video files
you’ll want for all episodes, and you can throw at it.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Working with Photos

and Videos
ot too long ago it was
possible to bore your
friends with your vaca-
tion photos only by luring them to
your home. You can now do this
on the run via your iPhone. Here’s
the lowdown on pictures and
slide shows on the iPhone and
iPod touch, and videos on the
iPhone 3GS.

Taking Photos
To use the camera, tap on the
Camera app and point the back of
the iPhone at whatever you’d like
to take a picture of. The display will
show what the camera sees.
To take a picture, just tap on the
Camera button at the bottom of
the screen (see “Point and Shoot”).
You’ll hear a shutter-click sound
effect when the image is cap-
tured. Within a second the camera Point and Shoot  Taking photos
is ready to take the next shot. with the iPhone is as easy as fram-
Because the camera doesn’t have ing your subject and tapping on the
a flash, you’ll get the best results Camera button at the bottom of the
from well-lit scenes. screen.
To quickly see the photo you
just captured—and other photos iPhone 3G have a 2-megapixel
taken with the iPhone—tap on camera. iPhone 3GS has a larger
the Camera Roll button (the box camera—3 megapixels—and some
with the thumbnail of your previ- cool extra features.
ous shot) to the left of the Camera Unlike older iPhone cameras,
button. the iPhone 3GS camera has the
The first-generation iPhone and ability to focus. By default the

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

camera autofocuses on the scene

you’re shooting, though you can
tap on the touchscreen to make it
focus on a particular object. If that
object is in a darker or lighter area
of the frame, the camera will also
adjust to make sure that location
is properly exposed, even if that
means other areas of the frame will
be blown out or left in darkness.
The focus isn’t exactly quick, but
it does work, and the resulting im-
ages are sharp (see “Sharp Focus”).
The 3GS camera also allows
you to take pictures of close-up
objects. This is handy for people
who want to e-mail a shot of a
newspaper or magazine page or
a close-up of one of their kids’
toys. It also opens up the pos-
Sharp Focus  iPhone 3GS users sibility for third-party apps. For
can tap to choose what part of a example, there’s the possibility that
photo they want to be in focus. the iPhone 3GS can function as a

Setting Photo Preferences

You configure the iPhone’s photo preferences in the Settings screen.
Just tap on Settings in the Home screen, and, in the resulting screen,
select Photos. You’ll find options for configuring the time between im-
ages in a slide show (2, 3, 5, 10, and 20 seconds); transitions (cube,
dissolve, ripple, wipe across, and wipe down); repeat (on or off); and
shuffle (on or off). Unlike with iPhoto, you can’t vary the time each slide
displays—set it for 3 seconds and all images will display for that long—
nor can you mix up the transitions. Choose the ripple transition, and
they all ripple.
While you’re in the Settings screen, tap on Wallpaper. In the Wallpa-
per screen, you can choose an image from Apple’s bundled patterns or
your camera roll, photo library, or album for your iPhone’s wallpaper.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

recording video, and blinks red

when the video is rolling. Tap on
the red button to start recording
video, and you’ll also see a time
code displayed on the screen,
counting upward, to tell you how
long you’ve been recording (see
“And Action!”). If you’re planning
on displaying your video on a
TV screen, be sure to hold your
iPhone horizontally when you’re
taking video. Press the button
again when you’re done to save
your video into your Camera Roll.

Syncing Photos
The iPhone can also sync pho-
tos from your computer. When
you tether your activated iPhone
to your Mac or PC, it appears in
iTunes’ Source list. Select it and, in
the resulting iPhone window, click
And Action!  Tap on the large red
on the Photos tab. Select the Sync
dot to start recording video on the
Photos From option, and then use
iPhone 3GS.
the pop-up menu to choose the
barcode reader, since it can snap source for the photos. On a Mac,
images of barcodes with clarity. that would be iPhoto, Aperture (if
you have a copy), a folder of your
Shooting Video choosing, or your Pictures folder.
To switch the camera into movie On a Windows PC, it would be
mode on the iPhone 3GS, tap on your My Pictures folder, a folder of
the slider in the lower right corner your choosing, or albums created
of the screen. You’ll see the switch with Adobe Photoshop Elements or
move from beneath the camera Adobe Photoshop Album.
icon (photo mode) to beneath the Beneath this pop-up menu
movie-camera icon (video mode). are options for syncing all photos
When you enter video mode, the (followed by the number of photos
still-camera icon on the shutter you’re asking iTunes to sync) or
button is replaced with a video selected albums (or subfolders,
light. It’s off when you’re not if you’ve chosen a specific folder

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Set Your
Free  Image
Capture is one
of the programs
Mac users can
use to get pho-
tos off of their

or your Pictures or My Pictures the iPhone, it won’t do so again, so

folder). You can drag entries in the future syncs will skip this step for
list of albums or folders to change already optimized images.
their order. The ability to prioritize Note that if you change the way
photos will come in handy should you sync photos—you choose to
iTunes tell you there’s not enough sync just a couple of albums rather
room on the iPhone for all your than all your photos, for example—
pictures. With the must-haves at iTunes will delete images on the
the top of the list, you can quickly iPhone that aren’t part of the cur-
remove the less important images rent sync. iTunes won’t merge new
by unchecking them. Or you may photos with old ones. If you store
wish to put your most recent pic- your photos on a different com-
tures at the top of the list. puter from your music and videos,
Once you’ve chosen how you’d don’t worry—you can sync photos
like to sync your photos, click on from that computer, and music and
the Apply button. iTunes will tell videos from the other one. Once
you that it’s optimizing the im- you’ve set up your sync settings
ages for your iPhone. The iPhone for the first time on both systems,
doesn’t copy the images in their the iPhone knows what to sync
original form to the iPhone; instead, when it’s attached to any particular
it formats the image to the right computer.
size and resolution for best display Although you can’t download
on your phone. This takes very little synced photos from your iPhone
time—perhaps a couple of min- to a computer, you can down-
utes for a thousand images. Once load the photos you’ve taken with
iTunes has optimized an image for your iPhone—assuming you have

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

with the iPhoto’s pictures. One of

the options is to import them. In
Windows Vista Home Premium, the
pictures are imported into Windows
Photo Gallery.
Unfortunately, you cannot use
Apple’s $29 Apple iPod Camera
Connector to import pictures
directly from your digital camera to
the iPod.

Viewing Photos and Videos

All of your photos—the ones
you’ve taken and the ones you’ve
synced—are available in the main
screen of the Photos app (see
“Mobile Photo Albums”).
The first entry in this screen is
Camera Roll. If you’ve taken no
pictures or videos (or if you’ve
deleted any you have taken), you’ll
see a generic camera icon to the
Mobile Photo Albums  Camera Roll left. If you’ve taken pictures with
includes any photos or videos taken the built-in camera, the icon will
with your iPhone. change to a thumbnail image of the
last picture or video you took. Tap
software on your computer that on Camera Roll to see thumbnail
can pull images from a memory images of the pictures and videos
card (which is how these programs you’ve taken with the iPhone’s
classify your iPhone). For example, camera.
when you sync your iPhone on a The iPhone lets you view photos
Mac and the iPhone contains new in portrait or landscape mode.
pictures taken with the camera, Simply rotate your phone to land-
iPhoto or Image Capture will launch scape orientation to view photos in
and offer to import those pictures wide-screen mode—the iPhone will
(see “Set Your Photos Free”). flip your images automatically (see
On a Windows PC, when you “Pretty as a Picture”).
plug in the iPhone and it contains Below the Camera Roll entry
new pictures, Autoplay will ap- you’ll see Photo Library, which
pear and ask what you’d like to do includes all synced photos. Below

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

Pretty as a
Picture  To
see landscape
photos in their
full glory, simply
rotate your
iPhone onto its

this you’ll find individual synced your thumb and index finger next
photo albums or folders. If you to each other on the screen and
sync a folder that includes subfold- move them apart to make the
ers, those subfolders will appear image grow. Once you’ve ex-
as separate albums in the Photo panded the image, you can move
Albums screen. it around by placing your finger on
Looking at the pictures on your the screen and dragging. In this
iPhone is simple. Tap on Camera expanded view you can’t move to
Roll, Photo Library, or an album the next picture using the swipe
entry to go to a page of thumbnail gesture. You must contract the im-
images for that group of pictures. age first by either double-tapping
You can view a full-size version of on it or pinching inward on it with
a particular image by tapping once your thumb and index finger. You
on it. In full-screen mode, you can can, however, move to the next
move to the next or previous image image from an expanded view us-
by simply swiping your finger to the ing the on-screen controls. These
left or right, respectively. To start include Options, Previous, and
a slide show of your images, tap Next buttons.
on the play arrow in the thumbnail These controls will disappear af-
view. Videos also appear in your ter a short time so that you can see
Camera Roll, and you can play your pictures without a lot of clut-
them back by tapping on the play ter. To make the controls reappear,
button in the middle of the video’s simply tap on the iPhone’s face
preview image. one time. A single tap will also stop
To enlarge a photo, you have a slide show—as will swiping your
two options. The first is to double- finger to the left or right to view the
tap on it. The second is to use the next or previous image. Although
expanding “pinch” gesture—place you can view images in landscape

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

view, these controls don’t shift with

the view—they’re always displayed
in portrait orientation.
The only way to delete synced
images from the iPhone is through
iTunes—you can’t delete these im-
ages through an on-screen control.
This isn’t the case with images
you’ve captured with the iPhone’s
camera. To get rid of an ill-con-
ceived picture, just tap on it to view
the full-size image and then tap on
the Trash button in the lower right
corner of the screen. An overlay
will appear, offering you the options
to Delete Photo or Cancel.

More Photo Options

When you tap on the Options
icon (it’s a box with an arrow and
appears farthest to the left), an
overlay appears that includes four
options—Email Photo, Assign To Photo Options  When you tap on
Contact, Use As Wallpaper, and the Options button, you can share
Cancel (see “Photo Options”). a photo with others, use it as your
Tap on Email Photo to place the wallpaper, or assign it to a contact.
image in a blank e-mail message.
Just fill in the To field, add a sub- you’re offered the chance to move
ject, and type in some text if you and scale the image. You do this
like. Tap on Send, and your image with the usual swipe and pinch
is on the way. gestures. Once you have the image
If you tap on Assign To Contact, at the size and location you desire,
you can use the current picture tap on Set Wallpaper. The image
as the thumbnail image for one of will now appear on your phone’s
your iPhone contacts. When the face when it’s locked.
Contacts screen appears, simply Mac users with a MobileMe
select a name. Once you’ve resized account may see a fourth button
and oriented the picture as you labeled Send To MobileMe. This
like, tap on Set Photo. button lets you upload the photo
Tap on Use As Wallpaper, and to a Web gallery you’ve set up. You

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Multimedia on the iPhone

can type in a title and description

before tapping on Publish. To ac-
tivate this feature on your iPhone,
you must have the Mail program
set to check your MobileMe e-mail
You also have extra batch op-
tions in the Photo application’s
thumbnail view. Tap on the options
icon and three buttons will appear
at the bottom of your screen: Share,
Copy, and Delete. Tap on as many
photos as you like to select them
(they’ll display a red check mark to
indicate they are selected). You can
share up to five photos, and copy or
delete as many as you like.

More Video Options

When you tap on a video, you can
choose to play the video or, via a
film strip that appears at the top
of the screen, trim it by dragging Cutting-Room Floor  You can
the beginning and end points to trim your videos directly from your
different locations (see “Cutting- iPhone 3GS.
Room Floor”). Once you tap on the
Trim button, the video is trimmed To YouTube. You’ll need accounts
permanently—there’s no going on MobileMe or YouTube in order
back via undo or any other means. to use those features, but YouTube
When you tap on the Options accounts are free. And if you’re
icon for a video, an overlay appears not a connoisseur of YouTube, no
that includes three options—Email worries—e-mailing videos to Flickr
Video, Send To MobileMe, and Send and Vimeo works like a charm, too.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Make Your iPhone or iPod Touch a Multitasking
PDA with Apple’s Built-in Applications

he iPhone is
more than
just a phone,
and the iPod touch
is more than just a
music player. They
are both capable
Web browsers and
full-fledged PDAs.
While many hand-
held devices can
access the Internet,
few do it well, and
none comes close to
the experience you
get on a real computer. The iPhone and iPod
touch get the closest, thanks to a customized
version of Safari and a host of programs that
work like their computer-based counterparts
Table of contents
rather than limited mobile versions.
Whether you’re surfing the Web by the 102 Surf the Web
pool, searching for a restaurant from the road, 112 Maps and GPS
or scheduling your day, your iPhone or iPod 118 Scheduling
touch can help you find information and stay 123 The iPhone’s Other
on task. Here’s how to get the most out of the Applications
many applications they have to offer.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

Surf the Web

f you’ve used Safari on your
Mac or PC, you’ll find the TIP
iPhone’s version of Apple’s Web
browser both familiar and strange. Smarter Tapping
Although it can’t do everything If you want more options for a
its desktop counterpart can—for link or image before you open it,
example, it doesn’t currently in- hold your fingertip down on the
clude Flash support—Safari on the element instead of tapping on it.
iPhone lets you view nearly any site This produces a list of options:
on the Web, fill out Web forms, save Open, Open In New Page,
passwords, and perform searches. Copy, and, if it’s an image, Save
But because of the iPhone’s simpli- Image. The full URL appears at
fied interface, some of Safari’s the top of the sheet.
features are less than obvious.

Safari Basics ing the current page. At the bottom

When you tap on the Safari icon of the screen is a toolbar with five
on the Home screen, a miniature buttons: back and forward ar-
version of Apple’s Web browser rows; a plus sign (+) for adding the
appears. At the top of the Safari current page to your bookmarks,
window you’ll see a navigation bar adding it to your home screen as
with an address field on the left a Web clip, or e-mailing its URL;
and a search field on the right. On a book icon that brings up exist-
the right side of the address field ing bookmarks and your surfing
there’s a circular arrow for reload- history; and a stacked pages icon

Surfing Safari  If
you find a Web
page too narrow to
read in Safari, turn
your iPhone onto its
side. The browser
rotates to give you
more horizontal

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

for opening and navigating multiple

pages (see “Surfing Safari”).
Go to a Site  To visit a Web
page, tap inside the address bar
at the top of the window. The
iPhone’s keyboard will slide up
from the bottom of the screen. As
you begin to type a URL, Sa-
fari displays a list of sites in your
bookmarks and history that match;
tap on one of the items in the list
to open that page. Otherwise, type
the entire URL and then tap on Go.
When you’re entering URLs, the
Safari keyboard includes helpful
buttons for inserting a period (.),
slash (/), and .com suffix. If you tap
and hold down on the .com button,
additional suffix options will pop up
including .org, .edu, and country
code domains that match any ad-
ditional languages you’ve added
Hidden Suffixes  As with many of
to your keyboard (see “Hidden
the letters on the iPhone’s keyboard,
tapping and holding down on the
When a page is loading, the circu-
.com button will bring up additional
lar arrow turns into an X. Tap on this X
to stop the loading process. This is a
handy way to halt Safari in its tracks dress field by tapping on it, or you
if you discover you’ve accidentally can quickly clear the address field
chosen the wrong site or if a site is by tapping on the X button at the
taking a particularly long time to load. right edge of the address bar.
When the page stops loading, the X If you’d rather search the Web,
turns into a reloading arrow. tap on the search field to the right
As you scroll down a page, the of the address field. Type your
navigation bar disappears from search query and then tap on the
the top of the screen. To quickly Google button. By default, the
enter a new URL, simply tap on the iPhone uses Google for Web
status bar at the top of the screen searches, but you can change this
to bring back the address bar. You default to Yahoo. To do so, tap
can edit the URL already in the ad- on the Settings icon on the Home

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

screen, select Safari and then

Search Engine, and tap on Yahoo. TIP
Navigate Pages  Once you’re Share Sites
viewing a Web page, Safari works
If you want to send the URL of
like any standard Web browser—
a Web page you’re viewing to
though you’ll have to do quite a bit
a friend, tap on the plus sign
more scrolling and zooming due to
at the bottom of the page,
the iPhone’s smaller screen.
then tap on Mail Link To This
You can scroll up, down, left,
Page. A new e-mail mes-
or right by dragging your finger
sage containing the URL will
across the page in the desired
open in Mail; just choose your
direction. Flick your finger quickly
recipient(s), add any comments
and the page will scroll on its own
you want to include, and tap
with virtual momentum; tap on the
on Send.
screen to stop the motion or let the
screen come to rest on its own. To
zoom in on a particular part of the
page, place two fingers together on
the screen and then spread them
apart—a sort of inverse pinch. To
zoom back out, reverse the action.
You can also zoom in on a
particular part of a Web page by
double-tapping on that area; dou-
ble-tapping again zooms back out.
This trick works best on pages with
columns and table-style layouts.
In most cases, Safari renders
pages beautifully. Text is amazingly
clear even at the smallest sizes.
In fact, we’ve been able to make
out text on the iPhone at sizes that
would render the text little more For example, although the iPhone
than a blur on our laptop or desk- has a built-in YouTube program
top computers. On the downside, that lets you browse YouTube con-
Safari on the iPhone currently tent encoded in the H.264 format,
doesn’t support Flash or Java, if you use Safari to go to the actual
so you will encounter pages with YouTube site and try to view a
content you won’t be able to view; video that is available only in Flash
instead, you’ll usually see an error. format, you’ll see an error that says

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

you have an “old version of Macro- If you encounter a scrolling box

media’s Flash Player” installed. or list on a Web page—for exam-
While reading a Web page, tap ple, if you’re composing a com-
on any Web link to jump immedi- ment on a blog—you’ll find that
ately to that page. Tap and hold on scrolling with just one finger won’t
the link to bring up more options do the trick (that scrolls the entire
before jumping to the new page. page). Instead, zoom in on the box
You can use the forward and back and then use two fingers to scroll
buttons to navigate between pages through it.
just as you would on any browser. Open Multiple Sites  Safari
Tapping on an e-mail link opens a lets you have as many as eight
new message in the iPhone’s Mail Web pages open simultaneously.
program (if you have more than one To open a new Web page without
e-mail account, the iPhone will use closing the current page, tap on the
your default account as your return pages icon in the lower right corner
address, but you can choose a
different account before sending).
Likewise, tapping on a map link
opens the iPhone’s Maps program
with the destination already speci-
fied (see “Maps and GPS” later
in this chapter for more about the
iPhone’s mapping features). If you
tap on a link to a supported audio
file (AAC or MP3 up to 320 Kbps,
Audible, Apple Lossless, WAV, or
AIFF format) or video file (H.264 or
MPEG-4), Safari will play the media
in the browser.
If you need to enter text into a
field on a page, tap on the field;
Safari will zoom in on the text field
and then bring up the on-screen
keyboard. In this text-entry mode,
Previous and Next buttons let you
quickly jump between text fields
without having to zoom back out.
Some pages have interactive boxes Multiple Choice  Most drop-down
for selecting dates and other form menus like this one are a snap on
options (see “Multiple Choice”) the iPhone.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

of the screen and then tap on New

Page. A new Safari window will
open and move to the front.
If you have more than one
page open at a time, the pages
icon displays the number of open
pages. To switch between your
open pages, tap on the pages icon.
You’ll see miniature previews of
each page (see “Pick Your Page”).
Simply drag your finger left or right
to flip through open pages.
Tapping on the red X in the top
left corner closes a page; tapping
anywhere else on the page brings
it forward.

Master Bookmarks
iPhone’s Safari, like all Web brows-
ers, includes a bookmarks feature,
which lets you save the URLs for
frequently visited Web sites so you Pick Your Page  To open a new
can quickly access them later. Web page without closing the previ-
Create a Bookmark  To ous page, tap on the pages icon
bookmark a Web page, tap on in the lower right corner of your
the plus sign at the bottom of screen. From the resulting window
the screen, and then tap on Add you can browse all the open pages,
Bookmark. An Add Bookmark delete pages, or start a new page.
screen will appear. From here you
can edit the page’s name—to bet- Open a Bookmark  To open
ter reflect the content or simplify a page from your bookmarks list,
a long name—and choose where tap on the bookmarks icon (the
the bookmark lives in your book- open book) in the bottom toolbar.
marks folders. To place your new Select a bookmark to open it, or
bookmark inside an existing folder, tap on a folder to browse its book-
tap on the word Bookmarks, and marks. A back-arrow button in the
then tap on the desired folder from upper left corner takes you up one
the easy-to-browse hierarchical list level in the bookmarks hierarchy.
that appears. When you’re done, See Your History  You can
tap on Save. also browse your Safari history via

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

the Bookmarks screen. After tap- Keep Bookmarks

ping on the bookmarks icon, move organized Since using book-
to the topmost level of the book- marks is much simpler than typing
marks list (you may have to press in the same URLs over and over
the back arrow button a couple of again, you’ll likely bookmark sites
times to get there). At the top of the regularly. To keep some semblance
list, there is a History folder. Tap on of order—and to avoid creating an
this folder to see a list of all the Web overwhelmingly long list of sites—
pages you’ve recently visited (see you’ll need to put some work into
“Backtracking”). Although you can’t organizing your bookmarks.
delete individual sites from the his- While you’re on the go, you
tory list, you can empty it complete- can use the Bookmarks screen
ly by tapping on the Clear button. to edit, delete, reorganize, and
rename your bookmarks. Tap on
the Edit button at the bottom of the
Bookmarks screen to enter editing
mode. From here, you can delete
any bookmark or folder—except
for the History, Bookmarks Bar,
and Bookmarks Menu folders—by
tapping on the minus sign (–) by its
name (see “Clean Up”).
If you want to edit a URL (for
example, if you bookmarked a
specific page on a site, but you re-
ally wanted to bookmark its home
page), tap on a bookmark’s title
in the edit screen. The resulting
screen also lets you relocate the
bookmark to a new folder.
If you just want to move a book-
mark to a higher or lower position
within its current folder—for ex-
ample, to put your most visited site
at the very top of your list—simply
Backtracking  Browse your history drag the menu icon to the right of
by tapping on the book icon at the the bookmark’s name in the new
bottom of your screen and then His- location. (Unfortunately, you can’t
tory. Previous days are filed away in drag a bookmark into a folder this
folders. way.) You can also create a new

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

Safari at To set

this up, plug your iPhone into your
computer and open the iPhone set-
tings screen in iTunes. Click on the
Info tab and scroll down to the Web
Browser section. Here you’ll find an
option to sync Safari bookmarks.
When this is selected, changes you
make in your desktop Web browser
will be reflected in the bookmarks
on your iPhone the next time you
sync. (Similarly, changes you make
on your iPhone will be synced to
your computer’s browser.)
This means that if you see an
interesting site when you’re sitting
at your computer, adding it to
your browser’s bookmarks is the
easiest way to get the URL onto
your iPhone. In fact, we recom-
mend creating a new bookmarks
Clean Up  When you tap on the Edit folder to which you add just those
button in a Bookmarks screen, you’ll sites you most frequently visit on
get the option of deleting any of the your iPhone. Since tapping on the
listed bookmarks, editing the URL iPhone’s Bookmarks button always
or name, or changing the order in displays the bookmarks folder
which they appear. you last viewed, you’ll be able to
access your favorite sites without
folder for future bookmarks by tap- moving to a different folder. And
ping on the New Folder button. you can still access your less es-
Although the iPhone gives you sential bookmarks by moving up a
most of the tools you need to man- level to the main bookmarks list.
age your bookmarks on the fly, an
even easier option is to use the Create a Web Clip
Web browser on your Mac or PC to Web Clips are custom icons on
edit and organize them; iTunes lets your home page that go directly to
you sync bookmarks with the desk- a bookmarked Web page. When
top version of Safari or Internet you tap on a Web Clip icon, it will
Explorer on Windows, or Safari on automatically launch Safari and
the Mac (Windows users can get take you to that site. To create a

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

Web Clip, navigate to the page However, many Web sites generate
you want in Safari and tap on the a custom icon for iPhones to use.
plus-sign (+) button on the bottom
toolbar. Tap on the Add To Home RSS Feeds
Screen button that pops up and The iPhone version of Safari also
give your new shortcut a name. Tap includes a functional—though very
on Add and you’ll be taken back basic—RSS reader. When you enter
to the Home screen where your the URL or tap on the link for an RSS
new Web Clip will appear in the feed (for example, http://feeds
first available spot. By default the, Safari
iPhone uses a thumbnail image of automatically recognizes it as a feed
the clipped Web page as the icon. and displays it as a list of headlines
with a two-line summary of each ar-
ticle. Tap on any headline to see the
full headline and summary; tap again
on the headline to go directly to the
full article (see “Just the Headlines”).
You can also bookmark RSS
feeds, so you can quickly view head-
lines from your favorite sites. RSS
feeds are generally less cluttered and
easier to read than standard news
Web pages. However, unlike the RSS
feature on the desktop version of
Safari, the RSS feature on the iPhone
doesn’t automatically keep tabs on
RSS feeds (you’ll need to tap on the
circular arrow to see new stories that
have posted), nor does it alert you to
unread articles in a feed.
If you’d like more advanced RSS
capabilities, consider downloading
one of the third-party RSS apps
available. Currently, our favorite
Just the Headlines  When you candidate is NetNewsWire (free;
open an RSS feed in Safari, you’ll Whenever
see a list of the latest headlines, you have free time, you can quickly
along with a short summary of each browse new RSS articles and “clip”
article. Tap on an item to see the the interesting ones for later read-
full version. ing. The next time you run Net-

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

Use a Bigger Keyboard
If you rotate the iPhone horizontally before tapping on the address bar
or in a form field, the Safari window will switch to horizontal mode; when
you then tap on the address bar, the on-screen keyboard also appears
horizontally. More important, it will be much larger than the standard ver-
tical keyboard, making data
entry a little easier. This hori-
zontal keyboard is available
in various programs, includ-
ing Mail, Notes, and Mes-
sages. (Also worth noting: If
you summon the keyboard
before rotating your iPhone,
then Safari won’t rotate.)

NewsWire on your Mac, the read/ your user name and password. If you
unread status of each article, along want a fresh start, a Clear All button
with your clippings, is synced to in Settings: Safari: AutoFill will delete
your Mac, allowing you to pick up all saved login information.
right where you left off.
Third-Party Browsers
AutoFill Apple requires that third-party
Save typing time and brain space browsers for the iPhone be based
by taking advantage of Safari’s on the same WebKit engine that un-
AutoFill feature. To get started, go derlies Safari itself, which limits the
to Settings: Safari: AutoFill. Turn on offerings (that means no Firefox).
the Use Contact Info option and There are some standouts,
select which contact you’d like to though. Our current favorite is iCab
use as your default. Next, turn on the Mobile ($2;,
Names & Passwords option. which offers tabbed browsing and
In Safari, enter your login informa- one of the richest feature sets of
tion for a Web site. When you tap any iPhone browser, Safari includ-
to submit this information, you’ll be ed. For more on third-party brows-
asked whether it should be remem- ers, check out the Macworld App
bered. Tap on Yes, and the next time Guide ( For more on
you visit that site, you can simply the App Store, see the Third-Party
tap on the AutoFill button to insert Apps chapter.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

Set Safari’s Settings

To access Safari’s basic privacy and “sanity-preserving” features, tap on
the Settings button on the iPhone’s Home screen, and then tap Safari.
JavaScript  JavaScript is generally used to provide useful features
on Web pages, but it can also compro-
mise security, force pop-up windows to
appear, and circumvent normal link and
back- or forward-button behavior, among
other things. You can choose to disable
JavaScript here.
Plug-ins If you want to prevent Safari
from automatically displaying video on
Web pages, set this to Off.
Block Pop-ups Turn this option on
and Safari will block annoying pop-up
windows—typically ads. This setting won’t
block user-initiated pop-ups—those that
appear when you click on a link. It blocks
only those nasty ones that appear when
you close a window or when a site first loads.
Accept Cookies Cookies are small files stored on your computer—
in this case, on your iPhone or iPod touch—that hold information set
by a Web site for future use; for example, the date and time of your last
visit, your identity (so you don’t have to log in the next time you visit), or
your preferences for the site. This setting lets you decide if Safari should
deny cookies altogether, accept cookies from any site or server, or ac-
cept cookies for just those sites you purposely navigate to.
Clear History Select this option to clear out the list of sites you’ve
recently visited. This does the same thing as the Clear button in the
Bookmarks screen’s history list.
Clear Cookies Although cookies are generally not harmful, if you’re
concerned about privacy, you can use this feature to delete all cook-
ies periodically. Unfortunately, unlike Safari on your Mac or Windows
PC, the iPhone’s version of Safari doesn’t allow you to delete individual
cookies—it’s all or nothing.
Clear Cache If Safari is crashing a lot or loading pages particularly
slowly, emptying the browser’s cache may fix these problems.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

Maps and GPS

hough the iPhone and iPod
touch boast a class-leading
Web browser and easy-
to-use e-mail features, the Maps
program, which takes advantage of
GPS (iPhone 3G and later) and Wi-
Fi hotspot technology, is perhaps
the most impressive app of the
lot. Maps gives your device all the
place-finding and direction-giving
functionality of Google’s popular
mapping Web site (see “All About
Options”). Even better, the GPS
feature seamlessly integrates with
many of your device’s other fea-
tures and third-party apps, includ-
ing your contacts, calendar, and
notes, as well as the Mail program.
So you can instantly view a map of
a contact’s location, call or e-mail
a business you’ve located, or find
a hardware store within blocks of
your current location, for example. All About Options  The Maps
program has numerous view options
About GPS to choose from, just like its online
The iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS Google Maps counterpart.
have Global Positioning System and reliability. (First-generation
(GPS) receivers. GPS is a technol- iPhones, the iPod touch, and any
ogy that lets your iPhone figure out iPhone 3G or 3GS that can’t get a
exactly where it is by triangulating GPS fix use Wi-Fi and cell tower
radio signals from satellites in orbit. information to figure out their ap-
The iPhone uses Assisted GPS, proximate position.)
which essentially means that the The built-in Maps application
phone’s search for GPS information uses GPS to track your current
is assisted by computers at cell- location, represented by a blue dot
phone towers, improving speed within a larger blue circle at the

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

center of the map (see “Blue Marks

the Spot”). If you tap on the center
dot, you can get an approximate
address for your location.
The iPhone 3G’s camera uses
GPS to embed the exact latitude
and longitude of every picture you
take (though you can turn this
feature off), a process known as
geotagging. (Apple’s iPhoto ’09
takes advantage of this metadata
with its Places feature.)
The included Maps application
will show you where you are in the
context of driving, walking, and
public transportation directions,
but it won’t speak to you when
you need to turn like a dedicated
GPS device. (To find third-party
apps that offer spoken turn-by-turn
directions, visit If
you’re driving though an area with Blue Marks the Spot  A blue target
no cellular service, the Maps appli- marks your current location in Maps.
cation won’t be able to download
updated map data from Google. hotspots. iPhones use both tech-
nologies; iPod touches can only use
Positioning sans GPS the Skyhook hotspot triangulation.
Although the iPod touch and older Precision varies: Skyhook claims
iPhones don’t offer GPS integra- accuracy to within 20 meters;
tion, they can still approximate Google can only promise accuracy
your position and offer directions to within about 1,000 meters.
in the Maps program via some
clever software work. Google and Get Acquainted with Maps
Skyhook wireless use informa- When you tap on the Maps button
tion from your network signal to on the iPhone’s Home screen,
pin down your location. Google you’re presented with a miniature
uses data collected by cell phone version of Google Maps (maps
towers in your area to triangulate Double-tap on the
your location, while Skyhook uses map to zoom in, repeatedly if
a database of over 23 million Wi-Fi necessary. Tap with two fingers

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

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b c

Instant Pub  In Maps you can search for a specific address or a general
term A. If multiple locations are found, tap on the List button to see a list of
all results B. To get additional details about one of the businesses, tap on
the blue arrow to the right of its entry C.

at once to zoom out. To find your ing the results (see “Instant Pub”).
current location, tap on the target You can search for businesses,
icon in the bottom left corner. To or even types of businesses, by
reposition the map, drag your entering a search term. By default,
finger around the screen. At the Maps will search based on your
bottom of the screen are two op- current location. If you’d like to
tions: Search and Directions. Tap specify a different location, enter a
on Search. iPhone 3GS users can city and state or zip code after your
see exactly which direction they search term. Maps supports all the
are facing on the map, thanks to same types of queries as Google
the built-in digital compass. To use Maps itself. For example, to find a
this feature, tap on the target icon doughnut shop near the Apple cam-
a second time. pus, you could type cupertino
Start a Search  Tap on the doughnuts (or just doughnuts if
search field at the top of the screen you’re already on campus) and tap
and type an address or name to find on Search.
a location—for instance, “Brick- Get Location Details  Tap
house Cafe.” When you tap on on a red pin to bring up a loca-
Search, pushpins will appear, mark- tion’s name. Tap on the blue arrow

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

to the right of the location name

to see additional information, such
as address, phone number, and a
URL, if one is available. You’ll also
see options to get directions to or
from that location, to add it to your
Maps bookmarks, to share it in an
e-mail, or to add the location to a
new or existing contact. Tapping
on a listed phone number or URL
calls the number or opens the page
in Safari, respectively.
Use Street View  An orange
circle appears to the left of a loca-
tion name if Google Street View is
available for that address. Tap on the
orange circle to see up-close photos
of that location. Drag your finger
around to explore the full 360-degree
panoramic view. Tap on the white
arrows to move up or down a street.
Tap on the inset circle to exit Google
Avoid Jams  Before you get on the
Street View and return to the map.
highway, check the traffic. Red lines
More Viewing Options  To
are heavy congestion, yellow is mod-
customize your view, tap on the
erate traffic, and green is light. This
curled-up page icon in the bottom
info is not available for all roads.
right corner of your screen. Here
you will find options for viewing you can tap on the List button to
results on a photographic satellite view a list of all matches, sorted by
map, a hybrid map, or as a list. distance. Tap on a list entry once to
Tapping on the Show Traffic but- center the map on that location.
ton displays live, color-coded traf- Find Saved Locations  Are
fic information for major roads in you heading to a friend’s house?
major cities—red indicates severe When you begin typing a search
congestion, yellow indicates slow- query, Maps displays any contact
moving traffic, and green means names that match; tap on one, and
smooth sailing (see “Avoid Jams”). Maps goes directly to that con-
The List feature is where the Maps tact’s address. Tapping on the blue
feature really shines. After searching arrow will give you the full contact
for a business or type of business, information. From there you can

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

tapping on one shows a map of

the location. The second tab,
Recents, displays all recent Maps
activity, with each task labeled by
type: Search (for a Google location
search), Location (for a specific
address), or Start/End (for driving
directions, explained below). Tap
on one to bring it up again. Tapping
on Contacts displays your contacts
list; tap on any contact to bring up
the contact’s address immediately
in Maps.

Get Directions
Tap on the Directions button at
the bottom of your screen and the
map search bar changes to show
two fields—one for your starting
location (set to Current Location by
default), and another for your des-
tination. Both fields offer a Book-
Bus Stop  The public transportation marks icon, so you can quickly use
option will give you step-by-step a bookmark, recent location, or
directions including times and cost. contact as the starting or ending
point. To quickly swap the contents
tap on a button to get directions of these fields—for example, to
to or from that location. As long as map your return trip—tap on the
you keep your Mac’s contacts up S-arrow icon.
to date, you have instant access to Once you’ve entered your
maps of—and directions to—each locations, tap on Route. Maps will
contact’s address. display the best driving, public
You can also access your transportation (see “Bus Stop”),
contacts and previously searched or walking route between the two
locations by tapping on the blue points, or at least its best guess.
book icon next to the search field. To choose a route type, select one
This brings up Maps’ quick-access of the three icons on top of the
lists. The first tab, Bookmarks, lists screen. The car represents driv-
Current Location and any address ing directions, the bus is public
or business you’ve bookmarked; transportation, and the human

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

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a b c

Driving Guide  When you enter Directions mode, you can create a route
between two locations A. Tap on List to see step-by-step directions B. You
can also see each individual step in the directions on the map C.
figure is walking directions. The You can also view the directions
Public Transportation screen has a as a textual list by tapping on the
clock icon under the Start button. curled-up page icon in the bot-
Tap on this to see a list of possible tom right corner and then tapping
routes, specify your departure on the List button (see “Driving
time, and see estimated travel Guide”). Tapping on any step in
time and costs. this list switches the view back to
To begin a close-up look at your map mode and displays that step
route, tap on the Start button in the on the map. All in all, the direc-
upper right corner of the screen. tions mode is very effective. (Since
The route map will zoom down to you shouldn’t be looking at your
the first step. The bar at the top iPhone’s screen while driving, this
of the screen displays the textual feature is best used with a copilot.)
directions for that step (“Take the You can edit the start or end
ramp onto I-280 S - go 3.0 mi”) as points, or start a new search, by
well as left and right arrows to go simply tapping on the Edit button
to the previous and next step, re- at the top of the screen. To switch
spectively. Each time you proceed back to the standard map mode at
to the next step in the directions, any time, tap on the Search button
the map zooms out and then back at the bottom of your screen. Your
in on a detailed map of that step. directions will not be reset.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

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eed to know what’s hap- search all of your calendars. Tap
pening next in your life? on the search bar at the top of
The iPhone can sync with your screen and enter keywords
your computer’s calendar, and to find specific events. Tap on an
display the results in the Calendar event to view and edit its details.
program. Calendar lets you see re- There’s also a Show In Calendar
cent and upcoming events, as well option, which will jump you directly
as enter new events (which to that day.
will sync back to your If you tap on Day, you’ll
computer the next time see Calendar’s day view,
you connect your iPhone). which displays up to eight
You can even set alarms in hours of events at a time.
the Calendar or Clock ap- You can scroll up or
plications so you don’t miss down to see events that
an important meeting. are happening earlier or later in
the day. All-day events appear at
View Your Calendar the top of the window—even when
Tap on the Calendar button on the you scroll. Above the list of events
Home screen to bring up a list of you’ll see the day and date you’re
all the calendars currently synced currently viewing (if you’re viewing
with your iPhone. You can view one today’s events, that text will appear
calendar at a time or select All to in blue), as well as forward and
see them all at once. Each calendar back arrows. Tap on the arrows to
is color-coded, so even in the All move to the next or previous day.
view, you can tell what items belong Tap on Month to see Calen-
to which calendar. After tapping on dar’s month view. The bulk of
a calendar, you’ll see three different the iPhone’s screen will display a
view options on the bottom of the complete calendar for the current
screen: List, Day, and Month. month, along with a pair of arrows
If you tap on List, you’ll see a that you can tap on to move for-
spare (but very useful) list of all ward or back a month at a time. If
your upcoming calendar events a day has any events attached to it,
(see “Coming Up Next”). This a small dot will appear beneath the
view displays the largest number day’s number. The current day will
of events at once. This is also appear with an embossed back-
the only view from which you can ground. When you touch a date, it

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

turns blue and its events appear in button to set a recurring event.
the small list view at the bottom of (Events can repeat daily, weekly,
the screen. To quickly jump back fortnightly, monthly, and yearly.)
to the current date in any of the If you want to ensure that you
Calendar views, simply tap on the don’t miss an important meeting or
Today button, located at the bot- event, you can set up alerts—for
tom left of the screen. example, if you want to be warned
two days or two minutes before
Add Events an event. You can set up multiple
To add a new event, tap on the alerts as well. Finally, a notes field
plus sign in the upper right corner allows you to enter miscellaneous
of the Calendar screen. Each event information about your event. You
can be assigned a title and a loca- can also select which calendar an
tion (although there’s currently no event goes on when creating a new
way to tie that location to a Google event. (You can pick the default
Maps address). Tap on the Starts/ calendar for new events in iTunes.)
Ends button to set a time and date However, after that event is cre-
for your event. Tap on the Repeat ated, you can’t change its calendar.

Coming Up Next  The iPhone gives you three different views of your
synced calendars, including the List view (left), searchable and organized
by date, and the Month view (center). To add a new event (right), tap on the
plus sign in the top right corner. You can set a start and end time, make it
repeat, set an alarm, and add notes.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

If you’re a Mac user who uses Sync Calendars

Apple’s iCal, your calendar should You can sync the iPhone with iCal
automatically sync to the iPhone; and Entourage calendars on a Mac
however, your to-do lists will and with Outlook on a PC. You can
remain stuck on your computer, also add subscribed calendars and
unsynced. Thankfully, multiple CalDAV accounts. Unfortunately,
to-do apps, available in the Apple meeting invitations are currently
App Store, can help (see “A Better only supported for Microsoft Ex-
To-do List”). change users. (Meetings in Cal-

A Better To-do List
Your iPhone doesn’t sync iCal and Mail to-dos, but there are plenty of
third-party apps to fill the void. These are two of our favorites:

Track Basic To-dos

Even those of us who aren’t to-do list freaks still need to keep track of
what needs doing or risk becoming viewed as hopelessly disorganized
and confused. Things ($10;, an app from Cultured
Code, doesn’t provide the overkill that many adherents of the Church of
Getting Things Done will prefer. But it does offer an easy-to-use way to
create tasks, set their due dates, and check them off when you’re done.
The auto-sync integration with Cultured Code’s $49 version for desktop
Macs is also immaculate.

Share To-dos
Zenbe Lists ($3; is an
easy-to-use app for keeping multiple to-do
or shopping lists, each item with or without
a due date. Those lists are synced with the
Zenbe Web site, so you can update them on
your iPhone or desktop. But the real beauty
of Zenbe Lists is that you can share your lists
with other Zenbe Lists users or anyone with
a Web browser. For example, someone at
home can add items to the grocery list while
you’re walking the aisles of the supermarket.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

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DAV calendars show up as events You’ll be prompted with options for

marked with gray dots, but you adding either a CalDAV account or
can’t reply to invitations.) a subscribed calendar. Adding a
To sync your calendars, attach CalDAV account from your iPhone
your iPhone to your computer, requires that you know your server,
select it in iTunes’ Source list, and user name, and password; adding
then click on the Info tab. You can a subscribed calendar requires that
sync all the calendars in your cho- you know the URL for the calendar.
sen calendar program, or choose Once you’ve entered the appropri-
to sync only a select group. To save ate information, the iPhone will
space on the iPhone, you can also download the calendar’s events. If
limit how many old events to sync you’ve got multiple calendars on a
(that is, items that have already oc- CalDAV account, such as Google
curred). Calendar, you’ll have to add a
Adding a CalDAV account or a separate account for each of them.
subscribed calendar is somewhat If you’re a Mac user who uses
trickier. On your iPhone, go to Set- Microsoft Entourage as your cal-
tings: Mail, Contacts, Calendars: endar program (or address book),
Add Account and choose Other. don’t despair: there is a way to use


Get More Dates  To add more calendars, go to Settings: Mail, Contacts,

Calendars: Add Account and select Other A. You can add a CalDAV
account B or a subscribed calendar C.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

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Get an Entourage  To get your Entourage calendar events and contacts

onto your iPhone, you need to sync them with iCal and Address Book.

Entourage with the iPhone. You’ll the contents of the Mac’s Address
need to be using Office 2004 11.3.5 Book and iCal—which might not
or later, which may require down- be wise, especially since Address
loading an update from Microsoft. Book data is used for items such as
In Entourage, choose Entou- Buddy names in iChat—it’s safest
rage: Preferences, then click on to choose Merge. Once you’ve set
Sync Services. Check the boxes up Entourage to sync with iCal, you
for Address Book and iCal sync- should be able to sync those calen-
ing. You’ll be prompted to choose dars with the iPhone.
whether to replace Sync Services MobileMe users can sync cal-
items with Entourage items, replace endars wirelessly using the push
Entourage items with Sync Services technology. Once syncing is set
items, or merge Entourage items up, changes you make to contacts,
with Sync Services items (see “Get calendars, mail, or bookmarks on
an Entourage”). Your choice will your Mac appear almost instanta-
depend on what data you’ve stored neously on your iPhone and vice
in Address Book, iCal, and Entou- versa—add an event in iCal, and it
rage. Unless you want to wipe out appears on your iPhone.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

The iPhone’s Other


hough not as showy as the lator into a scientific calculator. This
Maps or Safari features, sev- advanced view allows you to sine,
eral other smaller programs— cosine, and tangent to your heart’s
found on the Home screen—help content (see “Real Science”).
make the iPhone and iPod touch a Unfortunately, Calculator
well-rounded smart phone. These doesn’t provide shortcuts to help
include a scientific calculator, a with tip calculation, or a paper
notepad, a weather app, and a tape option to see what you’ve
stock ticker. Here’s a look at what previously calculated. You can,
each of these programs can do and however, copy the results of
how to get started with them. calculations for pasting into other
iPhone programs. What Calcula-
Calculator tor does offer is simplicity: just
The iPhone’s Calculator program has press the on-screen numbers and
two options. Holding your iPhone in mathematical operators to solve
portrait mode gives you the basic whatever problem you’re wrestling
calculator, which has four math oper- with. If necessary, you can use
ators, the ability to store one number the memory keys to store, add to,
in memory, and a display limited to and subtract from the Calculator’s
nine digits. New on the 3G iPhone one-number memory (if you need a
is the ability to rotate the phone into more advanced calculator, see the
landscape mode and turn the calcu- “Add On” tip).

Real Science 
When you turn your
device on its side,
the calculator appli-
cation turns into a
scientific calculator.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

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When viewing a note, you can

TIP use the arrows at the bottom of
Add On the screen to move to the next or
previous note. Tap on the envelope
If the iPhone’s built-in calcula-
icon to insert the note into a new
tor seems a bit low-powered
e-mail message. Tapping on the
for your needs, give TLA
trash-can icon will give you the op-
Systems’ PCalc RPN Calcula-
tion of deleting the note. (You can
tor ($10;
also delete notes by swiping across
a try. Just like the built-in
the title list view and tapping on
calculator, it’s a basic calcula-
the delete button, as in Mail.) When
tor in portrait mode and a more
you’re typing a new note or editing
full-featured version when you
an existing one, the first line of
rotate the iPhone to landscape
mode. Unlike with the built-in
calculator, you can choose to
use Reverse Polish Notation
data entry mode, do conver-
sions, and use a number of
constants (such as the speed
of light or pi) with a couple
of screen taps. Like Apple’s
calculator application, PCalc’s
keyboard can appear in hori-
zontal form, making it easier to
type out your calculations.

The main Notes screen, used for
jotting things down, looks like a
piece of yellow-ruled writing paper.
It shows a list of any notes you’ve
saved in the past, sorted from new-
est to oldest. Notes can be viewed
and edited in regular and land-
scape mode. Tap on a note to open Don’t Forget  The Notes feature is
it. Tap on the plus sign at any time the closest thing the iPhone has to a
within the Notes program to start a native to-do list application. It syncs
new note (see “Don’t Forget”). with Apple Mail.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

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the note will become the title that

appears on the main Notes screen.
When you’re finished, tap on the
Done button to save your note.
Notes can tell when text is a
phone number or a street or e-mail
address. If you click on an element
in the view mode, Notes will call a
number, map a location, or start an
e-mail to a person.
You can sync all of your Notes
with Apple Mail. To turn on Notes
syncing, attach your iPhone to
your computer, select it in iTunes’
Source list, and then click on the
Info tab. Scroll down to Notes and
select Sync Notes. The notes will
show up on your computer under
Reminders in Mail. You can also
sync notes from Mail back to your

Smart Money  The Stocks pro-

gram lets you easily track a stock’s
As its name implies, the Stocks
performance over a specified period
program on the iPhone lets you
of time.
track changes in stock price
throughout the day. The stock price as price change, percentage
information comes from Yahoo change, or market cap.
Finance. When you’re finished, tap on
Using the Stocks app is easy. Done. The page will flip over again,
Tap on the Info icon (i) to flip the showing your chosen stocks and a
app over and access controls for chart of the selected stock’s price
adding and removing stocks. Tap over time (see “Smart Money”). You
on the plus sign to add a stock, can toggle between recent stock
and the keyboard will appear. You change (+ or –), recent percent-
can search based on a company age change, and market cap by
name (Apple Computer) or ticker tapping on the box next to the
symbol (AAPL). From this screen, stock symbol. Swiping the bottom
you can also choose whether to chart shows related financial news
view your stocks’ performance headlines or more details about a

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

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stock (Open, High, Low, Vol, P/E,

Mkt Cap, 52w High, 52w Low, Avg
Vol, and Yield).
If you’re interested in seeing
different time spans for each stock,
you can change the time period
shown on the graph by tapping
on the small numbers above it;
1d is one day, 1w is one week, and
so forth. Flip Stocks into landscape
mode, and you can tap and drag
to get a stock price for a given
day, and swipe to move to the next
stock. Using two fingers in land-
scape mode gives you the change
between two dates in both price
and percentage.

The iPhone’s Weather program
displays current weather conditions
and a six-day forecast for any city
Pack Smart   Get a five-day fore-
in the world with colorfully descrip-
cast with the Weather program.
tive illustrations (see “Pack Smart”).
You can track weather in as many
as 20 cities. Clock
To add a new location, tap on the The iPhone always displays the
Info icon to turn the Weather page current time in the status bar (or on
over. Next, tap on the plus sign and the Unlock screen if your iPhone
enter the city, state, or zip code of is locked). But if you’d like to track
your choice in the pop-up keyboard. the time in multiple locations, or
As you type, a list of probable if you want to use the Stopwatch,
matches will pop up below. Select Timer, and Alarm features, you can
the proper match or tap on Search. do so from the Clock program.
In the list of matches that appears, Tap on the World Clock button
tap on the one you’d like to add. at the bottom of the Clock screen
Repeat until you’ve added all the to see what time it is in another
locations you’d like, and then tap on part of the world. Use the plus
Done. Swipe your finger left or right sign to add a new location—you
to view different locations’ weather. can monitor as many as 24 loca-

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

the alarm will offer you a snooze

option (to defer your wake-up
for ten more minutes). To time
yourself or an activity, tap on
the Stopwatch button. If you’re
running, use the small lap timer
above the main timer. To quickly
set an alarm for a specific interval
of time—when you’re cooking, for
example—tap on the Timer button.

Voice Memos
The Voice Memos application lets
users of the iPhone and second-
generation iPod touch record, edit,
and share audio clips (see “Take a
Memo”). You can record using the
iPhone’s built-in microphone or the
mic on the iPhone’s headphones.
Voice Memos can even record in
the background while other pro-
grams run; a red bar appears at the
Take a Memo  The built-in Voice
top of the screen to let you know
Memos app records crisp audio files
that you’re still recording, along
and lets you e-mail or text them.
with the elapsed time. You cannot,
tions. To delete a clock or change however, record phone calls—
the order of clocks, tap on the launching the Phone app ends your
Edit button. The clock faces turn recording session.
black during the night and early Once you’ve recorded an audio
morning hours and white during clip, you can use Voice Memos
daytime hours. to play it back and label it, either
You can use the clock to set with one of the handful of built-in
up alarms without creating a new labels (Interview, Class, and so
calendar. To turn your iPhone into on) or by adding your own. You
an alarm clock, tap on the Alarm can also trim a clip from inside
button. From here you can set the the application, dragging end-
alarm’s alert message, whether it points on a timeline to select just
plays only once or repeats on a the section you want (careful,
schedule, what sound plays when though; there’s no undo), and then
the alarm goes off, and whether share it via e-mail or MMS, if your

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Maximize Productivity

carrier allows it. Voice Memos

also syncs back to iTunes under
a Voice Memos playlist, though
you can prevent it from syncing
by unchecking the Include Voice
Memos option in iTunes’ Music
sync pane when the iPhone is
connected to your computer. The
memos are stored as 16-bit mono
Apple Lossless files.

The iPhone 3GS includes a built-in
digital compass. Not only can you
orient yourself using a realistic
compass interface (which also
provides longitude and latitude via
GPS), but you can also use the
compass in the Maps program to
see exactly which way you’re fac-
ing, and even orient the map cor-
rectly to make following directions
A New Direction  The iPhone 3GS
easier. To detect your direction, tap
comes with this digital compass.
on the location button twice.
You can choose to navigate by lible. Nearby magnetic interference,
true or magnetic north by tapping including that from iPhone earbuds
on the Info icon. The compass, and speakers, can confuse it and
although it’s a cool tool, is not infal- make it lose its bearings.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

When Your iPhone or iPod Touch Acts Up,
Follow These Steps to Get It Back on Track

ven with all of its groundbreaking
features and beauty, the iPhone is still
fallible. You should expect to encounter
a few wrinkles along the way—such as freezes
and crashes—that will need ironing out.
Unfortunately, you are limited in the number of
ways you can troubleshoot your iPhone. Your
only view of the iPhone is the one you get
when you turn it on, and you can only interact
with the system through the various settings
screens on the iPhone itself. When you dock
your iPhone, you can only work with it through
iTunes (or iPhoto if photo syncing).
This chapter will walk you through the most
common troubleshooting techniques available
to iPhone and iPod touch users, as well as
Table of contents
look at some common problems and myster-
ies you may encounter. 130 Tools of the Trade
136 Fixing Common

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

Tools of the Trade

hat should you do when
you encounter troubles
with your iPhone?
Because the system is closed to
end-user access, most traditional
troubleshooting methods don’t
apply—there’s no way to trash a
program’s preferences files, for
instance. If one of the iPhone’s stan-
dard programs is crashing, you can’t
reinstall it, because Apple doesn’t
provide installers for applications.
A few remedies are available,
however. And since the list of pos-
sibilities is very short, you don’t need
a lot of expertise to implement them.
In increasing order of difficulty, here
are the things you can do to try to re-
cover from various iPhone maladies:

When an iPhone application is
unresponsive, press and hold down Power Play  When your iPhone or
the Sleep/Wake button on the top iPod touch starts acting up, treat it
of your iPhone until the red Slide To like you would any Mac and restart.
Power Off slider appears. Release
the Sleep/Wake button but do not Wake button on the top of your
power off the iPhone. Instead, hold iPhone until you see the Slide To
down the Home button for about Power Off option, then tap on the
six seconds. This should force your red arrow and drag it to the right
program to quit and return you to (see “Power Play”). Let the phone
the Home screen. sit for five seconds before power-
ing it back on. The iPhone will take
Restart about a minute to reboot. Restart-
If the problem returns, it’s time to ing your iPhone is the easiest and
restart. Press and hold the Sleep/ most effective fix for most freezing

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

and crashing problems. Restarting pops up, signaling a forced restart

is recommended as a first step for of the iPhone.
most iPhone issues, including ex-
cess battery consumption, persis- Reset
tent crashes, and a slow iPhone. When problems persist after a re-
start, the culprit may be corrupted
Forced Restart settings or data on your iPhone. If
Your iPhone may be so gummed so, one fix is to delete the informa-
up that the Power Off slider never tion and reenter or resync it. To
appears after you attempt a regular do this, tap on the Settings icon
restart. That means it’s time for from the Home screen, select
some muscle. Hold down the General, and then tap on Reset. In
Sleep/Wake and Home buttons the screen that appears, you’ll see
simultaneously until the Apple logo multiple reset options. Only the first
two are of interest in this instance
(see “Fresh Start”).
Reset All Settings  Apple
makes a distinction between
settings and data. Data consists
mainly of the information that gets
synced with your computer, such
as music, photos, and contacts.
Settings consist of the choices
you make in the iPhone’s interface
and its native applications—for
example, the cities you choose in
the Weather program—but they
don’t include your third-party ap-
plications. In theory, tapping on the
Reset All Settings button reverts
your settings to their original
values, while leaving your data
untouched. In practice, however,
some settings—such as stock
choices and wallpaper selection—
may not reset.
Erase All Content and
Fresh Start  Tap on your Settings Settings  As its name might
icon and select General, then Reset, imply, this option erases both your
to bring up these six reset options. settings and your content (data),

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

and returns your iPhone to its select the types of data you want
original condition when you first to replace (Contacts, Calendars,
activated it. You can now re-create Mail Accounts, and/or Bookmarks).
your settings. The content is au- Confirm that these options are
tomatically reloaded the next time disabled once the sync is complete
you sync. to resume normal syncing the next
Replace Data Note that once you take this
If you suspect problems with data step, you’ll lose any new data
(contacts, calendars, Mail ac- you’ve entered on your iPhone
counts, or bookmarks) on your since the last time you synced it. To
iPhone, another useful option is to be on the safe side, take a moment
replace the data completely with to sync your computer and iPhone
fresh data from your computer, before replacing the iPhone’s data.
rather than merging the two data
sets, as would normally occur. Restore
To do this, go to the Info tab of If none of the above has proven
iTunes’ iPhone screen, scroll down successful, it’s time to bring out
to the Advanced section, and the big guns: erasing your iPhone’s

Wipe the Slate Clean  In the Summary tab in iTunes, you can choose to
restore your iPhone to its original settings.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

ID the Crasher
If your iPhone or iPod touch crashes more often than you would like, there
is a way to see what applications or processes are responsible. This is a
smart step to take before blaming or removing third-party programs you’ve
added via the App Store. To check, launch
Console on your Mac (in /Applications/Utili-
ties). Under LOG FILES, open ~/Library/
Logs and navigate to CrashReporter/
MobileDevice/devicename. Here you’ll
find a list of every recent crash, sorted by
the name of each process that crashed.
(Windows XP users can find their crash log
in Documents and Settings/yourusername/
Application Data/Apple computer/Logs/
CrashReporter/devicename; Vista’s log is in
Apple computer/Logs/CrashReporter/Mo-
bileDevice/devicename.) The list is updated
each time you sync your iPhone. You may
be surprised to find that a majority of these
crashes were due to Apple processes.

entire contents, including the backup, you’ll still have the option
iPhone’s operating system, and to restore from an earlier backup.)
installing a fresh copy of the OS. After the iPhone’s software is
This method is also useful should restored, iTunes will offer you the
you need to transfer your informa- chance to restore from a backup.
tion from a defective iPhone to a To start the restore process,
replacement one. connect the iPhone to your com-
Restore from Backup  puter, open iTunes, and select
Before you restore, you can sync iPhone from the Devices list. In
your iPhone one more time and the Summary screen that appears,
let it run a full backup. This will click on Restore (see “Wipe the
allow you to save any of the data Slate Clean”). iTunes will download
you’ve stored with your third-party a software update for the iPhone.
programs. (If your iPhone isn’t in a This software contains, among
usable state and can’t make a new other things, the iPhone’s OS. After

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

your iPhone should be completely

restored (although e-mail and
Wi-Fi–network passwords, stock
selections, and photos taken with
the iPhone aren’t restored).
Restore from Scratch 
If you try the restore method
described above and find you still
have the same issues as before,
it may be that the settings or data
currently on your iPhone became
corrupted sometime before your
last sync. Restore the phone as
above, but do not restore your
backup. Instead of restoring the
backup, tell iTunes to treat your
iPhone as new. Give it a name,
reinstall all of your programs from
scratch, and then sync your music,
videos, and other content. This is
as close as you can come to start-
ing with a factory-fresh iPhone,
Duck and Recover  When your and represents your best chance
iPhone flashes this warning, it’s time at increased stability. When you do
to connect to iTunes and restore. this, the iPhone will tell you that it
needs to be activated. This should
the download is complete, the happen automatically within a
original factory settings for your iP- couple of minutes if your iPhone
hone are restored. At this point, a can connect to its host cellular
dialog box asks if you want to set network.
up the iPhone as new or restore
all the data and settings from a Recovery Mode
backup. Unless you believe your If your iPhone is unable to even
backup contains corrupted data, start up successfully, you may get
opt to restore. the most unwelcome of iPhone
After the restore process is messages commanding you to
complete, sync your iPhone to get connect to iTunes (see “Duck and
back your content (music, videos, Recover”). After you connect to
photos, calendar items, contacts, iTunes, another message appears:
and apps). With the sync finished, “iTunes has detected an iPhone

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

in recovery mode. You must forced restart—but continue hold-

restore this iPhone before it can ing them down after the restart
be used with iTunes.” If this hap- begins. After about 25 to 30
pens, proceed with the restore, as seconds, the recovery mode mes-
described earlier, and hope for the sage should appear. You can now
best. connect to iTunes and restore.
You can also force the iPhone If you decide not to do a restore
into recovery mode. This can be from recovery mode, you can exit
useful, for example, if your iPhone by holding down the Sleep/Wake
has reached a state where it won’t and Home buttons for 6 to 10
get past the Apple logo portion seconds. No data will be erased
of the boot process or is stuck in during a forced recovery.
an endless loop of restarts that If your iPhone still fails after
prevents the iPhone from appear- you do this, it’s time to take it to
ing in iTunes. Apple for service. You can locate
To force a recovery, hold the nearest Apple Store or Apple
down the Sleep/Wake and Home Authorized Service Provider at
buttons—as you would do for a

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

Fixing Common
pple has put a lot of effort of your music, you can make the
into making the iPhone as iPhone sync different content with
easy to use as possible. each computer.
Still, there are plenty of challenges Apple has conveniently broken
that can trip you up, from mystery iPhone data into discrete blocks,
attachments to confusing sync op- each of which you can sync with
tions. The good news is that most different computers: Info (contacts,
of these problems have solutions. calendars, bookmarks, notes,
Here are answers to some of the mail accounts), Ringtones, Music
more common iPhone conun- and Video (which must be synced
drums. If you’re experiencing a together), Photos, Podcasts, and
problem not on this list, take a trip Applications. For this to work,
to Apple’s troubleshooting assis- you need to go through each tab
tant ( in iTunes and uncheck any items
you don’t want to sync on the
new computer. For example, to
Connections keep music and videos that you’ve
Syncing your iPhone with iTunes synced with your home computer,
is the only way to get your media uncheck the sync options in the
onto your pocket-sized player. It’s Music and Video tabs on your work
also the most convenient way to computer (see “Selective Syncing”).
add contact information, book- Although you can’t plug an
marks, and calendar events. If you iPhone into another computer and
find yourself stumped by how your have it merge media—music, vid-
iPhone syncs, read on. eos, photos, and podcasts—from
that other computer, it can merge
Sync with Multiple data found in the Info tab, includ-
Computers ing contacts, calendars, e-mail
While it’s true that the iPhone is accounts, and bookmarks. It works
a sync-only device, it’s a flexible this way: deselect the sync options
syncer. If you have a computer at in the Music, Photos, Podcasts,
work that has all of your contacts and Video tabs. Then click on the
and calendar information, and a Info tab and select any items you’d
computer at home that contains all like to merge to the iPhone—Con-

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

Selective Syncing  Divide up your syncing between multiple computers by

checking or unchecking boxes in each iTunes tab.

tacts and Calendars, for example. casts separately from music and
When you click on the Apply but- videos, you can fill your iPhone
ton to update the iPhone, a dialog with audio at work so long as it’s in
box appears asking if you’d like to the form of a podcast.
replace the information on the Sounds great, but how the
iPhone with the information from heck do you make a fake podcast
this computer or merge it. To that contains audio files from your
merge, just click on Merge Info. own hard drive? Download Red
Sweater Software’s free Typecast
Sneak Audio onto the iPhone ( and use it to
This is a neat workaround for you create phony podcasts full of audio
Mac users to get audio files on files from your Mac at work.
your iPhone from a different com- Once you’ve dragged your au-
puter than you sync music with. To dio files from the Mac’s hard drive
add audio to the iPhone without into the Typecast window, click on
wiping out its music library, you’ll the Send To iTunes button. Now
first need to enable podcast sync- all you have to do is sit back and
ing on your secondary computer. watch as the files appear magically
Since the iPhone can sync pod- within iTunes as a podcast.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

Sync with Google Calendars you connect your iPhone, both sets
Google does a decent job of mak- of events will be uploaded.
ing its calendars iPhone-friendly If you’re a Windows user you
in Safari, but many users would can download Google Calendar
prefer to keep Google calendars in Sync ( to sync
sync with iCal or Outlook and the Google calendars with Microsoft
iPhone’s calendar application. This Outlook. After starting the program
is now easily done. and logging in you can customize
Create a Google calendar if you your syncing options, including
don’t already have one (calendar whether to sync both ways or just Mac users should one, and how often to sync.
download Google’s Calaboration
(yes, it’s spelled that way) tool iPhone Not Appearing
( Run the in iTunes
Calaboration tool and enter your If your iPhone isn’t showing up in
Google username and password. iTunes’ Devices list when you con-
When prompted, choose the nect to your computer, it’s time to
Google calendars that you’d like run through the reliable fixes cov-
to add to iCal (see “Don’t Give Up ered at the beginning of this chap-
on Google”). Now when you enter ter. But first check the connection
events in either iCal or Google, and make sure that your iPhone is
those events will be synced. When charged. If it’s powered up, try re-

Don’t Give Up on Google  Keep your iCal and Google calendars in sync
with Calaboration.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

Erasing Apps  To permanently delete an app from

your iPhone, you must remove it from both the
iPhone (left) and iTunes (right).

starting it, and then restarting your you may choose to delete it. To
computer. If that doesn’t work, try do so, you need to remove it both
changing iPhone cables. If your from your iPhone and iTun­­­­es before
computer still isn’t recognizing the your next sync. Although Apple
device, you should reinstall iTunes. states that it is only necessary to
remove an app from iTunes (which
in turn should result in it being
Addressing Apps deleted from your iPhone during
With the App Store, the iPhone has the next sync), many users have
taken a big step toward being a found that such “deleted” apps are
Mac “in your pocket,” rather than transferred back from the iPhone
just a smart phone. While the em- to iTunes after a sync without the
phasis is on the benefits of being a warning message that is supposed
Mac, there are a few downsides to to appear.
consider. In particular, third-party To remove an application from
apps can freeze, crash, and other- your iPhone, tap and hold on any
wise muck with your iPhone. Luck- application icon in the Home screen
ily, the remedies for these common until the icons begin to shake (see
problems are fairly straightforward. “Erasing Apps”). Tap the X symbol
Here is the best of our app advice. in the upper left corner of the appli-
cation icon you wish to delete. You’ll
Delete Unwanted Apps get a warning that deleting the app
If an application is giving you prob- will also delete all of its data. After
lems or has just lost its novelty, you tap the X, you’ll be asked to

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

Frequent Updates  Click on the Download All Free Updates icon to bring
your apps up to speed.

rate the app before deleting it. You again. If it is an app you purchased,
can choose a star rating or tap No the Store will remember that you
Thanks. Once you’re done, press previously paid for it and offer to
the Home button. download it for free.
To remove an application from
iTunes, go to the Application win- Update Your Apps
dow, right-click (or control click) on The likelihood of application crash-
the desired application, and select es on your iPhone has increased
Delete. Alternatively, with your iP- significantly with the explosion of
hone connected, go to the iPhone’s third-party software now available
Applications tab. Assuming you in the App Store. Most applica-
are using the Selected Applications tion crashes are the result of bugs
option, deselect the application in the application software. Most
you no longer want on your iPhone; of these bugs will be squashed in
this should prevent it from being updated versions of the software
put back on your iPhone without that are eventually released. That’s
you deleting it from iTunes. why it pays to check for updates
Should you completely delete (see “Frequent Updates”).
an app and later decide you want To check for and install updates
it back again, no problem. Just go in iTunes, select Applications in
to the iTunes Store and download it the iTunes Library and click on the

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

update to finish. While the iPhone

remains operational during an up-
date, whatever you attempt to do
will typically go at a slower pace,
sometimes to the point that you
may think your iPhone has stopped
working, leading you to restart the
phone. Impressively, the install pro-
cess appears to survive such a re-
start and picks up where it left off.
Still, matters will go more smoothly
if you update from iTunes.

App Freezes and Crashes

If you have an updated app that’s
freezing or crashing, try these
steps in order (described in detail
in the previous section): If an app is
frozen, force-quit until you are back
at the Home screen. If the app
continues acting up, restart your
iPhone. Next, try reinstalling the
No Fly Zone  Toggling your iPhone’s applications. First delete one from
airplane mode can help it find EDGE your iPhone and download the
and 3G connections. program again in iTunes. Then sync
your iPhone and install the new
Check For Updates button. Here copy of the program. Warning: you
you can download updates one will lose all data you saved with
by one or all at once. For the best the program—text you added, high
results, we recommend updating scores, game progress, and so on.
from iTunes over the iPhone when
possible. However, if you’re on
the go, you can do a check from Other Glitches
your iPhone by going to the App Here are some other common
Store and tapping on More, then problems you may encounter.
the Updates button. If any updates
are listed, you are given the option Find Lost Connections
to install them. You should ideally If you find that your iPhone won’t
refrain from doing anything with connect to AT&T’s EDGE or 3G
your phone while waiting for the networks, even though the phone

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

says you have sufficient signal

strength, try turning on Airplane
Mode (located at the top of the
Settings screen) and then turning
it back off (see “No-Fly Zone”).
If you’re having trouble connect-
ing to local Wi-Fi networks, go to
Settings: General: Reset, and tap
on Reset Network Settings. This
clears out your list of known Wi-Fi
networks and deletes VPN set-
tings. Then reenter all the required
network information.

Speed Up Safari
If your iPhone is experiencing
trouble getting Web pages to load,
try clearing Safari’s cache files. To
do this, go to Settings: Safari. From
Caching Out  You can speed up a the screen that appears, tap on
slow iPhone by clearing out your Clear Cache (see “Caching Out”). If
Safari cache. that has no effect, select Clear His-

The Dead Strip
The dreaded iPhone “dead strip” is when a rectangular strip of the
iPhone’s screen, typically near the bottom, no longer responds to finger
touches. This particular strip is a critical one. It includes the region
where you Slide To Unlock—needed before you can do almost anything
else with the phone after waking it up. Without it, the iPhone is pretty
much useless.
If the usual software-based fixes like restarting aren’t solving it, you
are dealing with a hardware problem. Repair or replacement of the
iPhone are the only remedies. Make an appointment with an Apple retail
store before giving up and buying a new phone, even if your iPhone is
no longer under warranty. There’s a good chance that they will fix your
iPhone free of charge, since the dead strip is a known glitch.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

Find a Lost iPhone

If you’re a MobileMe subscriber and you misplace your iPhone, you’re in
luck. The Find My iPhone service allows you to locate, send messages
to, and remotely wipe (erase) your handset. For Find My iPhone to work,
you need a MobileMe account activated on your phone, and the Find
My iPhone option switched to On in its account settings (Settings: Mail,
Contacts, Calendars: Your MobileMe Account). You also need to enable
your phone’s Location Services under Settings: General.
To use Find My iPhone, log in to your MobileMe account at,
click on the Accounts icon, then click on Find My Phone. A map will
show you the the latest location of your iPhone, using the unit’s built-
in location services. You can send a custom message to your iPhone,
along with an alert sound that plays even if the phone’s ringer is off. This
can help if you’ve misplaced the iPhone somewhere in your house. It’s
also a smart way to let someone know how to contact you if they’ve
found your phone.
If the phone is lost for good, or contains sensitive information, you
can opt to remotely wipe all data from your phone. Should you later
locate your phone, all you need to do is plug your iPhone back into your
computer, and you can restore from the latest backup. For Find My
iPhone to be really effective, you should have a passcode lock turned on.
Otherwise, someone who finds your phone can disable Find My iPhone
and access all your data before you have a chance to wipe it.

Search and Rescue 

With a MobileMe
account, you can see
your iPhone’s loca-
tion on a map, have
it display a message,
and wipe all of your

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

Troubleshooting tips

View More Files

Although the iPhone will open PDF
files, Microsoft Office files, and
many other file types attached to
your e-mail messages, it will recog-
nize those files only if they include
the appropriate file extension (.pdf,
.doc, .xls, and so on). Even plain
text files, which should be easy
to understand, aren’t available for
viewing unless followed by a .txt
extension. The solution is to make
sure your friends and business
contacts always name the files they
send you with the correct exten-

Forgotten Passcode Fix

What should you do if you set a
No Fly Zone  Toggling your iPhone’s passcode for your iPhone or iPod
airplane mode can help it find EDGE touch but can’t remember what it
and 3G connections. is? To get past this optional (highly
recommended) security feature,
tory and Clear Cookies. Be aware, you need to restore your device
however, that some Web features as described in the “Tools of the
won’t work with the iPhone no mat- Trade” section earlier in this chap-
ter what you do. In particular, the ter (see “Forgotten Digits”). Then
iPhone’s version of Safari does not use the option to restore data and
include support for Flash, so any settings to get your device back up
Flash videos will not play. and running again.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

20 Great Ways to Extend the Powers of Your
iPhone or iPod Touch

n July 2008, Apple opened the doors to
the iPhone and iPod touch and let third-
party developers create programs that
users could purchase and download even
while on the go. Since then, customers have
snapped up more than 500 million of these
add-ons, many of which pick up where
Apple’s standard applications leave off—
including productivity boosters, audio record-
ers, image editors, and much more.
But with so many options, it can be hard to
pick out the truly great apps from the merely
weird and wacky apps. In the pages that
follow, you’ll find 20 of our favorite third-party
programs to get you started.
Table of contents

146 Accessing Apps

149 Be Productive
152 Stay Connected
154 Have Fun
Macworld’s App Guide
New programs are added to the App
store all the time. Get the latest
recommendations and reviews,
including reviews from read-
ers, as well as listings for every
iPhone app, at

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Accessing Apps
pple gives you two ways to last bit if you own a first-generation
browse for new third-party iPhone or an iPod touch).
apps; you can use iTunes Once you’ve downloaded apps,
while you’re at your computer, or the you’ll find them stashed in the
App Store program on your iPhone Applications section of iTunes’
or iPod touch while you’re away Source list. In the lower right cor-
from your computer. To access the ner of the Applications window are
App Store, you’ll need to be running links that let you check whether
the latest version of iTunes. Make updates are available for your
sure your iPhone or iPod touch has
the latest software update.

Getting New Apps

From iTunes, switch to the iTunes
Store and then click on App Store
from the left iTunes Store column.
Using the App Store interface is
similar to searching for music or
videos. You’ll see featured ap-
plications, along with categories,
browsing tools, a What’s Hot list,
and a Staff Favorites list.
When you select an app in
iTunes, you’ll see a description of
what it does, a screenshot, and
user ratings. (You must own an app
in order to review it.) You’ll also find
other useful info on the app’s page.
For example, you’ll see the app’s
age rating and its file size listed un-
der its name—useful if you’re short
on space. If you scroll down, you’ll
find the URL of the developer’s Impulse Shopping  You can use
Web site, along with a list of com- the App Store program to browse
patible devices in the Description and buy new applications right from
column (pay close attention to this your iPhone.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

apps or navigate directly to the to download, along with a prog-

App Store to look for more. ress bar showing its installation
While away from your computer, process. (You can do other things
you can get new programs by while the application is installing.)
tapping the App Store icon (iPod And just as with music, if iTunes
touch users will need to be on a finds applications on your device
Wi-Fi network). Tapping on any ap- that aren’t on your Mac, it will ask
plication in the store takes you to a you if you want to transfer those
description of it and screenshots, back to your iTunes library the next
as well as a link to user reviews time you sync.
(see “Impulse Shopping”).
To buy or download an applica- Upgrading Apps
tion from your device, double-tap As with desktop software, iPhone
the price: if the button reads Free, developers regularly upgrade their
it will change to Install when you apps to add new features and fix
first tap it; if there’s a price, it will problems. Your device detects up-
change to Buy. Once you enter dates for your installed programs; a
your account information, the App red count badge on the App Store
Store will return you to the iPhone’s icon shows the number of updates
Home screen, where it will add the available. Launch the App Store
icon for the app you’ve chosen and tap the Updates section of

Parental Controls
Apple has an age-based rating system
to help parents identify and block inap-
propriate content. Most apps note the
recommended age in their Rating sec-
tion, along with descriptors that let you
know what type of content you might
find inside. To limit application access,
go to Settings: General: Restrictions. In a
this screen, you can disable the ability
to install apps and purchase in-app
content. Select Apps to choose which
app ratings a you’ll allow.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

What’s New?  You can check for the latest versions of your apps within
iTunes. Within the Applications window a, click on Check For Updates b.

the App Store window to choose asked if you want to delete the
whether to update one or all of application. Because applications
your apps to the new versions. You must store all their data in the
can also update your apps from the app’s package, deleting an applica-
Applications section in iTunes; the tion also deletes all its settings and
updates will transfer to your iPhone stored information. If you delete an
the next time you perform a sync app that you wanted to keep, you
(see “What’s New?”). can resync it from iTunes. However,
that app’s data is gone for good. If
Deleting Apps you deleted it from iTunes as well,
To remove a third-party applica- you can redownload it for free (un-
tion, you can tap and hold its icon. like media) from the iTunes Store;
The icons will begin to dance on you can load applications onto as
the screen, and a black X badge many iPod touches and iPhones as
will appear in their top-left cor- you want, provided they’re synced
ners. If you tap that X, you’ll be to your iTunes Library.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Be Productive
hinking of leaving your laptop at home? With the iPhone, you’ve
already got a capable computer right in your pocket. These handy
apps help you get more done while you’re out on the town.

Organize Searches
Imagine that the results
of your Google searches
were offered in pictorial
form—an image that rep-
resents a link—and you
begin to grasp what the
free Cooliris (free; www
is about. Supporting
Google, Flickr, YouTube,
Yahoo, Smugmug, and DevianArt just like its free desktop counterpart,
Cooliris lets you surf the Web’s images in a Cover Flow kind of way and
provides links to content based on those images. The interface is stunning
and accelerometer-aware.

Transfer Files
Whether you need to transfer images,
Microsoft Office and iWork files, RTF
documents, or anything else, FileMag-
net ($5; from
Magnetism Studios lets you move those
files to your iPhone and view them on
the go. You name the file format, and
FileMagnet most likely supports it. You
can even use the app’s tilt-scrolling
feature to read your documents without
touching the screen, just by tilting your

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Log Time
Professionals who bill by the hour
understand the need for scrupu-
lous timekeeping. TimeLogger ($4; is a practical,
dynamic app that lets you keep close
track of your time and ensures that
you get paid for every minute you’re
owed. Besides basic tracking features,
Costmo Soft’s TimeLogger lets you
schedule starts and stops and allows
multiple timers to run at once with dif-
ferent time intervals for people who bill
by the hour, half hour, tenth of an hour,
or minute. You can also export your
time sheets by e-mail as either a plain
text or a spreadsheet file.

Convert Anything
If you ever find yourself needing to
convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, years to
seconds, miles to kilometers, liters to
pints, or grams to pounds, TheMac-
Box’s Units (free;
5019) is worth the download. It lets
you convert numbers for area, tem-
perature, time, weight, speed, length,
pressure, power, volume, and data
storage from one unit of measurement
to many others. It also has the ability
to convert among 35 different curren-
cies (updated wirelessly for accurate
results). There’s even an on-screen
ruler that lets you measure small items
of up to two-and-a-half inches or
seven centimeters. The app’s design
is simple, without any bells or whis-
tles, but it just works.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Compare Prices
Make on-the-fly price comparisons—
such as determining whether a
3.75-pound box of detergent at $16.99
is a better deal than an 8-ounce box at
$2.99—is a snap with codedifferent’s
CompareMe ($2,
Enter the quantities and prices, and
tap the large CompareMe button. You
can apply discounts with a few extra
taps, so factoring in a sale is a breeze.
CompareMe includes many common
units of measurement, allowing you to
compare savings between, say, ounces
and gallons with ease.

Connect to Your Computer

Leopard’s new screen-sharing feature
is handy for remote troubleshooting,
but what about checking on things
when you’re not at your computer?
No problem: with Mocha VNC’s
Mocha VNC Lite (free; macworld
.com/5020), you can view and interact
with your Mac or PC anywhere you’ve
got your iPhone. Mocha VNC Lite
works in both portrait and landscape
orientations, and you can pinch to
zoom in and out of the remote
screen. It also lets you store up to six
computers as shortcuts so you don’t
have to key in server information
every time.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Stay Connected
ant to see what’s going on in the world? Whether it’s the latest
world news or your best friend’s latest breakup, these apps
make sure you’re always in the loop.

Read the Headlines

As a stand-alone news reader, the iPhone
version of NetNewsWire (free; NewsGator
Technologies, can’t
hold a candle to the company’s Mac ver-
sion. But as an on-the-go article-filtering
app, NetNewsWire shines. You can quickly
browse new RSS articles and “clip” the
interesting ones for later reading. The next
time you run NetNewsWire on your Mac,
the read or unread status of each article,
along with your clippings, is synced to
your Mac, so you can pick up right where
you left off.

Follow Your Net Worth

In roller-coaster economic times, it’s
good to keep an eye on the market. With
Bloomberg (free; Bloomberg, macworld
.com/5022), you can see market news,
index values, and the value of your portfo-
lio. You can even drill down from a market
index to an individual company within that
index, all with a few taps.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Check Up on Friends
Facebook claims more than 100 million
active users on its social-networking
site. The Facebook iPhone app (free;
helps you stay connected with them,
thanks to its well-designed interface
and strong feature set. With the iPhone
client, you can view your friends’ latest
news, status updates, and photos, as
well as comment directly on a person’s
status. Facebook on the iPhone offers
badge notifications when friends com-
ment on your Wall or when you get
friend requests—you can now even
confirm or ignore requests from within
the app itself. And your Inbox contains
all of your sent and received messages.

Follow Your Twitter Feeds

The Iconfactory’s Twitterrific (ad-sup-
ported version, free; Premium version,
$4; connects to
the Twitter messaging service and lets
you send tweets and display incom-
ing tweets from your friends. You can
also share photos via the
service. An embedded Web browser
lets you tap on hyperlinks and view
the contents without having to switch
out of the program and into Safari. The
program’s interface combines simplic-
ity with solid functionality. A series of
slide-out hint screens appear for new
users, cleverly teaching you how the
program works.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Have Fun
ot a few minutes to spare? These entertainment-minded apps
help keep boredom at bay while you blow off steam, get the latest
score, or find that perfect action flick.

Access Your Entire Music Library

Even with 16GB of storage, you might
not be able to fit your entire music library
on your iPhone, especially if you also store
a lot of videos and applications. Simplify
Media ($4; Simplify Media, macworld
.com/5025) takes advantage of the
iPhone’s network capabilities to let you
stream music from your iTunes library on
your home computer via Wi-Fi or the cell
network. You’ll also need to set up a free
application on your Mac or PC and sign up
for a free account, but once that’s work-
ing, you can have your whole music library
at hand, no matter where you go.

Listen to the Radio

The wonder of Weather Underground’s
Wunder Radio ($7;
is that it allows you to stream tens of
thousands of terrestrial radio stations from
across the globe to your iPhone or iPod
touch. The application works over EDGE,
3G, and Wi-Fi networks and can find local
stations based on the location of your
iPhone or iPod touch.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Find a Movie
When it comes to finding a movie,
Showtimes (free; Avantar, macworld
.com/5027) is our favorite iPhone app.
It figures out your location, shows
theaters in order of proximity, and
integrates into the Maps application to
give you directions from your current
location. It even offers movie trailers
and summaries; shows movies by
popularity, user rating, or newness;
and, through an integrated browser,
links to RottenTomatoes, and IMDb
pages for movies.

Follow the Score

Although there are many sports score-
board apps for the iPhone, SportsTap
(free; SportsTap,
stands out, thanks to its home screen.
You’ll find icons for ten different sports
with a red Mail-like count badge on
each, indicating the number of new
scores within that category since you
last ran the program.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Turn Your iPhone into a Remote

How would you like to wirelessly con-
trol your iTunes library or Apple TV from
your iPhone or iPod touch? Run, don’t
walk, to the App Store and download
Remote (free; Apple, macworld
.com/5029). With it, you can not only
browse iTunes and your Apple TV but
also control speakers attached to your
computer as well as those connected
to an AirPort Express base station.

Edit Your Photos

The iPhone’s built-in camera makes
for a convenient way to snap quick
pictures, but CameraBag ($2; Never-
center, makes
those pics a lot more interesting.
CameraBag is a collection of photo
filters that you can apply to images in
your iPhone’s photo library or to those
you take from within the app. Some of
the filters included are Helga (square
format with vignette), 1974 (faded and
tinted), Fisheye (warped lens), and
Cinema (wide-screen and dramatic).

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Play Soccer
With a variety of game-
play modes and fairly in-
tuitive controls, Real Soc-
cer 2009 ($5; Gameloft, is a
must-have for any footie
fan. You can control the
fate of national teams and
top-tier clubs in every-
thing from exhibitions to
cup competitions. With classic soccer cheers and controls that exploit the
iPhone’s accelerometer, Real Soccer is the closest most of us will ever
come to scoring the decisive goal in the World Cup Final.

Get Wordy
Fans of the classic word-building game
Boggle should look no further than
Lonely Star Software’s Quordy ($3; To play, just drag
your finger across the letters on the
board to form words and score points.
Quordy has an attractive interface and
offers network, pass-along, and solo
play modes. There’s even a compre-
hensive high-score board so that you
can track your progress.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

third-party apps

Puzzle It Out
If you’re a fan of logic games but
you’ve played one too many rounds
of Sudoku, Marple ($2; Mikko
Kankainen, is
sure to please. Marple has four dif-
ferent types of tiles (letters, numbers,
dice, and shapes), with five different
tiles of each type. The board starts
with five columns, each containing
one of every tile. Using the provided
clues and a good amount of logic,
you determine which member of each
tile group belongs in each column.
With a million puzzles, you won’t run
out anytime soon.

Take Aim
Lazrhog Games has brought Kenta
Cho’s rRootage (free; Lazrhog Games, to the iPhone.
The game distills the essence of a
top-down shooter—blasting a “boss”
vehicle that’s dumping tons of ammo
straight at you. You have to dodge the
bullets and do your best to blast the
bad guy to smithereens. rRootage for
the iPhone is a work in progress, but
it’s unforgettable for its wild, geometric
graphics, spinning animations, and
crazy game play.

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

The Best
Make the Most Out of Your iPhone and
iPod Touch Experience with These Add-Ons

hen you purchase an iPhone, Apple
gives you everything you need to
get started—including a power
adapter, a USB cable, and a pair of
stereo headphones with a remote, a
microphone for hands-free calls,
a clicker, and volume controls.
But there are plenty of other
useful accessories that Apple
doesn’t offer. Whether you’re
looking for Bluetooth head-
phones, a protective case,
high-quality headphones
for better sound, or a set of
speakers for listening to music
out loud, there are scores of add-
ons that let you do more with your
Here are our picks for some of the most Table of contents
useful accessories for the iPhone. For more
reviews of the latest iPhone gear, go to 160 Cases 163 Headphones

167 Speakers
169 Power Accessories

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

he sleek design of the iPod limit access to the device’s touch
touch and iPhone make you screen—you may have to pull out
want to show them off, but your iPhone or iPod touch to ac-
they’re still vulnerable to scratches, cess most features.
scuffs, bumps, and drops. To mini-
mize the risk of damage, consider Recommendations:  Marware
using a protective case. CEO Sleeve ($25;,
Here’s a rundown of the most Sena iPhone Eléga Pouch and
common types of protectors, UltraSlim Pouch ($40 and $30,
along with examples of some of respectively;
our favorites. Whichever case you
choose, make sure it doesn’t block Holsters
the iPhone’s bottom-mounted Holsters
speaker and microphone, the are popu-
camera lens on the back, and the lar among DLO HipCase
light and proximity sensors near iPhone own-
the top edge on the front (unless, ers, as they
of course, the case is designed so let you store
that you take your iPhone out to your iPhone
use it). on your belt for easy access. The
downside to these cases is that,
Pouches and Sleeves as with pouches and sleeves, you
Pouches and sleeves completely need to take the iPhone out of the
encase your iPhone to protect it case to use it.
from scratches.
Some even Recommendations:  DLO Hip-
provide extra Case ($30;, Incase
padding to Leather Folio ($40;,
help guard Seidio Spring-Clip Holster ($30;
against bumps,
drops, and
shocks. These Standard Cases
Marware CEO cases tend to If you don’t need lots of protec-
Sleeve be relatively tion—for example, if you keep your
inexpensive. iPhone in your pocket, a purse, or
On the down- a laptop bag—a standard case is
side, many also right up your alley. These cases

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

enclose most of your Flip Cases and Wallets

device in leather, plas- Flip cases offer
tic, or fabric—offering complete protec-
protection against tion, thanks to a
minor bumps, drops, and cover that flips
scratches—while leaving open to provide
its screen and controls access to your
Incase Slider fully accessible. Some phone’s screen.
Case also include belt clips; we Although these
prefer clips that can be cases tend to be Sena Magnet-
removed without leaving a bit bulkier than Flipper Case
a bulky nub on the back. most, and they
don’t protect
Recommendations:  Agent 18 against the elements, they offer a
Eco iPhone Slider Shield ($35; good compromise between protec-, Case-Mate Signa- tion and convenience. Some offer
ture Leather Case ($35; case-mate a pocket for cash, credit cards, or
.com), Incase Fitted Sleeve and an ID, and a few even convert into
Slider Case ($35 each; goincase a stand for watching videos.
.com), Sena Leatherskin Case
($34; Recommendations:  Case-Mate
Leather Flip Case (First genera-
Skins tion, $35; Sena
Among the most popular types of MagnetFlipper Case ($52;
cases, skins enclose your iPhone
or iPod touch in a thin or thick layer
of silicone rubber. Thinner skins Workout Buddy
prevent scratches without adding If you listen to music or watch
much bulk, whereas thicker skins videos on
provide added shock protection. your iPod
Both give your device some much or iPhone Belkin Sport
needed traction. The downside of a while work- Armband
skin is that getting your device out ing out,
can be a minor hassle, especially if you want
you use dock-cradle accessories. a case
that offers
Recommendations:  iSkin revo2 shock protection, some
($40;, Marware Sport Grip amount of moisture pro-
($20;, Speck Tough- tection, and convenient carrying
Skin ($35; options. Such cases can be found

Macworld’s iPhone & ipod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

in the other basically invisible and don’t affect

categories the iPhone’s touch screen inter-
here, but if face. Some, such as ShieldZone’s
you’re a fan of InvisibleShield, are also available in
exercise arm- full body versions that protect the
bands, there entire iPhone without adding bulk
are a couple or obscuring its stylish appearance.
solid options
out there. Recommendations:  Power Sup-
Griffin Technology
iClear port Crystal Film Sets ($15 for
Recommen- two;, Body
dations:  Bel- Guardz ($15 for two screen protec-
kin Sport Armband with Fast Fit tors, $25 for two whole phone
($40;, Marware Sports- protectors;
uit Convertible ($35;
Ultimate Protection
Clear Protection People who treat their iPhones
Want to protect your iPhone from roughly or venture into harsh
scratches but don’t want to hide its environments will want a case that
shiny surfaces? There are a number offers complete protection against
of attractive cases on the market shocks and the elements. These
that enclose your phone in hard, cases can add significant bulk and
transparent plastic. Most include may make your device difficult
belt clips; some add rugged rubber to access, but you won’t have to
bumpers for shock protection. worry about getting water or sand
in your precious iPhone.
Recommendations:  Griffin Tech-
nology iClear ($30; griffintechnology Recommendation: OtterBox
.com), Contour Design iSee and iPhone
Showcase ($30 and $35, respec- Defender
tively; Cases ($50;
Screen Protection
Many iPhone cases include a
clear, flexible film that protects
the phone’s glass screen, but if
you prefer to carry your iPhone au
OtterBox Defender
naturel—or want a higher quality
film—you can purchase a screen
protector separately. The best are

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

pple’s white earbuds are deep—in your ear
pretty good as far as ear- canals. Like earplugs,
buds go, and the iPhone they block most exter-
version even features a microphone nal noise, so they’re Shure SE530
(for phone calls) that doubles as a great for travel and
remote for basic playback con- noisy environments.
trol. But if you’re still using them, They’re also capable
you’re not enjoying your iPhone of producing stun-
to its full sonic potential. A new ning audio quality. On
set of headphones is probably the the other hand, some
most rewarding upgrade you can people find them
perform on your iPhone. uncomfortable, and the best ones
Here are the different types of come with a stunning price tag.
headphones on the market, along (For more information on in-ear-
with a few of our recommendations canal headphones, visit macworld
at various prices. .com/2709.)

Earbuds Recommendations:   Ultimate

Earbuds, the Ears Super-fi 3 Studio ($130;
type of head-, Etymotic hf5
phones included ($150;, Shure
with every iPod SE210 ($180;, Ultimate
and iPhone, Ears Triple.Fi 10 Pro ($400;
sit loosely in, Shure SE530
your outer ears. Sennheiser MX 560 ($500;
Although no ear-
buds produce outstanding sound, Canalbuds
they’re compact and relatively Halfway between earbuds and
inexpensive. in-ear-canal headphones, “canal-
buds” don’t block out as much
Recommendations:  Sennheiser external noise as the latter and
MX 460 and MX 560 ($25 and $30, can’t match the performance of
respectively; better in-ear-canal headphones.
But canalbuds tend to be more
In-Ear-Canal Headphones comfortable than true in-ear-canal
These headphones, also known as models—because they don’t sit so
canalphones, fit snugly—and fairly deep and don’t fit so tightly in your

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

iPhone Headphone and

Headset Adapters
If you have a first-generation iPhone, you’ll need an adapter to make
non-Apple headphones work with the phone’s recessed jack. For just
listening to music, a simple audio adapter will do. We’re fans of small,
flexible, and inexpensive ones: FastMac’s iPhone Adapter ($4; fastmac
.com) and iFrogz’s Fitz ($4; fit the bill. If you like the built-in
microphone, clicker, and volume controls of the iPhone’s stock ear-
buds, a number of adapters add these features to any headphones.
Our current favorite is also among the least expensive: Griffin Technol-
ogy’s SmartTalk ($20;

ear canals— clip for each ear. For easier travel-

and are less ing, many of these models fold
expensive. up. Although most lightweight
headphones produce mediocre
Recommenda- sound, there are many standouts.
tions:  Sen-
Ultimate Ears
nheiser CX Recommendations:  Koss
300-II ($70; KSC35, KSC75, Porta Pro, and, Apple In-Ear SportaPro
Headphones with Remote and ($20–$50;
Mic ($79;, V-,
Moda BassFreq and Vibe ($30 and Sennheiser
$60, respectively;, PX 100 and Sennheiser
PX 100
Ultimate Ears 4 ($130; PMX 100 ($70 and $60,
Lightweight Headphones sennheiserusa
These portable and mostly reason- .com), Grado
ably priced headphones generally iGrado ($50;
use larger drivers (speakers) than
earbuds and canalphones, and their
earpieces rest against the outside of Full-Size Headphones
the ear. Some have a thin headband If you don’t mind some extra bulk,
that goes over or behind the head; good full-size headphones, which
others use a small plastic or flexible often fully surround your ears,

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

sound better than good lightweight pipe in an inverse audio signal

models. Some are also much more to “cancel out” a good deal of
comfortable. These headphones fall monotonous sound. Although they
into two categories: closed mod- don’t usually sound as good as
els, which block out some external comparable in-ear phones, they are
noise, and open models, which easier to put on and take off, and
some people prefer sonically, but they still let you hear what’s going
which also let more noise in and on around you.
out. One caveat: to reach their po-
tential, many full-size headphones Recommendations:  Panasonic
require more juice than an iPod or RP-HC500 ($200;,
iPhone’s headphone jack provides. Bose Quiet Comfort 2 and 3 ($300
and $350, respectively;,
Recommendations:   Sennheiser Monster Beats By Dr. Dre ($300;
HD 201
(closed; $35;
sennheiserusa iPhone Headphones
.com), Grado Beyerdynamic Thanks to the popularity of the
SR60i (open; DT 235 iPhone, a number of companies
$69; gradolabs now sell
.com), Beyerdy- iPhone-spe-
namic DT 235 cific head-
(closed; €50; phones with
beyerdynamic- a microphone, Sennheiser HD 555 and basic re-
(open; $180; mote-control
features built Maximo
Noise-Canceling in. Many offer
Headphones improvements
If you’re not a fan of in-ear phones, in both audio quality and micro-
but you want something that can phone performance over Apple’s
filter out external noise such as iPhone headphones, and most
airplane engines, train rumblings, use a canalbud design instead of
or the hum of a crowd, invest in Apple’s earbud approach. Canal-
a good pair of noise-canceling buds provide better noise isola-
headphones. These headphones— tion than earbuds, but because
which come in both lightweight they partially seal off your ear
and full-size models, with the latter canal, like earplugs, a phenom-
offering better noise isolation— enon called the occlusion effect
sample outside sound and then ( can make

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

your own voice sound odd—to of which offer impressive noise-

yourself—when talking. cancellation technology and
high-tech microphones so
Recommendations:   Maximo others can hear your voice Jawbone
iP-HS1 and iP-HS2 iMetal (ear- clearly. The iPhone 3GS,
bud and canalbud, $70 and $60 re- as well as
spectively;, the iPhone
V-Moda Vibe Duo 45 ($80; 3G running, Ultimate Ears iPhone OS 3.0, can stream ste-
4vi (canalbud, $150; ultimateears reo audio to Bluetooth headphones
.com), Griffin Technology’s Smart- that support the A2DP protocol.
Talk ($20; Most Bluetooth headphones also
double as headsets, seamlessly
Bluetooth Headsets and switching between music and
Headphones incoming calls.
If you think being tethered to your Recommendations:  Aliph
iPhone is a drag, consider going Jawbone Prime ($130;,
wireless. All iPhones will work with Plantronics Discovery 925 ($150;
standard Bluetooth headsets, many

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

ure, your iPhone is a great Recommendations:  Portable
music player, but some- Sound Laboratories iMainGo 2
times you need a break from ($40;, Digifocus
direct-to-brain listening or want to Pocket Hi-Fi ($60; digifocusgroup
share your music with others. A .com), Vestalife Ladybug ($110;
good set of speakers will help you, Logitech Pure-Fi
cut the cord with your iPhone. Anywhere 2 ($150;
Some speakers exhibit audio
interference when used with an Transportable Speakers
iPhone that’s not in Airplane mode. If you just want to be able to move
Newer speakers with the “Made for your music from
iPhone” designation are immune. room to room, or Harman Kardon
to the back-
Portable Speakers yard, beach,
If you want to pack your iPod or park, you
speakers in your carry-on luggage, don’t need
laptop bag, or backpack, you need ultimate
something small, light, rugged, portability.
and battery powered. You sacri- A transportable system will give you
fice some sound quality for such better sound and louder volume in a
convenience. For the ultimate in larger, slightly heavier package that
portability, consider using wireless can still run off batteries.
speakers. The iPhone 3G S, and
the iPhone 3G running 3.0, can Recommendations:  Altec Lan-
stream to Bluetooth speakers that sing inMotion Max ($200;
support the A2DP protocol., Harman Kardon

Logitech Pure-Fi
Anywhere 2

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

Go+Play ($290; harmankardon

.com), Tivoli Audio iSongBook
($400; Klipsch iGroove SXT

Computer Speakers
If you don’t need the integrated offer surprisingly good sound
docking station commonly found but are light enough to fit on a
on iPod-specific speakers, tradi- bookshelf. Some desktop speak-
tional computer speakers will work ers even offer additional features,
fine with your iPhone. You simply such as an alarm-clock radio.
plug them into the iPhone’s head-
phone jack or, even better, into the Recommendations:  Klipsch
audio-output jack of the iPhone’s iGroove SXT ($149;,
dock cradle. Boston Acoustics Duo-i ($200;, Bow-
Recommendations:   Altec Lan- ers & Wilkins Zeppelin ($600;
sing expressionist Bass ($130;, Acoustic
Energy Aego M Series ($200;, Altec
Lansing PT6021 ($350;

Audioengine A5
Altec Lansing
expressionist Bass
Full-Size Speakers
If you’re looking to replace your
home stereo with an iPod-based
system, you need something that
sounds great, offers an iPod cradle,
Desktop Speakers and can fill a large room with big
If you’re looking for something sound. A full-size speaker system
compact to put on your desk, is the perfect solution.
kitchen counter, or dresser, but
you don’t really need portability, Recommendations:  Audioengine
desktop speakers are the way to A5 ($350–$450; audioengineusa
go. Thanks to their AC power and .com), Jamo i300 ($400; jamo
larger enclosures, these systems .com), Focal XS ($600;

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

Power Accessories
our iPhone works as a Recommendations:  RichardSolo
phone, a game console, a Backup Battery ($50; richardsolo
PDA, a portable entertain- .com), Kensington Battery Pack
ment center, and much more. Un- and Charger ($70; us.kensington
fortunately, all those possibilities .com)
make it all too easy to run down
its built-in battery. Here are some Car Chargers XtremeMac
helpful battery accessories to If you don’t InCharge Auto
keep your iPhone going longer. want to
run your
Extra Juice iPod or
Whether you’ve just finished a long iPhone’s bat-
conference call or forgot to plug tery down while
in your iPhone last listening to tunes in
night, sometimes your the car—or if you want
iPhone needs a little your travel time to double
pick-me-up. Try pack- as charging time—you need a car
ing a backup battery charger that plugs into your car’s
for your iPhone or cigarette lighter. Dock-connector
iPod touch to get it chargers for the iPod should also
back into fighting trim. power and charge the iPhone
You can juice up correctly, although more slowly
most rechargeable than an official “Made for iPhone”
lithium-ion batteries model.
either via USB or,
using the included Recommendations:  Griffin
RichardSolo wall charger, a Technology PowerJolt SE($20;
Backup Battery
standard AC outlet., XtremeMac
Alternatively, 30-pin InCharge Auto ($20; xtrememac
dock connectors .com)
make it easy to plug the batteries
right into your iPhone. Our power Griffin Technology
picks both claim to provide up to PowerDock
twice the talk or surf time, which
should be long enough to keep
the iPhone working over a long
plane ride.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

the best accessories

Power Dock up to four iPods and iPhones—via

If you’ve got multiple iPods or four universal-style dock cradles—
iPhones, a power dock lets you from a single power cable.
charge multiple devices simultane- Recommendation:  Griffin Tech-
ously, eliminating the frequent plug- nology PowerDock ($50–$70;
ging and unplugging of dock-con-
nector cables and the accompanying
desktop clutter. Griffin Technology’s
PowerDock simultaneously charges

Other Favorite Gadgets

Of course, all of this is just the beginning when it
comes to outfitting your iPhone with cool acces- Griffin Technology
sories. We have a few more personal
SendStation Dock Extender  If you
keep your iPod or iPhone in a protec-
tive case, this nifty gadget lets you use your player with dock-cradle
accessories—such as speakers—without having to remove it from the
case. ($29;
Griffin Technology Simplifi  This peripheral combines an iPod dock,
media card slots, and USB hub in one. Simplifi recharges the iPhone and
all dock-rechargeable iPod models that charge through USB. A USB
mini cable attaches it to a nearby computer, so the iPhone or iPod can
sync. ($70;
Ten One Design Pogo Stylus  If you prefer navigating your iPhone’s
touch menu with a stylus instead of your fingers, Ten One Design’s Pogo
Stylus can assist you. Made of anodized aluminum with a soft touch-
screen-compatible tip, the Pogo Stylus is ideal for tapping out your every
command. ($15;
DLO VentMount  The VentMount provides an inexpensive and func-
tional—but removable—car mount for your iPhone or iPod touch. The
device attaches to your car’s AC vent, and your player easily attaches
to the mount, leaving all controls and connections accessible. When
you reach your destination, the mount pops off the clip and functions as
a belt clip that also doubles as a hands-free stand for watching video.

Macworld’s iPhone & iPod touch Superguide, third Edition

Nobody spends more time with Apple’s
revolutionary products than the editors
at Macworld.

In this book, Macworld’s team of

experts uses its knowledge to create
an updated and straightforward guide
to the iPhone and iPod touch, including
details on the 3.0 OS update and the
iPhone 3GS.

Inside these pages you’ll find detailed

instructions for mastering the most
important features on your iPhone or
iPod touch, as well as a few hidden
ones. You’ll learn how to customize your
settings, squeeze the most juice out of
a battery charge, and connect to wireless networks while keeping your
data protected. Get insider tips for communicating using the phone,
e-mail, and instant messages, including how to cut, copy, and paste
text and images. Get oriented using built-in maps, location technology,
and, if you have an iPhone 3GS, the digital compass.

Fill your device with movies and music using our strategies for navigat-
ing media files and converting video files on your hard drive or DVDs
into an iPhone-compatible format. We’ll show you how to take advan-
tage of iTunes’ space-saving features, including smart playlists that sift
through your massive library and find the files you want to carry with
you. Expand your iPhone’s capabilities with our picks for best third-
party apps from Apple’s App Store. And for those times when you run
into problems, our experts offer vital troubleshooting advice and indis-
pensable tips for solving common hiccups.

Whether you’re on a Mac or Windows PC, using a first-generation iPhone

or an iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, or iPod touch, Macworld’s award-winning
team will show you how to get the most out of your device.

ISBN 978-0-9822621-1-5
51995 >

9 780982 262115

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