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Psalms 34:8

Taste and see that God is good.

Most Respected Achen, Esteemed Judges, Respected Teachers and my dear friends, Psalms 34;8
speaks taste and know that the God is good. Let me take this opportunity to meditate up on these
verse and to relate this verse to our lives. As kids, we all have some special likings regarding our
food. Each one of us may have our own taste and likings. Here the psalmist expresses his most
favourite taste. He urges all his readers to know the goodness of God by tasting him. What does
it mean? Does he urge to eat God to taste him.
The message given by the psalmist is clear and obvious. He is urging us to know and love our
Lord by experiencing him. With out experiencing God we may not be able to know him
completely. Without tasting sugar we cant predict whether it is sweet or sour. Merely by seeing
it we cant express its nature. Our knowledge about God is also like this. God also has to be
experienced so as to understand him completely. With the verb taste, the psalmist invites the
worshipper to try God, to drink deeply, and to trust him. Taste becomes a metaphor for the
invitation to experience.
Then an important question comes. How we can understand God? Of course we are studying
about God from our Sunday school lessons and others. But such an experience is not perfect. The
most important way to experience God is by making a personal relation with God. And this is
possible only through prayer. Our Church designs its worship pattern in such a way as to enable
the worshippers to establish such a relation with God. Our Holy Qurbana and public prayers are
really helpful for us to experience God. While we attend the Holy Qurbana we are infact
personally experiencing our Lord. The Holy Communion that we receive is tying ourselves with
the body of Christ our savior. It enables us to abide in Christ as Jesus said in St. John 15:7.
The second way of experiencing Lord is through our personal prayers. As we live in a family, we
are supposed to come to an intimate relation with God through our family prayers. Praying at
least two times a day with our family strengthens us in building up our experience of God. Along
with this we have to build up our personal relation with God through our private secret prayers.
If possible we, as children, should pray when ever we get time. It should not be made to show it
to any one; but should be made to establish a good relation with our God. Thus through our

prayers and relation with God, we will be in the feeling of tasting our Lord. Only through such
an experience we will be able to know the goodness and greatness of our Lord. Our prayer is not
separated from our Bible reading habits. We should be able to read and meditate the bible
everyday. It will definitely add to our divine experience. Once we experience God and
understand God we are supposed to lead a Godly life. Our lives should be a witness to our Lord.
So my dear friends, let us all make up our minds to taste our God and thus to understand His
goodness. Let His goodness help us to be good children. I hope such a decision of ours will
definitely be a new voice in this world. As students of Sunday school, I believe it is our duty to
change this world. If we all strive hard, with our new understanding of the goodness of our God
we can achieve that goal. Let me conclude my speech. May the holy spirit strengthen us and
guide us through this.
Thank you

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