Agenda:: Supervision/Observed Practice 24/01/13

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Supervision/Observed Practice 24/01/13

1) Feedback and reflection from observed practice
2) Time sheet - PE read and initial copy
3) Minutes from last PTS
4) PLS discuss
5) Reflection on practice issues
6) Cultural awareness and integration
7) PE any issues arising

Location: CC2, WBDC

Topics discussed

Discussed question of why I had not challenged OMs decision, I explained

that old OSS had talked to OM and fed this back to me. I also explained
how old OSS is not very assertive and gave example of discussion
between myself old OSS and new OSS regarding the mother asked them
to restrict their sons chocolate intake. We explored how this was
oppressive and discriminatory as adults without learning disabilities are
allowed to eat as much as they want and be considerably overweight.
Also, looked at the infantalisation of adults with learning disabilities and
how adults in their 40s often had decisions made for them, this led on to
different levels of restraint are appropriate at different ages and the
concept of Gallick competence.
I mentioned a previous incident when at BT (ACDC) when the
management had no longer decided to buy service-users who attended
the WBTP there boxes of chocolates for Christmas. I perceived this as
acknowledgement of valued role they occupy by giving them a Christmas
bonus as they do not get paid for their work (according to RADAR a
possibly exploitative practice) and PE told me that with children they
advise parents do not reward with food, over-praise or staying up late. PE

also mentioned the negative effects junk food can have on mood, sleep
and health; drawing on an experience from her own practice. I agree that
the principle of not rewarding adults with learning disabilities with
unhealthy treats and giving them undeserved praise holds true and that
taking a more measured approach to validation is more consistent to the
open workplace.
PE talked about need to think things through and drew on experience of
working with children in a refugee centre and working around a
programme of adopt and cherish to
encourage individuals to take
responsibility for their behaviour, environment and pride. PE told me
about the Aboriginal model where older adults have status and are
respected in the village as opposed to western society where they are
often discriminated against ; the Mediterranean Model where multigenerational families are living in the same house and child-rearing
differed in Indonesia and the possible impact on attachment. PE talked
about fostering and how being younger may go against potential families
and how the requirements against which they are measured may make
the home environment strange for the child, leading to placement
breakdown. Also, briefly discussed was: grandparents as kinship carers
and the need to assess capabilities rather than an age; the fact that
health and age do not necessarily have a causal link and that this
generation will die younger and achieve less than their parents
PE mentioned that we as social workers dont have the right to stop
people from doing anything, Samaritans can talk to people who are
contemplating suicide and try to talk them out of this however we cannot
restrain them. She went on to mention how when a person takes an
overdose medical staff pump their stomach, and we discussed the idea of
best interests, fear of reprisal for allowing a person to die and possibility
of being accused of assisting suicide.
Briefly discussed the MHA (2007) and how this allows doctors and
Approved Mental Health Professionals to have individuals detained, giving
them greater power over individuals/service-users.
PLS discussed briefly and minor suggestions of required changes around
my use of language, especially member of staff instead of staff and
oppressive instead of wrong, also advised me to be a bit more careful
with my grammar.
PE did not mention any pressing issues apart from my need to talk to OSS
regarding how to use a communication passport.

Asked PE about cultural awareness and integration as I have been unable

to include this aspect of social work practice in any of my PLS. PE told me
that this is acknowledging the effect of culture, religion and background
on the individuals I support and the influence they may have relevant to
my PLS.
Also discussed was the continuing statement by OSS and OM that I do not/
cannot lone work (see PLS 2 & 4) , PE said that as a social work student I
should lone work and she would be very worried if I didnt. I agreed and
told her that not only is there another SSW that I know of - on the same
course as me lone working in a different Hub within EC but also I regularly
lone work (at least once a week) this is frequently with more than one
service user and on a couple of occasions I have done so for up to an hour.
Feedback on Observed Practice
1) PE stated that I did not have control in the meeting, old OSS repeatedly
rescue me and made reference to Karpmans Drama triangle. She
attributed that he was possibly trying to impress her or exerting his power
as the dominate male.
2) Mentioned I used closed questions which led to single word responses
also talked about the use of motivational interview questions: what? Who?
When? How? Where?
3) Told me that in the future I should write a script of exactly I plan to say
and look at communication passport to establish service user vocabulary
4) Felt my new OSS may have abandoned me by moving during the
5) Talked about feedback from service users and how they would like to
lead the team meeting and discussed stagnation and lack of progress
being due to lack of cognition rather than lack of opportunity and how
radical change may lead to regression.

Follow- up
-Learn about how to use a communication passport
-Prepare for mid-point
-Arrange observed practice 2
-Do PLS5 and re-draft 1,2,3,4 & 6

Next meeting: 27/02/13

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