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DNA synthesis replication and sequencing Process

We have been witnessing the changes since the advancement of technology. The
biological technologies have made some serious ground breaking invention and
innovation to discover processes by which tissues, molecules and different
substances of human organs can either be replicated or substituted.
In this line of findings DNA replication or synthesis is one of the major discoveries
to attain results in biological and medical processes.
DNA consists of many DNA nucleotides (nucleotides are the building blocks of
nucleic acids) and each of the DNA nucleotide is composed of deoxyribose (a
pentose, or five carbon sugar), a phosphate molecule and one of four nitrogenous
bases: Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine and Guanine. (A, T, C, G). The natural
composition of DNA can be replicated with the use of bio-chemistry and hence
scientific progression resulted in creating human DNA, in order to replicate at some
The DNA synthesis or replication takes place by breaking of hydrogen bonds
between bases of the two anti-parallel strands. The breaking of two strands is the
beginning. This split happens in the places of the sequence which are rich in A-T. It
is because of the two bonds between Adenine and Thymine. However, Cytosine and
Guanine consists of three hydrogen bonds. The bond between Adenine and Thymine
is broken with the use of Helicase enzyme which splits the two strands. The point
where the splitting begins or originates is called Origin of Replication, and
therefore the structure created is known as Replication Fork.
Steps in DNA Synthesis
A. Breaking: The first and foremost important of the steps in the process of DNA
synthesis is the unzipping of the DNA molecules. In the process the hydrogen
bonds between the pairs are broken. Helicase enzyme is used to split the
DNA molecules. Thus, the DNA bases are exposed so that corresponding base
pairing can occur.
B. Corresponding Base Pairing: It is evident that DNA synthesis begins or starts
with the splitting of the two hydrogen bonds which leads to the
complementary base pairing. The nucleotide bases that consist of the two
strands of DNA molecule are exposed and nucleotides are located as the
nucleus move into places by corresponding base pairing.
Example: Adenine is complementary to Thymine and vice versa, which means A
only bonds with T and T is complemented only by A. Henceforth, the sequence
goes on with Cytosine bonding with Guanine and vice versa, meaning C only
bonds with G and G of course goes only with C. The pairs of complementary
nucleotide from cross bridges of DNA molecules.

C. Bonding of Adjacent Nucleotides: The DNA molecule is formed when the

sugar part of one nucleotide bonds with the phosphate part of the adjoining
nucleotide. These bonds produce the sides of the ladder. By joining sugar
with phosphate parts of the adjoining nucleotide molecules causes the length
of the new DNA molecule to enlarge. Two complete molecules of DNA are thus
formed, identical or similar to the original one.
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