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Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)



: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

Course Title

: Indian Philosophy

efJe<ee kees[

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :


Course Code: MAPH-01

DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.

Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

Hkkjrh; n'kZu dh ekSfyd fo'ks"krk;sa D;k gSa\ foospu dhft;sA

What are the basic feastures of Indian Philosophy? Discuss.


pkokZd ds vkRek rFkk bZ'oj&lEcU/kh fopkjksa dk vkykspukRed fooj.k nhft;sA

Give a critical exposition of Charvaka theories of Soul and God.

tSu er ds lIrHkaxh ui dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft;sA
Explain and examine the Jain Doctrine of Saptabhng-nyaya.

ckS) n'kZu ds f}rh; vk;ZlR; dh O;k[;k dhft;sA

Explain the second Noble truth of Buddhism.

[k.M c
Minimum Marks : 12

uksV % y?kq mkjh; iz'uA iz'uksa ds vius mkj 200 ls 300 'kCnksa esa fy[ksAa lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z
Note : Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. All question are

U;k; n'kZu ds vuqlkj izR;{k ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft;A

Discuss the nature of perception according to Nyaya Philosophy.


oS'ksf"kd n'kZu ds vuqlkj lkekU; dh vo/kkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft;A

Explain the Vaisesika conception of Samanya.


Ekhekalk n'kZu ds deZ&Qy fl)kUr dh O;k[;k dhft;sA

Explain Mimansa theory of Karma and Phala.


'kadj txr~ dh O;k[;k fdl izdkj djrs gS\ D;k txr~ lr~ gS ;k vlr~ gS\

How does Sankara explain the World. Is the World real or unreal?

'kadj vkSj jkekuqt ds cz&fopkj ds chp Hksn crkb;sA

Distinguish between the Brahman of Sankara and that of Ramanuja.


;ksx&n'kZu ds v"Vkax&ekxZ dh O;k[;k dhft;sA

Explain the Eight-fold path of Yoga Philosophy.

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)



: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

Course Title

efJe<ee kees[

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :


Course Code: MAPH-02

DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.

Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18
1. Discuss the problem of Being and Becoming in the carly Greek Philosophy.

izkjfEHkd ;wukuh n'kZu esa lr~ ,oa laHkou dh leL;k dh foospuk dhft,A
2. Explain and Examine Platos doctrine of Ioleas.

IysVks ds izR;; fl)kUr dh O;k[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft,A

3. Discuss Aristotles classification of casue.

vjLrw ds dkj.k lEcU/kh oxhZdj.k dh foospuk dhft,A

[k.M c
Minimum Marks : 12
Note : Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. All question are

uksV % y?kq mkjh; iz'uA iz'uksa ds vius mkj 200 ls 300 'kCnksa esa fy[ksAa lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z
4. Discuss Dimocritussatomism.

MseksfVl ds ijek.kqokn dh foospuk dhft,A

5. Discuss Socrates statement knowledge is virtue?

Lkqdkjky ds dFku ^Kku ln~xq.k gS* dh foospuk dhft,A

6. Explain St-Aqines arguments to prove the existence of God.

lar ,fDoukl ds bZ'oj ds vfLrRo dks fl) djus ds fy, rdksZ dh O;k[;k dhft,A
7. Discuss the minel body relationship problem in rationalisation.

cqf)okn esa eu&nsg lEcU/k dh leL;k dh foospuk dhft,A

8. Discuss the catogories of understanding in the philosophy of Kant.

dkaV ds n'kZu esa cqf) dh dksfV;ksa dh foospuk dhft,A

9. Explain Hegels Absolute Idealism.

gsxsy ds fujis{k izR;;okn dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)



: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

: 'kadjkpk;Z dk n'kZu
: Phiolosophy of Shanker

Course Title

efJe<ee kees[

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :


Course Code: MAPH-03

DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.
Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

v}Sr osnkUr dk D;k vFkZ gSA v}Sr osnkUr dh lkekU; fo'ks"krkvksa dk foospu
What does Advaita Vedant Mean? Discuss common characteristics of Advaita Vedant?

2- 'kadjkpk;Z lka[; n'kZu dh dSls vkykspuk djrs gS\ foospu dhft,A

How does Shankeracharya criticise Sankhya Darshan? Discuss.

D;k 'kadj izPNUu ckS) gS\ foLrkjiwoZd foospu dhft,A

Is Shanker crypto Buddhist? Discuss in detail.

[k.M c
Minimum Marks : 12

uksV % y?kq mkjh; iz'uA iz'uksa ds vius mkj 200 ls 300 'kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
Note : Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. All question are

xkSMikn ds vtkfrokn dk foospu dhft,A

Discuss Ajativada according to Gaudapada.


vFkkrkscz ftKklk lw= esa ^vFk* 'kCn dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Explain the word Atha in Athatobrahmajigyaysa Sutra.


Tkxr~ feF;k gSA foospu dhft,A

The World is Mithya. Discuss.


'kadj ek/;kfed n'kZu ds fo"k; esa D;k fopkj gS\ foospu dhft,A
What is the view of Shanker about Madhyamika philosophy. Discuss.


vfuoZpuh; [;kfrokn dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Explain Anirvachaniya Khayativada.


'kadj ds vuqlkj eks{k ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft,A

Discuss the natue of Moksa according to Shanker.

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)


efJe<ee kees[


: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

: v}Sr osnkUr

Course Title

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :

Advarta Vedant


Course Code: MAPH-04(O)/


DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.

Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

lq[kokn dk Lo:i D;k gS\ lq[kokn esa csUFke ,oa fey ds ;ksxnku dh foospuk dhft,A
What is the nature of Hedonimsm? Discuss the Benthums and Mills contribution to hedonism.

2- xhrk ds uSfrd n'kZu dh foospuk dhft,A

Describe the Ethical Philosophy of Bhagwat Gita.

uSfrd fu.kZ; ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft,A

Discuss the nature of Moral Judgement.

[k.M c
Minimum Marks : 12

uksV % y?kq mkjh; iz'uA iz'uksa ds vius mkj 200 ls 300 'kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
Note : Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. All question are compulsory.


iq:"kkFkZ prq"V; dh foospuk dhft,A

Describe the concept of Four Purusharth.


dk.V ds lfnPNk fl)kar dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Discuss the Kants doctrin of Good-will.


iw.kZrkokn ds egRo dh foospuk dhft,\

Describe the importance of perfortinism.


xzhu ds ^lkekU; 'kqHk* fl)kar dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Explain the docrtin of common good according to Green.


Lkk/; vkSj lk/ku fl)kar ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\

What do you mean by the doctrin of Eonds and Means.


_r ,oa _.k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\

What do you mean by Rit and Rin.

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)



: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

Course Title

: Buddhism

efJe<ee kees[

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :


Course Code: MAPH-05(O)/


DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.

Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

1. Discuss critically the Buddhism theory of momentoriness.

ckS)ksa ds {k.kHkaxokn dh vk;kspukRed foospuk dhft;sA
2. Discuss the nature of madhyamika Dialectic.
ek/;fed }UnkRed& rdZ dk foospuk fdft;sA
3. Discuss critically the yogacare concept of Alayavijnana.
;ksxkpkj ds vky;foKku dh vo/kkj.kk dh vkykspukRed foospuk dhfr;sA
Section B

KeC[ - ye

DeefOekelece Debke

: 12

Maximum Marks: 12

vees : ueIeg Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Gej 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~
Note: Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.
All questions are compulsory.

4. Buddhist theory of causation.

ckS) dkj.krk&fl)kUr
5. The doctrine of Apoha.
6. Concept of niroana according to Hinyana.
ghu;ku ds vuqlkj fuokZ.k dh vo/kkj.kk
7. Refutation of external world by yogacara vignavada.
;ksxkpkj foKkuokn }kjk ckg;&txr~ dk [k.Mu
8. Basic difference between Vaibhashika and sautantrika.
oSHkkfkd ,oa lkSrkfU=d esa ewy Hksn
9. Means of attainment of Nirvana.
fuokZ.k&izkfIr ds mik;

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)


efJe<ee kees[


: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

Course Title

: Contemporary Western Cours Philosophy

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :


Course Code: MAPH-06(O)/


DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.

Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

1. How does Ayer eliminate metaphysics? Critically discuss.

,;j fdl izdkj rRDeh?kalk dk fujlu djrs gS? vkykspukRed O;[;k dhft;sA
2. Critically discuss Wittgenstein`s picture theory of meaning.
fDr~xaLs Vkbu ds vFkZ dk fp= fl)kar dh vkykspukRed O;[;k dhft;sA
3. Explain and examine Husserl`s phenomenological method.
gqlyZ ds laD`frkkLrhd fof/k dh O;[;k ,oa ijh{kk dhft;sA
Section B

KeC[ - ye

DeefOekelece Debke

: 12

Maximum Marks: 12

vees : ueIeg Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Gej 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~
Note: Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.
All questions are compulsory.

4. `Truth is subjectivity` state and examine.

lR;rk vkRefuBrk gSA d;u ,oa ijh{k.k dhft,A
5. What is common sense knowledge according to Moore?
ewj ds vuqlkj loZlk/kkj.k Kku D;k gS?
6. What is logical construction? explain.
rkfddZ lajpuk D;k gS? O;[;k dhft;sA
7. `Man is condemned to be free` critically explain.
euq; LDraUt gksus ds fy, vfukiz gSA vkykspukRed O;[;k dhft;sA
8. `The world is the totality of facts not of things`explain.
txr oLrqvksa dh ugh cfYd rF;ksa dh lexzrk gSA O;[;k dhft;sA

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)



: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

Course Title

: Metaethics

efJe<ee kees[

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :


Course Code: MAPH-07(O)/


DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.

Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

1. Discuss the nature objectives and scope of metaethics: how is it different

from normative ethics?
vf/kuhfrkkL= dh izd`fr] mn~ns; ,oa {ks= dh ppkZ dhft;sA ;g fu;ked uhfrkkL= ls fdl
izdkj fHkUu gSA?
2. What are the fundamental problems of subjective naturalism? How is it
different from objective naturalism?
O;fDrfuB izd`frokn dh eq[; leL;k, D;k gSa? ;g oLrqfuB izd`frokn ls fdl izdkj fHkUu
3. If I am asked `what is good`, then my response would be that good is
good and that is the end of the matter. Discuss the non naturalism of
G.E.moore in the light of abovementioned statement.
**;fn eq>ls iwNk tk; fd kqHk D;k gS* rks esjk mkj gksxk fd kqHk kqHk gS ,oa ;gh bl
ifjppkZ dk lekiu gSA** mijksDr dFku ds izdkk esa th-bZ-ewj ds fuizd`frokn dh ppkZ
Section B

KeC[ - ye

DeefOekelece Debke

: 12

Maximum Marks: 12

vees : ueIeg Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Gej 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~
Note: Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.
All questions are compulsory.

4. What is the testimony of moral jugjements according to A.J.Ayer?

,-ts-,;j- ds vuqlkj uSfrd fu.kZ; ds lk{; D;k gSa?
5. What are the `Prima-Facie Duties` according to` Rass` and why ?
jkWl ds vuqlkj *izFke&n`V~;k dUrZO;* D;k gSa vkSj D;ksa?

6. How does R.M.Hare establish distinction between moral judjemnt and

general commands?
vkj-,e- gs;j uSfrd fu.kZ;ksa ,oa lkekU; funsZkksa ds e/; foHksn dks fdl izdkj LFkkfir djrsa
7. Criticize briefly the emotion of C.L. Steverson.
lh-,y- Lrhosl
a u ds laox
s okn dh laf{kIr vkykspuk dhft,A
8. Compare briefly the metaethical ideas of hare and Novell Smith.
gs;j ,oa ukoy fLeFk ds vf/kuhfrkkL=h; fopkjksa dh laf{kr rqyuk dhft,A
9. What kind of problem do we face while deducing moral judgments from
factual statement?
rF;kRed dFkuksa ls uSfrd fu.kZ;ksa ds fuxeu esa ge fdl izdkj dh leL;k dk lkeuk djrs

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)


efJe<ee kees[


: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

: ledkyhu Hkkjrh; n'kZu

Course Title

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :

Coutemporary Indian Philosophy


Course Code: MAPH-08(O)/


DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.

Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

Lokeh foosdkuUn ds rRoehekalhe fopkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Explain the Metophysicals views? Swami Vivekanand.

2- Jh vjfoUn ds fodklokn dk foospu dhft,A

Discuss theory of Evolution in Shri Aurobindos Philosophy.

jk/kk".ku ds vk/;kfRed ekuookn dk foospu dhft,A

Discuss the Spiritual Humanitariarism of Radh Krishnan.

[k.M c
Minimum Marks : 12

uksV % y?kq mkjh; iz'uA iz'uksa ds vius mkj 200 ls 300 'kCnksa esa fy[ksaA lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z gSaA
Note : Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. All question are

ts- ".kewfrZ dh vfLrRo lEcU/kh /kkj.kk dh foospuk dhft,A

Discuss the existential concept of J. Krishnanmurti.


".k pUnz HkV~Vkpk;Z ds fo"kf;rk ds fl)kUr dk mYys[k dhft,A

Point out the theory of subjectivity in Krishna Chandra Bhattacharya.


nsoh izlkn pV~Vksi/;k; ds vuh'ojokn dk mYys[k dhft,A

Point out Atheism of Devi Prasad Chattopadhyaya.


Bdcky ds bZ'oj lEcU/kh er dk mYys[k dhft,A

Point out views of Iqbal regarding God.


egkRek xk/kh ds ^loZ/keZleHkko* dk mYys[k dhft,A

Point out Sarvadharma Sambhava of Gandhiji.


egkRek xk/kh bZ'oj ds fdl Lo:i dk leFkZu djrs Fks\ foospu dhft,A
Which concept of God was supporting by Mahatma Gandhi? Discuss.

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)


efJe<ee kees[


: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

Course Title

: Philosophy of religion (A)

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :


Course Code: MAPH-09(O)/


DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.
Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

1. What ido you understand by philosophy of Relegion? How does it differ

from Theology?
/keZ nkZu ls vki D;k le>rs gSa? /keZ ehekalk ls ;g fdl izdkj fHkUu gSa?
2. Discuss critically A.J> Ayer`s non cognitive theory of Religious Langauge.
,-ts- ,;j ds /kkfeZd Hkkkk ds vlaKkukRed fl)kUr dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhfy,A
3. What is Theism ? Differentiate between Deism and Theism.
bZojokn D;k gSa? fufeksojokn vkSj bZojokn esa foHksn dhft,A
Section B

KeC[ - ye

DeefOekelece Debke

: 12

Maximum Marks: 12

vees : ueIeg Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Gej 200 mes 300 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~
Note: Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words.
All questions are compulsory.

4. Discuss a few solutions of the problem of evel.

vkqHk dh leL;k ds fy, fn;s x;s dqN lek/kkuksa dh foospUkk dhft,A
5. Discuss Ontological Argument.
lUrkewyd ;qfDr dh foospuk dhft,A
6. Discuss semi-cognitive theory with special reference to Paul Tillich.
ikWy frfyd ds foksk lUnHkZ esa v)ZlaKkuokn dh O;k[;k dhft,A
7. Discuss a few argument for proving immortality of soul.
vkRek dh vejrk dks fl) djus ds fy, dqNk rdksZ dh O;k[;k dhft,A
8. Through light on the Omniscience of God.
bZoj dh loZKrk ij izdkk Mkfy,A
9. Write short not on Faiths and Belief.
vkLFkk ,oa fookl ij laf{Ir fyf[k,A

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)


efJe<ee kees[


: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

: rdZ'kkL=

Course Title

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :



Course Code: MAPH-10(O)/


DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.

Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

;qfDr ds Lo:i dk foospu dhft,A vR;rk vkSj oS/krk D;k gS] bldh O;k[;k dhft,A
Discuss the nature of Argument. What is truth and validity, Explain it.

2- fuEufyf[kr ;qfDr vkdkj dh oS/krk ,oa voS/krk dk fu/kkZj.k djus ds fy, lR;rk fof/k
dk iz;ksx dhft,A
Use truth table to determine the validity or invalidity of the following argument form :
(AVB) (A.B.) AVB A.B.

izfrKfIr fdls dgrs gSA izfrKfIr ds izdkjksa dk foospu dhft,A

What is proposition. Discuss kinds of proposition.

[k.M c
Minimum Marks : 12

uksV % y?kq mkjh; iz'uA iz'uksa ds vius mkj 200 ls 300 'kCnksa esa fy[ksAa lHkh iz'u vfuok;Z
Note : Short Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 200 to 300 words. All question are

oS/krk ls vki D;k le>rs gSA vkdkjxr izek.k ls oS/krk LFkkfir dSls dh tk ldrh gS\
What do you understand by validity. How can validity be established by formal proofs.


Ifjek.kd fl)kUr dk laf{kIr foospu dhft,A

Discuss quantification theory of brief.


Izrhdhdj.k D;k gS\ fofHkUu lEcU/kksa ds izrhdhdj.k dk laf{kIr mYys[k dhft,A

What is Symbolization? Point out the symbolization of different relations.


^dwVuhfrK lnSo /kuh ugha gksrs gS* dk izrhdhdj.k dhft,A

Diplomats are not always rich. Symblize it.

Dx : X

dwVuhfrK gS]

Dx : X is a diplomat
Rx : X is rich

Rx : X

/kuh gSA


fuEu ;qfDr dh vkdkfjd oS/krk dk izek.k nhft,A

(Dx Ex)
(Fx Ex)
(Fx Dx)
Constiset a formal proof of validity of the following argument.
(Dx Ex)
(Fx Ex)
(Fx Dx)


Ck vkSj LorU= pj ds chp vUrj Li"V dhft,A

Make a clear distinction between bound and free variables.

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)



: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

: dk.V dk nkZu

Course Title

: Philosphy of Kant

efJe<ee kees[

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :


Course Code: MAPH-11

DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.

Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

1- dk.V ds vuqlkj vkykspukokn D;k gS ? mlus cqf/nokn vkSj vuqHkookn ds ijLij fojk/kksa
vf/kdkjksa ds chp fdl izdkj leUo; fd;k gS ? foospu dhft,A
What is criticism according to Kant? How has he reconciled between the
conflicting claims of rationalism and Empiricism ? Discuss
2- dk.V ds cqf/n fodYiksa ds vfrfUnz; fuxeu dk foospu dhft,A
Discuss Kant s Transcendental Deduction of categories.
3- dk.V us vkRek dks fokq/n lekdYiuk dh vfrfUnz; laysk.kkRed ekSfyd ,drk D;ksa dgk
gS? O;k[;k dhft,A
Why does kant call self as Transcendental synthalic original unity of pure
Apperecption? Explain.
[k.M c
Section B
uksV : y?kq mRrjh; izuA izuksa ds mRrj 200 ls 300 kCnksa esa gksus pkfg,A lHkh izu
vfuok;Z gSA
Note : Short Answer Questions Answer should be given in 200 to 300
words. All questions are compulsory.
vf/kdre vad :12
Maximum Marks : 12

4- dk.V ds dFku ^cqf/n izd`fr dk fuekZ.k djrh gS^ dh O;k[;k dhft,A

Explain Kant s statement understandings makes nature
5- dk.V ds vuqlkj ^ kqHk ladYi ^ dh O;k[;k dhft,A
Explain Good Will according to Kant.

6- dk.V ds laysk.kkYed izkxquHkfod fu.kZ;ksa dk foospu dhft,A

Discuss Kant s synthelic opriori judgements.
7- cqf/n fodYiksa ds fcuk bfUnz;laons u vU/ksa gS vkSj bfUnz; ds fcuk cqf/n fodYi fjDr gSA ls
dk.V dk D;k vkk; gS ? O;k[;k dhft,A
What does Kant mean of by saying Percepts without concepts are blind
and concepts without percepts are empty? Explain.
8- dk.V ds vuqlkj fujis{k vknsk D;k gS ? O;k[;k dhft,A
What is the categorical Imperatiue according to Kant? Explain.
9- dk.V nkZu vfrfUnz; izR;;oknh D;ksa dgk tkrk gS? O;k[;k dhft,A
What is Kant s philosophy called Transcendental idealism? Explain.

Gej eosMe jepeef<e& C[ve cege efJeMJeefJeeeuee, Fueeneyeeo

DeefOeveeme (Assignment)


Master of Arts Programme (M.A.)


efJe<ee kees[


: Philosaphy

keesme& Meer<e&ke

: xk/kh nkZu

Course Title

: Gandhian Philosophy

Subject Code : MAPH

keesme& kees[ :


Course Code: MAPH-12

DeefOekelece Debke : 30
Maximum Marks: 30

vees : oerIe& Gejere eMve ~ eMveeW kes Deheves Gej 800 mes 1000 MeyoeW ceW efueKeW~ meYeer eMve DeefveJeee& nQ ~

Long Answer Questions. Answer should be given in 800 to 1000 words.

Answer all questions. All questions are compulsory.

Section A
KeC[ - De

DeefOekelece Debke

: 18

Maximum Marks: 18

1- ^ fgUn Lojkt ^ ds izklafxdrk dk foospu dhft, A 6

Discuss the relevance of Hind Swaraj
xk/kkh ds lR;kxzg dh vo/kkj.kk ds vFkZ ,oa egRo dk foospu dhft, A 6
Discus the meaning and importance of Gandhi s concept of Satyagraha.
2- Xkk/kh ds vuqlkj lR;kxzg ds izdkj dk foospu dhft, A 6
Discuss the kinds of Satyagrah according to Gandhi. 6
xk/kh ds vfgalk ds fl+/+ +nkUr ds uSfrd egRo dh O;k[;k dhft, A 6
Explain the ethical significance of Gandhi s principle of Ahinsa. 6
3- Xkk/kh ds vjktdrkokn dh O;k[;k dhft, A 6
Explain Gandhi s Anarchism. 6
lk/ku lk/; ds vkSfpR; dks fl/n djrk gSA xk/kh ds vuqlkj foospu dhft,A 6
Means justifies end discuss according to Gandhi. 6

[k.M c
Section B
uksV : y?kq mRrjh; izuA izuksa ds mRrj 200 ls 300 kCnksa esa gksus pkfg,A lHkh izu
vfuok;Z gSA
Note : Short Answer Questions Answer should be given in 200 to 300
words. All questions are compulsory.
vf/kdre vad :12
Maximum Marks : 12

4- xk/kh ds Lonskh vo/kkj.kk dh O;k[k;k dhft,A 2

Explain Gandhi s concept of swadeshi
xk/kh ds vuqlkj ^ voKk ^ ,oa ^ lfou; voKkk ^ esa D;k vUrj gS ? 2
What is the difference between Disobidience and Civil Disobidience
according to Gandhi?
5- xk/kh ds ^ Lojkt ^ dh vo/kkj.kk dh O;k[;k dhft,A 2
Explain Gandhi s concept of Swaraj
xk/kh ds vuqlkj ekuo thou esa /keZ ds egRo dk foospu dhft,A 2
Discuss the significance of religion in human life according to Gandhi.
6- xk/kh vkSj ekDlZ ds uSfrd fopkjksa ds vUrj dks crkb;sA 2
Distinguish between ethical thoughts of Gandhi and Marx.
xk/kh ds lektokn dks ifjHkkfkr dhft,A 2
Define Gandhi s Socialism.
7- xk/kh ds vuqlkj U;k; dh ifjHkkkk nhft,A 2
Define justice according to Gandhi.
xk/kh ds vuqlkj ^ o.kZ ^ vkSj ^ tkfr ^ ds vUrj dks LiV dhft,A 2
Discuss the difference between Varna and jati according to Gandhi.
8- Ukjh lekurk ds xk/kh ds fopkjksa dk foospu dhft,A 2
Discuss Gandhi s view of woman equality.
xk/kh ds vuqlkj jkT; ds fodsUnzhdj.k dh O;k[;k dhft,A 2
Explain decentralization of state according to Gandhi.
9- xk/kh ds okLrfod yksdra= dh vfo/kkj.kk dk foospu dhft,A 2

Discuss Gandhi s concept of real democracy.

xk/kh ds lekftd thou ds jpukRed dk;ksZ dk foospu dhft,A 2
Discuss Gandhi constructire contributions in social life.

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