Alchemist Extracts

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Alchemist Extracts

Level 1 Extracts
Ant Haul
Charmer's Charisma
Dye Bomb
Enlarge Person
Fire Breath
Goodnight Tincture
Keen Senses
Healing Warmth
Negate Aroma
Polypurpose Panacea
Oil of Slipperiness
Stone Fist
Level 2 Extracts
Ancestral Memory
Clinging Essence
Collective Memory
Defensive Shock
Foaming Plaster
Erupting Pustules
Kinetic Reverberation
Nauseating Flesh
Poison Touch
Spider Climb
Ossip Wax

Level 3 Extracts
Brain Elixir
Battle Trance
Breathe of Life
Gaseous Form
Lightning Lash
Necromancers Touch
Prehensile Pilfer
Level 4 Extracts
Absorbing Inhalation
Beast Shape
Discern Lies
Erupting Quills
Exhalation of Slime
Level 5 Extracts
Posion of Truth
Undead Anatomy
Nightmare Vision
Self-Immolating Elixir
Vomit Swarm
Level 6 Extracts
Dragon's Breath
Electrical Storm
Elemental Body
Elixir of Life
Oil of Etherealness

Alchemical Extracts
Absorbing Inhalation
4th level extract
Target: Self, cone, see text
Duration: Instantaneous, concentration, see text
You quaff a potion that grant your lungs inhuman strength and capacity, allowing you to harmlessly and
completely inhale one gas, fog, smoke, mist, or similar cloud-like effect. If the targeted cloud is a magical
effect, you must succeed at a check (Intelligence + Proficiency Bonus vs. DC of the spell) to inhale it.
Inhaling the cloud removes it from the area, leaving normal air in its place. If the cloud is too large for
you to affect with a single casting of this spell, you may instead inhale a portion of the cloud, but you
must inhale the portion of the cloud closest to you. This spell has no effect on gaseous creatures. It can
only affect an instantaneous-duration cloud (such as a breath weapon) if you ready an action to cast the
spell in response.
While inhaled, the cloud does not harm you. You may keep the cloud harmlessly contained within you
for concentration plus up to 1 round per level, but you must hold your breath to do so (even if you do
not normally have to breathe). If the cloud has a duration, the time the cloud is contained within you
counts toward that duration. As an action, you may release the stored cloud as a breath weapon, filling
a 60-foot cone (or the cloud's original area, if smaller than a 60-foot cone). Any creature in the breath's
area is subject to its normal effects, making saving throws and spell resistance checks as appropriate
against the cloud's original DC. The exhaled cloud resumes its duration, if any. Exhaling the stored cloud
ends this spell. If you do not exhale the cloud before this spell's duration expires, you suffer the cloud's
effects and automatically fail any saving throw to resist it.

Ancestral Memory
2nd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
When you consume this extract, you open your mind to the vast experiences of your ancestors in the
hope of learning something pertinent about your current situation. The chance of successfully finding an
ancestral memory that is pertinent is equal to 70% + your alchemist level. Failure indicates you merely
gain advantage on all Intelligence-based skill checks for the duration of the spell. Success indicates that
you not only gain advantage on all Intelligence-based skill checks, but that one of your ancestors came
across a situation or problem similar to one you are currently facing. In this case, the GM provides you
with some specific information to assist you in overcoming your problem. For example, you might
encounter a clay golem deep underground, and finds that you magic weapon seems to be useless
against the creature. You mix and drink an ancestral memory extract, and remember the proper type
of weapons and spells that work against such creatures.

Ant Haul
1st level extract
Target: Self, Touch, see text
Duration: 1 hour
You consume an extract that triples your carrying capacity. This does not affect your actual Strength in
any way, merely the amount of material you can carry while benefiting from this extract. It also has no
effect on encumbrance due to armor. If you wear armor you still take the normal penalties for doing so
regardless of how much weight the spell allows you to carry. Before the effect expires you can transfer it
to another willing living creature by touching them. After which the effect stops working on you and
your carrying capacity returns to normal, while the creatures carrying capacity increases as per the
effect. This does not increase the duration of the effect, so if you keep it for 10 minutes before passing it
off to another they have the effect for 50 minutes.

Battle Trance
3rd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute
You are transformed into a single-minded force of destruction. You gain a number of temporary hit
points equal to 1d6 + your alchemist level (maximum +10), and advantage on saving throws against
mind-affecting effects. While this extract lasts if you are knocked to 0 hit points and not killed outright
you do not become unconscious and can continue fighting. You cannot use the withdraw action or
willingly move away from a creature that has attacked you. You also have disadvantage on all
Intelligence or Wisdom based checks (but not saves) and all checks to maintain concentration.

Beast Shape
4th level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute per level
This extract allows you to transform part of your body into that of a beast gaining a portion of their
abilities (chosen at time you quaff the extract). Choose one of the following transformation effects and
gain the listed benefit:

Hounds Nose You transform your nose into the snout of a wolf or dog. You can track by scent
and have advantage on all perception checks to notice invisible creatures.
Spiders Eyes Your eyes transform into the multifaceted eyes of a spider. You gain 360 vision
and advantage on all perception checks.
Cats Eyes Your eyes change into the slited pupils of a cat. You gain low-light vision.
Fishs Fins Your hands change halfway between fins and your normal hands. You gain
advantage on all swim checks and gain a swim speed equal to your normal speed but you can
still operate weapons and items normally.

Frogs Legs You gain advantage on all Strength checks to jump and can add 10 feet to the
distance you can leap.

1st level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 10 minutes
Once consumed this extract causes your body to emit a small puff of chemicals which change your
coloration and the coloration of your equipment to match that of your surroundings. This grants you
advantage on Stealth checks and allows you to make Stealth checks without cover or concealment, but
only while you move no more than half your base speed or less. If you move more than half your base
speed on your turn, you gain no benefit from this extract until the start of your next turn. If you make an
attack, this spell ends (as invisibility).

3rd level extract
Target: Self, only if you are not on the Ethereal plane
Duration: 1 minute
This extract has the same effect as the spell of the same name.

Brain Elixir
3rd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 4 hours
Your Intelligence increases by +2 for the duration and you gain advantage on all Intelligence checks to
recall lore and all Intelligence and Wisdom saves.

Breathe of Life
3rd level extract
Target: Self, 50 feet
Duration: 1 hour or until used, see text
At any time during the next hour after consuming this extract you can breathe out a cloud of life giving
gas as a swift action. When exhaled the cloud fills a 50 foot area. You can choose up to six creatures
within that cloud (including yourself). Each target regains 1d8+2 hit points. The spell has no effect on
undead or constructs. Alternatively you can throw the extract like a bomb into an area (as an action).
This has the same effect as if you exhaled it but affects a sphere up to 50 feet away.
At higher levels: You can create this extract using a slot of 4th level or higher. If you do so the
healing increases by 1d8 for each level above 3rd.

3rd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You can burrow at a speed of 15 feet (or 10 feet if youre medium or heavy armor, or if you carry a
medium or heavy load) through sand, loose soil, or gravel, or at a speed of 5 feet through stone. You
cannot charge or run while burrowing. Loose material collapses behind you 1 round after you leave the
area. This spell does not give you the ability to breathe underground, so when passing through loose
material, you must hold your breath and take only short trips, or else you may suffocate.

Charmer's Charisma
1st level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour
After drinking this potion you feel more charming and more relaxed. For the duration you have
advantage on all Charisma checks.

Clinging Essence
2nd level extract
Target: One weapon
Duration: 2 hours
When you create this extract you choose acid, cold, fire, lightning or poison. You apply the essence to a
non-magical weapon or up to 20 pieces of ammunition. Until the extract ends the weapon or
ammunition does 1d6 extra damage of the appropriate type.
At higher levels: If you create this extract using a slot of 4th level or higher the bonus increases to 2d6.
If you use a 6th level slot the bonus increases to 3d6.

Collective Memory
2nd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour
This extract allows you to tap into the collective memory of other mortal minds. Pick a single Intelligence
skill or tool and tool and for the duration of the extract you can add your proficiency bonus to uses of
that tool or skill.

2nd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 8 hours

You gain darkvision with a range of 120 feet.

Defensive Shock
2nd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute
As you quaff this extract your skin sparks with electricity (at no harm to you). You gain resistance to
lightning damage. In addition, any creature that touches you, grabs you, or makes a melee attack against
you must make a Constitution save or suffer 1d6 + your Intelligence modifier lightning damage or half on
a successful save.

Discern Lies
4th level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Each round, you concentrate on one target, who must be within range. You know if the target
deliberately and knowingly speaks a lie by discerning disturbances in its aura caused by lying. The extract
does not reveal the truth, uncover unintentional inaccuracies, or necessarily reveal evasions.

Dragon's Breath
6th level extract
Target: Self, varies, see text
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute, Instantaneous
After ingesting this extract you gain the ability to breathe out a blast of energy. You can hold it in for up
to 1 minute and can exhale it at any time as an swift action. Creatures in the affected area take 1d6
points of energy damage per alchemist level (maximum of 12d6). A successful Dex save results in half
damage. The spell's effect and energy type depend on the type of dragon scale used:

Black dragon: 60-foot line of acid.

Blue or bronze dragon: 60-foot line of electricity.
Green dragon: 30-foot cone of acid.
Gold or red dragon: 30-foot cone of fire.
Silver or white dragon: 30-foot cone of cold.
Brass dragon: 60-foot line of fire.
Copper dragon: 60-foot line of acid.

Dye Bomb
1st level extract
Target: 50 feet
Duration: 1 minute

You throw this extract at any spot within the listed range. Upon striking that spot the extract bursts
open showering the area in a luminescent dye that (your choice of color) that emits dim light in the
radius for the duration. Any creature in the area must make a Dex saving throw. On a failed save they
get hit with the dye and are outlined in light. Any attack roll against an affected creature or object has
advantage if the creature can see it, and the creature or object cannot benefit from turning invisible.

Electrical Storm
6th level extract
Target: Self, varies, see text
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute, Instantaneous, see text
As you drink the extract your eyes glow with electrical current. As a swift action you can fire off
lightning to attack a target (object or creature) up to 50 feet away. You can three such bolts before the
extract expires. With each bolt the target must make a Dex saving throw or take 10d6 damage or half as
much on a failed save.

Elemental Body
6th level extract
Target: Self, varies, see text
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute per level
When use this extract, you transform into an elemental being, air, earth, fire or water. The abilities you
gain depend upon the type of elemental into which you change. Elemental abilities based on size, such
as burn, vortex, and whirlwind, use the size of the elemental you transform into to determine their

Air elemental: You gain a +2 bonus to your Dexterity. You also gain fly 60 feet (perfect),
darkvision 60 feet, and the whirlwind attack ability.
o Whirlwind Attack: (reach 5ft, 1 creature). Dex + Proficiency bonus vs. AC. Hit: The target
takes 2d6 + Dex Modifier in bludgeoning damage and must make a Con save (if it is your
size or smaller). On a failed save the target is pulled into your space and engulfed. While
engulfed its pulled into your space and takes 2d6 damage at the start of each of its turns
until it escapes. The target can escape by making a DC 11 Strength check. In all other
ways this works like the air elemental ability of the same name.

Earth elemental: If the form you take is that of an elemental, you gain a +2 bonus to your
Strength and a +2 AC. You also gain darkvision 60 feet and the earth glide ability.
o Earth Glide: You can move through stone, dirt or rock (except metal) as if that element
werent there leaving no sign of your passage.

Fire elemental: If the form you take is that of a fire elemental, you gain a +2 size bonus to your
Dexterity. You gain darkvision 60 feet, immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold, and the burn
attack ability.

Burn Attack: (reach 5ft, 1 creature). Dex + Proficiency bonus vs. AC. Hit: The target
takes 3d6 fire damage and must make a Dex save. On a failed save the target takes 1d6
fire damage at the start of each of its turns until it takes an action to put out the fire.

Water elemental: If the form you take is that of a water elemental, you gain a +2 size bonus to
your Constitution. You also gain swim 60 feet, darkvision 60 feet, the ability to breathe water
and the vortex attack special ability.
o Vortex Attack: (reach 5ft, 1 creature). Con + Proficiency bonus vs. AC. Hit: The target
takes 2d6 + Dex Modifier in bludgeoning damage and must make a Con save (if it is your
size or smaller). On a failed save the target is pulled into your space and engulfed. While
engulfed its pulled into your space and takes 2d6 damage at the start of each of its turns
until it escapes. The target can escape by making a DC 11 Strength check. In all other
ways this works like the engulf water elemental ability.

Elixir of Life
6th level extract
Target: Self, varies, see text
Duration: 24 hours
Upon drinking this elixir you are filled with a supernatural lifeforce. At any point within the next 24
hours you can touch a single creature that has died in the last 10 days and bring them back to life as per
the raise dead spell (this works in all ways as raise dead). If instead you are killed while this elixir is in
effect the elixir works on you, automatically raising you from the dead, as per the spell.

1st level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute per level
This extract causes you to immediately grow larger or smaller for the duration. Everything you are
wearing and carrying changes size with you. Any item you drop returns to normal size at once.
Enlarge: Your size doubles in all dimensions and your weight is multiplied by eight. Your size category
increases by one category from small to medium or from medium to large. If there isnt enough room
for you to double your size you attain the maximum possible size in the space available. Until the effect
ends you have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws. Your weapons also grow to
match your new size. While these weapons are enlarged your attacks with them deal 1d4 extra damage.
Reduce: Your size is halved in all dimensions and your weight is reduced to one eighth of normal. This
reduction decreases your size by one category. Until the effect ends you have disadvantage on Strength
checks and Strength saving throws. Your weapons shrink to match your new size. While these weapons
are reduced your attacks with them deal 1d4 less damage (this cant reduce the damage below 1).

Erupting Pustules
2nd level extract
Target: Self, 1 creature, see text
Duration: 10 minutes, 1 round, see text
You gain the ability to cause horrible, rash-like pustules to erupt from a target creatures body. After you
drink this elixir the next creature you touch (as a swift action) in the next 10 minutes must make a Con
save or have pustules erupt from their skin. The creature takes 3d8 damage and it becomes
overwhelmed trying to itch its skin. It has disadvantage on all attacks and ability checks until the start of
your next turn. On a successful save it takes no damage. Your touch does not affect undead, constructs
or elementals.

Erupting Quills
4th level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour
You quaff the extract and quills burst from your skin. These spikes do not damage your clothes or armor.
Until the effects of the extract wear off anyone who grabs you takes 3d8 damage and must make a Con
check or immediately let go. Until the effect ends as an action you can launch a single quill at a target up
to 25 feet away with a ranged attack that you are proficient in. On a hit the target takes 1d8 + Dex
damage. Quills lost in this way automatically grow back unless the effect has expired.

Exhalation of Slime
4th level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour
Upon drinking this extract your body immediately starts producing an oily sweaty excretion that
completely covers you. For the duration (or until you use the exhalation of slime attack) you cannot be
restrained and you can spend 5 feet of movement to automatically escape from any grapple or nonmagical restraints. Until the duration ends you can make an exhalation of slime attack.
Exhalation of Slime: Choose a target point up to 15 feet away. You spit out a stream of slime
that covers a 10 foot square centered on that point. That area becomes difficult terrain as per an oil of
slipperiness. Once you make an exhalation of slime attack the other effects of this elixir end.

Fire Breath
1st level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
You breathe out a 15 foot cone of fire. Each creature in the cone must make a Dex saving throw. A
creature takes 3d6 damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one. The fire ignites

flammable objects in the area that are being worn or carried.

At Higher Levels: If you create this extract using a higher level slot the damage increases by 1d6
for each level above 1st.

3rd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You gain the ability to fly as per the spell, fly.

Foaming Plaster
2nd level extract
Target: 25 feet
Duration: 1 hour
You toss the extract on the ground, which expands into a blast of foaming plaster, filling an area 10 foot
radius centered on the point you threw the extract. The area becomes difficult terrain. Each creature in
that radius must make a Dex saving throw or be restrained until it breaks free. A creature restrained by
the plaster can make a Strength check (vs. the original saving throw DC) to break free. Creatures who
enter the area (but were not in it when the effect started) are not restrained.

Gaseous Form
3rd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 2 minutes
You and all of your gear become insubstantial, misty, and translucent. While effected by this, you cannot
take actions, and cannot be damaged. You gain a fly speed of 20ft and can squeeze through cracks or

Goodnight Tincture
1st level extract
Target: See text
Duration: 1 hour
You apply the extract to an item of food or drink that you are either holding or adjacent to. The next
creature that consumes the food or drink must make a Con save. On a failed save it falls unconscious for
1 hour or until its subject to an attack or violent motion.

Healing Warmth
1st level extract

Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour or until used, see text
Upon drinking this you gain the ability to heal damage others have suffered. You can heal a total of 12
hit points of damage. You can either use that all up on a single target or spread it out among several, as
long as the total damage healed does not exceed 12 damage. You can use this ability on yourself or any
target you can touch. Touching a target in this way is a swift action. This spell has no effect on undead or
At higher levels: When you create this extract using a higher level slot it heals 8 additional hit
points for every level above 1st.

2nd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour
This extract works like the spell of the same name.

1st level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute per level
You gain advantage on all Strength checks to jump and can add 10 feet to the distance you can leap.

Keen Senses
1st level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round per level
You gain advantage on all perception checks.

Kinetic Reverberation
2nd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 round per level
This extract converts the momentum and force from melee attacks made against you, reflecting them
back upon the attackers weapon. After making a successful melee attack against you, an attacker must
make a Constitution saving throw. If the attacker fails the save, it takes damage equal to the damage
rolled against you.

Lightning Lash Admixture

3rd level extract

Target: Self
Duration: 1 round per level
Upon drinking an extract created with this formula, you make a significant change to your magical
reserve that modifies the nature of simple alchemical items you create and throw during this extracts
duration. When you throw a simple alchemical item that hits a single target, lashes of electrical energy
are released from the item, coalescing on the target and up to three creatures within 10 feet of the
target. Those affected by the electricity must succeed at a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 points of
lightning damage each time they move more than 5 feet for the duration of the effect.

Nauseating Flesh
2nd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round per level
For the duration of this extract your skin does poison damage. Any creature who grapples or touches
you must make a Constitution save or take 2d6 poison damage (half on a successful save). You can touch
one creature a round as a swift action, at which time they are subjected to the effects of your
nauseating touch.

Necromancers Touch
3rd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute or until used, see text
After imbibing this potion you gain the ability to animate a single corpse or pile of bones as per the spell
Animate Dead. You must touch the corpse or bones in order to use this effect. This ability can only be
used to raise a single corpse and works in all ways like Animate Dead.
At Higher Levels: When you create this extract using a higher level slot. For each spell slot above 4th
you can animate one additional corpse.

Negate Aroma
1st level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour per level
When you drink this you lose all natural and unnatural odors, including odors emitted by items you are
wearing or carrying. While under the effect of negate aroma you cannot be tracked, located, or
pinpointed by the scent special quality. In addition, this extract prevents you from using the stench
special ability and similar odor-based abilities (such as those possessed by troglodytes). Negate aroma
does not prevent you from acquiring outside smells or odors. If someone dowses you with a pungent
substance that would effectively negate the benefits of the spell until the substance is neutralized or
washed away.

Nightmare Vision
5th level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
Unlike other extracts this one is burned and then inhaled as smoke instead of ingested. When you inhale
the smoke of this extract you gain the ability to send a hideous and unsettling phantasmal vision to a
specific creature that you name or otherwise specifically designate. The creature rolls a Wisdom save.
On a failed save the nightmare prevents restful sleep and causes 1d10 points of damage. The nightmare
also leaves the subject fatigued and unable to regain spells or benefit from a long rest for the next 24
hours. On a successful save the subject is not affected by this ability. You cant use this ability on a
subject youve never met. If youve only met them a few times the subject has advantage on the save. If
you know them well the subject has disadvantage.

Oil of Etherealness
6th level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour
You rub this extract on your skin and you become insubstantial and invisible as per the spell of

Oil of Slipperiness
1st level extract
Target: See text
Duration: 1 minute
Spread this oil on the ground. It functions exactly as the Grease spell.

Ossip Wax
2nd level extract
Target: 1 object
Duration: 5 minutes
You smear the wax on one adjacent object of large or smaller size. The objects weight is reduced by 500
lbs. If this reduction causes the object to become weightless it floats 5 feet above the ground.

Poison Touch
2nd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour

After drinking this extract you gain a poisonous touch. The next creature you touch must succeed on a
Constitution save or fall unconscious for the remaining duration of the extract (so if you use the extract
and wait 30 minutes before touching a creature, that creature falls asleep for 30 minutes on a failed
save). If the creature succeeds at the save it is immune to your poison touch for 24 hours but you may
use the touch on a different creature.
At Higher Levels: You can create this extract using a higher level slot. For every slot above 3rd
level or higher adds 1 additional hour to the duration of the effect.

4th level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 hour
This extract lets you perfectly imitate a humanoid creature. In order to create this extract you need to
have a snippet of hair or skin from the subject. You mix that into the extract and upon drinking the
extract you transform into an exact copy of the subject including physical characteristics (as per the
polymorth spell). You gain a +10 on any Charisma checks to pass yourself off as the subject.

Polypurpose Panacea
1st level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 minute
This creates one of several cantrip-level effects relating to your health, well-being, and entertainment.
The panacea has no side effects (for example, the intoxication panacea does not cause a hangover).
When you use polypurpose panacea, choose one of the following effects:

Analgesic: You do not feel minor aches and pains, such as from arthritis, a cold, or a hangover,
for 1 hour. For the duration, you gain a +2 resistance bonus against pain-related spells.

Clarity: You get a +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check within
1 minute. You must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies.

Hallucination: You have pleasant hallucinations for 1 hour, such as wandering lights, music,
playful surreal animals, and so on. You can tell these are not real, but they are distracting, and
you take a 2 penalty on Perception checks for the duration.

Intoxication: You feel comfortably intoxicated for 1 hour, as if you had a few alcoholic

Lucid Dream: If you take this panacea within 1 hour of going to sleep, you have a lucid dream
that is under your control and lasts for an hour.

Resistance: You gain a +1 resistance bonus on saves for 1 minute.

Sleep: You enter a pleasant and restful sleep for at least 1 hour unless wakened. If you would
normally begin sleeping at this time, when the panacea ends you continue sleeping normally.

Sobriety: You become completely sober for 1 hour, negating any penalties to your actions for
having the intoxicated condition. Magical and alchemical methods (such as detect poison) still
detect you as inebriated. Time spent under the effect of this panacea do not count toward the
time necessary to sober up (it merely delays your intoxication).

Tenacity: You gain 1 temporary hit point for 1 minute.

Wakefulness: You remain awake for 2 hours without feeling sleepy, and without side effects
such as jitteriness. You gain advantage against sleep-related spells such as sleep. This use of the
panacea merely delays your need for sleep and does not count as rest or sleep. You can use it
multiple times in succession, but as each effect wears off, you are as tired as you would be had
you not used the panacea.

Poison of Truth
5th level extract
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 hour
Unlike other extracts you can use this on other creatures. You get a subject to ingest this extract. For the
duration the subject must roll a Wisdom save in order to be able to tell a lie. If they succeed at the save
you can sense that they have lied.

Prehensile Pilfer
3rd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute per character level
You grow a prehensile tail. The tail moves and acts almost with a mind of its own. For the duration of the
extracts effect you can use the tail to pick up weapons and items. You can use it to make an extra attack
(with disadvantage). You can also hang from the tail. The tail can hold up to 20 lbs.

Self-Immolating Elixir
5th level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, instantaneous, see text
When you create this extract you choose one of the following four energy types: acid, cold, electricity,
or fire. Upon drinking this extract you flood yourself with a potent surge of that elemental energy. You

can hold it in and release it as a swift action at any time. When you release it, the energy explodes from
your body. The explosion inflicts 1d8 points of damage of that energy type per caster level (maximum
10d8) to all creatures and unattended objects within 15 feet, and half that amount to targets past 15
feet but within 30 feet. Creatures can make a Dex saving throw for half damage. You are unaffected by
the damage from the explosion.

Spider Climb
2nd level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You gain the ability to move across vertical surfaces as per the spell spider climb.

Stone Fist
1st level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute per level
This spell transforms your hands into living stone. While this spell is in effect, your unarmed strikes
become a weapon that does 1d6 points of lethal bludgeoning damage. You are considered proficient in
this weapon.

1st level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
This extract lets you understand spoken language as per the spell comprehend languages.

Undead Anatomy
5th level extract
Target: Self
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute per level
When ingest this extract, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium corporeal creature of the
undead type, which must be vaguely humanoid-shaped (like a ghoul, skeleton, or zombie). You gain a
bite attack (1d6 damage), two claw or slam attacks (1d6 damage). You are proficient in those attacks.
You also gain darkvision 60 feet. If the form you assume has any of the following abilities, you gain the
listed ability: climb 30 feet, fly 30 feet (average maneuverability), swim 30 feet, low-light vision, and
scent. In this form, you detect as an undead creature (such as with detect undead, but not with magic
that reveals your true form, such as true seeing) and are treated as undead for the purposes of
channeled energy, cure spells, and inflict spells, but not for other effects that specifically target or react
differently to undead (such as searing light).

Vomit Swarm
5th level extract
Target: Self
Duration: 1 round per level
You vomit forth a swarm of spiders that attacks all other creatures within its area. The swarm begins
adjacent to you, but otherwise operates as the spell insect plague.
At higher levels: If you create this extract using a 6th level slot you instead vomit up a swarm of
wasps. The damage increases by 1d10 and the swarm can fly.

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