Big Data Analytics

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Abstract: the field of big data plays a vital

role in various fields. Big data refers to
large scale information management and
analysis technologies that exceeds the
capability of traditional data processing
Big data is differential form of traditional
technologies in three ways:
a) The amount of data (volume);
b) The rate of data generation and
transmission (velocity);
c) The types of structured and unstructured
So big data has its various applications in
the fields of social networking, bank,
credit card transaction, grocery stores,
web data, E-commerce, data mining
Various papers based on big data have
been studied so far and I explore the
usage of big data in several areas like

Keywords- big data, big data analytics,

big data application
Big Data
Big data is very familiar term that
describes voluminous amount of data
that is structural, semi-structural and
unstructured data that has potential to
be mined for information. Although big
data does not refers any specific
quantity, then this term is often used
when speaking about the peta bytes
and exa bytes of data.
Big Data Analytics
Big data analytics, is the process of
examining large data sets that
containing the variety of data types
that is big data to uncover all hidden
patterns, unknown correlation, market

trends, costumer preferences and

other useful business information.
Then analytical findings can lead to
more effective marketing, new
revenue opportunities, better
customer service, improved
operational efficiency, business
benefits. The primary goal of big data
analytics is to help companies make
more informative business decision by
enabling data scientists, predictive
modelers and other analytics.
Professional to analyze large volume
of transactional data, as well as other
forms of data that may be untapped
by more conventional businesses
intelligence (BI) programs. That could
include web server logs and internet
click stream data, social media
content a social network activity
reports, text from costumer e-mail and
survey responses, mobile phone call

detail records and machine data

capture by sensors and connected to
the internet of thing
Hadoop and SQL Free software:
Hadoop is open file distributed system
that is capable of storing and processing
large volumes of data in parallel across a
grid of commodity serves. Hadoop
emanated from companies such as
Google and Yahoo, which needs a cost
effective way to build a search indexes.
Engineers at these companies knew that
traditional relational data bases would be
prohibitively expensive and technically
unwieldy, so they came up with an
alternative that they built themselves.
Eventually, they gave it to the Apache
Software Foundations so others could
benefit from their innovations.

Today, many companies are

implementing Hadoop software from
Apache as well as third-party providers
such as Cloud era, Horton works, EMC,
and IBM. Developers see Hadoop as cost
effective way to get their arms around
large volumes of data. Companies are
using Hadoop to process, store and
analyze large volumes of Web log data so
they can get a better feel for the
browsing and the shopping behavior of
their customers. Previously, most of the
companies outscored the analysis of their
click stream data or simply let it fall on
the floor since they couldnt process it in
a timely and cost effective way.

Databases MongoDB, CouchDB,

Cassandra, Reids, Bg table, Hbase,
Hypertable, Voldemort, Riak, Zookeeper.
Map reduce: Hadoop, Hive, Pig, Cascalog,
mrjob, Caffeine, S4, MapR, Acunu, Flume,
Kafka, Azkaban, Oozie, Greenpium
Storage:S3, Hadoop Distributed file
Server:EC2,Google App Engine, Elastic,
Beanstalk, Heroku
Processing: R, Yahoo! Pipes, Mechanical
turks, Solr/Lucene, Elastic search,
Datameer, Bigsheets, Tinkerpop
TYPES OF BIG DATA:Relational data(Tables/legacy
Text data(web).
Semi-structural data(XML).

Graph data-(social networks, semantics

Streaming data.
You can only scan the data once.
Why Big data everywhere:
Lots of data is being collected and ware
Web data, ecommerce.
Purchases at departments/grocery stores.
Bank/credit card transactions.
Sensors on every road to know density of
Social networks produce nearly 50 TB of
data per day.
In fact from a cloud perspective I
believe that the transfer and archiving
of Big Data will become a key

capability of a manufacturing focused

cloud environment.
Servers based on the Intel Xeon
processor E5 and E7 families are at
the heart of infrastructure that
supports both cloud and big data
Ideal for sorting and processing large
volumes of data.
Web based tools will allow you to
upload your big data to the
manufacturing cloud.


Face book has 2.5PB of users
data+15TB /day(4/2009)

CERNS Large Hydron collider(LHC)

generates 15PB a year
E-bay has 6.5PB of users
Since these many data is being
produced daily for the management of
data which is to be stored or referred
for future use Big Data plays a major
Collect, stores and organize data from
multiple data sources.
Big data track and better understand a
variety of information from many
different sources (that is inventory
management system, CRM,
Adword/absence analytics, email
service provider statastics. etc
Tree Datameers decision trees
automatically help users understand

what combination of data attributes

results in a desired outcome.
Decision tree illustrate the strengths of
relationships and dependencies within
data and care often used to determine
what common attributes influence
outcomes such a disease risk, fraud
risk, purchases and online sign ups,
the structure of decision tree reflects
the structure that is possibly hidden in
your data.
4) BDA: Big data Analytics
Applications(BDA Apps) are a new type
of software applications, which
analyze big data using massive
parallel processing
framework(example: Hadoop ).
Developers of such applications
typically developed them using a small
sample of data in a pseudo-cloud

Afterwards, they deploy the

applications in a large scale cloud
Environment with considerably more
processing power and larger input
These are few categories of software
applications that leverage large-scale
data, which is typically too large to fit
in memory or even on one hard drive,
to uncover actionable knowledge
using large scale parallel processing
infrastructure[1]. The big data can
come from source such as run time
information about traffic, tweets
during Olympic games, stock market
updates; usage information of an
online games[2] or the data from any
other rapidly growing data-intensive
software system.
5) Smart Phones: Perhaps more
impressive, people now carry facial

recognition technology in their

pockets. Users of I phone and android,
smart phones have applications at
their fingertips that use facial
recognition technology for various
tasks. For example, android users with
the remember applications an snap a
photo of some one, then bring up
stored information about the person
based on their image when their own
memory lets them down a potential
boon for sale people. I phone users
can unlock their device with recognize
me, an application that uses facial
recognition in view of password. If
deployed across a large enterprises,
this application could save an average
of $2.5 million a year in help dusk
costs for handling forgotten

6) Banking: The use of customer data

invariably raises privacy issues. By
uncovering hidden connections
between seemingly unrelated pieces
of data analytics could potentially
reveal sensitive personal information.
Research indicates that 62% of
bankers are cautions in their use of big
data due to privacy issues. For
instants, a recent security breach at a
leading UK-based bank exposed
database of thousands of customer
files. Although this bank launches an
urgent investigations, files highly
sensitive information, such as
customer earnings, savings and
insurance policies ended up in the
wrong hands. Such incidents reinforce
concrete concern about data privacy
and discourage customers from
sharing personal information in
exchange for customized offers.

The main aim of this paper is to know
the importance of Big Data, its wide
applications in various fields.
Big data is powerful tool that makes
things ease in various fields as said
Silicon valley and through social media
is making Big data global phenom.
Not only Big data is cool it happens
to be huge growth areas as well.
Big data used in so many applications
they are banking, agriculture,
chemistry, stocks, BDA, health care,
finance, marketing etc. An overview is
presented especially to project the
idea of big data. Researches may get
some information related to big data
and its applications in various fields

and can get some ideas related to

their field of research.
[1] Kuchipudi Sravanthi et al./(IJCSIT)
International Journal of Computer Science
and Informations Technologies Big data
and its applications, Vol.6(5), 2015,
[2] Big data:trends,strategies, and SAP
technologyby Carl w.Olofson,Dan Vesset
August 2012

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