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Knit Asia Operation Process

Operation (Production) Process of knit Asia Garments:

Production is the hart of the factory. knit Asia Limited Garment Division Production sequences
are set down with combined work force of expatriate and local technicians. 15 Standard lines in
total covered factory space 1,15,000 SFT has created opportunity to employee 2350 persons.
Experts from world-class fashion houses frequently visit for necessary renovation to match with
the latest creativity in the field of garment manufacturing. After getting the order from the
customer Gold Limited Garment Division have a strong production process to fulfill the
requirement & quality as per customer demand.
Production Flow statement of Knit Asia garments Fabric Received:
After receipt the Fabrics from the supplier for production, the following activities are to be taken.
GarmentDivision inspection criterion is in accordance with standard set by world-class quality
testing institutions. Fabric Inspection following method.
Completing the inspection step by step, all the fabrics are stored by roll in the racks & all the
informations will be keep by a strong data base system.
Inspected fabric is required to be cutted according to the pattern of production.
These are the following process:
1. Marker
2. Spreading (Shade/Lot wise)
3. Numbering
Cut pec. Inspection (100%)
Storing as per order
Total Area of Cutting Department:
Cutting 12210 Area SFT.
Long x Width 196- 8 x 38- 6
Cutting Department
Total Area of Cutting Department :
1. Pattern Cutting Machine,

Jig Pattern cutting Machine,


Eastman ( Cutting Machine),


Drill Marking Machine,


Band Knife,


Lay Cutter Machine,


Hand Lay Cutter Machine used for

Cutting on 5 Nos Standard Cutting


Fusing Machine,

*** Knit Asia Limited Garment Division is taking the preparation to collect a modern new
automatic cutting machine withen a few month.
15 Standard lines in total covered factory


34711 SFT

( 296 x 120-3 Long x Width) has created opportunity to employee 1570 persons. Style wise the
following sewing activities are undertaken after receipt of the cutting fabric.
1. Small Garments parts Inspection
2. Front Part making
Quality Inspection(Front Part)
3. Back Part Making
Quality Inspection(Back Part)
4. Assembly
5. Quality inspection (Assembly)
6.Thread Trimming
7. Finished Garment Inspection
8. Send for Wash
Sewing Machines:
1. Plain M/c (Lock Stitch)
2. Needle Feed Lock Stitch
3. Vertical Trimming M/C
4. Chain Stitch M/c
5. Top Stitch M/c
6. Two needle M/c (Lock /Chain)
7. Over lock ( 3,4,5,6 ) M/c
8. Bartack M/C
9. Kansai special M/C
10. Button hole M/c
11. Eyelet button hole M/c
12. Velcro Attach M/c
13. Pin eyelet/Jigjag M/c


Blind stitch M/c

Button stitch (Lock/Chain)
Loop Cutter
Feed of the arm
Flat Lock
Hemming Machine
Snap M/c
PKT Welting M/c
Saddle stitch M/c
Solder join
Collar Turing

Washing Section:
Knit Asia Limited Garment Division have capacity of washing

10,000 pcs/ day (Regular

Garment ) in different washing method : Like Garment Washing, Enzyme Washing, Enzyme +
Stone Washing, bleaching Washing & Cap Washing.
Knit Asia Limited Garment Division have Expertise in Garment Dyeing & Functional Finish, i.e.
Garment Dipping in Wirinkle Free, Stain release & repellent & Moisture Management.
*** The following process are held in the washing section :
1. Shade wise segregation(Before wash)
2. Washing
3 Centrifugal Hydro Extractor
4. Drying
5. Shade wise segregation( After Wash)
6. Delivery to finishing section
Knit Asia Washing Machines:

Washing Machine Valley

Type, China, 16Nos
Dryer, Hong Kong, 24 Nos
Hydro Extractor, Hong
Kong, 6 Nos
Airing Machine, China,2
Chemical Spray Machine,
China, 4 Nos
Squeezing Machine, 1 No
Sand Blastin Maching, 2 Nos
Total Area of Washing Department :
The following step are included in this section :

Thread Trimming


Inside Checking


Top Side Checking


Button Attaching & Ironing




Get-up (Final Garments Checking)




Folding/Poly packFolding & Poly Packing


Carton packing


Final Audit (AQL 2.5)

Knit Asia Finishing Machines:

1. Pressure Iron
2. Vacuum Iron
3. Trousers Finisher
4. Carton Binding
5. Auto Tag Gum
6. Vertical Trimming
7. Thread Sucking
8. Metal Detector
Garment Inspection:

Highest achievable quality

They strive to materialize In every sequence. Their own Q.C. staffs keep n eye on the production
sequences to ensure on process quality. Comments of Q.C. Team reflect in production planning &
process. They follow AQL 2.5 method.
Goods are ready for shipment to Buyer Destination after the finial inspection by buyer
Product design:
Knit Asia garments used to add customer value is through distinctive product style and design .It
can be one of the most powerful competitive weapons. Design is a large concept than style. It
contributes to product usefulness. Company has reputations for outstanding design. As
competition intensifies, company design will offer one of the most potential tools for differentiating
and positioning a companys products and services. All Knit Asia garments products are designed
on a standard, but there is some options to supply products as customers order.
Product feature:
Knit Asia garments have its own product feature that is a competitive tools for differentiation the
companys product from competitors product. Company identify new features and decide which
one to add to its product. Pant, trouser, Skirts, Short pant ,jacket belong to its own feature for
Knit Asia garments can create higher-level models by adding more features. Features are a
competitive tools for differentiation the companys product from competitors products. Knit Asia

garments can asses each features customer value versus its company cost. Features that
customers value little in relation to costs should be dropped. Those that customers value highly in
relation to costs should be added. Garments Industry differentiates its products feature by
1. AZO free
2. Exact color to your choice
3. Shortest delivery time
4. No minimum order quantity.
Product Quality:
Knit Asia garments always emphasis to ensure better quality for its customer. Quality levels
always support the products position in the target market. Its always follow the Total Quality
Management(TQM) program to improve product and process quality constantly in every phase
of their operations. The ultimate goal of TQM is to improve customer satisfaction and value. In
developing a product ,company first choose a quality level that will support the products position
in the target market, because quality is one of the major positioning tools. Product quality stands
for the quality of a product to perform companies functions. It includes the products overall
durability ,reliability ,precession, ease of operation and repair, and other valued attributes.
Product levels of Knit Asia garments:
In market offering planning of Company , the management need to think through five levels of
the product. Each level adds more customer value, and the five constitute a customer value
hierarchy. The most fundamental level is the core benefit: the fundamental services or benefit that
the buyers really buying. At the second level, the marketer has to turn the core benefit
into a basic product. At the third level, the company prepares an expected product. The Knit Asia
garments include better service than competitors and also try to supply the better Garments as
per buyer requirement. At the fourth level, the management prepares an augmented product that
exceeds buyer expectations. The company sometimes arrangement different parties for satisfying
the buyer, At the fifth level stands the potential product, which encompasses all the possible
augmentations and transformations the product might undergo in the future.
Products Guarantee of Knit Asia garments :
There are seven guarantees of Garments Products such as:
1. Best Quality
2. High Strength
3. AZO Free
4. Competitive Price
5. Shortest Delivery Time
6. Exact Color To Your Choice

**No Minimum Order Quantity.**

Product Life Cycle of Knit Asia garments:
A Garments industry is differentiating and positioning strategy must change as the product,
market, and competitors change over time. Here we will describe the concept of the product life
cycle and the changes that are normally made as the product passes through each stage of the
life cycle. The concept of the Product Life-Cycle: To say that a product has a life cycle is to
assert four things. Knit Asia garments has product life cycle. From life cycle we can easily
realize about the sector.
1. Companies Products has a limited life
2. Companies product sales pass through distinct stages, each posing different challenges,
opportunities, and problems to the seller.
3. Companies profits rise and fall at different stages of the product life cycle
4. Products require different marketing, financial, manufacturing, purchasing, and human
resource strategies in each stage of their life cycle
5. Product Mix of Knit Asia garments :A product is anything that can be offered to a

Facilities provided for production safety & Security

Knit Asia garments shall provide adequate measure to ensure the security and safety of all its
assets, consisting of its employee, administrative and production facilities, machineries
,equipment, finished goods, accessories ,supplies, and other materials.
Facility Security Policies
No employee shall be allowed to enter the facility without proper identification card. All

employee shall be issued the standard employees identification card duly signed & approved
by the Management.
Probationary employee shall be issued temporary ID cards.
In the event of a change of position and card number, a new card shall be issued and the old

one shall be surrendered to the Personnel Department.

Un-issued cards are to be kept in the factory safe under the control of the Authorized person.

All prospective employee/applicants shall be screened by performing background check and

application verification especially prospective employees who will work in security position of in
the packing-shipping receiving sections.
All applicants shall be required to provide full information regarding their

age,education,experience,and such other information as may be considered relevant by

requiring the applicants to submit documents such as Bio-data/Curriculum Vitae, Educational
Certificate,Age Certificate ,and First job experience /employment certificate (If any).The
documents submitted shall be thoroughly scrutinized and verified.
The factory shall disqualify ,or if warranted ,blacklist, any applicant who is found to have
intentionally made any false statement regarding any information contained
application and /or curriculum vitae, including attachments.

in his/her

Factory Keys
a) A key register shall be maintained by the factory.This will be under the responsibility of the
Admin section or any senior member of the staff designated by the management.
bThe key register shall record the holders of all keys relating to factory gates, production room,
showroom & other rooms, safes ,padlocks, filing cabinets, etc.
c) The register will record the name and signature of holder of each key as well as the date the
key was signed for. In the event that the safe has a combination, then the name of the folder of
the combination is to be recorded in the same manner as that of a key holder.
d) Duplicate keys are to be hold by a nominated officer, who is not a key holder, and the
combination details, if theres any(contained in a sealed envelope) are to be held by the one of
the Directors or as authorized by the Management.
a) No vehicle shall be allowed to enter the factory premises without proper authorization /
b) All company vehicles are identified with registered plate numbers listed with guard on duty. The
list of company vehicles authorized by Management to enter the factory premises shall be
updated regularly.
c) Visitor cars, Cargo trucks & Container vehicles are not allowed to enter the facility unless with
Authorization letter from nominated Cargo Agent/Trucking Companies and/or Shipping lines.
D0 Parking space for company and employees vehicles is located separately from the visitors
car parking space.
Export/Import of Garments by Trucks/Container
a) Loading dock shall be restricted to authorize employees only. Authorized employees are the
shipping Supervisor and Shipping Assistants.

b) Shipping dock, loading dock and cargo areas shall be monitored and secured. The shipped
supervisors, Shipping Assistants, and Security In charge shall monitor all loading/unloading of
cargo at specified place and check and monitor all incoming /outgoing cargoes for all shipments.
Shortages and overages in incoming and outgoing goods shall be monitored and should be
reported to customs.
c) All inbound and outbound containers shall be inspected for tampering and shall be loaded
under the supervision of the shipping supervisor, shipping
assistants, and security in-charge. When containers are tampered/damaged/contaminated,
customs and other law enforcement agencies shall be notified immediately.
d) Seals on inbound and outbound containers shall be checked and verified by the shipping
supervisor to make sure that match shipping documents. All seal and container numbers shall be
recorded in al logbook. When there are abnormalities with seals or seal number. Customs and
other law enforcement agencies shall notify immediately.
e) Finished goods containers shall be sealed after loading by the shipping supervisor and factory
f) Empty and full containers shall be locked and in a designated and secured area to prevent
unauthorized access.
Properties and equipment
a) All factory properties and equipment including machineries, fabrics and accessories, finished
goods, garment samples, garments for washing, scarp materials, office supplies, and other
materials when brought out of the factory premises, shall be covered by an approved gate pass
or equivalent documents like delivery challan or scrap sales invoice.
b) The security guard shall not allow any item to be brought outside of the factory premises
without this covering document, which should bear the signature of the store In Charge/Admin
Manager/Factory Manager/any official authorized by the Management to approve the gate
pass/delivery challan/scrap sales invoice.
c) Factory properties may be brought out the factory premises for use in official transactions only
or as authorized by the Management.
d) Likewise, all incoming goods and materials shall not be allowed to be brought inside the
factory premise under authorized by the factory Manager/Admin manager / Store In charge or
as authorized by the management.
Meeting International Compliance:
Each individual customer has its own unique compliance requirement in additional to world
standards. These additional requirements for vendors cover human rights & other ethical issues.

We are known for strict measures in maintaining these major international buyers compliance
relates for strict measures in maintaining these major international buyers compliance relates to :
Laws of the Country
Child Labor
Forced Labor
Harassment & Abuse
Health & Safety Issue
Minimum Wage & Benefits as per BEPZA Instructions
Working Hours
Workers Representation & Welfare Committee
Setting Grievence
Employee Motivational factors of Knit Asia garments
Though it is a production base industry, its prosperity depend on production. Knit Asia
Garments take necessary action to enrich in production by worker satisfaction.
There is no organization which can reach its goal without the motivation of its employees.
Employee motivation arise when their needs and drive are fulfilled by the organization. When
environment & culture of organization is favorable to employee needs and drive then employee
are well motivated. Every organization


various necessary steps to

motivate their

employee well.
Knit Asia garments is located in Dhaka export processing zone, It is a 100% export oriented
readymade garment industry. It began its operation with the object of highest level quality
product & its development. Near about 2500 employee are engaged to continue its operation.
All operations systems are conducted by the term and condition of BEPZA rules.
To motivate the different kind of employees & worker Knit Asia garments ensure the following
Financial Incentives : Which include
1. Salary
2. Increment
3. Provident fund
4. Medical allowance
5. Conveyance allowance & transport facility
6. Group insurance
7. Financial loan
8. Incentive bonus
9. Attendance allowance
10. Holiday pay

Non- financial incentive : Which

1. Participation
2. Group discussion
3. Promotion
4. Motivational reward
5. Training
6. Working environment


a) financial incentive : To demonstrate

motivation company provide the following financial

Salary is the very important issue to motivate every employee. Employee come to an
organization for earning money .The salary system of the company are

followed by the

BZPZA rules and condition. In every month salaries are paid on 10 th day of the following
month .
Yearly increment is provide to every employee at the rate of minimum 10 % of their salary .It
also increased 70% according to their performance. Company consider performance according
to attendance, behavior, skill , loyalty etc.
After confirmation every employee can get the provident fund facility .Company contribute from
his side 8.33% of the basic for each employee.
The company has a medical center situated in the EPZ zone, Beside Knit Asia Garments has
also one medical clinic. One MBBS doctor and one nurse always remain present to take care of
any kind of patient. Moreover one ambulance always remain present to bring any kind of
emergency patient.
Company provide free transport facility for employee.
To insure life security of employee, the company take

group insurance scheme.

If needed emergency money leys any employee, the company has a loan facility system. Any
employee can get this loan facility in case of emergency through loan application as per company
To inspiration the employees working condition, the company give incentive bonus for the
achievement of their targets.
For encouraging the employees, the work, reducing absence and turnover, attendance bonus is
given by the company. If any employee attends regularly in his/her duty every month he/she will
get the attendance bonus.
If company arrange any emergency work on any holiday, the employee is entitled for holiday
These kinds of incentives are as follows.

To develop employee responsibility and also to

encourage their work participation, the

company create scope for employee participation in decision-making.

Group discussion is held to consider any kind of emergency decision .From this discussion
management can get many kind of information to handle the company smoothly and employee
are motivated to fulfill their commitment to the company.
For better performance company give the promotion to the select employees .
To motivate employee and to encourage their work,company give reward for better work or
performance .Every year, company arrange a party to give reward for the best employees from
different section. So employee are motivated to get rewards by doing
their best performance.
To increase employee working ability, the company take necessary steps for training. such as first
aid training ,fire fighting training, best work procedure training etc. company has also training
facilities at home and abroad.
Company provide good working environment

for retain employees long time and to ensure

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