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Pathway Christian Academy

Meeting Agenda
April 15, 2010
7:00pm, Pathway
ƒ April 15th 2010 Board Meeting

I. Prayer at 6:30pm

II. Call to order at 7:00pm

III. Roll call – Terri Shaffer, Rebecca Wilson, Curtis Carr, Tara Breeden, Sheena Asconi,
Chad Clark

In Attendance: Andrea Kirk, Dianna Johnston, Joel Goodhart, Pastor and Mrs. Vest,
John and Sonya Shelor

IV. Approval of minutes from last meeting – Motion made to approve minutes, all

V. Executive Session

VI. Open Issues:

a) Treasurer Report (Tara)
• Review Financials for March, April and May
o All basic bills have been paid for April
o Summer Camp – 11 enrolled
• Donation update
• Enrollment update for 2011-12
o We have around 30 students enrolled
• Vendor status, Dental insurance
• Scholarship/Financial Aid

b) Facilities & Transportation (Chad)

• Overflow Softball practice agreement/s
o Marty Muscatello is supposed to be bringing in a proof of
insurance from Diamonds and Blacksburg High School
• Dumpster
o Dumpster is being pick up on Monday, April 19th
• Lien on Gateway building
o Lien was released today
• Mike Vest had questions about JF Smith Group payment
o Has JF Smith Group been paid
ƒ Board has set up payment plan for $300/month
o Build out payment
ƒ Building on Flannagan sell will be completed this week
and we only owe $25,000 on the build out at Gateway
o Library
ƒ Need someone to organize the books and get the
Library looking great
o Playground
ƒ There are other kids that do not attend the school that
are coming on the playground
• We need to post a NO TRESPASSING sign
c) Fund Raising Report (Rebecca)
• Golf Marathon planning
o We have 10 golfers
ƒ Packets are at front desk with Sonya Shelor
ƒ Lucie Monroe’s is catering lunch for the golfers
o Panther Prowl
ƒ 29 students have turned in their labels and are attending
the Panther Prowl
• Texas Roadhouse
o May 20th
o Have to have flyer for Pathway to get credit
d) Marketing Report (Rebecca)
• Teacher’s Appreciation Day, May 4th
o Lunch 11:30am-12:30pm at The Weigh Station
o Grapevine Parents sending out notes for families to provide
food for breakfast and lunch
e) Communications
• Nothing to report
f) Vision & Strategy (Tim)
• Progress for selling property
o Talking to NBB about changing the loan on the land over from
interest only to a more permanent loan
g) Academic Affairs Report (Sheena)
• SATs
o Testing has been ordered for the 29 students wanting to take
the test
• Still trying to plan something for the Boys basketball team
• Sport Banquet
o Sport Banquet May 28th
• End of the Year Banquet
• Bluegrass Concert
o Still looking for a place big enough
o Jim Korb has already gotten several bands that are willing to
h) Administrator’s Report (Sheena)
• Sheena to send out letter to families asking for those that know that
they are not coming back to let her know so we can get an idea of our
numbers for next year.
i) Capital Campaign (Terri)
• Pathway Foundation Committee/Task force report
j) Personnel Report (Curtis)
• Mark Bordwine and Grant Long have both resigned from the board
o Motion made to accept resignation from Mark and Grant,
seconded and all in favor
• Curtis is getting the nomination process going for next year’s board
o Voting will take place in May
VII. New Business:
a) Other issues: Discuss next board agenda
VIII. Prayer
Adjournment 9:34pm
To Do List

• Need someone to help get the library in order

• Need snacks and breakfast items and water and soda’s for golfers – May 10th
• Still need 20 more golfers
• Need breakfast and lunch items for Teachers Appreciation Day – May 4th

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