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The government published a report yesterday saying that we need to eat more healthily more fruit and vegetables, less fat and sugar. So, that means fewer burgers, chips and fried food
as well as cutting down on sweet things. We went into central London yesterday at lunchtime and
asked people what they thought about it. "It's got nothing to do with government what I eat," said
Paul Keel, a building-workers, and Dorothi Mattews, a teacher, as they ate beef burgers and
chips washed down with strawberry milkshake. Tim Kennor;' however welcomes the
government's advice. Then, we asked the Simpson's restaurant's manager about it. "I don't think
people believe all these reports any more. What they say is good for you in June, they say is bad
for you in July. People stopped taking-notice. We serve that we've always served. Almost all of it
is fattening."
1. The topic of the text is................
A. people's reaction to suggestion on healthy eating habits
B. eating a healthy lunch in central London
C. the government's report on people's un healthy eating habit
D. fattening food served at the Simpson's restaurant
E. the advantages of eating fruit and vegetables
2. What does the restaurant manager think of the report?
A. People don't understand the advice given
B. The government's advice is inconsistent
C. People are more concerned about losing weight
D. Fattening foods are more delicious
E. People will welcome the government's advice
in Montana and Wyoming a cowboy's life is harder in the winter than in other seasons. During
the spring and fall
round-ups, a cowboy works long. hours. The weather is good, however, and he enjoys being out
of doors. The sun shines almost every day, and it rarely rains. During July and August there is
little work for a cowboy, and he can spend much of his time at rodeos, his favorite from of
recreation. In the winter, as in the spring and fall, cowboy also has a lot to do, but the severe
weather makes his work very difficult. He often works in extreme cold and wind. Even when the
weather is bad, he rides his horse continuously, watching over his stock and taking care of the
weak animals that cannot stand the wind and cold.
3. With which of the following sentences should the paragraph end?
A. Therefore, cowboys are usually considered very strong.
B. Thus, throughout the year cowboy work hard but they enjoy their social life.
C. To conclude, all cowboys are well trained and good at rodeos.
D. That's why cowboys work very hard only during the spring and fall.
E. As a result of their hard work, cowboys do not socialize well.
4. What is the topic of paragraph?
A. Rodeos, a cowboy's recreation
B. How to take care of animals in winter
C. The life of cowboy throughout the year
D. Spring and fall seasons in Montana
E. Winter, an extreme season in Montana

The view that women are better parents than men has shown itself to be true throughout
history. This it not to say that men are not of importance in child-rearing; indeed, they are most
necessary if children are to appreciate fully the roles of both sexes. But women have proven
themselves superior parents as a result of their conditioning, their less aggressive nature and their
generally better communication skills.
From the time they are little time, females learn about nurturing. First with dolls and later
perhaps with younger brothers and sisters, girls are given the role of career. Girls see their
mothers in the same roles so it is natural that they identify this as a female activity. Boys, in
contrast, learn competitive roles far removed from what it means to nurture. While boys may
dream of adventures, girls conditioning means they tend'to see the future in terms of raising
Girls also appear to be less aggressive than boys. In adulthood, it is men, not women, who
prove to be the aggressors in crime and in war. Obviously, in raising children, a more patient,
gentle manner is preferable to a more aggressive one. Although there certainly exist gentle men
and aggressive women, by and large, female are less likely to resort to violence in attempting to
solve problems.
Finally, women tend to be better communicator than men. This is shown in intelligence tests,
where females, on average, do better in verbal communication than males. Of course,
communication is of utmost importance in rearing children, as children tend to learn from and
adopt the communication styles of their parents.
Thus, while it is all very well to suggest a greater role for men in raising children, let us not
forget that women are generally better suited to the parenting role.
5. The main information of the text is about__
A. The importance of men and women in child rearing.
B. The reluctance of men to play the role of parents.
C. The reasons why women are better parents than men.
A. The superior role of women in a family.
B. The different attitudes of men and women as parents
6. As parents, women in general play a more important role than men because they are.................
A. not aggressive at all
B. good communicators
C. superior human beings
D. experienced in raising children
E. capable of solving problems
7. Most women are good mothers because they...
A. have brothers and sisters with whom the play
B. had to learn about nurturing when they were children
C. have never dreamed of adventures like boys
D. are not to learn about competitive roles
E. have known the role of career since childhood
8. The following are the general characteristics of men, EXCEPT............
A. aggressive
D. irresponsible
B. adventurous
E. competitive
C. impatient
9. According to the text, which of the following statement is TRUE about parents in general?

A. Children love their mothers more than they love their fathers.
B. All fathers tend to be aggressive and violent towards their children
C. Mothers play a greater role in the education of their children.
D. Even gentle fathers are unable to communicate with children.
E. There is no communication between fathers and their children.
Throughout history, people have been the victim of pickpockets. Today, pick-pocketing is
one of the most rapidly increasing crimes. Pickpockets are increasing in number and developing
better methods to practice their skill. Approximately one million Americans lose money to
pickpockets every year, and no one is really safe from a skilled pickpocket. His victims or,
'marks' as they are called, can be rich or poor, young or old.
During the eighteenth century, pickpockets were hanged in England. Large crowds of people
would gather to watch the hanging, which was supposed to be a warning to other pickpockets.
However, in time the practice was discontinued. The reason: while people attentively watching
the hanging of a pickpocket, other pickpockets skilfully stole the money of the spectators!
Police officials say that the most efficient pickpockets come from South America. Many of
these expert pickpockets are trained in special schools called "Jingle Bell Schools". A
pickpockets graduates from J.B.S when he is able to steal a wallet from a dressed dummy
(mannequin) that has bells inside its pocke
Even the most well-dressed, respectab person may be a pickpocket. Some of the favourite
places of pickpockets are banks, airports, racetracks, supermarkets, elevators, and train and bus
stations. Often time a pickpocket will work with another pickpocket as his partner. Another kind
of pickpocket works outside or inside bars and specializes in stealing from women is called a
'purse snatcher'.
To avoid being the victim of pickpocket, it is important to be very cautious and alert when in
the midst of a large gatherings of people.
10. The best title for the passage would be_
A. Pickpocket are Well Dressed
B. Jingle Bell Schools
C. Pickpockets
D. The Hanging of Pickpockets
11. The hanging of pickpockets were not continued because................
A. They were large crowds of people
B. It was against humanity
C. The police were not a hanging
D. It was not effective to stop pick-pocketing
12. Pick-pocketing is....crime
A. An old
C. A temporary
A. I A modern
D. A contemporary
13. The passage mentions that pickpockets steal in/from the following, except..
A. Crowded places
C. Drunkards
B. The shops
D. Women
14. South American pickpockets are the most efficient ones because....
A. They are well-trained
B. They are handsome
C. They are well-dressed

D. They are respectable

The market is called a floating market because the trade takes place on boats in Indonesia they
are called klotok and jukung. This market has existed for over 400 years. In the past, people from
inland areas brought their agricultural produce or handicrafts to sell. They bartered with people
from the coastal areas. Nowadays people can buy things such as fruit, vegetables, traditional
cakes and even dothes from this 'posar teropung'. Another unique feature of these markets is the
time of trading; it begins around 5 a.m. and finishes at 9 a.m.
15. The paragraph mainly talks about......
A. handicrafts
B. cakes and cuisine
C. floating markets
D. agriculture produce
E. unique features of the markets
16. "They bartered with people from the coastal areas." The underlined word means
A. sold something for money
B. exchanged goods for other goods
C. sold their belongings to buy something
D. bought something by using money
E. tried to buy something without money
Lake Toba, which is situated in the center of the Bukit Barisan mountain range, is an
interesting mountain resort with Samosir Island in the center of the lake. It boats many modern
hotels and facilities for water sport such as boating, water skiing and swimming.
In West Sumatra, the center of culture and tourism is Bukit Tinggi, situated in the highlands
north of the provincial capital of Padang. West Sumatra is a land of scenic beauty with green
lakes, and blue mountains.
Java has a great number of attractions, induding the world renowned Botanic Garden in
Bogor, the wildlife reserve of Ujung Kulon on the south west part of the island. Borobudur, a
gigantic Buddhist shrine is situated 42 kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta and the Ijen crater lies
in East Java and displays hot springs, waterfalls and free roaming deer as well as a sulphur crater.
A three-hour drive from Surabaya, and a pony ride from the village of Ngadisari over the sea will
take you to mount Bromo which is an active volcano with sulphur fumes and
smoke still emitting from' its depths. The inhabitants of the surrounding- areas believe in the God
of Bromo and bring offerings to his deity.
Bali is different from the rest of Indonesia because of its unique form of Hinduism called
"Hindu Dharma." Religion is at the main source of traditional custom in family and community
life. The soul of a Balinese if religion and it finds its expression in art. Many artides and books
have been written on Bali.
17. What natural beauty does West Sumatra have?
A. Active volcanoes
B. Water sport
C. Modern hotels
D. Mountains resort
E. Green lakes and blue mountains

18. Which of the following attractions is not found in at the surroundings of the Ijen crater?
A. Hot springs
B. Waterfalls
C. A sea of sand
D. A sulphur crater
E. Free-roaming deer
19. Borobudur, a gigantic Buddhist shrine is situated 42 kilometers northwest of Yogyakarta.
The underlined word means.......
A. nice
C. 'tall
E. wonderful
B. huge
D. large
20. How many tourist resorts are mentioned in the third paragraph?
A. three
C. five
E. seven
A. four
D. six

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