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Pathway Christian Academy

Meeting Minutes
April 29, 2010
6:00pm, Pathway
ƒ April 29th 2010 Board Meeting

I. Prayer at 6:45pm

II. Call to order at 6:50pm

III. Roll call – Terri, Tim, Tara, Chad, Curtis

In Attendance: A.Kirk

IV. Approval of minutes from last meeting

V. Executive Session (no)

VI. Open Issues:

a) Treasurer Report (Tara)
• Review Financials for April, May and June
o Sent out Profit Lost YTD. Outstanding balance details will
send in a later email.
• Donation update
o Some donations for scholarships was pledged. $1015, $320 has
come in.
• Enrollment update for 2010-11
o We are currently at 47, Summer Camp - 15
• Vendor status, Car Insurance
o 7 vendors were paid totaling - $3577
• Scholarship/Financial Aid
o Have received 2 FFNA requests for scholarships for next year

b) Facilities & Transportation (Chad)

• Dumpster is being ordered, Terri will check on and give directions for
• Floors, we are looking for someone to wax & clean the floors. We could
benefit from owning a buffer and billing floor care into current
• Terri will inquire about renting area rugs for the foyer instead of paying
for mopheads.
c) Fund Raising Report (Rebecca)
• Golf Marathon
o 9-10 golfers. We really need 20-25. We need everybody to ask
people to golf, and sponsor golfers.
d) Marketing Report (Rebecca)
• Open Enrollment Flyers/ Banner / Ads
o Tim has asked Jenny (someone who works for CCS Inc.) to do
some freelance marketing for Pathway. This would include a
theme for newspaper ad, flyers, banners, etc. A unified
strategy approach.
e) Vision & Strategy (Tim & Terri)
• Progress new board planning
o New board meetings with potential investors will meet on
Saturday. We hope to be able to share more info at our next
board meeting.
o We have received 20 Headmaster applications, and have
narrowed this down to 6 candidates. We will complete a list of
questions and will phone on Saturday to narrow list even more.
o Brainstorm, about fixed-cost for next year to include new rent
at $.25/sqft and utilities. Discussing with landlord getting all
costs consolidated into one payment on a budget-like plan next
o We have a balance of $35k through the end of April. We
estimate $6k for rent and utility fixed cost approximately.
o Terri read memo from business meeting for paying off Shah &
Hash for balance on Flanagan and build out with utility costs.
Memo outlined a plan for current costs.
o From the sell of building we have $25k left, working on an
interest-only payment that would be around $187/mo.
o Discussed ways to adjust fundraising for scholarships and
discount students to cover costs of tuition
• Motion to adopt the same Pathway Statement of Faith that the
current board, teachers and families sign as a commitment to the
school for the investment board, 2nd and all in favor.

f) Capital Campaign (Terri)

• Terri will obtain address and mail JFSmith Group payment.
g) Personnel Report (Curtis)
• School survey
o Chad suggested they we wait and make this a responsibility of the
new Headmaster to drive solicitating and information gathering.

VII. New Business:

a) Other issues: Discuss next board agenda
• Curtis will draft an email tonight and send out to parents concerning the
adoption of the Statement of Faith for the new board.
• Next board meeting, Tuesday, May 4th, 6pm
VIII. Prayer – 7:55pm??
IX. Adjournment – 8:00pm??

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