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Pathway Christian Academy

Meeting Agenda
April 22, 2010
6:30pm, Pathway

ƒ April 22nd 2010 Board Meeting

I. Prayer at 6:30pm
II. Call to order at 6:30pm
Roll call – Sheena Asconi, Rebecca Wilson, Terri Shaffer and Tara
In attendance: Joel Goodhart, Susan Lackey, Linda Eaton, Reda
Quesenberry, Andrea Kirk, Kellan Locklin, Sharon Heller, Jerry Hall
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting – Tabled to next meeting

IV. Executive Session

V. Open Issues:
a) Treasurer Report (Tara)
• Review Financials for April and May
o Mrs. Locklin paid off the yearbook bill for last year.
ƒ We can now order yearbooks for this year
b) Facilities & Transportation (Chad)
• Building on Flannagan closed on Friday, April 16th so $375,000 is off
of our debt
• Have identified (5) families that are interested in being investors
o Tim, Terri and Chad are working on Statement of Faith
o Have had (2) churches contact us looking for space to hold
ƒ (1) for Sunday service
ƒ (1) for Saturday and Wednesday for youth groups
o Dumper has been picked up and Chad will be calling another
place to check on getting another dumpster
• Talking to bank to try and get the loan from the land on Flannagan
from an interest only to a fixed loan. Payments would go from $3300
to $3700
c) Fund Raising Report (Rebecca)
• Spaghetti Dinner for Sports program is this Saturday at Faith
Missionary Church in Christiansburg
o Dinner 5-7pm
o Singing starting at 7pm
• Joel Goodhart had an idea for a fundraiser
o Paintball game in Pilot
• Jerry Hall had an idea for a fundraiser
o Pathway variety show
ƒ Pathway kids show off their talent
o Knives that the Girls athletics sold did very well
• School could sell candy bars or candles
• Looking at having a yearbook signing picnic end of June
• Sports Banquet is shooting for the date of May 29th
• Have received $22,853.61 of the $38,139.86 from the donation cards
• Have $915.00 that has been committed from the Scholarship cards
d) Marketing Report (Rebecca)
• Need to run some enrollment ads in Roanoke Times and on Spirit FM
o What do we want the public to know about Pathway
ƒ Classes are filling up fast
ƒ 1:15 class ratio
ƒ Reserve your spot today
ƒ Have kids to pass out info about the school at Walmart
• Need to get permission from Walmart
o I have ordered a new ”now enrolling” banner
• June 19th The Weigh Station, Lucie Monroe’s and The Depot and
Time Flies will be having an Open House
o Does Pathway want to have an Open House the same day?
• Joel Goodhart would like to start a prayer group that would meet at the
school on Saturday’s and pray from 6 to12 – Get God involved with
the schools survival and build unity
• Joel Goodhart has started a prayer group with the students at lunchtime
for 15 minutes
e) Communications (Sheena)
• Nothing to report
f) Vision & Strategy (Tim)
• Have had several applicants apply for the headmaster position
o Trying to schedule some phone interviews with some of the
g) Academic Affairs Report (Sheena)
• Nothing to report
h) Administrator’s Report (Sheena)
• Had 40 kids attend the Panther Prowl
• Enrollment
o 64 students are coming back plus 10 new students
o 30 students – 20 families that still have questions
o 31 students are not coming back next year
• Summer Camp
o Have 15 enrolled so far
i) Capital Campaign (Terri)
• Nothing to report
j) Personnel Report (Curtis)
• Nothing to report

VI. New Business:

a) Other issues: Discuss May board agenda

VII. Prayer
VIII. Adjournment – 8:20pm

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