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Book means best friend of a person because by book we can find a lot of
useful information that we need. Book can also tell us about different issues,
understands us, however; it cannot speak. We have different kinds of books;
such as, Islamic books, scientific books, story books etc. Finally, we can say
that book is like amusement for us.
Words Section:

1. Best Friend:
2. Find:
3. Useful:
4. Issue:
5. Understand:
6. However:
7. Different:
8. Such as:
9. Finally:
10. Amusement:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Questions Section:

?1. What is book

?2. What is the benefit of book
?3. Do you like to read a book
?4. How much having a library is important at home
?5. What is your favorite book
Translation Section:
. .
" "

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Dialogue Section:

A: Hello, Ahmad. Good afternoon. How are you today?

B: Im fine, thank you.
A: How is life going?
B: It is going well.
A: What are you doing?
B: I am reading a book.
A: Oh, really! What are you reading?
B: I am reading my English Book.
A: Do you like this book?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Why do you like it?
B: Because it is very interesting & it has a lot of useful
information about English language.
A: Could I take your book and read it sometimes?
B: Yes, why not. It is all yours. You are welcome at any time.
A: Thanks a lot.
B: No problem.
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

English is an international language because it is spoken in all over the world
and by English one can have access to modern technology especially internet
because internet is the main source of information and knowledge. English is
also called the language of computer because by English we can solve lots of
our problems, like; getting higher education in worlds famous universities and
finding jobs in good offices and organizations. Finally, we can say that English
is a very sweet and desirable language.
Words Section:

1. International:

7. Problem:

2. Access:

8. Famous:

3. Modern:

9. Office:

4. Main:

10. Organization:

5. Source:

11. Sweet:

6. Solve:

12. Desirable:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Questions Section:

1. Why English is an international language?

2. How much learning English is important?
3. What is the best way of learning English?
4. What do you think which factor is very important in learning English?
Grammar, Vocabulary, Conversation, Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking
5. How do you compare English with your own language?
Translation Section:
. .
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Dialogue Section:

A: Hello, buddy. How are you?

B: I am fine, thank you.
A: Do you study English?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Where do you study English?
B: I study English in Farhang Institute.
A: Oh, really! Where is that?
B: It is located on Traffic Square.
A: Which system do you study?
B: I study DEL System.
A: Is it a good system?
B: Yes, it is very useful system.
A: How long do you study every day?
B: I study for two hours.
A: Ok, wish you good luck.
B: Thanks, my dear. Same to you.

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Afghanistan is an Islamic country which is located in the heart of Asia where it
is bordered by Tajikistan, Uzbekistan & Turkmenistan to the north, Pakistan to
the south & east, China to the northeast & Iran to the west. Afghanistan is a
landlocked country the population of which is approximately 34 million and has
round about 50,000 years history. Its capital is Kabul and has four
metropolitan cities which are Mazari Sharif, Herat, Kandahar and Nangarhar.
It is consisted of different nationalities; Tajik, Pashtoon, Hazara, Uzbek, etc
and its official languages are Dari & Pashto. As a result, we can say that
Afghanistan is a very beautiful and historical country in all over the world.
Words Section:

1. Located:

9. Metropolitan:

2. Heart:

10. Consisted of:

3. Border:

11. Different:

4. Landlocked:

12. Nationality:

5. Population:

13. Official:

6. Approximately:

14. Beautiful:

7. Round about:

15. Historical:

8. Capital:

16. As a result:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Questions Section:

1. What is your favorite country in all over the world?

2. Why do you think that Afghanistan is very beautiful & historical?
3. Do you think that Afghanistan is a good country for sightseeing or picnic?
Translation Section:


Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Dialogue Section:

A: Hey, buddy. Whats up?

B: Nothing special, how about you?
A: I have got a very good news for you.
B: Oh, really! What is that?
A: I wanna go to Afghanistan for picnic because I have got one month
holiday. Do you wanna come with me?
B: Yes, why not, but I have got no money.
A: Oh, dont worry about the money its on me, I will pay yours.
B: Really! Thank you so much. It is so sweet of you. Have you bought tickets?
A: Yes, I have already bought two tickets, one for me and one for you.
B: When is the flight?
A: It is next Friday. Be ready I will come and pick you from your home.
B: Ok, I am waiting for you.

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Nowroz is the first day of the year and it is one of the most beautiful and
enjoyable days for citizens of a country because by arriving of Nowroz every
place becomes green and the nature becomes fresh especially in our country,
Afghanistan. This day is officially off from the government side to the people
and the people take full advantage of this day by going to the picnic, greeting
with their friends, visiting their relatives, etc. In Afghanistan it is like a custom
that every family prepares seven fruits that we call it haft seen and whoever
comes to our homes we give it like a welcoming gift to them. Finally, we can
say that Nowroz is like a new hope and desire for the people.
Words Section:

1. Enjoyable:

9. Picnic:

2. Citizen:

10. Greeting:

3. Arrive:

11. Relative:

4. Nature:

12. Custom:

5. Fresh:

13. Prepare:

6. Off:

14. Fruit:

7. Government:

15. Hope:

8. Advantage:

16. Finally:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Questions Section:

1. What is Nowroz?
2. How much Nowroz is important?
3. Do you like to go for sightseeing in Nowroz?
4. Do you think that celebrating Nowroz is good or bad?
5. What are some of the off days in your country?
Translation Section:
. .
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Dialogue Section:

A: Hi, Ahmad. It is Nowroz. Lets go somewhere for sightseeing.

B: Ok, it is a great idea, but where should we go?
A: How about going to Sayat?
B: I think that Sayat is not a good place, how about Salang?
A: Oh, yeah. Salang is very beautiful place.
B: When should we go?
A: We will go today in the afternoon at 2pm.
B: It is great but what should we buy and take with ourselves?
A: I think we should buy a chicken and cook there & we should take a
carpet for sitting, some pillows & some mattresses.
B: How about the car, do you have a car because I have sold mine one.
A: Yeah, dont worry the car is on me I will bring my Lexus Car.
B: Ok, dear. I am waiting for you in the afternoon, but dont forget
calling our friend, too.
A: Ok, dont worry. I will call & inform all of them.
B: Ok, dear. For now have a ball.
A: Thanks, you too.
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Media plays a very vital role in a country because it is the only source which
can broadcast the whole countrys updated news and daily incidents which are
taking place. We have two types of Medias; one is governmental media and the
other is private media. Medias not only broadcast the news and incidents but
also provide some entertaining programs like; learning programs, serials,
dramas, music and some specific programs for children like cartoonsetc.
As a result, we can say that Media is a kind of hobby for people.
Words Section:

1. Media:

9. Take place:

2. Vital:

10. Governmental:

3. Role:

11. Private:

4. Source:

12. Entertain:

5. Broadcast:

13. Specific:

6. Whole:

14. Hobby:

7. Updated:

15. Kind:

8. Incident:

16. As a result:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Questions Section:

1. How much Media plays positive role and negative role in a country?
2. How do you compare private Medias with governmental Medias?
3. What is your favorite Media?
4. What kinds of changes can you see in Medias from past up to present?
5. Do you agree that Media is a good source of entertainment for a person?
Translation Section:
. . .
. .

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Dialogue Section:

A: What is your favorite Media?

B: My favorite Media is BBC.
A: Why do you like it?
B: Because it broadcasts fresh and important news.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: Are you interested in Medias?
B: Yes, I am.
A: What is your favorite Media?
B: My favorite Media is Tolo.
A: Is it a Private Media?
B: Yes, it is.
A: Does it broadcast learning and useful programs.
B: Yes, it broadcasts a lot of useful and amazing learning programs.
A: What is your favorite program on Tolo T.V?
B: My favorite program is Sad Sanyaa.

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada



Knowledge is a brightness which can rescue us from darkness. It plays a very

vital role in our life because by knowledge we can differentiate between right
and wrong, licit and illicit, good and bad. Knowledge is also a candle which
burns itself and makes the world bright. Knowledge is backbone of a country
because by the help of knowledge a country can stand on its feet. It is blessing
of knowledge that the world has developed this much. It is knowledge that
technology is widespread in all over the world. As it is said, seeking knowledge
is binding on both Muslim male and female. Our prophet has also said that
"pursue knowledge even it is in China". Finally, we can say that key of success
in our life is knowledge.
Words Section:

1. Brightness:
2. Darkness:
3. Rescue:
4. Vital:
5. Differentiate:
6. Licit:
7. Illicit:
8. Candle:
9. Backbone:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

10. Blessing:
11. Widespread:
12. Seek:
13. Binding:
14. Prophet:
15. Pursue:
16. Finally:
17. Key:
18. Success:


Questions Section:

?1. How much Knowledge is important

?2. How do you compare Knowledge with Money
?3. How is the knowledge system of Afghanistan
Translation Section:
. .
. .


Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Dialogue Section:

A: Hello, Ahmad. What are you doing?

B: I am watching T.V.
A: What are you watching?
B: I am watching a film.
A: Why you didnt go to school?
B: Because I hate it.
A: Dont say like this because school is place of knowledge. If you go to school,
you can learn knowledge and become successful in your life?
B: Ok, my dear friend. Thanks from your nice advice. After this, I will go to
school and continue my education.
A: You are most welcome.

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Islamabad: A Metropolitan City

Islamabad is a city which is the capital of Pakistan. It is one of the most
beautiful cities of Pakistan. It is a city in which everyone is the owner of
themselves; it means everyone is busy with their own jobs and hobbies. It is
very famous for its beautiful Masjid which is called Faisal Masjid. Its color is
white and it has a good view in Islamabad. Most people who are going for
sightseeing they take a look to this Masjid. If we talk about its weather and
cleanness, it has normal weather and its cleanness is remarkable. It is a very
clean and calm city. Finally, we can say that it is a city in which you never feel
that I am stranger or immigrant person.
Words Section:

1. Metropolitan:

8. Clean:

2. Capital:

9. Cleanness:

3. Owner:

10. Remarkable:

4. Hobby:

11. Calm:

5. View:

12. Finally:

6. Sightseeing:

13. Stranger:

7. Take a look:

14. Immigrant:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Questions Section:

1. What is your favorite City in the world?

2. How do you compare Islamabad with your capital?
3. Which City do you have plan to go in the future?
4. Do you like to have a tour to Islamabad in the future?
5. How a City becomes famous & developed in all over the world?
Translation Section:

. .
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Dialogue Section:

A: Hi, Ahmad. Do you have holiday from job?

B: Yes, I do, but what is the reason?
A: Do you wanna go for picnic to Islamabad with me?
B: Yes, I do, but when do you like to go?
A: I would like to go next week. Do you agree?
B: Yes, because next week is very good time.
A: Do you like to buy anything in Islamabad?
B: Yes, I do. I wanna buy beautiful suit and shirts for myself. How about you?
A: Me too, because Islamabad has a lot of beautiful shopping malls.
B: Should we go by airplane or car?
A: I think by car is better because we can stop on the way and have some fun.
B: Yeah, I think it is a great idea.
A: When will you go?
B: What do you think which day would be great for going?
A: I think Monday would be great.
B: Ok, so wait for me, I will come and pick you up from your home.
A: Ok, dear. I am waiting for you.
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Peace is a sacred phenomenon which brings fortune, luck and paves the
way for progress, development and uplift. Peace is the indicator of relief
in a country or society. Human can never progress without peace.
Islam also advices peace to its followers so that they can reach complete
fortune, therefore, we have to forget all enmity and work for peace to
serve our country and countrymen and reach real luck.
Words Section:

1. Sacred:

10. Serve:

2. Fortune:

11. Advice:

3. Luck:

12. Follower:

4. Pave the way:

13. Therefore:

5. Progress:

14. Forget:

6. Uplift:

15. Enemy:

7. Society:

16. Enmity:

8. Indicator:

17. Countrymen:

9. Relief:

18. Reach:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Questions Section:

1. How much Peace is important for a country?

2. Which factors are important for having Peace?
3. Why do you think that some countries are not peaceful
and there is still war in that?
Translation Section:


Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Dialogue Section:

A: Good morning, Ali. How are you today?

B: I am fine thank you, how about you.
A: Not bad.
B: Why you are looking so sad? What is the matter?
A: Actually, I am really tired of Afghanistan and I wanna move to a
foreign country.
B: But why do you want to leave Afghanistan.
A: You know better than me that the situation is very bad and there is
no peace. The people cannot work as well in a peaceful environment.
B: I agree with you but where will you go?
A: I wanna go to London.
B: Why will you go to London?
A: Because the situation is very good and also people can live in a peaceful
environment and they can continue their life very easily.

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


What does Life mean? Life means the way of living. We all have different
systems of life and it is good for us that we should have good life style. How
can we have good life style? It is very easy and it is in our hand that we should
have good life style. Good life style means that we should be honest and follow
the way of Allah. It means that we should live according to Islamic rules and
laws. For example: we should pray five times, we should give alms and respect
our elders, family, country and friends. With this we should also make
ourselves ready in a society that what society needs and what we should do
for the society. Finally, we can say that life is like an exam which forces us in
order to pass it very successfully.
Words Section:

1. Easy:
2. Honest:
3. Rule:
4. Law:
5. Pray:
6. Alms:
7. Respect:
8. Society:
9. Exam:
10. Pass:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Questions Section:

1. What does life mean to you?

2. How do you compare the life of Afghanistan with foreign countries?
3. How can we have a successful life and which factors are important
for having a successful life?
Translation Section:

. .

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Dialogue Section:

A: Hi, Ahmad. How is life going with you?

B: It is going well and how is life going with you.
A: Really tired and boring.
B: Why? What is the reason?
A: You know that I dont have a job and I am jobless.
I feel so bad because I am always at home and alone.
B: Oh, dont worry I will find a beautiful job for you.
A: Oh, really! Can you find a good job for me.
B: Yes, why not. You are my best friend and what are you friend for.
A: Thank you very much my dear friend. I really appreciate it and I
will never forget your favor in my whole life.

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Islam is one of the best and most widely used religions in all over the world.
In simple words, Islam means submit yourself to Allah and follow the rules of
Allah. One who follows Islam is called Muslim. Islam is a religion which has
more than 1400 years history and the holy prophet of Islam is Muhammad
(P.B.U.H), who is the guider of whole humanity and mankind. He was not just a
prophet, but also a great and unique personality among the servants of Allah
and Holy Quran is the book of Islam which is a great teacher by itself to its
followers. Islam is a religion which has provided every facility and easiness
to its followers and has given them every right whether that is male or
female and it is one of the fastest growing religions in all over the world.
Finally, we can say that Islam means peace and right way of living for
humanity and mankind.
Words Section:

1. Religion:
2. Simple:
3. Submit:
4. Follow:
5. Rule:
6. Prophet:
7. Holy:
8. Guider:
9. Whole:
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

10. Humanity:
11. Mankind:
12. Unique:
13. Personality:
14. Among:
15. Servant:
16. Provide: ,
17. Facility:
18. Peace:

Questions Section:

?1. What does Islam mean & give a brief information about Islam Religion
?2. Why do you think that Islam is the best religion in all over the world
?3. How do you compare Islam with some other religions
Translation Section:
. . .
. .


Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Dialogue Section:

A: Hello, Ahmad. Can you give me information about Islam?

B: Yes, why not. Islam is one of the best religions in all over world.
A: What is the benefit of Islam?
B: Islam has a lot of benefits like, knowing the real way of life &
respecting the humanity according to rule and regulations.
A: Does Islam have pillars?
B: Yes, Islam has five pillars. Like; Creed, Prayer, Fast, Alms & Pilgrimage.
A: Which pillar is the most important?
B: Actually, all of the pillars are important but the most important one is
prayer because it is the only pillar that can differentiate between a
Muslim and Infidel?
A: Ok, Thank you very much from you nice information.
B: You are most welcome.

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


A sound mind is in a sound body. It is clear that everyone likes to be healthy
and fresh. By exercising sports we can be healthy and fresh. There are
different types of sports, such as, light sports (Volleyball, socceretc)
and heavy sports (boxing, body buildingetc). Sports are important for both
young and old because the humans body needs sports in all periods of age.
The effect of sports is remarkable in the society. By exercising sports the
young avoid using narcotics. Finally, we can say that sports are the guarantor
of health and it must be added in the daily schedule of every one.
Words Section:

1. A sound mind is in a sound body:

2. Clear:
3. Heavy:
4. Light:
5. Period:
6. Effect:
7. Remarkable:
8. Avoid:
9. Narcotic:
10. Guarantor:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Questions Section:

?1. What is your favorite Sport & why do you like that
?2. What is your favorite team & who is your favorite player
?3. Which sports are very famous in all over the world
Translation Section:

. .


Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Dialogue Section:

A: Hi, Ahmad. Do you like sports?

B: Yes, I do.
A: What is your favorite Sport?
B: My favorite Sport is Football.
A: Why do you like Football?
B: Because it is very interesting and it has a lot of fans.
A: Do you play Football?
B: Yes, I do.
A: With whom do you play Football?
B: I play Football with my friends.
A: Where do you play Football?
B: I play football in Shari Now Park.
A: When do you play Football?
B: I usually play Football on Friday because I am free.

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Young Generation
As a young generation we have a lot of responsibilities on our shoulders,
like being well-educated, having high standard manner and high quality of
speech, behaving in a polite and formal way with people, knowing the right
and wrong, respecting the family, elders, country and so on. Young generation
is backbone of a country because a country depends on its young generation
and hopes that its young generation can do something better for its bright
future. In brief, we can say that young generation is future maker of a country.
Words Section:

1. Young Generation:

10. Behave:

2. Responsibility:

11. Polite:

3. Shoulder:

12. Respect:

4. Well-educated:

13. Elder:

5. High: ,

14. Backbone:

6. Standard:

15. Depend on:

7. Manner:

16. Bright:

8. Quality:

17. Future maker:

9. Speech:

18. In brief:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Questions Section:

1. How much Young Generation plays important role in a country?

2. What should the government do for the Young Generation?
3. What do you think about the situation of Young Generation in Afghanistan?
Translation Section:
. .


Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Dialogue Section:

A: Hello, Faisal. As a Young Generation what do you want to do

for your country in the future?
B: Well, Actually. I have a lot of plans to do for my country.
A: Could you tell me about your plans?
B: Yes, why not. First, I want to finish my education after that
I would like to work somewhere and serve for my country
and countrymen from the core of my heart.
A: What type of work do you like?
B: Actually, I like to become a great businessman.
A: What do you want from government?
B: Actually, I want from my government to help the Young Generation &
provide some job opportunities to them because if they work & have
job they can improve the country in a better and nice way.
A: How much Young Generation plays important role in a country?
B: Young Generation plays a very vital role in a country.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You are most welcome.
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


A teacher is a person who provides education for children and students.
Teacher has a formal role which is carried out at school or other places of
formal education. In many countries, a person who wishes to become a
teacher must first obtain specified professional qualifications or credentials
from a university. These professional qualifications may include the study of
pedagogy or the science of teaching. Teachers may use a lesson plan to
facilitate student learning and understand them very well. Finally, we can say
that teacher is the guider of a society.
Words Section:

1. Provide:
2. Role:
3. Carry out:
4. Obtain:
5. Credential:
6. Professional:
7. Qualification:
8. Pedagogy:
9. Facilitate:
10. Society:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Questions Section:

?1. Who is a Teacher

?2. How much role of a Teacher is important in a society
?3. Which qualities are important for being a good Teacher
Translation Section:

. .


Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Dialogue Section:

A: Hello, Shabir. How do you do?

B: I am fine, how about you?
A: I am fine, too. Thank you. Do you love your Teachers?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Why do you love them?
B: Because Teacher has a very high and respected position in the world?
A: Oh, really! How?
B: It is Teacher who educates the society and shows the right & wrong way.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: Hello, Teacher Shafiq.
B: Hello, Mr. Faisal.
A: Sir, what are you doing in the city?
B: Actually, I wanna buy something for myself & what about you?
A: Im here with my family members because we wanna buy dry fruits for Eid.
B: Oh, it is very good.
A: Could I help you Sir?
B: Oh, no! Thank you so much.
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Rights of Parents
Parents have a lot of rights on us because they are one of the best and
precious gifts from Allah side to us. If we praise our parents we may not
find that much sweet quality of speech for praising them because they are
very unique and valuable. It is parents that they suffer a lot of problems and
sorrows because of their children and try their best to nurture them in a
proper and nice way, especially mother stays awake during the whole night
just because of her child. When we grow up and become parents then we
can realize the real value of parents that how much they are valuable.
Finally, we can say that parents are like a garden that produces different
kinds of flowers and beauty to the nature.
Words Section:

1. Right:
2. Precious:
3. Gift:
4. Praise:
5. Quality:
6. Unique:
7. Valuable:
8. Suffer: ,
9. Sorrow:
10. Nurture:
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

11. Proper:
12. Stay:
13. Awake:
14. Whole:
15. Grow up:
16. Realize:
17. Garden:
18. Produce:
19. Beauty:
20. Nature:

Questions Section:

?1. How much Parents are valuable in our life

?2. Who plays more important role Father or Mother
?3. Do you think that Parents have a very vital role in managing a family
Translation Section:



Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada

Dialogue Section:

A: Hello, Faisal. Do you love your Parents?

B: Yes, I really love them.
A: Why do you love your Parents?
B: Because Parents are like brightness for every person.
A: How do you say that?
B: Because it is Parents that nurture us & show us the way of life.
A: Are they valuable in our life?
B: Yes, they very valuable & crucial in our life.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------A: Hello, Sami. Where are your Parents?
B: They are actually out of country.
A: Where are they?
B: They are in Pakistan.
A: When did they go?
B: They went the day before yesterday.
A: But why, what is the problem?
B: Nothing, they just went for sightseeing to Islamabad.
Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


School means common house for education. In the past schools had ordinary
shape, as a few students gathered and studied something. The students did not
have any special curriculums, they only wanted to know how to read and write,
but gradually the schools developed and the students showed much interest
for learning. Step by step schools were enlarged; the subjects got various and
the number of students increased. Schools can be classified into three parts.
The primary, secondary and high schools. School is not the only place to learn,
but it is also place of becoming a real human. Eventually, lets try to have
sound schools in order to have a sound society.
Words Section:

1. Common:

9. Enlarge:

2. Ordinary:

10. Various:

3. Shape:

11. Classify:

4. Gather:

12. Primary:

5. Curriculum:

13. Secondary:

6. Gradually: ,

14. High:

7. Interest:

15. Real:

8. Step by step:

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Questions Section:

1. What is School and how much it is useful for the students?

3. How do you compare different Periods of School?
(Primary, Secondary & High)
4. How do you compare Schools of your country with some other countries?
Translation Section:

. .

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


Dialogue Section:

A: Hello, Faisal. Do you go to School?

B: Yes, I do.
A: Which School do you go to?
B: I go to Amani High School.
A: Where is it?
B: It is in Shari Now.
A: How is it, is it a good School?
B: Yes, it is very famous School in all over Afghanistan.
A: How is the teaching system?
B: The teaching system is very modern & useful for the students.
A: Do you have laboratory?
B: Yes, we have a very nice & well-equipped laboratory.
A: How are your teachers, are they talented & intelligent?
B: Yes, they are very talented & intelligent because they try a lot on the
students & have the best teaching method.

Prepared by: Mirwais Ali Zada


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