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Sample Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Table of


Explain the purpose of the document

Provide an explanation of the corporate goals, objectives, policies, and description of the
desired service culture, including organizational charts
Operational Information

The support center strategy statements

Hours of operation
General information regarding vacation, sick leave, weekend schedules, and inclement
weather days, as well as benefits that are unique to the support centerincluding availability
of certification programs or a list of outside training resources
Holiday schedulesexplain how critical contacts are handled on recognized holidays
Define roles and responsibilities
List department contacts and points of notification or escalation
Location of physical facilities crucial to the operations of the support center
Description and location of customers
List of reports produced by the support center on a regular basis
Support Center Guidelines and Policies

Expectations of professional work behaviorclearly defined expectations of professional

interactions towards customers and co-workers, use of company equipment, and work areas
Work schedulesclearly defined policies regarding staffing, coverage, daily work schedules,
breaks, and lunches
Administrative procedures associated with support responsibilities

Desktop Support Technician

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and Operating Level Agreements (OLAs)

Include definitions of SLAs and OLAsThough these are written as stand-alone documents,
include them in the SOP
List of products supported and services provided
Description of service guidelines and agreements regarding priority levels and response
times, as well as contact performance metrics
Description of delivery methods used for how the support center services and meets the
needs of its customers
Optional services provided such as creating custom reports, training, knowledge base
development, a glossary of terms, standard writing style guides, etc....
Telephone and/or Automated Support Procedures

Overview of telephone system and automated support contact methods

Logging into the system
Guidelines for when to log into the system, after contact mode, aux work mode, auto in mode
Detailed steps for call greeting, transferring via soft transfer or conference call, and closing
Logging out of the system
Incident Management Software Procedures

Overview of the incident management software

Creating a incident record, resolving, and closing an incident
Adding work history
Transferring an incident record, escalation, and reopening an incident record
Best Practices and Procedures

First-things-first procedures including logging into the system, reviewing email, reviewing
cases in-progress, and morning follow-up
Best practices for customer greetings, including scripting
Best practices for placing a customer on hold
Best practices for handling customer issues, escalation via conference call, dispatch
methods, and notification guidelines
Detailed flow charts for handling an incident from beginning to end for each supported system
Best practices for documentation, including guidelines for email and Web chat
Best practices for troubleshooting


Best practices for closing incident reports

Best practices guidelines for customer follow-up
End of day procedures
Asset tracking procedureslogging and maintenance of hardware and software inventories
Detailed procedures for processing report generation and distribution
Marketing Procedures

Survey procedures for obtaining continuous customer feedback

Focus group meeting schedules
Performance Expectations and Evaluation Methods
Professional work practices such as assisting others, managing self, and honoring
Total Contact Ownership
Documentation accuracy and timeliness
Use of best practices pertaining to contact procedures and customer interactions
First Contact Resolution rate and percentage of contacts escalated
Individual volumes or contacts per support professional
Average Time to Fix (ATTF) rate
Customer satisfaction rate
SOP Sign-Off

Signed document to signify the involved parties understand the procedures and are dedicated
to compliance

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