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Data Transfer

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Data Import Index

Import Data from CSI 6500 Protection Monitor

Import Data from 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway
Import Data from Rosemount 3420 or Other
Mapping to AMS Machinery Manager Database
Create DeltaV Import File for CSI 6500
Create Ovation Import File for CSI 6500

Data Import Overview

The Data Import Configuration program, and the associated Data Import Server program, are used to import data
values into the AMS Suite: Machinery Health Manager database.
Data can be imported from the following device types:

CSI 6500 Protection Monitor

CSI 9420 Wireless Vibration Transmitter (Modbus & HART)

9420 Wirless Vibration Transmitter

Other Wirless Transmitters (e.g. Pressure, Temperature)

Rosemount 3420 Fieldbus Interface Module

9210 Transmitter

Other Wirless Transmitters (e.g. Pressure, Temperature

Other Modbus TCP Devices (tested with following)

DeltaV Serial I/O Card

Ovation SCADA Communciation Server

The Data Import Configuration program can also be used to create a DeltaV or Ovation configuration file for the CSI
6500. When imported into DeltaV / Ovation, this file will automatically configure the control system to read data from
the CSI 6500 Protection monitors.

NOTE: When installing AMS Machinery Manager software, the boxes for Data Import Client and Data Import Server
need to be checked. This requires the data import functionality to be enabled in the enable.tbl file. These options will
not be available unless they are purchased and enabled. The serial program can be used to determine which programs
are licensed.



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In order to run the Data Import program, a user must be given the proper access permissions. To configure access,
after installation, when logged in as Administrator, run the RBM Network Administration program.

In the RBMadmin window, highlight the desired user in the User Configurations list, and then select Edit User from
the User drop down menu.



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RBM Network Administration

Click the Permissions button.

Edit User
If the Data Import program is enabled in the Enable.tbl file (listed as "Modbus Import for Networks" in the serial.exe
program), the Modbus Import for Networks item will be listed on the Package" tab.



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On the Policies tab, the three Data Import programs must be listed.
Highlight a user, then right click in the Policies window and select Add Policy. You can select all three to add at once.



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Another approach is to highlight a policy under Policies in the tree, then in the window to the right, right click and add
the user.

When a user account has been enabled for data import, the Modbus Data Import menu will appear in the main
menu bar.

Main Menu
From the Modbus Data Import menu, select the Config option to open the Data Source Configuration window for
configuring the data import.



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NOTE: Only one instance of the Data Source Configuration program can be run at one time, even in a network

Data Source Configuration Toolbar

Data Source Configuration Toolbar

The left side of the Data Source Configuration toolbar has buttons for adding a Server, Device, Group, Sensor, Value,
Spectrum, and Waveform. These buttons are used to manually build a Device Hierarchy tree to define the data import
sources. When auto-discovering a CSI 6500 device, the tree is created automatically, so the Group, Sensor, and Value
buttons level are grayed out. The red X button is for deleting items from the tree.
The right side of the toolbar has buttons for Creating a Database, Area, Equipment, Point Collection, and Point. This
provides a quick means to create points in the database without the need to use the Dbase or DBwizard programs.
The red X button is for deleting items from the tree.
Buttons are enabled as appropriate, depending on the level of hierarchy that is highlighted in the tree.

Add Server
The Data Import Server runs on a PC as a Service named "CSI Data Import Services".
The Add Server button is used for linking to multiple instances of the data import server. For best network
performance, these instances may be installed on remote computers that are near the devices they monitor. Using the
Add Server button, these instances can be consolidated and displayed in a common Device Hierarchy tree. This list of
servers resides on the NetAdmin server.
NOTE: The use of multiple data import servers requires multiple software licenses to be defined in the Enable.tble file.
NOTE: When linking to a CSI 9420 wireless vibration transmitter on the DeltaV system, the Data Import Server must
be installed on a DeltaV Application Station that has access to both the control network (where the 1420 Smart
Wireless Gateway is located) and the seperate network (where the AMS Machinery Health Manger database is located).
NOTE: If a firewall exists between the PC running the Data Import Server and the PC running the CsiMtdbMgr
Database server, then port 10060 must be open to allow data to flow.

Add Device
Highlight the server in the Device Hierarchy tree, and click the Add Device button
in the top left corner. Or,
from the Edit menu, select Add, then Device. Or, right click on the server and select "Add", then "Device".



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Device Hierarchy

Importing Data from a CSI 6500 Protection Monitor

After selecting the Add Device command from the Device Type window, use the drop down list to select the CSI

CSI 6500 Device Type

Enter the IP address of the CSI 6824(R) Communication Module.

The Port Number is usually 502 for Modbus import.
For the CSI 6500 device type, an option is available to select either Metric or U.S. English units. The CSI 6500 outputs
data in metric units. If the U.S. English units option is selected here, the Data Source Mapping program will
automatically insert metric to English conversion equations for all the appropriate CSI 6500 data values. To change
this setting later, use the Refresh Device command.



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Click OK to add the new device.

The Data Import server will attempt to automatically discover the CSI 6500 configuration. If successful, it will
populate the Device Hierarchy tree with the Modules, Channels, and Data Value tags as they are configured in the CSI
6824(R). Expand the Device Hierarchy tree to view these entries, as shown below.

Expanded Hierarchy Tree

Device Hierarchy Tree Device Level

With the CSI 6500 Device highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the Device pane,
and the following tabs are displayed.
NOTE: The window panes can be resized by clicking and dragging the borders.

Device - Identification Tab



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Device Identification - CSI 6500

The ID and Description fields are populated automatically during the discovery process of the CSI 6500. These fields
can then be edited as desired.
The Device Type is listed for reference, and is not an editable field.
The Start and Stop Data Collection buttons are available on this tab, along with the Data Collection status. The Start
and Stop functions are also available under the Edit Menu, or by right-clicking a Device in the tree.
NOTE: The Data Import server runs independently from the Data Source Configuration program. Once data collection
has been started, the Data Source Configuration program can be closed, and the Data Import server(s) will continue to

Device - Connection Info Tab

The information on this tab was entered previously when adding the device. If at some time later, the IP Address, or
Slave Address is changed in the CSI 6500, the values here can be edited to match.

Device - Connection Info

Device - Storage Settings Tab
The Storage Settings tab is used to define how often imported data will be collected/stored, and how the time stamp is
By unchecking the appropriate "Use Default" boxes, the default settings can be modified. If these settings are modified
at the Device level of the Device Hierarchy tree, they will be copied to lower levels of the tree. Settings can then also
be modified individually at the Group level of the tree.

Trend Tab



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The Trend tab defines the storage of single point values such as Overall or 1x Peak/Phase. The Storage Strategy can
be set to collect data at defined intervals and to store data at either defined intervals, upon a change in the alarm
state, or both.The defaults for Trend data are a Collection Rate of once per minute and a Storage rate of once per 8
hours or upon change in alarm state.

Device Storage Settings (Trend)

Waveform Tab
The Waveform tab defines the storage of time-waveform data. Once imported, frequency spectra can be generated
from the waveform data for detailed analysis. Waveform data can be turned off, or set to store at a defined interval.
The default is a Storage rate of once every 24 hours.

Device Storage Settings (Waveform)

Other Tab
If "Timestamp Applied to Data when Received by Server" is selected, the imported data will be stored with the
date/time stamp from the current PC clock time when the Modbus data is received. If "Timestamp Applied to Data in
Device" is selected, the imported data will be stored with the date/time stamp from the CSI 6500 system clock when
the data was acquired.
If the "Synchronize Device Time from Server every __ seconds" box is checked, the Data Import software will
periodically send an update to the CSI 6500 clock to keep it synchronized with the PC clock. The default time



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synchronization interval is every 67 seconds.

Device Storage Settings (Other)

Device Hierarchy Tree Group Level

During the Auto-Discovery process of a CSI 6500, a Group entry is automatically created for each protection monitor in
the rack.
With a Group highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the Group pane, and the
following tabs are displayed:

Group - Identification Tab

The ID and Description fields are automatically copied here from the "Plant" and "Machine name" descriptive fields of
each CSI 6500 Protection Monitor. If these fields are not populated in a CSI 6500 monitor, the software uses default
text that includes the monitor type and sub-type. These fields can then be edited as desired.
The Type field indicates the type of the Group. For example, in a CSI 6500 system, this is the type of CSI 6500

Group - Identification
Group - Storage Settings Tab



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Data storage can be configured here, as described earlier at the Device level. Edits made at this level of the tree only
affect the individual Group and its subcomponents. If the Use Default boxes are checked, the Group will inherit its
storage settings from the parent Device. If these boxes are unchecked, the Group settings will not be affected by
changes made at the Device level.

Group Storage Settings

Device Hierarchy Tree Sensor Level

During the Auto-Discovery process of a CSI 6500 device, a Sensor entry is automatically created for each CSI 6500
monitor channel. If the monitor is configured to calculate a third value, a third Sensor entry is also created.
With an individual Sensor highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the
Sensor pane, and the Channel ID and Description are displayed.
The ID and Description fields are automatically copied here from the "Point Id" and "Description" fields of each CSI
6500 Protection Monitor channel. If these fields are not populated in a CSI 6500 monitor, the software uses default
text of Ch1, Ch2, or Ch3.
The ID and Description fields can then be edited as desired.

Device Hierarchy Tree - Sensor

Device Hierarchy Tree - Data Source (Value) Level



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During the Auto-Discovery process of a 6500, a Data Source (Value) entry is automatically created for various CSI
6500 data values.
With an individual Data Source (Value) highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the
Data Source (Value) pane, and the following tabs are displayed:

Data Source (Value) - Identification Tab

The Data Source ID and Description fields are populated automatically for the CSI 6500 device type. These fields can
then be edited as desired. The remaining fields are automatically configured and are not editable for a CSI 6500.

Data Source (Value) - Identification

Data Source (Value) - Data Type Tab

Data Source (Value) - Data Type

The Data Type tab specifies additional data format information. This information is populated automatically for the CSI
6500 device, and is not editable.
The Input Register Data Type specifies how the incoming data is to be interpreted.
The Converted Data Type field specifies data is stored as a floating point number.
The Units and Units Label fields specify the units to be displayed when the stored data is viewed. These fields are set
based on the type of units configured in the CSI 6500.



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The Equation field displays what conversion equations are being applied to the data.

Change Equation... button

The "Change Equation . . ." button opens a window for editing data conversion equations, such as converting from
Metric to English units.

Change Equation
The Data Import software automatically inserts an equation to perform a required integer to floating-point conversion
(typically a divide by 100) on the ModBus data from the CSI 6500. If the Convert Metric Units to U.S. Units box is
checked when adding the Device, an additional conversion equation is automatically entered here. Other additional
conversion equations can be added here as well.
The Get Value button on this window provides a quick one-time read and conversion of the value to confirm if the
equation is converting the incoming value as desired.
Click Close to close and save the Equation window.

Get Value... button

The Get Value button, on the DataSource (Value) Data Type tab, opens an on-demand continuous data
acquisition window for test purposes.



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Get Value
Acquisition begins automatically. Note that this test produces a high rate of Data Import requests to the Device. Click
Stop to pause acquisition. Click Start to continue. The Raw Value is displayed, along with the Processed Value with the
conversion equations applied.
For the CSI 6500, this window also displays status LEDs. If the Channel Clear LED is green, the channel is OK/Clear. If
the Channel Clear LED is gray, the channel is not OK/Clear.
If the Hardware Alarm LED is gray, there is no alarm. If this LED is red, either an Alert or Danger alarm limit has been
exceeded on the associated channel.
NOTE: The conversion equation can be modified while "Get Data..." acquisition is running. This allows the result of
equation changes to be seen in "real time".
Click Done to close the window.

Get Multiple Values

The Get Value function is also available by right-clicking an item in the Device Hierarchy tree and selecting Get Value
(s), or by selecting Get Value(s) from the View menu. Multiple values can be requested simultaneously by selecting
this function at higher levels of the tree.

Get Multiple Values



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Data Source (Value) - Alarm Limits Tab

The Alarm Limits tab is displayed for the main data values from a CSI 6500 monitor. This tab shows the Alert and
Danger alarm limits, as they are configured in the monitor.

Data Source (Value) - Alarm Limits

Data Source (Value) - Mapping Tab
The Mapping tab shows which Measurement Point the Data Source (Value) is mapped to in the AMS Machinery
Manager database.
In a related function, as Values are selected in the Device Hierarchy tree, the Database Hierarchy tree will
automatically jump to the mapped Value.
The Delete Mapping button will remove the mapping link, but will not delete the Data Source (Value) from the tree.

Data Source (Value) - Mapping

NOTE: Clicking the red X symbol will provide the option to remove mapping links or entirely delete the item.



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Delete Device

Device Hierarchy Tree Waveform Level

During the Auto-discovery process of the CSI 6500, a Waveform entry is automatically created under each of the
vibration main values.
With a Waveform highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the Waveform pane, and
the following tabs are displayed:

Waveform - Identification
The ID and Description fields are populated automatically. These fields can then be edited as desired.
The Type field displays the waveform data units type for reference.
The Associated Channel Offset is a programming reference, indicating where the waveform data is located in the
Modbus output. Starting with zero, two waveform blocks are reserved for each monitor in the tree.

Waveform Data Type Tab



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Waveform Data Type

The Data Type tab displays additional data format information for reference.

Waveform Mapping Tab

The Mapping tab shows which Measurement Point the Waveform is mapped to in the AMS Machinery Manager

Retrieve Data - Waveform

An on demand waveform acquisition can be performed by right clicking the Waveform level of a CSI 6500 in the Device
Hierarchy tree and selecting the Retrieve Data command.



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Retrieve Data
The Min/Max Value boxes show the lowest and highest amplitudes on the plot.
The Values Count box indicates the number of samples in the waveform.
The Show Velocity/Displacement Waveform buttons will display the plot in different units, as converted by the
The Show Spectrum button will display a spectrum calculated from the waveform.
If the Waveform is mapped to a measurement point in the database, the waveform and spectrum can be stored by
clicking the Save to Database button.
Click Done to close the window.

Refresh Device
If the CSI 6500 configuration is changed, the Refresh Device command can be used to import the updated device
information, without having to completely delete the device and then Add it back.
If possible, existing mappings and conversion equations will be retained. However, some user changes may be lost as
the information about the device hierarchy is updated. For example, if the data units have changed the point mappings
will be deleted.



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Refresh Device
The Refresh Device command also provides the option to add or remove the Metric to English units conversion
equations. Clicking Yes will leave the units as they were originally configured. Clicking No will either add or remove the
conversion equations in order to switch the units type.

Confirm or Change Units

Importing Data from a 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway

Add Device
Highlight the server in the Device Hierarchy tree, and click the Add Device button in the top left corner. Or, from the
Edit menu, select Add, then Device. Or, right click on the server and select "Add", then "Device".

Device Hierarchy

The Device Type window will open. Use the drop down list to select 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway.



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Device Type - 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway

NOTE: The 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway connection type uses HART communication protocol. HART communication
is required for automating the 1420 data import configuration, as well as for Waveform and Spectrum import. If the
1420 is not enabled for HART, it can still be connected using the Other device type selection. The Other device type
requires manual configuration, and does not have the option to import Waveform/Spectrum data.
NOTE: The 1420 firmware versions 3.9.5 and later have improved data transfer speed for Spectrum/Waveform
Enter the IP address of the 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway.
The Port Number must match what is defined in the 1420. The default Port is 20004 for HART UDP and 20005 for
HART TCP. The 1420 can be configured to use either protocol.
Click OK to add the new device.
The Data Import server will attempt to automatically discover the configuration of the 1420 and add it to the Device
Hierarchy tree. The tree will automatically be populated with the wireless transmitters, sensors, and parameters as
they are configured in the 1420.
These entries can be reviewed by expanding the Device Hierarchy tree as shown below.



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Expanded Hierarchy Tree - 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway

Device Hierarchy Tree Device Level

With the 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway device highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes
the Device pane, and the following tabs are displayed.
NOTE: The window panes can be resized by clicking and dragging the borders.

Device - Identification Tab

Device Identification 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway



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During the auto-discovery process, the ID and Description fields are populated automatically with the Hostname of
the 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway. The ID field is for reference only. The Description field can be edited as desired.
Changes made to this field do not get written back to the 1420.
The Type field indicates the type of Device, for reference.
The Start and Stop Data Collection buttons are available on this tab, along with the Data Collection status. The Start
and Stop functions are also available under the Edit Menu, or by right-clicking a Device in the tree.
NOTE: The Data Import server runs independently from the Data Source Configuration program. Once data collection
has been started, the Data Source Configuration program can be closed, and the Data Import server(s) will continue to

Device - Connection Info Tab

Device Connection Info (UDP)

The information displayed on this tab was entered previously during the Add Device step. If at some time later the IP
Address, etc. is changed in the 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway, the values can be edited here to match.

Device - Storage Settings Tab

The Storage Settings tab is used to define how often data will be collected and stored. If the Use Default boxes are
checked, the suggested default settings will be used. However, since data collection rates affect the battery life of
wireless devices, the storage strategy is initially set to Not Stored for 1420 devices. (NOTE If the Use Default button
is checked, Storage Strategy will be changed to Storage Interval.)
With the appropriate "Use Default" boxes unchecked, the settings can be modified. If these settings are modified at the
Device level of the Device Hierarchy tree, they will be copied to the lower levels below the device. Settings can then
also be modified individually at the lower levels of the tree.

Trend Sub-Tab



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Device Storage Settings (Trend)

The Trend sub-tab defines the storage of single values such as Overall Vibration or Temperature. Trend data storage
can be turned off, or set to store at a defined interval.

Waveform Sub-Tab

Device Storage Settings (Waveform)

The Waveform sub-tab defines the storage of time-waveform data from CSI 9420 Wireless Vibration Transmitters.
Waveform data storage can be turned off, or set to store at a defined interval.

Spectrum Sub-Tab



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Device Storage Settings (Spectrum)

The Spectrum sub-tab defines the storage of frequency-spectrum data from CSI 9420 Wireless Vibration Transmitters.
Spectrum data storage can be turned off, or set to store at a defined interval.
NOTE: If Waveform data is stored, there is no need to also store the Spectrum data (unless at a faster rate), since the
software automatically calculates a spectrum from the stored waveform. Turning off the Spectrum storage in this case
will help conserve CSI 9420 battery life.

Device Hierarchy Tree Group Level

During the auto-discovery process of the 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway, a Group entry is automatically created for
each transmitter in the wireless network.
With a Group highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the Group pane, and the
following tabs are displayed:

Group - Identification Tab

Group - Identification
The ID and Description fields are populated here automatically from the LONG TAG field in the CSI 9420 DD. The ID
field is for reference only. The Description field can be edited as desired. Changes made to this field do not get written
back to the 9420.



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The Type field indicates the type of the Group. For example, a CSI 9420 Vibration Transmitter.

Group - Storage Settings Tab

Data storage can be configured here on the Trend, Waveform, and Spectrum sub-tabs (as described earlier at the
Device level). Edits made at the Group level of the tree only affect the individual Group and its sub-levels.
If the Use Default boxes are checked at the Group level, the Group will inherit its storage settings from the parent
Device. If these boxes are unchecked, custom settings can be defined for the Group which will not be affected by
changes made at the Device level.

Other Tab

Group - Storage Settings (Other)

For a CSI 9420, at the Group level, an Other sub-tab is also displayed under the Storage Settings tab.
The Noise Threshold parameter is used to avoid transmitting/storing Waveform/Spectrum data from a machine that is
not running. At each Waveform/Spectrum storage interval, the Data Import program first verifies that the Overall
vibration level on Sensor 1 exceeds the Noise Threshold before requesting the Waveform/Spectrum data.
The Update Rate defines how often the CSI 9420 publishes data. The slowest update rate allowed by the HART
protocol is 1 hour.
The Skip Factor can be used to help conserve CSI 9420 battery life. It allows data to be acquired less frequently, while
maintaining the required 1 hour HART update interval. The Skip Factor can be set to skip up to 23 intervals before
acquiring a new measurement. Between acquisitions, at each update interval, it simply publishes the previously
acquired value.
The Allow configuration changes box indicates whether a CSI 9420 has been configured to allow AMS Machinery
Manager to make configuration changes (e.g. Update Rate, Skip Factor, Alarm Limits, etc.) Refer to the CSI 9420
manual for details on how to configure this setting.
NOTE: Changes are sent to the CSI 9420 when Save Device or Save all Changes is selected from the File menu.
NOTE: If the 1420 is connected to a HART host system, such as DeltaV, any changes made to the CSI 9420 by AMS
Machinery Manager will be overwritten by the host.

Device Hierarchy Tree Sensor Level



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Device Hierarchy Tree Sensor

During the auto-discovery process of a 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway, a Sensor entry is automatically created for each
Transmitter sensor. With an individual Sensor highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes
the Sensor pane.
The Sensor ID and Description fields are populated automatically from the Sensor Description field in the CSI 9420.
The ID field is for reference only. If the CSI 9420 is configured to allow AMS Machinery Manager to make changes, the
Description field can be edited as desired and written back to the CSI 9420.

Device Hierarchy Tree - Data Source (Value) Level

During the auto-discovery process of the 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway, Data Source (Value) entries are automatically
created for the various transmitter data values. These may include Overall Velocity, Overall PeakVue, various
frequency bands, temperatures, and sensor bias voltages.
With an individual Data Source (Value) highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the
Data Source (Value) pane, and the following tabs are displayed:

Data Source (Value) - Identification Tab

Data Source (Value) - Identification

The Data Source ID and Description fields are populated automatically to indicate the type of data value. These fields
can then be edited as desired.



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Data Source (Value) Alarm Limits Tab

Data Source (Value) - Alarm Limits

During the auto-discovery process of the 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway; the Advise, Maintenance, and Failure limits
are extracted from the CSI 9420 and displayed on the Alarm Limits tab (The Alarm Limits tab is not displayed for other
transmitter types). If the CSI 9420 is configured to allow AMS Machinery Manager to make changes, these fields will
be editable.
NOTE: If changes are made to configuration parameters within the CSI 9420 using AMS Device Manager or a 375/475
Handheld, those changes can be imported into AMS Machinery Manager using the Refresh Device command, under the
Edit menu.

Data Source (Value) Storage Settings Tab

Data Source (Value) Storage Settings

Data storage can be configured here for single trend values (as described earlier at the Device and Group levels). Edits
made at the Data Source (Value) level of the tree only affect the individual Data Source (Value).
If the Use Default boxes are checked, the Data Source (Value) will inherit its storage settings from the parent
Device/Group. If these boxes are unchecked, custom settings can be defined which will not be affected by changes
made at higher levels.

Data Source (Value) - Mapping Tab



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Data Source (Value) - Mapping

The Mapping tab shows which Measurement Point the Data Source (Value) is mapped to in the AMS Machinery
Manager database.
In a related function, as Data Source Values are selected in the Device Hierarchy tree, the Database Hierarchy tree will
automatically jump to the mapped Point, and vice versa.
The Delete Mapping button will remove the mapping link, but will not delete the Data Source (Value) from the tree.

Device Hierarchy Tree - Data Source (Value) - Spectrum Level

During the auto-discovery process of the 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway, if a CSI 9420 Transmitter supports spectrum
retrieval, a Spectrum level is automatically added under the Overall Velocity Trend level and Overall PeakVue Trend
level for each installed sensor.
With the Spectrum level highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the Spectrum pane,
and the following tabs are displayed:

Spectrum - Identification Tab

Spectrum Identification
The Spectrum ID and Description fields are populated automatically. These fields can then be edited as desired.



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The Type field indicates whether the imported data will be a normal Velocity spectrum or a PeakVue spectrum.

Spectrum Storage Settings Tab

Spectrum Storage Settings

Data storage can be configured here for Spectrum data (as described earlier at the Device and Group levels). Edits
made at this level of the tree only affect the individual Spectrum.
If the Use Default boxes are checked, the Spectrum will inherit its storage settings from the parent Device/Group. If
these boxes are unchecked, custom settings can be defined for the Spectrum which will not be affected by changes
made at higher levels.
If Spectrum storage is turned on, the initial default is to store a Thumbnail spectrum, to conserve battery life. The
possible Fmax / Resolution settings for the thumbnail include:
1000 Hz
600 Hz
300 Hz
150 Hz

Frequency Resolution
20 Hz / line
10 Hz / line
5 Hz / line
2.5 Hz / line

If the Store Analytical Spectrum option is selected, a high resolution spectrum will be transmitted/stored instead of
the thumbnail. A warning is displayed that this will consume more battery life, due to the larger amount of data being

By default, the high resolution spectrum is a 1000 Hz Fmax / 1600 line spectrum (which is a resolution of 0.625 Hz /
line) with no averaging.
If the CSI 9420 is configured to allow AMS Machinery Manager to make changes, the Use Averaging box will be
editable. If this box is checked, then the 1000 Hz Fmax high resolution spectrum will only be 800 line resolution (1.25
Hz / line), but will use 4 averages. Note that the thumbnails are always averaged.



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Spectrum Storage Settings Tab (PeakVue)

Spectrum Settings (PeakVue)

If the CSI 9420 is configured to allow AMS Machinery Manager to make changes, the PeakVue True FMax selection
will be editable. This selection configures the PeakVue Analytical Spectrum Fmax as either 500 Hz (calculated from a
3.2 second waveform) or 1000 Hz (calculated from a 1.6 second waveform). This setting also affects the available
thumbnail Fmax / Resolutions options.
The possible Fmax / Resolution settings for the PeakVue thumbnail include:
Analytical Fmax
1000 Hz

500 Hz

Thumbnail Fmax
1000 Hz
600 Hz
300 Hz
150 Hz
500 Hz
300 Hz
150 Hz
75 Hz

Thumbnail Resolution
20 Hz / line
10 Hz / line
5 Hz / line
2.5 Hz / line
10 Hz / line
5 Hz / line
2.5 Hz / line
1.25 Hz / line

Spectrum Mapping Tab

The Mapping tab shows which Measurement Point the Spectrum is mapped to in the AMS Machinery Manager

Retrieve Data - Spectrum

An on demand spectrum acquisition can be performed by right clicking the Spectrum level of a CSI 9420 in the Device
Hierarchy tree and selecting the Retrieve Data command. The CSI 9420 will acquire new data and transmit a
thumbnail spectrum with the Fmax/resolution settings that are defined on the Storage Settings tab. In addition to the
thumbnail spectrum, three frequency band values are transmitted and displayed at the top of the plot.



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Retrieve Data (Spectrum)

The CSI 9420 holds the acquired data in memory and can transmit various options. Changing the Fmax setting will
result in the transmission of another thumbnail with a different Fmax/resolution. After switching to a different FMax,
returning to a previously transmitted FMax setting will not result in another transmission (i.e. the previously
transmitted spectrum will be displayed again).
Clicking the Analytical Spectrum button will result in transmission of the full high resolution spectrum. Afterwards,
clicking on the Thumbnail/Analytical buttons will switch back and forth between the two plots instead of transmitting
Acquisition of new data can be performed by closing the window and selecting Retrieve Data again.
Click on the plot to add an amplitude/frequency cursor. Click or use the left/right arrow keys to move it across the
If the Spectrum is mapped to a measurement point in the database, the spectrum can be stored by clicking the Save
to Database button. Note that the Retrieve Data window always displays the spectrum in RMS units. However, once
saved to the database, the spectrum can be displayed in calculated Peak or Peak-Peak units.
Click Done to close the window.

Device Hierarchy Tree - Data Source (Value) Waveform Level

During the auto-discovery process of the 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway, if the CSI 9420 Transmitter supports
waveform retrieval, a Waveform level is automatically added under the Overall Velocity Trend level and Overall
PeakVue Trend level for each installed sensor.
With the Waveform highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the Waveform pane, and
the following tabs are displayed:

Waveform - Identification Tab



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Waveform Identification
The Waveform ID and Description fields are populated automatically. These fields can then be edited as desired.
The Type field indicates whether the waveform is defined as a normal Acceleration waveform or a PeakVue waveform.

Waveform Storage Settings Tab

Waveform Storage Settings

Data storage can be configured here for Time Wavefom data (as described earlier at the Device and Group levels).
Edits made at this level of the tree only affect the individual Waveform.
If the Use Default boxes are checked, the Waveform will inherit its storage settings from the parent Device/Group. If
these boxes are unchecked, custom settings can be defined for the Waveform which will not be affected by changes
made at higher levels.
For CSI 9420 Overall Velocity measurements, the associated waveform is stored in acceleration units, with 4096
samples, and a 1000 Hz upper frequency range.

Waveform Storage Settings Tab (PeakVue)



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Waveform Storage Settings (PeakVue)

For CSI 9420 PeakVue measurements, the waveform is stored in acceleration units, with 4096 samples. The PeakVue
sampling rate is 51.2 kHz. A 1000 Hz high pass filter is used.
If the PeakVue True Fmax is set to 500 Hz Fmax, the waveform is sampled for 3.2 seconds. If the PeakVue True
Fmax is set to 1000 Hz Fmax, the waveform is sampled for 1.6 seconds.
This setting is common to both the PeakVue Waveform and Spectrum. If it is changed in one place, it will
automatically change in the other.

Waveform Mapping Tab

The Mapping tab shows which Measurement Point the Waveform is mapped to in the AMS Machinery Manager

Retrieve Data - Waveform

An on demand waveform acquisition can be performed by right clicking the Waveform level of a CSI 9420 in the Device
Hierarchy tree and selecting the Retrieve Data command.



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Retrieve Data (Waveform)

The Min/Max Value boxes show the peak acceleration amplitudes in both the negative and positive directions.
The Values Count box indicates the number of samples in the waveform.
The Show Spectrum button will display a spectrum calculated from the waveform.
If the Waveform is mapped to a measurement point in the database, the waveform and spectrum can be stored by
clicking the Save to Database button.
Click Done to close the window.

Get Value(s)
Single trend values can also be acquired on demand by right clicking on a Data Source (Value) and selecting Get Value
(s). This will begin rapidly retrieving trend data values.



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Multiple trend values can be acquired simultaneously by selecting Get Value(s) at a higher level of the tree.

Refresh Device
Its important to note that after the initial auto-discovery of a 1420 Smart Wireless Gateway, any configuration
changes to the 1420 (e.g. with a 375/475 communicator or with AMS Device Manager) will not automatically be
updated in the Data Import program.
If the 1420 configuration is changed, the Refresh Device command can be used to import the updated device
information, such as the Update rate and alarm limits, without having to completely delete the device and then Add it
This command can be executed by right clicking the 1420 in the Device Hierarchy tree and selecting Refresh Device, or
by highlighting the 1420 and selecting Refresh Device from the Edit menu.
If possible, existing mappings will be retained. However, some user changes may be lost as the information about the
device hierarchy is updated. For example, if the data units have changed the point mappings will be deleted.



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Importing Data from a Rosemount 3420 Fieldbus Interface

Module, or Other Device
The configuration steps of both the 3420 and Other device types are very similar and are combined in this section.
Both device types require manual entry of configuration settings.

Add Device
Highlight the server in the Device Hierarchy tree, and click the Add Device button in the top left corner. Or, from the
Edit menu, select Add, then Device. Or, right click on the server and select "Add", then "Device".

Device Hierarchy
The Device Type window will open. Use the drop down list to select either Rosemount 3420 Fieldbus Interface
Module or Other.



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Select Device Type 3420/Other

NOTE: The Other device type is intended to be a generic configuration for importing Modbus data from other device
types. It has only been tested with data import from DeltaV and Ovation. Data import from DeltaV is via a DeltaV
serial I/O card configured as a Modbus Slave device. Data import from Ovation is via the Ovation SCADA
communication server software running on an Ovation workstation.

Configure Other Device

Enter the IP address of the device.
The Port Number is usually 502 for Modbus TCP communication.
The Slave Address is generally a hold-over from the Modbus RTU protocol, which required an RS 485 bus address.
However, in some cases this address is still needed, even when using Modbus TCP. If needed, this address should be
entered to match the slave address defined in the device.
For a device type of Other, a checkbox is available for specifying Extended Modbus addressing. With Extended
addressing, Modbus Input registers have an offset of 300,001 instead of the normal 30,001, and Modbus Holding
registers have an offset of 400,001 instead of the normal 40,001. The 3420 Device type does not require this option.
Click OK to add the new device to the Device Hierarchy tree.

Device Hierarchy Tree Device Level

With the 3420 or Other device highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the Device
pane, and the following tabs are displayed: Identification, Connection Info, Byte Swapping, Storage Settings, and Error
NOTE: The window panes can be resized by clicking and dragging the borders.

Device - Identification Tab



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Device Identification 3420

The ID and Description fields can be edited as desired to identify the device.
The Device Type is listed for reference, and is not an editable field.
The Start and Stop Data Collection buttons are available on this tab, along with the Data Collection status. The Start
and Stop functions are also available under the Edit Menu, or by right-clicking the Device in the tree.
NOTE: The Data Import server runs independently from the Data Source Configuration program. Once data collection
has been started, the Data Source Configuration program can be closed, and the Data Import server(s) will continue to

Device - Connection Info Tab

Device Connection Info

The information on this tab was entered previously during the Add Device step. If at some time later the IP Address,
etc. is changed in the device, the values here can be edited to match.
NOTE: The Extended Addressing option is listed under the Storage Settings / Other tab.

Device - Byte Swapping Tab



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Device Byte Swapping

When adding a Rosemount 3420 Fieldbus Interface Module device, the Byte Swapping tab is automatically set correctly
to Swap Bytes within Words.
Swap Bytes within Words is also the correct setting for importing data from DeltaV, Ovation, or a 1420 Smart Wireless
Gateway via Modbus. If importing data from a CSI 4500, or the Prediction side of the CSI 6500, the correct setting is
Swap Bytes.
Different types of Byte Swapping may be required for Other devices if their Modbus registers have data bytes in a
different order than the Data Import program defaults. The following byte swaps can be performed:
For a 32 bit value (which has 4 bytes or 2 words) with byte order A,B,C,D:
A,B,C,D = None (no swapping)
D,C,B,A = Swap Bytes (simply reverses the byte order)
C,D,A,B = Swap Words (reverses the words, but leaves bytes in each word unchanged)
B,A,D,C = Swap Bytes within Words (leaves the words unchanged, but reverses the bytes in each word)

For a 16 bit value (which has 2 bytes or 1 word) with byte order A,B:
A,B = None (no swapping)
B,A = Swap Bytes (simply reverses the byte order)
A,B = Swap Words (only one word so nothing to swap)
B,A = Swap Bytes within Words (only one word, so this is the same as byte swapping)

Device - Storage Settings Tab

The Storage Settings tab is used to define how often imported data will be collected and stored.

Trend Sub-Tab



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Storage Settings - Trend

The Trend sub-tab defines the storage of single point values such as Overall Vibration or Temperature. The Storage
Strategy can be set to collect data at defined intervals and to store data at either defined intervals, upon a change in
the alarm state, or both. The defaults are a Collection Rate of once per minute and a Storage rate of once per 8 hours
or upon change in alarm state.
By unchecking the appropriate "Use Default" boxes, the default settings can be modified. If these settings are modified
at the Device level of the Device Hierarchy tree, they will be copied to all lower levels of the tree. Settings can then
also be modified individually at the Group level of the tree.

Other Sub-Tab

Storage Settings - Other

For the Other device type, an additional Other sub-tab is displayed. The selection of whether to use Extended Modbus
addressing was made previously during the Add Device step. If at some time later this needs to be changed, the
checkbox is available for update on this tab.

Device - Error Value Tab



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Device Error Value

This tab is used primarily when importing values from the Rosemount 3420 Fieldbus Interface Module, or from a 1420
Smart Wireless Gateway via Modbus. These devices transmit a Hardware Error Signal Value of 32767 to indicate a
device error. To avoid having this error value appear in the trend plot, 32767 can be defined as a special case value
that does not get stored.
The "Hardware Error Signal Type" drop-down is used to select from a drop down list of: None, NaN (Not a Number),
Negative Infinity, Positive Infinity or User Defined. If User Defined is chosen, the Error Signal Value can be specified
(default is 32767). Otherwise, the value is determined based on what is selected from the drop-down list. If None is
selected, no error signal value checking will be performed.
By default, the "Store Error Signal Value" box is unchecked, so the 32767 error value does not appear in the trend
plots. Check this box if you want the error value to be stored and appear in the trend plots.

Device Hierarchy Tree Group Level

For the Rosemount 3420 Fieldbus Interface Module, the Group level is used to group all the information together for a
specific transmitter. For the Other device type, the Group level can be created as desired to organize multiple sensor
channels together.
A Group can even be added underneath another Group for additional organization.
To add a Group, right-click a 3420 or Other Device (or another Group) in the Device Hierarchy tree and select Add
Group. Or, highlight the device and click the Add Group button.
For the 3420 device, the Group type can be selected as a CSI 9210 Machinery Health Transmitter or Other.

With a Group highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the Group pane, and the
following tabs are displayed:

Group - Identification Tab



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Group - Identification
The ID and Description fields can be edited as desired to identify the group.
The Type field indicates the type of the Group. For example, CSI 9210 or Other.

Group - Storage Settings Tab

Group Storage Settings

Data storage can be configured here for Trend data (as described earlier at the Device level). Edits made at the Group
level of the tree only affect the individual Group and its sub levels.
If the Use Default boxes are checked at the Group level, the Group will inherit its storage settings from the parent
Device. If these boxes are unchecked, custom settings can be defined for the Group which will not be affected by
changes made at the Device level.

Device Hierarchy Tree Sensor Level

The Sensor level can be created as desired, under a group, to organize multiple measurement values under the same
sensor/measurement location.
To add a Sensor, right-click a Group in the Device Hierarchy tree and select Add Sensor. Or, click the Add Sensor
With an individual Sensor highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the Sensor pane,
and the Sensor ID and Description are displayed. These fields can be edited as desired to identify the Sensor.



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Device Hierarchy Tree Sensor

Device Hierarchy Tree - Data Source (Value) Level

Data Source (Value) entries can be added as desired at various levels of the tree.
To add a Data Source (Value), right-click a Sensor, Group, or Device in the Device Hierarchy tree and select Add Data
Source. Or, highlight the desired level of the tree and click the Add Data Source button.
With an individual Data Source (Value) highlighted in the Device Hierarchy tree, the lower left window becomes the
Data Source (Value) pane, and the following tabs are displayed:

Data Source (Value) - Identification Tab

Data Source (Value) - Identification

The Data Source ID and Description fields can be edited as desired to identify the specific data value.
Specify whether the Register Type is an Input register or Holding register.
Enter the desired Modbus register address in the Register Index field. Note the Register field and the Register Index
field are tied together. Entering a value in one field will automatically update the other field. These are simply two
different ways of specifying the register address. Input registers are sometimes specified with an offset of 30,001 and
Holding registers with an offset of 40,001. The Register field has this offset included and the Register Index field does
Specify whether the data is formatted as one register per value (16-bit values), or if two registers are required per



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value (32-bit values).

Data Source (Value) Data Type Tab

DataSource (Value) Data Type

The Data Type tab specifies additional data format information. These fields can be edited as required to properly
interpret the data values.
The Input Register Data Type specifies whether the incoming data is to be interpreted as a floating point number or a
signed/unsigned integer. Note the Bit Mask option has not been fully implemented.
The Converted Data Type field is for reference only, indicating how the data is stored in the database.
The Units selection list specifies the units to be displayed when the stored data is viewed. For a Units type of Other, a
custom units string can be entered in the Units Label field.
The Equation field displays what, if any, conversion equations are being applied to the data.

Change Equation Button

The Change Equation button is used to apply different data conversion equations, such as converting from Metric to
English units.



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Change Equation Window

In the Change Equation window, conversion equations can be entered, along with an optional descriptive
The Input Register Data Type can be selected in this window for a quick test of different formats.
The Converted Data Type selection is not used.
The Get Data button on this window provides a quick one-time read and conversion of the value to confirm if the
equation is converting the incoming value as desired.
Click Close to close and save the Equation window.

Get Value Button



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Get Value Window

The Get Value button, on the DataSource (Value) Data Type tab, opens an on-demand continuous data
acquisition window for test purposes. Click Start in the Get Value window to begin acquisition. Note that this test
produces a high rate of Data Import requests to the Device. The Raw Value is displayed, along with the Processed
Value with the conversion equations applied.
NOTE: The conversion equation can be modified while the "Get Value..." acquisition is running. This allows the user to
see in "real time" the results of changes to the equation.
Click Stop to freeze data collection. Click Done to close the window.
The Get Value function is also available by right-clicking an item in the Device Hierarchy tree and selecting Get Value
(s), or by selecting Get Value(s) from the View menu. Multiple values can be requested simultaneously by selecting
this function at higher levels of the tree.

Get Multiple Values

Data Source (Value) - Mapping Tab

The Mapping tab shows which Measurement Point the Data Source (Value) is mapped to in the AMS Machinery
Manager database.
In a related function, as Data Source Values are selected in the Device Hierarchy tree, the Database Hierarchy tree will
automatically jump to the mapped Point, and vice versa.
The Delete Mapping button will remove the mapping link, but will not delete the Data Source (Value) from the tree.



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DataSource (Value) Mapping

NOTE: Highlighting an item in either tree and clicking the red X symbol will provide the option to either remove
mapping links or entirely delete the item.

Delete Data Source / Mapping

Get Value(s)
Data values can be acquired on demand to test the data import configuration settings. Right click on a Data Source
(Value) and select Get Value(s). This will begin rapidly retrieving trend data values.



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Multiple trend values can be acquired simultaneously by selecting Get Value(s) at a higher level of the tree.

Mapping Data Import values to the AMS Machinery Manager

A new database can be added by clicking on the Create Database icon
selecting Add, then Create Database.

, or by clicking the Edit menu and

Database, Area, and Equipment levels are displayed in the top right Database Hierarchy window pane.
When the Database level of the tree is highlighted, the bottom right window pane becomes the Database pane, and
the Database Server name and path location are displayed. Company name and Load keywords can be edited in this



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Database Hierarchy
When the Area level of the Database Hierarchy tree is highlighted, the bottom right window pane becomes the Area
pane, and the Area ID and Description can be edited.

Measurement Points & Area

When the Equipment level of the Database Hierarchy tree is highlighted, the bottom right window pane becomes the



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Equipment pane. Here, the Equipment ID, Description, Reference RPM, Speed Conversion Factor, and Speed/Load
type can be edited.

Equipment & Area

When a Data Import measurement point is is highlighted in the Database Hierarchy tree, the bottom right window
pane becomes the "Data Import Measurement Point" pane.
NOTE: Other types of measurement points are also displayed in the Database Hierarchy tree, but they are grayed out
and when they are highlighted no information is displayed in the bottom right window pane.

Adding Data Import Measurement Points to the Database Hierarchy Tree

Data Import measurement points can be added manually, or by drag and drop.

Adding Data Import Measurement Points by Drag and Drop Method

Drag and Drop items from the Device Hierarchy tree to the Database Hierarchy tree. This step adds new points to the
Database Hierarchy tree, and automatically maps them to the Data Sources in the Device Hierarchy tree.
Items can be dragged from the Device, Group, Sensor, or Data Source level of the Device Hierarchy tree.
Items can only be dropped onto the Machine level of the Database Hierarchy tree.



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When a single Value is dropped onto a Machine, a single Measurement Point is created under the Machine. When a
higher level of the Device Hierarchy tree is dropped onto a Machine, multiple Measurement Points are created under
the Machine.
NOTE: Attempting to drag an entire CSI 6824(R) configuration onto a single machine may exceed the measurement
point limit for one machine. In this case, create a second machine to accommodate the additional data source values,
or select only the desired data source values individually from the CSI 6824(R).

Adding Data Import Measurement Points Manually

Right-click the Equipment level of the Database Hierarchy tree, select Add, then Data Import Measurement Point.

Add Measurement Points Manually

To map a Data Import data source to the new measurement point, drag and drop a single Data Source Value from the
Device Hierarchy tree to the measurement point.

Point Collection Groups

The Add Point Collection option provides the ability to group measurements from multiple data sources. Right-click
the Equipment level of the Database Hierarchy tree, select Add, then Point Collection. This creates a new Point
Collection group.
Right-click the group and select Add, then Data Import Measurement Point.
Or, Drag and Drop existing measurement points to the group.



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Add Point Collection Groups

Grouping measurement points can be helpful since the data from each Data Source goes into a separate measurement
point in the database. If several Data Sources are all related to the same sensor location (e.g. Main Value, Peak,
Phase, etc.), the Point Collection function provides a convenient way to group them for display in the Diagnostic
Analysis application.
NOTE: Since a Point Collection has no value other than to group points, if no points are added to a point collection, the
point collection will not be saved when the user exits the mapping dialog.
In the data plotting applications, the Point Collection group appears as an additional level of hierarchy in the tree, as
shown below.



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Point Selection Group

Data Import Measurement Point
When the Measurement Point level of the Database Hierarchy tree is highlighted, the bottom right window pane
becomes the Data Import Measurement Point pane.



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Data Import - Measurement Point

Import Measurement Point - Identification Tab

The ID and Description fields, of the selected Measurement Point can be edited here, along with Reference RPM and
Units Type. The Units String field is updated automatically based on the Units Type selected.

Data Import - Identification Measurement Point

Data Import Measurement Point - Alarm Parameter

This tab allows configuration of the alarm limits for the measurement point in the AMS Machinery Manager database.

Data Import Measurement Point - Alarm Parameter

Data Import Measurement Point - Baseline Tab

The Baseline Ratio (Br) field allows entry of the multiplier for calculating the baseline ratio alarm level.
The Baseline Value field will automatically be populated with the baseline value when the first data value is collected.
This field can be manually updated with a new baseline value.



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The Baseline Date/Time is automatically updated when a new baseline value is set.

Data Import Measurement Point - Baseline

Data Import Measurement Point - Mapping Tab

This tab displays the mapping, showing where the Database Hierarchy point is mapped to in the Device Hierarchy tree.
The Delete Mapping button will remove the link to the Data Import data source, but will not delete the measurement
point from the Database Hierarchy tree.

Data Import Measurement Point - Mapping

NOTE: Clicking on the Red X will delete the highlighted measurement point.

Start Collection
To start data collection, select a Device in the Device Hierarchy tree, then click the Start Data Collection button on the
Device - Identification tab. Or, right click the device and select Start Collection. Or, select Start Collection from the Edit
NOTE: Since the data is stored under Points in the Database, the user cannot start data collection for a device until at
least one data source under the device is mapped to a point.



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Data Source Mapping - Start Collection

NOTE: The red circle with a line through it means editing is disabled for the Device and its descendants because data
collection is active on that Device.

Stop Collection/Storage
The Stop Collection function will stop data collection/storage for the Device.
Data storage can also be stopped at an individual Group level, by right clicking a Group and selecting Stop Storage.
This will allow edits to be made to the Group, such as changing the storage interval, without affecting data
collection/storage for the rest of the Device. Data storage can be restarted by right clicking the Group again and
selecting Start Storage.

NOTE: When Data Storage is stopped on an individual Group, it will be highlighted in yellow along with the Device
Hierarchy branches above it.



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Data Storage Stop

Data Source Mapping - Pause / Resume Storage On Database

The Pause Storage On Database option will cause the storage of the data input trends to the given database to be
paused. While paused, all trends that would otherwise be stored will be discarded until storage is resumed.
This functionality is required for situations when Database Repair needs to be run on the database. Since the Data
Import server is running 24/7, the database will be open and the user cannot run the Database Repair. The Pause
functionality allows the user to tell the database to close. The database can then run the repair. Once it has finished,
storage can be resumed with the Resume Storage on Database option.
NOTE: The database storage will only remain paused while the Data Source Mapping program is open. If the program
is closed, the database storage will automatically resume.

Pause Storage
Remap to New Database



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Remap to New Database is used when a database gets too full and needs to be archived. In this case, a new database
is typically created from a .CVB template file and the old database is archived. The data import mappings are stored in
a separate file on the Data Import Server (under: RBMnet\RBMsuite\config\DataImport) and will still be mapped to the
old database. The Remap function remaps the data import links to the new database.
Right-click on the old database and select Mark Mappings, then right-click on the new database and select Move
Mappings. From the popup dialog, select Create Missing Data Import Nodes First. This process will merge data import
related nodes from the old database into the new database. Then it will move the mappings from the points in the old
database to points in the new database.

Refresh Database List

When the Data Import Configuration program is open, and databases are added or removed using another program,
the changes do not automatically appear in the Data Import Configuration program. The Refresh Database
List command will cause the newly added database to be displayed in the Data Import Configuration program and/or
newly removed databases to be removed.

When the Data Import Configuration program is open, and the contents of the database / area / equipment / etc. are
modified using another program, the changes do not automatically appear in the Data Import Configuration program.
The Reload command will cause the new contents to be displayed in the Data Import Configuration
program without having to exit and restart the program.

Show Mappings
Right-clicking any level of the Database Hierarchy tree, and selecting Show Mapping, will display a list showing how
the measurement points are mapped.
In a related function, as points are selected in the Database Hierarchy tree, the Device Hierarchy tree will
automatically jump to the mapped Value.



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Show Mapping

Data Source Mapping - Mark and Move Mapping

Mark Mappings allows Data Import Mappings to be tagged for moving. Move Mappings then moves the tagged
mappings to another node.
When a database is copied, this function allows all the Data Import Mappings to be ported from the old database to the
new database. This would be done by right clicking the old database and selecting Mark Mappings, then highlighting
the new database and selecting Move Mappings.
This function will move all mappings from the source to the target for which it can resolve a hierarchy ID naming. For
example, if the source has area A000, equipment EQ000 and point P01, the function will look for an A000, EQ000, P01
in the target. If it finds a matching node that does not already have a mapping, it will move the mapping from the
source to the target. This is performed for all of the points under the source.
Mappings can also be moved from one Equipment node to another Equipment node within a database, if the IDs
Mappings can also be moved from one Point to another Point (in this case the mapping can be moved without requiring
matching Point IDs).



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Mark and Move Mapping

Get Status
To display the current state of devices being monitored by the Data Import program, right-click a Device, Group, or
Sensor in the Device Hierarchy tree, and select Get Status Or select Get Status from the View menu.

Data Source Mapping - Get Status

Double-clicking an item, or clicking the blue right-arrow, drills down a level.
Clicking the blue up-arrow backs up a level.
Status information includes the ID, how many points have been mapped, how many are set to collect data, error
status, last collection date, last storage date, and last data value.



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Data Source Mapping - Status Information

This same status display window is also available by selecting Status from the main Modbus Data Import menu.
Multiple users can run the Status dialog at the same time. It is of use after mappings have been made and data
collection is running. The user can see "at-a-glace" if the system is collecting as expected or if there is an error.

Status from Main Data Import Menu

Create DeltaV Import File

A CSI 6500 configuration file can be created for DeltaV versions 8.4.2 or later. When imported into DeltaV, this file will
automatically configure the control system to read data from the CSI 6500 Protection monitors.
The import file will automatically configure Deltav to map the data registers from the CSI 6500 Protection monitors,
scale the values, set the alarm limits, create meaningful data tags, etc.
To create a DeltaV import file, from the Device Hierarchy tree, right click the CSI 6500 device and select Create Import
File, then For DeltaV



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Create DeltaV Import File

Enter DeltaV System Information

Enter the following information about the DeltaV system. Note that these entries persist, so they dont have to be
retyped if the export process needs to be run again for the same system.

DeltaV System Information

Enter the Name of the DeltaV Controller (node) where the Datasets will be imported.



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Enter the Name of the DeltaV Area where the Control Modules will be imported.
Select whether to create a new Area, or merge with an existing Area.

NOTE: If creating a New Area, this Area will need to be assigned to the DeltaV workstations before the alarms will
appear in those workstations. Also, it will need to be assigned to the Continuous Historian to store trend data. These
steps are not automated by the import process. If merging with an existing Area, the Area will likely already have the
appropriate assignments.
Select whether using DeltaV physical I/O cards, or the Mynah Virtual IO Module (VIM).
Select the DeltaV IO card slot position number to be used.
(For the VIM, select whether it is configured to emulate Cards 57-60 or 61-64.)

(NOTE: For a physical IO card, the configuration is limited to one serial port, with 16 datasets.)
CAUTION: With the Mynah VIM, if the number of datasets created will exceed the limit of the selected card position,
the configuration will spill over into the next card position. In this case, make sure that the next card position is also
available with no existing configuration.
Select whether or not the IO is to be configured for redundancy.
The Alert and Danger alarm limits for the Main Values will be copied from the CSI 6500 channels to DeltaV control
module function blocks. The drop down lists can be used to select (or type in) the desired alarm priority, or to disable
the alarms in DeltaV. CSI 6500 Alert alarms will become DeltaV Hi/Lo alarms, and Danger alarms will become
HiHi/LoLo alarms. The alarm priority can also be specified or disabled for CSI 6500 Channel OK and Monitor Error

NOTE: These alarm limits are dynamically updated. If the limits are changed in the CSI 6500 (and the CSI 6824
communication module is refreshed) the limits will automatically be updated in DeltaV.

NOTE: If a CSI 6500 channels alarm outputs are not configured as active, these alarms will not be configured in
Click Next to continue.

Select Monitors
Select the CSI 6500 monitors to configure in DeltaV. One or more Datasets will be configured in DeltaV for each
selected monitor.



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Select CSI 6500 Monitors

Selecting/Deselecting the top box, will select/deselect all monitors.
The monitors are listed by Monitor ID and Description. Hovering the mouse pointer over a monitor will display the
monitor type.
Click Next to continue.

Select Parameters
Select the data types to configure in DeltaV.



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Select Parameters to Import

Selecting/Deselecting the top box, will select/deselect all data types.

If one or more data types are selected, a control module will be created in DeltaV for each monitor selected on the
previous screen.
NOTE: If a monitor channel is disabled in the CSI 6500, that channel will not be configured in DeltaV.
NOTE: The types of parameters selected will affect the number of Datasets (and therefore DST licenses) that are used
in DeltaV. Main values require one Dataset/DST per monitor, Peak/Phase values will require another, and selecting one
or more of the remaining parameters will require another.
Click Next to continue.

Specify Tag Names

Default tag names are generated for each Dataset and Control Module.



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Specify Tag Names

The Export column allows Control Modules and Datasets to be deselected for individual monitors.
The Parameter column lists the Monitor ID. For Datasets, it also indicates the data type.
The Type column indicates if the tag name refers to a Control Module or a Dataset.
The Rack ID column allows global editing of all names. It will copy a change to all names below the selected row, until
it encounters a different ID.
The Module column also allows editing of multiple names. It will copy a change to all names below the selected row,
until it encounters a different ID.
The Name column allows custom editing of the entire 16 character tag name.
The software verifies that no tag names are duplicated within the .fhx file.
CAUTION: If a specific Dataset tag name is already being used in DeltaV, it will be removed from the original Dataset
and reassigned to the new Dataset during the import process without a warning prompt.
Click Next to continue.

Specify Filename
Select the filename and pathname location for creating the DeltaV .fhx import file.



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Specify File Name and Pathname

Clicking the Browse button automatically inserts the default filename and correct extension type. Edit the file name if
desired, and/or click Save.

Click Finish to create the import file.

Import into DeltaV

In the DeltaV Explorer program, select File / Import / Standard DeltaV Format

Import to DeltaV
Browse to the .fhx import file and import.
After importing, right click the controller and select Download / Controller.
Connect the CSI 6824 communication module to the DeltaV controller via a Mynah VIM or Serial I/O card.



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CSI 6824 Connection to DeltaV

Configure Virtual IO Module (VIM) Hardware

Note: Refer to the VIM Modbus TCP Manual.pdf document, on the VimNet Explorer installation CD, for more details
on VIM installation and configuration.
Install the VIM hardware and power supply into a 2-wide backplane carrier, connected to the DeltaV controller.
Connect the VIM to a configuration PC via an isolated Ethernet network or a crossover cable.
Start the VIMNet Explorer software (PPV.exe). The VIM hardware will automatically be detected and displayed in the
Decommissioned VIMs folder.
Right click the I/O Net branch of the VIMNET tree and select New Controller.
For reference, name this controller to match the controller name in DeltaV Explorer.

VIMNET Explorer

Right click the new controller and select New IO VIM.



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Enter a name and an IP address for the VIM.

Select the Type as I/O VIM ModbusTCP.

Select which four serial card addresses to emulate (i.e. 57-60 or 61-64)
Click OK.

A VIM icon will be added to the VIMNET tree, with four virtual DeltaV serial cards.
Right click the VIM icon and select Commission



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Select the VIM to commission from the Decommissioned VIMs list. Click OK.

To link the VIM to the CSI 6824 communication module, right-click one of the virtual serial ports and select Add

Enter a description for the CSI 6824.

Set the Device Address to match the Modbus slave device address of the CSI 6824.



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Click Add and enter the IP address of the CSI 6824.

Set the Protocol to RTU TCP. The Port number should typically be 502 for Modbus
Leave the Number of Simultaneous Messages set to 1.
To configure a single VIM, select Simplex Device.
To configure two VIMs for redundant operation with two CSI 6824R communication modules, select Redundancy with
No Switching IP and enter the IP address of the second CSI 6824R.
Click OK, then OK again.
The CSI 6824 will then appear in the VIMNET tree as a new device.



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NOTE: Each port can support up to 16 DeltaV datasets. If importing more than 16 datasets, repeat the CSI 6824
device configuration on multiple ports/cards as needed, using identical configuration settings for each device.

Right click the VIM icon and upload the configuration to the VIM hardware.

Connect the VIM to the CSI 6824 via an Ethernet network.

Note, this is typically a separate network from the DeltaV control network.

What Gets Configured In DeltaV

The following configurations are completed automatically when the .fhx import file is imported into DeltaV.
The file import creates the Serial I/O cards, Ports, Channels, and Datasets, and assigns them to the specified
controller. 32bit datasets are created for Main Values, 16bit unsigned datasets for alarm states, and 16bit signed
datasets for peak/phase values. A total of up to 28 datasets may be created for a fully populated rack. Using virtual
serial cards via the VIM allows the datasets to span two serial ports (with physical cards you can only use one port, for
a total of 16 datasets from one CSI 6824).



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The .fhx import also creates Control Modules with Function Blocks for each selected value. This is used for scaling the
values, defining alarm limits, and assigning a meaningful tag name to each value. The Control Modules are
automatically assigned to the Controller.

The Serial IO card(s) are added to the DeltaV controller IO branch in DeltaV Explorer.
For a Mynah VIM, all four cards are added. NOTE: For redundant configurations, these are 57, 59, 61, and 63.

The Serial IO card is automatically configured:

Serial IO Card Configured



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The serial port(s) are configured/enabled.

Serial Ports Configured

A Serial Device is added to the Port(s), with the correct Modbus slave address to connect to the CSI 6824
communication module.

Serial Device Added

NOTE: This same Modbus slave device address must be configured in the Mynah VIM card.

Datasets are added for each data type selected from the CSI 6500.



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Datasets Added
The data type and Dataset Tag name are configured.

Dataset Tag Configured

The data addressing is configured.

Data Addressing Configured

Special data processing type is configured.



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Special Data Processing Configured

Control Modules
A control module is created in the specified Area for each of the selected CSI 6500 monitors.

Control Modules Created



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Control Modules Configured

CSI 6500 main data values are configured using Analog Input function blocks. The block inputs are automatically
linked to the proper Dataset registers.
The data values are properly scaled using the XD and OUT scale parameters.
Alarm limits are configured, named, and enabled in the function blocks.
Alarms are dynamically updated by bringing in the alarm limits from the CSI 6500 in separate linked function blocks.
The alarm state registers are also optionally read directly from the CSI 6500 as Input Parameters that are fanned out
with Boolean logic blocks into individual alarms.
The channel fault states are also read from the CSI 6500 as Analog Input blocks. Since CSI 6500 channel OK states
are normally 1 to indicate OK and 0 to indicate a fault, they are inverted with a Not function block so that 0 indicates
OK and 1 indicates a fault. Channel fault alarms are then created.
The control modules are assigned a graphical Faceplate and Details display.
Complete descriptive text information for each CSI 6500 monitor and channel is added as text input parameter blocks,
which will be displayed on the faceplate.
The control modules are automatically assigned to the controller.
In the DeltaV Operate Run program, clicking a CSI 6500 alarm in the alarm banner will open a faceplate view of the
data, with no additional configuration required.
A DeltaV Dynamo Set is available to easily assign additional CSI 6500 bargraph or value box displays to graphic
Default function block / input parameter / alarm name examples



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These names are created automatically with a fixed naming convention within each Control Module. This fixed naming
convention facilitates the linking of Faceplate and Dynamo templates within the DeltaV Operate Run graphics program.

Main Value, Channel 1


Alarms States from CSI 6500, Channel 1


Channel fault indicator, Channel 1


Peak value, 1st harmonic (A), Channel 1


Peak value, 2nd harmonic (B), Channel 1


Phase value, 1st harmonic (A), Channel 1


Alarm multiplier value


Scaled Gap Voltage, Channel 1


High alarm (assigned to Main Value function block), Channel 1


Low-Low alarm (assigned to Main Value function block), Channel 1


Positive Alert (from CSI 6500 alarm states), Channel 1


Negative Danger (from CSI 6500 alarm states), Channel 1

Configuring CSI 6500 Graphics in DeltaV

CSI 6500 Faceplates and Dynamos are included as standard library files in DeltaV version 11, along with Detail and
Trend Plot displays. They must be manually added to prior DeltaV versions. Compatible Faceplates, along with Detail
and Trend displays, are available for DeltaV versions 8.4.2 and later. Dynamos are available for DeltaV version 10.3
and later.
CSI 6500 Faceplates and Dynamos are provided for monitors configured in dual channel mode, as well as for monitors
that are configured to calculate a single value (e.g. Smax or Tandem). For Dynamos, both a Bargraph version and a
Value Box version are provided. The value box is provided both with and without locator boxes for identifying
measurement locations on the graphic.

Faceplate Displays



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Clicking a CSI 6500 alarm, in the DeltaV Alarm Banner, will open the associated faceplate. The faceplate is associated
with the specific control module (one per CSI 6500 monitor) where the alarm was generated.
The faceplate displays information from several data sources within the control module. Descriptive information
includes zone name (if used), control module name, CSI 6500 monitor ID and Description, followed by channel
descriptions and channel IDs.
The Main Values are displayed with units. The bargraph fill level represents the Main Value in proportion to the
configured measuring range, which is also shown. The Alert and Danger alarm limit levels are indicated by triangular
If the CSI 6500 Channel OK and Monitor Error states are imported to the DeltaV Control Modules, then the background
of the Main Values will be colorized gray to indicate Good or maroon to indicate Bad. If the state values are not
imported, the background color will remain gray.
Any alarms within the control module will be displayed in the alarm window.
The Unit name (if used) is displayed below the alarm window.
The left hand button at the bottom of the faceplate opens the Details display. This display includes details on module
errors. Module errors are indicated by a blue line flashing underneath this button.
The second button is to open a Primary Control picture. By default this button is not assigned to any picture.
The third button opens a live trend display of the monitor data.



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The fourth button opens the control module in the Control Studio program.
The fifth button opens a historical trend plot in the Process History View window.
The last button on the right acknowledges all alarms in the control module.

CSI 6500 Dynamos provide a convenient way to add graphical data display elements to a picture.
To add a Dynamo to a graphic, first launch the DeltaV Operate Run program.

The program starts in Run mode. Switch to Configure mode by pressing the <Ctrl><W> key combination.
Open the desired graphic from the Pictures folder.

Or, create a new blank picture from the Templates folder. Select a template picture that matches the size of your
display screen resolution (e.g. Main1280 or Main1680).



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Open the template, then select File / Save As to save it with a new picture name. Click in the middle of the picture to
highlight the instructional text, and press delete to remove it.

With the desired picture open, next open the MHM Dynamo Set.

Click the desired Dynamo and drag it from the Dynamo Set window onto the desired graphic Picture window. Select a
dual bargraph or value box for dual channel CSI 6500 monitors. Select a single bargraph or value box for CSI 6500
monitors configured to calculate a single value (e.g. Smax or Tandem).



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The Dynamo Properties window opens.

Click the button.

The Expression Builder window opens.

On the DeltaV tab, click the Browse DeltaV Control Parameters button.



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The Browse window opens. Confirm the Object Type is set to Module Parameters. Browse to the desired Area, then
click once to highlight the desired Control Module. At this point, instead of browsing down further into the control
module, simply click the Apply Now button.



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The Browse window will close.

Click OK to close the Expression Builder window.
Click OK to close the Dynamo Properties window.
Repeat as necessary to add displays for each of the CSI 6500 monitors.
Select File / Save to save changes to the picture, then File / Close.
Press the <Ctrl><W> key combination to switch back to Run mode.
Click the Open Main Display icon (yellow folder) and select the picture. Click Enter to open the picture.

Function of the CSI 6500 Dynamos

The Dynamos will display CSI 6500 information from several data sources within their assigned Control Module.



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The Bargraph Dynamos include Channel Descriptions, Main Values / Units, and Channel OK states. The bargraph fill
level represents the Main Value in proportion to the configured measuring range, which is also shown. The Alert and
Danger alarm limit levels are indicated by triangular markers.
The Value Box Dynamos include Channel Descriptions, Main Values, and Units.
If the CSI 6500 Channel OK and Monitor Error states are imported to the DeltaV Control Modules, then the background
of the Main Values will be colorized Gray to indicate Good or Maroon to indicate Bad. Also, the Channel OK LEDs will
be lit up in green to indicate Good or grayed out to indicate Bad.
If the State values are not imported, the background color and the OK LEDs will both remain Gray.
The Bargraph fill is colorized Green, Yellow, or Red based on the Alarm State of the Control Module function blocks
(MV1, MV2, or MV3). The Value Box borders and the measurement point Locator Boxes are also colorized Yellow or
Red to indicate alarm state.
Note that if the picture window is not sized correctly for the monitor resolution, it will get stretched or compressed.
This will cause the bargraph alarm limit position markers to be vertically shifted and incorrectly displayed.
Clicking on a Dynamo opens the faceplate display of the assigned Control Module.

The Channel IDs/Descriptions, Measuring Range, and Units are not updated dynamically. If these values are changed
in the CSI 6500, they must either be imported again or manually entered in DeltaV.

Create Ovation Import File

A CSI 6500 device configuration file can be created for Ovation. When imported into Ovation, this file will
automatically configure the control system to read data from the CSI 6500 Protection monitors.
The import file will automatically configure Ovation to map the data registers from the CSI 6500 Protection monitors,
scale the values, set the alarm limits, create meaningful data tags, etc.

Configure Controller



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The Ovation import file will automatically create Analog Points for each of the CSI 6500 data values. Before importing
these measurement points, the controller I/O device needs to be configured in Ovation.
In Ovation, under the desired controller drop, select which of the five I/O Devices to use and set the I/O Device type to
Modbus Master.

Select I/O Devices and Set I/O Type

In Ovation, under the selected I/O Device, configure the following:
-Select which of the 5 Modbus PLC connections to use (e.g. PLC-5)
-Set the PLC Communication Protocol to Open TCP
-Set the Response Timeout as needed. (NOTE: The cycle time for a fully loaded CSI 6500 protection rack can
sometimes exceed the default time of 1000 ms, so 3000 ms is recommended.)
-Set the socket number to 502, which is the commonly used socket for Modbus
-Enter the IP Address of the CSI 6824 communication module

Configure I/O Device

Create Ovation Import File

To create the Ovation import file, in the Machinery Health Manager Data Source Configuration Program, from the



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Device Hierarchy tree, right click the CSI 6500 device and select Create Import File, then For Ovation...

Create Import File

Enter Ovation System Information

Enter the following information about the Ovation system. Note that these entries persist, so they dont have to be
retyped if the export process needs to be run again for the same system.



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Enter Ovation System Information

Enter the Ovation hierarchy where points will be added:

i.e. System name, Network name, Unit name, and Drop (i.e. controller) name.

Ovation Hardware Tree Example

Enter the I/O Device and PLC Host Index that were chosen in Ovation.
Select whether to transfer the CSI 6500 alarm limits to the Ovation measurement point configurations.
Select which of the 4 Hi and 4 Lo Ovation alarm levels to associate with the CSI 6500 Alert and Danger alarms (NOTE:
4 is the highest alarm severity in Ovation).
Select which priority level 1-8 to associate with each CSI 6500 alarm type (NOTE: 1 is the highest alarm priority in
Click Next to Continue.

Select Monitors
Select the CSI 6500 monitors to configure in Ovation.



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Select Monitors
Selecting/Deselecting the top box, will select/deselect all monitors.
The monitors are listed by Monitor ID and Description. Hovering the mouse pointer over a monitor will display the
monitor type.
Click Next to continue.

Select the Data Types to Configure in Ovation



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Select the Data Types to Configure in Ovation

Selecting/Deselecting the top box, will select/deselect all data types.

If one or more data types are selected, an Analog Measurement Point will be created in Ovation for each monitor
selected on the previous screen.
NOTE: If a monitor channel is disabled in the CSI 6500, that channel will not be configured in Ovation.
Click Next to continue.

Specify Tag Names

Default tag names are generated for each Ovation Analog Point.

Specify Tag Names for Ovation Analog Points

The Export column allows individual values to be removed from the import file.
The Parameter column lists the type of data value being exported from the CSI 6500.
The Type column lists the type of object being imported into Ovation.
The Rack ID column allows global editing of all names. It will copy a change to all names below the selected row, until
it encounters a different ID.
The Module column also allows editing of multiple names. It will copy a change to all names below the selected row,
until it encounters a different ID.
The Name column allows custom editing of the entire tag name.



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Click Next to continue.

Enter the file name and pathname location for creating the Ovation import file.

Specify File Name and Pathname for Ovation Import File

Clicking the Browse button automatically inserts the default file name and correct extension type. Edit the filename if
desired, and/or click Save.

Click Finish to create the import file.

Import into Ovation Database

Copy the Ovation import file to a folder on the Ovation Database Server PC.
For example:
From the Ovation Database Server PC, open a DOS Command Prompt.
Go to the folder where the import file was copied. For example, by typing the following command and pressing the
Enter key:
cd c:\import_files
From the folder where the import file is located, type the following command and press the Enter key to execute the
file import:
(For system_name, substitute the Ovation System name.)
(For import_name.imp, substitute the name of the specific import file,
e.g. CSI_6500.imp.)
ovptimport -u ptadmin/ptadmin@ptdb n system_name import_name.imp



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Run Command

The CSI 6500 Analog Points will be added to the Ovation database.
NOTE: To later import an update using the same point names, omit the n flag which will allow duplicate point names
to be overwritten.

Download to Controller
Use the Download / Clear / Load process to load the database changes to the controllers.
If changes have been made to the controller configuration, such as configuring one of the five I/O devices to be a
Modbus Master, the Download and Clear commands are required first before using the Load command.
When simply adding new Analog Points to an existing controller configuration, for example after importing an updated
CSI 6500 import file, only the Load command is required.
CAUTION: An Ovation Administrator should be consulted before using the Download / Clear commands, as this
process involves clearing and rebooting the controllers which will interrupt their operation.
To download controller configuration changes, right click the controller Drop and select Download.



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The Download step must be completed twice, once to download the Primary Drop and again to download the
Secondary Drop.
Select the Primary or Secondary Drop in turn, then click the Finish button.



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If changes have been made, a Preview window will be displayed.

Click the OK button to continue.

Immediately after performing the Download step, right click the controller Drop and select Clear. This will clear the old
configuration information from the controllers and cause them to reboot.



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The Clear step must be completed twice, once to clear/reboot the Primary Drop and again to clear/reboot the
Secondary Drop.
Select the Primary or Secondary Drop in turn, then click the Finish button.
A final confirmation prompt is displayed before the clear/reboot is performed. Click the OK button to continue.

To load the Analog Point configurations, wait until the controllers have rebooted (which can be confirmed with the LED
displays on the controller hardware) then perform a Load command.
Right click the controller Drop and select Load.

The Load step must be completed twice, once to load the Primary Drop and again to load the Secondary Drop.
Select the Primary or Secondary Drop in turn, then click the Finish button.



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What Gets Configured In Ovation

-For each parameter selected, the import file creates an Analog Point under the controller and configures the following:
-Assigns the point name.

Point Name Assigned

-On the Point tab:
-Inserts the CSI 6500 monitor channel description, as the point Description.
-Sets S for frequency.

Point Tab Configured

-On the Security tab:
-Sets the admin checkbox to enable alarm acknowledgement.

Security Tab Configured

-On the Hardware tab:
-Sets IO type to Third party



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IO module to the selected IO Device (Modbus Master)

IO task index to 2
PLC Host Index to the selected Modbus Slave connection
Input or Output to Input from PLC
Slave Address to the CSI 6824 slave address
the register address for the selected parameter.
the Data Type to either Signed Long with Swap Words, or Unsigned Short

Hardware Tab Configured

-On the Instrumentation tab (for scaling values):

Divides by 100, for points that need this scaling factor, by entering 0.01 for Conversion coefficient 1.
To additionally convert from microns to mils, enters 0.0003937.
Or, to additionally convert from mm to mils, enters 0.3937.



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Instrumentation Tab Configured

On the Limits tab:
-Sets the alarm limits for the selected alarm types.
-Sets the High/Low sensor validity limits (in Engineering Units).

Limits Tab Configured



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-On the Alarm tab:

Sets the alarm priorities 1-8 for Alert and Danger Alarms

Alarm Tab Configured

-On the Display tab:

-Sets Min / Max scale for trend plots
-Sets Engineering units text.

Display Tab Configured



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Configuring CSI 6500 Graphics in Ovation

CSI 6500 graphical Macros are available from a library maintained by the PWS Projects group.
CSI 6500 Macros are available for monitors configured in dual channel mode, or to display a single channel, or for
monitors that are configured to calculate a single value from both channels (e.g. Smax or Tandem). Both Bargraph
versions and Value Box versions are available. A locator box is also available for identifying measurement locations on
the graphic.
-MACRO9043 = Single Channel Value Box
-MACRO9044 = Dual Channel Value Box
-MACRO9045 = Channel 3 Value Box
-MACRO9046 = Single Channel Bargraph
-MACRO9047 = Dual Channel Bargraph
-MACRO9049 = Channel 3 Bargraph
-MACRO9050 = Measurement Point Locator Box
NOTE: The Macros require the Main Values, Channel OK states, and Module Error state values to all be imported from
the CSI 6500.

To Add a Macro to a graphic diagram

Open the desired graphic diagram, and click the Macro button on the Draw toolbar.

Select the desired macro from the Available macros list. In the right hand window, enter the CSI 6500 measurement
point names for each variable. After assigning the point names, click OK, then click on the graphic diagram to insert
the macro.
When adding the Single Channel Bargraph or Value Box macro to a graphic, assign the point names as follows:
$D1 = Channel (1 or 2) Main Value
$D2 = Channel (1 or 2) OK/Clear Status
$D3 = Monitor Error Status



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When adding the Dual Channel Bargraph or Value Box macro to a graphic, assign the point names as follows:
$D1 = Channel 1 Main Value
$D2 = Channel 1 OK/Clear Status
$D3 = Channel 2 Main Value
$D4 = Channel 2 OK/Clear Status
$D5 = Monitor Error Status

-When adding the Channel 3 Bargraph or Value Box macro to a graphic, assign the point names as follows:
$D1 = Channel 3 Main Value
$D2 = Channel 1 OK/Clear Status



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$D3 = Channel 2 OK/Clear Status

$D4 = Monitor Error Status

-When adding the Measurement Point Locator Box macro to a graphic, assign the point name as follows:
$D1 = Channel (1, 2, or 3) Main Value

Download Changes
After changes are made to graphics screens, they must be downloaded to the Worksation.



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If graphics changes have been made, a Preview window will be displayed.

Click OK to continue.



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Open the graphic in the Graphics program to view. Note if changes are made while the graphic is running, the screen
must be refreshed to view the changes.

Function of the CSI 6500 Macros

The Bargraph Macros include the Main Values with Quality status and Units. The bargraph fill level represents the Main
Value in proportion to the configured measuring range, which is also shown. The Alert and Danger alarm limit levels
are indicated by triangular markers. The first 20 characters of the Channel Descriptions are displayed.
The Value Box Macros include the Main Values with Quality status and Units, and the first 20 characters of the Channel
The background
Channel OK and
to indicate Bad.
flag will indicate

of the Main Values is colorized black to indicate Good or magenta to indicate Bad, based on the
Monitor Error states. Also, the Channel OK LEDs will be lit up in green to indicate Good or grayed out
If communication is completely lost with the CSI 6824(R), the values/colors will freeze but the quality
bad data.

The bargraph fill is colorized green, yellow, or red based on the main values compared to the alarm limits of the
measurement points. The Value Box borders and the measurement point Locator Boxes are also colorized yellow or red
to indicate alarm state.

Note on CSI 6312 Speed Measurement Points

The alarm setpoints in the CSI 6312 speed monitor are not available via the Modbus output. When the Ovation import
file is created, these alarm limits are left blank. Therefore, the CSI 6500 macros initially colorize any non-zero RPM
value as if its in alarm.
After importing the Analog Points into Ovation, any speed points will need to be manually edited to enter appropriate
alarm limits in order to properly colorize the CSI 6500 macros.



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