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"NeoPop/ps2 : Emulator as in Dreamland"

Neopop/Ps2 is a port of Neopop, a portable "NeoGeo Pocket (Color)" emulator.
Disclaimer / Licence
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version. See also the license.txt file for
additional informations.
- In addition you agree that you will not distribute this program with
commercial rom images in any form.
PS2 v0.10
--------- first public release
- use Core version 0.71
Current Features:

High compatibilty (identical to the original)

PAL/NTSC auto-detection
HOST/CD/MC/HDD support
Loads games from everywhere !
Ingame menu

Current Issues:
- emulation is not fullspeed
- Sound Issues (due to slow emulation speed)
- GUI/browser is bugged
To-do list:

Improve speed
Zip Support
Flash Support
Save State
Screenshot support (in the rom browser)

- more ?
If you would like a feature that is not listed above, please
contact me with your idea (see below).
General requirements :
---------------------Supported roms extension are :
- Put your roms in a directory at the root of you CD / MC
- Burn it (if on CD)
- Launch the emu, it's done !
-> filename are limited to 32 characters on the MC (including extension)
- Create a valid partition with a filesystem where to put your roms
- Copy them into it (be sure to put them in the root directly)
- Launch the emu, select [HDD] in the browser
- Enjoy !
* HOST :
The emulator can load rom from host, in order to use this, put a file
named "romlist.ini" where is located the elf and containing :
according to where you put your roms.
for example :
PDroms\Manic Miner V1.0 by Lindon Dodd (PD).npc;
in the above examples the roms will need to be located under a "PDroms" direct
respecting to where the elf is located.
so :
\PDroms\Manic Miner V1.0 by Lindon Dodd (PD).npc
note :

When using host loading you won't have access to your mc/cd/hdd
HDD is only available if you have a HDD installed and formatted.
the Browser only support one level directory
With HDD, the roms need to located in the root of your partition.
Partition must be valid and created with a filesystem
- There is some problem with refreshing CD content when changing CD
in the browser (just choose the old one / back and it should force refresh)
- The browser won't enter a directory/partition if it doesn't find any rom
inside (should add a warning msg).
The rom browser will allow you to switch from mc/cdrom/hdd to mc/cdrom/hdd ..

In-game controls:
Left stick =
Button A
Button B
Button C

= Ingame Menu

In-game Menu:
- Resume
- Display
- Filter

: Go back to current game

: Change the display (original size, double, fullscreen)
: Video filter (Nearest or Linear)
with certain games, Linear filter is needed to correct
some effect caused by the fullscreen video option.
- FPS Counter : Display the framerate
note that FPS is NOT accurate when frameskip is ON
- Frameskip : Enable / Disable frameskip
It enable a frameskip of 1, that is more than enough.
- Sound
: Turn sound on/off
- Soft Reset : Reset emulation
- Browser
: return to the rom browser
Additionaly by holding [Select] when in the ingame menu, you can change
the screen position using the directional pad.
Official Neopop Homepage
Official Neopop/PS2 Homepage

Official Neopop/PS2 Forum
Feedback on the emulator and games compatibility is greatly appreciated,
so don't hesitate to visit the forum and to post your comments !
Credits: (in no particular order)
CC Team
Vzzrzzn, Sjeep
Sjeep, Lukasz Bruun
Everyone Else

- For the neopop emulator, please see original readme

for full original credits.
- For his precious help on debugging the cpu cores
- triple buffering idea, and lots of talk ;)
- GUI background/artwork.
- for support and sponsoring.
- LibCDVD.
- GfxPipe lib.
- Original (i)Sjpcm lib.
- For hosting
- As all this won't be possible without the PS2SDK !
- Thanks for taking an interest....

If I forgot to mention someone in the credits, please let me know.

Last word, if you don't like it, don't use it, or make your own one !

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