Featured Story by Edtocayon

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Short Feature Story


By. EDUARDO A. TOCAYON 1/21/2016

AES- TS Cruz Annex Elem School

Las Pias City Division
National Capital Region

Unless the Lord build a house, they labour in vain that built it
A cornerstone is a church of the poor partnership program for education that helps unprivileged pupils of
AES-TS Cruz Annex Elementary School among which are 10 elementary and 5 High School across Metro Manila.
The program is consistent with the core mission of CFC to bring Christ transforming love to families and
the poor. The mission is the gateway strategy for evangelization and for the empowerment of the pupils, parents
and teachers.
Year 2012, a non- government organization (CORNERSTONE) came to our school to partner in the
remedial instructions for the non -readers and struggling readers. The tutees were composed of thirty 30) pupils. In
line with the vision of the school, a reading intervention was created in the school. The volunteers were the youth
and the members of the CFC that were assigned one tutees for one person to really adhere the dream of the school
which is the zero non -readers and to lessen school leavers. While the chosen pupils were tutored, their parents were
also gathered in separate room for Christian formation sessions. The tutees and the parents were free of snacks and
The activity was conducted during Saturdays from 8 in the morning until 12 noon. It is better to be in
school during Saturday with free snacks and lunch, uttered one of the parents. The program lasts until the school
year ended.
Every year, the recipients were all became readers. It shows much improvement in their performance inside
the classroom and their parents became acquainted and cooperative in the school activities.
The organization adopts some penniless pupils to avail scholarship grants to continue schooling up to
college. The recipients were given allowances like clothing and financial.
Yearly, they gradually widened their coverage and recipient public schools through out Metro Manila and
they have already regular international sponsors for the feeding programs, dental missions and the scholarships of
the increasing numbers of scholars from elementary high school and college which were enrolled in their partner
school, the De La Salle-Zobel.
At present two of our pupils were chosen as their scholars. They are Angelic Princess Zoilo, a child of a
canteen helper and a solo parent of six and Mark Erickson V. Gonzales, an eldest of five siblings and a solo parent
Fortunately, every year we have seen great improvement in our pupils and the parent as well. Through the
continued instruction of our stake holders I am sure that we will succeed in our fight against Non-readers and school
leavers to become good citizens of our Country someday.

Truly, Cornerstone makes a great difference in the community and a great pride in our school in rearing
underserved children to be the part of the program. In the 4th year and counting of their good service, youve been a
blessing to us! Kudos! God bless and more power!

No. of words: 479


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