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CANCER TREATMENT IN 20TH CENTURY.......................................................................2
CANCER TREATMENT IN 1930s.................................................................................. 3
Pleomorphism: The Key to Rife's Cancer Cure.........................................................4
Sine Wave Destroys the Cancer Virus......................................................................4
Finding a Real Rife Machine..................................................................................... 5
Admonition Emptor:............................................................................................. 6
REFERENCES.............................................................................................................. 8

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Toward the start of the twentieth century, soon after radiation started to be utilized for finding
and treatment, it was found that radiation could bring about growth and in addition cure it.
Numerous early radiologists utilized the skin of their arms to test the quality of radiation from
their radiotherapy machines, searching for a dosage that would create a pink response (erythema)
which looked like sunburn. They called this the "erythema dosage," and this was viewed as an
evaluation of the correct day by day portion of radiation. It's nothing unexpected that a
considerable lot of them created leukemia from frequently presenting themselves to radiation.
(Mukherjee, Siddhartha)
Propels in radiation material science and PC innovation amid the last quarter of the twentieth
century made it conceivable to point radiation all the more unequivocally. Conformal radiation
treatment (CRT) utilizes CT pictures and extraordinary PCs to exactly outline area of a growth in
3 measurements. The patient is fitted with a plastic shape or cast to keep the body part still and
similarly situated for every treatment. The radiation pillars are coordinated to the state of the
tumor and conveyed to the tumor from a few bearings. Power tweaked radiation treatment
(IMRT) resemble CRT, however alongside pointing photon pillars from a few bearings, the force
(quality) of the shafts can be balanced. This gives significantly more control in diminishing the
radiation achieving typical tissue while conveying a high measurement to the tumor.( CarsonDeWitt, R)
A related method, conformal proton bar radiation treatment, utilizes a comparative way to deal
with centering radiation on the growth. Be that as it may, rather than utilizing x-beams, this
method utilizes proton shafts. Protons are parts of particles that bring about little harm to tissues

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they go through however are extremely successful in executing cells toward the end of their way.
This implies proton shaft radiation can convey more radiation to the tumor while perhaps
lessening harm to close-by ordinary tissues. ((Mukherjee, Siddhartha)
Stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic radiation treatment are terms that portray a few
strategies used to convey an extensive, exact radiation measurement to a little tumor. The term
surgery might be confounding in light of the fact that no cutting is really done. The most widely
recognized site treated with this radiation method is the mind.( Carson-DeWitt, R) A straight
quickening agent, or extraordinary machines, for example, the Gamma Knife or CyberKnife, can
be utilized to convey this treatment.
Intraoperative radiation treatment (IORT) is a type of treatment that conveys radiation at the
season of surgery. The radiation can be offered straightforwardly to the disease or to the adjacent
tissues after the growth has been expelled. It's all the more normally utilized as a part of stomach
or pelvic growths and in diseases that have a tendency to repeat (return after treatment). IORT
minimizes the measure of tissue that is presented to radiation since typical tissues can be moved
off the beaten path amid surgery and protected, permitting a higher dosage of radiation to the
disease. (Mukherjee, Siddhartha)
Synthetic modifiers or radio sensitizers are substances that make malignancy touchier to
radiation. The objective of exploration into these sorts of substances is to create specialists that
will make the tumor more delicate without influencing ordinary tissues. Analysts are likewise
searching for substances that may shield typical cells from radiation. (Pearn, John)

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A gadget created in the 1930s might be the best malignancy cure ever imagined. Overflowing
recurrence treatment is an early, non-dangerous malignancy treatment that has fallen into lack of
clarity however one that should be restored!
In 1933, an American innovator named Royal R. Overflowing created a sound recurrence
emanating gadget that was equipped for sending frequencies into a man's body that would
obliterate microorganisms observed to be calmly connected with cancer. Rife machine (Rife,
Royal Raymond, and John Crane)
In spite of the fact that the hypothesis may sound more like sci-fi than genuine living, it's
bolstered by the rehashed examination of various exceedingly regarded researchers.
Shockingly, similar to such a large number of option growth cures, Rifles machines were
defamed by industry elites, who viewed Rife's work as pseudomedicine. Thus, Rife machines
were never put into across the board use by standard solution. (Tyler, Patrick D)
It is accepted by numerous option wellbeing experts that the therapeutic business' dismissal of
Rife's machines was brought on by an intrigue including the American Medical Association, the
Department of Public Health, and different components of "sorted out prescription."

Pleomorphism: The Key to Rife's Cancer Cure

Overflowing's work is absolutely not at all like some other work done in quest for a cure for
growth some time recently, amid or after his lifetime. (Pearn, John) He trusted that tumor was
a sort of infection, and keeping in mind the end goal to seek after his hypothesis, he designed a
magnifying lens that was 8 times more capable than those utilized by his peers. (Tyler, Patrick D)
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Utilizing his remarkable magnifying lens, Rife found two creatures, which he named "BX" and
"BY" and which seemed to bring about carcinomas and sarcomas, separately.
Further, he found that the creatures were pleomorphic which implies they could take
distinctive structures. In one frame, the life forms were innocuous, however in the other, they
brought on tumor. (Tyler, Patrick D)
The possibility of pleomorphic elements originates from a French researcher, Antoine
Beauchamp. In the beginning of microbiology, Beauchamp and Louis Pasteur drove
contradicting camps in the ideological war over the structures microorganisms could take.
Pasteur's thoughts commanded, however researchers since have turned out to be right, and the
issue is still discussed right up 'til today.
This pleomorphic perspective of microorganisms is vital to Rife's growth cure yet it negates
components of different hypotheses behind the exceptionally gainful anti-infection sedates that
rose to prevalence amid Rife's lifetime. In this manner, on account of a conspiracy of expert
predispositions and overall revenues, Rife's work was thrown into insensibility.

Sine Wave Destroys the Cancer Virus

This is particularly heartbreaking on the grounds that Rife didn't simply decide the reason for
growth (the pleomorphic creatures BX and BY), he figured out how to wreck it. Overflowing
machines (Rife, Royal Raymond, and John Crane)
Overflowing found that uncovering infected living beings and cells to their very own altered type
wavering example (vibrational vitality) wrecks the ailing cells, while leaving solid cells in place
and unharmed.

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A particular recurrence specifically called the sine wave could obliterate the malignancy
From that point, Rife adjusted x-beam innovation and fabricated a "beam tube" that he used to
destroy the life forms with the wanted sound recurrence.
With his unique magnifying lens, Rife could look as growth infections were immediately
slaughtered by his sine wave treatment.
So as to accomplish those outcomes for people, notwithstanding, he needed to figure out how to
get the sound waves into the profound tissues inside the human body. The key was a bearer wave
fit for infiltrating tissue. (Pearn, John)
Overflowing brilliantly figured out how to "piggyback" the frequencies so they could go as a
unit, however stay separate and particular.
This strategy for conveyance permitted Rife to treat growths anyplace in the body. His treatment,
endorsed for and utilized on people as a part of the 1930s, is totally non-dangerous and does not
harm solid tissue at all. In spite of the fact that incredible victories were accomplished utilizing
Rife's "beam tube," inadequate business rehearses undermined Rife's endeavors to deliver more
machines. (Pearn, John)

Finding a Real Rife Machine

A run of the mill Rife machine comprises of a 9-volt battery, wiring, a switch, a clock and 2 short
copper barrels. Every one of the one need to do is grasp the 2 copper barrels and unwind for
around 30 minutes. The machine conveys a "practically imperceptible" current to the body.
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Since none of the Rife machines sold today are indistinguishable to the main model, the essential
trouble for those intrigued by this treatment is figuring out whether the machine being referred to
capacities in a way sufficiently close to Rife's unique. (Tyler, Patrick D.)
Overflowing machines that are as of now accessible differ generally in the sort of resounding
frequencies they transmit. There's a Rife machine which accompanies the same twofold air
pocket globule arrangement utilized by Royal Rife as a part of his research facility, and contains
more than 800 frequencies for treating a wide exhibit of wellbeing conditions, including tumor.
Writing the key expression "Overflowing machines" on any web index will uncover numerous
industrially accessible machines that element diverse setups of usefulness and programmability,
and they go from $300 to $3,000 or more. (McKinlay, John B., and Sonja M. McKinlay)
Admonition Emptor: Unscrupulous business people offering gadgets that bear Rife's name

have been showcasing their items utilizing deceitful cases, and some have been sentenced
wellbeing misrepresentation.( Tyler, Patrick D. ) It is prudent to practice alert and due steadiness
when acquiring a Rife gadget and make sure to purchase just from respectable organizations.


1. Mukherjee, Siddhartha. "The emperor of all maladies: a biography of cancer."New York,

NY (2010).
2. Carson-DeWitt, R. "Surgical procedures for pancreatic cancer. EBSCO Health Library website."

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3. McKinlay, John B., and Sonja M. McKinlay. "The questionable contribution of medical measures
to the decline of mortality in the United States in the twentieth century." The milbank memorial
Fund Quarterly. health and Society(1977): 405-428.
4. Tyler, Patrick D. "The Emperor of All Maladies A Biography of Cancer." The Journal of the
American Society of Anesthesiologists 117.6 (2012): 1401-1403.

5. Rife, Royal Raymond, and John Crane. "History of the development of a successful treatment for
cancer and other virus, bacteria and fungi." Rife Virus Microscope Institute, San Diego,
CA (1953).

6. Pearn, John. "The Discovery of X-rays: Challenges to Societal Beliefs and Professional
Paradigms." Health and History 17.1 (2015): 53-72.

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