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IASbabas Prelims Capsule

IASbabas Prelims Current Affairs

25th October to 6th November 2015

Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes
imperative for us to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this
unpredictability gets tamed at the right time, from our end. Right from the
burning issues to the static part of the portion, a Civil Servant is supposed to
understand the subjective realities of the country to which he belongs to- very
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation,
especially in the Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which
overlaps with the CORE subjects like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and
dynamic subjects like Environment, Science and Technology- making the
section of Current Affairs unputdownable for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of
the events taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be
coming up with capsules of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We
are sure that this will complement your preparation and push you towards
your goals.


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IASbabas Prelims Capsule

Hurricane Patricia weakens as it moves inland

Tropical Cyclone
In Western Hemisphere


What is the difference between Hurricane & Tornado?

What is the difference between Tropical and Extra-Tropical Cyclone?

Now a birds-eye view of Hampi monuments- The Hindu

Hampi- UNESCO World Heritage Site
Last Capital of Vijayanagara Empire (14th to 16th CE)

On the banks of the Tungabhadra river


Learn about Vijayanagara Empire- Architecture and Administration!

RBI guidelines on gold deposit scheme

The Gold Monetisation Scheme (GMS), 2015 will offer option to resident Indians to
deposit their precious metal and earn an interest of up to 2.5 per cent
Under the Sovereign Gold Bonds Scheme, investors can earn an interest rate of 2.75
per cent per annum by buying paper bonds.
It will aid in Indias Economic growth and reducing Current Account Deficit (CAD)


How will it reduce CAD?

Its effect on Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR)

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Biodiversity Farming System

To conserve indigenous paddy varieties (under threat of extinction)

Funded by:


Promoted by:

Rural Organisation for Social Education


Cultivation of 18 indigenous paddy varieties: Disease+ Drought-resistant (medicinal



Rice Intensification Technique


Brought down Input Costs: Seeds + Water

Non-application of fertilizer + Enhanced Soil Health + Rejuvenated fertility of the
Increased Crop Yield + Fodder Yield + Income of the farmer (Works as a model to
enhance the income of small and medium farmers)
Harmonious presence of earthworm, beehives and birds

Lower Price of Basmati

Premium variety basmati is fetching a lower price than that of regular paddy.
Basmati is sown at a large scale?

Fetches higher return,

Requires less water
It is a short-duration variety and can be sown late.
Punjab and Haryana accounts for over 70% of Indias output of basmati rice
PUSA 1509 -- it has much more yield than other varieties

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Madhya Pradesh Government declared 33 percent quota for women in
government jobs
Women Reservation Bill

This bill seeks to amend the constitution to seek 33% reservation for women in all
Central and State Legislative Assemblies
This would be the 108th constitutional amendment. The bill has been passed by
Upper House but is pending in the Lower House of the Parliament.


All recent Constitutional Amendments

And their themes

Freedom over the Internet, 2015 Report released

Released By:

Freedom house, a non-government watchdog


Privatizing Censorship, Eroding Privacy

With respect to India

The report found that freedom on the internet is partly free with a total score of 40
on a 0 to 100 scale with 0 representing the best level of freedom on the net progress
and 100 the worst.
Island ,Estonia,Canada enjoy more freedom where as China,Syria,Iran enjoy least
freedom over the internet

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Amaravati-Next milestone in India's Urbanization

It is the fifth planned city in India and also the first green field smart city

Other planned cities

Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Naya Raipur, Gandhinagar

Area wise Amravati is the second largest administrative regions after NCR Delhi

191 UNGA-members voted a resolution condemning US embargo on Cuba

Who voted against the ResolutionIsrael and USA
Who voted for the Resolution
All 191 members except USA and Israel
WhyCold War History (Cubas assertiveness during missile crisis)

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Indias stand

Continued existence of the embargo hampered not only multilateralism and the
credibility of the Organization, but it also had a negative impact on the Cuban
economy which was forced to bear considerable costs in sourcing products,
technology and services and by discouraging investment into the country.
It has maintained that the international community needs to re-double its efforts to
promote an environment free from sanctions and embargoes.


Learn about Cuba- Cuba is an archipelago of islands located in the

Northern Caribbean Sea at the confluence with the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic

What is an archipelago?

Cuba is ranked very high for human development by the United Nations, and high
for health and education. In 2015, it became the first country to eradicate motherto-child transmission of HIV and syphilis, a milestone hailed by the World Health
Organization as "one of the greatest public health achievements possible.

India-Africa Forum Summit 2015 held in New Delhi

Purpose - The meeting was to enable consultations at the highest political level between 54
nations across Africa and the Indian government.
It was the third IAFS since its inception. The previous summits were held in 2008 and 2011 in
New Delhi and Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) respectively.
Major take aways

10 billion line of credit at concessional rates

50000 scholarships for African students to pursue higher studies in India.
600 million grant of assistance that will include African-Indian development fund of
100 million and 10 million of India-African health fund.

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WCD Ministry launched initiative to spread awareness about
BetiBachaoBetiPadhao Scheme
Nodal Ministry: The Ministry of Women and Child Development
Implementation: Being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare and Ministry of Human Resource Development
In collaboration with: Celltick Mobile Media Pvt Limited.
Launched on: 22 January 2015
Why-The country witnessed an alarming decline in the CSR (Child Sex Ratio) and thus, the
scheme aims at improving the Child Sex Ratio CSR through multi-sectoral interventions
including prevention of gender biased sex selection and promoting girls education and her
holistic empowerment.
Working Mechanism

Mobile services based on its patented Live Screen platform will be available to over
100 million users in India.
The users will get interactive messages on their devices home-screen, which will
enable ease of use in accessing information about BBBP.
The platform will make sure to reach users based on their location as well as their
language of preference.


There has been a steady decline in the Child Sex Ratio (CSR) across India, with 918
females born per 1000 males as per the Census of 2011

Global Tuberculosis Report 2015 released by WHO

The 2015 edition focuses on whether 2015 global TB targets set in the context of the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were achieved worldwide and at regional
and country levels

Highlights about India

India was part of the nine high-burden countries where all three of the 2015 targets
for incidence, prevalence and mortality were met.

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India accounted for 27% of global TB notifications in 2014.

India that followed the introduction of a policy of mandatory notification in May
2012 saw a rise of 29 percent TB notifications.
India with 23 percent of TB cases has the largest number of cases in the world.
India is among the group of countries wherein more than half of the worlds TB cases
India is one of three countries wherein more than half (54%) TB cases that were
notified in 2014 had Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR) TB.


Scale up services and investments in research

From 2016, the global goal will shift from controlling TB to ending the global TB
Ending TB is also now a SDG


What is MDG?
Worldwide, TB incidence has fallen 1.5% per year since 2000, for a total reduction of

RBI allowed NRIs to subscribe to National Pension System

RBI took the decision in consultation with the Union Government to enable National
Pension System (NPS) as an investment option for NRIs under Foreign Exchange
Management Act (FEMA), 1999.
NRIs may subscribe to the NPS governed and administered by the Pension Fund
Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)

About New Pension System

The National Pension System (NPS) was launched on 1 January, 2004 with the
objective of providing retirement income to all the citizens.
NPS aims to institute pension reforms and to inculcate the habit of saving for
retirement amongst the citizens.
Initially, NPS was introduced for the new government recruits (except armed forces).
With effect from 1 May, 2009, NPS has been provided for all citizens of the country
including the unorganised sector workers on voluntary basis.

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Is NRI part of NPS? Yes- Can be asked in Prelims

With effect from May 1, 2009, NPS has been provided for all citizens of the country,
including the unorganised sector workers, on voluntary basis.
Prepare about FEMA and PFRDA?

Ministry of Civil Aviation released Revised Draft National Civil Aviation Policy
Purpose Providing a favourable environment and a level playing field to various aviation
sub-sectors, such as Airlines, Airports, and Cargo, Maintenance Repairs and Overhaul (MRO)
services and so on.
Highlights of the NCAP

Under the Regional Connectivity Scheme (RCS), airlines will not be allowed to charge
more than 2500 rupees for one hour flight between two small cities. The RCS will
become effective from 1 April 2016.
Indian carriers will be free to enter into code-share agreements with foreign carriers
for any destination within India on a reciprocal basis.
The Government will encourage use of private security agencies at airports for noncore security functions. The private security agencies will comprise retired personnel
from military and para-military forces.
Proposes building no-frills airports at a cost of 50 crores rupees.
Proposes Viability Gap Funding (VGF) for scheduled commuter airlines indexed to
ATF prices and inflation and it will be shared between Centre and State at 80:20.
Proposes creation of Regional Connectivity Fund (RCF) for VGF which will be created
by levy of 2% on all domestic and international tickets on all routes, other than CAT
IIA and RCS.
Service-tax on output services of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) facility
will be zero-rated so as to develop India as an MRO hub in Asia.
The government invited suggestions before taking a final call on 5/20 Rule, which
only allows local airlines to fly overseas when they have five years operational
experience and at least a fleet of 20 aircraft.
Under Bilateral Traffic Rights, open skies for countries within 5000 kilometres will be
considered with effect from 1 April 2020.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in domestic airlines will be hiked to over 50 percent
in open skies policy, which is currently 49 percent.

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Government will support growth of helicopters for remote area connectivity and
separate regulations for helicopters will be notified by DGCA by 1 April 2016.


What is Viability Gap Funding?

What is 5/20 Rule?
What do you mean by no-frills?

BRICS nations signed Moscow Declaration for supporting Multilateral Science

Purpose- For co-investment of resources for supporting multilateral Research and
Development (R&D) Projects in mutually agreed areas.
When-It was signed during third BRICS ministers of S&T held at Moscow on Oct 30th
It calls for collaboration in:

Co-operation for large research infrastructures, including mega-science projects

along with coordination of the existing large-scale national programme of member
Implementation and development of a BRICS Framework Programme for funding
joint multilateral research projects, innovation and technology commercialization.
Establishment of BRICS Research and Innovation Networking Platform.

BRICS Action Plan 2015-18

The BRICS nations meeting also endorsed a BRICS Action Plan 2015-18 on BRICS
Science, Technology and Innovation cooperation.
Prevention and Mitigation of Natural Disasters led by Brazil;
Water resources and pollution treatment led by Russia
Geospatial technology and its application for development led by India;
New and renewable energy and energy efficiency with focus on Solid-state lightning
led by China.


Try to know other multilateral organisations where India is a member and locate
them in map
BRICS- How many members and who?

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Flight 7K9268 of Russian Airbus A321 crashed in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula

Rumours are that ISIS shot down the Plane,but there is no hard core evidence
supporting it.
The plane was travelling from Sharm el-Sheikh bound to St Petersburg


Identify the map and locate important physiography

Locate Sinai Peninsula

New Zealand won Rugby World Cup for record third time

New-Zealand won Rugby World Cup for record third time Twickenham Stadium
London by defeating Australia

Webb Ellis Cup

The Webb Ellis Cup is the trophy awarded to the winner of the Rugby World Cup, the
premier competition in men's international rugby union.
The Cup is named after William Webb Ellis, who is often credited as the inventor of
rugby football.
The trophy is silver gilt and has been presented to the winner of the Rugby World
Cup since the first competition in 1987.

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Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) won majority in Parliamentary

elections of Turkey

AKP won more than 276 seats needed to get a majority and form a government of its
own. But, it fell 14 seats short of the amount needed to call a referendum on
changing the Constitution and increasing the powers of the President.
The party founded by President RecepTayyip Erdogan secured 316 seats in the 550member parliament and garnered 49.4 percent of the vote.


Locate Turkey
Identify the surrounding nations of Turkey, their capital and rivers in Atlas

BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile successfully test-fired from INS Kochi

What: BrahMos Supersonic Cruise Missile Successfully test-fired from INS Kochi
Where: Off the West Coast
Why: To validate capabilities of BrahMos& INS Kochi

Features of BrahMos Missile

It is the first supersonic cruise missile capable of carrying a conventional and nuclear
warhead of 300 kilogram.
It is a two-stage missile having Solid propellant in the first stage and Ramjet liquid
propellant in the second stage.
It can be launched from land, Sea, Sub-seas and air.

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It operates on Fire and Forget Principle by adopting varieties of flights on its way to
the target.
It approaches the enemy target with a top speed of Mach 2.8; which is about three
times faster than the US subsonic Tomahawk cruise missile.
The missile has been developed by the BrahMos Aerospace Private Limited. It is a
joint venture between Russian Federation's NPO Mashinostroeyenia and India's
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the missile derives its
name from the names of two rivers, namely the Brahmaputra of India and the
Moskva of Russia.
While the navy and army versions of the missile were inducted in 2005 and 2007
respectively, the air version is still in the testing stage.
Try to know in brief and revise:NAG,AKASH,HELINA,PRITVI,AGNI,NIRBHAY


What is Fire and Forget Technology?

What is Missile Technology Control Regime? Is the development of Brahmos linked
with MTCR?
Why is the range of Brahmos limited to less than 300 Km?

Vikalp Scheme launched for confirmed accommodation to waitlisted

passengers in alternate trains
Who-Indian Railways has launched Alternate Train Accommodation Scheme (ATAS) called as
Vikalp to provide confirmed accommodation to waitlisted passengers in alternate trains.
The scheme was launched on pilot basis for the tickets booked through internet on DelhiLucknow and Delhi-Jammu sectors of Northern Railway. It will be operational for six months.

The purpose of the scheme is to provide confirmed accommodation to waitlisted

passengers and also to ensure optimal utilisation of available accommodation
Under this scheme, wait listed passengers of a train can opt for confirmed
accommodation in alternate trains.
However, ATAS will opt for passengers who will remain fully waitlisted after charting
and they will be considered for allotment in the alternate train.

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ICGS Arinjay commissioned in Kochi

Highlights of ICGS Arinjay

The ship is 15th in the series of 20 Fast Patrol Vessels (FPV).

The 50-metre indigenous FPV has a displacement of 290 tonnes and can achieve a
maximum speed of 33 knots with an endurance of 1500 nautical miles at economical
speed of 13 knots.
It is equipped with state-of-the-art weaponry and advanced communication and
navigational equipment
The ship is capable of undertaking multifarious tasks such as surveillance,
interdiction, search and rescue and medical evacuation


Know some of the Indian Frigates,Destroyers,Aircraft carriers and differences

between them.

First Scorpene class Submarine set afloat

Kalavari, first Scorpene class submarine was set afloat in Mumbai

Manufactured by Mazagon Dock Shipbuilder Ltd.

Details -

67 metre long and 6.2 metre wide

1550 tonnes displacement
Superior stealth and ability to launch an attack on enemy using precision-guided
Attack can be made using torpedoes or from tube launched anti-ship missile,
underwater or on surface.

Details of Scorpene Deal

India chose Scorpene-class submarine in 2005.

Purchase order was for 6 submarines.
Technology transfer agreement is there and all ships will be built in India only.

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Meghalaya HC asked Union Government to enforce AFSPA 1958 in Garo Hills


For the purpose of deployment of armed forces in the aid of civil administration in
order to restore public order and maintain the law and order.
This comes at a time when block development officer, the Chokpotregion, is more
prone to kidnaps,abduction of government personnel by Garo militants.
This also comes at a time when Tripura assembly passed a resolution to repeal
AFSPA in their state


Read about AFSPA and its related controversies for mains perspective
GARO Hills- In Meghalaya
It is one of the wettest place in the world

Some important facts about locations near Garo Hills

Nokrek Peak: The highest point of the Garo Hills region of the State, Nokrek Peak
stands 1412 metres above sea level.

A National Wildlife Park, located in SouthGaro Hills and 167 km from Tura
Home to the rare Lesser Panda, the Indian bison and the Stag like Serow.
A variety of medicinal herbs locally called "dikges" grow abundantly in Balpakram.

Napak Lake: Located at a distance of 112 km from Tura, ideal for fishing and bird
watching with the river Simsang flowing nearby.

Siju Caves: The famous limestone caves of Siju are located near Naphak Lake.

Odisha government banned fishing to protect Olive Ridley turtles

Why-The over half a million endangered Olive Ridley turtles annually arrive during winters
for mass nesting in three nesting sites

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Rushikulya river mouthin Ganjam district

Devi river mouth in Puri district

Gahirmatha marine sanctuary in Kendrapada district

One of the worlds largest turtle nesting sites.

These turtles arrive and congregate in the shallow coastal water of the Bay of Bengal
in November and climb ashore for nesting between December and March. Most
hatchlings emerge by May.


Also known as the Pacific Ridley Sea Turtle, it is a medium-sized species of sea
turtle found in warm and tropical waters, primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Gahirmatha Beach in Kendrapara district of Odisha, a part of the Bhitarkanika

Wildlife Sanctuary

Bhitarkanika Mangroves were designated a Ramsar Wetland of International

Importance in 2002

Do you know the famous lake and also a wetland in Orissa? ItsChilka!

Olive Ridley sea turtle has found place in Schedule - I of Indian Wildlife (Protection)
Act, 1972 (amended 1991).

All the species of sea turtles in the coastal water of Orissa are listed as "vulnerable"
as per IUCN Red Data Book.

The Sea Turtles are protected under the 'Migratory Species Convention' and CITES
(Convention of International Trade on Wildlife Flora and Fauna). India is a signatory
nation to all these conventions

Species of Turtle

Leatherback Sea Turtle, Green Sea Turtle, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Kemp's Ridley
Sea turtle- Four of the species have been identified as "endangered" or "critically

Flatback Sea Turtle and Olive Ridley Sea Turtle- "Vulnerable".

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Eight Core Industries of IIP grew by 3.2% in September 2015; Fastest in 4


The eight core industries Coal, Crude Oil, Natural Gas, Refinery Products,
Fertilisers, Steel, Cement and Electricity comprises about 38 per cent of IIP.
Index of Industrial Production is compiled and published every month by Central
Statistics Office (CSO)


What is IIP?
How is it calculated?
Contribution of each core industry in IIP?

Dracula ant discovered in Western Ghats region of Kerala

A new species of the Dracula ant, likely to be of Stigmatomma group of predaceous

ants, was discovered by a group of citizen scientists in the Western Ghats region of

Why they are called Dracula-Because they feed on their own larvae. At the times of
scarcity, the species punctures the body of their larvae to drink hemolymph.

Earlier, three Dracula ant species had been discovered in the past in Kolkata,
Himachal Pradesh, and Karnataka. These subterranean ants are nearly 1 cm long and
have poor vision. They feed on centipedes.

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Identify and locate some endemic species and national parks of Western Ghats in Atlas

UNGA First Committee approved draft resolution to prevent placement of

nuclear arms in outer space

The First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) of the United Nations
General Assembly (UNGA) on 2 November 2015 approved a draft resolution titled No
first placement of weapons in outer space.
The draft was approved by a recorded vote of 122 in favour with 47 abstentions.
Four countries abstained from voting, namely Israel, Ukraine, United States and

Besides, the First Committee also approved without vote following resolutions:

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of

Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction: This
resolution was by Hungary. It calls for encouraging States parties to provide
information on their implementation of the Conventions article X.
The article stresses on protecting and encouraging the peaceful uses of biological
science and technology and to offer assistance to ensure compliance.
Preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction
As part of it, UNGA urged all Member States to take and strengthen national
measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction.
It also called for strengthening national measures to prevent terrorists from
acquiring the materials and technologies related to their manufacture, and their
means of delivery.

About First Committee

The First Committee is one of the six main committees at the UNGA. The committee
deals with threats to peace, disarmament, and related international security
questions that affect the globe.
Remember and Revise various organs of UN:
Some reports published by UNDP,WHO.


Weapon of Mass Destruction can be nuclear, radiological, chemical, biological or

other weapon

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The development and use of WMD is governed by several International Conventions and
Treaties, although not all countries have signed and ratified them:

Partial Test Ban Treaty

Outer Space Treaty
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
Seabed Arms Control Treaty
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT, has not entered into force as of 2012)
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BWC)
Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)

Daughters cannot inherit ancestral property if father died before 2005: SC

The Supreme Court (SC) in the first week of November 2015 ruled that as per the provisions
of the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005, a daughters right to ancestral property
does not arise if the father died before September 2005, when the amendment came into

The Hindu Succession Act, 1956, originally did not give daughters inheritance rights
in ancestral property. They could only ask for a right to sustenance from a joint
Hindu family and could not ask for a share in the property.
In 2005, the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005 was passed to amend the
Hindu Succession Act, 1956 in order to give daughters equal inheritance rights in
ancestral property along with her male siblings.


Do you remember what Article 14 says?If not remember and revise!

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UNHCR released study titled I am Here, I belong on Need to End Childhood

Highlights of the report

Every ten minutes a stateless child is born largely because of discriminatory

citizenship laws and violent conflicts taking place across the globe.
The problem is most visible in the Syrian refugee crisis due to which around 140000
children born stateless in neighbouring countries of Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey.
In at least 20 countries, stateless children cannot receive vaccines. In others,
including Cote dIvoire and Georgia, stateless children are not eligible for primary
school or must pay a fee to attend school.

To correct the situation,

The UNHCR urged all states to take steps, including allowing children to gain the
nationality of the country in which they are born.
It also seeks to ensure universal birth registration to prevent statelessness, and the
elimination of laws and practices that deny children nationality because of their
ethnicity, race or religion.

PM Narendra Modi launched three gold related schemes

When: Nov 5th
Why-The primary purpose of the schemes is to reduce dependence on imported gold,
recycle the unutilized gold in the country and most importantly, streamline the gold
business in the country.At present, India is the largest consumer of gold in the world.
Gold Monetization Scheme (GMS)
Its objective is to mobilize unutilized gold from individuals, households and institutions and
make them available to gold-base industries including jewellers.
Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme
The purpose of the scheme is to reduce the demand for physical gold and to shift part of the
estimated 300 tons of physical bars and coins purchased every year for investment into
Demat (Dematerialised) gold bonds

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Indian Gold Coins

Its purpose is to revive investment and reduce dependence on imports of gold coins.
At present, India has been importing about 60 tonnes of gold coins annually that are
sold at a premium of 8-10 per cent.
Under the scheme, gold coins bearing the Ashok Chakra will be minted by the
Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India.
Initially, the coins will be available in denominations of 5 gm and 10 gm
They will be sold through banks, post offices and state-run MMTC Ltd. (Metals and
Minerals Trading Corporation of India) which will sell them through the World Gold
Council (WGC).

China launches latest mapping satellite of Tianhui-1 series

Third mapping satellite of the Tianhui-1 series

It will be used for scientific experiments, land resource surveys, mapping, crop yield
estimation and disaster relief


Indian Mapping Satellite?

Magnitude 7.5 earthquake epicentred in Hindu Kush mountain range

Focus on- The highest point in the Hindu Kush is Tirich Mir.
To the East, the Hindu Kush buttresses the Pamir Mountains near the point where
the borders of China, Pakistan and Afghanistan meet, after which it runs southwest
through Pakistan and into Afghanistan, finally merging into minor ranges in western
The mountain range separates Central Asia from South Asia
The most important mountain pass is the Salang Pass, it links Kabul and points south
of it to northern Afghanistan

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Sakharov Prize

Raif Badawi of Saudi Arabia, who was sentenced last year to a decade in prison and
1,000 lashes, was honoured with the European Parliaments Sakharov Prize
Officially known as the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought
The first prize was awarded jointly to South African Nelson Mandela and
Russian Anatoly Marchenko
Three Sakharov laureates were subsequently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize: Nelson
Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, and Malala Yousafzai

Strong solar winds may have stripped life on Mars: NASA

Focus on- Solar WindIts impact and features
NASAs Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) mission- MAVEN is the first
mission devoted to understanding how the sun might have influenced atmospheric changes
on the Red Planet.


The solar wind is responsible for the overall shape of Earth's magnetosphere.
One of the most dramatic effects of the solar wind on Earth is the Aurora Borealis
Solar flares and an increased solar wind increase radiation levels that interfere with
satellites in Earths orbit. Severe solar flares can even interfere with electronics and
cell phone communication on Earth
The solar wind is the force that causes comets to have tails that point away from the

GSAT-15 set to replace INSAT-3A, 4B

Focus- What is GSAT-15?

GSAT-15 which will be the 10th communication satellite, will have estimated
lifespan of 12 years. It will augment telecommunication, Direct-To-Home and radio
navigation services

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Its a communication satellite- The GSAT satellites are India's indigenously

developed technologies of communications satellites, used for digital audio, data
and video broadcasting.
The GSAT series of geosynchronous satellites is a system developed by ISRO with an
objective to make India self-reliant in broadcasting services.

Fast forwarding to thorium

Focus on- Stages of Nuclear Program of India

Indias three stage Nuclear Programme

This programme was formulated in 1950s by Dr. Homi Bhabha to secure the countrys long
term energy independence, via use of uranium and thorium reserves found in the monazite
sands of coastal regions of South India. The ultimate focus is on Thorium Fuel Cycle. The
three stages are as follows:
1. Pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR)
2. Fast breeder reactor (FBR)
3. Advanced Heavy Water Reactor (AHWR)

Why PHWR was selected as Stage One?

The first stage involved using natural uranium to fuel PHWR to produce electricity
and producing Plutonium-239 as a by-product.

We note here that the PHWRs were chosen for the first stage because in 1960s, India
had the efficient reactor design in terms of uranium utilisation.

It was calculated that rather than going for creation of Uranium Enrichment
Facilities, it would be wiser to create heavy water production facilities it would be
wiser to create heavy water production facilities

Moreover, using Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors rather than Light Water Reactors
was also a correct and wise decision. While Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors used
un-enriched uranium, Light Water Reactors required enriched uranium. Further,
India could domestically produce the components of PWHR, as opposed to LWRs.
Furthermore the by-product plutonium-293 would be used in the second stage.

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What is the logic behind Stage-2

The second stage involves using plutonium-239 to produce mixed-oxide fuel, which
would be used in Fast Breeder Reactors. Plutonium 293 undergoes fission to produce
energy, and metal oxide is reacted with enriched uranium reacts with mixed-oxide
fuel to produce more plutonium-239.

Furthermore once a sufficient amount of plutonium-239 is built up, thorium will be

used in the reactor, to produce Uranium-233. This uranium is crucial for the third

AHWR as Third stage:

The main purpose of stage-3 is to achieve a sustainable nuclear fuel cycle. The advance
nuclear system would be used a combination of Uranium-233 and Thorium. Thus India's vast
thorium would be exploited, using a thermal breeder reactor.


What is Fissile Material?

What is Uranium Enrichment?
Difference between Nuclear Fission and Fusion?

Mongoose too can spread rabies

Rabies- It is a viral disease (Remember)

Causes acute inflammation of the brain in humans and other warm-blooded animals

Remember that other than Dogs- Bat bites are the most common source of rabies
infections in humans, and less than 5% of cases are from dogs.

And recent studies find that Mongoose is also responsible for Rabies.

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Although the Indian grey mongoose is listed as a rabies virus vector in India, the
golden jackal is known to be the principal wild species which transmits the virus.

Chile: where three tectonic plate boundaries meet

Chile is one of the few places where three major plates meet. In other words, it is a triple

The process of new ocean crust forming at the ridges and moving towards the
trenches where it is consumed is the essence of sea floor spreading. It is because of
this reason that the ocean crust is always younger than the continental crust.

In general, the rate at which ocean plates move is determined by the rate at which
new ocean crust is formed at the ridges.

Mid-oceanic ridges are generally located far away from the trenches. This allows
the ocean crust to age a bit before it is consumed at the trenches. However, in the
case of Chile, the Chile ridge is located close to the Trench.

The Nazca-Antarctic Plate boundary is comprised of the Chile Ridge where new
ocean crust is formed. And this Chile Ridge is subducted beneath the South American
Plate at 46 degree south latitude. The southern Chile triple junction is a magnificent
showpiece of a ridge-trench collision.


Reason for Powerful Earthquakes in Chile- the angle of subduction (diving) by the
Nazca Plate below the South American Plate is very shallow 5 to 15 degrees.

The place where one plate sub-ducts beneath another is called a trench.

The place where new ocean crust is formed is called a ridge.

The Chile triple junction region is one of only two presently active examples of a
ridge-trench collision.The other being the west coast of North America; the ridgetrench collision is very prominent along the California continental margin.

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Survey spots 51 odonate species in Munnar

What is Odonate?

The order Odonata ("toothed ones") includes some of the most ancient and beautiful
insects that ever roamed Earth, as well as some of the largest flying invertebrates ever
to have lived.
Both dragonflies and damselflies belong to the Odonata, which is a subgroup of insects.

In this article you will find the names

Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary- Locate it

Other Odonates

Travancore Torrent Dart

Blue Darner
Coorg Bambootail
Blue-tailed Forest Hawk

Urban backyards go green with biogas

Remember-Biogas is a different mixture of gases produced by breakdown of organic

matter in the absence of oxygen

Biogas is primarily Methane and Carbon Dioxide&may have small amount of

Hydrogen Sulfide

The composition of biogas varies depending upon the origin of the anaerobic
digestion process
Typical composition of biogas


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Carbon dioxide









Hydrogen sulfide H2S





Water hyacinth to be cleared shortly

Focus on

Water hyacinth, is an aquatic plant native to the Amazon basin (South America),
and is often considered a highly problematic invasive species outside its native range

Water hyacinth is a very aggressive invader and can form thick mats. If these mats
cover the entire surface of the pond they can cause oxygen depletions and fish kills

They are excellent source of biomass

The roots of naturally absorb pollutants, including lead, mercury, and strontium-90,
as well as some organic compounds believed to be carcinogenic, in concentrations
10,000 times that in the surrounding water.

Water hyacinths can be cultivated for waste water treatment

It is used in medicinal purpose as well

The plant is used as a carotene-rich table vegetable in Taiwan

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Migratory birds keep tryst with Kashmir

In this article

Mention of Hokarsar Wetland Reserve- Location- Srinagar

Migratory Birds

Mallards, Common teals, Gadwalls, Sandhill crane, Pintails and Coots

Greylag geese, Wigeons, Pochards, Shovelers, Cormorants and Sheldrake ducks

Temperature rise more in winter months than in summer

Data of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) for the past 114 years revealed
that the increase in temperature had been more in the winter months than those of
The highest rise in maximum temperature has been in December and February,
followed by November and October.


The warming trend has been noticed in all the months, but more so in post-monsoon
and winter months.

A research we conducted in 2002 had revealed an increase in absorption of aerosols

from emissions during the pre-monsoon months.

It could be actually cutting down the solar radiation reaching the earth's surface,
causing reduced warming during pre-monsoon or summer months as compared to
post-monsoon and winter months.

The concentration of aerosols is more in pre-monsoon months than during

monsoon and post-monsoon months.

Hot October

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The unusually hot October this year could be attributed to the truant clouds and
anti-cyclones over the northern and central parts of the country.

Anti-cyclones are associated with subsiding air, causing warming of the

atmosphere. The subsiding air suppresses cloud formation. Sun's radiation directly
reaches the earth's surface in less cloud.

The 'driest place on Earth' is covered in pink flowers because of El Nino

Chile's Atacama Desert The most arid place in the world
Strange Phenomenon

The cyclical warming of the central Pacific may be causing droughts and floods in
various parts of the world, but in the vast desert of northern Chile it has also caused
a vibrant explosion of thousands of species of flowers with an intensity not seen in

El Nino, which wreaks havoc on world weather patterns every two to seven years,
has hit particularly hard this year, causing unusually heavy rainfall in the world's
driest desert.That has caused dormant flower bulbs and rhizomes - underground
stems that grow horizontally - to germinate.

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IASbabas Prelims Current Affairs

7th to 20th November 2015

Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us to
strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the right
time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a Civil
Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he belongs
to- very well.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects like
Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science and
Technology- making the section of Current Affairs unputdownable for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules of
Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.


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Now, 0.5% cess on services to support Swachh Bharat

0.5% Cess of All taxable services.

2% regional connectivity cess on international air travel and flights between metros and big

Further Reading:



What is the difference between Cess and Surcharge?

What all cess are levied in India from the beginning?

Indian Army successfully test-fires Brahmos land attack missile

Army on Saturday successfully test fired the nearly 300-km-range Brahmos supersonic land
attack cruise missile

BrahMos is a joint venture between DRDO of India and NPOM of Russia.

The missile, having a range of 290-km and a Mach 2.8 speed, is capable of being launched from
land, sea, sub-sea and air against sea and land targets.

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Important for Prelims

Different variants of BrahMos?


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In India, unemployment rate still high

Ten million Indians with graduate, post-graduate and technical degrees were looking for work.

Kerala had Indias highest graduate unemployment rate at over 30 per cent.

Among literates, unemployment rates were higher among the better qualified, highest of all
among the 7.2 million people with a technical diploma or certificate other than a degree.


Reasons for Unemployment in India?

Different types of unemployment?

Terms associated with it. Do refer to Economic Survey 2015

"Among literates, unemployment rates were higher among the better qualified, highest of all
among the 7.2 million people with a technical diploma or certificate other than a degree."

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TPP trade agreement text triggers fresh debate in U.S.

Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement, has 30 chapters and numerous annexure and
related instruments.

TPP will cover 40 per cent of the global commerce, and will ease trade among the participant
countries Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru,
Singapore, the U.S. and Vietnam.

Further Reading Article 1 & Article 2


Significance of TPP for India

Can India afford not to be a member of TPP?

7 South Asian nations team up to tackle black money

Seven countries in the South-Asian region may come together to set up a regional intelligence
and coordination centre to be called SARICC to tackle the menace of money laundering
and illicit financial flows.

Besides India, the countries that are part of the initiative of setting up of the South Asian
Regional Intelligence and Coordination Centre (SARICC) are Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh,
Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Maldives.


What is Money Laundering?

Critically analyze, Steps taken to tackle the problems of Money laundering, Hawala and Black

Laws for Control of Black money and Money laundering

Effect of Black Money on economy

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State Power and Renewable Energy Ministers' Conference gets underway in Kochi.

Ujjwal Discom Assurance Yojana will wipe out losses of discoms by 2019.

Referring to India's announced renewable energy plan whereby the target for installed solar
power capacity has been set at 100 GW by 2022

Expresses hope that India would achieve renewable energy targets in four and a half years from

In its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) submitted to the UNFCCC last
month, India has pledged to improve emissions intensity of its GDP by 33-35 per cent by 2030
below 2005 levels


Emerging New and Renewable energy technologies

Intended Nationally Determined Contributions

Ballistic missile Agni-IV test-fired as part of user trial off Odisha coast

India on 9th November, 2015 test-fired its nuclear-capable strategic ballistic missile Agni-IV,
capable of hitting a target at a distance of 4,000 kms, from a test range off the Odisha coast.

The sleek missile was flight tested from the launch complex-4 of Integrated Test Range (ITR)
at Abdul Kalam Island, formerly known as Wheeler Island.

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Abdul Kalam Island off the coast of Odisha

Agni series of missiles

Nuclear deterrence and India's Nuclear Policy


HRD ministry launches several mobile apps, web-based platforms

e-pathshala, saaransh, and national programme on school standards and evaluation Framework
(Shala Siddhi)

E-pathshala, a web portal which hosts educational resources for students, teachers, parents,
researchers and educators, is available through especially developed mobile app interface on
Android, IOS and windows platforms for wider access and contains textbooks and other e-books
as e-Pub 3.0 and flipbooks in English, Hindi and Urdu.


Significance of Digital India

Role of Technology in Education and Poverty Alleviation

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Indra 2015: Russian Army contingent arrives for Indo-Russia joint exercise

The joint exercise between the two nations is one of the major bilateral defence cooperation
activities and is the seventh in the series which commenced in 2003.

Further Reading Article 1


India-Russia relationship

Russia and India: A 21st Century Decline


WHO declares end to Ebola transmission in Sierra Leone

Nearly 18 months after Sierra Leone reported its first Ebola case, the World Health Organization
(WHO) on Nov 7 declared that the country has stopped transmission of the disease, with the
passage of two incubation periods with no positive tests.

Important for prelims

Countries affected by Ebola (Epidemics)

Hosts, treatment and symptoms of Ebola

Learn about the virus and related viral diseases

Ebola Virus and its Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Prevention and Managment

Ebola outbreak: A system that failed

Pakistan invites India for key Afghan conference

Pakistan has invited External Affairs Minister for a crucial regional conference here on
Afghanistan, a move that could provide an opportunity for the two neighbors to mend their
frosty ties.

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The Heart of Asia conference will be held on December 7 and 8, where representatives from
Azerbaijan, China, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Turkey,
Turkmenistan and the UAE are expected to attend.


India-Pakistan relationship for Mains

India-Afghanistan relationship for Mains

Role of China and Pakistan in India-Afghanistan relationship

Defence Minister Launches Army Cloud, Data Centre & Digi-Locker for the Indian Army

A highly encrypted cloud system of the Indian Army that will store personnel as well operational
data, was on Monday inaugurated by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar in line with the force's
plan to be a "digital army".

The infrastructure and platforms being made available for automation and digitization will
catalyze the pace of digitization in all branches of the army and is a landmark towards
transforming Indian Army from a platform-centric to network-centric force, which would
leverage the technology as a force multiplier.


Need for Digitization in all branches?

Important for Prelims:


National Cyber security policy, 2013

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BIS elects Raghuram Rajan as its vice-chairman

Raghuram Rajan, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor, who has been a vocal votary for
increased co-ordination among central banks, has been elected vice-chairman of the Bank of
International Settlement (BIS).

Mr. Rajan is the first Indian central bank Governor to become the vice-chairman of BIS.

BIS is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, and acts as a coordinating body among central banks
to ensure global monetary and financial stability.


Significance and Role of Bank of International Settlement (BIS)

International Monetary Fund

Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)

Govt eases FDI norms in 15 major sectors, including defence, civil aviation

The government opened up several key sectors including defence, construction, civil aviation
and media to foreign investment, eased norms for businesses such as single-brand retail and
private banking and allowed the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) to clear proposals
up to Rs 5,000 crore from Rs 3,000 crore earlier.

Govt relaxes norms for FDI in defence sector

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Portfolio investment


Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB)

Advantages and Disadvantages of easing of FDI norms.

AIDS preventive medicine available from December in Sonagachi

One of Asias largest red light districts, Sonagachi will roll out an experimental project for
providing HIV-preventive medicine to sex workers from next month. It will be the first such
initiative in the country.

Under the project, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), regular medicine would be given to an HIVnegative sex worker who engages sexually with an HIV-positive person.


Need for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

One should know that there is preventative medicine available for AIDS and if possible what is
the mode of action of that medicine.

IISc Bangalore makes Indian debut in top 100 world university ranking.

IISc made its entry at 99th spot in a list that remains dominated by US institutions with Stanford,
CalTech and MIT in the top three positions in the 'Times Higher Education (THE) Ranking for
Engineering & Technology'.

Asian universities occupied six positions in the Top 30 this year, with Japan, China, Korea,
Taiwan and India all improving their representation, while Singapore and Hong Kong maintained

Asias success mounts serious pressure on universities in North America and Europe, which will
have to run fast just to stand still in this table, Baty said.

Further reading: Article 1

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Need for quality higher education in India for Mains

Read some statistics about Higher education in India (MHRD)

Constitutional Provisions for Education in India (MHRD)

NGT directs collection of green tax

In a bid to curb health hazards originating from bursting of firecrackers this Diwali, the Pune
Bench of the National Green Tribunal has directed civic bodies to levy Rs. 3,000 as green tax
from sellers.

The corpus collected from the tax will be used to clean solid waste generated from firecrackers
at public places

Question for prelims can be asked from

Role of NGT, Members of NGT and its Jurisdiction.

"Green Tax"

Subir Gokarn appointed Executive Director at IMF

Former RBI Deputy Governor Subir Gokarn was today appointed as an Executive Director on the
board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Gokarn will represent India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan on the Washington-based IMF's
Executive Board, which is responsible for conducting the day-to-day business of the multilateral

Rated as one of the finest economists, Gokarn has in past served as Deputy Governor of the
Reserve Bank of India, Chief Economist of global rating agency Standard and Poor's (S&P) and
head of CRISIL's Research and Information business and also a nominee Board Member of the
State Bank of India.

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One should know the role and significance of Standard and Poor (S&P)


IMF and its role

Learn about the reports published by IMF

Green Climate Fund faces uncertainty

The US informed that it would not be able to provide the pledged $3 billion by December to the
Green Climate Fund.

The EU finance ministers concluded their meeting without committing to a clear road-map for
delivery of their fair share towards the annual $100 billion corpus target, which is to be
delivered by 2020.

The Green Climate Fund has been set up along the lines of a bank to use public funds from
developed countries to finance reduction of emissions and adaptation to climate change in
developing countries. It reports back to the collective of 196 countries that are party to the
climate convention, called the Conference of Parties.


What is Green Climate Fund?

Green Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) aims to make a significant and ambitious contribution to the
global efforts towards attaining the goals set by the international community to combat climate
change. It was formally established by a UNFCCC decision in Durban, South Africa in December
2011, although the groundwork was laid in the earlier, non-binding Copenhagen Accord of

It is widely claimed that the objective of the GCF is to raise $100 billion per year in climate
financing by 2020. This is not an official figure, however, and disputes remain as to whether the
funding target will be based on public sources, or whether leveraged private finance will be

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counted towards the total. Only a fraction of this sum has been pledged so far, mostly to cover
start-up costs.

The GCF is overseen by a 24-strong Board, composed of equal number of members from
developing and developed countries, and will be headquartered in Songdo (Incheon), South
Korea. The World Bank serves as the interim trustee, meaning that it is tasked with
administering any money currently raised.

Many of the rules according to which the GCF will operate remain to be discussed. To start with,
however, it will have thematic funding windows for adaptation and mitigation, as well as a
separate private sector facility.

Indian Navy Receives Indigenous decoy System To Protect Subs, Ships

India has commissioned a Torpedo Defence System known as Mareech that can divert underwater torpedo attacks on ships and submarines.

Highlights of Maareech

Maareech is a joint project of Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory (NPOL), Kochi and
NSTL, Visakhapatnam.

It is a state-of-the-art indigenous system for torpedo detection and countermeasures.

The system provides a complete solution to detect and locate the incoming torpedo and to
apply countermeasures to protect naval platform against torpedo attack.

The system is capable of detecting, confusing, diverting and decoying the incoming torpedoes.

Two production grade Maareech systems have been developed and user evaluation trials


Torpedo is a self-propelled weapon with an explosive warhead, launched above or below the
water surface

The decoy system has been developed by Vishakapatnam-based Naval Science and
Technological Laboratory (NSTL). The Advanced Torpedo Defence System (ATDS)

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Torpedoes are self-propelled weapon with a warhead and can be used under or on the water
surface. They are one of the mainstays of sea-warfare attack systems.


Must Know terms like : Blue Water Navy, Green Water Navy and Brown Water Navy

Why Indias Blue Water Ambitions Matter

Maritime boundary

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Syed Akbaruddin is Indias next Permanent Representative to UN

Senior diplomat and former high-profile spokesperson of the External Affairs Ministry Syed
Akbaruddin has been appointed as Indias Permanent Representative to the United Nations,
succeeding Asoke Mukerji.

As Indias Permanent Representative to the global body in New York, Mr. Akbaruddins main
task would be to push for Indias bid to gain permanent membership of the UN Security Council
as well as to strongly advocate its position on key issues.

Mr. Akbaruddin was Chief Coordinator of the recently-held Indo-Africa Summit here which was
participated by heads of state and government of 41 countries from African continent.

He had served at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Geneva and is considered an
expert on the West Asia where he had served in various capacities.


United Nations


Centre to develop Nagalands Doyang lake for birdwatchers

The Centre will develop the Doyang lake in Nagaland, famous for the world's longest travelling
raptors Amur falcons, as an eco-tourism spot.

Amur falcons come to Doyang every year in huge numbers. They come to roost here during their
flight from Mongolia to South Africa, making this scenic part of India's northeast a birdwatchers' paradise.

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Amur Falcon

Amur Falcons tagged with tracking chips return to Doyang lake, Nagaland

Next generation missile to be test-fired

The Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LR-SAM), which can intercept incoming targets at a range of 80
km, is all set to be test-fired from a naval warship this month.

LR-SAM, also known as Barak NG (next generation), is being co-developed by the Defence Research
and Development Organisation (DRDO) from India and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) of Israel. The
missile has been successfully test-fired against a flying target in Israel in November 2014.

The project, however, is running behind schedule. It was approved in 2005 with an initial funding of Rs.
2,606 crore and was to be inducted in 2011 but has been delayed due to technical difficulties.

The Navy intends to replace the Barak-Is and the Defence Ministry has in March given approval for the
co-development of a Short Range Surface-to-Air Missile (SR-SAM), Maitri, by the DRDO with MBDA of
France. Under this, nine SR-SAMs with 40 missiles each are to be initially developed.

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India-Israel relationship for Mains

India & Israels Barak-8 SAM Development Project(s)

Demystifying the Constitution for students

Its been more than six and a half decades since the Constitution came into force, yet many students
may not be aware of the aspects of its making and evolution -- how many Articles and schedules the
Indian Constitution contains? How many members were there in the Constituent Assembly and how
many times has the Constitution been amended?

This November 26, students across the country will find answers to these questions and much more
on the Constitution as for the first time all schools in the country will be observing Constitution Day.

It was on November 26, 1949 that the Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly
following which the Constitution came into force on January 26, 1950.


Need for Demystifying the Constitution of India.

Questions can be asked on important persons related to The Making of The Indian Constitution.

General statistics of Indian constitution and its basic provisions.

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G20 summit: terror, climate change to top Modis agenda

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to raise issues related to terrorism, climate change and global
cooperation to unearth black money, among others, during the two-day G-20 summit beginning on
Sunday, where talks would be dominated by attacks in Paris and war in Syria.

The Summit of leaders from 20 top economies of the world, being held at a time when the global
economic growth is slowing down, is expected to be attended by U.S. President Barack Obama,
Russian President Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela
Merkel and Chinese President Xi Jinping, among others.

As world leaders congregate in this Turkish resort town, Friday nights ghastly terror attacks in Paris,
ongoing war in nearby Syria, the migrant crisis in the region and the need for strengthening the
crackdown against terrorism will take the centre stage.

The G20 countries account for 85 per cent of the world economy, 75 per cent of the global trade and
twothird of the worlds population.


Significance of G20 and its priorities

Outcome of G20 summit 2015 at Antalya, Turkey

G5 forum

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G8 forum

The sun shines on India's Aditya

After a seven year long wait, Aditya, Indias first dedicated scientific mission to study the sun is likely
to get a go-ahead from the Prime Ministers Office (PMO) this week. The ambitious solar mission will
study the suns outer most layers, the corona and the chromosphere, collect data about coronal mass
ejection and more, which will also yield information for space weather prediction.

It now aims to put a heavy satellite into what is called a halo orbit around the L1 point between the
Sun and the Earth. This point is at a distance of about 1.5 million km from the earth. With the
excitement about the Mars Orbiter Mission yet to settle down, this could be the next most
complicated feat that ISRO has carried out till date.

In a three-body problem such as this with the earth and sun engaged in an elliptical orbit and a
relatively very light, call it mass less in comparison, satellite being placed in between there are five
so-called lagrangian points in space where the light, third body in our case, the satellite may be
placed so that it can maintain its position with respect to the two others. One of these is the L1 point,
which is about 1.5 million km from the earth.

A halo orbit would be a circular orbit around the L1 point. The satellite will have to use its own power
(spend energy) to remain in position within in this orbit without losing its way. Such orbits have not
been attempted too often.

The corona is the outermost layer of the Sun and the chromosphere is the second inner layer. Data
such as this can help us understand the corona and solar wind, which is a spewing of charged particles
into space, at speeds as high as 900 km/s and at about 1 million degrees Celsius temperature,
affecting the environment there.

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Pioneer, helious, Ulysses, Wind, Soho, ACE, and Stereo are some of the solar missions sent to
study sun by NASA.

Other projects related to Sun, like the NASA's SOHO

Facts about the Sun
Corona, Chromospheres, photosphere, and core are the layers of sun.

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IEA released World Energy Outlook 2015

The report, in light of low energy prices, calls for no complacency on energy security front and
sees clear signs that the energy transition is underway, that is, from fossils to renewable.

The WEO-2015 presents updated projections for the evolution of the global energy system to
2040 as well as detailed insights on the prospects for fossil fuels, renewable, and the power
sector and energy efficiency.

It also presents an analysis on trends in CO2 emissions and fossil-fuel and renewable energy

India, which will move to the centre stage of global energy, is the subject of an in-depth focus in

The International Energy Association is a Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental

organization established in the framework of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) in 1974 in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis.

Mars' moon Phobos is slowly falling apart

Why-due to gravity of mars

The long, shallow grooves lining the surface of Phobos are likely early signs of the structural
failure that will ultimately destroy this moon of Mars.

Scientists expect the moon to be pulled apart in 30 to 50 million years

Orbiting a mere 6,000 km above the surface of Mars, Phobos is closer to its planet than any
other moon in the solar system.

The same fate may await Neptunes moon Triton, which is also slowly falling inward and has a
similarly fractured surface.


Mercury, Venus has no moon.

Mars has two natural satellites called Phobos and Deimos.

Jupiter has highest number of Moons, followed by Saturn

Titan is second largest moon in solar system. This belongs to Saturn.

Uranus has 27 moons, Neptune 14 ,Pluto 5,plutos largest moon is called charon

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Philae: one year on comet 67P

It was a year since Philae made its historic landing on the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

Rosetta arrived at the Comet 67P on August 6 and Philae was delivered to the surface on
November 12.

Philae is a comet, originally from the Kuiper belt, with a current orbital period of 6.45 years, a
rotation period of approximately 12.4 hours and a maximum velocity of 135,000 km/h

Rosetta's Lander, Philae, touched down on its surface on 12 November 2014, becoming the first
spacecraft to land on a comet nucleus.


A comet is an icy small Solar System body.

Learn about various Comet Mission like ROSETTA

Asteroids are small rocky body orbiting the sun. Large numbers of these, ranging enormously in
size, are found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, though some have more eccentric orbits

Defence Minister commissioned Indias Coast Guard offshore patrol vessel Samarth

Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on 10 November 2015 commissioned the India Coast Guard
Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV), Samarth at Vasco in Goa. It is Coast Guards largest OPV.

The 105m OPV is fitted with most advance technology, navigation and communication
equipment, sensors and machinery. It has a maximum speed of 23 knots and has an endurance
of 6000 nautical miles at economical speed.

Samarth that will be based in Goa is also capable of carrying pollution response equipment to
contain any oil spill at sea. The vessel will also carry one twin-engine helicopter and five highspeed boats.


Vishwast, Samar, Vikram are other offshore patrol vehicle that are currently under coast guard

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Waste fly ash can make concrete stronger:

The study by the civil engineering department of IIT-M showed that a proportion of by-products
like fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) added to the concrete mix can give
durability and life to reinforced structures including buildings and bridges.

Fly ash, also known as "pulverised fuel ash", is one of the residues generated by coal combustion,
and is composed of the fine particles that are driven out of the boiler with the flue gases.

of silicon
dioxide (SiO2)-both
amorphous and crystalline), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and calcium oxide (CaO), the main mineral
compounds in coal-bearing rock strata.


Cement consists essentially of compounds of lime (calcium oxide, CaO) mixed with silica (silicon
dioxide, SiO2) and alumina (aluminum oxide, Al2O3).

Annual Hundred Drums Wangala Festival begins in Meghalaya

Annual Hundred Drums Wangala Festival has begun on a cultural fervor at Asanang near Tura
town in Meghalaya.

Significance of Wangala Festival: Wangala Festival is an annual post-harvest festival of the Garos
tribes of North east India.


Hornbill festival-Nagaland, Bihu-Assam, Chapchar Kut-Mizoram, Nongkrem Dance FestivalMeghalaya are some of the other harvest festivals of northeast India.

Learn important tribal festival of India.

Northeast Indias first elephant hospital established at Kaziranga National Park

About Kaziranga National Park

It is located in the Golaghat and Nagaon districts of Assam and is circumscribed by the
Brahmaputra River.

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It was designated with National Park status in 1968 and was declared UNESCO World Heritage
Site in 1985 for its unique natural environment.

The park hosts two-thirds of the worlds great one-horned rhinoceroses which are listed as
vulnerable on the IUCN Red list of Threatened Species.

It is also home to large breeding populations of tigers, elephants, wild water buffalo, and swamp

Kaziranga is also recognized as an Important Bird Area by Birdlife International for conservation
of avifaunal species.


Project Elephant (PE) was launched by the Government of India in the year 1992 as a Centrally
Sponsored Scheme with following objectives :

To protect elephants, their habitat & corridors

To address issues of man-animal conflict

Welfare of captive elephants

India, Australia seal N-deal procedures

Following the conclusion of the agreement, India has become the first country to buy Uranium
from Australia without being a signatory to the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Australia has about a 40 percent of worlds recoverable uranium resource and annually exports
around 7,000 tonnes of it.

In India, nuclear energy contributes just 3% of its electricity generation and it has currently
signed nuclear energy agreements with 11 countries.

Presently, India imports uranium from France, Russia and Kazakhstan to supply fuel to its two
dozen small reactors at six sites with a total capacity of 4,780 MW which accounts for 2% of its
total power capacity.


India has one of the largest thorium deposits in the world. Identify the places in the map which
consists of nuclear deposits in India.

Pressurized heavy water reactor, Boiling water reactor, water-water energy reactor, Fast
breeder reactor are some of the types of N reactors used in India.

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Philippines to host 2015 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit

Theme of 2015 APEC Summit: Building Inclusive Economies, Building a Better World.

Two key road maps will be endorsed in 2015 APEC Summit they are:

The Cebu Action Plan for financial integration: Aims to protect the APEC member countries from
financial crises.

Boracay Action Agenda: It is meant to help micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to
access the regional and global market.

APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC is regional economic forum comprising of 21

member countries.

It was established in 1989 in order to leverage the growing interdependence of Asia-Pacific

regions economies and promote free trade in the region.

Headquarter: Hong Kong.

21 Members are: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia,
New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, United States, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Mexico,
Papua New Guinea, Chile, Peru, Russian and Vietnam. India is observer of APEC since 2011 and
has applied for membership.


AU, SAARC, ASEAN, AL, CARICOM, USAN, are some of the regional organizations.

Health Ministry inaugurates countrys first AMRIT outlet at AIIMS in New Delhi

Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare has opened countrys first Affordable Medicines and
Reliable Implants for Treatment (AMRIT) outlet at AIIMS in New Delhi to sell drugs at highly
discounted rates.

Key facts

The pilot AMRIT outlet will provide drugs for cancer and cardiovascular diseases at highly
discounted rates. At this outlet the prices of 202 cancer and 186 cardio-vascular drugs will
reduced on an average by 60 to 90 per cent.

The pilot AMRIT outlet will be managed by the government-owned HLL Life care Ltd (HLL),

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Provide drugs at affordable prices only on the prescription of a doctor for AIIMS patients and
also other hospitals


AMRUT(Atal mission for rejunevation and urban transformation is a programme that aims at
Providing basic services (e.g. water supply, sewerage, urban transport) to households and build
amenities in cities which will improve the quality of life for all, especially the poor and the

HRIDAY (Heritage city development and augumentation yojana) aims to preserve and revitalise
soul of the heritage city to reflect the citys unique character by encouraging aesthetically
appealing, accessible, informative & secured environment.

PM Narendra Modi inaugurates Basaveshwara statue in London

Basaveshwara (1105-1167 AD) was a great philosopher and social reformer who had fought
against social evils of his time, and worked for the strengthening of democracy at the grassroots.

Basaveshwaras life and ideas are narrated in the sacred text Basava purana of the south Indian
Hindu Lingayat community. He was known for Bhakti movement in south India in 12th century


learn about social reformers in south India like Tukaram, Shankaracharya, Madvacharya,
Vallabacharya, Akka mahadevi,Nimbarka,Allama prabu,Namdeva,

The Bhakti movement of Hinduism saw two ways of imaging the nature of the divine (Brahman)
Nirguna and Saguna.

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PRASAD and Swadesh Darshan schemes of Ministry of Tourism

Features of PRASAD

Its objective is to augment religious and spiritual tourism in the country as India is a land of
many religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism and Sufism.

As part of mission strategy, religious destinations that have potential to be show-cased as worldclass tourism products are identified and infrastructure is developed on a priority basis.

In the initial phase, 12 cities, that are part of HRIDAY scheme, namely Amritsar, Ajmer,
Amaravati, Dwaraka, Gaya, Kanchipuram, Kedarnath, Kamakhya, Mathura, Puri, Varanasi and
Vellankani have been identified for development.

Features of Swadesh Darshan

As part of the scheme, theme based tourism circuits are identified for infrastructure
development across the country.

Theme Based Tourist Circuit (TBTC) is defined as a tourist circuit around specific themes such as
religion, culture, ethnicity, niche, etc.

A TBTC could be confined to a state or could be a regional circuit covering more than a state or
union territory (UT).

H1N1: Battle gets bigger

What is H1N1?

The H stands for hemagglutinin. And N for neuraminidase- both proteins on the outer layer of
the virus.

What makes them dangerous?

It is a master mutator and is also famously licentious infecting birds, pigs, humans and horses
at the same time.

Antigenic shift and antigenic drift.

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The flu viruses changes from season to season, sometimes during the course of a single season.

The drift is when small changes in the viruses genes occur over time and produce a newer
virus. Sometimes, the body cannot identify this new version and we get sick again

The shift is the more dangerous one- when there is an abrupt, significant change in the viruses,
resulting in new H & N proteins. This is what caused the 2009 pandemic.

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For saving Asian vulture from fatal drugs

After successfully campaigning for the ban on multi-dose vials of painkiller drug diclofenac in
veterinary use, conservationists have stepped up pressure for withdrawing two more drugs,
which they say, are fatal for Asian vultures.

Besides other conservation programmes, steps for banning the veterinary use of Ketoprofen and
Aceclofenac have to be achieved.

The three species of Gyps vultures endemic to South and Southeast Asia, oriental white-backed
vulture (Gyps bengalensis), long-billed vulture (G. indicus) and slender-billed vulture (G.
tenuirostris), are the worst affected and are threatened with global extinction

They are listed by IUCN as Critically Endangered,

It has been pointed out that the veterinary use of diclofenac was the major cause of the decline
of vulture population. When vultures which feed on carcass of animals treated with the drug,
severe kidney damage and extensive visceral gout were observed.


Learn what is Bio magnification and Bio remediation in an ecosystem

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IASbabas Prelims Current Affairs

21st November to 3th December 2015

Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us
to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the
right time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a
Civil Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he
belongs to- very well.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects
like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science
and Technology- making the section of Current Affairs unputdownable for a serious
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules
of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.


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Chinas Tianhe-2 retained its position as Worlds most powerful Supercomputer

Tianhe-2, the supercomputer of China, retained its numero uno position as the most
powerful supercomputer in the world.
Tianhe-2 means Milky Way-2 and it led the list with a performance of 33.86 petaflop
per seconds (quadrillions of calculations per second or Pflop/s) on the Linpack

How super computer is different from an ordinary computer?
PARAM 8000 is considered as the first super computer of India developed by CDAC in
The latest machine in the series is called PARAM YUVA 2

Kosmos 2510, the first satellite of EKS (Tundra) system, launched by Russia

Russia successfully launched the first satellite for its newest early warning system,
named EKS or Integrated Space System. The satellite was officially named Kosmos
2510 (Tundra 11L).
Satellite is designed to restore Moscow's capability to detect, track and identify
worldwide missile launches from space.

Key highlights of the Tundra 11L satellite

It was delivered into a highly elliptical geosynchronous orbit, called a Tundra orbit.
It features two deployable solar arrays.
It will detect missiles launched from the sea as well as from the U.S. territory.

What is EKS?

EKS (Integrated Space System) is a replacement for the US-KMO and US-K satellites
of the Oko programme.
These satellites identify ballistic missile launches from outer space and complement
early warning radars such as the Voronezh.
There are six Tundra satellites planned to be launched until 2020.
The next Tundra mission is scheduled for 2016.


Learn about various orbits like Polar, sun-synchronous and geo-synchronous


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WHO launched World Antibiotic Awareness Week with the theme Antibiotics: handle with

(WHO) launched the World Antibiotic Awareness Week with the theme Antibiotics:
handle with care.
The campaign is part of the WHOs recent efforts to fight against antibiotic
resistance due to growing misuse.

What are Antibiotics?

Antibiotics, also known as antibacterial, are types of medications that destroy or

slow down the growth of bacteria in order to contain bacteria-caused illness.

How do Antibiotics work?

Usually, antibiotics work in two ways-either they kill the bacteria, like Penicillin, by
interfering with the formation of the bacterium's cell wall or its cell contents or stops
bacteria from multiplying.

An antigen is any substance that causes an immune system to produce antibodies
against it.
An antibody is also known as immunoglobulin is a large Y protein produced by
plasma cells that is used by immune system to identify and neautralize pathogens
such as bacteria and viruses
Learn about the functions and significance of antibody and antigen

UN released report on impacts of Biodegradable plastics on marine environment

The report is titled as Biodegradable Plastics and Marine Litter: Misconceptions,

Concerns and Impacts on Marine Environments.
As per the report, widespread adoption of products labelled biodegradable will not
significantly decrease the volume of plastic entering the ocean or the physical and
chemical risks that plastics pose to marine environment.


Biodegradation is slow or fast in ocean as compared to land?

Types of biodegradable and non-biodegradable compounds
What are oxo-degradable plastics?
What are micro-plastics?

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Delhi to host the first International Qawwali Festival 2016

The festival aims to reinforce a notion that music is not restricted to any borders.
Amir khusro dehlavi of chisti order of sufis is credited with fusing the Persian, Arabic,
Turkish and Indian musical traditions to create qawwali as we know it today

IEP released Global Terrorism Index 2015

Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) released Global Terrorism Index 2015.

Highlights of Global Terrorism Index 2015

The top 5 countries that were worst effected by terrorism in 2014-Iraq, Afghanistan,
Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria.
The least affected countries in 2014-Japan, Malawi, Togo, Zambia among others.

Technology Acquisition & Development Fund under National Manufacturing Policy


The TADF was launched by Minister of State for Commerce & Industry Nirmala

Fund will facilitate acquisition of clean, green and energy efficient technologies.

The scheme will be implemented through Global Innovation and Technology Alliance
(GITA), a joint venture company. GITA was launched in 2007-08 by CII and
Department of Science & Technology to stimulate private sector's investment in

About National Manufacturing Policy 2011

Promoted by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP)

Objectives of the Policy are to increase share of GDP in manufacturing to 25 percent
Increase manufacturing sector growth to 12-14% in medium term to make it an
engine of growth to create 100 million additional jobs by 2022

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CCEA approved disinvestment of 10 percent paid up equity capital in Coal India Limited

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA approved the disinvestment of 10

percent paid up equity capital of Coal India Limited (CIL).
With this disinvestment in CIL, the Union Government is expecting to mop up around
20000 crore rupees

Chotanagpur Plateau is known for rich iron and coal deposits in India
Disinvestment policy of India and National Investment Fund (NIF)

India ratified Articles of Agreement of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a proposed international financial

institution which is focused on supporting infrastructure construction in the AsiaPacific region.
The bank was proposed by china, and it is headquartered at Beijing

Union Cabinet approved setting up of National Resource Facility for Bio-medical Research

Where: Genome Valley, Hyderabad

Highlights: It will be Indias first of its kind for quality laboratory animals for basic and
applied biomedical research.
It will be developed as a world-class facility for breeding and housing of animals such
as primates, canines and other specialized models such as transgenic and knockout
rodents required for testing of various R&D products


What are transgenic species?

Swati Dandekar appointed Executive Director to Asian Development Bank by Obama

She was the first-ever Indian-American to be elected to Iower House of

Representatives in 2003.
She was the first Indian-born American citizen to win a state legislature seat in the
United States.

About Asian Development Bank

The Asian Development Bank is an international organization that provides loans,

grants, policy aid, technical assistance and equity investments to countries in Asia
and the Pacific.

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It was established as a regional development bank on 22 August 1966 which is

headquartered in Manila, Philippines
From 31 members at its establishment, ADB now has 67 members, of which 48 are
from within Asia and the Pacific and 19 outside.

23rd APEC Economic Leaders Meeting Declaration Issued

The leaders of the 23rd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit issued
the 2015 Leaders Declaration at the end of the conclusion of summit in Manila,
The Declaration is titled Building Inclusive Economies, Building a Better World: A
Vision for an Asia-Pacific Community.

About Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

The founding members were: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Indonesia,

Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the
United States.
China, Hong Kong, China and Chinese Taipei joined in 1991. Mexico and Papua New
Guinea followed in 1993. Chile acceded in 1994. And in 1998, Peru, Russia and Viet
Nam joined, taking the full membership to 21.

Allahabad HC asked UP government to stop sale and use of Chinese manjha

What is Manjha-Manjha is a highly abrasive type of nylon string that is used during
flying kites.
Why ban-Because people had received serious injuries caused by the razor-sharp
nylon string coated with glass.
The bench observed that this thread is very dangerous for both human and birds in
the sky.

UNISDR released the report titled the Human Cost of Weather Related Disasters

Top 5 countries hit by disasters-USA, China, India, Philliphines, Indonesia

Average of 335 weather related disasters were recorded per year between 2005 and
It highlights that floods accounted for 47 percent of all weather-related disasters
Storms were the deadliest type of weather-related disaster, accounting for 242000
deaths or 40 percent of the global weather-related deaths, with 89 percent of these
deaths occurring in lower-income countries.
Overall, heat waves accounted for 148000 out of the 164000 lives lost due to
extreme temperatures, with 92 percent of deaths occurring in high-income

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Urban Development Minister launched portal for small traders e-lala

The e-lala initiative is aimed at promoting the interests of 5.77 crore small
businesses in the context of rapid expansion of e-commerce in the country.
E-lala will enable physical stores to have their own online stores enabling them to
retain their customer base besides additional source of growth in business.
E-lala's distinctive features include a specialty corner promoting unique products
associated with each city.

Two rivers turn blue in Meghalaya; high acid content doubted

Two rivers in eastern Meghalaya have turned blue again apparently due to "high acid
content", resulting in death of scores of fishes.
The Lukha river in East Jaintia Hills district and certain sections of the the Myntdu
river in West Jaintia Hills district have changed their colour

NOX, SOX, constitute major components of acid rain
Mawsynram receives highest rainfall in India followed by Chirapunji

27th ASEAN-India Summit held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Theme of the summit: Our People, Our Community, Our Vision.

ASEAN Summit is held twice a year from Dec 2008
In 2014, the chair was with Myanmar, hence the 24th and 25th ASEAN Summit was
held in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar in May and November. The theme was moving
forward in Unity to a Peaceful and Prosperous Community.

China building worlds largest animal cloning factory

Focus of the company
It will mainly focus at cloning cattle, which would help China to keep up with
Chinese demand of the meat.
It hopes to produce around one lakh cow embryos annually, which would be five
percent of the Chinese market for beef.
Scientists at the plant also hope to clone champion race horse (hugely successful for
polo ponies in South America) and sniffer dogs (capable of finding illegal drugs or
people during natural disasters).

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GRSE handed over ASW Corvette 'Kadmatt' to Indian Navy

It is an Anti-Submarine Warfare Corvette. Kadmatt built by Garden Reach

Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited (GRSE)

About ASW Kadmatt

Its main role is to protect nation's maritime interests against possible submarine
It is a potent platform for neutralising the enemy submarines using weapons like
torpedoes, rocket launchers and helicopter.
It has been built in the country with indigenously developed special grade hightensile (DMR249A) steel produced by the Steel Authority of India.
Its hull encompasses the bulk of sensors and weapon systems which are also
indigenously manufactured.

Vishakapatnam, Kolkatta, Kochi and Mumbai are the four major ship building centres
in India

New species of tree frog Ghatixalus magnus discovered in Idukki district of Kerala

The frog belongs to Rhacophorid tree frog of the genus Ghatixalus. It was named as
Ghatixalus magnus due to its large size making it the biggest known tree frog from
the Western Ghats.
Beside Ghatixalus magnus, the team also rediscovered a species of bush frog, named
Raorchestes flaviventris that had been evading for past 132 years.

India-Israel co-developed LRSAM missile successfully flight-tested

The missile is co-developed by India and Israel. LRSAM is also called Barak 8
missile in Israel which in Hebrew language means Lightning.

About Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LRSAM)

LRSAM or Barak 8 is an advanced long-range missile with air defence system.

Its main features are long range, active radar seeker missile, vertical launch and
multiple simultaneous engagements.
It is capable to counter a wide variety of air-borne threats such as anti-ship missiles,
aircraft, UAVs and drones as well as supersonic cruise missiles.

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RBI granted in-principle approval to NPCI to function as the central unit for Bharat Bill
Payment Systems

The BBPS is an integrated bill payment system which will function as a tiered
structure for operating the bill payment system in the country with a single brand
image providing convenience of anytime anywhere bill payment to customers.

About National Payments Corporation of India

National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) was incorporated in December 2008

and the Certificate of Commencement of Business was issued in April 2009.
It has been incorporated as a Section 25 company under Companies Act.
It is aimed to operate for the benefit of all the member banks and their customers.

Union Cabinet approved DTAC agreement with Japan

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 2 December 2015
approved signing and ratification of Protocol between India and Japan for amending
the Double Taxation Avoidance Convention (DTAC) in order to facilitate tax-related
exchange of information.
The protocol will facilitate exchange of information as per accepted international
standards on tax matters, including bank information and information without
domestic tax interest.

Types of taxation in India.
Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA)

India, France launched International Solar Alliance

The alliance was launched jointly by PM Narendra Modi and French President
Francois Hollande during the United Nations climate change conference (COP21).
It aims to bring 121 tropical countries together to tap solar energy.
The alliance also invited all countries located fully or partly between the tropics of
Cancer and Capricorn to join the group. It will function from the National Institute of
Solar Energy in India, Gurgaon.

Photoelectric effect ,Photovoltaic cells
National Solar Mission aims to increase the solar power target to 1lakh MW by 2022

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Union Government announced 10 New/Revised Schemes for Disabled Persons under the
National Trust

These schemes were launched under the National Trust for the welfare of persons
with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities.

List of Schemes
1. DISHA: Early Intervention and School Readiness Scheme
2. VIKAAS: Day Care Scheme
3. SAMARTH: Respite Care Scheme
4. GHARAUNDA: Group Home for Adults Scheme
5. NIRAMAYA: Health Insurance Scheme
6. SAHYOGI: Caregiver training scheme
7. GYAN PRABHA: Educational support Scheme
8. PRERNA: Marketing Assistance Scheme
9. SAMBHAV: Aids and Assisted Devices Scheme
10. BADHTE KADAM: Awareness and Community Interaction Scheme

Union Government launched IPV injection as part of Global Polio Endgame Strategy
Main highlights of the Initiative
The first phase this vaccine will be introduced in six states, viz Assam, Gujarat,
Punjab, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh.
IPV injection will be given to children below one year of age along with the third
dose of the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) at the routine immunization sessions free of
New evidences now clearly show that IPV and OPV together will further strengthen
the childrens immune system and will provide double protection against polio.
Mission Indradhanush
India was officially declared polio free in 2014
Difference between IPV and OPV

RBI permitted Foreign Portfolio Investors to buy Defaulted Bonds

RBI permitted FPIs to buy fully or partly defaulted bonds in the repayment of
principal on maturity or principal instalment in the case of amortising bond.
The RBI granted the permission to the FPIs under sections 10(4) and 11(1) of the
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.

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Bond Default Definition

A bond default occurs when the issuer fails to make an interest or principal payment
on its bonds within the specified period.
Defaults typically occur when the bond issuer has run out of cash to pay its
bondholders. Since defaulting on a bond severely restricts the issuers ability to
acquire financing in the future, a default is usually a last resort and therefore a sign
of severe financial distress.

Differences between FII, FDI, FPI and finally Qualified foreign investors(QFI)
Differences between shares, Bond, Debenture, Securities.

IMF approved China's Yuan as Elite Reserve Currency

The action was taken after the executive board at IMF completed the regular fiveyearly review of the basket of currencies that make up the Special Drawing Right
With this Yuan will be a freely usable currency and will be included in the SDR basket
as a fifth currency, along with the US Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen and British Pound.

What is a SDR?

The special drawing rights (SDR) system was created by the IMF in 1969 to support
the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system.
The SDR is instead an international reserve asset which the IMF uses to supplement
its member countries reserves. The SDRs value is based on the basket of the four
international currencies and SDRs can be exchanged for freely usable currencies.

Reports released by IMF, World bank
Types of currencies Hard, Soft, Hot, Cheap, Heated currency

Jihadists target hotel in Mali, leave 27 dead

Jihadist group Al Mourabitoun, aliied to al Qaeda claimed responsibility.

Attack in Bamako, Mali.
UN peacekeepers & French troops worked with the Malian govt.

Location of Mali- Focus on the location of Sub-saharan countries.
Rise of Jihadism in sub-saharan countries.

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Smart city on 9000 acres pooled by farmers near Mumbai

11 villages join hands to create a modern township in Khalapur taluka of Raigad

Land titles to remain in the name of owners.
Pooled land will be first converted into non-agricultural zone & then a Special
Purpose Vehicle will be promoted to build a smart-city.

What is SPV?
What will happen to tribals living in the area?
Farmers between Vijaywada & Guntur pooled 30000 acres of land to build the
capital of Andhra Pradesh - Amaravathi
How will it help the region? Jobs creation?
Home Ministry to build central database on terror funding

Central database on terror funding by collating financial components of various

terror attacks in the country in the past.
The database will help the security apparatus establish a pattern for different terror
groups and help in choking their source of funding.

Indias counter-terrorism set-up.
Cochin Shipyard to build secret vessel for DRDO

DRDO & Cochin Shipyards to build a technology demonstration vessel.

It would have an array of sensors & radars to track flight of long-range missiles.

DRDO jointly works with which other organisations/countries?
INS Vikrant
ISRO working on 4-D, 5-D imaging technology

4-D & 5-D is a part of ISROs engagement with hyperspectral imaging, which is
emerging area in Geographic Information System (GIS).
Healthcare & Prevention of diseases can be better addressed if all the relevant data
& analysis are provided in GIS maps through an institutionalized arrangement
involving govt agencies.

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What is hyperspectral imaging & its applications?
Bharat Maps Multi-layer GIS platform.
ISROs recent missions.

SC seeks Centres view on Governors removal

The Supreme Court has sought a response from the Centre, the Madhya Pradesh
government and the States Governor, Ram Naresh Yadav, on a plea seeking the
removal of the Governor owing to his alleged involvement in the multi-crore Vyapam
scam, which is currently being probed by the CBI.
As per Article 155 and Article 156 of the Constitution, a Governor of a state is an
appointee of the President, and he or she holds office during the pleasure of the
If a Governor continues to enjoy the pleasure of the President, he or she can be in
office for a term of five years.
Because the President is bound to act on the aid and advice of the Council of
Ministers under Article 74 of the Constitution, in effect it is the central government
that appoints and removes the Governors.
The President is advised by the Prime Minister of the country, who decides the
dismissal of the Governor of a state, usually on the grounds of gross delinquency
namely corruption, bribery and violation of the Constitution.
No provision of impeachment, unlike the President.


Powers of Governor
Constitutional provisions
Differences and similarities in the power and function of President and Governor

ASEAN to ease travel,mobility of labour

Kuala Lumpur declaration on the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community

AEC will transform the ASEAN economy into a region with free movement of goods,
services, investment, skilled labour and freer flow of capital.

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How will the AEC change the global landscape?
How will it affect the individuals, creation of jobs?
Member countries of ASEAN
Interceptor missile engages simulated targets over sea

The interceptor, known as Advanced Air Defence (AAD) missile is a ballistic missile
defence system.
Test fired from Abdul Kalam Island off Odisha coast.
India plans to deploy a two-tiered ballistic missile defence system to protect
important cities and vital installations from enemy attack.
DRDO conducted 11 interceptor missile tests, 8 of them in endo-atmosphere & 3 in


Indias Missile Defence Programs

Types of Missiles

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India, Malaysia vow to strengthen defence ties

Both Countries have agreed to strengthen their defence cooperation, including

improved maritime security and disaster response in the region.
Have agreed to upgrade the joint exercises & set up the SU-30 forum.

Su-30 forum (Russian Sukhoi jet) - a joint platform that will exchange information on
training, maintenance and technical support of the fleet.
Indias other joint defence exercises.

Bad debts of banks at unacceptable level


NPAs of the Indian banks are at unacceptable level.

Sectors which are undergoing maximum stress are iron & steel, textiles, mining
(including coal), aviation, power, sugar, aluminium& construction.
NPAs in education sector has been rising sharply

Difference between Non Performing Assets & Stressed Assets.

Reasons for occurrence of NPA.
Problems caused by NPA.
How Bankruptcy bill will help, if passed?

India, Singapore enter into strategic tie-up

India & Singapore have signed a joint declaration which envisages Strategic
Partnership which aims at broadening engagement in existing areas of cooperation.
It aims to catalyze political, defence and security cooperation to economic, cultural
and people-to-people contacts.
Agreements were signed for collaboration in urban planning and wastewater
management and to extend long-term loan of Indian artefacts to the Asian
Civilisations Museum of Singapore and for cooperation in the fields of arts,
museums, archives and monuments.

India-Singapore Relations

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Smoke at Panchachuli peak, poachers on the hunt for musk deer

Poachers set fire to the forests here in a bid to trap and capture musk deer, the state
animal of Uttarakhand
The deer is on brink of extinction & listed as endangered by the International Union
for Conservation of Nature.
The white-bellied musk deer is a high-altitude animal, which roams in dense
Himalayan forests at over 3,500 metres above sea level.
At the onset of winter, the deer descends in search of food, when their habitat is
covered in snow.
The male species secretes a waxy substance in the abdomen called musk, which the
deer use to separate territories by smell and attract females.
This musk is used in perfumes and medicines

Other endangered species in India.
Government mulls Europe-style water law to save resource

Government plans to come out with a new draft National Water Framework Bill - on
the lines of the one in effect in Europe - and improvising on the existing draft law of
The new draft will keep the 'right to water' clause as a key provision of the
Water is primarily being managed by the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution)
Act, 1974 and the Environment Protection Act, 1986
Water is a state subject.
To improve upon the existing draft bill, the ministry examine the European Water
Framework Directive (WFD) which governs water resources in 28 member countries
of the EU.

Indias water crisis Causes & Cures
WII initiates study on Climate Change in Bhagirathi region

The National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (NMSHE) is one of the
eight National missions which form the core of India's first National Action Plan on
Climate Change (NAPCC).
It was launched in 2008 & is headed by Prime Ministers Council on Climate Change.

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Wildlife Institute of India (WII) is a taskforce of NMSHE on micro flora & fauna.
It will assess & monitor climate change effects on wildlife species and ecosystems for
developing adaptation and mitigation strategies in the Indian Himalayan Region
After Bhagarathi in Uttarakhand, the same team will study the Teesta region of
Sikkim of Eastern Himalaya.

The nature of ecosystem under study?
Roll out of BS-VI fuel compliant four-wheelers to be advanced by two years

The road transport ministry has decided to advance the roll-out of BS-VI fuel
compliant four-wheelers by two years from 2023 to 2021.
India had enforced Bharat stage III norms across the country since October 2010. In
13 major cities, Bharat stage IV emission norms were put in place since April 2010.
Currently, BS-IV petrol and diesel are being supplied in whole of Northern India
covering Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand,
Delhi and parts of Rajasthan and western UP.
Shifting directly from BS-IV to BS-VI, skipping BS-V.

Pressure on auto-firms & oil-companies due to skipping of BS-V stage.
Features of Bharat Norms
5 vulture species spotted at 1 spot in Bhavnagar

White-rumped vulture, Indian vulture, Himalayan Griffon vulture, Eurasian Griffon

vulture and Egyptian vulture were spotted at one place.
The white-rumped vulture and Indian vulture, are critically endangered species.
The Himalayan Griffon is a winter visitor to Saurashtra.
Veterinary use of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) diclofenac is a
major cause of the drastic vulture decline.

Gujarats controversial labour laws bill gets Presidential assent

President Pranab Mukherjee has given assent to the contentious Labour Laws Bill of
Gujarat, which has provisions to ban strikes in public utility services for up to one
Not all State laws are sent to the President for assent.

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It is done only when a law runs counter to the Central government laws, deviates
from the national policies and its legal and constitutional validity can be challenged.
Opposition called the bill anti-labour& pro-private industries.

Presidents Veto Power ( Absolute, Suspensive, Pocket)
China hosts first BRICS media summit

An alternative media platform for emerging economies (BRICS)

The initiative follows the formation of the New Development Bank, which is playing
its part in evolving a new global financial architecture sensitised to meet the needs
of the developing world.
Xinhua News agency is the initiator of the project.
The Hindu group of publications, the Brazil Communication Company, Russia Today
International News Agency, and South Africas Independent Media are collaborators.

What is BRICS?
Potential powerful economic bloc like EU?
What makes BRICS powerful?
Modi launches International Solar Alliance

The alliance (ISA) was launched in Paris at the CoP21 Climate Conference.
This international alliance brings together developing and developed countries to
expand energy access, accelerate solar power deployment, and stimulate economic
The alliance will function from the National Institute of Solar Energy in India,
It seeks to share collective ambitions to reduce the cost of finance and technology
that is needed to deploy solar power widely.
The tasks the ISA would pursue are, cooperation in training, building institutions,
regulatory issues, common standards, and investment including joint ventures.

How will this alliance help to cut emissions (INDCs) & to what extent?

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Chinas Renminbi will be the fifth currency in the IMFs Reserve Currency basket


From October 1, 2016, the RMB will join the US Dollar, Euro, UK Pound and Japanese
Yen in the SDR basket.
It was created by IMF in 1969 to boost global liquidity as the Bretton Woods system
of fixed exchange rates unravelled.
SDR is neither a currency nor a claim on the IMF.
It gives IMF member countries the right to obtain any of the currencies in the basket
to meet balance-of-payments needs.
SDR interest rate is determined as a weighted average of the interest rates on shortterm financial instruments in the markets of the currencies in the SDR basket.

How will it impact other currencies in the basket?
Will it impact India & other countries?
India re-elected as member of International Maritime Council
India was elected to the IMO council under Category B at the 29th session of the
Assembly of the IMO held recently in London.
India ranks amongst the top twenty ship owning countries of the world in terms of
Gross Tonnage as well as Deadweight.
IMO Council consists of 40 member countries who are elected by the IMO Assembly.

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India successfully test-fires Prithvi II missile

The missile test was carried out from a mobile launcher from launch complex of the
Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur.
Prithvi-II is indigenously developed nuclear capable surface-to-surface missile with a
strike range of 350 km.
It is the first missile to be developed by DRDO under Indias prestigious IGMDP
(Integrated Guided Missile Development Program).

BetiBachao scheme: Govt to bring in women volunteers

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao scheme will involve women community workers in a bid to
improve the child sex ratio in the 100 gender-critical districts of the country.
This decision is driven by the success of a pilot project in Pali district of Rajasthan in
2011, where women volunteers proved instrumental in improving child-sex ratio,
reducing school dropouts etc.

Objectives of the scheme:

Prevent gender biased sex selective elimination
Ensure survival & protection of the girl child
Ensure education of the girl child

Why was Pali chosen for the pilot project?

Project implementation at (National, State, block, village level).
Other welfare schemes for girls. (Sukanya Samridhi Account etc).
Use this as Value Add information for subjective answers on Women Issues (Mains)

Sign language gets status of separate language in MP

Sign language will be recognised as a separate language in Madhya Pradesh.

10 industrial training institutes will be set up at divisional headquarters to give
vocational training to the hearing and speech impaired in the next one year.
The state will bear the fee of hearing and speech impaired students in professional
MP first state in the country to it is in sign language.

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UN appreciates fisheries project in Sindhudurg


UN has tweeted about the success story of a fisheries project undertaken in

Sindhudurg district of Maharashtra.
A new square mesh net was introduced in the district to ensure juvenile fish did not
get stuck in the net.
Earlier diamond shaped nets were used.
The project has led to better income for the fisherman & the saving of diesel used by
the fishing boats by decreasing the dragging.
This project is a partnership between the Maharashtra govt& UNDP.
The partnership is supported by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

Location of Sindhudurg, Konkan region of Maharashtra.

Biodiversity of Sindhudurg.
What is GEF?
Read these articles

First tourism district of the state.
2nd district in India to achieve 100% literacy.

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IASbabas Prelims Current Affairs

4th December to 19th December 2015

Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us
to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the
right time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a
Civil Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he
belongs to- very well.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects
like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science
and Technology- making the section of Current Affairs indispensible for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules
of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.

Best wishes
IAS Baba

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Union Cabinet approved introduction of Regional Centre for Biotechnology Bill, 2015 in

This bill provides legal status to the centre that was established by an executive order
The bill will recognize the centre as an Institution of National Importance for education,
training and research in the areas of biotechnology.
The focus areas include bio-drug discovery science, nano-science and medicine, imaging
techniques, designer crops, bioengineering and biomaterials and intellectual property
among others.

Genetic engineering, Gene therapy, Tissue culture, DNA finger printing, Recombinant DNA
technology, are some of the applications of biotechnology. Learn the features of all these
Institute of National Importance (INI) is a status that may be conferred to a public higher
education institution in India by an act of parliament, These institutions will play a pivotal
role in developing highly skilled personnal
AIIMS,IIT,CSIR,NIT are some of the Institute of National importance
Targeted Drug Delivery System

UN Agencies released report on prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Asia-Pacific region

Who released-UNICEF, UNAIDS

Titled-Adolescents: Under the Radar in the Asia-Pacific AIDS Response
According to the report 98 per cent of adolescents aged 10 to 19 are living with HIV in AsiaPacific.
These are: Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the
Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam.

Key findings with respect to India

In India, 40 per cent of the estimated 3 million females in the sex industry are under 18, with
17 per cent under 15.
In 2012, HIV prevalence among sex workers (under 25) was 1.7 percent.
In 2013, HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs was 5.3 (under 25 age) and 7.7
(above 25 age).

HIV, Retro Virus, T-Lymphocytes, Mode of transmission, ELISA, Western blot
December 1 is celebrated as Worlds AIDS day

MoEF released Draft Environment (Protection) Amendment Rules, 2015


To specify Primary Water Quality criteria for bathing waters in water bodies

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Some of the important parameters for prelims point of view

Total coli form (MPN/100ml)-50(coli form is mainly through soil origin and may not be
harmful while bathing.)
Faecal Coli form (MPN/100ml)-<1.8(They are the indicators of bacterial pathogenicity
through human origin. Which causes water borne diseases like urinary tract infection,
cholera, typhoid
Faecal Streptococci (MPN/100ml)- <1.8
PH value-6.5 to 8.5 (The range provides protection to skin and delicate organs like eyes,
nose, ears, etc )
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)-5 or more (ensures reasonable freedom from oxygen consuming
organic pollution immediately upstream which is necessary for preventing production of
anaerobic gases )
Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand3days, 27 degree C-3 or more (It ensures reasonable freedom
from oxygen demanding pollutants.)
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) mg/l<10 mg/l (Such levels of COD ensure no contamination
from industrial source after treatment.)


What is BOD, COD etc?

Type of water pollutants?
Water borne diseases?

Justice Tirath Singh Thakur sworn in as 43rd Chief Justice of India

Justice Tirath Singh (TS) Thakur

Appointed as 43rd Chief Justice of India (CJI)
Preceded by Justice H L Dattu


Appointment of CJI

WHO releases estimates of the global burden of foodborne diseases

Title-Estimates of the Global Burden of Food borne Diseases,

There were 31 food borne hazards, including bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins and
chemicals, that are affecting 600 million world wide
Diarrhoea accounts for more than 50% of global burden of food borne diseases, causing 550
million people to fall ill and 230,000 deaths every year.
Among other major food borne diseases causing devastation in the world is typhoid fever,
hepatitis A, Taenia solium (a tapeworm) and aflatoxin (produced by mould on grain that is
stored inappropriately).


Food borne diseases

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Diseases caused by virus, bacteria and parasites

Himachal Pradesh became first state to launch Rotavirus vaccination project

Purpose-It helps in controlling the child mortality rate (under five years of age) due to
Rota virus:
It causes diarrhoea
It is a genus of double-stranded RNA virus in the family Reoviridae.
It spreads through contaminated food or water.
It infects and damages the cells that line the small intestine and causes gastroenteritis.

IMR(under 1years of age) is calculated per 1000 and IMR of India is 38 as of 2014-15,
CMR{Child mortality rate}(under 5 years of age) is calculated per 1000 and it is 48 as of
MMR(maternal mortality rate) is calculated per100000 and it is 181 as of 2014-15

Union Government launched Accessible India Campaign for differently-abled

Accessible India Campaign is a nationwide campaign that aims at enabling persons with disabilities
List of vaccines given to a new born
Mission Indradhanush
Polio status in India

RBI announced revised Priority Sector Lending norms for Regional Rural Banks

PSL target was increased to 75 percent from 60 percent

Medium enterprises, social infrastructure and renewable energy were included under PSL


Priority Sector lending norms?

Its role and issues involved

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) released Concept paper for issuance of Green Bonds

Green bond is a debt instrument issued by an entity for raising funds from investors to fund
green projects

Why green bonds now

Inadequacy of traditional instruments
To fulfil Indias global commitments:

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To reach Indias renewable energy target

In India it is still in nascent stage and four entities-Yes Bank, CLP India, IDBI Bank and Exim
Bank of India have issued Green Bonds in the country

Bonds, securities

Indo-Russia bilateral naval exercise Indra begins off coast vishakapatnam

Rationale-increase interoperability between the two navies and develop common understanding
Varuna naval exercise - India and France
Malabar naval exercise - India and USA

Singapore replaced Mauritius as top source of FDI into India

Top FDI contributors of India for 2015-16

Singapore (43k crores)

Mauritius(23k crores)
Netherlands (7k crores)
USA(5k crores)

IMF included Yuan in SDR Basket

Yuan will be included in the basket of its elite reserve currencies which is used to calculate
the value of the special drawing rights (SDRs).
At present US dollar, euro, Japanese yen and British pound and from next year October 2016
Yuan will join the elite currency basket.
SDRs are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets defined and maintained by the
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The weightage assigned to each currency in the SDR basket are adjusted to take into account
their current share in international trade and national foreign exchange reserves.


Share of currencies in SDR basket

What is SDR?
Learn about related instruments other than SDR

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Latvias Prime Minister resigned
Important points to know about Latvia

Latvia is a member of both NATO and the European Union.

It has backed EU economic sanctions imposed on Moscow over its annexation of the
Crimean peninsula


Do map work on countries surrounded by Latvia

Union Cabinet approved amendments in the National Waterways Bill, 2015

The amendments provide for enacting a Central Legislation to declare 106 additional inland
waterways as the national waterways.
With this the total number of water ways will be 111


AllahabadHaldia ,INW-1(1650kms)
SadiyaDhubri ,INW-2(891kms)
KollamKottapuram ,INW-3(205kms)
KakinadaPondicherry INW-4(1065kms)
TalcherDhamra INW-5(620kms)

India launched I-LTEO programme to monitor 8 different biomes

Abbreviation-Long Term Ecological Observatories (I-LTEO)

Why-To scientifically monitor eight different biomes (natural landscapes) across the country.

The study will focus on the need for imminent adaptation measures

This initiative will cover all the major biomes of the country
Long term scientific monitoring of natural landscapes
To pick up signals and patterns of how changes in climate are affecting natural and closely
associated human systems


List of all the biomes in India

Characteristic features of biomes present in India
Rainfall pattern, Cropping pattern in India
Conventions and protocol related to climate change

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Worlds first dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia,
Name and developed by Dengvaxia developed by French pharmaceuticals Sanofi
About Dengue
Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus.
Overall, the disease is a potential threat to almost half of the worlds population.
Of the estimated 100 million people infected annually, 500000, mostly children, develop
dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), a severe form of the disease.

List of mosquito borne diseases

Difference between Epidemic, Endemic, Pandemic and contagious diseases

Luxembourg became the 10th country to ratify AoA of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Points about AIIB

Capital of bank-Beijing
India is founding member
India has signed the article of agreement but yet to ratify it like Luxemburg


New development bank is led by BRICS countries

This bank is alternative to IMF and World bank
Headquartered at shanghai
President KV kamath (Indian)
The idea of setting up of BRICS bank was first envisioned in 4th BRICS summit in 2012
First BRICS summit was held in 2009 Yekaterinburg, Russia
Seventh BRICS summit was held in UFA Russia 2015 and eight will be held in New Delhi 2016

Losar, the biggest Tibetan Buddhist Festival, began in Ladakh region

It is new year for Buddhists in Ladakh region

The festival begins with illumination of religious and residential places.
Buddhists of Ladakh celebrate Losar as their new year. Before the rule of Jamiang Namgyal
(1555 to 1610) this day was celebrated on the first day of Ladakhi Buddhist Year which is
based in the moon and sun (quite similar to Hindus).


Buddhist Sites and location

Festivals and their location

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COP 21 under UNFCCC adopted Paris Agreement on Climate Change

(COP 21) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
adopted the Paris Agreement on Climate Change which was attended by 192 parties.

Following decisions were made

To limit the temperature below 2 degree Celsius above pre industrial levels
Consensus reached on Adoption,mitigation,Technology transfer and capacity building
Developed countries will raise 100 billion dollars by 2020 to finance developing countries
Agreement will enter on 30th day after 55 parties belonging to convention whose green
house gas emissions will exceed 55 percent of the total emissions

Know what is Principle of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities
Learn some important terms like Carbon tax, Carbon offsetting
GCF (Green Climate Fund), Clean development mechanism, Carbon trading and its types 1.
Emmision trading 2. Offset trading
Kyoto protocol ,Montreal protocol ,Vienna convention
Earth summit , Rio declaration, Agenda number 21
USA, EU, Japan, China, Russia, India are some of the highest per capita emitters respectively

Operation Smile-II to start from 1 January 2016

Why-To rescue/rehabilitate the missing children

Operation Smile was launched in the month of Jan 2015

Similarly operation Muskaan was launched in July 0f 2015
Both the operations are involved in rescue and rehabilitation of missing children
They come under women and child development ministry

United Nations Human Development Report 2015 released

India ranks 130 out of 188 countries and stands at 0.609

It stands last in BRICS countries
Norway, Australia, Switzerland, Denmark, and Netherlands are the top 5 countries
Burundi, Chad, Eretria, Central African Republic, Niger are bottom 5 countries
Life Expectancy at birth 68.0 years for India
Multidimensional poverty index is 0.282
Gender development index is 0.795 which shows the society is highly unequal

Indicators of Development?

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Areas of focus for Sustainable Development?

Learn these terms
Human Development Index (HDI)
Inequality-adjusted Human Development Index (IHDI)
Gender Development Index (GDI)
Gender Inequality Index (GII)
Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)

ISRO PSLV-C29 successfully launched 6 Singapore satellites into space

With the present launch, ISRO has put into orbits 57 foreign satellites belonging to 20
countries successfully.
Significantly, the list of countries includes scientifically advanced countries like the USA, the
UK, France and Germany among others.


Foreign satellites launched by India


Federal Reserve of US increased interest rate by 0.25% for the first time since 2006

Why it was increased now-Due to economic recovery of America ,Range of decent market
indicators ,and Inflation
With increase in Fed hike - Capital flow to developed countries will be affected ,increase the
borrowing cost ,have greater impact on export oriented countries like china and south east

What is Fed Tapering?

Rare Indian moon moth species sighted in Trichy

Name of the moth- Indian moon moth (Actias selene)

Commonly found in and around Trichy
This is one the largest of moths. It can produce up to three generations of brood a year.
Population is dwindling due to conversion of forest land to agriculture or for construction

Mysuru zoo becomes giraffe breeding centre in India

Why in news- Giraffe population at Mysuru zoo was wiped out due to render pest, an
infectious disease that affected giraffe, bison, deer, Sambar deer, cows and buffaloes in

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Zoo during the time also lost many animals due to cattle plague.


Identify Mysore in Atlas

The place is associated with famous state festival of Karnataka known as Dasara

Lok Sabha passes bill to replace Bureau of Indian Standards

The bill will establish the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) as a National Standards Body.
Broadens BIS ambit and Multiple types of conformity assessment for products
Provision to make misuse of Standard mark as a cognizable offence.
Fine and Imprisonment for contravention of provisions
The Bureau of Indian Standards Bill, 2015 replaces the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986

To establish the Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) as the National Standards Body of India
The Bureau to perform its functions through a Governing Council, which will consist of its
President and other members
To include goods, services and systems, besides articles and processes under the
standardization regime.
To enable the Government to bring under the mandatory certification regime such article,
process or service which it considers necessary from the point of view of health, safety,
environment, prevention of deceptive practices, security etc.
This will help consumers receive ISI certified products and will also help in prevention of
import of sub-standard products.
To enable the Central Government to appoint any authority, in addition to the Bureau of
Indian Standards, to verify the conformity of products and services to a standard and issue
certificate of conformity.
to enable the Government to implement mandatory hallmarking of precious metal articles
to strengthen penal provisions for better and effective compliance and enable compounding
of offences for violations
How FSSAI is different from BIS
Lok Sabha passes Atomic Energy Bill 2015

The bill proposes to amend the Atomic Energy Act, 1962.

Under the Act, a government company is one in which at least 51% of the paid-up share
capital is held by the central government.
Paid-up share capital is the capital received by a company from the issue of shares.
The Bill expands this definition to include companies where the whole of the paid up share
capital is held by one or more government company and whose articles of association
empower the central government to constitute its Board of Directors.

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This provision will allow for the formation of joint ventures between Nuclear Power
Corporation of India Limited and other government companies.
Under the Act, a license is required for acquisition, production, use, export and import of
any plant designed for the production and development of atomic energy or research.
The Bill makes consequential amendments to state that such license will only be granted to
entities such as a government company or a department of central government.
The Bill states that any license granted for matters such as: (i) producing atomic energy, and
(ii) acquiring and using substances or minerals from which atomic energy can be obtained,
will be cancelled if a licensee ceases to be a government company.

Rajasthan 3rd State to join discom revival scheme

After Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand, Rajasthan has become the third state to join the Centre's
UDAY (UjwalDiscom Assurance Yojana) Scheme, aimed at revival of debt-stressed power distribution
Anti-corruption bill sent to Select Committee
The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill 2013 was referred to a select committee Monday
after members in the Rajya Sabha wanted more clarity on some provisions that overlap with
provisions of the Lokpal Act.
The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill, 2013 amends the Prevention of Corruption
Act, 1988
The Act covers the offence of giving a bribe to a public servant under abetment. The Bill
makes specific provisions related to giving a bribe to a public servant, and giving a bribe by a
commercial organisation.
The Bill redefines criminal misconduct to only cover misappropriation of property and
possession of disproportionate assets.
The Bill modifies the definitions and penalties for offences related to taking a bribe, being a
habitual offender and abetting an offence.
Powers and procedures for the attachment and forfeiture of property of public servants
accused of corruption have been introduced in the Bill.
The Act requires prior sanction to prosecute serving public officials. The Bill extends this
protection to former officials.
Compare with Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.
Compare with UN Convention & laws of different countries.
Recommendations of the 2nd ARC not included in the Bill
4th Report of the 2nd ARC
Offences related to corruption
The following offences must be included in

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Prior sanction for prosecution

Private sector institutions/NGOs

the Act:
Gross perversion of the Constitution
amounting to willful violation of oath of
Abuse of authority by unduly favouring
Obstruction of justice;
Squandering public money.
The Act must provide for a special offence
called collusive bribery, by the public
servant and the beneficiary of the decision.
The punishment should be double than that
of other cases of bribery.*
*Note: The Bill makes giving a bribe an
offence with penalty equivalent to that of
taking of a bribe. However, it does not
distinguish between collusive and coercive
bribe giving
Prior sanction should not be necessary for
prosecuting a public servant who has been
caught red handed, or in cases of possession
of disproportionate assets.
Private sector providers of public utility
services should be included in the Act.
NGOs who receive substantial funding from
the government should also be covered

Rajnath Singh to chair Southern Zonal Council meet to Vijaywada

Union Home Minister chaired the meeting of Southern Zonal Council held in Vijayawada.
The Southern Zonal Council comprises of the States of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka, Kerala, Telangana and Puducherry.
The Zonal Councils, created under the State Reorganization Act, 1956, are advisory bodies
that discuss and advise the Central and State Governments on matters of common interest
pertaining to a gamut of subjects, viz., infrastructures, health, security, social welfare,
linguistic minorities, border disputes, etc., on the action to be taken in such matter.
There are five Councils, one for each Zone viz., Eastern, Western, Northern, Southern, and
The secretarial functions of the Zonal Councils have been transferred to the Inter State
Council Secretariat with effect from 1 April, 2011.
The North-East Council set up under a separate Act of 1971 is under the administrative
ambit of the Ministry of Development of North-Eastern Region (DoNER).

Bringing out national integration.

Arresting the growth of acute State consciousness, regionalism, linguism and particularistic

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Enabling the Centre and the States to co-operate and exchange ideas and experiences.
Establishing a climate of co-operation amongst the States for successful and speedy
execution of development projects.

Zonal Council may discuss, and make recommendations with regard to:

Any matter of common interest in the field of economic and social planning
Any matter concerning border disputes, linguistic minorities or inter-State transport
Any matter connected with, or arising out of, the re-organisation of the States under the
States Re-organisation Act.

TS signs up with centre for Power For All scheme

Telangana became the sixth State in the country to sign up for Power for All scheme
`Power for All is a joint initiative of the Centre in collaboration with State governments for
supply of quality and reliable 24 x 7 power to agricultural, industrial and domestic
The scheme will address all the key aspects and activities to be undertaken across
generation, transmission and distribution, including achieving 100 per cent household

Financial position of power utilities
Renewable Energy Plan
Energy efficiency
Government imposes anti-dumping duty on stainless steel imports

The government imposed anti-dumping duty on stainless steel imports, to protect the
struggling domestic industry from cheap imports.
Anti-dumping duty on imports from China 57.39%, EU 52.56%, Thailand 4.58%, 37%
South Africa, 13.4% South Korea
The anti-dumping duty will be in effect for five years.

What is anti-dumping & its purpose in International trade?
Dumping is said to occur when the goods are exported by a country to another country at a
price lower than its normal value.
This is an unfair trade practice which can have a distortive effect on international trade.
Anti-dumping is a measure to rectify the situation arising out of the dumping of goods and
its trade distortive effect.
Anti-dumping is an instrument for ensuring fair trade and is not a measure of protection per
se for the domestic industry.
It provides relief to the domestic industry against the injury caused by dumping.

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The use of anti-dumping measure as an instrument of fair competition is permitted by the

Dumping implies low priced imports only in the relative sense (relative to the normal value),
and not in absolute sense.
How will it affect bad loans & NPAs?
How is anti-dumping duty different from normal customs duty?

Centre launches Accessible India Campaign for the differently abled

Accessible India Campaign (Sugamya Bharat Abhiyan) is the nationwide campaign for
achieving universal accessibility for all citizens including Persons with Disabilities, to
be able to gain access and live independently.

The Accessible India Campaign comprises of the following key components: Create Mass Awareness
Capacity Building
Interventions (Technology solutions, Legal framework, Resource generation)
Leverage corporate sector efforts including CSR resources
Leadership endorsements
Making public space, transport, tourist places, airports, railway stations and information
and communication technology in the country differently-able friendly.
The campaign emphasizes that all persons with disabilities (PwDs) should have equal
opportunities to live independently and participate in all aspects of life as every other in the
society so as to make their lives productive, safe and dignified.
A nation-wide awareness campaign in creating a barrier-free environment and for attaining
universal accessibility for all PwDs was long pending. With this intention in mind, the
Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD), Ministry of Social Justice
& Empowerment, has come up with this Accessible India Campaign (Sugamya Bharat
Abhiyan) as a nation-wide flagship drive.

Action Plan
The campaign targets three verticals in the first phase. These include the built-up
environment, information & communication eco-system, and transportation eco-system.
The campaign has stipulated timelines and will make use of social media and IT for creating
awareness among the masses.
The campaign has also been seeking commitment and engagement of various partners like
government officers, professionals, students and others.
State governments have to select about 50 to 100 public buildings in big cities and shortlist
citizen-centric public websites that have to be converted to disabled friendly after proper

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auditing by professional agencies. All these will be supported by the Scheme of

Implementation of Persons with Disabilities Act (SIPDA), a subsidiary scheme under DEPwD.
In collaboration with the Ministry of Home, the Family Welfare and Ministry of Tourism, and
the Ministry of Health, DEPwD will create accessible police stations, accessible hospitals
and accessible tourism across the country.
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting will also incorporate features like captioning, audio
description for enhancing accessibility to television broadcasts.

United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD)
Real Estate Regulatory Authority on anvil

The Bill regulates transactions between buyers and promoters of residential real estate
projects. It establishes state level regulatory authorities called Real Estate Regulatory
Authorities (RERAs)
Promoters cannot book or offer these projects for sale without registering them.
Real estate agents dealing in these projects also need to register with RERAs.
On registration, the promoter must upload details of the project on the website of the RERA.
These include the site and layout plan, and schedule for completion of the real estate
70% of the amount collected from buyers for a project must be maintained in a separate
bank account and must only be used for construction of that project. The state government
can alter this amount to less than 70%.
The Bill establishes state level tribunals called Real Estate Appellate Tribunals. Decisions of
RERAs can be appealed in these tribunals.

Model Tenancy Bill
Recent floods in Chennai >> Pressure on space leading to approvals for real estate projects
in defiance of environmental objectives.
Marshlands & lake beds now have buildings
Environment & Housing ministry should work together??
Regulatory bodies will add to existing red tape?

Cabinet gives nod to Bill on national waterways conversion

The Bill repeals the five Acts that declare the existing national waterways. These five
national waterways are now covered under the Bill.
Under Entry 24 of the Union List of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution, the central
government can make laws on shipping and navigation on inland waterways which are
classified as national waterways by Parliament by law.

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The Statement of Objects and Reasons of the Bill states that while inland waterways are
recognised as a fuel efficient, cost effective and environment friendly mode of transport, it
has received lesser investment as compared to roads and railways.
Pattiseema Project
Integrated National Waterways Transportation Grid
Jal Marg Vikas
River Information System (RIS)
How will this help the economy?

Ground broken Tapi project no more in pipeline

The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India pipelines also know known as TransAfghanistan pipeline is a natural gas pipeline, developed by Asian Development Bank.
The Pipeline will transport Caspian Sea natural gas.
TAPI project is intended to deliver Caspian Sea natural resources from Turkmenistan to three
South Asian countries.
The pipeline will carry the gas from the Dauletabad gas field in Turkmenistan to the Indian
town of Fazilka, in the Punjab near the Pakistan-India border.
The pipeline will cross the Afghan cities of Herat and Kandahar as well as Pakistan cities of
Quetta and Multan.
It is a natural gas pipeline developed by Asian Development Bank at the cost of 10 billion US
The final destination of the pipeline is town of Fazilka on Indo-Pak border.

Importance of TAPI: Crucial for Indias energy security.
Passes through the risk zones of Afghanistan & Pakistan >> Protection from terrorism.
Map the locations covering TAPI project

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NDRF teams arrive in Puducherry

The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) teams were actively involved in tackling the
situation arising out of incessant rains in Puducherry and Tamil Nadu.
The DM Act has made the statutory provisions for constitution of National Disaster Response
Force (NDRF) for the purpose of specialized response to natural and man-made disasters.
As on date NDRF is having strength of 10 Bns. Each NDRF Bn consists of 1149 personnel.

Role & Mandate

Specialized response during disasters
Proactive deployment during impending disaster situations
Acquire and continually upgrade its own training and skills
Liaison, Reconnaissance, Rehearsals and Mock Drills
Impart basic and operational level training to State Response Forces (Police, Civil Defence
and Home Guards)
Public awareness campaign

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The only dedicated disaster response force of the world.
The only agency with comprehensive response capabilities having multi-disciplinary and
multi-skilled, high-tech, stand alone nature.

Experienced paramilitary personnel specially trained and equipped for disaster

Capabilities for undertaking disaster response, prevention, mitigation and capacity

TN floods: Modi announces Rs. 2 lakh ex-gratia

PM announced an ex-gratia relief of Rs. 50,000 for those who were seriously injured in the
recent Tamil Nadu floods.
Prime Minister's National Relief Fund (PMNRF) was established with public contributions to
assist displaced persons from Pakistan by then PM Nehru in 1948.
The resources of the PMNRF are now utilized primarily to render immediate relief to families
of those killed in natural calamities like floods, cyclones and earthquakes, etc. and to the
victims of the major accidents and riots.
The fund consists entirely of public contributions and does not get any budgetary support.
The fund is recognized as a Trust under the Income Tax Act and the same is managed by
Prime Minister or multiple delegates for national causes.

Causes of Flood
Relate with Monsoon and other factors

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Indo Russia Bilateral Naval Exercise INDRA NAVY-15
Indo-Russia bilateral maritime exercise Indra Navy 2015 commenced on 7 December 2015 in
The exercise epitomises the strategic relationship between the two nations.
The 8th edition of Indra Navy will be conducted in the Bay of
Bengal till 12 December 2015.
Indra Navy
The primary aim of Indra Navy 2015 is to increase interoperability between the two navies
and develop common understanding of procedures for maritime security operations.
The scope of the exercise includes wide-ranging professional interactions during the Harbour
phase and a diverse canvas of operational activities at sea across a spectrum of maritime
The Indian Navy will be represented by INS Sahyadri anindigenous frigate, INS Ranvijay, a
guided missile destroyerand INS Shakti a Fleet Support Ship.
The exercise will be progressed in two phases : the Harbour Phase & the Sea Phase.
Agra to host first ever international bird fete

To promote Uttar Pradesh as an international bird-watching destination, the State Forest

department, in collaboration with FICCI, will hold a three-day international festival on birds
at the National Chambal Sanctuary (NCS) in Agra.
First of its kind fetival.

Bird Sanctuaries in India.
Further Reading 1&2

A third of Indias soil degraded

A team of agriculture and soil experts have revealed that a third of Indias soil is degraded,
and this could cast a shadow on the sustainability of agriculture in near future.
According to estimates of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (2010), of the total
geographical area of 328.73 mha in the country, about 120.40 mha is affected by various
levels of land degradation.
As water and wind erosions are widespread across India, some 5.3 billion tonnes of soil got
eroded every year.
Causes & Impacts of Soil degradation.
Physical, Biological & Chemical factors.

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An odd formula
To tackle an alarmingly high pollution level in the capital, Delhi government announced
private cars with odd and even registration plates will be allowed to ply on roads on
alternate days from January 1.
CNG-driven buses, taxis and autorickshaws will be exempt from the decision.
To what extent will it help tackle pollution?
Pros & Cons
Unregulated and cheap parking incentivises the use of cars. Increasing parking rates might

Paris Pact on Water and Climate Change Adaptation announced with India on board
Paris Pact on Water and Climate Change Adaptation has been announced by a broad
coalition of nations, river basin organizations, business and civil societies from across the
The announcement was made as part of the Water Resilience Focus event under the Lima to
Paris Action Agenda (LPAA).
The Pact
Aims to make water systems which are very foundation of sustainable human development
more resilient to climate change impacts.
It involves a wide geographic coalition of national and cross-border river basin organisations
along with governments, local governments, funding agencies, companies and civil society.
Highlights other key partnerships and coalitions to make river basins, aquifers, lakes and
deltas more resilient to climate change and reduce human interference with oceans.
It encompasses individual commitments to implement adaptation plans, strengthening
water monitoring and measurement systems in river basins.
It also seeks at promoting financial sustainability and new investment in water systems
Lima to Paris Action Agenda (LPAA)
The LPAA on climate change is a joint undertaking of the Peruvian and French COP
(conference of parties) presidencies, UNFCCC Secretariat and the Office of the SecretaryGeneral of UN.
Aims to strengthen climate action through 2015 and beyond by mobilizing robust global
action towards low carbon and more climate resilient societies.
It seeks to provide enhanced support to the existing initiatives and help to mobilize new
partners by providing them a common platform for the visibility of their commitments,
actions and results in the run up to COP21.

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Indian Postal Service launches stamp to celebrate 100 years of Zoological Survey of India

The India Posts would soon launch a series of postal stamps to celebrate the rich biodiversity
of India's flora and fauna.
The stamp will also celebrate the centenary anniversary of the Zoological Survey of India

Some facts about the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI):

The Zoological Survey of India is the highest organisation in order of animal research and
taxonomy in India
The organisation is operated by the guidelines of the Ministry of Environment and Forest
The Zoological Survey of India is a derivative of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, established in
1784 by Sir William Jones. In fact, most of India's survey institutes owe their origins to the
Asiatic Society
The Zoological Gallery at the Indian Museum, Kolkata, served as the foundation of the ZSI
Thomas Nelson Annadale, who joined the Indian Museum as a deputy superintendent and
was later promoted to the position of the superintendent, was the founder-director of the
Zoological Survey of India
Initially, the ZSI had eight regional centres across India. These include the North Eastern
Regional Centre in Shillong, the Western Regional Centre in Pune, the Central Zone Regional
Centre in Jabalpur, the Desert Regional Centre in Jodhpur, the Northern Regional Centre in
Dehradun, the Southern Regional Centre in Chennai, the Gangetic Plains Regional Centre in
Patna, the High Altitude Regional Centre at Solan in Himachal Pradesh
After 1970, eight more centres were added to the existing list. These include the Marine
Biology Regional Centre in Chennai, the Andaman and Nicobar Regional Centre in Port Blair,
the Freshwater Biology Regional Centre in Hyderabad, the Sunderbans Regional Centre at
Canning in West Bengal, the Estuarine Biology Regional Centre at Ganjam in Odisha, the
Western Ghats Regional Centre at Kozhikode in Kerala, the Arunachal Pradesh Regional
Centre in Itanagar and the Marine Aquarium Cum Regional Centre at Digha in West Bengal
Due to its contribution in promoting biodiversity in India, one member of the Zoological
Survey of India is included in the teams that go for expeditions in Antartica, 1987 onward.

Indias forest cover goes up

Biennial report of Forest Survey of India showcases how India has added 3,775 sq km to its
green cover since 2013.
The 2015 report shows that while 2,511 sq km of prime forests have disappeared altogether,
1,135 sq km of non-forest areas have become either very dense or mid-dense forests during
that time.

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The states of J&K, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya, Kerala, Arunachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Uttar
Pradesh, Telangana and Manipur, and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands took major hits in the
The overall gain of 2,402 sq km of very dense forests since 2013 is largely due to positive
results from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
Mizoram has the highest forest cover (88.9%), followed by Lakshadweep with 84.6%.
Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Manipur have
more than 75% of area under forest.
Madhya Pradesh remains the state with largest forest cover, 77,462 sq km. Followed by
Arunachal Pradesh with 67,248 sq km and Chhattisgarh having 55,586 sq km.

Highest and lowest Forest Cover

What is Agro forestry?
Biodiversity of Indian Forests

World's 1st anti-dengue vaccine 'Dengvaxia' brings hope for India

The Mexican government has approved the worlds first anti-dengue vaccine which is
designed to protect people in the age group 9-45 from all four subtypes of the virus.
Called Dengvaxia, the vaccine has been developed by France-based Sanofi Pasteur.

Symptoms, Causes, Prevention & Mechanism of Dengue Virus.
Dams may cause huge losses of freshwater

Dams and irrigation significantly increase evapotranspiration, an effect that increases the
loss of freshwater to the atmosphere, thereby reducing the water available for humans,
societies and ecosystems on land.

What is evapotranspiration?
Implications of other anthropogenic activities on ecosystem
Scientists to track mercury in Sarus feathers

The International Crane Foundation, in collaboration with IIT-Hyderabad is going to conduct

a research study to assess the effect of mercury discharged by industries on the sarus crane.
Sarus crane is UPs state bird.
Mercury, produced by coal-fire burning and effluents, has a lethal effect.
It acts as a neurotoxin and affects the brain and nervous system.
Mercury does not get washed down with monsoon showers. It just accumulates. Traces of it
can be found even in the feathers of sarus cranes.


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Minamata Disease
Usages of mercury

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IASbaba Prelims Current Affairs

19th December to 5th Janaury 2016
Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us to
strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the right
time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a Civil
Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he belongs
to- very well.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects like
Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science and
Technology- making the section of Current Affairsindispensible for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules of
Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.

Best wishes
IAS Baba

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RajyaSabha passed SC & ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Bill, 2015

The bill amends certain existing categories and adds certain categories of actions by non
SCs and STs against SCs or STs to be treated as offences


Refer the link to know extensively about the act from mains perspective
For prelims perspective Revise polity articles on Right to equality and right of SC and ST

Tenth WTO ministerial conference adopted Nairobi package

Nairobi Package is aimed at benefitting organizations poorest members

The Nairobi Package contains a series of six Ministerial Decisions on agriculture, cotton,
issues related to least-developed countries, Market access, domestic support , and
Expanded Information Technology Agreement (ITA)


Know what is Red ,Green ,Amber boxes related to subsidies

WTO is headquartered at Geneva

Cochin Shipyard Limited now is the first licensed Indian shipyard to make LNG Ships

The shipyard successfully completed a Mark-III Flex Mock-Up, which has been certified
by GaztransportetTechnigaz (GTT), France, thereby completing all requirements to be
licensed by GTT.
After the certification, CSL can build LNG ships for any client world-wide using their
patented membrane containment system known as the Mark-III Technology.
LNG Vessels are very complex ships and only a few yards in the world have the capability
to build these ships.

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The most critical aspect of an LNG ship is its cryogenic containment and handling system
as the LNG is carried at a temperature of -163 degrees. This requires fool- proof
cryogenic containment and safe handling and transfer system.
At present, CSL is building the first indigenous aircraft carrier for the Indian Navy.


Vishakhapatnam, Kolkata, Kochi and Mumbai, are some of the major ship building
centers in India
Difference between Major and Minor Ports

Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Bill, 2015 passed by LokSabha

The Bill aims to make the arbitration process friendlier and cost effective for investors,
ensuring speedy disposal of cases.
To read more from mains perspective follow the link

New Species of Eel, Gymnothoraxmishrai discovered along West Bengal coast

Eels are elongated fish or snake-like fishes with fins and gills, found mostly in the
shallow waters of the ocean and burrow into sand, mud, or amongst rocks. Eels swim by
generating body waves which travel the length of their bodies. They can swim
backwards by reversing the direction of the wave.
The new species will be called Bengal moray eel
It is distinct from other species described in the group Gymnothorax, this species of
moray eel has 134 vertebral bones.
Due to presence of less than 150 vertebral bones makes it categorized among short,
brown, patterned moray eels.


The Sundarbans are noted for a reserve project conserving the endangered Bengal tiger,
although the forest hosts many other endangered species, such as the Gangetic dolphin,
river terrapin and estuarine crocodile.

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Sundarbans is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world

Philippines-The first Asian country to approve world's first-ever dengue vaccine

Name of the vaccine- Dengvaxia,

Manufactured by French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi,
This drug secured its first regulatory approval in Mexico.


Dengue, Chicken Gunea, Malaria are some of the major mosquito borne diseases

RajyaSabha passed Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Bill, 2015
Important highlights

Juveniles between the ages of 16-18 years to be tried as adults for heinous offences.
Also, any 16-18 year old, who commits a lesser, i.e., serious offence, may be tried as an
adult only if he is apprehended after the age of 21 years.
Juvenile Justice Boards (JJB) and Child Welfare Committees (CWC) will be constituted in
each district. .
Penalties for cruelty against a child, offering a narcotic substance to a child, and
abduction or selling a child have been prescribed.

Union Government announced 4 new IT-based initiatives for citizen-centric health services
It is an audio-based mobile service that delivers weekly audio messages to
families about pregnancy, child birth and child care.
Each pregnant woman and infants mother would receive weekly voice messages
relevant to the stage of pregnancy or age of the infant.

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Mobile Academy

Its a mobile-based application aimed at providing training services to 9 million ASHAs.

This will aid in enhancing their inter-personal skills. Once registered, ASHAs can access
the 240-minute course via their mobile phones.


It will be an IT-enabled tool to help tobacco users to quit tobacco.

Built on a helpline concept, it will register beneficiaries on the basis of a missed call.
The counselling would be done through a two-way SMS process, the Minister informed.

A dedicated toll free number 1800-116666 which will provide round the clock
counselling and treatment support services for TB patients.

Indigenously developed Air-to-Air missile Astra successfully test fired

Astra is an indigenously developed Beyond Visual Range (BVR) air-to-air missile.

Astra is Indias first beyond visual range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) that is capable of
engaging its target at ranges of 37 km or beyond. It has operational range of 60km.
The all-weather missile has been indigenously designed and developed by the Defence
Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
It is a state-of-the-art missile in the sense that it travels at supersonic speed (4780
km/h), possesses.
The 3.8 metre long missile is the smallest of the DRDO-developed missiles and can be
launched from different altitudes.
Apart from integrating the missile with Su-30, the missile will be mounted on other
fighter aircrafts including Tejas (Light Combat Aircraft), Mirage-2000 and MIG-29.


Difference between Air to Air, Surface to Surface and Surface to Air Missiles and their

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Giorgi Kvirikashvili elected as Prime Minister of Georgia


Locate Georgia in Map and know the surrounding countries

Georgia is located on the shores of black sea
Mount Elbrus the highest mountain in Europe is located in Russia bordering Georgia.
Also Georgia has most highest number of peaks in Europe

WHO officially declared Guinea Ebola-free

Liberia is the only west African country to be still affected by Ebola virus
Other nations like sierra Leone, Guinea were worst affected by the virus but currently
declared ebola free


Ebola is a viral hemorrhagic fever of humans and other primates caused by ebola
Fruit bats are believed to be the normal carrier in nature, able to spread the virus
without being affected by it.

Snowflake Corals growth off Thiruvananthapuram poses threat to Marine Ecology

The snowflake coral (branched pipe coral), is a species of soft coral in the family
It is native to the tropical western Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of
Mexico. Its range extends from South Carolina to Brazil.
It is an invasive species
Its expansion is a threat because it may crowd out other species like corals, sponges,
algae, ascidians that contribute to the rich marine biodiversity of the region.
Also they can monopolise the food and space resources of the coral reef ecosystem

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India successfully test-fires indigenously developed MBRL Pinaka II

Pinaka II multi barrel rocket launcher (MBRL) System.

Pinaka is an unguided rocket system
Range of Pinaka II is 60 km where as Pinaka version 1 has a range of 40km
It is capable to incorporate several types of warheads, which make the weapon deadly
for the enemy as it can even destroy solid structures and bunkers.
The Pinaka MBRL System has been indigenously developed by the ARDE, Pune based
DRDO laboratory.

LRSAM successfully test-fired from INS Kolkata

Long Range Surface-to-Air Missile (LRSAM), the missile co-developed by India and Israel
It is the first test for LRSAM or BARAK 8 missile, as it is called in Israel, in India It was
successfully test-fired from a range in Nov
The missile was developed by the DRDL,Hyderabad
It has a maximum speed of 2 Mach and an operarational range of 75 to 100 km

IUPAC announced addition of Four Elements to complete Seventh row of Periodic Table

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) announced discovery
and assignment of elements with atomic numbers 113, 115, 117 and 118.
The discovered of four elements are synthetic in nature
So far they have not yet named the elements but IUPAC has invited suggestions related
to permanent names and symbols from the scientists who discovered them.
These four elements are the first to be added to the table since2011, when
elements 114 (Flerovium, FI) and 116 (Livermorium, LV)were added.


What are S,P,D,F elements and electronic configuration

What makes an element radioactive and what is half life period of an radioactive

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Union Cabinet approved Raptor MoU for conservation of migratory birds of prey

The MOU is in conformity with wild life protection act 1972.The Raptor MOU, will help
India gain knowledge in effectively managing the habitats of the raptors.
The Memorandum of Understanding on the Conservation of Migratory Birds of Prey in
Africa and Eurasia is an international, legally non-binding, agreement to protect
migratory birds of prey.
The MoU extends its coverage to 76 species of birds of prey out of which 46 species
including vultures, falcons, eagles, owls, hawks, kites, harriers, and more which are also
found in India.


What is CMS: The Conservation of Migratory Species or Bonn Convention, comes under
the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which aims to conserve migratory
species throughout their range.
What is Conservation of Migratory Birds (CMB)?

No Encroachment of Indus Valley Sites at Alamgirpur in Baghpat

Alamgirpur in district Baghpat (Uttar Pradesh) has been declared as centrally protected
under Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).
The site belongs to late Harrapan phase, it is not 5000 year old. The Site is free from any

List the Sites of Later Harappan period
Alamgirpur is an archaeological site of the Indus Valley Civilization that thrived
along Yamuna River (c. 33001300 BC) from the Harappan-Bara period, located
in Meerut district, Uttar Pradesh, India It is the eastern most site of the civilization.

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Full Immunization Rate in the Country

The full immunization rate in India is 58.5% for rural and 67.4% for urban
The immunization rate for children in India is 58.9% for SC category and 49.8% for ST
category (as per CES, 2009 data).
The lack of full immunization is not a reason for the high number of cases of


What is Universal Immunization Programme (UIP)?

Name the disease covered under UIP
Name Vaccine Preventable Diseases
When is World Immunization Week?
Read this

Bezbaruah Committee

The committee will look into concerns of the persons hailing from the North-Eastern
states who are living in different parts of the country, especially the Metropolitan areas,
and to suggest suitable remedial measures which could be taken by the Government.


XAXA committee is on Tribal alienation

Tendulkar, Lakdawala, Rangarajan are some of the committee related to poverty
estimates calculation

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Two Mobile Apps Launched for Farmers
Crop Insurance Mobile App

This app would help the farmers to find out complete details about insurance cover
available in their area.
It will help to calculate the insurance premium for notified crops, coverage amount and
loan amount in case of a loaned farmer.
It can also be used to get details of normal sum insured, extended sum insured,
premium details and subsidy information of any notified crop in any notified area.

Agri Market Mobile App

The farmers can get to know the prices of crops in the mandi within 50 km radius of the
device and other mandis in the country.
It captures the location of the farmers using mobile GPS and fetches the market prices
of crops in markets which fall within the range of 50 km.

Developed by

IT Division of the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare.

Nagi Day Celebrated by the Army

The Battle was fought ten days after announcement of the ceasefire of Indo-Pak war
wherein brave action by Indian soldiers at Nagi thwarted the nefarious designs of
Pakistan Army to capture Indian territory in Village Nagi of Karanpur Tehsil.
In the ensuring battle, a total of 21 Indian Soldiers including three officers made the
supreme sacrifice in the line of duty.


kargil Vijay Diwas was named after the success of Operation Vijay.

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Olive Ridleys find new haven in East Godavari

Olive Ridley Turtles are finding the islands in East Godavari district safe abodes for
There has been a steady increase in the number of these seasonable visitorsarriving at
the Hope Island, Sacemento Island, Yellaiahpeta and Surasani Yanam.
Every December, thousands of Olive Ridley turtles come all the way from the Indian
Ocean to the shores of Bay of Bengal in search of suitable places for nesting.
The seashores in Odisha are the most sought after sites for these turtle varieties to lay
eggs before swimming back to the Indian Ocean.

Olive Ridley Turtles

Also known as Pacific ridley sea turtle, is a medium-sized species of sea turtle.
Found in warm and tropical waters, primarily in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
Best known for their behavior of synchronized nesting in mass numbers.
Classified as Vulnerable according to the IUCN, and is listed in Appendix I of CITES.
The Convention on Migratory Species and Inter-American Convention for the Protection
and Conservation of Sea Turtles have also provided olive ridleys with protection.

Tech Mahindra Launches NFC-Based Digital Wallet MoboMoney

Indias first NFC-based digital payment ecosystem, MoboMoney.

It is a prepaid wallet issued in the form of an NFC (Near-Field Communication).


What is Near Field Communication & how it works?

How is NFC different from RFID, Bluetooth?

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Centre counts on Big Data to grow biotechnology

The National Biotechnology Development Strategy, by 2020, expects to launch 4

missions in healthcare, food and nutrition, clean energy and education; create a
technology development and translation network.
By harnessing the power of Big Data and promoting the manufacturing of laboratory
Department of Biotechnology (DBT) expects biotechnology to be at the foundation of a
$100-billion industry by 2025.
Two critical pieces of legislation championed by the DBT the Biotechnology
Regulatory Authority of India Bill and the Human DNA Forensic Bill are yet to make it
to Parliament.
The BRAI Bill is hanging fire over doubts whether the body would be a disinterested
arbitrator of genetically modified products.
The DNA Bill over controversies it has caused about violating individual privacy.


What is Big data & why it matters?

How big data affects you?
canSAR database

Soil health card scheme: Centre pulls up U.P.

The Centre has asked the Uttar Pradesh government to speed up efforts to ensure
that the benefits of the Soil Health Card scheme reach the farmers in all districts.
The soil health card studies and reviews the health of soil or rather we can say a
complete evaluation of the quality of soil right from its functional characteristics, to
water and nutrients content and other biological properties.
It will also contain corrective measures that a farmer should adopt to obtain a better

How does it help the farmers?

With the issue of the card, the farmers will get a well-monitored report of the soil
which is chosen for cultivation of crops.

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The monitoring will be done on a regular basis.

The farmers will be guided by experts to come up with solutions to improve the
quality of the soil.
Regular monitoring will help the farmers to get a long-term soil health record and
accordingly can study and evaluate the results of different soil management
This card can become most helpful and effective when filled out regularly by the
same person over a period of time.
The idea is not to compare the varied soil types but to find out methods to improve
soil fertility, to access the different types of soil and their ability to support crop
production in spite of their limitations and as per their abilities.
The soil card will help the farmers to get an idea on the crop-wise recommendations
of nutrients and fertilizers required in each type of soil. This can help in increasing
the crop yield.

DAVA project wins 2015 eASIA Award

The Department of Commerces DAVA (Drug Authentication and Verification

Application) project has won the 2015 eASIA Award under Trade Facilitation category as
announced by Asia Pacific Council for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (AFACT)
in Tehran, Iran.
The award administered by AFACT aims to promote trade facilitation and electronic
business activities in the Asia-Pacific region.
The DAVA project is an initiative of Government of India which aims to cover all the
drugs manufactured in India. The project has created an integrated platform for
implementation of the Track and Trace system both for exports and domestic markets
of Drugs and Pharmaceuticals.

Panel warns against Swiss Challenge route

A report Revisiting and Revitalizing the PPP model of infrastructure development by a

panel headed by Vijay Kelkar has discouraged government to adopt Swiss challenge
route for auctioning infrastructure projects.

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They bring information asymmetries in the procurement process and result in lack of
transparency and in the fair and equal treatment of potential bidders in the
procurement process.
India plans to build 18,637 km expressways in a phased manner by 2022 under an
official Master Plan for the National Expressway Network.

Swiss Challenge

Swiss challenge method is a new process of giving contracts.

Any person with credentials can submit a development proposal to the government.
That proposal will be made online and a second person can give suggestions to improve
and beat that proposal.
An expert committee will accept the best proposal and the original proposer will get a
chance to accept it if it is an improvement on his proposal.
In case the original proposer is not able to match the more attractive and competing
counter proposal, the project will be awarded to the counter-proposal.

Adoption of the New Delhi Declaration 2015

A regional conference on The Use of Money in Politics and Its Effects on Peoples
Representation culminated in the New Delhi Declaration 2015.
The Conference was jointly organized by the Election Commission of India, International
IDEA and India International Institute of Democracy and Election Management.
IDEA is an intergovernmental body wherein India is one of the founding members.
This was first time stakeholders discussed issues and solutions on political finance
regulation at a regional level.

New Delhi Declaration on Political Finance

The New Delhi Declaration on Political Finance Regulation in South Asia 2015 is for
strengthening the regulation of political finance.
It will ensure level playing among all political parties and ultimately serve the welfare of
public rather than special interests.
It has 9 regulations and implementing guidelines on maintaining reasonable levels of
The provisions include regulation of private contributions, public funding for political
parties, prevention of abuse of state resources, etc.

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Electoral Reforms

Centre tables bankruptcy Bill in Lok Sabha

The Centre tabled the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Bill, 2015 in the Lok Sabha, which
enhance the ease of doing business in the country.
The proposed Bill aims for a complete renovation of the current insolvency and
bankruptcy system in India.
It will help streamline the procedure of revival of companies facing financial distress.
The Bill proposes adherence to strict deadlines to decide whether to liquidate a sick firm
or not.
The Bill proposes the setting up of an Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India to
regulate insolvency professionals and agencies.
It also proposes the setting up of a fund dubbed the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Fund of
A recent survey found that the average duration for insolvency resolution in India is 4.3


Tax reforms ease of doing business

Revised cost estimates of Salma Dam Project in Afghanistan

The Union Cabinet has approved the reconstruction and completion of Salma Dam
Project in Afghanistan at the Revised Cost Estimates (RCE) of 1775.69 crore rupees.
Salma Dam project is situated on the upper reaches of Hari Rud River in Herat province
of western Afghanistan.
The project involves construction of a 107.5 meter high earth and rock fill dam and a 42
MW power House with three units with each having capacity of 14 MW.
It also has a provision for irrigation of 75,000 hectares of land by releasing water from

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Seychelles committed to Indian naval base

The base will be one of the major staging posts for a large maritime security network
that India is setting up with the help of the various Indian Ocean region partner
The project has acquired significance following China acquiring its first African naval
base in Djibouti in November.
Naval base to be built by defence forces of India, and Seychelles will help India exercise
greater control over the Indian Oceans western region all way to piracy-prone eastern
African coastline.
India is set to acquire a fully operational coastal radar system (CRS) based in Seychelles
from March 2016.
The CRS will provide India with the ability to gather intelligence and assist insurveillance
operations of the vital energy lanes near Seychelles.
Security operation in the Indian Ocean region will also be helped by leadership role that
Seychelles has secured for itself in Contact Group for Piracy off the Coast of Somalia.

CBDT tells field officers to finish MAT assessments for FIIs

To end uncertainty over applicability of Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) on foreign

institutional investors (FIIs) and foreign companies, the Central Board of Direct Taxes
(CBDT) has asked its field officers to complete the pending assessments in light of the
directions issued regarding inapplicability of the tax liability on such entities.
What is MAT?

Devadasi system: Home Ministry asks States to take strong action

MHA was surprised by findings that the ancient Devadasi system continues to exist in
some parts of the country.
Home Ministry has asked all States to take strong action against those involved in the
heinous practice which is against dignity of women.
It directed that the laws against it be implemented in letter and spirit and steps taken
to ensure that the victims are rehabilitated.

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It still exists in certain parts of the country, especially in Beriya and Natcommunities in
the name of religious practices.

Devadasi System

Devadasi system is a religious practice in parts of southern India, whereby parents marry
a daughter to a deity or a temple.
The marriage usually occurs before the girl reaches puberty and requires the girl to
become a prostitute for upper-caste community members.
A National Commission for Women (NCW) report says that the practice still continued at
several places and at least 2.5 lakh Dalit girls were dedicated to temples on the
Karnataka-Maharashtra border.

Gadget buffs may have to forego their fix

The Private Members Bill has proposed a law to prevent children and teenagers from
being addicted to technological gadgets arguing they are isolating themselves socially
and that the rising addiction is destroying the countrys cultural ethos.
It comes amidst a global debate on the subject with a growing number of experts
expressing concern over the addictive properties of these devices.
Countries such as China, South Korea and Japan have identified the addiction to
technological gadgets as a serious problem.
The Government of South Korea has passed a Shutdown Law also known as Cinderella
Law whereby children under the age of 16 are not allowed to access gaming websites
from midnight till 6 a.m.

The Bill

The problem of gadget addiction in the country is getting serious by the dayThe
excessive use of technological gadgets is extremely detrimental to the health of
population especially young and growing children.
Due to this disorder, people stay glued into their technological gadgets at all times of
the day.
This problem is slowly but steadily penetrating into Indian households and has the
capability of destroying the ethos of cultural traditions of the country.

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The Bill calls for setting up of digital detoxification centres to ensure that the patients
suffering from gadgets or Internet overdose are treated in an effective manner so that
they can live a more peaceful and happy life.
The Bill also mandates the creation of National Research Centre for Prevention of
Technological Gadget Addiction in the country.
The Bill is made an instrument to recognize addiction to gadgets as a mental illness and
a form of substance abuse, while insisting that the government take steps to create
appropriate awareness about the addiction through television, radio and print.

Goa lifeguards begin indefinite strike, govt slaps ESMA

The Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA) is an act of Parliament of India. It is a central

It was established to ensure the delivery of certain services, which if obstructed would
affect the normal life of the people. These include services like public transport (bus
services), health services (doctors and hospitals).
Although it is a very powerful law, its execution rests entirely on the discretion of the
State government. Each state in the union of India, hence has a separate state Essential
Services Maintenance Act with slight variations from the central law in its provisions.
This freedom is accorded by the central law itself.

Government pitches for global north-south corridor

The commerce ministry has pitched for popularization of International North-South

Transport Corridor (INSTC) in a bid to boost trade with former Soviet Union countries,
Iran and Russia.
The corridor is an alternative route through Tehran that significantly reduces costs and
travel time.
This move is significant as govt. has adopted a market diversification strategy.
This will help Indian exporters to reduce their dependence on traditional markets in the
The ministry also wanted banks and insurance companies to play an active role in
boosting traffic through INSTC.

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International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) is a multi-modal (ship, road and

rail) transportation established in 2000.
It was established by Iran, Russia and India for the purpose of promoting transportation
cooperation among the member states.
Members: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Turkey,
Tajikistan, Oman, Syria and Bulgaria (observer status).

Cabinet approves Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme for textiles industry

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) cleared the Amended Technology
Upgradation Fund Scheme.
Under the new scheme, apparel, garment and technical textiles will get 15% subsidy on
capital investment.
The remaining sub-sectors will be eligible for 10% subsidy, subject to a ceiling of Rs.20
The amended scheme would give a boost to Make in India in the textiles sector.
The amended scheme will replace the existing Revised Restructured Technology
Upgradation Fund Scheme.


Textile Industry Make In India & Skill India.

Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme.
Zero Liquid Discharge in textile units.

NDC to be scrapped, NITI Aayog council likely to get its powers

The Cabinet will take up NDCs closure and pass a resolution for transferring its powers
to the Governing Council of the NITI Aayog.
PM will take up the resolution with the CMs at a meeting of the Governing Council of
the NITI Aayog.
National Development Council (NDC) was setup in 1952 by an executive order.
It served as the highest decision making authority in the country on development

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Union Government had replaced Planning Commission with a new institution named
National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog) on 1 January 2015.
The aim is to foster involvement and participation in economic policy-making process
by the State Governments, a bottom-up approach to planning.

Objectives of National Development Council

To strengthen and mobilize the effort and resources of the nation in support of the Plan.
To promote common economic policies in all vital spheres.
To ensure the balanced and rapid development of all parts of the country.

Functions of National Development Council

To prescribe guidelines for the formulation of the National Plan, including the
assessment of resources for the Plan.
To consider the National Plan as formulated by the Planning Commission.
To make an assessment of the resources that are required for implementing the Plan
and to suggest measures for augmenting them.
To consider important questions of social and economic policy affecting national
To review the working of the Plan from time to time and to recommend such measures
as are necessary for achieving the aims and targets set out in the National Plan.
To make an assessment of the resources that are required for implementing the Plan
and to suggest measures for augmenting them.

18 States agree to revoke no detention policy in RTE

The consent of 18 States is required for amendments in the no detention policy under
the RTE Act.
Under the no detention policy, no student can be failed or expelled till Class VIII.
However, few states including Rajasthan, have already done away with the policy.

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World Bank gives $50 mn loan for training minority youth

The Government of India and the World Bank have signed a US $50 million credit for the
Nai Manzil scheme.
Credit will be facilitated by the World Banks concessionary lending arm, International
Development Association (IDA).
Interventions under this project will support the Nai Manzil Scheme in improving the
employability and performance of minority youth in the labour market.
Nai Manzil

State Plan execution system in new mode

The Kerala State Government is all set to experiment a new Plan Execution system to
plug the loopholes, avoid lapses and ensure optimum utilization of Plan funds.
Plan Preparation Group PPG: Representatives of the Finance Department, Planning and
Economic Affairs Department, Division Chief of State Planning Board, and the head of
the department, agency or public sector undertaking whose proposal will be placed for
Special Plan Preparation Group SPPG: Almost all members of the PPG are members of
the SPPG too, but the only difference is that the Additional Secretary of the Finance
Department will officiate as the convener of the group.
Schemes under the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)assisted Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF), National Cooperative
Development Corporation (NCDC) schemes, and externally assisted schemes will not be
included in the Green Book.

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IASbaba Prelims Current Affairs

6thth January to 19th Janaury 2016
Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us
to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the
right time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a
Civil Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he
belongs to- very well.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects
like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science
and Technology- making the section of Current Affairsindispensible for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules
of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.

Best wishes
IAS Baba

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Earthquake at manipur

Magnitude of the earthquake 6.7

It shows that seismic activities along the fault lines is hyper active


Tectonic earthquakes are the most common form of earth quake that occur due to
sliding of the rocks along a fault line
P waves move faster than S waves and the waves are measured using an instrument
called seismograph
P waves can travel in all states of matter where as S waves can travel only through
solid. This characteristic feature of S waves has helped in understanding the interior
of the earth
Magnitude of an earthquake is the amount of energy released, measured in Richter
scale (1-10)) where as intensity is the visible damage that has occurred due to
earthquake. Intensity is measured in Mercalli scale (1-12)

The line in the above figure indicates the boundary of Eurasian plate in Indian

It is observed that Indian sub continent is moving north wards every year leading to
subduction of Indian plate in to northern plate boundary of Eurasian plate

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Governments Perspective on Science & Technology Discussed at the 103rd Indian Science
Congress Being held from 3rd to 7th of January 2016

103rd edition was held at Mysuru

Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) is a premier scientific organisation of
India with headquarters at Kolkata
Started in the year 1914
102nd edition of Indian science congress was held in Mumbai

First Company of Ganga Task Force deployed Ganga Gram Yojana launched

Jawans of the Ganga Task force will be deployed on the banks of the river Ganga to
ensure that industry and civilians do not pollute the river.

For Namami gange project Several ministries are working in tandem with nodal
Water Resources Ministry for this project these includes Environment, Urban
Development, Shipping, and Tourism & Rural Development Ministries.
Pollution of the river will be checked through various methods like Bio remediation,
In-situ treatment, PPP model, through municipal sewage & effluent treatment
plants. and setting up of 4-battalion of Territorial Army Ganga Eco-Task Force etc
Some of the major Organic water pollutants:

Insecticides and herbicides, a range of organic halides

Bacteria from livestock operations
Food processing waste incl. pathogens
Tree debris from logging operations
VOCs including solvents and hydrocarbons
Dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) such as chlorinated solvents
Detergents and chemical compounds found in cosmetics products

Some of the major Inorganic water pollutants:

Heavy metals
Acidity caused by industrial discharges such as sulphur dioxide by power plants
Chemical waste
Fertilizers from agricultural use

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Silt from construction sites, logging, slash and burn operation

Bio remediation is a method of removing pollutants with the help of living organisms
like Bacteria, Fungi, Archea etc

Cabinet approves Stand Up India Scheme-A boost to promote entrepreneurship among

SC/ST and Women

The Stand up India component is anchored by Department of Financial Services (DFS)

to encourage Greenfield enterprises by SC/ST and Women entrepreneurs.
The scheme provides Refinance window through Small Industries Development Bank
of India (SIDBI) with an initial amount of Rs. 10,000 crore.
Creation of a credit guarantees mechanism through the National Credit Guarantee
Trustee Company (NCGTC).
The "Start up India Stand up India" initiative was announced by the Prime Minister in
his address to the nation on 15th August, 2015

Cabinet approves creation of a Credit Guarantee Fund for MUDRA loans A boost to
refinance operations

The Fund is expected to guarantee more than Rs 1,00,000 crore worth of loans to
micro and small units in the first instance
Also the cabinet approved the conversion of MUDRA Ltd. into MUDRA Small
Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) Bank as a wholly owned subsidiary of
Why create a credit guarantee fund-The objective to reduce the credit risk to Banks /
NBFCs / MFIs / other financial intermediaries, who are Member Lending Institutions
The MUDRA (SIDBI) Bank will undertake refinance operations and provide support
services with focus on portal management; data analysis etc. apart from any other
activity entrusted/ advised by Government of India.


MUDRA Bank and a Credit Guarantee Fund was proposed to be set up with a
refinance corpus of Rs. 20,000 crore and a corpus of Rs.3,000 crore respectively as
per the Budget Speech for 2015-16.

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As a precursor to the launch of the Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana (PMMY) in April,
2015, MUDRA Ltd. was set up as a corporate subsidiary of SIDBI in March, 2015. The
RBI has allocated Rs 20,000 crore and the first tranche of Rs 5000 crore has been
received by MUDRA as refinance.

Government brings paradigm shift in the approach for faster implementation under
'Namami Gange' programme

The cabinet has approved the proposal for taking up Hybrid Annuity based Public
Private Partnership (PPP) model under Namami Gange Programme which aims to
reform the wastewater sector in India.

How the hybrid annuity Based PPP model will work- In this model, a part of the
capital investment (upto 40%) will be paid by government through construction
linked milestones and the balance through an annuity over the contract duration up
to 20 years.

Why this model

It had been observed that benefits accrued from substantial investments made
under various past programmes (Ganga Action Plan I & II, NGRBA, Yamuna Action
Plan) were less than optimal
Almost 30% of the Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) monitored in the 4 states of UP,
Uttarakhand, Bihar & West Bengal was not operational and 94% were non-compliant
with the prescribed effluent standards.

Union Minister of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways inaugurates River Information
System (RIS)

From Sagar island - Farakka stretch of NW-1

The new system will facilitate safe and accurate navigation on National Waterway
1 on the Ganges River.
RIS enables achievement of safe and efficient inland water transport by avoiding the
following risks like Ship- to - Ship collisions ,Ship - Bridge collisions ,Groundings
It is looked after by Inland Waterway Authority of India, a statutory body
administered by the Ministry of Shipping.

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Have a basic factual knowledge about National highways, Waterways, Golden

quadrilateral, North-South corridor, east west corridor, Indian railways, by referring
to Atlas.

Government decides to directly shift from BS-IV to BS-VI Emission norms

Why direct jump-The Auto Fuel Policy had recommended implementation of BS-VI
norms by 2024. Earlier in the draft notification by the Ministry the date was
advanced to 01.04.2021 and now it has been further advanced to 01.04.2020


Carbon monoxide, carbon-di-oxide, Lead, Nitrogen dioxide, Ozone, suspended

Particulate matter, Sulphur dioxide ozone, smog, CFCs, Mercury are some of the
common air pollutants
Fly ash is produced whenever combustion of solid material takes place(composition
of flyash-Aluminium silicate, silicon di oxide, calcium oxide)
National Air Quality Index (AQI) launched by the Environment Minister AQI is a huge
initiative under Swachh Bharat
The proposed AQI will consider eight pollutants (PM 10, PM2.5, NO2, SO2, CO, O3, NH3,
and Pb) for which short-term (up to 24-hourly averaging period) National Ambient
Air Quality Standards are prescribed.

AQI Category, Pollutants and Health Breakpoints

AQI Category
















Good (0-50)

















0.5 1.0






2.1- 10





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Very poor











Associated Health Impacts


Minimal Impact


May cause minor breathing discomfort to sensitive people.

Moderately polluted

May cause breathing discomfort to people with lung disease such as

asthma, and discomfort to people with heart disease, children and older
May cause breathing discomfort to people on prolonged exposure, and
discomfort to people with heart disease

Very Poor

May cause respiratory illness to the people on prolonged exposure. Effect

may be more pronounced in people with lung and heart diseases.



May cause respiratory impact even on healthy people, and serious health
impacts on people with lung/heart disease. The health impacts may be
experienced even during light physical activity.

India-Japan : Joint Coast Guard exercise Sahyog-Kaijin 2016

Indias Coast Guard vessel Samudra Pehredar and the Japanese vessel Echigo were
involved in the operation
The exercise is mainly concerned on Anti piracy operation ,Interoperability, rescue,
Biennial bilateral exercise
Venue shifts alternatively between two countries

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Mt. Fuji, the tallest mountain in Japan, is an active volcano

Sumo is Japan's national sport, although baseball is also very popular
Japan is the worlds largest consumer of Amazon rain forest timber.
Japan is the largest automobile producer in the world.
More than 70% of Japan consists of mountains, including more than 200 volcanoes.

INS Kadmatt commisioned

INS Kadmatt, second ship of Project 28 (P28) class Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
The corvette is indigenously designed by the Indian Navys in-house organisation,
Directorate of Naval Design and constructed by Garden Reach Shipbuilders and
Engineers Limited, Kolkata.
INS Kadmatt is named after one of the large islands amongst the Lakshadweep group
of Islands off the west coast of India


Under 1000 tons: Patrol boat, Torpedo boat, Gunboat

1000-2000 tons: Corvette
2000-4000 tons: Frigate
Above 4000 tons: Destroyer
The list of corvettes built under project 28 is INS Kamorta,Kadmatti,Kiltan,Kavaratti

Commander US Pacific Fleet Visits India

The visit is intended to consolidate the growing defence relations between India and
US and also to explore new avenues for naval cooperation.

In December 2015, US Defence Secretary Ash Carter and Indian Defence Minister
Manohar Parrikar announced that India would participate in RIMPAC 2016
RIMPAC is the worlds largest maritime exercise

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Indian Navy Joint Exercises

Varuna naval exercise is joint exercise of navies of France and India.

SLINEX.-Sri Lanka India Naval Exercise
INDRA is a joint, bi-annual military exercise conducted by India and Russia
Hand-in-Hand. -India-China joint military training exercise
Exercise Malabar is a trilateral naval exercise involving the United States India. and
Simbex - Indian Navy with Republic of Singapore Navy
IBSAMAR with the Brazil and South African navies.
KONKAN - A bilateral Naval Exercise between Indian Navy and Royal Navy of Britain
AUSINDEX-Indian and Australian Navy Bilateral Maritime Exercise

Indian Army Joint Exercises

Mithra Shakti exercise- India and Sri Lanka.

Exercise Shakti - India and France armies
Exercise Nomadic Elephant- Indian Army exercises with the Mongolian Army.
Exercise Yuddh Abhyas is a series of joint exercises between the Indian and United
States Armies since 2005.
Surya Kiran - India Nepal joint military exercise

Indian Air Force Joint Exercises

The joint India-UK air exercises are known as the Indradhanush or Rainbow.
India-France Air Exercise Garuda".
Avia Indra-2014- the India-Russia maiden aerial exercise.

Rabi Crops sowing crosess 565 Lakh Hactare

Wheat has been sown/transplanted in 281.70 lakh hectares, pulses in 134.36 lakh
hectares, coarse cereals in 57.40 lakh hectares. Area sown under oilseeds is 74.46
lakh hectares and Rice is 17.07 lakh hectares.
The area sown so far and that sown during last year this time is as follows:
Lakh hectare
Area sown in 2015-16
Area sown in 2014-15

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Coarse Cereals




Rabi crop(Winter crop) requires cold and dry weather, longer day length for
Kharif crop(Monsoon crop) requires warm, wet, at major period of growth(exCotton, Rice, Bhajra)
Zaid crop(Summer crop) requires warm dry weather for major growth period and
longer day length for flowering (Groundnuts, Pumpkins, Gourds, Watermelon)
Nitrogen, Phosphorous, potassium, Sulphur, Calcium, Magnesium are some of the
macro nutrients
,Nickel,Silicon are some of the essential micronutrients

Nearly 100 Monuments Identified for Portal on Must-See Monuments and Archaeological
Sites of India

Please refer the following link to have a 360 degree glimpse of ancient monuments
Why To highlight outstanding monuments and sites in India, comprising world
heritage properties, sites under UNESCOs Tentative List, ASIs ticketed and other
non-ticketed prominent monuments.

Presidents greetings on the eve of Lohri, Makar Sankranti and Pongal

It is known as harvest festival in south India

Lohri is meant to be celebrated on the shortest day of the year.
Lohri is the cultural celebration of the winter solstice

Visit of External Affairs Minister Smt. Sushma Swaraj to Israel and Palestine

Judaism is the oldest major religions in the world and it is the religion of Jews
Both Islam and Christianity developed from Judaism

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The basic laws and teachings of Judaism come from Torah The first five books of
Hebrew Bible
Barak 8 also known as LR-SAM is an Indian-Israeli surface-to-air missile (SAM),
IAI Heron, Searcher, Harpy are some of the UAV India uses that have its origin in
Spike is an anti tank guided missile that has its origin in Israel
Muslims base their laws on their holy book, The quran, and Sunnah (Sunnah is
considered to be practical example of prophet mohammad)
The sufis were organised in to various silsilahs or orders prominent among them are
Chisti, Suharwadi, Qadiri Silsila are prominent
Locate the map of Palestine and Israel on map

Handloom Items registered under the Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and
Protection), Act, 1999.

Jamdani (Flowered muslin) weaving technique has its origin in Bangladesh but used
Masuria malmal (Masurua because they were originally woven in Mysore of
Karnataka) is famous in Rajasthan
Chanderi silks are famous in Madhya Pradesh(It has a GI Tag)
Maheswari sarees are famous in Madhya Pradesh
Gadwal sarees have their origins in Telangana
Ilkal sarees has its origin in Karnataka
Paitaani Sarees has its origin in Aurangabad Maharashtra
Jamawar has its origin in Persia but it is more evident in Kashmir
Banaras sarees have its origin in UP(It has GI Tag)
Balachuri sarees has its origin in West Bengal Kanchipuram Sarees has its origin in TN
Pashmina and Dorukha shawls have their origin in Kashmir
Shalws need not be made from wool alone they are also made from giant Nettle
plants which have proved to be anti allergic
Try to know some GI tag items that are famous.

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Global Crude oil price of Indian Basket was US$ 28.73 per bbl on 11.01.2016

Dont remember the price of an oil but do remember some of the important aspects
of crude oil

The Components of Crude Oil

Crude oil is essentially a mixture of many different hydrocarbons, all of varying
lengths and complexities. In order to separate the individual components that make
up the raw natural resource, the crude oil must be fractionally distilled so that
chemical components can be removed one at a time according to their boiling
Light Distillates:
Naphtha - Made into gasoline/petrochemicals
Methane Pentane

Middle distillates
i) Light gas oil - made into jet/diesel furnace fuels
ii) Heavy gas oil - further processing to produce naphtha and other products. The
components of crude oil are petrol, tar, oil, dissolved gases and kerosene also known
as petroleum.

Residue Further processed into refinery fuels, heavy fuel oil, waxes, greases, asphalts
[the lighter the stuff the higher the price]

Quick Estimates of Index of Industrial Production and Use-Based Index for the Month of
November, 2015
IIP is calculated keeping 2004-05 as base where as our GDP is calculated keeping
2011-12 as base year
Its released by central statistical office
IIP is compiled using data received from 15 source agencies
Intermediate goods or producer goods or semi-finished products are goods , such as
partly finished goods, used as inputs in the production of other goods including final
Consumer goods are goods that are ultimately consumed rather than used in the
production of another good. For example, a microwave oven or a bicycle which is
sold to a consumer is a final good or consumer good

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Consumer durables are a category of consumer products that do not have to be

purchased frequently because they are made to last for an extended period of time
Consumer non durable goods include fast moving consumer goods such as
cosmetics and cleaning products, food, fuel, beer, cigarettes, medication, office
supplies, packaging and containers, paper and paper products, personal products,
rubber, plastics, textiles, clothing, and footwear.
Any tangible assets that an organization uses to produce goods or services such as
office buildings, equipment and machinery. Consumer goods are the end result of
this production process
Capital goods and consumer goods are classified based on how they are used. A
capital good is any good deployed to help increase future production. The most
common capital goods are property, plant and equipment, or PP&E. Consumer
goods are any goods that are not capital goods; they are goods are used by
consumers and have no future productive use.

Cabinet approves India joining the International Energy Agency Ocean Energy Systems

The nodal agency for the membership would be Earth System Science Organisation National Institute of Ocean Technology (ESSO-NIOT) under the Ministry of Earth
India will have access to advanced R&D teams and technologies across the world
How the membership will help-India has long coast line, Vagaries of the sea makes
harnessing ocean energy a technological challenge
IEA is an inter-governmental organization with a broad role of promoting alternate
energy sources
IEA is a Paris-based autonomous intergovernmental organization established in the
framework of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) in 1974 in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis

Cabinet approves New Crop Insurance Scheme Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana A
boost to the farming sector

Uniform premium of only 2% to be paid by farmers for all Kharif crops and 1.5% for
all Rabi crops
Commercial and horticultural crops, the premium to be paid by farmers will be only

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Balance premium will be paid by the Government to provide full insured amount to
the farmers against crop loss on account of natural calamities.
There is no upper limit on Government subsidy.

(National agriculture insurance scheme) NAIS with the aim to increase coverage of
farmers, crops and risk commitment was introduced in the country from Rabi 19992000
NAIS replaced Comprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme (CCIS).The main objective of
the scheme is to protect the farmers against the crop losses suffered natural
calamities, such as, drought, flood, hailstorm, cyclone, pests and diseases. The
scheme is implemented by the Agriculture Insurance of India Ltd. (AIC).

Government of India and World Bank sign a loan agreement for Neeranchal National
Watershed Project.

The project will be implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development over a sixyear period (2016-21)
Will support the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayi Yojana in hydrology and water
management, agricultural production systems, capacity building and monitoring and

PM Modi launched Start Up India Initiative

Important highlights

A separate fund of 10000 crore rupees will be set up.

The ATAL Innovation Mission for strengthening incubation facilities for start ups.
Pre-incubation training will be offered to willing entrepreneurs.
Under the mission, 35 new incubators, 7 new research parks, 31 innovation centres
will be set up at the premier technology institutes under the public private
partnership mode.
500 sector specific incubators, 5 new Bio clusters will be established across the
Launching of innovation programme in schools

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Tax-free for 3 years and there will be a moratorium on labour inspections for the first
3 years
Capital gains tax to be exempted for venture capital investments
New scheme will be launched to provide Intellectual Property Rights protection to
start-ups and new firms
Self-certification based compliance regime
Easier exits for failed ventures with a provision for winding them up within 90 days
A new mobile app to enable start-ups to register themselves within a day and a
portal to apply for clearances online will be operation from 1 April 2016.

Mosquito-borne Zinka virus recorded in US

Facts about Zinka Virus

It is a virus that can make people sick with rash, fever, joint pain, and pinkeye
Related to other mosquito-borne illnesses including Dengue and Chikungunya that
are considered rising threats as global travel increases their reach.
The Zika virus was first identified in Uganda in 1947.
The virus reached Brazil in 2015. It's now spread throughout Latin America

Taiwan elects first female President


Locate Taiwan in the Map and try to the geography surrounding it

SBI InCube-The first start up based focussed bank

Aims to understand and address banking needs of a Start-up

It caters to specific financial needs of the start-ups.
It provides advisory services to the budding entrepreneurs
It mentors in cash management, regulations, taxation, mentoring, foreign exchange
and remittances and other financial services.
SBI-INcube in its current form, will not fund start-ups instead the banks will give
them loans when they turn more mature.

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Whales that washed ashore on Tamil Nadu coast :45 dead

Social marine mammals

They live in groups and if the leader of the group is disturbed due to changes in
underwater, they get disoriented immediately
Moderate earthquakes, geo-magnetic deviations, sonic waves and tidal currents
could disorient cetaceans.

Mammals come under the Mammalia and they are viviparous

Over 8.58 lakh migratory birds throng Chilika this year

Chilika lake, Asia's largest brackish water lake and the largest winter resort for
migratory birds in the Indian subcontinent.
172 bird species were sighted last year, this winter, 161 species have arrived-reason
climatic changes including deficient rainfall and high temperatures.
A total of 106, 356 birds have thronged Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary in
Kendrapada district this year


Similipal tiger reserve is found in Orissa

List down famous rivers,Dams,present in Odissa

IMD launches a system to monitor aerosols and black carbon in atmosphere

System of Aerosol Monitoring and Research (SAMAR) which will help the country in
studying concentration of black carbon in atmosphere due to air pollution and its
impact on climate.
Aerosols are a subset of air pollution that contains gases, fumes and dust in harmful
Aerosols particles can be both solid and liquid which also affects environmental

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An aerosol is a colloid of fine solid particles or liquid droplets, in air or another gas
Fog, forest exudates and geyser steam are examples of natural aerosols
Examples of artificial aerosols are haze, dust, particulate air pollutants and smoke.

Cloud Computing Would be a Solution for BIG Data Problem

Cloud computing is very important in BIG data analytics due to its application sharing
and cost effective properties.
For sustainable livelihood and development, such analyses with respect to
agriculture including plants and animals are crucial.
To connect hundreds of agricultural institutions Cloud is the best option.

What is Indian Science Congress Association?
ISCA is a premier scientific organisation of India with headquarters at Kolkata.
The first meeting of the congress was held from 1517 January 1914 at the premises
of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta.
The main objective was to advance and promote the cause of science in India.
The theme of 103rd Indian Science Congress - Science and Technology for Indigenous
Development in India.
Big Data

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The 4Vs of Big data

Big data deals with the content.

Nowadays huge amount of data is generated due to technological growth &
digitalisation, social media, web-pages, Youtube etc.
To process this structured, semi-structured and un-structured data the concept of
Big data is used.

Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing deals with the infrastructure.
It provides IT resources as a service.
It is very elastic and flexible in nature.
Cloud Computing enables Big Data in a very efficient and economical way.
On a lighter note CC & BD are made for each other. :P
Further Reading
Big Data Biotechnology has been covered in Capsule 5.

First Company of Ganga Task Force deployed

Namami Gange Programme

NGP will ensure sustainable municipal sewage management.

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Manage sewage from rural areas.

Manage industrial discharge.
Ensure ecological rejuvenation (conservation of aquatic life and biodiversity).
Promote tourism & shipping in a rational and sustainable manner.
Ganga Knowledge Centre Knowledge management on Ganga.

Ganga Gram Yojana

200 villages along the Ganga selected.

Open drains falling into river Ganga will be diverted and alternative arrangements
for sewage treatment will be made.

Sichewal Model

To make use of community services to clean the river.

The model was used to clean Kali Bein ( rivulet of river Beas)

Further Reading

Hybrid Annuity Model

Government has approved the proposal to take up HAM based PPP under NGP.
There are three types of model 1. Build Operate Transfer (BOT) Annuity
2. Build Operate Transfer (BOT) Toll
3. Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)
HAM is a mix of EPC and BOT Annuity.
Government to Private total cost sharing is 40:60.
Low risk for the private sector.
HAM model was announced by NHAI for awarding highway projects.

Biodiversity in the Region

FISH: Snow trout, Golden Mahseer

REPTILES: Gharial and Gangetic Turtle
MAMMAL: River Dolphins and Otters
BIRDS: Indian Skimmer and Saras

Course of Ganga

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Warming is alerting Greenland ice sheet
Greenland location
Denmark Strait, Davis Strait, Baffin Bay
Ablation Zone of a Glacier: Ablation zone or ablation area refers to the low-altitude
area of a glacier or ice sheet below firn with a net loss in ice mass due to melting,
sublimation, evaporation, ice calving, aeolian processes like blowing snow,
avalanche, and any other ablation.
Nv, firn and Snow, Snowflakes (Basic information & difference)
When it comes to heat, clouds essentially behave in two ways. They either cool the
Earths surface by reflecting sunlight back into space, or, like a thick blanket, they
trap heat at the surface the green house effect of clouds.

'Wonder material' Graphene can efficiently filter nuclear waste


What is Graphene?
What are allotropes? Allotropes of carbon?
What are isotopes and isomers?
Nuclear fission & Nuclear fusion

Why Bangladesh leads in remittance outflow from India

Reasons - Geographical proximity, a large pool of undocumented migrant labour,

porous borders, historical ties and the increasing interest of Indian companies in

Border agreement between India & Bangladesh
Remittance in India is highest in the world.

Scientists develop new method to hunt dark matter

Types of Galaxies
Nebular Theory of Laplace
Difference between Dark Energy and Dark Matter

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Learn about GODs Particle Experiment

BNHS to monitor asian waterbird count

Water Bird Sanctuaries in India
Wetlands in India

Electric propulsion on Isro satellites

Electric/ion propulsion uses electricity generated from solar energy and releases
positive atoms to create the force to push the satellite from its slot.
Lighter and more effective than liquid filled satellite.
What is Fixed Satellite Service (FSS)?

Hissar institute becomes second centre to clone buffalo


Cloned buffalo offspring Crib Gaurav

Produced from cell of ventral side of tail of superior bull buffalo

What is cloning?
The term clone is invented by J.B.S. Haldane
Natural Cloning
Molecular Cloning
Cell Cloning
Noori, is the first cloned pashmina goat in a Kashmir University

High tech system for power transmission soon

HDVC technology for large distance power transmission through trunk transmission
The plan is in sync with the general network access (GNA)

A high-voltage direct current (HVDC) is a electric power transmission system.
It is also called power super highway & electrical super highway.

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It uses direct current (DC).

It is less expensive & lower electrical losses.

Irrigation, rural job schemes to be linked

Link Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchaee Yojana (PMKSY) 7 MGNREGAs

Aim Smooth availability of labour

PMKSY Nodal ministry Ministry of Agriculture
MGNREGA Nodal ministry Ministry of Rural development

NHAI to use space technology, UAVs for highway projects


MoU between National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) & North East Centre for
Technology Application and Research (NECTAR)

NRSC is under ISRO

Spatial & geospatial technology
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV)
NHAI is entrusted with National Highways Development Project (NHDP)
Remote sensing satellite data

IMD launches a system to monitor aerosols and black carbon in atmosphere


IMD launched System of Aerosol Monitoring and Research

Aerosols particles are both solid & liquid

Adverse effects on the environment & human life
It can scatter sunlight directly into space
It can modify the size of the cloud particles.
This will change the way cloud absorbs or reflects light.

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Dept of Biotech and BIRAC to Participate in the Bharat Innovation Fund Set up by IIM
Ahmedabads CIIE to support innovative startups
Bharat innovation fund is a PPP set up IIMAs centre for Innovation Incubation and
Entrepreneurship (CIIE).
Launched during Startup Konnect.
It will support innovation and innovative startups.

Environment Ministry Holds First National Stakeholder Consultation on the Biodiversity

Finance Initiative
Biodiversity Finance Initiative (BIOFIN) is a global partnership on biodiversity
conservation and its sustainable use.
The methodology is used by 19 countries to analyse, calculate and develop
It is run by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Supporting countries Germany, Switzerland and the European Union.

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IASbaba Prelims Current Affairs

21st January to 4th February 2016
Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us
to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the
right time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a
Civil Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he
belongs to- very well.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects
like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science
and Technology- making the section of Current Affairs indispensible for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules
of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.

Best wishes
IAS Baba

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Countdown for PSLV C31 launch begins

Carrying IRNSS 1E satellite.


Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (IRNSS) 1E is 5th of the 7-series IRNSS
Accurate position information service to users in India & region extending up to 1500
It will provide two services
a) Standard Positioning Service (SPS)
b) Restricted Service (RS)

Some of the other launch vehicles:

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV).

Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV).
Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle (ASLV).
Unified Launch Vehicle (ULV).
Aerobic Vehicle for Trans atmospheric Hypersonic Aerospace Transportation
Reusable Launch Vehicle (AVATAR - RLV).

Govt to use technology to drive universal insurance schemes

Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY)

The unorganized sector worker and his family (unit of five) will be covered. Total sum
insured would be Rs. 30,000/- per family per annum on a family floater basis.
Cashless attendance to all covered ailments
Hospitalization expenses, taking care of most common illnesses with as little
exclusion as possible
All pre- existing diseases to be covered
Transportation costs (actual with maximum limit of Rs. 100 per visit) within an
overall limit of Rs.1000.

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Revamped RSBY

Enrolment with RSBY to be linked with opening of bank account and issuance of
Aadhaar card.
Scheme currently covers 3 crore workers. It will be expanded to include construction
sector also.
Single central smart card to be issued to include other welfare schemes like
AamAadmiBimaYojana and National Old Age Pension Scheme.
Started - Ministry of labour and Employment
Now transferred to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
National Health Assurance Mission (NHAM)

Sikkim seen as Indias first organic state

First fully organic state in India

Organic Farming

Does not involve chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

Improves the quality of soil and crops.
Helps in bio-diversity conservation and environmental conservation.
Crop diversity & crop rotation.

About Sikkim

Landlocked state. Nepal to the west. Tibet to the north & east. Bhutan to the east.
West Bengal to the south.
The 36th Amendment made Sikkim a full state adding its name to the First Schedule
of the Constitution.
Some important things to remember Kanchenjunga, Teesta river, Hot Springs.

Increase in renewable energy use to boost global GDP by $1.3 trillion

IRENA provided global estimate of macroeconomic impacts of renewable energy

By 2030 global GDP will increase by $1.3 trillion.

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International Renewable Energy Agency

Intergovernmental organisation supports countries in their transition to a

sustainable energy future.
Headquartered at Abu Dhabi.
More jobs, more welfare and more trade across the globe.
International Solar Alliance, CoP21


National Solar Mission

Offshore Wind Energy Policy
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.
Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency.

Indias top 12 ports start Project Green Ports drive

It will help keeping the ports cleaner and greener.

Two verticals
a. Green Ports Initiatives related to environmental issues.
b. Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan


Major Ports of India

a. Kandla
b. Mumbai
d. Marmagoa
e. New Mangalore
f. Cochin
g. Chennai
h. Ennore
i. V M Chidambaram
j. Visakhapatnam
k. Paradeep
l. Kolkata (including Haldia)
Sagar Mala Project

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Dry Ports

A dry port is an inland terminal directly connected by rail or road to a sea port,
providing services for handling, temporary storage, inspection and customs
clearance for international freight.
Dry ports are usually located where networks of different transportation modes
This reduces transport costs and transit time, spurring investment in the
surrounding areas.
Dry ports can also help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Photonics to drive terabit chips

Scientists at working in the area of photonic integrated circuits.

Next-generation processor, in which each unit is still electrical.
Copper lines to be replaced with photonic components.


Photonics is the science of light.

It is the technology of generating, controlling, and detecting light waves and
photons, which are particles of light.
Photonics explores a wider variety of wavelengths, from gamma rays to radio,
including X-rays, UV and infrared light.
Photonics & Our daily life
a. Health (eye surgery, medical instruments)
b. Consumer electronics (barcode scanners, DVD players, remote TV control)
c. Manufacturing industry (laser cutting and machining)
d. Telecommunications (internet)
e. Defence and security (infrared camera, remote sensing)
Travels faster than electricity.

Giriputrika Kalyana Pathakam launched

Andhra Pradesh launched the scheme to support the tribal women in their quest for
Infant mortality and child marriages are rampant among tribal people.
Will provide nutritional food to infants till the age of 7 years.

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Giriputrika Kalyana Pathakam

One time financial assistance of Rs. 50,000 to each tribal woman who gets married.
The amount would be directly disbursed through District Tribal Welfare Office to the
bank accounts of the beneficiary.
Mandatory Conditions Marriage Certificate, Income Certificate etc.
Integrated Tribal Development Projects (ITDPs)
Integrated Tribal Development Agencies (ITDAs)
Modified Area Development Approach (MADA) Pockets
Schedule Tribes Welfare Schemes

The age of augmented humanity

Augmented Humanity

Augmented Humanity is a phrase that was coined in 2010 by Eric Schmidt ( exGoogle CEO).
It is the use of technology to both aid and replace human capability in a way that
joins person and machine as one.
Wearable devices begin to pre-empt what we want through our mood, heart rate
and body temperature.
It also defines machinery used to replace or enhance parts of the body.

New thrush species found in eastern Himalayas

The bird is named Himalayan Forest Thrush (Zootherasalimalii)

It has been named after Dr.Salim Ali.
Dr.Salim Alis has contributed to the development of modern Indian ornithology and
wildlife conservation.
The fourth new bird species described from India by modern ornithologists since
It is found in the rocky habitats above the tree-line in North eastern Himalayas.
Earlier two new bird species were discovered in Arunachal Pradesh and one in the
Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

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The last new discovered species was the BugunLiocichla in 2006 in Arunachal

WHO declares global emergency over Zika virus spread


Affected Areas


Dominican Republic




Puerto Rico





French Guiana

Saint Martin

El Salvador


El Salvador


U.S. Virgin Islands







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Zika Virus

Zika virus disease is an emerging viral disease transmitted through the bite of an
infected Aedes mosquito. This is the same mosquito that is known to transmit
infections like dengue and chikungunya. Zika virus was first identified in Uganda in
World Health Organization has reported 22 countries and territories in Americas1
from where local transmission of Zika virus has been reported.
Microcephaly in the newborn and other neurological syndromes (Guillain Barre
Syndrome) has been found temporally associated with Zika virus infection.
As of now, the disease has not been reported in India. However, the mosquito that
transmits Zika virus, namely Aedes aegypti , that also transmits dengue virus, is
widely prevalent in India.
A majority of those infected with Zika virus disease either remain asymptomatic (up
to 80%) or show mild symptoms of fever, rash, conjunctivitis, body ache, joint pains.
Zika virus infection should be suspected in patients reporting with acute onset of
fever, maculo-papular rash and arthralgia, among those individuals who travelled to
areas with ongoing transmission during the two weeks preceding the onset of illness.

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World Wetlands Day

On February 2, 1971, the convention of wetlands was adopted in Ramsar, Iran, on

the shores of the Caspian Sea.
Also called the Ramsar Convention, the World Wetland Day marks the date of the
signing of the Convention on Wetlands.
For World Wetlands Day in 2016, the theme is 'Wetlands for our Future: Sustainable
As per the Ramsar Convention, this theme is selected to demonstrate the vital role
of wetlands for the future of humanity and specifically their relevance towards
achieving the new Sustainable Development Goals.

Importance of Wetlands

Flood absorbers:
Wetlands have an incredible capacity to absorb excess rainwater by acting as a giant
sponge. Incidences of urban flooding (such as the devastating floods in December)
may have been partially caused by the disappearance of urban wetlands.
Recharge groundwater:
Groundwater is one of the primary sources of water for us and wetlands allow
rainwater to seep through and recharge the water table. Filling in our wetlands and
the increased concretisation of our cities are among the reasons why there has been
a drastic drop in groundwater levels.
Rich in biodiversity:
Wetlands are characterised by a rich species diversity and are often popular sites for
migratory birds. Not only is this valuable for a healthy ecosystem, these sites are also
popular with tourists. Well managed tourism can be a valuable source of
employment and revenue and, at the same time, create incentives for maintaining
and conserving the wetlands.
Source of human services:
In addition to controlling floods, wetlands tend to provide a host of direct services
for people these include drinking water, recreation, irrigation, pollution control
and fisheries.

Ramsar sites in India

The list of Ramsar sites in India comprises Indian wetlands deemed to be of

'international importance' under the Ramsar Convention.

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India has around 26 wetlands of international importance as defined by the Ramsar

Convention for the conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands.
Dal Lake, Wular Lake, Harike Lake, Sunderban and Chilka Lake are a few threatened
wetlands in India.
Difference between wetlands, Lake, River, Pond

India test fires Akash missiles

The medium-range mobile surface-to-air Akash missile was successfully test fired
from complex-3 of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipuri in Odisha.

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Propelled by an Integrated Ramjet Rocket Engine, Akash sustains the speeds without
deceleration throughout its flight, without any retardation.
Akash is a supersonic medium range surface-to-air missile capable of neutralising
aerial threats like cruise missiles, fighter jets and air-to-surface missiles.
Indigenously developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO)
under the Integrated Guided-Missile Development Programme (IGMDP).

The Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Act,

Key Features of the Act

Appoint experts for Qutub Shahi Tombs conservation, Waqf tribunal urged

The Wakf Tribunal of Andhra Pradesh has directed the counsels for the Aga Khan
Trust for Culture (AKTC) to form a proposal to find suitable persons for the High
Powered Supervisory Committee to oversee the ongoing works at the QutubShahi

Qutub Shahi Tombs:

The tombs of the seven QutubShahi rulers are located in Brahim Bagh close to the
famous Golconda Fort in Hyderabad, India.
The tombs are domed structures built on a square base surrounded by pointed
arches, a distinctive style that blends Persian, Pashtun and Hindu forms.
The tombs are structures with intricately carved stonework and are surrounded by
landscaped gardens.
The domes were originally overlaid with blue and green tiles, of which only a few
pieces now remain.
In the centre of each tomb is a sarcophagus which overlies the actual burial vault in a
crypt below.

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Expert Committee Setup to Review the Specific Relief Act, 1963

The committee set up by the Legislative Department in the Law Ministry will review
the Specific Relief Act, 1963.
The review of the law comes amid the government's repeated emphasis on
promoting the 'ease of doing business' in India.
The decision has been taken in view of tremendous developments that have taken
place after 1963 and also in the context of present scenario involving contract based
infrastructure development, public-private partnerships and other public projects
involving huge investments and enforceability of the contracts.
The Specific Relief Act has not been amended since its inception.


Two bills aimed at creating commercial benches in select high courts and amending a
law on arbitration for speedy settlement of high value business disputes were signed
into Acts by the President.
The Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate Division of
High Courts Act, 2016 and the Arbitration and Conciliation Act (Amendment) Act,
2016 are aimed at speedy settlement of commercial disputes.

IIScs invention powers up Nano electronics industry

The technology can drastically reduce the cost of the existing state-of-the-art -beam
lithography and optical lithography.
It is a new way to etch thin lines on a substance using electrodes, termed electro

E-beam lithography

Exposing - Practice of scanning a focused beam of electrons to draw custom shapes

on a surface covered with an electron-sensitive film called a resist.
Developing - The electron beam changes the solubility of the resist, enabling
selective removal of either the exposed or unexposed regions of the resist by
immersing it in a solvent.

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The purpose, as with photolithography, is to create very small structures in the resist
that can be transferred to the substrate material (by etching).

NASA, India join hands for astrobiology mission

An expedition to Ladakh to study the similarities of certain parts of the regions

topography and microbial life to Martian surroundings.
India is part of Spaceward Bound programme for the first time.
Ladakh offers a high UV exposed, dry ecosystem with Mars analogue topological


The Space ward Bound is a NASA project.

It educates future space explorers and funds expeditions to places with extreme
climate conditions.
The objective is to train the next generation of space explorers.

Presidents rule in Arunachal Pradesh


Article 356 Presidents rule (Failure of the constitutional machinery)

Reasons for Presidents rule to be imposed
Failure of the state of government
Loss of majority
Break down of law and order
Indecisive outcome of elections
No alternate claimant (form government)
The Constitution stipulates three types of emergencies:
An emergency due to war, external aggression or armed rebellion2 (Article
352). This is popularly known as National Emergency. However, the
Constitution employs the expression proclamation of emergency to denote
an emergency of this type.
An Emergency due to the failure of the constitutional machinery in the states
(Article 356). This is popularly known as Presidents Rule. It is also known by
two other namesState Emergency or constitutional Emergency.

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However, the Constitution does not use the word emergency for this
Financial Emergency due to a threat to the financial stability or credit of India
(Article 360).

Government mulls Shome panel suggestions on tax administration

Committee Recommendations

Committee aimed at simplifying tax administration.

It suggests that Income Tax return forms should also include wealth tax details.
It recommends that retrospective amendments to tax laws should be avoided.
The post of Revenue Secretary is abolished.
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) & Central Board of Excise and Customs to
be merged.
The use of PAN to be widened.

Tax Administration Reform Commission (TARC)

Committee appointed for reviewing the pubic tax administration.

Was formed in 2013 to review the application of tax policies and tax laws in
context of global best practices.
It works as an advisory body to the Ministry of Finance.

NFHS report reveals 50% children under five years anaemic in West Bengal
National Family Health Survey

It is a large-scale, multi round survey conducted in a representative sample of

households throughout India.
It is funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with
supplementary support from UNICEF.
NFHS-4 is being conducted under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
It is being coordinated by International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS),

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Green cement made out of industrial wastes

Kiran Global Chems Ltd. introduced its indigenously-developed eco-friendly

It is made out of industrial wastes.
The cement is stronger than Portland cement.
For every tonne of cement production, there will be about 800kg of CO2 emission.
Geocement will help cut emissions (80%).
It has anti-bacterial properties can be used for construction of underground
sewage pipes and toilets.

New U.S. rule a blow to Indian pharma exporters

US govt made it mandatory for APIs to be manufactured locally.

80% of drug raw material requirement is met by India and China.
This will also be a setback for Indian companies that have subsidiaries or holdings in
the U.S.
It will also impact availability of affordable generics in the United States.

Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)

Any drug is composed of two components or aspects.

The first is the actual API or Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, which is the central
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients is the chemically active substance, which is meant
to produce the desired effect in the body.


The second component is known as an excipient.

This refers to the substance inside the drug or tablet.
If it is in syrup form, then the excipient will be the liquid that has been used.
Excipients are the inactive or inert substances present inside a drug.

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Punjab CM seeks modifications in PMFBY

Pradhan Mantri Fasal bima Yojana

The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana will replace the existing National
Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS) and Modified NAIS (MNIAS).
The new Crop Insurance Scheme is in line with One Nation One Scheme theme.
It incorporates the best features of all previous schemes and at the same time, all
previous shortcomings/weaknesses have been removed.

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Comparison with previous schemes

President of India urges youth to adopt slogan of itmad, ittefaq and kurbani which Netaji
gave to the soldiers and civilian personnel of the Azad Hind Fauj

Itmad (Faith),Ittefaq (Unity) and Kurbani (Sacrifice)

Mahanishkraman refers to The Great Escape
Background story-Netaji set out in his Wanderer car from his ancestral home on Elgin
Road, Kolkata and reached Gomoh (Jharkhand) on the first stage of his escape from
British India. He took the Delhi-Kalka Mail from Gomoh to Delhi and then proceeded
to Peshawar in the Frontier Mail. From Peshawar, he went on to Kabul and then,
obtained a visa to go to Moscow under the assumed name of an Italian.

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Mahanishkraman of Subhas chndra bose is different from Mahabinishkraman of

Mahabinishkraman in Buddhism represents horse.

Cabinet approves setting up of over 5,000 MW of Grid-connected Solar PV Power Projects

The work will be implemented by Solar Power Developers (SPDs) with Viability Gap
Funding (VGF) under Batch-lV of Phase-ll of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar
Mission (JNNSM)
Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission launched in the year 2010
The Mission is one of the several initiatives that are part of National Action Plan on
Climate Change
Initial target was 20GW by 2022 but later increased to 100 GW in 2015 Union budget
of India.

Dinosaur bones found in Kutch

135 million year old dinosaurs

Pieces of bone, possibly from the limb or hip, suggests that it may have been a 10-15
metre long animal


It is during the time of Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous all giant animals existed on
planet. Jurassic is referred to age of dinosaurs
Refer geological time scale in Fundamentals of physical geography to know more
about geological age of earth

Rock Garden gets French attention

Chandigarh city was designed by French architect Le Corbusier

Nek Chand's Rock Garden was named after its founder Nek Chand
It is completely built of industrial and home waste and throw-away items.

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Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and French President Mr. Francois Hollande to lay
foundation stone of ISA Headquarters & inaugurate interim Secretariat of ISA

It will be headquartered at National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE) in Gwalpahari,

They also inaugurated the interim Secretariat of the ISA at the same place.
India dedicated 5 acre land at NISE to ISA for hosting its Secretariat and also
contributed 175 crore rupees for ISA corpus fund for an initial period of five years
ISA jointly launched in Paris by India and France on 30 November 2015 during the
United Nations climate change conference (COP21).
It is the Indias first international and inter-governmental organization of 121
Countries to have headquarters in India with United Nations as Strategic Partner.

New tree frog genus discovered in north-eastern India

The newfound frog populations live and breed in pools of water in holes in the
trunks of canopy trees a lifestyle that likely kept them off scientists radar.
Tadpoles eat their mothers eggs for sustenance, a common practice among frogs
that live in low-resource environments.

Scientists discovered a new bird species named Himalayan Forest Thrush in northeastern
India and adjacent parts of China

The Himalayan forest thrush is the fourth bird species to be discovered in India since
The new species has been given scientific name Zoothera salimalii after famous
ornithologist and naturalist Salim Ali who has made significant contributions to
ornithology in India.
Scientists found that Himalayan forest thrush found in forests had a rather musical
call, whereas alpine thrush found in the same region on bare rocky habitats above
the treeline had a much harsher, scratchier and unmusical call.

Legendary dancer Mrinalini Sarabhai passed away

Mrinalini sarabhai was a classical dancer, Sarabhai was a poet, writer and
She was one of the first classical dancers to turn to choreography.

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She was honoured with the national civilian awards Padma Bhushan in 1992 and the
Padma Shri in 1965.
She trained over 18000 students in Bharatnatyam and Kathakali

UNESCAP released World Economic Situation and Prospects 2016 report

The report expects the Indian economy, which accounts for over 70 per cent of
South Asias GDP, to grow 7.3 per cent in 2016 and 7.5 per cent in 2017, up from an
estimated 7.2 per cent in 2015.


United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) report

WESP report is published annually at the beginning of the year jointly by the UN
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN/DESA), the UN Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD), the five UN regional commissions and the World
Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

Transparency International released Corruption Perceptions Index 2015

The index was topped by Denmark with a score of 91. It was followed by Finland and
Sweden with a score of 90 and 89 respectively
At the bottom of the list were Angola (163), South Sudan (163), Sudan (165),
Afghanistan (166) and North Korea
India was at the 85th position among the 175 countries surveyed in the CPI 2014.
It is prepared by Transparency International (TI) which is a global coalition against
corruption and The CPI 2015 is the 21st edition of the annual index
A score of 0 means highly corrupt country whereas a score of 100 means very clean
Transparency International (TI) is based in Berlin Germany and its Managing Director
is Cobus de Swardt.

Nai Manzil Scheme Launched in Jammu and Kashmir

Under the scheme girls from minority communities will be imparted three month
skill development training in seven identified sectors relevant to the region

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These include training in saffron processing, food processing, embroidery, computers

IT (both software and hardware), Tourism/hospitality, electronics and plumbing.
Trainees will also be given stipend of Rs.4500/-for the course.
Nai Manzil Scheme is an integrated Education and Livelihood Initiative for the
Minority Communities.
The scheme aims to benefit the minority youths who are school-dropouts or
educated in the community education institutions like Madrasas, by providing them
an integral input of formal education (up till Class VIII or X) and skill training along
with certification.
This will enable them to seek better employment in the organised sector and
equipping them with better lives. The scheme covers the entire country.

PMs interaction through PRAGATI

PRAGATI is ICT-based, multi-modal platform for Pro-Active Governance and Timely


Some of the important ICT initiatives

Project Arrow, an initiative to transform Department of Posts into a vibrant and

Organization and to make a visible and positive difference to quality and efficiency of
service to the customers, was conceived in April 2008.
PARAMYUVA 2-Continuing its contribution to overcome the language barrier in
computing and IT, C-DAC developed and enhanced several multilingual tools,
technologies and products during this year. The consortia projects enabled stronger
collaboration among various technology players of the country. These included the
Cross-Lingual Information Access (CLIA) consortia, Indian language Text-to-Speech
Consortia, English to Indian Language Machine Translation (EILMT) consortia, and a
consortia for Speech-to-Speech Machine Assisted Translation Dialogue System.

Rajasthan joins UDAY scheme , 3rd State to sign MOU

Rajasthan is the third State to sign the MOU under UDAY, the other two States being
Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh.

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Salient features of UDAY

States shall take over 75% of DISCOM debt as on 30 September 2015 over two years
- 50% of DISCOM debt shall be taken over in 2015-16 and 25% in 2016-17.
Government of India will not include the debt taken over by the States as per the
above scheme in the calculation of fiscal deficit of respective States in the financial
years 2015-16 and 2016-17.
States will issue non-SLR including SDL bonds in the market or directly to the
respective banks / Financial Institutions (FIs) holding the DISCOM debt to the
appropriate extent.
DISCOM debt not taken over by the State shall be converted by the Banks / FIs into
loans or bonds with interest rate not more than the banks base rate plus 0.1%.
Alternately, this debt may be fully or partly issued by the DISCOM as State
guaranteed DISCOM bonds at the prevailing market rates which shall be equal to or
less than bank base rate plus 0.1%.

Index of Eight Core Industries (Base: 2004-05=100) for December, 2015

The Eight Core Industries comprise nearly 38% of the weight of items included in the
Index of Industrial Production (IIP)
Coal ,crude oil, natural gas, refinery products, fertilizers, steel, cement, electricity


List all core industries according to increasing weights.


















Crude Oil









Natural Gas









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Government to repurchase securities through reverse auction for an aggregate amount of

Rs. 20,000 crore (Face Value)

A reverse auction is a type of auction in which the roles of buyer and seller are
reversed. In an ordinary auction (also known as a forward auction), buyers compete
to obtain a good or service by offering increasingly higher prices.
In a reverse auction, the sellers compete to obtain business from the buyer and
prices will typically decrease as the sellers undercut each other
A security is a financial instrument that represents an ownership position in a
publicly-traded corporation a creditor relationship with governmental body or a
corporation (bond), or rights to ownership as represented by an option.
A security is a fungible, negotiable financial instrument that represents some type of
financial value. The company or entity that issues the security is known as the issuer.

Jeevan Pramaan- A Hit with Pensioners

A pensioner can now digitally provide Annual Life Certificate to the authorities for
continuity of pension instead of presenting himself physically or through a Life
Certificate issued by specified authorities every year.
Digital Life Certificate (DLC) is issued to each and every pensioner.
Jeevan Pramaan service is provided by NIC through a Central Portal developed on
Open source

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In Jeevan Pramaan a pensioner can digitally show that he or she is alive using his/her
Biometric devices are available in CSCs, Bank branches, Pensioner associations,
Govt. offices etc. More over any citizen can also purchase a finger print scanner and
do the identification from home. A typical finger print scanner currently costs around
Rs. 2600/- only and the prices are expected to come down in future.

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IASbaba Prelims Current Affairs

5st February to 14 February 2016
Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us
to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the
right time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a
Civil Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he
belongs to- very well.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects
like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science
and Technology- making the section of Current Affairs indispensible for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules
of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.

Best wishes
IAS Baba

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PM to visit Assam, Odisha; attend International Fleet Review in Visakhapatnam

He will inaugurate Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Ltd at Lepetkata, which is the
first ever petro-chemical project in the entire North-East.
The Prime Minister will also dedicate to the nation, India's highest wax producing
unit using indigenous technology in Numaligarh Refinery Ltd.
He will inaugurate the 12th South Asian Games in Guwahati
Prime Minister will attend the International Fleet Review at Visakhapatnam
PM will also visit the Shri Jagannath Temple in Puri.


List of wildlife sanctuary, Wetlands, and Rivers found in Assam.

The next south Asain games will be held at Kaula lampur Malaysia.
Sri Jaganath Temple at Puri is an important pilgrimage destination for many Hindu
traditions, particularly worshippers of god Krishna and god Vishnu, and part of the
Char Dham pilgrimages that a Hindu is expected to make in one's lifetime.
The temple was built in the 12th century atop its ruins by the progenitor of the
Eastern Ganga dynasty, King Anantavarman Chodaganga Dev

Call on PM by Mr. CY Leung, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

The Umbrella Movement is a loose pro-democracy political movement that was

created spontaneously during the Hong Kong protests of 2014
Hong kong is an autonomous territory on the southern coast of China at the Pearl
River Estuary and the South China Sea.
Though it is situated just south of the Tropic of Cancer, Hong Kong has a humid
subtropical climate; Summer is hot and humid with occasional showers and
thunderstorms, and warm air coming from the southwest. Typhoons most often
occur in summer. They sometimes result in flooding or landslides. Winters are mild
and usually start sunny, becoming cloudier towards February; the occasional cold
front brings strong, cooling winds from the north.

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India Signs an Agreement to Become an Associate Member State of European Molecular
Biology Organisation

Who are involved from Indian side: Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of

Why it is important-It would strengthen scientific interaction and collaborative
research between India and Europe in this field
India will now become second such country outside the European region.
About EMBO: EMBO is an organization of more than 1700 leading researchers that
promotes excellence in the life sciences. The major goals of the organization are to
support talented researchers at all stages of their careers, stimulate the exchange of
scientific information. The movement was started in 1964 as European Molecular
Biology Conference (EMBC) and subsequently it got intergovernmental funding.

Indian basmati rice all set to get GI tag

Some of the list of agricultural products having GI tag

Kangra Tea of Himachal Pradesh,


Of Maharashtra

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Mysore beetal leaf of KARNATAKA

Nanjungud Banana of Karnataka.
Mysore,Udupi,Hadagali jasmine of Karnataka
Navvara rice of Kerala
Palakkadan matta rice of kerala
Malabar pepper of kerala

Troops will stay on in Siachen, says Parrikar, TAIWAN EARTHQUAKE


An avalanche (also called a snowslide or snowslip) is a rapid flow of snow down a

sloping surface. Avalanches are typically triggered in a starting zone from a
mechanical failure in the snowpack (slab avalanche) when the forces on the snow
exceed its strength but sometimes only with gradually widening (loose snow
The Siachen Glacier is located in the eastern Karakoram Range in the Himalaya
Mountains just northeast of the point NJ9842 where the Line of Control between
India and Pakistan ends. At 76 km (47 mi) long
It is the longest glacier in the Karakoram and second-longest in the world's nonpolar areas.

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An earthquake in simple words is shaking of the earth. It is a natural event. It is

caused due to release of energy, which generates waves that travel in all directions.

Why does the earth shake?

The release of energy occurs along a fault. A fault is a sharp break in the crustal
rocks. Rocks along a fault tend to move in opposite directions. As the overlying rock
strata press them, the friction locks them together. However, their tendency to
move apart at some point of time overcomes the friction. As a result, the blocks get
deformed and eventually, they slide past one another abruptly. This causes a release
of energy, and the energy waves travel in all directions. The point where the energy
is released is called the focus of an earthquake, alternatively, it is called the
hypocentre. The energy waves travelling in different directions reach the surface.
The point on the surface, nearest to the focus, is called epicentre. It is the first one to
experience the waves. It is a point directly above the focus.

Why more earth quakes in south East Asia.

The concept of ring of fire and plate movement.

Divergent Boundaries: Where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each
other. The sites where the plates move away from each other are called spreading sites. The
best-known example of divergent boundaries is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. At this, the
American Plate(s) is/are separated from the Eurasian and African Plates.

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Convergent Boundaries: Where the crust is destroyed as one plate dived under another. The
location where sinking of a plate occurs is called a subduction zone. There are three ways in
which convergence can occur. These are: (i) between an oceanic and continental plate; (ii)
between two oceanic plates; and (iii) between two continental plates.
Transform Boundaries: Where the crust is neither produced nor destroyed as the plates
slide horizontally past each other. Transform faults are the planes of separation generally
perpendicular to the mid- oceanic ridges. As the eruptions do not take all along the entire
crest at the same time, there is a differential movement of a portion of the plate away from
the axis of the earth. Also, the rotation of the earth has its effect on the separated blocks of
the plate portions.
The major plates are as follows:
(i) Antarctica and the surrounding oceanic plate.
(ii) North American (with western Atlantic floor separated from the South American plate
along the Caribbean islands) plate.
(iii) South American (with western Atlantic floor separated from the North American plate
along the Caribbean islands) plate.
(iv) Pacific plate.
(v) India-Australia-New Zealand plate.
(vi) Africa with the eastern Atlantic floor plate.
(vii) Eurasia and the adjacent oceanic plate.

Paper waste turned into non-toxic aerogel

Aero gels are among the lightest solid materials in the world and are also one of the
finest insulation materials available.
Green Aero gels are ultra-light, non-toxic, extremely strong, flexible and water
repellent. It is obtained by converting paper waste into biodegradable
Aero gels which is a simple, cost-effective and fast method.

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Characteristic Features

It has low thermal conductivity it super high oil absorption capacity i.e. 4 times
higher than commercial sorbents.
Its fabrication process uses 70 per cent less energy and produces fewer polluting
emissions into the air and water.
It should be noted that traditional aero gels are mainly made of silica which is not
environment-friendly process of manufacturing it.


It is ideal for applications such as oil spill cleaning.

It can serve as heat insulation materials for buildings.
In Biomedical applications, it can be potentially be used as coating materials for drug
delivery and as smart material
It can be also used in packaging industry as it is biodegradable and environmentallyfriendly material.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicates Paradip Oil Refinery to nation

It is overall IOCs 11th refinery to be set up and has installed capacity of 15 million
metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA).
Key features of the refinery
It has been designed to process broad basket of crude including dirty and cheaper
high sulphur heavy crudes from Latin America.
Capable to produce Bharat Stage IV (BS IV)/BS V quality transportation fuel to
comply with Auto Fuel Policy.
It has more than 20 process units that can processes the basic feedstock, crude oil to
obtain various products including polymers like polypropylene, paraxylene and
It is one of the most modern refineries in the world and is equipped with the latest
technology. It has complexity factor of 12.2.
Products: Major products are premium grade high speed diesel (HSD) and motor
spirit (MS). The other products includes propylene (petrochemical grade), naphtha,
LPG, aviation turbine fuel (ATF) and kerosene. Major by-products: Petroleum coke
(petcoke) and sulphur.

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North Korea claims successful rocket launch

Location of North Korea, Pyongyang is the Capital of North Korea.

Recently North Korea tested hydrogen bomb, Things to know about Hydrogen bomb.
A thermonuclear weapon is a nuclear weapon that uses the energy from a primary
nuclear fission reaction to compress and ignite a secondary nuclear fusion reaction.
The result is greatly increased explosive power when compared to single-stage
fission weapons. It is colloquially referred to as a hydrogen bomb or H-bomb
because it employs fusion of isotopes of hydrogen. The fission stage in such weapons
is required to cause the fusion that occurs in thermonuclear weapons
Fission and fusion are nuclear reactions that produce energy, but the applications
are not the same. Fission is the splitting of a heavy, unstable nucleus into two lighter
nuclei, and fusion is the process where two light nuclei combine together releasing
vast amounts of energy
For mains perspective GS1- History of Korean war.

PM Narendra Modi inaugurates NISER campus in Odisha

NISER has been established on the lines of IISc Bangalore and its five sister
institutions IISERs that are being established at Pune, Kolkata, Mohali,
Thiruvananthapuram and Bhopal.
Unlike the IISERs, which are governed by the Union Ministry of Human Resources
Development (HRD), NISER operates under the umbrella of the Department of
Atomic Energy (DAE).
The primary objective of NISER is to train and nurture human resources in the field of
Sciences for the knowledge economies of the future.

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TRAI rules in favour of Net neutrality
TRAI said:

No service provider can offer or charge discriminatory tariffs for data services on the
basis of content.
No service provider shall enter into any arrangement, agreement or contract, by
whatever name called, with any person, natural or legal, that the effect of
discriminatory tariffs for data services being offered or charged by the service
provider for the purpose of evading the prohibition in this regulation.
Reduced tariff for accessing or providing emergency services, or at times of public
emergency has been permitted.
Financial disincentives for contravention of the regulation have also been specified

TRAI may review these regulations after a period of two years.


The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is the independent regulator of the
telecommunications business in India.

Pakistan seeks to protect Chinas Gwadar investment


Gwadar port is one of Chinas String of Pearls planned by China in Central, South and
South East Asia to expand its political and economic influence and get these regions
in its grip.

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India is not a member of string of pearls

Birds of 11 rare species found in Jharkhand

Bar Headed Geese, White Necked Stork, Oriental White Ibis and Northern Shoveler are
some of the migratory species that were spotted in Jharkhand.

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Convention on the conservation of migratory species (CMS): It is also referred as

Bonn convention aims to conserve terrestrial, aquaic, avain migratory bird species
throughout their range.
It is an intergovernmental treaty, concluded under the aegis of the UNEP, concerned
with the conservation of wildlife and habitats on global scale.
Migratory species threatened with extinction are listed on Appendix 1 of the
Migratory species that need or would significantly benefit from international
cooperation are listed in appendix 2 of the convention.
India is a member of Bonn convention.

Sundarbans buzzes with discovery of solitary bee

The 6.2-mm-long bee, named Braunsapis chandrai, is black in colour and has
punctured legs. What make it distinct from other species of solitary bees is the
different patterns of the marks on its face and frontal region.
The new species played a significant role in pollination, though it did not produce
bees play an important role in the ecosystem as critical pollinators, scientists believe
that without them, the world would face extinction as food options would become
highly limited.

The Importance of Bees: Pollination

The most important thing that bees do is pollinate. Pollination is needed for plants to
reproduce, and so many plants depend on bees or other insects as pollinators.
When a bee collects nectar and pollen from the flower of a plant, some pollen from
the stamensthe male reproductive organ of the flowersticks to the hairs of her
body. When she visits the next flower, some of this pollen is rubbed off onto the
stigma, or tip of the pistilthe female reproductive organ of the flower. When this
happens, fertilization is possible, and a fruit, carrying seeds, can develop.
It is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world. The
Sundarbans covers approximately 10,000 square kilometres (3,900 sq mi) most of
which is in Bangladesh with the remainder in India.
The Sundarbans is a UNESCO World Heritage Site
The Sundarbans National Park is a National Park, Tiger Reserve, and a Biosphere
Reserve located in the Sundarbans delta in the Indian state of West Bengal.

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Delhi's air not worst in India: CPCB data

CPCB has published air quality indices (AQI) for 24 cities that help in comparing
pollution levels at a glance with a colour code and a numerical value.
In India, AQIs are determined based on the concentrations of seven pollutants,
including PM2.5 (fine, respirable particles), sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide
(NO2) and carbon monoxide (CO).

Sariska tiger reserve leaps from `fair' to `good' grade

MEE conducted by National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) and Wildlife

Institute of India (WII) is the assessment of how well protected areas such as
national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, conserva tion reserves, community reserves and
tiger reserves are being managed and their effectiveness in conserving target flora
and fauna.
In the report released last month, the reserves were put into four categories - very
good, good, fair and poor.
Among those put in the very good category are Annamalai, Bandipur, Corbett,
Kalakad-Mundanthurai, Kanha, Melghat, Muduma lai, Nagarhole, Panna,

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Parambikulam, Pench (MH), Pench (MP), Periyar, Satpuda, Sundarbans, TadobaAndhari and Valmik.


A protein can control spread of cancer cells

The study sheds light on how cancer cells leave the blood vessels to travel to a new part of
the body
When tumour cells spread, they first enter the blood stream and grip onto the inner walls of
blood vessels
The cancer cells control a receptor protein called EPHA2 in order to push their way out of
the vessels.
When these cancer cells interact with the walls of the blood vessels, EPHA2 is activated and
the tumour cells remain inside the blood vessels. When the EPHA2 is inactive, the tumour
cells can push out and spread

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Proteins are polypeptides. They are linear chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds
Protein Functions

Collagen- Intercellular ground substance

Trypsin- Enzyme
Insulin -Hormone
Antibody -Fights infectious agents Receptor Sensory reception (smell, taste,
hormone, etc.)
GLUT-4- Enables glucose transport into cells
Collagen is the most abundant protein in animal world and Ribulose bisphosphate
Carboxylase-Oxygenase (RUBISCO) is the most abundant protein in the whole of the
Each protein is a polymer of amino acids. As there are 21 types of amino acids (e.g.,
alanine, cysteine, proline, tryptophan, lysine, etc.), a protein is a heteropolymer and
not a homopolymer. A homopolymer has only one type of monomer repeating n
number of times.
Certain amino acids are essential for our health and they have to be supplied
through our diet. Hence, dietary proteins are the source of essential amino acids.
Therefore, amino acids can be essential or non-essential. The latter are those which
our body can make, while we get essential amino acids through our diet/food.
Proteins carry out many functions in living organisms, some transport nutrients
across cell membrane, some fight infectious organisms, some are hormones, some
are enzymes,
Collagen is the most abundant protein in animal world and Ribulose bisphosphate
Carboxylase-Oxygenase (RUBISCO) is the most abundant protein in the whole of the
Polysaccharides are long chains of sugars. They are threads (literally a cotton thread)
containing different monosaccharides as building blocks. For example cellulose is a
polymeric polysaccharide consisting of only one type of monosaccharide i.e.,
glucose. Cellulose is a homopolymer. Starch is a variant of this but present as a store
house of energy in plant tissues.
Animals have another variant called glycogen. Insulin is a polymer of fructose.
Only three types of macromolecules, i.e., proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides
are found in living systems. Lipids, because of their association with membranes
separate in the macromolecular fraction.
Nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) are composed of nucleotides. Biomacromolecules have
a hierarchy of structures primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary. Nucleic acids
serve as genetic material.

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Polysaccharides are components of cell wall in plants, fungi and also of the
exoskeleton of arthropods. They also are storage forms of energy (e.g., starch and
glycogen). Proteins serve a variety of cellular functions. Many of them are enzymes,
some are antibodies, some are receptors, some are hormones and some others are
structural proteins. Collagen is the most abundant protein in animal world and
Ribulose bisphosphate Carboxylase-Oxygenase (RUBISCO) is the most abundant
protein in the whole of the biosphere. Enzymes are proteins which catalyse
biochemical reactions in the cells.
Ribozymes are nucleic acids with catalytic power. Proteinaceous enzymes exhibit
substrate specificity, require optimum temperature and pH for maximal activity.
They are denatured at high temperatures.
Enzymes lower activation energy of reactions and enhance greatly the rate of the
Nucleic acids carry hereditary information and are passed on from parental
generation to progeny.


In our body, cell growth and differentiation is highly controlled and regulated. In
cancer cells, there is breakdown of these regulatory mechanisms. Normal cells show
a property called contact inhibition by virtue of which contact with other cells
inhibits their uncontrolled growth. Cancer cells appear to have lost this property.
Cancerous cells just continue to divide giving rise to masses of cells called tumors.
Tumours are of two types: benign and malignant. Benign tumors normally remain
confined to their original location and do not spread to other parts of the body and
cause little damage. The malignant tumors, on the other hand are a mass of
proliferating cells called neoplastic or tumor cells. These cells grow very rapidly,
invading and damaging the surrounding normal tissues. As these cells actively divide
and grow they also starve the normal cells by competing for vital nutrients. Cells
sloughed from such tumors reach distant sites through blood, and wherever they get
lodged in the body, they start a new tumor there. This property called metastasis is
the most feared property of malignant tumors.

Man not killed by meteorite: NASA


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There is a large gap in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter .This gap is occupied
by a large number of small objects that revolve around the Sun. These are called
Asteroids can only be seen through large telescopes.


Comets are also members of our solar system. They revolve around the Sun in highly
elliptical orbits. However, their period of revolution round the Sun is usually very
long. A Comet appears
Generally as a bright head with a long tail. The length of the tail grows in size as it
approaches the sun. The tail of a comet is always directed away from the sun
Many comets are known to appear periodically. One such comet is Halleys Comet,
which appears after nearly every 76 years. It was last seen in 1986 Meteors and
Meteorites At night, when the sky is clear and the moon is not there, you may
sometimes see bright streaks of light in the sky These are commonly known as
Shooting stars, although they are not stars. They are called


A meteor is usually a small object that occasionally enters the earths atmosphere. At
that time it has a very high speed. The friction due to the atmosphere heats it up. It
glows and evaporates quickly. That is why the bright steak lasts for a very short time.
Some meteors are large and so they can reach the Earth before they evaporate
completely. The body that reaches the Earth is called a meteorite.
Meteorites help scientists in investigating the nature of the material from which the
solar system was formed.

Eyes of bacteria

Synechocystis - the species used in the study - is found naturally in freshwater lakes
and rivers.
Cyanobacteria are found in huge numbers in water bodies or can form a slippery
green film on rocks and pebbles.
Cyanobacteria evolved around 2.7 billion years ago and the fact that they are able to
produce oxygen and fix carbon dioxide using energy from the sun (photosynthesis) is
thought to have caused mass extinctions and the oldest known ice age.
The current study reveals that they are able to do this because the cell body acts like
a lens.

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As light hits the spherical surface, it refracts into a point on the other side of the cell.
This triggers movement by the cell away from the focused spot.
Within minutes, the bacteria grow tiny tentacle-like structures called pili that reach
out towards the light source.
As they attach to the surface that they're on, they retract and pull the bacteria along.
The findings are most likely an example of convergent evolution between bacteria
and more complex multi-cellular organisms including animals and humans.

Types of Bacteria

Cocci are round, spherical-shaped bacteria. They can occur as a single bacterium or
be arranged in a pair, chain or cluster of bacteria depending on which type of coccus
it is


Bacilli are rod-shaped bacteria that look like cylinders, arranged singly or in chains.
Escherichia coli is a rod-shaped bacteria that normally lives in your intestinal tract
without causing disease. However, a few strains of E. coli do cause disease that's
spread typically by eating or drinking contaminated food or water; a typical symptom
is diarrhoea.


Vibrios are one of three types of bacteria with a spiral-like shape. Vibrios are commashaped bacteria that look like a curved rod. They typically live in aquatic


Spirilla are another subgroup of bacteria with a more rigid spiral shape. One such
bacteria is Campylobacter jejuni, which causes diarrhoea. Campylobacter jejuni is
typically acquired in places where sanitation is poor or by eating raw or undercooked
poultry. Helicobacter pylori is a similar-shaped bacteria found in your stomach.
While some people infected with Helicobacter pylori have no symptoms, it is a
common cause of stomach inflammation and ulcers

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Spirochetes are long, thin and flexible corkscrew-shaped bacteria. They typically
move in a distinctive rotating manner that allows them to be mobile in mucus-lined
tissue or where it is viscous.

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme expanded in additional 61 districts

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme was launched on 22nd January, 2015 at
Panipat in Haryana.
It is a tri-ministerial effort of Ministries of Women and Child Development, Health &
Family Welfare and Human Resource Development.
In the first phase, 100 districts with low CSR were selected for BBBP Scheme
implementation for creating awareness and advocacy about the issue.
During the last one year, the BBBP Scheme is being implemented under the overall
guidance and supervision of concerned District Magistrate/Deputy Commissioners .

MoEF notified Wild Boar as Vermin for a year in Uttarakhand

Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF) on 3 February

2016 notified wild pig as vermin for a period of one year from the date of issue of
the notification in Uttarakhand.
It will allow state authorities to carry out an extermination of the declared species on
a large scale without attracting penal provisions of the Wildlife (Protection) Act,
Forest staff, police men or anybody who has got licensed revolver can kill the animal.
The forest department will provide ammunition by giving 50 percent fund for
purchasing the bullet, the remaining amount of which will be paid to the user once
they provide the video-graphical evidence along with empty bullet used to kill the
The carcass has to be burnt as per the norms with regard to wildlife. Videography of
this method of disposal will have to be furnished to the forest official of the area.

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Scientists spot elusive space-time ripples

Gravitational waves Explained

What are gravitational waves?
Gravitational waves are small ripples in space-time that are believed to travel across the
universe at the speed of light. They are like tiny waves on a lake from far away; the
lakes surface looks glassy smooth; only up very close can the details of the surface be

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seen. They were predicted to exist by Albert Einstein in 1916 as a consequence of his
General Theory of Relativity.

What does Einstein say about gravity?

While Sir Isaac Newton visualised gravitational force as a pulling force between objects,
Albert Einstein opined it to be a pushing force due to the curvature of four dimensional
spacetime fabric. The curvature of space-time stems from the dent heavy objects
produce on spacetime fabric, which can be compared to the dent one could see on a
plastic sheet when a massive ball is placed.
How are these waves detected?

Scientists have been trying to detect them using two large laser instruments in the
United States, known together as the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave
Observatory (LIGO), as well as another in Italy.
The twin LIGO installations are located roughly 3,000 km apart in Livingston,
Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington. Having two detectors is a way to sift out
terrestrial rumblings, such as traffic and earthquakes, from the faint ripples of space
Each of the arms of the L is a 4 km tunnel in which laser beams bounce back and
forth between two highly sensitive suspended mirrors. The laser beams are tuned to
be perfectly in opposite phase so that there is total interference when the beams
arrive at the intersection of the arms and no light passes through the beam splitter
at the intersection into the photo-detector behind. But when a gravitational wave
passes through the detector, the space-time gets distorted much like a squeezed
ball, oscillating between the two states compressed in one direction and elongated
in the other. So the effect of this oscillatory compression of one arm and elongation
of the other is that there is no total cancellation of the interfering laser beams and a
net signal gets through to the photodetector.
The LIGO work is funded by the National Science Foundation, an independent agency
of the U.S. government.

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Why is the study of gravitational waves important?

Discovery of gravitational waves would represent a scientific landmark, opening the

door to an entirely new way to observe the cosmos and unlock secrets about the
early universe and mysterious objects like black holes and neutron stars.

Did scientists ever detect gravitational waves?

Although, physics supports the existence of gravitational waves, the strength of such
waves even due to astronomically heavy bodies is awfully weak to be detected.
On March 17, 2014, Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics erroneously
claimed discovery of gravitational waves. The Harvard group, working at BICEP2
(Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarisation) telescope, had reported
that they had observed a twist in the polarisation of ancient light that goes back to
the time of the big bang. But within a month, studies pointed out flaws in the study.

All the known forces (or interactions) in the universe can be grouped into four basic types.
Below is the list of these forces in the order of decreasing strength.
The Strong Force

This force is responsible for binding of nuclei. It is the dominant one in reactions and
decays of most of the fundamental particles. This force is so strong that it binds and
stabilizes the protons of similar charges within a nucleus. However, it is very short
range. No such force will be felt beyond the order of 1 fm (femtometer or 10-15 m).

The Electromagnetic Force

This is the force which exists between all particles which have an electric charge. For
example, electrons (negative charge) bind with nucleus of an atom, due to the
presence of protons (positive charge). The force is long range, in principle extending
over infinite distance. However, the strength can quickly diminish due to shielding
effect. Many everyday experiences such as friction and air resistance are due to this
force. This is also the resistant force that we feel, for example, when pressing our
palm against a wall. This is originated from the fact that no two atoms can occupy
the same space. However, its strength is about 100 times weaker within the range of
1 fm, where the strong force dominates. But because there is no shielding within the
nucleus, the force can be cumulative and can compete with the strong force. This
competition determines the stability structure of nuclei.

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The Weak Force

This force is responsible for nuclear beta decay and other similar decay processes
involving fundamental particles. The range of this force is smaller than 1 fm and is
10-7 weaker than the strong force. Nevertheless, it is important in understanding the
behaviour of fundamental particles.

The Gravitational Force

This is the force that holds us onto the Earth. It could be important in our daily life,
but on the scale of atomic world it is of negligible or no importance at all.
Gravitational force is cumulative and extended to infinity. It exists whenever there is
matter. Your body is experiencing a gravitational pull with, say, your computer (or
anything close to you or as far away as stars and galaxies) but the effect is so small
you will never sense it. However, you can sense the gravitational pull with the Earth
(that is, your weight) due to the cumulative effect of billions of billions of the atoms
made up your body with those atoms of the Earth. This means that the larger the
body (contain more matter), the stronger the force. But on the scale of individual
particles, the force is extremely small, only in the order of 10-38 times that of the
strong force.

Elephanta Island to get electricity from Independence Day 2016

Elephanta Island: Famous for its Hindu cave sculptures depicting the cult of Shiva
UNESCO world heritage site, Elephanta
The island, which was dependent upon diesel-powered generators for electricity
until now, will be completely electrified by Independence Day 2016.
Also called the 'City of Caves', the island is situated in the Sea of Oman close to

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Is spirituality the exclusive domain of men, asks SC

Reacting to submissions on physical hardship, austerity and days of celibacy male

devotees endure to reach the Ayyappa temple at Sabarimala in Kerala, the Supreme
Court asked the temple authorities whether, according to them, spirituality is the
exclusive domain of men, and if women are incapable of attaining the spiritual self.

Right to Equality
Equality Before Law

Equality before law is well defined under the Article 14 of the Constitution which
ensures that every citizen shall be likewise protected by the laws of the country. It
means that the State will not distinguish any of the Indian citizens on the basis of
their gender, caste, creed, religion or even the place of birth.

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Social Equality and Equal Access to Public Areas

The right of Social Equality and Equal Access to Public Areas is clearly mentioned
under the Article 15 of the Constitution of India stating that no person shall be
shown favouritism on the basis of colour, caste, creed language, etc. Every person
shall have equal admittance to public places like public wells, bathing Ghats,
museums, temples etc. However, the State has the right to make any special
arrangement for women and children or for the development of any socially or
educationally backward class or scheduled castes or scheduled tribes. This article
applies only to citizens of India.

Equality in Matters of Public Employment

Abolition of Untouchability
Abolition of Titles

Right to Freedom of Religion

Article 25: Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of
Article 26: Freedom to run religious affairs
Article 27: No person shall be compelled to pay any tax for the promotion or
maintenance of any religion
Article 28: Freedom as to attendance at religious instruction or religious worship in
certain educational institutions

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Himalayan griffon spotted in Goa

Himalayan griffon was previously believed to belong to the upper Himalayas and was
presumed to stray till the Gangetic plains at the most.
In 2013, however, an exhausted juvenile was rescued in Thrissur district of Kerala.
In the same year, multiple sightings of the species were also reported from
Bangalore in Karnataka and Kakinada in Andhra Pradesh.
Himalayan griffons do not breed in the first three years, and hence juvenile birds of
the species do not remain in breeding grounds to avoid competition.

Scientists bid farewell to comet lander Philae

Philae lander, a fridge-sized machine that landed on Comet 67P/ChuryumovGerasimenko on November 12, 2014
In the 64 hours following its separation from Rosetta, Philae took detailed images of
the comet from above and on the surface, sniffed out organic compounds, and
profiled the local environment and surface properties of the comet, providing
revolutionary insights into this fascinating world


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Madhya Pradesh Gets its First Mega Food Park, Expected to Benefit About 25,000 30,000

Mega Food Parks Scheme (MFPS) was launched in 2008 whereby, the Government
provides Financial Assistance up to Rs. 50 Crore to set up modern infrastructure
facilities for food processing called Mega Food Parks.
The key objectives of the scheme are to reduce wastage of perishables; raise
processing of food items from 6% to 20% and raise Indias share in Food Processing
Industry from 1.5% to 3%.
A mega food park is basically a hub and spoke architecture comprising Collection
Centres (CCs) and Primary Processing Centres (PPCs) as spokes linked to a Central
Processing Centre as hub.

Implementation of the Mega Food Park is done through the Special Purpose Vehicle
(SPV) mechanism in which Financial Institutions/Banks, organized retailers,
processors, service providers, producers, farmer organizations and other related
stakeholders are the equity Holders.
Each SPV is a Company registered under the Companies Act; and is required to have
at least three entrepreneurs / business units which would be independent of each
other with no common directors. The land for the project is arranged by SPV.

Please click to view newly allotted Mega Food Parks on Map of India.

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Ganga Sanskriti Yatra showcasing & discovering Culture Heritage of Ganga to begin at
Gangotri on 14 February, 2016

Ganga Sanskriti Yatra is showcasing & discovering culture heritage of Ganga

The objective of Ganga Sanskriti Yatra is to showcase and discover the cultural
diversity and heritage of Ganga river basin and also to spread necessary awareness
to the masses about its safeguarding and rejuvenating.
Apart from the main venues of Yatra i.e, Gangotri, Haridwar, Bijnor, Farukkabad,
Kannuj, Kanpur, Allahabad, Mirzapur, Varanasi, Gazipur, Baliya, Buxur, Chhapra,
Vaishali, Patna, Begusarai, Munger, Sultanganj, Bhagalpur, Rajmahal, Murshidabad,
Baharampur, Dakhineswar and Ganga Sagar, the festival will cover all the
confluences of the tributaries of Ganga and the places of historical and cultural
The Ganga is one of the major rivers of the Indian subcontinent; it is the longest river
in India and flows for around 1,569 miles (2,525 KM) from the Himalayan Mountains
to the Bay of Bengal and heavily populated with over 400 million people living in the
basin. From origin to confluence, the Ganga flows through the state of Uttaranchal,
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal are under the EZCC.

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Pls follow this Famous link to know everything about rivers

Some of the famous rivers of the world

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Major rivers and lakes in India

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Rivers and their origins

International Intellectual Property Index

Index released by US Chamber of Commerce.

The Index maps the IP environment in 38 economies around the world, collectively
accounting for nearly 85% of global gross domestic product (GDP).
Each economys score is based on 30 indicators spread across six categories
Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade Secrets, Enforcement, and International
This is the fourth edition of the index titled Infinite Possibilities

Rankings and Score

Rank Country









Germany 27.36

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Venezuela 6.42

International Fleet Review 2016

Dates held: 04 to 08 Feb 16

Venue: Bay of Bengal off Visakhapatnam coast
Participating countries: 49
Mascot: Dolphin
Theme: United Through Oceans
Vessel used by the President and the PM for review: INS Sumitra
Note: Pakistan was not among the 49 participating countries.

India becomes associate member of European science body

India officially became the Associate Member State of European Molecular Biology
Organisation (EMBO)
Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, and Government
of India has signed an agreement to become an Associate Member of EMBO
India is second country outside the European region to be an Associate Member
State of EMBO
First one being Singapore which had signed such agreement with European
Molecular Biology Conference (EMBC) in 2015.

European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)

Founded in 1964 and headquartered at Heidelberg, Germany

It promotes research in life science and enables international exchange of scientific
information between scientists

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Benefits for India

It will strengthen interaction and collaborative research between India and Europe in
the field of molecular biology
Indian Researchers will now be eligible to participate in all EMBO programmes and
activities taking place across the world
Indian scientists now can apply for its programmes, such as long-term fellowships for
postdoctoral researchers, courses, short-term fellowships and workshops

India, Iran will try to resolve proposed Chabahar Port issue at foreign office consultation
International North South Transport Corridor (INSTC)

It is a project to link India and Iran via the sea route and then through Iran to the
Caspian sea onwards to Central Asia
It is a multi-modal transport corridor established in 2000 in St. Petersburg.
Aim is to promote transportation cooperation among member states
It connects Indian Ocean & Persian Gulf to Caspian Sea via Iran, and onward to
northern Europe via St. Petersburg in Russia
The NSTC route through Azerbaijan allows India-Iran-Azerbaijan-Russia-Kazakhstan
transport connectivity
Founding Members India, Iran and Russia
New Members Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey,
Ukraine, Belarus, Oman, Syria, Bulgaria (Observer Member)

Strategic Significance

Augment Connect Central Asia Policy

Complement Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)
Boost Look West Policy
Can bypass Pakistan

Chabahar Port

Gives it direct access to Afghanistan and Central Asian countries, bypassing Pakistan
The port will provide India access to Central Asia, and investment in the port will
yield immediate strategic gains for India
Allows India (worlds fourth largest energy consumer) to access Irans crude oil

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Allows India access to the added energy resources in Central Asia (Gas, Uranium &
Coal reserves)
Will help India to meet its maximum trade potential with Central Asian countries
The Chabahar port project will compete directly with Chinas Gwadar port in

______ Standard (Suez Canal) Route

______ NSTC Route

Government setting up $1.25billion renewable energy fund

Government is in the process of setting up a $1.25 billion fund, backed by stateowned and private institutions, to finance renewable energy projects
This will help in the scaling up of clean energy generation
This fund will make equity & mezzanine investments in renewable energy projects
This will be modelled like the National Infrastructure Investment Fund (NIIF)

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Mezzanine financing (MF)

MF allows a business to obtain capital through loans without offering any collateral
If the business defaults on the loan, the lender can convert its wealth into ownership
stake by exercising warrants or options built into the deal

Lets take an example

Tauseef wants to expand his Gudang Garam company, however he lacks the funds to
do so right away.
Rather than raising money through issuance of shares of his company, Tauseef
finances his expansion through a mezzanine lender who agrees to loan the money
under the condition, that the lender receives warrants/options.
Should Tauseef default on his payments based on terms of the loan, lender will
convert the outstanding balance into an appropriate ownership share. That share
can be sold/transferred at the lenders discretion.
The lender will charge higher interest rates due to the minimal due diligence
Due Diligence The full investigation of a product/transaction before the transaction takes

PS We hope/assume that everyone is aware of equity financing.

RBI buys Rs 10,000 crore via OMOs

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) recently bought Rs 10,000 crore of bonds through its
open market operations (OMOs)
The OMO was done to ease liquidity in the bond market.

Open Market Operations

A monetary policy tool in which a Central Banks (here RBI) buy and sell bonds to
regulate the money supply in the economy
OMOs are the market operations conducted by the Reserve Bank of India by way of
sale/ purchase of Government securities to/ from the market with an objective to
adjust the rupee liquidity conditions in the market on a durable basis.
When the RBI feels there is excess liquidity in the market, it resorts to sale of
securities thereby sucking out the rupee liquidity.

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Similarly, when the liquidity conditions are tight, the RBI will buy securities from the
market, thereby releasing liquidity into the market.

Govt wants fresh bill to probe complaints against judges

The government favours bringing afresh The Judicial Standards and Accountability
It seeks to change the present system of probing complaints of misbehaviour and
incapacity against judges of the Supreme Court and high courts
The bill was earlier brought by UPA government but had lapsed following the
dissolution of the 15th Lok Sabha

Judicial Standards and Accountability Bill

It provided for a comprehensive mechanism for handling complaints made by

Complaints can be grounds of alleged misbehaviour and incapacity against judges of
the Supreme Court and high courts
It provided for a mechanism to take action against those found guilty after
Laid down judicial standards and made it incumbent on the judges to declare their
assets and liabilities

Heritage development projects in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana approved

Approval by an integral-ministerial HRIDAY National Empowered Committee

Improvement of tourist infrastructure in heritage places of Amaravati (AP) and
Warangal (Telangana)
Sanctioned funds will be used at 1000 pillar temple, Kazipet Dargah & pond at
Padmakshi temple in Warangal.

National Heritage Development and Augmentation Yojana (HRIDAY)

Aims to preserve and rejuvenate the rich cultural heritage of the country
Seeks to promote an integrated, inclusive and sustainable development of heritage
It will also focus on advancement of the entire ecosystem including its citizens,
tourists and local businesses
The 12 cities selected for this scheme are

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1. Ajmer
2. Amaravati
3. Amritsar
4. Badami
5. Dwarka
6. Gaya
7. Kanchipuram
8. Mathura
9. Puri
10. Varanasi
11. Velankanni
12. Warangal

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Gujarat-Maharashtra dispute stalls river project

Differences over water sharing between Gujarat and Maharashtra

Gujarat wants the Maharashtra government to share more water from the Tapi river
if it wants additional share from the proposed Damanganga-Pinjal link which will
supply water to Mumbai
The Centre, Maharashtra and Gujarat governments agreed to link Damanganga and
Pinjal rivers through multi-purpose dams and tunnels

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Indo-Nepal Battalion Level Combined Exercise Surya Kiran

The 9th Indo-Nepal Combined Battalion level Military Training Exercise Surya Kiran
commenced at Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand on 8 February 2016.
An Infantry battalion from Indian Army will represent the exercise
Nepalese Army is being represented by officers and troops of the elite Shree
RudraDhoj battalion

Indian Army Joint Exercises

Mithra Shakti - India and Sri Lanka.

Shakti - India and France
Nomadic Elephant- India and Mongolia
Yuddh Abhyas - India and United States
Surya Kiran - India and Nepal

Govt mulling 100% FDI in marketplace model of e-commerce

Aimed to attract more foreign investors

E-commerce firms have foreign investments even as there are no clear FDI guidelines
100% FDI is allowed only in B2B e-commerce and not in retail segment

The Marketplace Model (Multiple Brands)

Increased Visibility
Fierce Competition
Less flexibility
Examples Snapdeal, Ebay

The Direct Model/Inventory Model (One Brand)

Full Service
Ultimate Brand Control
Flexibility (Customization & Personalization)
Freecultr, Flipkart in early stage (Flipkart now uses a mixed model)

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NATO, EU sign agreement on cyber-defence cooperation

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and European Union (EU) have
signed an agreement to improve Cooperation in Cyber Defence to counter modern
forms of hybrid warfare
A technical agreement was signed at NATO headquarters in Brussels, Belgium
between both organisations which have 22 member countries in common
It was signed between NATO Computer Incident Response Capability (NCIRC) and
the Computer Emergency Response Team European Union (CERT-EU)


NATO is a consensus-based alliance, where decisions reflect the membership's

collective will
But individual states or subgroups of allies may initiate action outside NATO auspices
For instance, the United States, France, and the UK began policing a UNsanctioned no-fly zone in Libya in early 2011, and within days transferred
command of the operation to NATO (once Turkish concerns had been
At the same time, all member states are not required to participate in every

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For instance, Germany and Poland declined to contribute directly to the

campaign in Libya
NATO invoked its collective defence provision (Article V) for the first time following
the 9/11 attack

NATO Operations

Peacekeeping in Kosovo
Anti-terrorism patrols in the Mediterranean
Anti-piracy off the Horn of Africa
Support for African Union forces in Somalia
Security assistance in Afghanistan
Policing the skies over Eastern Europe following Russia's intervention in Ukraine.

NATO Members

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Internet readiness index in India: Maharashtra tops, Telangana 4th, says IAMAI report

The report was published by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI)
and Indicus Analytics
Maharashtra has emerged as the top ranking state in terms of the overall Internet
readiness index
Among the smaller states, Delhi has emerged as the topmost state, followed by
Puducherry and Goa


Internet Readiness Index

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National Arogya Fair-2016 begins at Dehradun

The Fair has been organized by the Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy,
Unani, Siddha, Sowa Rigpa & Homoeopathy (AYUSH) in collaboration with the State
government of Uttarakhand and the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII)
Immune system
Homeopathy in Womens disorders
Treatment in Ayurveda
Yog se Arogya
Non-communicable diseases management in Siddha System


Unani ( Dont confuse it with Rosss concept of Unagi :P )

We couldnt resist! :P


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Arogya Fair

It aims to showcase and promote the strengths, efficacy and affordability of the
AYUSH systems of medicines
Information centre setup by Ministry of AYUSH
Live Yoga demonstrations

Digital India: 3 applications launched for Indian Railways

Hand Held Terminals (HHT) - Launched in Northern Railways will enable Travelling
Ticket Examiner (TTEs) to update an entire trains passenger list and highlight vacant
berths which can be sent back to HHT application servers, the Passenger Reservation
System (PRS) terminals and website to be viewed
Paperless ticketing - Launched unreserved ticketing mobile application
UTSONMOBILE in South Central Railway which was developed with the help of
Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS)
E-booking of disposable bedrolls (E-Bedroll) - A bedroll kit packed in a non-woven
fabric bag

All the Best!

IASbaba Team

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IASbaba Prelims Current Affairs

15st February to 23rd February 2016
Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us
to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the
right time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a
Civil Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he
belongs to- very well.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects
like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science
and Technology- making the section of Current Affairs indispensable for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules
of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.

Best wishes

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National Framework for Malaria Elimination (NFME) 2016-2030

Eliminate malaria from all low and moderate endemic states/UTs by 2022

Reduce incidence of malaria to less than 1 case per 1000 population in all States/UTs
and its elimination by 2024.

Interrupt indigenous transmission of malaria in all Category 3 states by 2027

Prevent re-establishment of malaria local transmission in areas where it has been

eliminated and maintain status of malaria-free in the country by 2030.

The milestones and targets are set for years 2016, 2020, 2022, 2024, 2027 and 2030;
by when, the entire country will have to sustain zero indigenous cases and deaths
due to malaria.

The NFME 2016-2030 also defines key strategic approaches

Programme phasing considering the varying malaria endemicity in the country;

Classification of States/UTs based on API as primary criterion

Category 0: Prevention of re- introduction phase;
Category 1: Elimination phase;
Category 2: Pre-elimination phase;
Category 3: Intensified control phase

District- as the unit of planning and implementation;

Focus on high endemic areas; and

Special strategy for P.vivax elimination

1. Malaria- Causes + Symptoms
2. Have the policymakers taken enough precautions to rule its incidence? What are the
steps that have been forwarded by them?
3. Can India ever by Malaria-free?

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Neem extract may help treat Pancreatic Cancer: Study
Medicinal values of Neem tree

Regarded as a one tree pharmacy in traditional Ayurveda- Several insecticidal and

medicinal uses

Neem leaf has antifungal and antibacterial properties

Is commonly used as bio-pesticide

Neem oilContains fatty acid and vitamin E

Used for the treatment of skin disorders because of its detoxifying properties

Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi visits India

Try and locate the important geographical points that UPSC has a knack of nailing you in
the exam with ;-)

Unravelling mysteries of Coral Bleaching

Coral bleaching is the loss of intracellular endosymbionts (zooxanthellae) through

either expulsion or loss of algal pigmentation
Coral bleaching is considered as a stress response of corals to a few biotic and
abiotic factors

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Increased solar irradiance (photo synthetically active radiation and ultraviolet

band light); Exposure to UV radiation + Thermal stress Lethal for corals- could
lead to the loss of algal symbionts from coral tissue and coral bleaching

Coral reefs are highly sensitive ecosystems, often compared to tropical rainforests
considering the ecosystem services they deliver, facing the threat of extinction
Valuable source of pharmaceutical compounds from which drugs for the treatment
of cancer, HIV, cardiovascular diseases, ulcers, and other ailments are extracted

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Swachh Bharat rankings out; Mysuru cleanest

Southeast Asia to see Total Solar Eclipse-March 8

Solar eclipse happen only at new moon, when the Sun and the Moon are in conjunction as
seen from Earth in an alignment

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Odisha and the mass nesting of Turtles
Students clean Beach from Gokharakuda to Podampeta, near river Rushikulya mouth off
Ganjam coast, the famous mass nesting site for the endangered Olive Ridley sea turtles.
Nesting sites in India

Issues faced by Olive Ridley Turtles Why endangered?
When is a particular species marked: Critically endangeredVulnerable?

69th BAFTA Awards 2016

Established: 1947
Headquarters: London
Purpose: To supports, promote and develop the art forms of the moving image
Best Film: The Revenant
Best Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio (The Revenant)
Best Actress: Brie Larson (Room)

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India and its own gravitational observatory- IndiGO

IndIGO, the Indian Initiative in Gravitational-wave Observations is an initiative to set

up advanced experimental facilities, with appropriate theoretical and computational
support, for a multi-institutional Indian national project in gravitational-wave

The proposed detector will be a Michelson Interferometer with Fabry-Perot

enhanced arms of 4 km length, aiming to detect differential changes in the armlengths as small as 10-23 Hz-1/2 in the frequency range between 30 to 800 Hz.


Indian Neutrino Observatory (INO) Project is another mega-science project- a

proposed underground observatory to detect ephemeral particles called neutrinos
Neutrino is a lepton, an elementary particle with half-integer spin that interacts only
via the weak subatomic force and gravity. The mass of the neutrino is tiny compared
to other subatomic particles. Neutrinos are the only identified candidate for dark
matter, specifically hot dark matter.
An elementary particle or fundamental particle is a particle that might not be made
of other particles. An elementary particle can be a fermion or a boson.
Fermions are the building blocks of matter and have mass, while bosons behave
as force carriers for fermion interactions and some of them have no mass.
The Standard Model is the most accepted way to explain how particles behave,
and the forces that affect them. According to this model, the elementary
particles are further grouped into
Leptons, and
Gauge bosons, with the Higgs boson having a special status.
A fundamental particle - also known as an elementary particle - is one that cannot be
broken into smaller pieces.
Is atom a fundamental particle?
No; because it consists of protons and neutrons in its
nucleus and has a cloud of electrons orbiting the
Are protons and neutrons fundamental particles?
No; because they consist of quarks
Are quarks and electrons fundamental particles?

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Yes; as they cannot be broken apart

Buyback of WPI-Linked Inflation Indexed Bond

Government of India has announced the repurchase of 1.44 per cent Inflation Indexed
Government Stock-2023 through reverse auction for an aggregate amount of Rs. 3,990.72
crore (face value)

What is a 'Buyback'?
A buyback is the repurchase of outstanding shares (repurchase) by a company in order to
reduce the number of shares on the market. Companies will buy back shares either to
increase the value of shares still available (reducing supply), or to eliminate any threats by
shareholders who may be looking for a controlling stake.
So what is Inflation-Indexed Security?
A security that guarantees a return higher than the rate of inflation if it is held till
Inflation-indexed securities link their capital appreciation, or coupon payments, to
inflation rates
Who will hold inflation-indexed securities Investors seeking safe returns with
little to no risk

What is Inflation?
What is CPI IIP WPI?

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana

From: The upcoming Kharif season
Envisages: A uniform premium of
2 per cent- for Kharif crops
1.5 per cent- for Rabi crops
5 per cent- commercial and horticultural crops
Any upper limit on Government subsidy for this scheme No
Done away with:
The provision of capping the premium rate which resulted in low claims being paid to
farmers Farmers will get claims against the full sum insured, without any reduction

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The sought-after game changer in Industrial Development-Inland Waterways

Inland Waterways
Fuel efficient + Cost effective + Environment friendly mode of transport
Possesses immense potential for tourism
Why havent the inland waterways been optimally tapped Due to the focus of post
Independent governments on speed which led to higher allocations in roads and railways

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Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA)

The Trade Facilitation Agreement contains

Provisions for expediting the movement, release and clearance of goods, including
goods in transit
Sets out measures for effective cooperation between customs and other appropriate
authorities on trade facilitation and customs compliance issues

Types of Subsidies under WTO

Subsidies that dont disrupt trade balance or cause minimum damage to trade
E.g. Agriculture research-development, extension services, farmer training programs,
pest-disease control program, and flood/drought relief money paid to farmers etc.

Is there any limit stated by WTO over the same?


Subsidies that disturb trade balance like subsidies on fertilizers, seeds, power and
How do they distort trade balance Encourages excessive production, leading to
the countrys product becoming cheaper than others, in the international market

What does WTO have to say about it?


Amber-type subsidies that aims to limit production or subsidies that dont increase
with production. For example subsidies linked with acreage or number of animals.
Very few countries use Blue box- Iceland, Norway, Slovenia etc.

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Anti-national slogans wont attract sedition charges

Freedom of Speech and Expression implies that every citizen has the right to express his
views, opinions, belief and convictions freely by word of mouth, writing, printing, picturing
or in any other manner
Supreme Court held that the freedom of speech and expression includes the following:
a) Right to propagate ones views as well as views of others
b) Freedom of the press
c) Freedom of commercial advertisements
d) Right against tapping of telephonic conversation
e) Right to telecast, that is, government has no monopoly on electronic media
f) Right against bundh called by a political party or organisation
g) Right to know about government activities
h) Freedom of silence
i) Right against imposition of pre-censorship on a newspaper
j) Right to demonstration or picketing but not right to strike
The State Can impose reasonable restrictions on the exercise of the freedom of
speech and expression- on the grounds of sovereignty and integrity of India, security of
the state, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality,
contempt of court, defamation, and incitement to an offence
Freedom of Assembly Every citizen has the right to assemble peaceably and without arms
Includes the right to hold public meetings, demonstrations and take out processions
Can be exercised only on public land
The assembly must be peaceful and unarmed
Does not include the right to strike
The State can impose reasonable restrictions on the exercise of right of assembly on two
grounds, namely, sovereignty and integrity of India and public order including the
maintenance of traffic in the area concerned.

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Protection against Arrest and Detention Article 22 grants protection to persons who are
arrested or detained
Detention Punitive and Preventive
A. Punitive detention To punish a person for an offence committed by him after trial
and conviction in a court
B. Preventive detention Detention of a person without trial and conviction by a court
Its purpose is not to punish a person for a past offence but to prevent him from
committing an offence in the near future. Thus, preventive detention is only a
precautionary measure and based on suspicion.
Article 22
First part deals with the cases of ordinary law
Second part deals with the cases of preventive detention law.
Preventive detention laws made by the Parliament are:

Preventive Detention Act, 1950 Expired in 1969

Maintenance of Internal Security Act (MISA), 1971Repealed in 1978
Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities Act
(COFEPOSA), 1974
National Security Act (NASA), 1980
Prevention of Black-marketing and Maintenance of Supplies of Essential
Commodities Act (PBMSECA), 1980
Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act (TADA), 1985Repealed in 1995
Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act
(PITNDPSA), 1988
Prevention of Terrorism Act (POTA), 2002Repealed in 2004

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Iran in the Belt and Road loop as first train from China arrives

One Belt One Road (OBOR) Initiative

Marks the revival the ancient Silk Road giving impetus to Chinas ambitious (revived Silk
Road diplomacy)
Journey of the train
30 days shorter compared to time taken by sea voyage from Shanghai to the Iranian port of
Bandar Abbas (Locate it please)
China & Iran
China is Irans biggest trading partner and accounts for its one third of foreign trade
China is the top customer for oil exports from Iran
This will boost the bilateral trade between both countries after they had agreed to
build economic ties worth up to 600 billion dollars within the next 10 years

AtapakaLargest home of Spot-billed Pelican

Location: Atapaka Bird Sanctuary, located in Kolleru Lake on the borders of Krishna and
West Godavari districts
In news: Been identified as the largest spot-billed pelican home in the world
Atapaka has the highest number of spot-billed pelicans, also known as grey headed pelicans

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National Capital Goods Policy 2016

Key features of Policy
Exports of capital goods from the current 27% to 40 % of production
Share of domestic capital goods production in terms of demand from 60% to 80% (to
make India a net exporter of capital goods)
Improvement in technology depth across sub-sectors
Ensure mandatory standards
Increase skill availability
Promote growth and capacity building of MSMEs
Address issues related to availability of:
Raw material,
Environment friendly manufacturing practices,
Innovation and technology,
Creating domestic demand
Promoting exports
Seeks to:
Enhance Indian-made capital goods export through a Heavy Industry Export &
Market Development Assistance Scheme (HIEMDA)
Strengthen existing scheme of DHI (Department of Heavy Industry) for enhancement
of competitiveness of Capital Goods sector by increasing budgetary allocation
Launch a Technology Development Fund (TDF), upgrade existing and setting up new
testing & certification facility
Make standards mandatory in order to reduce sub-standard machine imports

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Commemoration of Tatya Topes 200th birth anniversary
Tatya Tope

Born as Ramachandra Pandurang Tope in Yeola in Nashik District of Maharashtra

He was most intimate friend of Nana Dhundu Pant (also known as Nana Saheb) of
Bithur who was adopted son of Peshwa Baji Rao-II
Had revolted against British after Nana Saheb was deprived of his fathers pension by
then Governor General Lord Dalhousie under the Doctrine of Lapse in 1851 (Revise)

The Revolt
May 1857:
Won over the Indian troops of the East India Company stationed at Kanpur
Established Nana Sahebs authority in Kanpur
Became the Commander-in-Chief of his revolutionary forces
Kanpur re-occupied by British
Shifted his headquarters to Kalpi and joined hands with Rani Lakshmi Bai and led
a revolt in Bundelkhand (Why was Rani Lakshmi Bai revolting against British?)
Reached Gwalior successfully and declared Nana Saheb as Peshwa
Unable to consolidate his position; was defeated by General Rose in a
memorable battle in Gwalior in which Rani Lakshmi Bai suffered martyrdom
Operation Red Lotus, 1857 A Maratha-Mughal alliance against the British led by Tatya

CIC- Debates, Rows and Confusion

In the news- Speculation that Delhi Police commissioner could be appointed as information
commissioner of CIC
Central Information Commission
A high-powered independent body which inter alia looks into the complaints made to it and
decide the appeals
Central Information Commission comes under Ministry of Personnel
Consists of: A Chief Information Commissioner and not more than ten Information
Appointed by: The President on the recommendation of a committee consisting of the
1. Prime Minister as Chairperson,

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2. the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha and
3. a Union Cabinet Minister nominated by the Prime Minister
a) They should be persons of eminence in public life with wide knowledge and
experience in law, science and technology, social service, management, journalism,
mass media or administration and governance
b) They should not be a Member of Parliament or Member of the Legislature of any
State or Union Territory
c) They should not hold any other office of profit or connected with any political party
or carrying on any business or pursuing any profession.
Term: Chief Information Commissioner and an Information Commissioner hold office for a
term of 5 years or until they attain the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier
Eligible for Reappointment: They are not eligible for reappointment

Beavers- Boon for environment

Check-list Improves biodiversity + Minimises pollutants + Reduces downstream flooding
Interconnected pools created by beaver dams- Increased the retention of organic matter
by up to seven times and the level of aquatic plant life 20 folds
Reduction in the levels of agricultural pollutants- More vegetation Cleaner water
Streams hosting beavers featured more than 40 percent lower levels of phosphorous and
nitrates (Magical, aint it?)
Dam building skills Help restore degraded streams
Increase the complexity of the surrounding habitat, thereby increasing the number
of species found by 28 percent
Refer to dam streams in shallow valleys, where the flooded area becomes productive
wetlands, supporting biodiversity that rivals tropical rain forests.
Freshwater wetlands have been rated as the world's most valuable land-based ecosystem
(Got it?)
Beavers reliably and economically maintain wetlands that
Sponge up floodwaters,
Alleviate droughts and floods (because their dams keep water on the land longer),
Lesson erosion,

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Raise the water table and act as the "earth's kidneys" to purify water

Act as Earths Kidneys When several feet of silt gets collected upstream of older beaver
dams, these toxics, such as pesticides, are broken down by microbes in the wetlands. Thus,
water downstream of dams is cleaner and requires less treatment for human use

A nod to Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2016

The Union Cabinet has given its approval to amend Section 9 of the Representation of the
People Act, 1950 and Section 11 of the Delimitation Act, 2002.
What will these amendments mean for the Common Man?
Provision of voting rights to people who became Indian citizens following the
exchange of enclaves between India and Bangladesh
Amendment of Delimitation Act, 2002 will enable Election Commission of India (ECI)
to carry out limited delimitation of Assembly and Parliamentary Constituencies in the
Cooch Behar District of West Bengal (Locate the important mineral-rich places in
West Bengal)

2016 Presidential election of Central African Republic

Central African Republic
River that flows through Central African Republic
Surrounding countries of Central African Republic

Cryogenic engine of GSLV Mark 3 Rocket

Cryogenic Engine: Rocket engine which uses Cryogenic propellant (indigenously developed)
Propellant: Liquid Hydrogen as fuel at -253 degrees C and Liquid Oxygen at -193 degrees C
(as oxidiser)
Generates: Very high specific impulse (with best performance index); Power of
approximately 2 MW
GSLV Mark 3 Rocket The biggest rocket made in India and capable of launching fourtonne satellites into geosynchronous orbit

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IndiaSixth space farer after US, Russia, the European Space Agency (ESA), China and Japan
to develop a cryogenic engine

Christine Lagarde- MD of IMF

International Monetary Fund (IMF)An organization of 188 countries, working to foster
global monetary cooperation
Headquarter: Washington DC

Face-off with Idols Basadi

Basadi Jain shrine (Location-Why were they removed)
1. What are Chaityas?
2. Importance of Barabar & Nagarjuni hills

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3. The Lomas Rishi, the Sudama (both in the Barabar hills) and the Sita Marhi (Nagarjuni
hills) Are they Chaityas or Viharas?
4. What are Viharas?
5. Do you have any idea about Sangharamas? Trace the evolution of Sangharamas to
centres of learning.

Prasar Bharati signs historical MoU with EBC

Historical MOUThe first agreement that Prasar Bharati has signed with any South
American country
Prasar Bharati
A statutory autonomous body
Established under the Prasar Bharati Act
Came into existence in the year 1997
Which other countries have signed similar MoUs with Prasar Bharati Russia + China

Mini-stomachs that can make insulin developed

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Glucagon is a peptide hormone, and plays an important role in maintaining the

normal blood glucose levels.
Insulin is a peptide hormone, which plays a major role in the regulation of glucose
Prolonged hyperglycemia leads to a complex disorder called diabetes mellitus which
is associated with loss of glucose through urine and formation of harmful
compounds known as ketone bodies. Diabetic patients are successfully treated with
insulin therapy.


What is type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Which type is mostly found in Children?
Which of them is more dangerous?
People with type 1 diabetes cannot make insulin because the beta cells in their
pancreas are damaged or destroyed. Therefore, these people will need insulin
injections to allow their body to process glucose and avoid complications from
People with type 2 diabetes do not respond well or are resistant to insulin. They may
need insulin shots to help them better process sugar and to prevent long-term
complications from this disease.
Persons with type 2 diabetes may first be treated with oral medications, along with
diet and exercise. Since type 2 diabetes is a progressive condition, the longer
someone has it, the more likely they will require insulin to maintain blood sugar

Soon, GI tag for four Bengali sweets

The four sweetmeats are Moa of Jainagar, Sarpuria of Krishnagar, and Sitabhog
and Mihidana of Burdwan
A GI tag is given to products that have a specific geographical origin and possess
qualities or a reputation that are due to that origin.
The GI tag is necessary for these items to protect them from cheap imitations. It will
also help preserve quality

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PM launches Rurban Mission

For developing 300 villages across the country as urban growth centres
Why- To curb migration
Under the Rurban Mission, 300 rural centres, catering to at least four adjoining
villages each, will be developed as urban clusters with modern facilities.

President of India condoles the passing away of Ustad Abdul Rashid Khan

He was an eminent vocalist

He belonged to an exponent of the Gwalior gharana
He was a recipient of Padma Bhushan in 2013
He created innumerable compositions under the pseudonym RasanPiya.


Difference between Carnatic and Hindustani Music?

Similar to Carnatic classical music, the two fundamental elements of Hindustani
classical music are raag and taal.
Amir Khusro, a scholar poet and musicologist of rare talent in the court of Allauddin
Khilji (13th Century, A.D.) is credited with the introduction of entirely new forms and
styles in Hindustani music which are still in practice today.
An important landmark in Hindustani music was the establishment of Gharanas
under the patronage of princely states.
A gharana is more a school of thought than an institution. Each of the gharanas
developed distinct facets and styles of presentation and performance.

258 Villages Electrified Last Week Under DDUGJY

Highlight of Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojna (DDUGJY)

An electrical grid is an interconnected network for delivering electricity from

suppliers to consumers. It consists of generating stations that produce electrical
power, high-voltage transmission lines that carry power from distant sources to
demand centers, and distribution lines that connect individual customers.

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The term off-the-grid (OTG) can refer to living in a self-sufficient manner without
reliance on one or more public utilities. Off-the-grid homes are autonomous; they do
not rely on municipal water supply, sewer, natural gas, electrical power grid, or
similar utility services.

Dr. Harsh Vardhan and Shri Y.S. Chowdary release Seismic Microzonation
reports for Delhi and Kolkata; says Impact of Earthquakes on Society Should
be Minimized
Name of the report-Seismic Microzonation reports for Delhi and Kolkata
What the report is all about:
We normally believe that the impact of earthquake decreases as we move away
from the earthquake epicenter, but that was not always found to be true.
Prediction of most of the natural events, particularly the earthquakes, is not
possible, but the resulting damage due to them can be minimized by taking
proper measures. Microzonation is one such measure where the emphasis on
the impact of earthquake on the habitat is given.
Earlier a seismic zoning map for entire India was prepared and published by the
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), classifying the entire country into 4 major groups
Zone-V (High intensity) to Zone-II (Low intensity).
It was seen that due to an earthquake in 1985 there was severe damage in Mexico
City, though the earthquake source was located about 350 km away from the city. It
was realized that putting a large region into a single seismic hazard zone is not a
good idea. This and several other examples led to a new concept, called
Seismic Microzonation is a process of identifying such related geological,
seismological, and hydrological and geotechnical site characteristics in a specific
region. These would help design of safe structures to reduce loss of human life.
Beneficiaries of these microzonation maps would include:
Disaster Mitigation & Management Authorities
Urban Development Authorities
Planning, Design & Construction Agencies
Risk Assessment to existing life & Property
Defence Installations
Heavy Industry
Public Utilities & Services

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Uma Bharti Calls for Implementation of PMKSY in a Time Bound Manner ,Jal
Manthan-2 Begins
Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) has been formulated with the
vision of extending the coverage of irrigation Har Khet ko pani and improving water
use efficiency More crop per drop' in a focused manner with end to end solution on
source creation, distribution, management, field application and extension activities.
PMKSY has been formulated amalgamating ongoing schemes viz. Accelerated
Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP) of the Ministry of Water Resources, River
Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD & GR), Integrated Watershed
Management Programme (IWMP) of Department of Land Resources (DoLR) and the
On Farm Water Management (OFWM) of Department of Agriculture and
Cooperation (DAC).

Jal manthan- The Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga
Rejuvenation is organising a three day event Jal Manthan, from 20-22nd
November, 2014, to take up wide ranging consultations with the state irrigation
ministers, Secretaries for Water Resources, and a range of other stakeholders, to
dwell on issues for optimal use of water resources. The focus will be on refining
policies of this Ministry to make them more people friendly and responsive to the
needs of the states.

European Nuclear researchers' delegation calls on Dr Jitendra Singh

Why To discuss wide range of issues of mutual interest including the status of application
put in by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, recently for the associate
membership of CERN

CERN is the worlds largest body of experts in nuclear and particle physics, where
scientists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of universe by using
the most sophisticated scientific instruments and advanced systems. CERN was
established in 1954 and is based in Geneva.

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Significantly, CERN is the birthplace of www (World Wide Web) which is regularly
used to browse the internet. Similarly, the touch screen widely used in smart phones
was also first developed by CERN.
Indian Scientists from the Departments of Atomic Energy and Science & Technology
have been actively participating and collaborating with CERN and an application to
become associated member of the body was mooted by the Government in August
Learn about Higgs Boson, Antimatter, and Neutrino etc in which CERN has played a
major role.

India-Sri Lanka bridge/undersea tunnel

Bridge between Rameswaram and Sri Lanka

It was proposed by Asian Development Bank
The ADB will also finance the project
It will boost the regional co-operation within SAARC


Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Regional Development Bank
Established in 1966
Headquartered at Manila, Philippines
Member Countries


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Northeast's first 'smart village' along Indo-Bhutan border

Barsimalugiri has been turned into a model smart village

It is located about 11km from the Indo-Bhutan border in Baksa district (Assam)
100% toilets, solar power and pure drinking water
Initiative by Nanda Talukdar Foundation (NTF)
Worked along four main verticals Alternative Energy, Drinking Water, Sanitation
and Skill Development

India drug monitoring programme struggles to grow fast enough

Issues - Insufficient staff and equipment, and a lack of awareness among medical
- Many potentially dangerous drug reactions go unrecorded
- Gaps in the system means the government has less data
- Inability to determine whether the drugs might have harmful side effects
Pharmacovigilance Programme
Monitoring Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) in the country to safeguard public health
It was started by Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO) in 2010
It is under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
National Coordinating Centre AIIMS, Delhi
Pharma covigilance Programme of India (PvPI)

Prithvi-II missile test-fired in Odisha

First missile to be developed under Integrated Guided Missile Development Program
Single staged liquid fuelled missile
Surface-to-surface medium range ballistic missile (Range 350 Km)
Payload capacity 500-1000 kgs
Primary user Indian Air Force

Try to remember the list of missile developed under IGMDP (Integrated Missile
development programme) given under previous prelims capsule.

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Chhattisgarh govt cancels tribal rights over forest lands

Forest rights of tribals over their traditional lands in Ghatbarra village of Surguja
district taken away by the Chhattisgarh government
The rights were taken away to facilitate coal mining of Prasara East and KeteBesan
coal block
Forest Rights Act allows the govt to divert forest lands for other purposes only after
prior consent of the tribals through gram sabhas

Forest Rights Act

It deals with rights of forest-dwelling communities to land and other resources,
denied to them over decades as a result of continuance of colonial forest laws in

PESA act in Lakshmikanth

RFA, 2006

El Nio recedes
El Nino
Prolonged warming in Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures when compared with
the average value
A band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial
Pacific (including off the Pacific coast of South America)
High air pressure in the western Pacific and low air pressure in the eastern Pacific
Derived its name from In Spanish El Nino means Child Jesus The pool of warm
water in the Pacific near South America is warmest around Christmas
El Nino can influence
Weather patterns
Oceanic conditions
Marine fisheries

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India set to seal major power deal in Bangladesh, beating China

BHEL to build a $1.6 billion power plant in Bangladesh

1320 MW thermal power station in Khulna in Southern Bangladesh
India believes Bangladesh is a part of a "String of Pearls" China is building across the
Indian Ocean that stretches from Gwadar port in Pakistan to Djibouti on the African
coast where it is building a naval base


Click here to know some of the Maharatna, Navratna, Mini Ratna 1, Mini Ratna 2

Maharatna type

Three years with an average annual net profit of over Rs. 2500 crore (earlier was
5,000 Cr), OR
Average annual Net worth of Rs. 10,000 crore for 3 years (earlier was 15,000 Cr), OR
Average annual Turnover of Rs. 20,000 crore for 3 years (earlier was 25,000 Cr)
Rs. 1,000 crore - Rs. 5,000 crore, or free to decide on investments up to 15% of their
net worth in a project

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Navratna type

A score of 60 (out of 100), based on six parameters which include net profit, net
worth, total manpower cost, total cost of production, cost of services, PBDIT (Profit
Before Depreciation, Interest and Taxes), capital employed, etc., AND
A company must first be a Miniratna and have 4 independent directors on its board
before it can be made a Navratna.
Up to Rs. 1,000 crore or 15% of their net worth on a single project or 30% of their
net worth in the whole year (not exceeding Rs. 1,000 crores).

Mini Ratna Category 1

Have made profits continuously for the last three years or earned a net profit of Rs.
30 crore or more in one of the three years
Up to Rs. 500 crore or equal to their net worth, whichever is lower.

Mini Ratna category 2

Have made profits continuously for the last three years and should have a positive
net worth.
Up to Rs. 300 crore or up to 50% of their net worth, whichever is lower.

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IASbaba Prelims Current Affairs

24th February to 9th March 2016
Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us
to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the
right time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a
Civil Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he
belongs to- very well.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects
like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science
and Technology- making the section of Current Affairs indispensible for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules
of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.

Best wishes
IAS Baba

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3rd Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation to be held in India

PM Modi will inaugurate the conference.

It will be the third such conference on tiger conservation to be hosted by India that
will see the participation of all 13 tiger range countries (TRCs). They are Bangladesh,
Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal,
Russia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Tiger population in India

India is home to nearly 70% of the worlds tiger population and according to the
2014 tiger census, there are 2,226 tigers in the country. State-wise list of tigers are
as follows.
o Karnataka (406)
o Uttarakhand (340)
o Madhya Pradesh (308)
o Tamil Nadu (229)
o Maharashtra (190)
o Assam (167)
o Kerala (136)
o Uttar Pradesh (117).


The Global Tiger Initiative (GTI) is a global alliance of governments, international

organizations, civil society, the conservation and scientific community, and the
private sector committed to working together toward a common agenda to save
wild tigers from extinction.
GTI headquarter is located in Washington DC
Project Tiger is a tiger conservation programme launched in 1973 by the
Government of India
The project aims at ensuring a viable population of Bengal tigers in their natural
habitats and also to protect them from extinction
Project Tiger is administered by the National Tiger Conservation Authority.
Poaching, Demand for body parts are the main reasons for tiger poaching.
List of famous tiger reserves in India

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Falcated Duck sighted in Goa

The Falcated duck is a regular winter migrant to the northern States of India.
They breed in Russia and north China in summers and migrates towards north of
India in winter.
Conservation prioritisation: Falcated Duck is classified as near threatened by
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
World population of this species is about 89,000 individuals as per the recent
Threats faced globally: Loss of habitat and hunting. Loss of habitat especially wetland
ecosystem in their winter migratory region is also a cause for concern.

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42nd Khajuraho Dance Festival begins in Madhya Pradesh

It is a cultural festival that highlights the richness of the various Indian classical dance
styles. It showcases performances of some of the best exponents in the field of
Bharathanatyam, Kathak, Kuchipudi, Odissi, Manipuri and Kathakali.


Khajuraho Temple: It is a group of Hindu and Jain Temples in Madhya Pradesh build
by Chandela Dynasty between 950 and 1050 AD.
It is a UNESCO World heritage Site.
The temples are famous for their Nagara-style architectural symbolism and their
erotic sculptures
The Khajuraho group of temples were built together but were dedicated to two
religionsnamely Hinduism and Jainismsuggesting a tradition of acceptance and
respect for diverse religious views among Hindus and Jains.
Kandariya Mahadeva Temple meaning "the Great God of the Cave", is the largest
and most ornate Hindu temple in the medieval temple group found at Khajuraho in
Madhya Pradesh.

Pakistan Parliament to run entirely on solar power

Pakistans Parliament building located in national capital Islamabad became the first
in the world to completely run on solar power.
The project to run parliament building on solar power is a venture supported by
Pakistans close ally and strategic partner China.
The Pakistan parliament is officially termed as Majlis-e-Shoora in Urdu. It is the
federal and supreme legislative body of Pakistan. It is a bicameral legislature that
consists of the Senate (upper house) and the National Assembly (lower houses).

India is the worlds largest arms importer

It accounts for 14% of the global arms imports in the 2011-2015 timeframe.
It was released by a report on international arms transfers released by a global thinktank, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
List of arm importing countries in decreasing order.
o India (14%)
o China (4.7%)
o Australia (3.6%)

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o Pakistan (3.3%)
o Vietnam (2.9%)
o South Korea (2.6%)

Top suppliers for India

o Russia
o United States (US)
o Israel
o France

Fast-acting anti-rabies drug set for India launch

Name of the drug-Rabies Human Monoclonal Antibody (RMAb)

Co-developed by- Pune-based Serum Institute of India (SII) and US-based Mass
Biologics of the University of Massachusetts
What it does- It instantly deactivates rabies virus by specifically binding to a
conformational epitope of G glycoprotein of the virus.
Manufactured using recombinant DNA technology


Can u think of other application of Recombinant DNA technology, Gene therapy,

Genetic Engineering
Think of GM permitted crops in India.

INS Arihant passes deep sea tests

Why it is in news- It is Indias first nuclear powered sub marine.

Its design is based on the Russian Akula-1 class submarine.

It is powered by 83 MW pressurised light water reactor built with Russias help.

It is capable of launching twelve short range nuclear-capable ballistic missile BO-5 (K

15)(700 kms) and four K 4 ballistic missile(3,500 km)

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3rd Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation to be held in India

First Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation was held in Hua Hin, Thailand
in 2010
Second edition was held in Thimphu, Bhutan in 2013.
India is home to nearly 70% of the worlds tiger
Karnataka has the highest number of tigers (406) followed by Uttarakhand (340),
Madhya Pradesh (308), Tamil Nadu (229), Maharashtra (190), Assam (167), Kerala
(136) and Uttar Pradesh (117).

IBSAMAR 2016 between India, South Africa, Brazil kicked off in Goa

It is trilateral naval exercise between Brazil, India and South Africa

Indian navy is represented by INS Mumbai a missile destroyer, INS Shalki a
Shisuhumar class diesel electric submarine and INS trishul a stealth frigate.


Can u think of other military exercises in which India participates?

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PM launches Setu Bharatam

It is an ambitious programme to build bridges for safe and seamless travel on

National Highways.
It aims at making all national highways Railway Level Crossing free by 2019.
1500 old and worn down bridges will also be improved by
Indian Bridge Management System (IBMS) at the Indian Academy for Highway
Engineer in Noida, U.P. is the nodal agency to carry out conditions survey and
inventorization of all bridges on National Highways in India by using Mobile
Inspection Units.

Highlights of the Railway Budget 2016-17

Theme of the Budget:

Chalo, Milkar Kuch Naya Karen for overcoming challenges Reorganize,

Rejuvenate, Restructure Indian Railways


Three pillars strategy:

Nav Arjan New revenues.

Nav Manak New norms.
Nav Sanrachna New Structures.

Antyodaya Express superfast unreserved service.

Deen Dayalu unreserved coaches with potable water facility and higher number of
mobile charging points.
Humsafar for the reserved passenger fully air-conditioned service with an optional
service for meals.
Tejas: It will operate at speeds of 130 kmph and above and shall showcase the future
of train travel in India. It will offer onboard services such as local cuisine,
entertainment, WiFi, etc.
UDAY (Utkrisht Double-Decker Air-conditioned Yatri) Express: Overnight doubledecker express on the busiest routes. Potential to increase carrying capacity by
almost 40%.

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Lok Sabha passes Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2016

It grants voting rights to people who became citizens of India following the exchange
of enclaves between India and Bangladesh.
The bill seeks to amend the Representation of the People Act (RPA), 1950 and the
Delimitation Act, 2002.
These Acts regulate allocation of seats to the Lok Sabha and state legislatures and
delimitation (fixing boundaries) of parliamentary and state assembly constituencies.

Pranab Mukherjee declares Kerala as first digital state

Why- It has achieved 100 percent mobile connectivity, 75 percent e-literacy,

maximum digital banking, broadband connectivity upto the Panchayat level, linking
bank accounts with Aadhar cards and e-district plan in all districts.
Kerala has successfully linked all villages in the state with broadband connectivity
under the National Optical Fibre Network (NOFN) project.
Kerala is the first state in country to do so.

28 February: National Science Day

Theme for year 2016 -Scientific Issues for Development of the Nation
This day marks the epoch-making discovery of Raman Effect by Indian physicist
Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (CV Raman) on February 28, 1928.


Can u think what Raman Effect is?

Committee constituted to consider ST status to 6 communities of Assam

Name of the committee - Mahesh Kumar Singla

Constituted by - Union Home Ministry

International Finance Corporation launches Uridashi Masala Bonds

What are masala bonds?

They are also known as Japanese bonds.

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Masala bonds are rupee-denominated instruments sold only to offshore investors by

Indian corporates for raising money from overseas investors.
Masala bonds do not face currency fluctuation risks.
It is used as alternative to external commercial borrowings (ECBs)
International financial institution offers investment, asset management and advisory
services to encourage private sector development in developing countries.
India is IFCs largest client country.
IFC became first entity to issue a Green Masala bond on the London Stock Exchange
in August 2015.

Global Energy Architecture Performance Index (GEAPI) report released by


It was released by World Economic forum.

Top 4 countries

Switzerland (1st)
Norway (2nd)
Sweden (3rd)
France (4th)
India stands at 90th position, 3rd in the BRIC countries.

World Wildlife Day

2016 theme: The future of wildlife is in our hands.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
(CITES) was adopted on same day in 1973
Every year 3rd March is being observed as World Wildlife Day (WWD) to celebrate
and raise awareness of the worlds wild fauna and flora. Significance of Day: It calls
for taking up urgent steps to fight wildlife crime which has wide-ranging
environmental, economic and social impacts.

152nd birth anniversary of Mahatma Ayyankali celebrated

Great social reformer of Kerala who tirelessly worked upliftment of dalits, their
He organised Kayal Sabha to safeguard the rights and awaken the Dalit community of

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Gandhi derived inspiration for most of his dalit upliftment work through Mahatma

IRNSS series to be in place by first half of 2016

IRNSS is a constellation of 7 satellites

So far 5 satellite have been launched
It is the Indian version of GPS
Launched using PSLV-C31

PM adops a village under SAGY

Name of the village- Nagepur village in Varanasi constituency

SAGY (Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana) encourages Members of Parliament (MPs) from
both Houses to identify and develop one village from their constituency as a model
village or Adarsh Grams
SAGY aims at creating models of local development which can be replicated in other


Can u think of other schemes related to Rural development?

Environment Ministry releases new categorisation of industries

The classification determinents are

Emissions (air pollutants)

Effluents (water pollutants)
hazardous wastes generated
Consumption of resources.
Pollution index range from 0-100
Based on PI industrial sectors have been categorised into four colours category
o Red category: PI score of 60 and above
o Orange category: PI score of 41 to 59.
o Green category: PI score of 21 to 40.
o White category: PI score below and upto 20.

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Indian scientists develop herbal dengue drug

Herbal dengue medicine was developed from a species of flowering plant (Cipa
The drug proved to be potent inhibitor to all four types (strains) of dengue virus.
The project was jointly undertaken by Department of Biotechnology (DBT), under the
Union Ministry of Science and Technology and International Centre for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology and Ranbaxy Research Laboratory



New snake species discovered in Western Ghats

It is known as Khaires Black Shieldtail in Northwestern Ghats.

They are burrowers and live mostly underground.


Are snakes oviparous?

Snakes belong to class of reptiles.

Online marketing platform for women entrepreneurs

It is known as Mahila E-HAAT

Launched by Union Women and Child Development ministry.
It is a part of Union Governments flagship Digital India and Stand Up India
Joint initiative of: Union Women and Child Development Ministry and Rashtriya
Mahila Kosh (RMK) for meeting the needs of women entrepreneurs.
Open to all Indian women citizens above 18 years of age and women Self Help
Groups (SHGs) desiring for marketing their legal products/services.
E-Haat platform can be easily handled through mobile phone.

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ILO report-2016

Titled- Women at Work: Trends 2016

The report emphasize on gender equality which still remains elusive in the


Can u think of other important reports released by IMF,UNDP,WTO?

International Womens Day celebrated worldwide

Theme - Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality.

It was first celebrated in 1977.

India stands by the people of cyclone hit Fiji

The island nation of Fiji was hit by Category five Cyclone Winston.
Can u locate Fiji in Atlas?
Think how are tropical cyclones classified?

Indo-Indonesia Joint Training Exercise Garuda shakti IV

It was first conducted in the year 2012 in India.

The exercise is conducted on a reciprocal basis every year.
Aimed at building and promoting positive relations between the two Armies of India
and Indonesia.

Extreme rainfall not because of global factors: IISc study

Culprits we kept blaming - Global Warming and El-Nino (ENSO)

Bigger Culprits Local temperature and Urbanisation


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El Nino Southern Oscillation

A naturally occurring phenomenon

Equatorial Pacific fluctuates between warmer-than-average (El Nino ) and colderthan-average (La Nina) conditions
Changes in Sea Surface temperatures (SSTs) affect The distribution of tropical rainfall
Atmospheric circulation features (Southern Oscillation)
Changes in intensity and position of jet streams and storm activity occur at higher

Watch this video to understand ENSO - VIDEO

Need for the states to draft Green Energy Action Plans

Centre has asked states to prepare actions plans to introduce renewable energy
technologies and solar rooftop panel with year wise targets

Must set annual targets for renewable purchase obligation (RPO) till 2022
Identify locations to set up renewable energy plants

Above mentioned is envisaged under the draft National Renewable Energy Act 2015
Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO)
What: A mechanism by which the State Electricity Regulatory Commissions are obliged to
purchase a certain percentage of power from renewable energy sources; also, an obligation
mandated by Central/State Regulatory Commission
Objective: To increase the renewable energy in total generation
Blueprint by: The Electricity Act and National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC)
Applicable to

Distribution Licensee: DISCOMs

Open Access Consumers: Those procuring power from power exchanges (IEX/PXIL)
Captive consumers: Those generating and consuming power from captive
coal/natural gas power plants (primarily industrial users in cement, steel, chemical

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Categories of RPO Solar & Non-Solar

Under the solar obligation, every State in the country has announced a solar specific
percentage as part of overall RPO

Renewable Energy Certificate (REC)

What: A tradable certificate of proof that 1 MWh of electricity has been injected (or
deemed to have been injected)
Seeks to: Address the mismatch between availability of renewable energy sources and the
requirements of obligated entities to meet their RPO
Eligibility: Renewable Energy generators injecting power to the grid to generate REC
Traded on: Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) and the Power Exchange of India Ltd (PXIL)
Solar RECs: Photovoltaic (PV) and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies
Non-solar RECs: Renewable energy technologies such as biomass, wind, biofuel,
cogeneration & small hydro

Fifth edition of the Trilateral Naval Exercise between India-South Africa-Brazil
Location Goa (First time in India)
Indian navy will be represented by INS Mumbai A Missile Destroyer
INS Shalki A Shisuhumar class Submarine
INS Trishul A Stealth Frigate
Refer to previous capsules to know about other multilateral and trilateral exercises

World's first fast-acting anti-rabies drug to be launched in India

The Drug - Rabies Human Monoclonal Antibody (RMAb)
Developed by

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Pune-based Serum Institute of India (SII)

US-based Mass Biologics of the University of Massachusetts Medical School

Technology Used: Recombinant DNA technology

To know about Rabies Click Here
Recombinant DNA (rDNA) - A series of procedures that are used to join together
(recombine) DNA segments

A recombinant DNA molecule is constructed from segments of two or more different

DNA molecules
Under certain conditions, a recombinant DNA molecule can enter a cell and replicate
there, either on its own or after it has been integrated into a chromosome
Applications(Imp) of Recombinant DNA Technology Click Here
To know more about rDNA Click Here

Election Laws (Amendment) Bill

Seeks to: Amend Section 9 of Representation of the People Act, 1950 and Section 11 of
Delimitation Act, 2002
Will grant: Voting rights to people who became citizens of the country following the
exchange of enclaves between India and Bangladesh

Aimed: To empower the Election Commission to carry out delimitation in areas that
were affected by the enactment of the Constitution (100th Amendment) Act, 2015.
2015 Act: Enclaves were exchanged between India & Bangladesh
Enclaves: Territories belonging to one country that are entirely surrounded by
another country.
Electoral Reforms NOTA, New Delhi Declaration, Justice A.P. Shahs report on
Electoral Disqualifications
Know more about the bill Click Here

Justice Dattu to head NHRC

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Former CJI HL Dattu Next Chairperson of National Human Rights Commission for 5 years

National Human Rights Commission

Responsibility: Protection and promotion of human rights under, Human Rights Act,
Appointment: The President appoints the chairperson & its members on the
recommendation of a committee
The Committee: The Prime Minister, Lok Sabha Speaker, Union Home Minister,
Leaders of Opposition in both the Houses, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha
Know about Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 - Click Here
Protection of Human Rights (Amendment) Act, 2006 Click Here

Project Shield
What is it? A technology by Google to protect news sites and portals
Aimed at: Protection of news sites and portals related to human rights from attacks that
threaten free expression and access to information

Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS): A DDoS attack is an attempt to make an online

service unavailable by overwhelming it with traffic from multiple sources
Know more about DDos Click Here
Google Ideas (Jigsaw) Project Shield Watch Video

Optical fibre cable push misses target

The Target: To connect 150,000 panchayats by 2015
Current Status: Cables have been laid in about 32,000 gram panchayats across the country

BharatNet also Known as National Optical Fibre Network(NOFN) Click Here

Arasu Fibre Low cost internet in Tamil Nadu

G20 to say world needs to look beyond ultra-easy policy for growth

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Series of risks for growth: Volatile Capital Flows, Sharp fall in commodity prices, Brexit issue
Need to look beyond: Ultra-low interest rates & printing money to shake global economy
out of its idleness
What has happened: Faltering growth and market turbulence have worsenpolicy frictions
between major economies

About G20 Click Here

G20 Members Click Here

East coast set to get sixth doppler radar

Where: Gopalpur in Odisha
Other locations on East Coast: Chennai, Kolkata, Machilipatanam, Visakhapatnam and
Built by: ISRO & BHEL
Significance: Eastern coast prone to cyclones & will boost weather forecasting system

Know about Doppler Weather Radar Click Here

Handing Over of Anjadiv Island to the Defence Ministry

Location: Off the Goa Coast
News: Island was given by the State Government of Goa to the Ministry of Defence in the
year 1989
About the Island: Declared as a prohibited place by the State Government of Goa in 1989,
under Official Secrets Act, 1923

Official Secrets Act, 1923

The Official Secrets Act 1923 is India's anti espionage (Spy" and "Secret agent") act
held over from British colonisation

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Governments Stand - The OSA is the only law to deal with cases of espionage,
wrongful possession and communication of sensitive information detrimental to the
security of the State.
Know how Govt classifies information & Relationship between OSA & RTI Acts
Click Here

CM of Lanka's Northern Province seeks India's intervention to set up federal

News: Sri Lanka to draft a new Constitution
Background: 13th Amendment An outcome of India-Sri Lanka Accord in 1987

13th Amendment of Sri Lankan Constitution

1987 An agreement to devolve powers to the Tamil majority in north & east region
of Sri Lanka
It paves the way for the establishment of Provincial Councils all over the country

Aadhaar legislation tabled as a money bill

The Bill: The Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and
Services) Bill, 2016
Will provide For: Good governance, efficient, transparent, and targeted delivery of
subsidies, benefits and services, the expenditure for which is incurred from the Consolidated
Fund of India, to individuals residing in India through assigning of unique identity numbers
to such individuals
Money Bill
Article 110(1)
A Bill shall be deemed to be a Money Bill if it contains only provisions dealing with all or any
of the following matters, namely
(a) The imposition, abolition, remission, alteration or regulation of any tax;

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(b) The regulation of the borrowing of money or the giving of any guarantee by the
Government of India, or the amendment of the law with respect to any financial obligations
undertaken or to be undertaken by the Government of India;
(c) The custody of the consolidated Fund or the Contingency Fund of India, the payment of
moneys into or the withdrawal of moneys from any such Fund;
(d) The appropriation of moneys out of the consolidated Fund of India;
(e) The declaring of any expenditure to be expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of
India or the increasing of the amount of any such expenditure;
(f) The receipt of money on account of the Consolidated Fund of India or the public account
of India or the custody or issue of such money or the audit of the accounts of the Union or
of a State; or
(g) Any matter incidental to any of the matters specified in sub clause (a) to (f)

Point (c), (d) and (e) covers this bill Follow the green highlighted part

World's first food grade DNA/RNA stain

Azzoka Life Sciences: A science start-up incubated at IIsc, Bangalore
Developed: Worlds first food-grade DNA/RNA stain
Significance: Might cut the time taken to diagnose conditions such as HIV to a day

Bank customers can use post-office ATMs soon

India Posts proposal to RBI: Allowing ATMs of India Post to work on the platforms of all
other banks
Current Scenario: Only those with accounts in postal department can use the service
After the proposal: Will be able to withdraw money from any bank account through ATMs
of India Post

Setu Bharatam
Programme: Building bridges for safe & seamless travel on National Highways

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Aims to: Make all national highways free from railway crossing by 2019 - ensure road safety
What will be done: Reconstruction of old bridges; Rail-over bridges and rail-under bridges
will be built

Chapchar Kut
Festival: Celebrated by Mizos after completion of their Jhum festival
Jhum: Shifting agriculture by clearing jungle by burning and cultivating in remnants of
Mizo Dances: Cheraw, Chheihlam, Sarlamkai and Khuallam
History: 1450-1700 A.D. in a village called Suaipui

Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)

What is it? - A company that owns or finances income-producing real estate
A REIT is a type of security that invests in real estate through property or mortgages and
often trades on major exchanges like a stock
REITs provide investors with an extremely liquid stake in real estate. They receive special tax
considerations and typically offer high dividend yields
Know more about REIT Click Here

Incubation Policy by Delhi Govt

Aims to: promote start-up culture in Delhi
What did the state govt do: Distributed Rs. 1.5 crore each to 6 higher educational
institutions for promoting entrepreneurship

Start Up India, Stand Up India- Refer to previous capsules

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World Bank to help revamp vocational schools, industrial training institutes
News: India to borrow $1.5 billion from the World Bank
Reason: To revamp government vocational education schools it is and address quality
concerns by implementing ISO certification, audits and ratings.

Indo-Seychelles Joint Training 'Ex Lamitye' concludes

The 7th edition of India, Seychelles joint military exercise LAMITYE 2016 concluded in
Victoria, Mahe Island, Seychelles.
Aim- to improve interoperability between armies of both countries in jointly fighting
Counter Terrorism/ Counter Insurgency.
Exercise Lamitye meaning Friendship in Creole

ASEAN-Plus military drill begins in Pune

Largest Multinational Field Training Exercise (FTX) ever conducted on Indian soil.
The week-long exercise is christened Force 18 (initially labelled FTX-2016).
In this seven-day military exercise (till March 8, 2016) over 300 participants from 18
ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Plus countries are participating.

Participating countries

ASEAN countries along with ASEAN Plus nations viz. India, Australia, Japan, New
Zealand, China, South Korea, Russia and US .
10 ASEAN countries from South East Asia are Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

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IASbabas Prelims Current Affairs
10th March to 25th March 2016

Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us
to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the
right time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a
Civil Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he
belongs to very well.

Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects
like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science
and Technology- making the section of Current Affairs indispensible for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules
of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.

Best wishes

IAS Baba

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Opposition sees amendment through in Rajya Sabha again

News - Rajya Sabha adopts Motion of Thanks to the President for his address, with an amendment
powered by the opposition.

Motion of Thanks

The first session after each general election and the first session of every fiscal year
(usually the budget session) is addressed by the President.
In this address, the President outlines the policies and programmes of the
government in the preceding year and ensuring year.
This address of the President, which corresponds to the speech from the Throne in
Britain, is discussed in both the Houses of Parliament on a motion called the
Motion of Thanks.
At the end of the discussion, the motion is put to vote. This motion must be passed
in the house, otherwise it amounts to the defeat of the government.

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This inaugural speech of the President is an occasion available to the members of

Parliament to raise discussions and debates to examine and criticise the government
and administration for its lapses and failures.

Read Why the President addresses the Parliament?

Know/Read about other motions Closure Motion, Privilege Motion, Censure Motion, NoConfidence Motion etc.

LS passes Bill to amend Enemy Property Act

The Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2016 amended the Enemy Property
Act, 1968
Enemy Property Act, 1968

Indo-Pak war of 1965 and 1971 - Migration of people from India to Pakistan.
Defence of India Rules framed under the Defence of India Act - The Government of
India took over the properties and companies of such persons who had taken
Pakistani nationality.
These enemy properties were vested by the Central Government in the Custodian of
Enemy Property for India.

How Bill keeps enemy property with Custodian? Click Here

The Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2016 Click Here

Vulture nests in WWS decline

The nests of vulture population are dwindling in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

(WWS), a safe habitat for different species of vultures in South India
The government has imposed curbs on the use of Diclofenac, an anti-inflammatory
drug acknowledged to have caused the decimation of vultures in the Indian

Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary
Location Wayanad, Kerala

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Main forest types - Semi-evergreen, moist deciduous and dry-deciduous forests
Constituent of - Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve and also Elephant Reserve No.7, harbouring the
worlds largest recorded population of Asiatic elephant
Wildlife Sanctuaries and National Parks in Kerala

Why are vultures important?

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Provides a crucial ecosystem service through the disposal of livestock carcasses and
their loss has had huge socio-economic impacts across the Indian Subcontinent.
Without vultures, hundreds of thousands of animal carcasses have gone uneaten
left to rot in the sun, these pose a serious risk to human health.
Livestock carcasses provide a potential breeding ground for numerous infectious
diseases, including anthrax, and encourage the proliferation of pest species, such as
Increase in the number of feral dogs around carcass dumpsthe bites of which are
the most common cause of human rabies

Substitute for Diclofenac Meloxicam (Safe for Vultures)

New pricing policy for hard-to-reach deep sea gas fields

The government approved the new price formula for undeveloped gas discoveries in
deep-sea, ultra-deep sea and high-temperature, high-pressure areas
The New Formula

Whats wrong with the previous formula?

It was not enough to incentivise exploration

Required separate license for each type of hydrocarbon

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Profit-sharing mechanism Shared between government and the contractor after recovery of cost
Govt had to scrutinise cost details - Led to many delays and disputes

Hydrocarbon Exploration and Licensing Policy (HELP)

Grants explorers a uniform license for exploration and production of all forms of
Open Acreage Policy- Exploration and production companies will be allowed to
choose the blocks they want to use from the designated area
Revenue sharing mechanism
Govt not concerned with the cost incurred
Will receive a share of the gross revenue from the sale of oil, gas, etc.

Coalbed Methane (CBM)

A form of natural gas extracted from coal beds

Refers to - Methane adsorbed into the solid matrix of the coal
Sweet Gas Lack of hydrogen sulphide
Other Names - Coalbed Gas, Coal seam Gas (CSG[1]), Coal-mine methane (CMM)

Ex-SC judge Balbir Singh Chauhan new Law Commission chairman

Chairman of 21st Law Commission of India
Law Commission of India
Headed by - Retired Supreme Court judge or former Chief Justice of a High Court
Advisory body to Ministry of Law and Justice
First Law Commission- Established during the British regime in 1834 by the Charter Act of
1833 (Chairman Lord Macaulay)
First Law Commission of independent India- Established in 1955

Fiscal Responsibility Act

Aimed at - Medium-term management of the fiscal deficit through institutional mechanism

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To institutionalise fiscal discipline

Reduce Fiscal Deficit
Improve Macroeconomic Management

Emphasis on

Transparent Fiscal Management System

More equitable distribution of debts over the years

2012 Amendment - FRBM Act would target Effective Revenue Deficit in place of Revenue
Effective Revenue Deficit - Excludes Capital Expenditure from Revenue Deficit and thus
provides space to the government to spend on formation of Capital Assets
Know more about the Act Click Here
Difference between Effective Revenue Deficit and Revenue Deficit
Effective Revenue Deficit Click Here

Fiscal Indicators Rolling Targets As Percentage of GDP

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World's thinnest lens created by Australian scientists

2000 times thinner than human hair

Special Ingredient Crystal of molybdenum disulphide
Applications Medicine, Science & Technology, Bendable TVs and Computer screens


Properties & Applications of Molybdenum Disulphide

Does it have a higher refractive index?

India collaborates with Japan on Andamans project

Talks: Upgrade civilian infrastructure in Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Why: Counter Chinas effort to expand its maritime reach into the Indian Ocean
First Project: 15-megawatt diesel power plant on South Andaman Island

Location of Strait of Malacca
Importance of Straits of Malacca Click Here

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Major Choke Points Click Here

Strait of Hormuz

India to host BRICS summit in October

8th annual summit to be held in Goa

Logo - A lotus with colours from all the five member-countries and a traditional
namaste in the centre


Know more about BRICS and other multilateral groupings.

Further reading Click here

New medicine for drug-resistant TB launched

The drug

A diarylquinoline that specifically targets Mycobacterial ATP synthase (an enzyme
essential for the supply of energy to Mycobacterium tuberculosis and most other

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RNTCP Click here
Drug Resistant TB Click here

Plastic degrading bacteria


What are polymers?

Naturally occurring polymers
Ever noticed BPA Free written on a water bottle?

New shark and ray species found


DNA bar coding

What are Chondrichthyans?
CITES Click here

Rajasthan celebrates first IT Day

Aim - To strengthen connectivity and allow the inclusion of remote areas through IT
Theme Promotion of IT Start-ups
What is Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT)?

Agasthyamala among 20 UNESCO world biosphere reserves

Location - Western Ghats.

Comprises mostly of tropical forests.
Includes three wildlife sanctuaries, Shendurney, Peppara, Neyyar and Kalakad
Mundanthurai Tiger reserve.

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Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve Click here
Man and the Biosphere Programme Click here

India-UAE agreement for $75 billion investment in NIIF gets clearance


National Investment and Infrastructure Fund (NIIF)

India-UAE bilateral relations

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IISc scientists find a novel method to kill cancerous cells

Therapy: Photodynamic therapy

How does PDT work?

Significance of mitochondria & why is it targeted?
What are photosensitizers?

Union cabinet approves Raptor MoU to save birds of prey

MOU About Conservation of birds of prey in Africa and Eurasia.

India 56th county to sign the Raptor MoU
Raptor MOU is a multilateral agreement under Article IV paragraph 4 of the CMS
It is not legally binding
The MOU is in conformity with the provisions of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS): It is also known as Bonn
Convention under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
India had become a party to the CMS since 1st November 1983.


Can you recall international conventions for protection of environment and its Flora
Known the abbreviation Objective Indias stand. i.e. Member or not
Conventions held.

Cabinet Okays convention on mutual legal assistance for crimes in BIMSTEC


Convention is aboutMutual cooperation and legal assistance in curbing crimes

related to terrorism, transnational organised crime, drug-trafficking, money
laundering and cyber-crimes.
BIMSTEC is the sub-regional group of seven countries in South Asia and South East

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The countries are India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Sri Lanka (from South Asia)
and Myanmar, Thailand (from South East Asia).
It was established in 1997. Headquarters Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Recall the regional/International/Multilateral

member or not.


ISRO successfully launches IRNSS-1F satellite

IRNSS 1F satellite is part of the space segment satellites of the IRNSS system.
IRNSS 1F is the Sixth in the series.
Lunched using PSLV-C32 rocket from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SHAR).
It will be placed in geosynchronous transfer orbit (GTO) in the space.
IRNSS is an alternative for GPS.
IRNSS System consists of constellation of seven satellites of which three are
geostationary and four are non-geostationary.


Can you remember navigation satellites of USA, Russia, China, and Japan?
Can you remember the commercial arm of ISRO? Its Antrix!

CCEA approves Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana

The schemeprovides free LPG (cooking gas) connections to women from BPL
Implemented Union Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.
Identification of eligible BPL families will be made in consultation with the State
Governments and the Union Territories
PMUY seeks to empowering women and protecting their health by shifting them
from traditional cooking based on unclean cooking fuels to clean cooking gas.


Can you recall some respiratory illness caused due to air pollution?

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2016 edition of Indo-Indonesia Joint Training Exercise Garuda Shakti IV

begins in Indonesia

Started in the year 2012.

Conducted as part of military diplomacy between armies of both countries
Objective: Promoting positive relations between armies, enhancing military
capabilities to undertake joint tactical level operations.


Revise military exercises between India and other countries and know when it was

IMF and India to Set-Up a South Asia Regional Training and Technical
Assistance Center (SARTTAC) in Delhi

Objective- For enhancing capacity development and training officials in dealing with
macro-economic and financial issues in the South Asia region
It will be headquartered in New Delhi.


Can you recall organs of IMF and World Bank? And their headquarters?

Shutdown of Unit-1 of KAPS Nuclear Power Plant following an incident of

leakage from Coolant System

The nuclear reactor is indigenous 220 MWe Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor
Why - Incident of a leak from its coolant system.
The Kakrapar Atomic Power Station is located in the Vyara District of Gujarat, about
80 kms from Surat.
AERB is monitoring the status of the plant closely. It will ensure that the use
of ionising radiation and nuclear energy in India does not cause undue risk to health
and the environment.

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AERB is having headquarters at Mumbai.

Can you think the name of few coolants used in Nuclear reactors?
Recall the types and components of nuclear reactors.

Union Power Ministry announced name UJALA for the LED based Domestic
Efficient Lighting Programme (DELP).

UJALA is acronym for Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for All.

Earlier the scheme was known by the name The National LED based DELP
programme and it was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Jan 2015
Target of the program To replace 77 crore incandescent lamps with LED bulbs.


Can u think of recent schemes related to power Ministry? Its brief highlights?
How LED is different from LCD?

Project Mausam

Aims To explore the multi-faceted Indian Ocean world for collating archaeological
and historical research.
It is headed byMinistry of Culture and Tourism
Launched June 2014 in the 38th Session of World Heritage Committee (WHC) in
Covers East Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Indian Subcontinent and Sri Lanka to the
Southeast Asian archipelago.
Mainly focus on monsoon patterns, cultural context, maritime trade routes and
coastal landscapes.


Recall schemes related to Ministry of Culture. i.e PRASAD, HRIDAY, BHARAT

Recall the name of civilisations and order of precedence in Europe, Latin America,
Central Asia, China, Japan, and Indian subcontinent.
Is the scheme PRASAD related to ministry of culture?

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Allahabad High Court celebrates 150th foundation year

It is fourth-oldest High Court in India after Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.

The Allahabad High Court was established by Royal Charter as the High Court of
Judicature for the North Western Province on 17 March 1866 and initially had a seat
at Agra. The High Court shifted to Allahabad in 1869.
The famous Chauri chaura and Meerut conspiracy was tried at Allahabad high court.


Who was the Governor General during 1866?

Can you think why Illbert bill was opposed?
Where was the first high court established?

Award for Kerala Tourism campaign

Kerala Tourisms campaign titled New Worlds

Golden Gate Award is entitled as Oscar in tourism communication.
It portrays the importance of responsible tourism initiatives under taken in Kerala
which have led to several life-changing stories and have become the heart of it.


Indian states & tourism taglines Click here

Parytak Mitra Programme of M/O Tourism

It is launched by Ministry of Tourism

It is a programme open to college going students to inculcate in them appropriate
tourism traits and knowledge, to enable them to act/work as Tourist Facilitators
(Parytak Mitra).

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More than 50 animal species critically endangered: Govt

Assessment studies were conducted by Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) and it has
recorded 96,000 species of animals from India
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has assessed 50 animal
species as critically endangered.
It includes 18 species of amphibians, 14 varieties of fish, 13 birds and 10 mammals.
Recovery programme: National CAMPA Advisory Council has approved the funding
for recovery programme of various endangered species.
These include Gangetic River Dolphin (CR) , Dugong (CR) , Great Indian Bustard (CR) ,
Manipur Brow Antlered deer (CR) and wild Buffalo (CR)


Can you think of critically endangered birds, reptiles, insects, mammals categorised
under IUCN?
Know the colour coding of IUCN classification of flora and fauna.
Causes for destruction of Gangetic river dolphin?

Extremely rare whales make big showing in Cape Cod Bay

Why right whales are in news: It is rarest creatures on the planet

They are frequenting Cape Cod Bay, enticed by the fine dining possibilities of its
plankton-rich waters.
They are generally found in Gulf of Mexico.


Worlds largest fishing grounds are found in? Areas where warm and cold currents
Cape Cod Bay is a large bay of the Atlantic Ocean adjacent to the U.S. state of
Can u recall the list of warm and cold ocean currents?

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20 affected in suspected outbreak of monkey fever near Goa

Monkey fever is also known as Kyasanur Forest Disease

It is a tick-borne viral hemorrhagic fever endemic to South Asia.


Denmark tops list of world's happiest places: Report

According to a new survey. The fourth World Happiness Report also found that
countries where there was less inequality were happier overall.
Released by UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Started in 2012
Denmark ranks one while Burundi ranks last among the 156 countries.
Switzerland, Iceland, Norway and Finland, which like Denmark, have strong social
security systems, made up the rest of the top five.
US 13th and UK 23rd place.
India ranks 118th.

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President of India to witness Iron Fist 2016 tomorrow

Exercise Iron Fist biennial event showcases the firepower capacity of the Indian
Air Force.
The exercise will include combat manoeuvres and live firing of Air-to-Ground and
Air-to-Air precision weapons by Fighters, Transport Aircraft and Helicopters.

PM Narendra Modi inaugurates World Sufi Forum in New Delhi


Sufism is a form of mysticism that attempted to bridge gap between orthodoxy and
religion of faith and devotion.
It is organised on monastic basis in Silsilas (orders), which were mainly of two typesBeshara (not bound by Islamic law) and Bashara (those who followed the Islamic law)
The two important Silsilahs in India were the Chistis and Surhawardi orders.

World Meteorological Day 2016 observed

Date March 23rd

Theme - Hotter, Drier, Wetter. Face the Future.

WMO is the UN's specialized agency for meteorology, operational hydrology and
related geophysical sciences.

World Water Day 2016

Theme - Water and Jobs.

First World Water Day was celebrated in the year 1993.

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IASbaba Prelims Current Affairs

26th March to 11th April 2016
Though the weightage of Current Affairs vary from year to year-it becomes imperative for us
to strategize our preparation in such a manner that this unpredictability gets tamed at the
right time, from our end. Right from the burning issues to the static part of the portion, a
Civil Servant is supposed to understand the subjective realities of the country to which he
belongs to- very well.
Current Events plays a key role in all the three stages of UPSC preparation, especially in the
Mains and Interview. It covers a wide range of topics which overlaps with the CORE subjects
like Geography, Polity, Economics, History and dynamic subjects like Environment, Science
and Technology- making the section of Current Affairs indispensible for a serious aspirant.
Hence, the key here is substantiating the Core subjects with regular readings of the events
taking place/in news. To make this process an easy one, we will be coming up with capsules
of Pre-centric Coverage of the important events. We are sure that this will complement your
preparation and push you towards your goals.

Best wishes
IAS Baba

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SEBI mulls new price discovery method for commodity spots
News: New price discovery mechanism for the spot market
Aimed at: Ensuring fairer pricing at spot market
Problem: Current price discovery distorted by traders with vested interests
Will Encourage: the need of minimum support prices for all commodities
Spot Price and Polling in Commodity Exchange Click Here
Spot Price Click Here
SEBI- Forward Markets Commissions (FMC) Merger??

India, Russia to conclude Kamov, Mi-17 helicopter deals by year end

News: India and Russia to conclude 2 helicopter deals together worth over $ 2 billion by
year end
Inter-Governmental Agreement: Joint production of the Kamov-226T utility helicopter in
Will Replace: Cheetah and Chetak helicopters

First major defence project under Make in India

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited is the partner

Railway catering towards ending licensing raj

News: Catering services to be given back to IRCTC from Indian Railways
Committee led by: RD Sharma, Chief Commercial Manager, Central Railway

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IRCTC to be prohibited from completely licensing out catering to private players and
enhance revenue
IRCTC may outsource operations like support staff, service staff, cooks,
transportation, packaging etc. but its managers will be on board to supervise
Present private licensees to be given out two options:

Exit out contract without liability

Accept new model of catering

India, China led investments in renewable energy in 2015: UN

News: For the first time commitments of emerging economies in solar, wind and other
renewables capacity have surpassed those by wealthy nations
Report: Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment
Published by: UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
What has happened?

Developed Countries - Investments down to 8 per cent in 2015 to USD 130 billion
Developing Countries(India, China & Brazil) - Committed a total of USD 156 billion in
new renewables capacity last year, up 19 per cent from 2014

UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

An agency that coordinates its environmental activities, assisting developing

countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices
Founded by - Maurice Strong (First director) as a result of the United Nations
Conference on the Human Environment in June 1972
Headquartered at: Gigiri neighbourhood of Nairobi, Kenya
UNEP & the 2030 Agenda Click Here

US hikes anti-dumping duty on Indian shrimps

News: US government has raised the anti-dumping duty on import of frozen shrimps from

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Anti-dumping duty (ADD)

A penalty imposed on suspiciously low-priced imports, to increase their price in the

importing country and so protect local industry from unfair competition.
Anti-dumping duties are assessed generally in an amount equal to the difference
between the importing country's Free On Board price of the goods and (at the time
of their importation) the market value of similar goods in the exporting country or
other countries.
Read more on ADD Click Here

Directorate General of Anti-dumping and Allied Duties (DGAD) recommends the duty, the
finance ministry imposes it

Countries initiate anti-dumping probe to determine if the domestic industry has

been hurt by a surge in below-cost imports. As a counter-measure, they impose
duties under the multilateral WTO regime.
Anti-dumping measures are taken to ensure fair trade and provide a level-playing
field to the domestic industry. They are not a measure to restrict imports or cause an
unjustified increase in cost of products

Startup India initiative to get a rural avatar as Deen Dayal Upadhyay

Swaniyojan Yojana
Context - Rural avatar of Start-up India campaign
Designed by: Rural Development Ministry
Backed by

MUDRA loans
Innovative Credit linkages
Self-help groups

Skill sets provided related to

Dairy farming

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ISRO set to launch 22 satellites on one rocket


Geo-Portal BHUVAN
GSLV Mark-III & Cryogenic engine
Electric/Ion Propulsion
Spaceward Bound Programme
Aditya L1
Resourcesat, Cartosat and Radar Imaging Satellite (RISAT-1)

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Hyperspectral Imaging

Noyyal restoration begins

Noyyalai Nokki

Noyyalai Nokki project - To restore Noyyal River and its tributaries.

Stakeholders in Coimbatore, Tirupur, and Erode and Karur Districts will jointly take
efforts to restore the river through this initiative.
The restoration project includes installation of decentralised sewage treatment
plants, developing parks where space is available and laying walking paths along the
The project will be implemented on divide-distribute-develop model by forming
committees for every 500 metres of the river.
The initiative will involve educational institutions, businesses, the public and the
Norfed (Noyyal River Restoration Federation) will be the nodal organisation for the
project and a common plan will be developed for the entire stretch of the river.
The Noyyal River rises from the Vellingiri hills in the Western Ghats in Tamil Nadu
and passes through Coimbatore, Tirupur, Erode and Karur to join the Cauvery at
Noyyal village (total of 160 km).

River Noyyal Origin and tributaries Click Here

Sun may produce devastating superflares, say scientists

News: Sun is capable of producing monstrous eruptions or superflares
Superflares can:

Break down radio communication and power supplies and also affect Earths ability
to support life
Depletion of Ozone layer with increased risk of cataracts, sunburn and skin cancer, as
well as damage to growing plants

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In the strongest cases there would be severe damage to the biosphere, especially to
primary photosynthesis in the oceans

Know More Click Here

Indias first indigenous Sonar Dome

News: The sonar dome is a first of its kind in the country has been manufactured
Designed by: Research and Development Establishment (Engineers), a DRDO laboratory
based in Pune
Manufactured by: Goa-based composites manufacturing company Kineco
Read More Click Here
Technology used - Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM)
Sonar is a system for the detection of objects under water by emitting sound pulses and
detecting or measuring their return after being reflected.
Sonar Sound navigation and ranging.
Principle used: Bouncing acoustic waves off of objects, and determining their distances by
measuring the time for the echoes to return.
Used on: Board ships and boats to measure the depths of bodies of water, to locate
underwater objects such as fish, submarines, and the shipwrecks of Spanish galleons.

RBI eases ECB norms for infra space


RBI allowed all companies engaged in the infrastructure sector to raise ECBs with a
minimum maturity of five years
Non-banking finance companies (NBFC) regulated by RBI are also included

All about ECB Click Here
How is ECB different from FDI?

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What are Floating Rate Notes (FRNS)?

Total ban on alcohol in Bihar

News: Bihar Government banned sale and consumption of country-made liquor and IMFL
across the State
Exempted: Army cantonment areas would be exempt as they regulate sale and
consumption of alcohol in their own way
Liquor Free Kerala Policy

Asia's biggest telescope

News: India remotely launched Asia's biggest telescope, the Aryabhatta Research Institute
of Observational Sciences (Aries) with Belgiums assistance
Location: Devasthal near Nainital in Uttarakhand
Used to: Study star structures and magnetic field structures of stars

Norms for clinical trials eased

News: Amended Drug & Cosmetics Act by Ministry of Health
This exempts clinical trials conducted at academic institutions from taking the hitherto
mandatory permission from Drug Controller General of India (DCGI)
Aims to: To speed up innovation and research in India

Scientists develop green technology for water purification

News: Eco-friendly nanotechnology for water-softening applications usable in civic water
treatment plants for delivering potable water
Where: Institute of Advance Study in Science & Technology (IASST) in Assam's Guwahati

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Biopolymer (First of its type) - Probability to act as a biodegradable and green material for
water-softening applications

Ballast water bringing invasive species to coasts


Ballast water carried by ships is providing a vehicle to bring in exotic species

10 invasive species in the biodiversity-rich intertidal habitats of the Kerala coast are

Centre ranks 3,500 campuses

News: HRD Ministry will release rankings of Indian educational institutions based on the
National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)

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Earlier the assessment was done by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)
Aims to: Make the process transparent, as the data provided by the institutes was verified
Ranking Parameters:

Teaching, learning and resources

Research, consulting and collaborative performance
Graduation outcomes
Outreach and inclusivity

E-commerce norms will curb unfair practices

News: 100% FDI in the market place-based model of e-commerce
Recent FDI guidelines on e-commerce: Will curb anti-competitive practices and bring in a
level-playing field between offline and online entities
Norms will help in checking predatory pricing and discount-giving exercises
Predatory Pricing:

An anti-competitive practice (under the Competition Act)

It refers to a dominant player reducing prices to a very low level to edge out
competing players from the market
In most cases, after the rivals are driven out, the dominant firm increases the prices
and makes huge gains

Predatory Pricing Click Here

Pearly nautilus may get extra protection

News: Nautilus pompilinus may soon be included in the Appendix 2 of the CITES
Nautilus pompilinus

It is a pelagic marine mollusc

It has one of the oldest animal lineages on the planet
It is a palm-sized adult animal & can live up to 20 years in ocean depths

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Commonly known as pearly nautilus considering the pearly nacre on its external shell
It has a chambered shell with limited mobility

New rules on waste management

News: The Environment Ministry has notified rules to ensure that the solid waste generated
by some groups are treated and recycled

Municipal bodies will be allowed to charge user fees and levy spot fines for littering
and non-segregation
The rules on solid waste management have been amended after 16 years
There is no binding provision on fines

Plastic Waste Management Rules (2016)

Government to hold first ever auction of diamond mine

Where: Hatupur Block (Panna District) in Madhya Pradesh

Rajasthan becomes the first state in India to clear land title Bill
News: Rajasthan government has passed the Rajasthan Urban Land (Certification of Titles)
Bills 2016
What does it mean? - The state residents living in urban areas, which are governed by the
municipalities or state development authorities, can seek a certificate of ownership of their
lands by paying a nominal fee to the state government.
This Bill will give a clear title to the owner and will reduce litigations in the courts.
NITI Aayog Model Land Leasing Law
The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement (Amendment) Bill, 2015

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India in talks with U.S. to buy Predator drones
News: India is in talks with the United States to purchase 40 Predator surveillance drones
Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DITA)

Skill development programme to help drought-hit farmers

News: Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has pitched in to help drought-hit
How: By providing them an alternative source of income through a skill development
Objective: To equip farmers to take recourse to alternative sources of income and reduce
their dependency on agriculture activities, considering natural calamities, imbalances and
drought situation
Will Enable: Farmers to start micro units locally based on local resources

Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC)

The Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is a statutory body. In 1957, it took over
the work of former All India Khadi and Village Industries Board.
Broad Objectives

The social objective of providing employment.

The economic objective of producing saleable articles.
The wider objective of creating self-reliance amongst the poor and building up of a
strong rural community spirit.

Go through the official website of KVIC Click Here

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India-EU free trade impasse may end: CII

News: CII expects to see some forward movement in FTA negotiations
India-EU Summit
Common Agenda on Migration and Mobility (CAMM)
UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) Two Italian Marines Case

King Cobra run over in Dandeli-Anshi Tiger Reserve

It is the worlds largest venomous snake in the world.

It is protected under schedule 2 of wildlife protection act 1972.

Ministry of Minority Affairs Launchs Innovative Entrepreneurship & Skill

Development Programme of MANAS

MANAS - Maulana Azad National Academy for Skills.

It proposes to promote this programme through leading national/ international
experts in different skill sets for minority communities
MANAS provide an institutional arrangement to meet all Skill Development/Upgradation needs of the Minority communities in the country.
It was launched in the year 2014 as part of skill India for minority communities.


Recall recently launched skill initiative programmes by Government

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Presidents Rule imposed in Uttarakhand


Revise articles related to Imposition of Emergency (A-352, A-356, A-360)

Revise the schedules of constitution
Gather few basic points about Anti defection law.

Both Houses of Parliament prorogued


Summoning The president from time to time summons each house of parliament
to meet. Max gap cannot be more than six months. Usually there are three
sessions in a year, viz, Budget, Monsoon and winter session.
Adjournment sine Die Terminating the sitting of the parliament for an indefinite
Prorogation The presiding officer declares the house adjourned sine die, when the
business of a session is completed.

Government releases Indian Intellectual Property Panorama


What the Indian IP Panorama offers: A single window interface for information on
Intellectual Property and guidance on leveraging it for competitive advantage.
Indian IP Panorama is a customized version of IP Panorama Multimedia toolkit,
developed by World Intellectual Property Organization.
It is Adapted to cater to SMEs and start-ups, especially in the ICTE sector of India.
Developed under the aegis of Department of Electronics and Information
Technology (DeitY) and Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP),and CDAC.
The following five modules of the Indian IP Panorama have been released today:
Importance of IP for SMEs,
Industrial design,
Invention and Patent and
Patent Information

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India is a member of WIPO

Micromax Informatics Limited was recognised under WIPOs Madrid System for the
International Registration of Marks.
The Madrid System for the International Registration of Marks (Madrid
system) offers trademark owners a cost effective, user friendly and streamlined
means of protecting and managing their trademark portfolio internationally.

60 Lakh Soil Samples Tested During 2015-16

Aims at promoting soil test based and balanced use of fertilizers and to sustain
soil health.
Implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture.
Establishment of Soil Testing Projects at Village level under Soil Health Management
(SHM) Scheme of National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA).

Vidyut PRAVAH App

It is a mobile application that provides highlights of the power availability in the

country on real time basis.
Provides information pertaining to the current demand met, shortages if any, surplus
power available and the prices in the Power Exchange.
Launched by Ministry of Power.

President of Indias message on the eve of Independence Day of Hellenic


Location of Hellenic Republic.

Countries surrounding Hellenic Republic.

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Shri J P Nadda launches Rotavirus vaccine as part of Universal Immunization


Rotavirus vaccine It is used to treat diarrhoea.

It is launched as a part of Universal immunisation program.
The vaccine is developed indigenously under a PPP mode of ministry of science and
ministry of health and Family welfare.
Universal Immunization Programme launched in 1985 is one of the largest
immunization programmes in the world and a major public health intervention in the
Other new vaccines are being introduced as part of UIP including Inactivated Polio
Vaccine (IPV), Measles, Rubella (MR) vaccine, and Adult Japanese Encephalitis (JE)


Recall list of Viral borne diseases

Health minister launches GIS-enabled HMIS application, self-printing of eCGHS Card

The GIS-enabled HMIS services will provide comprehensive data on a GIS platform
on 1.6 lakh Government Health facilities spread across the country.
The GIS-HMIS application also has scope of incorporating map layers of roads and
water bodies which will provide comprehensive information regarding health
facilities and disease vulnerable areas of the country.
E-CGHS card stated that this will provide ease and access to all those beneficiaries
such as the pensioners who may find it difficult to go to the CGHS centres for
renewal, and in the event of loss/misplacement of the card.
Health Management Information System (HMIS) is a web-based monitoring system
that has been put in place by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) to
monitor its health programmes and provide key inputs for policy formulation and
It was launched during October, 2008.

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PM, Belgian PM remotely activate ARIES Telescope at Deosthal, Uttarakhand

Collaboration between ARIES in India, and AMOS (Advanced Mechanical and Optical
Systems) in Belgium.
The main research interests of Astronomy & Astrophysics division are in solar,
planetary, stellar, galactic and extra-galactic astronomy including stellar variabilities,
X-ray binaries, star clusters, nearby galaxies, quasars, and inherently transient events
like supernovae and highly energetic gamma ray bursts.
Contribute to observations for several frontline scientific applications.

PM to launch 'Stand Up India' Initiative

Promote entrepreneurship among the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and

Loans to the tune of Rs. 10 Lakhs to Rs. 100 Lakhs will be disbursed by each
scheduled commercial banks.

National Hydrology Project

It will be a central sector scheme

Implemented by Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas
The NHP will help in gathering Hydro-meteorological data which will be stored and
analysed on a real time basis and can be seamlessly accessed by any user at the
State/District/village level.
It will also provide tools/systems for informed decision making through Decision
Support Systems (DSS) for water resources assessment, flood management,
reservoir operations, drought management, etc.
NHP also seeks to build capacity of the State and Central sector organisations in
water resources management through the use of Information Systems and adoption
of State-of-the-art technologies like Remote Sensing.


Recall the Sources of fresh water - Only 3% of the Earth's water is fresh water. Most
of it is in icecaps and glaciers (69%) and groundwater (30%), while all lakes, rivers
and swamps combined only account for a small fraction (0.3%) of the Earth's total
freshwater reserves.

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On World Health Day, Health Minister launches new health initiatives and
Mobile APPS

ANM Online application-ANMOL- ANMOL is an Aadhar enabled tablet-based

application that allows ANMs to enter and updated data for beneficiaries of their
jurisdiction. This will ensure more prompt entry and updation of data as well as
improve the data quality since the data will be entered at source by providers of
health services themselves.
E-RaktKosh initiative. It is an integrated Blood Bank Management Information
System that has been conceptualized and developed after multiple consultations
with all stakeholders. This web-based mechanism interconnects all the Blood Banks
of the State into a single network.
India Fights Dengue Mobile application for community participation that
empowers community members how to contribute towards prevention of Dengue.


Recall health initiatives launched by government for adolescent girls and women.

Union HRD Minister Launches ISBN Portal

Who organised - Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN, (Book Promotion
and Copyright Division), under Department of Higher Education
ISBN is a unique number used to identify monographic publications.
Displayed in barcode format, ISBN is a 13 character identification allotted by
International ISBN Agency based in UK through the National ISBN Agency.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy National Agency for ISBN is responsible for ISBN registration in
the country and is affiliated to UK based International Agency.
The ISBN portal seeks to completely automate the process of seeking application,
their examination and allotment of ISBNs.

India Water Week -2016

Theme - Water for All: Striving Together

Objective - Key initiative for sharing best practices and exchanging ideas to identify
timely solutions to the critical water issues confronting our world today.

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