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Vote for General Secretary

Paul Holmes
Paul led the way on equal pay in our branch. We
shouldn’t fight alone , we need to fight together as Vote for
a union. Paul is the person to pull us up, not drag
us down. Then we’ll win together.
Mick Ryan Service Conditions Officer, Kirklees
Paul Holmes Election 2010

Unison (pc)
Dear Member
I am asking for your vote in the election for Unison
General Secretary. After the election we all know
that what is coming is the biggest attack on public
We were on strike in Manchester against cuts in spending for a generation. The media, big business

mental health care and I was subsequently vic- and the employers are all demanding it.
timised. Paul personally joined us on the picket We need to be ready to defend our hard-won gains
lines and his branch supported us. We need strong and the services that our communities depend on.
leadership to defend what we’ve got. Paul can pro- As General Secretary I will work to unite all the
vide that leadership. public sector unions to defend our jobs, pay and
Karen Reissmann Unison member and victimised pensions, and to fight alongside our communities to

health worker save services.
I don’t want an income of over £120,000 as General
Secretary. I should receive the average worker’s
wage. Those who represent the workers should not
I am supporting Paul because I believe his passion to do so for financial gain. The MP’s expenses scandal
involve all workers in running their union would pro- has taken cynicism about the motives of our
vide the leadership we need. Unison has a proud representatives to new heights. We need to restore
record of fighting against discrimination, including people’s faith.
campaigning against homophobia. I am confident I won’t put the interests of Labour or any other party Paul Holmes
that Paul will ensure that the union builds and before the interests of our members. I will stand up
strengthens itself through continuing this fight. for our members whoever is in government and I will

Terry Conway Community Service Group Exec and let the members decide on whether we continue to
Co-Chair London LGBT committee (pc) fund Labour.
I’m an ordinary, working Unison member faced with
Working as Social Worker in a busy community team,
I’m acutely aware of the challenges our members face
the same problems as you. I can’t change things on
my that’s impossible. GENERAL
daily; increased workloads, unfilled vacancies and The job of a leader is to give leadership. The
tougher targets set by government/employers. I’m General Secretary, the fulltime officials, the stewards
supporting Paul because he is the members’ candi- and ordinary members need to act as one for the
date with a proud record of supporting all Unison
members in struggle.
Sonya Howard Local Government Pay Negotiating
benefit of all Unison members.

Paul Holmes ON A WORKER’S

Body (pc)
Paul has been nominated by 52 branches across Unison WAGE
Vote Paul Holmes
“This election is about the future of the union. It
is important that whoever leads our union is
open, honest and can be trusted. I am of the firm
belief that Paul Holmes has all the characteris-

he election for Unison General Secretary
tics to lead Unison. His record speaks for itself.
starts on the 17th May, just days after the
General Election. No party has won an overall He is a great speaker and inspires any meeting he
mandate, yet they are all committed to drastic attacks attends. I am proud to support him.
on the public sector. Bankers want austerity measures Bernadette Gallagher NEC (pc)
like those seen in Greece where pay and pensions are
being slashed but workers are fighting back.

Don’t let the bankers make us pay for During our year?long dispute I came to know Paul
the crisis they caused. well. Make sure you vote for him. He doesn’t cut
Our pay, pensions, jobs and services are all at risk. corners, he deals in facts and he won’t let you
Already Local Government employers have frozen pay; Paul supporting striking bin workers in Leeds
down. He is guaranteed to get results”
Higher and Further Education face major cuts and job Paulet Thompson Unison member on strike for
losses; the NHS is set for a 16% reduction in real

Unison needs a fighting leadership that

Paul’s Pledge twelve months at Unique Car

=Will stand up for our members regardless of who “Someone who gives an
forms the new government.
=Will unite with other public sector unions to deliver honest answer to an honest
effective action to defend jobs, pay, pensions and
services. question what you see is During our recent 11 week long Bins strike, Paul

=Unites our members and opposes those who seek to

was the first to visit our picket line. He attended
create scapegoats.
what you get. Supporting and spoke inspirationally at mass meetings and
=Stands up to the employers instead of attacking and ordinary working people.” lobbied nationally for support. He even helped
witchhunting those calling for a real fight to defend raise £2,000 for Christmas presents for strikers’
our members. families. Supporting our members will always be

Paul Holmes can A General Secretary first, second and third on his agenda.
Brian Mulvey Branch Secretary, Leeds Unison (pc)
provide that
leadership. He has an
on a worker’s wage
outstanding record of
over 21 years as
For union democracy –
The attacks we face across public services are the
Branch Secretary of stop the witchhunts ones Paul has faced for years as a successful Branch
one of the biggest
and strongest A proven organiser and Secretary. I support a new beginning of lay leader-
ship and the fight against these attacks. That’s why
branches in the
union – Kirklees.
fighter for members’ I’m backing Paul; someone from the ranks.
Ian Malcolm?Walker Secretary, Unison South

Contact the campaign =Email:

West Disabled Members Self Organised
Group (pc)

Blog: =Call 07806 846742 All references to pc in this leaflet mean personal capacity

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