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Optimize Spray Dryers and Fluidized Bed Reactors with

Aspen Plus
Webinar Q&A
This document summarizes the responses to questions posed before and during the webinar. Additional questions should be
directed to AspenTech Support.

General Questions
Q: Is there a leaching operation included?
A: We dont have a special leaching unit operation. You could try using one of the reactors models (CSTR etc.) and ELECNRTL as a
property method to model leaching.
Q: Could we have todays presentation example file?
A: There are dozens of self-guided demos available on Aspen Techs Solids Modeling Webpage, the Support Center, and through

aspenONE Exchange. Included in this set of examples are the spray dryer model and a simple version of the fluidized bed reactor
Q: Does AspenTech anticipate modeling any auger-type reactors for pyrolysis?
A: The Aspen Plus model library contains different reactor models (e.g. CSTR and plug flow reactor). To model an auger-type reactor,
you could try a plug flow reactor or a series of CSTRs.
Q: In V8.2, I couldn't see a way to enter a sorption isotherm. Is this now possible in V8.4?
A: In the current version 8.4 of the dryer, the user specifies the equilibrium moisture content as a single value, meaning there is no
option available to specify a sorption isotherm. You can try to use a calculator block to determine the equilibrium moisture content
based on a sorption isotherm and the dryers outlet conditions. You can then set the calculated value for the equilibrium moisture
content in the dryer.
Q: Are there any example models for crystallization?
A: Yes, we have an example of crystallization in the potassium chloride self-guided demo. This example, along with other solids
modeling self-guided demos, is available on the AspenTech Solids Modeling Webpage, the Support Center, and through aspenONE
Q: Are there any example models for extrusion?
A: Currently, we dont have any examples for extrusion. To describe an extruder, you could use a granulator block and then select the
specify outlet PSD option.
Q: When the optimization has completed, how much margin do you leave on your results to ensure that you are safe in
A: We cant answer this on a general basis. It depends on the process, the model, etc. It might be a good idea to run a sensitivity
analysis around the optimal parameter values to better understand how sensitive the process is against the changes of these

Q: Can we simulate an airlift reactor with Aspen Plus?

A: If we were to assume that solids and gas be put in plug flow, you can try to use a plug flow reactor (RPLUG) to model an air lift
reactor. If you also want to account for the pressure drop, you might try to use a sequence of RPLUG and pipe models. The pipe model
can then describe the pressure drop due to the pneumatic transport of the solids.

Spray Dryer Questions

Q: Can you model a closed-loop, as well as optimize a condenser?
A: If you are talking about the spray dryer example, then yes, you could model that.
Q: Can the spray dryer model hollow spheres?
A: This capability is not available in the current version of Aspen Plus.
Q: Can you use drying gas other than air?
A: Yes, you can specify a drying agent other than air as long as its in the Aspen Properties database or you have information about its
viscosity, heat capacity values, etc. that you can enter into the database.
Q: For the spray dryer, I want to look at RH% in the cyclone for closed-loop and test the sensitivity according to other
parameters, such as condenser or mass flow rate of drying air or solution feed. Can we use Aspen Plus to do this?
A: Yes, you can define any conventional components as moisture components in Aspen Plus. The liquid is then considered a part of
the solid phase and cannot be evaporated by a flash. This enables you to track the moisture of the solids for each stream in the
process. In your particular case, you can analyze the influence of the different process parameters (e.g. drying agent flow rate,
temperature, spray rate, etc.) on the residual moisture of the particles.
Q: For spray drying, how much design information does Aspen Plus supply for a given feed, dissolved solids density, and
A: The spray dryer model itself doesnt have a design mode it predicts the outlet stream conditions based on given geometry and
operating conditions. Aspen Plus offers different tools (e.g. optimization, design) that allow you to specify the outlet conditions you want
to achieve to then change certain parameters in the flowsheet (e.g. geometry parameter, flow rates, temperatures, etc.). You can use
this workflow to determine the design information you are looking for.
Q: What data is needed to predict the dryer performance and the diffusion-limited part of the drying curve?
A: The spray dryer and the convective dryer model considers the constant drying rate period (first drying period) and the diffusionlimited falling rate drying period (second drying period). To describe the second drying period, we use a normalized drying curve. To
specify the normalized drying curve, you need the critical and the equilibrium moisture content, as well as the normalized drying curve
data itself. You can determine this data from a drying experiment.
During the webinar on granulation and convective drying, we explained how to determine the normalized drying curve based on
measured data. In addition to viewing this webinar, you can find an explanation on how to determine the normalized drying curve based
on measured data in the belt dryer example in the knowledge base.
Q: Is there a model where you can consider agglomeration on the spray dryer process?
A: The current implementation of the spray dryer model does not consider agglomeration. You can try to add a granulator block
downstream of the spray dryer and consider the agglomeration of the particles.

Fluidized Bed Reactor Questions

Q: Can a spouted bed reactor be simulated with the fluidized bed reactor?
A: The current implementation of the fluidized bed is developed with bubbling and circulating fluidized beds in mind. For the
fluid-mechanics of the bottom zone, we use a model according to Werther and Wein. For the freeboard, we use a model according to
Kunii and Levenspiel. All the sources are fully documented in the help system and the PDF documentation files. Please review the
equations and decide on your own if this model is applicable to your specific application.
Q: Can a specific kinetic be introduced in the block of the fluidized bed reactor?
A: To consider chemical reactions in the fluidized bed, you can assign a chemistry object to the block (similar to RCSTR and other
reactors). The chemistry object then allows you to specify different types of reaction kinetics. We have published an example that
explains step-by-step how this works. This and other examples can be found in aspenONE Exchange and on the
AspenTech Support Site. If for some reason the available reactions kinetics do not fit your special case, you also have the option to
introduce a user kinetic.
Q: How do we get a bubble diameter in a fludized reactor?
A: For the fluid-mechanics of the bottom zone, we use a model according to Werther and Wein. This model considers the growth and
splitting of bubbles. Based on the gas distributor geometry and the fluidization gas flow rate and properties, we estimate the initial
bubble size and then use the model according to Werther and Wein to calculate the bubble diameter, bubble volume fraction, bubble
rise velocity, etc. The model is fully documented in the help system and the PDF documentation files. Please review the equations for
more details.
Q: Where do you get information on the models selected for inputs for fluidized bed reactors?
A: All the sources for our models are fully documented in the help system and the PDF documentation files. Please review
documentation to get more details on the different models available.
Q: Could the particle density decrease as it increases in size, for example due to coke build-up?
A: Aspen Plus allows you to define each particle type as a separate sub-stream. The particle type (sub stream) is then described by its
composition, particle size, and eventually moisture content. Please see the multiple particle type examples in aspenOne Exchange or
the knowledge base for more details. If you change the composition of the particles by a chemical reaction, it will also change the
particles density.
Q: Can Aspen Plus compare the difference in reactions between a fluidized bed reactor and an auger-type reactor?
A: The fluidized bed reactor model assumes the solids are ideally mixed, while the gas is in plug flow. For an auger-type reactor, both
the gas and the solids are in plug flow. To compare these different reactors,define a flowsheet containing both a fluidized bed reactor
and a plug flow reactor (RPLUG block) and then you can compare the results from both blocks.
Q: Can you specify a solid feed to the fluidized bed and if it would be able to account for char and ash ?
A: The fluidized bed has at least two inlet streams, the fluidization gas and the solid feed. In addition to this, the fluidized bed can have
several additional gas inlets. The composition, PSD, mass flow, temperature, etc. of the solid feed stream is set by the upstream block.
In the simplest case, this is a feed unit where you can fully specify the solid feed stream for the fluidized bed.
You can also consider char and ash in your model. Please notice that coal is considered as a non-conventional component in Aspen
Plus, meaning we have special thermodynamic models that use atomic analysis (e.g., %C, H, O...). The analysis is defined through
component attributes such as ULTANAL, PROXANAL, etc. The computer-based training module for solids contains more detailed
information on this and are available on the AspenTech Support Site.

Q: Can you simulate the fluidized bed combustion of a solid coal/biomass feedstock and specify the amount of fly ash and
bottom ash produced in the combustion process?
A: The reactions in the fluidized bed are described by reactions kinetics. Therefore, you cannot directly define the amount of ash and
bottom ash produced, but it will calculate based on the defined kinetics.
Q: Is it possible to simulate a CFB furnace with wood dust (biomass), coal combustion (Gibbs reactor), or primary and
secondary air?
A: The fluidized bed model allows you to consider several additional air streams. You can also consider chemical reactions by
assigning chemistry objects to the block.

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