Sociology Paper1

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(1) The micro approach is significant because it allows sociologists to:

(a) focus on the flaws of human beings
(b) identify the meaning behind certain actions
(c) consider the effects people have on society
(d) identify the conflict between groups

2. All of the following men are structural functionalists EXCEPT

(A) Emile Durkheim
(B) Robert Merton
(C) George Meads
(D) Herbert Spencer

(3). Functionalism and Marxism are similar in that they are structural theories. This means that
(a) They believe that social structures are irrelevant in society
(b) They believe that society is made up of interrelated parts
(c) They believe that social institutions have power over people
(d) They believe that people shape the social structures of society

Unit 1 Multiple Choice Questions

1. Counter cultures are important in society because
(A) It reflects the ability of culture to change in society
(B) It reveals the level of inequality in society
(C) It reflects the ability of social institutions to adapt to new things
(D) It illustrates the value of culture in society

2. It is often difficult for sociologists to ignore their personal values in sociological research
(A) They are humans and humans are imperfect
(B) They often have to come in contact with the subject of their research
(C) Objectivity is frown upon
(D) It is the best way to truly study society
3. The Marxists are of the view that the school employs WHAT to ensure conformity?
(A) Punitive measures
(B) The hidden cirriculum
(C) Labelling
(D) None of the Above
4. The lorde family can be used as an example of
A vertical mobility
B horizontal mobility
C intra_ generational mobility
Dintergeneratinal mobility
5. Which of the following can be considered a similarity between the family based on a
commonlaw union and family based on a visiting unions?
A) in both units there are stable father figures
B) the mother is more likely to be the head of the household
C) both types of units are relatively stable
D) both family types are recognized as legal entities
6. For Weber, all of the following have Characterized the Interactionists perspective EXCEPT
(A) Conflict
(B) Technology
(C) Values and beliefs
(D) Religion
7. Ethnocentrism means
(a) Superiority of ones own culture
(b) Inferiority of ones own culture
(c) Both of these
(d) None of these

8. Primogeniture refers to
a) kinship networks
b) a primitive society
c) inheritance given to a first born son
d) the passing on of tradition from parent to child
9. Which family type is least affected by poverty?
a) extended family
b) matrifocal
c) nuclear
d) single parent
10. People make sense of their world through an understanding of everyday rules. This view
is expressed by
a) Marxists
b) Interactionists
c) Functionalists
d) Feminists
11. Which concept is associated with a varietyof religious belief systems in a society?
a, pluralism
d. fundamentalism
12. Social researchers are often criticized for not adhering to ethical principles in research.
Which of the following is not and ethical principle?
A) the right to privacy
B) the consent of the participant
C) the right to research
D) the publication of research findings
13. The prohibition of incest is an example of:
14. a subculture can be best defined as a group
A) whose cultural traits have been assimilated into modern society
B) that has certain cultural traits which are inferior to those of the wider society
C)located within the wider society which has norms and values that differs from those of the
mainstream society
D)located within the substructure of society and are therefore exploited and oppressed
15. Which of the following sociologist saw Fundamentalism as a reaction to modernization?
(A) Emile Durkheim
(B) Max weber
(C) Steve Bruce
(D) Talcott Parson

16. When conducting social research, what is the next step in the scientific method after a
review of the literature?
A) collecting data
B) choosing a research design
C) selecting a researchable problem
D) formulating a hypothesis
17. which of the following piratical issues should a sociologist consider before doing
I. cost of research
ii.time required to do research
iii.the availability of the information
iv.access to information
a) i and ii only
b) ii and iii only
c) i,ii and iv only
d) i,iii,iiii and iv
18. Which of the following reasons best explains academic underachievement among
students from working class families?
A) lower IQ level
B)poor work ethic
C)home environment
D) uneducated parents
19. Meritocracy is a system in which rewards and social positions are based on
A) class and gender
B) ability and ethnicity
C) achievement and class
D) ability and achievement
20. the marxist view of education stresses that
A) society rewards individuals for hard work
B) education allows the elite to dominate
C) individuals require skills which allow them to meet societal goals
D) education facilitates the teaching of norms and values to young people
21. rastafarianism is charaterized as a syncretic religion because it is
A) monotheistic
B) practiced by all classes
C) a religion that was formed exclusively in the Caribbean
D) derived from africaneuropean and east indian religious practices
22. the education system reinforces gender stereotyping. this perspective is best illustrated
in which of the following statement/
A)females outnumber males at tertiary institutions
B) females are expected to purse non technical subjects
C) males underachievement in schools because teachers are predominantly females
D) male non academic routes to success more than females

23. doctors are of greater importance to society than janitors therefore should be placed
higher on the stratification scale. this statement closely reflects the views of
A) best and levitt
B)davis and moore
C)marx and engels
D)young and Walcott
24. karlmarx argues that religion
A) promotes positive change
B) justifies poverty and oppression
C) unites the different social classes
D) promotes alienation from production
25. Carl, born to a poor family in trinidad, has become an education politician at the age of
40yrs. which of the following best described his mobility
a) vertical
D) horizontal
26. which of the following theorists is associated with a historical perspective of social
stratification in the caribbean?
A) marx
B) m.g. smith
C) g beckford
D)s craig
27. Secularization may best be described as
A)and enrichment in religious of religious beliefs
B) an increase in religious practices
C) the reduction of religious influences
D)the growth in the number of religious sect
28. johns brother james is a cleaner at a local car company. john recently attained his degree
at uwi and was employed as a biz manager in a prestigious org.which of the following type of
social mobilty was describe?
A) veritcal
29. which of the following best describes intergenerational
A) the son of a labourer becomes a labourer
B)after ten yrs of of formal edu, a skilled mechanic became a lawyer
C) Rary was demoted to clerical worker after working as an admin assistance for 10 yrs
D) jane became a hospital receptionist and subsequently her daughter became a med doctor
30. Education policy in the post colonial Caribbean society aimed at giving equal access to
all social groups. Which of the following terms is described
A) closed

B) stratified
C) ascribed
D) meritocracy
31. which of the following features is characteristic of a sect?
A) its membership rejects the belief of others
B) it does not seek to change equality
C) it limits its membership to a specific class
D) membership can belong to other religious group
32. Which of the following is not a historical determinant of Caribbean family?
a) Slavery
b) Indentureship
c) Industial Revolution
d) Polygamy
33. which of the following theorists supports the views that religion is not a barrier to social
A) karlmarx
B) Max weber
C) parsons
34. which of the following theoretical perspectives suggests that labeling is used to explain
how teacher expectations are linked to education?
B) subculture
35. matrifocality among black family in the carib is a result of
i) male marginality
ii) male dominance
iii) african retentions
iv)polygamous unions
A) i and ii
B) i and iii
C) ii and iv
D) iii and iv
36. maria, who has a son from a previous relationship, has married Marcel who has two
daughters. they all live in the same house hold. this family can be classified as?
A) nuclear
37. familes meet the needs of society to socialize children and reproduce new members. this
statement most closely reflects
A) marxism

B) feminism
38. A detailed plan for Obtaining data scientifically is called a (an)
A. Sample
B. Experiment
C. Scientific method
D. Research design
39. a meritocracy is a system which
a.status is based on ethnicity mobility is influenced by nepotism ranking /opportunities is based upon achievement
d.stratification is equal at all levels
40. which of the following are characteristics of empirical research?
(I)the hypothesis is testable
(II) data are interpreted and analysed
(III) data are collected in a systematic way
(IV)the hypothesis is confirmed or refused
A) I and II
B) I,II and III
C) II,III and IV
D) I II III and IV
41. a sociologist who decides to research the prevalence of teenage pregnancy across
various generations in society is pursing?
A) a case study
B) and in dept study
C) a longitudinal study
D) a cross sectional study
42. which of the following theorists subscribes to the views that a shared culture is
necessary if a society is to run smoothly?
A) marx
B) mead
C) weber
43. which of the following is the MAIN reason for using multi-stage sample in research?
A) it will allow for quick and easy analysis of data
B) a large geographical area can be covered in less time
C) important characteristics within the sample can be tested
D) all sample units have an unequal chance of being selected
44. professor X has demanded that his class take part in his research. non-participants will
result in failure in the course.what ethical issue was breached by prof X?
A) risk of harm
B) confidentiality

C) informed consent
D)voluntary participation
45. which of the following best describes sociology as a discipline?
(A) the systematic study of human social behaviour
(b)experimental designs of human interaction
(C)the systematic study of individual behaviour
(D) an understanding of the way things are in society
46. which of the following best describe beckford's theory of culture?
a) society as a multiplicity of cultures
b)c'bbean societies have a unique amalgamated culture
c)the culture of the c'bbean is the same as the culture we had in slavery
d)c'bbean culture is determine by the infrastructure
47. agustecomte was a
a)structural functionalist
b)conflict theorist
d)symbolic interactionist
48. Those aspects of social life that have to do with order, stability, and social organization
that allow societies and groups to hold together and endure are called:
A) social statics.
B) social dynamics.
C) social absolutes.
D) constructed reality.
49. the consequence of the culture of poverty, has been advance as one of the reason for
the diversity in family forms in the caribbean. the main proponent of this theory is:
a)M.G smith
50. Sociology is a science because it
A. Uses systematic methods
B. Is a social science
c. Considers findings tentative until verified
D. All of the above
51. weber's idea of social change was linked to:
A) mechanical society and modern society
B)traditional society and rational society
C) capitalist society
D) organic solidarity and mechanic solidarity
52. On which of the following issues relating to social stratification did weber and marx
A Group conflict is the essence of conflict in society

B Class, status and power are related but not the same
C Economic institutions are critical in the shaping of society
D The powerful in society use their ideas and values to maintain control
53. A social condition in which values are conflicting, weak or absent is:
(a) Assimilation
(b) Hawthorne effect
(c) Invasion
(d) Anomie
54. When the researcher asks the respondent face to face question, this method is called:
(a) Interview Schedule
(b) Questionnaire
(c) Observation
(d) Interview guide
(e) None of these
55. A close connection between religion and economic forces was presented by:
(a) Max Weber
(b) Karl Max
(c) Emile Durkheim
(d) C. Wright Mill
(e) None of these
56. George Murdock's concept of family may be irrelevant to a study of Caribbean society
(a) He ignored the extended familystructure
(b) He ignored the social changes in society
(c) The social and cultural experiences of the region have led to the diversification of
Caribbean family structures
(d) The Caribbean is more so characterized by matrifocaility
57. All of the following are TRUE about the status of an individual EXCEPT
(A) Statues are defined by an individuals culture
(B) Statutes are always based on biological attributes
(C) Ones status may differ from one society to another
(D) A status can be involuntary
58. In a Secondary group, the duration of relations among the members is normally
(A) Long lasting
(B) Time-consuming
(C) Short lived
(D) Permanent
59. For Sociologists, the most important social change in human history was moving from a
(A) Democratic stage to a Communist stage
(B) Traditional to Industrial society
(C) Medieval to modern society

(D) Primitive to populated

60. For Weber, all of the following have Characterized the Interactionists perspective EXCEPT
(A) Conflict
(B) Technology
(C) Values and beliefs
(D) Religion
61. For Functionalists, culture is MOSTLY important as it
(A) Keeps conflict in society
(B) It serves as a conservative forces
(C) It is shaped by the people of a society
(D) It revolves around the material objects in an economic system
62. In contemporary society, education is both a direct and indirect tool for
I. Social mobility
II. Economic reforms within a society
III. Political changes
IV. Globalization of trades and people
(A) I, II and III only
(B) II, III and IV only
(C) II, III and IV only
(D) I, II, III and IV
63. Social Mobility involves
(A) Moving from one class to another due to new reforms and achievements
(B) Moving from one economic standing to another due to economic changes
(C) Moving upwards to a better social standing within the same class
(D) Moving an individual from a class of luxury to a class of indecency due to political
64. In the Caribbean society, it is evident that
(A) More whites are in the Middle Class and less prone to social mobility
(B) More blacks are in the lower class and less prone to social mobility
(C) More Indians are poor and less prone to social mobility
(D) More blacks are in the Middle class and are prone to social mobility
65. All of the following can be an aid in stratifying Caribbean people EXCEPT
(A) Education
(B) Religion
(C) Globalization
(D) Wealth
66. Cultural plurality is sometimes harmful as it can lead
I. To tension within a society
II. To confusion due to numerous clashing cultures
III. To the lost of existing cultural values

(A) I and II only

(B) II only
(C) I and III only
(D) I, II and III
67. Functionalism may be ideal for an effective study of the Caribbean because
I. The region is highly dependent on its social institutions to maintain order and solidarity
II. Gradual social changes within the region were brought about by external factors
III. Caribbean people are shaped by the cultures of the region
IV. There is often times a high level of disunity among ethnic groups in the region
(A) I and III only
(B) I, II and III only
(C) III and IV only
(D) II, III and IV only
68. Mills Sociological Imagination is important to studies of society as it
(A) Gives an insight on the behaviour of human beings
(B) Gives an historical and anthropological study of social reactions
(C) It gives a better understanding of the individual and their surroundings
(D) It provides a framework on which other researchers are created
69. Carl Stones study of Caribbean society has revealed similar findings that of
(A) Errol Miller
(B) Dereck Gordon
(C) Edith Clarke
(D) Rex Nettleford
70. Examples of qualitative methods of social investigation includes:
A) structured interviews
B) overt and covert participation
C) focused group case studies
D) all the above
71. Which of the following sociologist/feminist concluded that Poverty led to the rise of the
matrifocal family?
A Parson
B Herskovits
C Nancy Gonzalez
D Durkheim
72. Which feminist put forward the view a baby strike is the way for woman to gain equality
A Sue Sharp
B Margret Benston
C Laura Purdy
D Nancy Gonzalez
73. race and colour are examples of
A ascribed status
B achieved status

C classless society
D open stratification
74. Which of the following BEST describes sociology as a discipline?
A The systematic study of human social behaviour
B Experimental designs of human interaction
C the systematic study of individual behaviour
D An understanding of the way things are in society
75. Which of the following are the characteristics of empirical research?
I. The hypothesis is testable
II.Data are interpreted and analysed
III. Data are collected in a systematic way
IV. The hypothesis is confirmed or refuted
A I and II only
B I,II and II only
C II,III and IV only
76. Which of the following theorists subscribes to the view that a shared culture is necessary
if a society is to run smoothly?
A Marx
B Mead
C Weber
D Durkheim
77. A sociologist who decides to research the prevalence of teenage pregnancy across
various generations in a society is pursuing
A Case Study
B An In-depth study
A longitudinal study
D A cross-sectional study
78. Which of the following terms describes the process where the dominant culture is
imposed on the subordinate culture?
A Assimilation
B Acculturation
C Enculturation
D Counter culture
79. A MAJOR difference between the positivists and interpretivists is that positivists
A use case studies while interpretivists use experiments
B are micro-theorists while interpretivists are macro-theorists
C use quantitative research methods while interpretivists use qualitative research method
D study human behaviour using qualitative methods while interpretivists use quantitative
80. Which of the following thinkers are associated with the development of sociology in the

I M G Smith
II Susan craig
III AnthongGiddens
IV Rhoda Reddock
A I and II only
B II and II only
C I,II and Iv only
D I,II,III and IV only
81. A group of students is researching the prevalence of drug abuse in a community. Which
sampling method may be BEST for this study?
A Quota
B Random
C Snowball
D Stratified
82. According to Durkheim, a 'social fact' is
A external to the individual
B obvious in all institutions in society
C functional for social order and role allocation
D necessary to maintain societal integration
83. Which of the following practical issues should a sociologist consider before doing
I Cost of research
II Access to information
III Time required to do research
IV The availability of the information
A I and III only
B III and IV only
84. When a research method is repeatedly applied and consistently produces the same
results in a study, it is said to be
A valid
B reliable
C relevant
D standardized
85. Which of the following terms describes the process where the dominant culture is
imposed on the subordinate culture?
A Assimilation
B Acculturation

C Enculturation
D Counter culture
86. A sociologist who decides to research the prevalence of teenage pregnancy across
various generations in a society is pursuing
A Case Study
B An In-depth study
A longitudinal study
D A cross-sectional study
87. Which of the following theorists subscribes to the view that a shared culture is necessary
if a society is to run smoothly?
A Marx
B Mead
C Weber
D Durkheim
88. Which of the following are the characteristics of empirical research?
I. The hypothesis is testable
II.Data are interpreted and analysed
III. Data are collected in a systematic way
IV. The hypothesis is confirmed or refused
A I and II only
B I,II and II only
C II,III and IV only
89. The gender Role refers to
A) the biological fact that we are male and female
B) the role that is given to us by a teacher
C) the role that is given to us in play
D) expectations regarding the proper behaviours, attitudes and activities of males and
females in society
90. Ethnocentrism means:
(a) Cultural domination of an ethnic group
(b) Ethnicity taken as the unit of analysis in Scientific explorations.
(c) Feeling of superiority of ones own group over others.
(d) The policy of political participation on ethnic grounds.
(e) None of these.
91. A system in which one husband is married to many women is called;
(a) Monogamy
(b) Polygamy
(c) Polyandry
(d) Polygyny
92. An ascribed status is one that is;
(a) Awarded by society
(b) Gained from talent

(c) Endowed at birth

(d) Based on competition
93. Feral man means:
(a) A socialized individual
(b) Individual supposedly reared apart from human society and hence imperfectly socialized.
(c) An individual rears in a cultural society
(d) None of these
94. When cultural traits spread from one society to another,the process is called?
(a) Assimilation
(b) Diffusion
(c) Pluralism
(d) Evolution
95. Contemporary sociology includes:
A) evolutionary relativism.
B) liberal feminism and explicit examination of women's social roles and experiences.
C) postmodernism, feminism, and critical theory.
D) a combination of biological theory, conflict theory, and evolutionary theory.
96. Which of the following sociologist view the family as an ideological conditioning device
A Parson
B Karl Marx
C Weber
D David Cooper
97. Durkheim discusses the evolution of society by distinguishing
A) the levels of rationality
B) the levels of authority
C) mechanical and organic solidarity
D) the bourgeoisie and proletariat
98. the functional prerequisites are
A) adaptation, goal attainment, integration, latency or pattern maintenance
B) adoptation, gender neutrality, infusion, latency
C) associative, globalization, integrative laxitive
D) alliance, geographic aura, interracial, living
99. which of the following processes represent edwardkamaubrathwaite's (1971) view of
A endogamy and exogamy
B acculturation and interculturation
C globalization and transmission
D assimilation and diffusion
100. looking glass self theory is associated with:
A)talcott parson
B)georgeherbert mead

D) charlescooley
101. the quality of the primary group relationship can be described as follows
A) impersonal, intimate and long lasting
B) personal, intimate, face to face interactions
C) goal oriented, temporary, narrow
D) permanent, committed, narrow
102. which of the following argue that social order is maintain through consensus and
B)bowles and gintis
103. Whose theories suggest that unequal rewards are the product of consensus?
a Davis and moore
b Karl Marx
c Emile Durkeim
d Bowles and gintis
104. Constructed reality is:
A) the ability to control the behavior of others.
B) the principle that meaning derives from social interaction in daily life.
C) the observed consequences that permit the adaptation or adjustment of a system.
D) an artificial explanation of culture that exists apart from any social reality or shared social
105. name one type of probability sampling
a. quota
b. snowballing
c. multistage
d. non-representative
106. Which of the following was supported by Durkheim's study of suicide?
A) Catholics had higher rates of suicide than Protestants.
B) Rates of suicide were higher in times of war than in times of peace.
C) Rates of suicide were lower in times of recession than in times of economic stability.
D) Individuals who were enmeshed in meaningful social bonds were less inclined to commit
107. One purpose of education is to help students acquire the skills they need to be
successful in society. This is an example of a(n):
A) constructed reality.
B) latent function.
C) manifest function.
D) entrenched function.

108. Which theoretical perspective provides the strongest framework for analyzing a student
protest against a university's decision to cancel its policy of exempting graduating seniors
from final exams?
A) Interactionist, because the university and the students didn't share the same
understanding about final exams.
B) Functionalist, because teaching college students to protest is a manifest function of
C) Functionalist, because exams serve a social function.
D) Conflict, because this is an example of a power struggle between two groups with
conflicting ideas and interests.
109. What major contribution did W.E.B. DuBois make to sociology?
A) He developed a theoretical understanding of racial inequality.
B) He conducted research on the upper classes of Philadelphia.
C) He chaired the first Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago.
D) none of the above
110. Which of the following is not a reaction to culture shock?
a.rejection adoption
d.home becomes very important
111. Phenomenology as one of the micro sociological perspectives focuses on which of the
following: meanings are created
b.the lack of meaning of phenomena
d.importance of the imagined experience
112. The consequences of the culture of poverty, has been advanced as one of the reasons
for the diversity in family forms in the Caribbean. The main proponent of this thesis is:
a) MG Smith
b) L Braithwaite
c)O Lewis
d) M Herskovits
113. Aguste Comte was a:
a)Structural Functionalist
b) Conflict Theorist
c) Positivist
d) Symbolic Interactionalist
114. The reasons that have been put forward for the diversity in family form and the
prevalence of matrifocality or female headed household in the caribbean are:
b.Africanretention,legacy of slavery,the culture of poverty
c.Africanretention,status of women,the culture of poverty
d.Africanretention,legacy of slavery,discrimination against women

115. The major criticism of the functionalist Davis and Moore on their theories of
stratification is
a Melville Tumin
b Karl Marx
c Bowles and Gintis
d Talcott Parson
116. Caribbean Society is least Stratified upon the basis of
a. colour
b. gender
117. For Functionalists, culture is MOSTLY important as it
(A) Keeps conflict in society
(B) It serves as a conservative forces
(C) It is shaped by the people of a society
(D) It revolves around the material objects in an economic system
118. Both the functionalist and Marxist would agree that
a .stratification is necessary in society
b. stratification pushes inequality
c.stratification is universal and dynamic
d.stratification enforced shared social values
119. All of the following are ascribed systems of stratification except
a.caste system
b.the apartheid
c. the class system
d. the feudal system
120. The most common indicator of social class is
a. race
b. occupation

has been used to study social interaction for over 500 years.
is the scientific study of social interaction and organization.
has little bearing on public policy.
is most useful when applied to abstract - as opposed to practical - matters.

2 Who coined the term "sociology" and is generally considered to be the "founder" of sociology?
Karl Marx
Auguste Comte
Max Weber
Emile Durkheim

3 The application of evolutionary notions and the concept of the "survival of the fittest" to society
is called:

class conflict.
dialectical materialism.
social dynamics.
social Darwinism.

4 Those aspects of social life that have to do with order, stability, and social organization that allow
societies and groups to hold together and endure are called:

social statics.
social dynamics.
social absolutes.
constructed reality.

5 Who wrote the first book on the methodology of social research, How to Observe Manners and

Herbert Spencer
Emily Post
Harriet Martineau
Emile Durkheim

6 Weber's view that sociologists must not allow their personal biases to affect the conduct of their
research is called:

dialectical materialism.
social facts.
value-free sociology.

7 Which of the following was supported by Durkheim's study of suicide?

Catholics had higher rates of suicide than Protestants.

Rates of suicide were higher in times of war than in times of peace.
Rates of suicide were lower in times of recession than in times of economic stability.


Individuals who were enmeshed in meaningful social bonds were less inclined to
commit suicide.

8 What major contribution did W.E.B. DuBois make to sociology?

He developed a theoretical understanding of racial inequality.
He conducted research on the upper classes of Philadelphia.
He chaired the first Department of Sociology at the University of Chicago.
none of the above

9 Contemporary sociology includes:

evolutionary relativism.
liberal feminism and explicit examination of women's social roles and experiences.
postmodernism, feminism, and critical theory.
a combination of biological theory, conflict theory, and evolutionary theory.

1 Students at Bailey University staged a sit-in to protest the University's decision to cancel its
0 longstanding policy of exempting graduating seniors from final exams. Which theoretical
perspective provides the strongest framework for analyzing this situation?




Interactionist, because the University and the students didn't share the same
understanding about final exams.
Conflict, because this is an example of a power struggle between two groups with
conflicting ideas and interests.
Functionalist, because teaching college students to protest is a manifest function of
none of the above


1 One purpose of education is to help students acquire the skills they need to be successful in
1 society. This is an example of a(n):
constructed reality.
latent function.
manifest function.
entrenched function.

1 Constructed reality is:

the ability to control the behavior of others.
the principle that meaning derives from social interaction in daily life.
the observed consequences that permit the adaptation or adjustment of a system.


an artificial explanation of culture that exists apart from any social reality or shared
social meaning.

1 In the library, Louanne observes a woman sitting at a table by herself. A man comes up and sits
3 at the other end of the table. The woman frowns and shakes her head "no." The man gets up

and moves to another table. Louanne concludes that the woman did not want to share a study
table. The theoretical perspective Louanne is using is:
the conflict perspective.
the functionalist perspective.
theinteractionist perspective.
none of the above.

1 In her research on nannies, Wrigley:


was easily able to tap into the social world of nannies and their relationships with
their employers.
used field methods of intensive interviewing and participant observation.

found nannies eager to talk to her, even to be tape recorded.
was unable to speak with employers because of their busy schedules.

1 In an experiment, two groups are identical except for the change that researchers introduce into
5 one group. That group is called:
the contaminated group.
the control group.
the experimental group.
the neutral standard.

conducting social research, what is the next step in the scientific method after a review of
6 When
the literature?
collecting data
choosing a research design
selecting a researchable problem
formulating a hypothesis

1 Observation:

is one of the easiest tools for sociological inquiry because it requires only good note
is not subject to the same controls that are applied to other methods.

requires the involvement of the researcher in the activity being studied.
may be unobtrusive or participant.

1 Sociologists:

are exempt from the considerations of research ethics that govern biological
have not been able to agree on a code of ethics.

enjoy the same privileges as attorneys in protecting subjects' privacy.


should obtain informed consent in cases where subjects may be exposed to risks of
research that are greater than the risks of everyday life.

9 The authors explain that feminist research methodology:

is an approach to research which emphasizes inclusion, fairness, and humaneness.
places its main emphasis on concrete theories.
stresses that all human emotions are to be ignored.
all of the above

2 Which of the following research methods uses existing records?

survey research
questionnaire research
archival research
observational research

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