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May 14, 2010
Volume 2, No. 4
New Zealand’s first Indian weekend magazine
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Global Indian | 9 Bollywood | 20 Heritage | 28

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New Zealand

Studies confirm high cardiovascular risk for Indians

Shriya Bhagwat Chitale
For Hitesh Shah (not his real name), a 48 year old ``An understanding of the community and
Indian from Auckland, a midweek afternoon 10 working with an insight into the culture often
months ago proved to be a turning point. ``I was While the overall lifestyle yields better results. Often, when I work with the
returning from work that day when I felt numb- community I come across people who say they
ness in my arm and a crushing, intense pain in pattern of the Asian need to exercise more in order to keep fit in New
my chest,’’ he remembers. It was his first heart Zealand. It didn’t take them as much effort to
attack and it served him as a wake-up call to
adopt a healthier lifestyle. ``I try to never miss
community is generally work off excessive weight in their home country.
Or that they find it hard to minimize the use of
my workout at the gym. And I avoid anything certain ingredients, like oil, for cooking if they
that would stress me out. It just isn’t worth it.’’
good since they are less are to move towards a healthier lifestyle,’’ she
he says. says.
Shah’s is not an isolated case. According to likely to smoke or drink The South Asian community constitutes 6
the findings of Asian Health Chart Book pub- percent of the population in New Zealand and is
lished by the Ministry of Health, Indians have alcohol, the lack of physical predicted to grow to 12 percent by 2021. Asians
significantly higher rates of hospitalisation beings treated as a different category with special
and mortality due to cardiovascular disease as activity is a likely cause for needs was recognised after the first Asian health
compared to the total population in the country. needs analysis for Counties Manukau. ``The
This is especially true for new migrants who
are mostly in good health when they arrive to
an elevated risk of diabetes analysis highlighted the issue and resulted in the
formation of the South Asian Advisory group,’’
settle in New Zealand. As they get accustomed says Dr Geeta Gala, Public Health Physician at
to living in the country, they are more likely to
and cardiovascular disease. the Northern Cancer Network. ``All academic
experience high blood pressure, high blood cho- work on cardiovascular disease and diabetes
lesterol; and cardiovascular disease. now take Indians as a separate group and not
The community reflects what is known as this trend is a cause for concern. classify them under ‘other’ group. This high-
`the healthy migrant effect’ where the health to Dr Scragg the findings still hold true for the ``There is a need for an innovative approach lights the issue in this ethnic group.’’
of migrants deteriorates over time. As new mi- Asian community. to health communication if we are to deal with It is imperative that health awareness is de-
grants get accustomed to new food habits and a While the overall lifestyle pattern of the this trend effectively. There is a lack of evi- veloped to engage with the community. Some of
different lifestyle, certain related lifestyle health Asian community is generally good since they dence on the most effective community inter- the suggestions by the experts are simple and ef-
issues creep in. For instance, data suggests that are less likely to smoke or drink alcohol, the ventions and no recognized infrastructure to fective. Like culturally appropriate, more visu-
Indians appear to have a higher prevalence lack of physical activity is a likely cause for deliver Asian services in New Zealand,’’ says Dr ally based & activity related messages.
of obesity than any other social groups in the an elevated risk of diabetes and cardiovascular Ranjna Patel, Director of East Tamaki Health- The preventive measures clearly are healthy
country. disease. South Asians have higher prevalence of care Group. She speaks from the experience of eating and regular physical activity in order to
This is echoed in an analysis of the New obesity compared to other Asians and this is a running Arrogya, which literally means well- reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Zealand Health Survey by Dr Robert Scragg, contributing factor to their increased risk of dia- being, a health awareness programme aiming Finally, all the experts agree and recommend the
Associate Professor at the School of Population betes and heart disease. to raise levels of awareness in the community old fashioned way of working up a sweat and ex-
Health at the University of Auckland. While Health experts working closely with the using existing points of gathering, like places of ercising regularly as a way to leading a healthy
published a few years ago in 2005, according community unanimously share the opinion that worship. and disease free life.


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2 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |

New Zealand
Measures taken for protecting Support needed for
Indians in Australia: Minister Queen’s Baton relay
New Delhi: The Indian Mission/Posts in The High Commission in Australia and the
Australia regularly take up the incidents of Consulates General in Melbourne and Sydney
assaults on members of Indian community each have a Community Welfare and Student
including students, with the Australian au- Liaison Officer (CWSLO) who is on call 24 The Commonwealth Games’ Queen’s
thorities, at federal and state levels, said x 7, and whose mobile number is on their re- Baton relay will be in New Zealand next
Minister of Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar spective websites as the emergency response week.
Ravi in a written reply in the Lok Sabha on number. Any problem involving an Indian The baton, very much like the Olympic
Wednesday. student or member of the community is torch, carries a message from the Queen
The High Commissioner has repeatedly handled by the CWSLO, in coordination with to the athletes of the 2010 Commonwealth
taken up the matter with the concerned Min- the High Commissioner/Consuls General. Games to be held in New Delhi, India, in
isters and senior officers in the Government, There is also a policy of “Open Fridays”, October.
seeking their assistance in addressing the when any student can walk into the Chancery It arrives in Auckland on Monday, May
issue, with a view to prevent the recurrence of without an appointment and meet the con- 17 and will coincide with the launch of the
such incidents and had several meetings with cerned officer to discuss any problems, the New Zealand team’s campaign to Delhi.
them in 2009 and 2010. Minister said. The Indian community in Auckland has
These include the concerned Ministers “The issue of attacks on Indian students a grand opportunity to participate in an
at the federal level and Premiers of several in Australia has been taken up at the highest historic sports moment.
states (NSW, Victoria, Queensland, etc.,) as level. The Prime Minister of India conveyed Twenty runners from the Indian com- The relay began at London’s Bucking-
well as senior officials, said the Minister. the high priority that Government of India at- munity have been selected to run with the ham Palace on October 29 and will travel
He further said the High Commissioner taches to the safety, security and well-being Queen’s Baton. through 71 countries before arriving in
and the Consuls General in Sydney and Mel- of the Indian community in Australia, to the “We need your participation to make India on June 25 ahead of the Common-
bourne have regular interaction with Indian Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd, this event a success,” said Sunil Kaushal, wealth Games, which start on October 3.
community in various cities and have visited during his visit to India on 12 November, run organizer. The Auckland Indian Association is
several Universities and private colleges in all 2009. “We need people to come and cheer the also hosting the public viewing of the
the major cities in Australia. “Rudd had reiterated that Australia had a runners. The more the merrier.” Queen Baton on Tuesday, May 18, from
“They have had discussions with students zero tolerance to violence and was commit- 4-6pm. Please encourage your members to
on the issues faced by them. The students are ted to taking all possible measures to protect Venue for the run: Manukau Square, come and participate in this public event.
encouraged to report any incidents in order the safety and welfare of all international stu- Behind Manukau Shopping Centre. Venue: Mahatma Gandhi Centre, Auck-
to enable the High Commission and Consul- dents, including Indian students,” the Minis- Date: Monday May 17, 2010. Time: land Indian Association, 145 New North
ates to provide any assistance required. The ter said. 1.45pm to 2.30pm. Rd, Eden Terrace, Mt Eden, Auckland.
High Commission and Consulates are also At the instance of the Government of Contact: Sunjay Ganda, Cell: 021 280
in regular discussions with students, major India, the Government of Australia has taken Students at Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate 2200, email:
education providers on their orientation pro- several important measures aimed at enhanc- in Manukau City will be the first to get For more information on the Delhi 2010
grammes for Indian students, as also with the ing the safety and security of our students, their hands on the baton before it passes Queens Baton Relay and to keep up to date
Indian Community and Associations, so that both at the State as well as the Federal level, through 11 other South Auckland schools, on the Baton’s progress please visit http://
they too may be closely involved in the inter- which have been useful, he added. which are all members of Sir John Walker’s
actions with the student community and in - Indian Weekender India correspondent Find Your Field of Dreams programme.
making them feel welcome.”

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Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 3

New Zealand

Navtej’s killer gets 17 years

Manurewa liquor store owner Navtej Singh’s It’s as if I’m just living my life as a dead person. president Paul Singh Bains will meet up with
killer has been handed a sentence by Justice No-one can see there is so much pain in my Judith Collins on Wednesday in the capital.
Graham Lang at the High Court in Auckland heart ... I can’t under- stand what has hap- pened Mr Thandi said since being elected to the as-
that will see him in jail for a minimum of 17 to me. He was a very good and loving human sociation recently, this was the first official ap-
years with no parole. being and had never hurt anyone,” she said. The proach by the executives to gauge the law and
The killer, Anitelea Chan Kee shot Navtej convicted killer’s associates Myron Felise, 22, order situation in the country related to the com-
at point blank range during a robbery that went Tino Felise, 21, Eti Filoa, 25, Walter McCar- munity.
horribly wrong on the night of June 7, 2008 at thy, 19, and Jason Naseri, 21, were all found not Among issues expected to be discussed are
the Singhs’ liquor outlet. Chan Kee was among guilty of murder or manslaughter at their trial crimes against members of the Indian commu-
the five who stormed into the store to steal earlier this year. However, Tino Felise, Eti Filoa nity, such as bashing / killing of taxi drivers, bus
alcohol and cigarettes after attending a birth- and drivers, and sentences meted out to offenders.
day party nearby. Walter McCarthy were all found guilty of Reacting to the bashing and robbery of a bus
Thirty-year-old Navtej was handing over aggravated robbery at the store which cost the driver in Auckland on Monday, Mr Thandi said
the till to the robbers when he was shot by life of Navtej. Chan Kee, Myron Felise and he was concerned the driver was asked to drive
Chan Kee. He succumbed to his injuries in Naseri were also con- victed of aggravated the bus back to the depot after the incident.
hospital the next day. robbery after they pleaded guilty to the charge Sudeep Singh was bashed almost 20 times
Kieran Raftery, Crown prosecu- tor, before the trial began. over the head and left with concussion and
pressed for a minimum non-parole period of Myron Felise was sentenced to six years, bruises after the incident in Otara.
17 years, saying it was hard to see how Chan Naseri six years and four months, and Tino Mr Thandi supported calls for security
Kee could have been more callous, the New Felise five years for their roles in the robbery. cameras in buses and taxis to protect the welfare
Zealand Herald has reported. McCarthy was jailed for two years six months of drivers.
Chan Kee’s lawyer Jonathan Down said his and Filoa four years four months. “At least people will think twice before
client wasn’t a “cold and callous killer” but a Leaders head for Wellington to doing anything silly,” Mr Thandi said.
“young man who acted recklessly while he was Thirty-year-old Navtej, pictured On the sentencing of the Navtej Singh’s
intoxicated.” However, Justice Graham Lang here with his wife, Harjinder Kaur, discuss violence killer, Mr Thandi said while the man who pulled
said the killing had been reckless and aspects Meanwhile, executives of the New Zealand the trigger of the gun that killed Navtej, he was
of it were callous, according to the Herald. was handing over the till to the Central Indian Association will meet with Police disappointed the other accessories to the crime
Navtej’s widow, Harjinder Kaur wept as robbers when he was shot by Minister in Wellington next week to discuss law had got away with lighter sentences.
she read aloud a victim impact statement to the and order concerns regarding the Indian com- “It was just a slap on the wrist,” Mr Thandi
court. Chan Kee. munity in New Zealand. said, “they were all in it together and should
“In reality our life has been de- stroyed. Association secretary Raj Singh Thandi and have received similar sentences.”

Partnering with locals key to success in India

New Zealand’s exports to India are dominated by commodities such as coal, wood and wool. However, as Mike Booker explains,
exciting opportunities exist in other sectors for New Zealand companies prepared to invest alongside Indian partners.
New Zealand exporters are increasingly participat- have a view about exporting to India. You need to It needs to be remembered that despite India’s energy. Major hydropower projects are under-
ing in India’s rapid wealth creation. The Interna- be clear about why you are not engaging in India. rapid economic growth, it is still a poor country. In way or planned.
tional Monetary Fund forecasts the Indian economy “There might be a good reason, but you’ve got to 2009 its gross domestic product per capita (PPP) l Fuller says another clean tech opportunity is
will grow 8.8 percent in 2010 and 8.4 percent in know what that is.” was US$3100, the 164th lowest in the world (see in building materials and products, particularly
2011. He says more Kiwi companies are thinking source). FSC certified wood.
India now ranks as our 14th largest export des- about India and “more are acting on their thinking l Aspirational consumer products and services:
tination compared with 21st in 2007. In 2009 New than we have ever seen before”. The opportunities Fuller says the main opportunity here is with
Zealand exports to India were worth NZ$629.66 Fuller says exporters wanting long-term and food and beverage products, especially in retail
million, up 15.8 percent on 2008. significant success in India need to play by India’s and the service sector. Retail, he says is just
India’s rise up the export rankings is expected rules. “The Indian approach is to look for partner- l Resources: Most of New Zealand’s current getting off the ground.
to continue as its fast growing economy – it grew ships with New Zealand companies so that they trade is based on resources such as coal, wool
6.1 percent in 2009 - creates more opportunities for can work together to develop markets in India and and wood. India’s wood processing industry is Negotiating freer trade
Kiwi goods and services. elsewhere. one of its fastest growing.
But to make the most of them, you need a local “They look at it as a long-term partnership to l Infrastructure: Matt Roy in Mumbai, in an with India
presence advise companies already exporting to grow the business.” Action Asia Insight story says New Zealand
India. And to make the most of these opportunities should focus on winning access to food process- The first round of New Zealand’s Free Trade Agree-
That will mean having your own staff in-coun- “you’ve got to be here.” ing infrastructure, where India requires massive ment/Comprehensive Economic Cooperation
try or a reliable and trustworthy local partner, says Dr Val Lindsay, Associate Professor at Victoria investment. Agreement negotiations with India was held in Wel-
4RF’s Atul Gautam, who is the telecommunication University’s School of Marketing and International l The growing Indian economy has also created lington in early April.
company’s Vice President with responibility for Business, recently returned from India and was a huge need for quality infrastructure like the A key priority in this FTA for New Zealand
Marketing & Business Development. struck by the optimism of Indians. booming aviation services and technology is the elimination of India’s tariff duties. India’s
“This is the biggest challenge for Kiwi firms to The attitude is: “We are growing and nothing is sector. The government is focusing on public average applied tariff overall is 11.9% but this varies
address.” going to stop that growth. Come and join the ride.” infrastructure with opportunities for private greatly across different sectors, with higher tariffs
He says doing business in India can be Byzan- Lindsay is part of the “Building a sustainable participation. being applied on many of the goods that are of inter-
tine, especially in the government or quasi-govern- competitive advantage for New Zealand service l Technology and innovation: Fuller says there est to us
ment sectors. But on the flip side English is com- firms in Asia” project. are three main areas of opportunity for Kiwi Other areas that will be covered in the negotia-
monly spoken and the legal system is good. Building on the partnership theme, she says companies: working with large Indian corpora- tions include services, investment, technical barri-
Another company already selling in India is Gal- Indians are “thirsting to know more about what we tions to customise and scale up; IT products and ers to trade, sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures.
lagher Security Management Systems. Its Business can do and how that is relevant to them”. services, particularly in the mobile market and The New Zealand government also seeks commit-
Development Manager Ian Meadows says Kiwi But it is not just the Kiwi product or service on Health IT. ments from India on intellectual property, compe-
company responsiveness to customer requirements, its own that they will be interested in. “They will l India has one of the world’s fastest growing tition policy, government procurement, trade and
and ability to create niche products and services, is want to grow and enhance the opportunity together telecommunications markets and IT services labour and trade and the environment
a strong match with the needs of the Indian market. with the New Zealand company. have been the driving force of service sector The next round will be held in New Delhi and
(Pictured: Reliance Infocomm, Gallagher Security “Many Indian companies are growing fast in in- growth. it is hoped it will take place in late July or August.
Management Systems’ partner in Mumbai). ternational markets and if a New Zealand company l Skills and education: Rising disposable The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade is
But, Ian Meadows warns, “business in India can become part of the supply chain, it is an oppor- incomes have led to greater demand for services keen to hear about the barriers to market entry that
may not happen as fast as it does in New Zealand, tunity to grow with them.” such as education. New Zealand firms are experiencing in India, so
and companies must be prepared to make regular “Scalability is essential.” l Since 2003 the number of Indian students the officials can seek to address these through the
visits. One visit to a potential partner is unlikely to New Zealand companies, says Lindsay, are not studying in New Zealand has increased from ap- negotiations.
generate business. And products which work well in always aware of the highly competitive pricing proximately 800 students to over 4,000. - For further information or to make any
New Zealand may not be accepted ‘out of the box’ in structures in India. “The local companies are devel- l Clean technology: India wants to diversify its comment, please contact Joanne Dow, India FTA
India - companies must be prepared to adapt to local oping very quickly – you will not just be compet- energy supplies and sources away from coal. In- Coordinator, or 04 439
requirements.” ing with them on innovation, but also price and they creasing energy costs, and decreasing supplies 8084.
Cliff Fuller, New Zealand Trade and Enter- generally have much lower cost structures.” of fossil-fuels, make it vital for India to look at Reproduced courtesy the Asia New Zealand
prise’s (NZTE) Trade Commissioner in New Delhi, She says most of the world’s leading companies clean technologies. Foundation website
says “every serious New Zealand exporter needs to are competing in India as well. l It is one of the major world markets for wind

4 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |

New Zealand
AIS St Helens celebrates 20 years
AIS St Helens was established in 1990, start- New Zealand and around the world. Our strong
ing as a School of Language offering courses in academic student support systems help students
English language to international students. The excel. We celebrate our student body diversity.
institute was located for the first three years in The 27 March 2010 saw AIS St Helens
Auckland’s Downtown Centre before moving celebrate 20 years as a private education pro-
to its present premises in Mt Albert. vider in Auckland.  The Fun Day showcased
We are now New Zealand’s largest private our diverse student body talent with dancing
degree provider for international students. Our and music from over 12 different cultures on
roll is around 1,000 students of whom about the main stage.  Selecting lunch or snacks was
80% are international students from over 30 difficult with food stalls with Tongan, Chinese,
different countries. We are the only private Japanese, Indian, Bangladesh, Thai, Lebanese
business school to offer diplomas, graduate di- and a Kiwi barbeque available.  There were bal-
plomas and degrees in International Business, loons for children, face painting, henna painting
Tourism Management and Information Tech- or more energetic activities of sumo wrestling
nology and an MBA programme. Our three and a bungee run to compliant presentation on
semester year (January, May and September) the main stage.  It was a great day to celebrate
allows students to fast-track programmes and 20 years of education and the multicultural
enter the workforce quickly. Our employment people that make up staff and students at AIS
support has students successfully placed in St Helens.

Music pirate gets home detention

A Manurewa store owner who sold pirated Michael Smith. “Not only are they stealing from artists and
Jackson and Eminem CDs has been sentenced to songwriters, they are also taking sales from legiti-
four months home detention and to pay reparations mate CD retailers and removing cash flow for rein-
of $3,000. vestment in NZ music.”
The man was charged after police raided the Mr Smith says RIANZ believes by enforcing the
Indian Sweets & Snacks and Video Store in Manure- law it is highlighting the scale of the problem.
wa on September 30 last year and arrested its pro- “Piracy is an enormous problem for our industry.
prietor for selling pirated copies of Michael Jackson We prosecute in order to educate about copyright, to
CDs. A member of the public reported the shop to get the message out that it’s wrong to make or sell
Recording Industry Association of New Zealand pirated material.”
(RIANZ) in July 2009. During a joint operation with Mr Smith says RIANZ is actively monitoring
the police, RIANZ investigators visited the store and the sale of pirate CDs nation-wide. “The police are
bought pirated copies of Thriller and Bad among right behind us on this and they really have done a
others. great job in supporting our investigations and taking
As well as about 20 Michael Jackson and action against those infringing the law.” The penalty
Eminem CDs believed to contain pirated material, for offending is for a fine up to $150,000 and / or up
the police also seized a computer with optical disc to five years imprisonment per offence. RIANZ has
burning capabilities. A 30-year old man was ar- recently launched a Report Music Piracy website
rested and pleaded guilty on April 14, 2010. “Pirate where the public can submit music piracy concerns.
CD sellers are thieves,” says RIANZ CEO Campbell It’s at

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 5

Chidambaram snubs Census caste demand
New Delhi: Nothing should be done that may data’. 21 lakh dren. Names of He said, “Let me reiterate that the main ob-
affect the integrity of population census said enumerators, some castes are jective of the population census is to do an ac-
Union Home Minister, P Chidambaram on mostly primary found in both the curate de-facto headcount of the usual residents
Friday, stubbing the demands for Caste featur- school teachers, list of Scheduled in India on the deemed date i.e. 00.00 hours on
ing as a question on the 2011 Census. have been select- Castes and list of March 1, 2011.”
“There are two questions here; the first one, ed and trained. OBCs. Scheduled “Based on universally applied scientific de-
‘whether it is desirable to enumerate the caste They have been Castes converted mographic tools, we have an estimate of what
of each member of the household?’ and the trained to ask to Christianity the population of India will be on that day.
second, assuming that it is desirable to do so,‘is the question and or Islam are also However, it is necessary and desirable to make
the census the vehicle to carry out the enumera- record the answer treated differ- an accurate headcount; therefore I say that
tion?’” said Chidambaram In reply to a discus- as returned by the ently in different nothing should be done that may affect the ac-
sion on the need to lay down specific parameters respondent.” States. curacy of the headcount or the integrity of the
for conducting the Census, 2011, in the Lok He said the The status of a population census.” he added.
Sabha on Friday. enumerator is not migrant from one The Minister noted that Information relating
He further said, “I do not wish to enter into an investigator or State to another to the caste of each member of the household
a debate on the first question. There can be dif- verifier and, has and the status of was last collected and published in detail in
ferent views on the subject and we must respect no training or children of inter- 1931. After independence, as a matter of policy,
each other’s views. In fact, Members who said expertise to clas- caste marriage, the question relating to caste, other than sched-
that “caste is a reality” also acknowledged that sify the answer in terms of caste uled caste and scheduled tribe, was not included.
caste is a divisive factor and that we are nowhere as OBC or other- classification, are “Caste was not included in the last Census
near establishing a casteless society.” wise since there is a central list of Other Back- also vexed questions. of 2001 also. I may point out that the records
He said that the Registrar General has ward Classes and State-specific lists of Other The Registrar General has also pointed out show that an attempt was made by the Ministry
pointed out a number of logistic and practical Backward Classes. that, assuming that it is desirable to canvass the of Social Justice to include caste as one of the
difficulties in canvassing the question of caste Some States do not have a list of OBCs; some question of caste, further issues will arise re- questions that should be canvassed during the
while conducting the census. States have a list of OBCs and a sub-set called garding the methodology, avoiding phonetic and 2001 census,” he said.
Highlighting the distinction between ‘enu- Most Backward Classes. spelling errors, stage of canvassing, maintain- “However, the Government of the day – the
meration’ and ‘compilation, analysis and dis- The Registrar General has also pointed out ing the integrity of the enumeration, doing an NDA Government – did not take a decision to
semination’, he said, “It has been pointed out that there are certain open-ended categories accurate headcount of the population etc. said that effect and maintained the policy that has
that the census is meant to collect ‘observational in the lists such as orphans and destitute chil- the Home Minister. been in force since 1951,” said Chidambaram.

Ayurveda digitised to Brain strokes on a rise in India

prevent bio-piracy
New Delhi: A report of the National Commis- including Community Health Centres and Dis-
sion on Macroeconomics and Health says that trict Hospitals. Under the National Rural Health
the number of stroke cases will increase from Mission (NRHM), funds have been provided
12 lakh in 2005 to 17 lakh in 2015 said Minis- to States/UTs to strengthen their health infra-
ter for Health & Family Welfare, Ghulam Nabi structure.
Azad in reply to a question raised in the Lok To address the Non Communicable Disease
il of Scientific and Indust rial Sabha on Friday. burden including stroke cases, the Ministry of
New Delhi: The Depart ment in collaboration with the Counc He said hospital based data from India in- Health and Family Welfare has drafted a Na-
Knowl edge Digita l Librar y (TKDL) in order
Research (CSIR), has created the Traditional dicate a high proportion of young stroke cases tional Programme for Prevention and Control
acy of the Indian Traditi onal Medic al Knowl edge said Minister of
to prevent the bio-pir a question raised in (first ever stroke onset of less than 40 years of of Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke
i in written reply to
State for Health & Family Welfare, Dinesh Trived age) ranging between 15 per cent to 30 per cent. (NPDCS). Initially, the programme is proposed
the Lok Sabha on Friday .
(EPO) and United States Cases of stroke(s) are attended to in the to be implemented in 15 States/UTs in 100 dis-
Agreements have been signed with the European Patent Office health care delivery system at various levels tricts.
(USPO ) to provid e them access to this library , in order to prevent
Patent Organization
grant of wrong patents.
tion titled “Method of Treat-
Natreon Inc., a US Multinational had filed a patent applica
ment or Management of Stress” on July 27, 2006
ania somnifera plant extract ; and a pharm aceutic
h a compo
veterin ary
sition compr ising With-
or nutritionally accept- ‘Cigarettes face 28 to 69% tax on MRP’
able carrier(s) before the EPO. New Delhi: In a written reply to a question and Jarda scented tobacco have been brought
ces to EPO along with
The Traditional Knowledge Digital Librar y submit ted eviden raised in Lok Sabha on Friday, Minister of State under the purview of compounded levy scheme
references of various texts of Ayurveda, Siddha & Unani. for Health & Family Welfare, S Gandhiselvan wherein the excise duty is paid based on the
somnifera) is frequently and
These evidences established that Ashwagandha (Withania said currently, the incidence of Central Excise number of machines installed in the factory of
n in the treatm ent of depression, insomnia,
effectively used through oral administratio ive factors of stress
duty on major brands of cigarettes calculated production.
and convul sions which are defined as the causat
gastritis, gastric ulcer on the MRP (Maximum Retail Price) of the Gutkha is already under the compounded
in the patent application. product ranges from 28 per cent to 69 per cent. levy scheme since July 2008. In addition, some
the treatment of palpitation,
TKDL evidences also mention the use of Ashwagandha in The incidence would be even higher when States also levy VAT on tobacco products.
anemia which have been stated as conditions
excessive perspiration, diabetes mellitus and calculated on factory gate prices. In addition, The health cost of only three tobacco attrib-
resulting from stress by the applica nt. cigarettes bear state taxes such as VAT, Octroi utable diseases, viz. cancers, lung disorder and
EPO has observed that, in
After examination of the evidence presented before it, the etc. cardio vascular ailment was estimated in that
ent, the subjec t-matte r of claims cannot be considered as novel. Ac-
the light of this docum In the 2010-11 budget, the Government has expenditure at Rs 30,833 Cr. (2002-03).
ew its applica tion on March 25, 2010.
cordingly, the applicant Natreon Inc. withdr increased the basic excise duty on all tobacco As per the report, Tobacco Control in India
products, except beedis, by around 20 per cent. - 2004, about 8-9 lakh persons die annually due
Chewing tobacco, unmanufactured tobacco to diseases attributable to tobacco use.

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6 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |

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Wine Awards 2009 medium bodied wine, supporting lemon Suggested Food Match: We
Colour/Appearance: Bright, rich bright cherry and spicy oak Aroma/Bouquet: Lifted, delicate recommend dishes with aromatic
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char, underlined by a gamey lamb and roasted vegetable seamless and fresh flavoured wine Parmesan, Gouda and Cheddar.
complexity. dishes. Serve at room temperature. with a racy acid length and a

Awatere Valley Sauvignon Blanc 2009 Sharkstooth Pinot Gris 2009

Colour/Appearance: Pale straw with lifted varietal flavours that linger Colour/Appearance: Mid strawgold finish. Zestly citrus and pear flavours
Aroma/Bouquet: Classic on the long, crisp acid finish. Aroma/Bouquet: The nose is dominate the palate.
gooseberry, green capsicum and Suggested Food Match: dominated by a rich combination Suggested Food Match: This Pinot
nettles with some flint and crushed This wine is ideal for accompanying of lemon sherbet, talcum powder Gris is a good partner for dishes featuring
herb undertones. Characterised by pasta dishes, crisp summer salads, and bottled pears. mushrooms, such as quiches, but is also
fine mineral texture, typical of the and seafood especially shellfish Palate: This is a full bodied, well matched to creamy pastas and pork.
Awatere Valley. such as greenshell, mussels and well-structured wine, with a rich, soft Suits hard cheeses such as Parmesan,
Palate: A lightly structured palate oystes. Serve chilled. texture, medium acidity and long Guoda and Cheddar.

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Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 7
Pawar made respondent in Gill’s eviction notice
IPL entertainment tax PIL
Mumbai: The Bombay High Court Wednesday
directed impleading the Union Government in a
Public Interest Litigation (PIL) seeking levy of en-
“This is a very important issue,” the bench
said, seeking ‘assistance’ of the Additional Solicitor
against Kalmadi
tertainment tax on Indian Premier League (IPL) General, who represents the Union, on this. New Delhi: Taking the tenure battle to the next warned yesterday that the bid to dismiss their au-
matches and allowed making Union Agriculture According to petitioner Desai, the state cabinet level, Sports Minister MS Gill filed an eviction tonomy may invite international ban on India.
minister Sharad Pawar a party to the case. had decided in January this year to impose enter- notice against Indian Olympic Association (IOA) Under the new regulation, secretaries and trea-
A division bench of Justices P B Majmudar and tainment tax on IPL matches, but the decision was President Suresh Kalmadi in the Delhi High Court surers can serve eight years at a stretch and can
R G Ketkar passed these order while hearing the PIL never implemented. with the aim of setting limits on tenures of office seek a re-election only after a four-year gap but
filed by Shiv Sena leader Subhash Desai seeking a The state government has maintained that no bearers of all sporting bodies. NSF presidents including long-standing IOA chief
direction to the Maharashtra government to recover decision has been taken on whether to impose en- Saying that that the matter will be examined Suresh Kalmadi, are barred from occupying the
entertainment tax from IPL. tertainment tax on IPL though the issue was ‘dis- and all the copies of an affidavit are filed, the court top posts for more than 12 years, with or without
Questioning the official involvement of minis- cussed’ in a cabinet meeting. adjourned the hearing till May 19. break.
ters in sporting bodies, the bench said, “If a minister The court has also allowed the petitioner to According to the new amendments to the Gill said, “I passed this order in confidence
holds a post in a cricket association, and the state implead former IPL chairman Lalit Modi and in- guidelines announced by the court, while the that it will serve the best interest of the sportsper-
cabinet is to decide on granting some exemption cumbent Chirayu Amin in the case. office bearers can hold the post for two terms of 4 sons of the country and it will give an impetus
to the association...perhaps conflict of interest may The next date of hearing in June 22. years each, which totals to 8 years and then take a to transparent and professional management of
break of one term before making a comeback, the Indian sports, in the new century.”
President of any sporting body can hold the tenure The regulation also aims to end the more than a

US based singer advances in Sa Re Ga Ma Pa for 12 years media reports said on Wednesday.

Opposing this proposal, IOA President Suresh
Kalmadi earlier met PM Manmohan Singh, stating
decade-old command of VK Verma (badminton),
Captain Satish K Sharma (aero club),VK Malhotra
(archery), Sukhdev Singh Dhindsa (cycling), VK
Mumbai: After fifteen year of hunting melodi- and wherever I could. Now I’m ready to punch
the inappropriate timing of the matter ahead of the Verma (badminton), B S Adityan (volleyball) and
ous voices and skyrocketing several singers, my ticket to Bollywood and make my dreams
Commonwealth Games and seeking the PM’s in- Jagdish Tytler (judo), apart from Kalmadi himself
this season of Zee Tv’s popular singing hunt come true,” gushes the aspiring singer.
tervention. who has been IOA president for 14 years.
show Sa Re Ga Ma Pa will see an Atlanta Supriya epitomises the budding talent of
Labelling the government move as ‘inter-
based singer Supriya Shridharan, elbowing our South Asian youth in the United States,”
ference’ in their affairs, The IOA and the NSFs
her way in the show. says Zee TV’s Territory Head for the America
The 20 year old singer has advanced to Subroto Bhattacharya. “By bringing Supriya

UN lauds Indian website’s

the next round of auditions in the show which to India’s entertainment capital, we hope to
will be conducted in MUmbai. She sang the cultivate a deeper appreciation, respect and
title song from ‘Hum Dil De Chukhe Sanam’, understanding for music, cinema, arts and
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s song ‘Sanware’ and theater among the South Asian community in
other popular Bollywood songs for her video
audition to impress the show’s producers, who
all voted to send her to Mumbai for the next
round of auditions.
the United States.”
Bhattacharya continues, “We have seen
many auditions from U.S. contestants, and
this, by far, was the best vocals yet. Supriya
efforts to promote rural jobs
“I’ve been singing from the moment I has that ‘it’ quality that defines a star in the
New York: A United Nations-supported global across all of India,” she added.
learned to speak in musical choirs, in school, making.”
initiative on Thursday welcomed the efforts of Sanjay Modi, Managing Director for
an international recruitment website to promote in India, Middle East and South-
access to job opportunities for young people in East Asia said the company’s support of Roz-
rural India as a way of alleviating poverty and, which means “world of em-
accelerating development. ployment opportunities” in Hindi, will create
Business Call to Action (BCtA), an initiative avenues of employment and growth in 40,000
supported by the UN Development Programme villages across India.
(UNDP), the UN Global Compact and several “Our initiative is in line with the United
other organisations, recognized Monster World- Nations’ Millennium Development Goals
wide for its decision to provide a portal to Ro- (MDGs), supports the Government’s vision
CRAZIEST, a recruitment tool for compa- of inclusive growth in India, and is absolutely
FURNITURE PRICES! nies looking to hire local talent in India. consistent with our own values at Monster.
“The Business Call to Action is pleased to The portal has been designed after intensive
welcome as its newest member research with the youth in rural India to under-
working to leverage core business expertise to stand their profiles and internet usage behav-
support inclusive development and alleviate iour,” said Modi.
poverty among India’s rural population,” said The MDGs are eight goals aiming to respond
Natalie Africa, the Programme Manager of to the world’s main social development and
VALID 5 TO 24 MAY 2010
CREDIT APPROVAL AND CONDITIONS APPLY BCtA. poverty alleviation challenges, which States
“Innovative business models such as this have agreed to make efforts to achieve by 2015.
marry business innovation with sustainable - Indian Weekender news desk
5 RECLINERS! development outcomes to promote prosperity

CISF wants no prams,


wheelchairs at IGI
FAIRMONT New Delhi: The next tim
e you go to Indira Gandh
$ i terminal using aer
3 seater with 2 in-built recliners
International Airport wit obridges and could com
+ 2 seater with 2 in-built recliners + recliner chair h your child or an elderly
Available in plush fabric. 3 colour options. 5 year warranty. relative, be prepared to be in contact with depart e
harassed as the airlines ing
and Central Industrial Sec sources however claimed passengers. Airline
uri that this was being fol-
at loggerheads on the issu ty Force (CISF) are lowed only in Delhi.
NEW ZEALAND e of permitting airlines
to let passengers use the Recently, passengers of
THREDBO ir own wheelchairs and two international
prams at the disembarkat carriers were stuck inside
7 piece dining suite
ion point. the aircraft because of
Table size 1500mm
Earlier, passengers could this new rule.
x 900mm.
point in their wheelcha go up to the ladder
New Zealand pine.
irs and prams and check Airlines officials said tha
ONLY! Chairs upholstered
them in. On landing, the had asked for his wheelcha one passenger who
in latte.
airline would unload ir was not permitted to
these from the baggage use it and instead anothe
hold area and let passen r one had to be arranged
gers use them again. - from the airport
operator Delhi Internatio
FRE E nal
7.80 Air
But in the last 10 days or port (P) Ltd (DIAL). In
so, CISF has stopped
airlines from this practic with two toddlers was not another case, a lady
King single pop-up bed e, saying that passenger allowed to access the
Trundler is single size.
Both mattresses innersprun
Slight marks and imperfecti
HASE $999 should pick these up fro
m the baggage belt.
Airlines, however, are con
s children’s stroller.
CISF officials justified
THE THREDBO 7 PIECE DINING SUITE testing that this is sec the mo
ty reasons. A spokesper ve by citing
making it very difficult uri
for disabled passengers son said: “The
and specially mothers wit change was brought abo
h toddlers. ut recently as we felt tha
CISF officials are unmo the re was a possibility of t
ved and said that it a mixing up of cabin
MANUKAU 8-10 Cavendish Drive Ph 09 261 0094 was being implemented
at all airports for safety
baggage with that permi
tted only in the baggage
reasons where arriving hold area. Things like
MT WELLINGTON 56 Mt Wellington HWay Ph 09 574 6529 OPEN 7 DAYS passengers entered the
smuggled in.”
guns etc could easily be
GLENFIELD 126-138 Target Road Ph 09 441 6920

8 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |

India - briefs
Zakir, Rahul together for Kishore, M. S. Subbulakshmi - in every Five (5) air-conditioned coaches were modi- apart from the large number of high-skill In-
genre - from gems of vintage Hindi film fied at Liluah Railway Workshop in which life dian workers in the USA, Canada, Australia
Rhythm of Love music to ghazals, from the best of devotional and philosophy of Tagore will be presented. and the European Union, said Minister of
to regional music. Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi in a writ-
Mumbai: The unforgettable ‘Rhythm of Love Both exterior and interior decoration of ten reply in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday.
- Charukeshi Live’ concert in San Francisco The South Indian selection includes MGR, coaches in order to make them suitable for
by tabla maestro Ustad Zakir Husain and Rajnikant, Sivaji Ganesan, SPB, and Yesu- the exhibition were made under the guid- During 2009 about 6.10 lakh workers from
santoor player Rahul Sharma will now be das, while the Bengali music holdings range ance of Saoli Mitra, Chairperson, Committee India took emigration clearance to leave
released in a CD version. from Tagore to Hemanta. on Heritage & Culture, Ministry of Railways. India for employment abroad.

The special live recording released by Sare- A commemorative volume, depicting life and The policy of the Government is to facilitate
gama India Ltd, include a whirlwind tour of Memorial for Bhopal Gas creative works of Tagore will be published on orderly and legal emigration of Indian work-
key cities in the US, an exciting road trip with
Zakir at the wheel and Rahul navigating, and Tragedy victims this occasion. Many eminent scholars have ers, discourage illegal/irregular migration
contributed in this commemorative volume. and ensure the protection and welfare of
a magical concert at San Francisco. emigrants.
Mumbai: A proposal for construction of an
International Bhopal Gas Tragedy memorial
“Enjoy the entire raga Charukeshi, with Ra-
involving estimated expenditure of Rs. 70
Burqa-clad woman forces The Government is proposing the Emigra-
hul playing a deeply romantic composition
created by his father, the legendary Pandit crore was received from the State Govern- priority landing of Dhaka- tion Management Bill, 2010, to replace
ment of Madhya Pradesh in December the existing Emigration Act, 1983, said the
Shivkumar Sharma. Zakir’s expert touch on
2005, said Minister of State for Chemicals
bound plane minister.
the tablas ensures that this is an unforgetta-
ble performance, now captured for posterity and Fertilisers Srikant Kumar Jena in a writ-
Kolkata: A Dhaka-bound Spicejet flight last The proposed Bill is aimed at transforming
on CD,” said a Saregama spokesperson. ten reply in the Lok Sabha.
week made a ‘priority landing’ at the interna- emigration into a simple, transparent, ef-
tional airport here after a burqa-clad woman ficient and humane economic process, facili-
The Government of Madhya Pradesh was
Saregama launches WAP rose suspicion of crew members on board, tate legal migration, prevent illegal migration/
advised to approach the Planning com-
who was also reportedly heard ‘talking human smuggling, enable ethical recruit-
Portal mission directly for funds. The Planning
about hijacking’ with her fellow passenger. ment practices, and enhance protection and
Commission approved one time Additional
Central Assistance of Rs. 10.00 crore for this welfare of emigrant workers.
Mumbai: Saregama India Ltd, a leading mu- The Delhi-Kolkata-Dhaka flight with over 100
sic company, has launched its WAP Portal purpose, during 2006-07 to the Government
passengers landed at the Netaji Subhash
where the country’s largest music collection of Madhya Pradesh.
Chandra Bose airport here around noon on Mumbai-Goa NH to be four-
will accessible on mobile phone.
A proposal for construction of Bhopal
Wednesday after the pilot requested the Air laned
Traffic Controller (ATC) for a priority landing
One year ago, in April 2009, Saregama had memorial with an estimated expenditure of
clearance. New Delhi: The Government is planning to
introduced full-song downloads on mobile Rs. 116.18 crore was received again from the
widen the Mumbai-Goa stretch of National
on Airtel Live and Vodafone Live through ag- Government of Madhya Pradesh in Novem-
The aircraft was parked at an isolation Highway 17 to four lane, said R.P.N.Singh,
gregator Techzone, which opened up a new ber 2009.
bay and the burqa-clad passenger and Minister of State for Road Transport and
revenue model for the music industry on the her fellow passenger were offloaded. The Highways, in the Rajya Sabha on Wednes-
mobile platform. The State Government of Madhya Pradesh
aircraft was also searched thoroughly. The day.
has again been advised to take up the mat-
papers of the two passengers were checked
Talking about the initiative the Chief Manager ter directly with Planning Commission for
and were found to be in order. The broad The Mumbai-Goa stretch of NH-17 has a
– New Media PK Prasannan said: “Sare- required funds.
physique of the passenger in burqa had led length of 475.210 km. in the State of Maha-
gama’s WAP ia an initiative to deliver full MP3 to initial suspicions. rashtra and 122 Km. in the State of Goa. In
songs from a rich catalogue of over 50000 Railways run ‘Sanksriti Yatra’ Maharashtra, four laning on a 25 km stretch
songs from 10 languages.” They were questioned by the authorities,
on Tagore anniversary though no indication of any terror plan on
between Zarap to Patra Devi is in progress
and is likely to be completed in December,
At a point when the physical sale is on a their part has come to light yet. 2010.
downtrend, Saregama has proved yet again Kolkata: To commemorate the 150th birth
that retro content has got good demand. anniversary of world poet Rabindranath
Since the launch of this service on mobile Tagore, Indian Railways have decided to run 4.5 mn Indians working in On the balance portion, the work is likely to
an Exhibition Train showcasing his life and commence in the year 2011-12. The entire
we have more than a lakh music lovers
Gulf countries: Min work is likely to be completed in 2014-15.
visited and downloaded songs from wap.,” Prasannan said. New Delhi: Indian workers are in demand The present estimated cost is around
The Exhibition Train will be flagged off by
abroad in various sectors including manu- Rs.7100 crores.
The new platform brings Saregama’s huge Mamata Banerjee, Minister for Railways, on
facturing industries. There are about 4.5
collection from artists like Lata, Rafi, Asha, Sunday afternoon-on the birthday of Tagore.
million Indian workers in the Gulf countries

Global Indians
Indian means business at Harvard
An Indian who is closely related to senior India and his stints chair of its Leadership Initiative.
community leader Roshan Nauhria (MNZM), at London Business Some of his students also recall how
of Auckland, has been appointed the new School made him the he, along with his brother-in-law Bharat N.
head of the prestigious Harvard Business right choice to bring Anand, the Henry R. Byers Professor of Busi-
School. in a global perspec- ness Administration at Harvard, are known
American Indian Nitin Nauhria, who tive to the dean’s po- for their hospitality and the receptions to cel-
takes up his new appointment in July, is an sition. ebrate Indian festivals and its culture.
alumnus of Indian Institute of Technology. The 48-year-old “As his student, I found his discussion
He joined Harvard as a faculty in 1988. leadership professor techniques and detailing immensely infor-
His latest work includes a combined will serve as the 10th mative and thought provoking,” said Manoj
effort with his colleague Rakesh Khurana to dean of Harvard Busi- Kumar, managing partner with the Hahhura-
instrument an oath for businesses globally. ness School by suc- bi and Solomon, a legal and corporate con-
Nauhria and Khurana were also the protag- ceeding the current sultancy firm.
onists behind the introduction of the MBA dean Jay Light. The “Prof. Nauhria also made the curriculum
Oath in 2009 that emphasised on the ethical chemical engineer turned professor Nauhria, and case studies very relevant to issues in
behavior of MBA grads. accepted the role on Tueday and will resume the Indian business context. He deserves a
Though one of the highest profile HBS his post from July 1. special mention for making the programme
professors, Prof Nauhria was not necessarily “I feel a profound sense of responsibil- so very insightful,” Kumar added.
the obvious choice for the job, Silicon India ity for continuing Harvard Business School’s Nauhria received his degree in chemical
reported. proud legacy of ground-breaking ideas and engineering in 1984 from the Indian Insti-
Many insiders predicted that senior as- transformational educational experienc- tute of Technology in Mumbai, which also
sociate dean Srikant Datar or Carl Kester, es,” he said. Currently he is the Richard P. awarded him with its distinguished alumnus
deputy dean for academic affairs, would be business at harvard: American In- Chapman Professor of Business Administra- medal in 2007.
appointed. However, his experience within tion at the century-old institution and co-
dian Nitin Nauhria; Roshan Nauhria (MNZM)

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 9

India Business
AirAsia celebrates maiden Diesel to open Mumbai stores in April
flight to Mumbai
Mumbai: Low-cost airline AirAsia celebrated General of Malaysia, Mumbai, Manoharan,
its inaugural flight to Mumbai from  Kuala Director of Tourism Malaysia, Mumbai  and 
Lumpur on Thursday signifying its foray entry Sujata Thakur, Regional Director India Tourism
into western India.  Mumbai (Maharashtra).
Marking a major tourism and economic coup Dato’ Sri Tony Fernandes, Group CEO of
for both countries, commencing today, AirAsia AirAsia and Founder of AirAsia X  said: “We
will be servicing the Kuala Lumpur – Mumbai are thrilled to start this much-awaited service
route between the Low Cost Carrier Ter- to Mumbai today and provide the people of this
minal and  Chhatrapati  ShivajiInternation- magnificent city with unrivalled low-fare flights
al Airport with 4 direct flights weekly through to Kuala Lumpur, the Gateway to ASEAN and
its long haul, low fare affiliate, AirAsia X, said beyond. 
an airline release. “AirAsia is determined to help in en-
The A330 aircraft deployed for the Mumbai hancing the tourist and commercial links
–  Kuala Lumpur  route, took off on-time between  India  and  Malaysia. Mumbai is our
at 9:20 am (GMT+8) and touched down sixth destination city in  India, after  Trivan-
at 12:00noon IST in Mumbai. drum, Kolkata, Chennai, Kochi and Tiruchirap-
The event was kicked-off with a traditional pali.”
Indian welcoming dance for the Malaysian en- To mark the celebration of the inaugural
tourage at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. Mumbai – Kuala Lumpur flight, AirAsia will be
The event was attended by Dato’ Tony Fer- offering fares from as low as INR 1 (MYR 0.08
nandes, Group CEO of AirAsia and Founder sen). The offer is open for sale for the booking
of AirAsia X, Azran Osman Rani, CEO of period for May 7 only for the travel period be-
AirAsia X, Kathleen Tan, Regional Head of ginning May 8-August 8. 
Commercial  joined by  Wan Zaidi,  Consulate

Tata Tea turns ‘Global’

Kolkata: Tata Tea Limited has changed its Following the operational integration of its Mumbai: Popular Italian lifestyle brand Diesel with its ‘Be Stupid’ ads is encouraging people to
central identity to Tata Global Beverages five beverage businesses, announced last year, has launched its stores across major Indian take risks and move beyond the smart and safe
Limited, said a company statement on Thurs- Tata Global Beverages will unite all the bever- cities. Partnered with Reliance Brands Ltd – a track for life, said the company.
day. age interests marking another step in its trans- part of the Reliance Industries group, Diesel is Darshan Mehta, President and CEO, Reli-
According to the statement, “Tata Tea formation to become a global leader in ‘good for launching 2 stores in Mumbai this month. ance Brands, said: “To launch In India one of
assumes a new central identity embracing all its you’ beverages. The brand will open the most iconic brand in con-
associate beverage companies across the world Commenting on the announcement, R. one store each in Banga- temporary fashion, is the cul-
The Board of Directors of Tata Tea Limited has Krishna Kumar said: “Today’s announcement lore, Delhi and Hyderabad, mination of a dream and many
approved a name change. Tata Tea, Tetley, Eight clearly demonstrates the group’s pride in its Tata over the next few months. months of painstaking but
O Clock Coffee and other company names will parentage and heritage, as well as its intention to Renzo Rosso, President enjoyable work for my team
change to one corporate name: Tata Global Bev- build a new and strong global Tata brand.” and Founder of Diesel said, and me. Diesel has spawned a
erages Limited, subject to the approval of the This signals an important milestone in the “I have always admired genre of fashion that is an alter-
Shareholders and the approval of the Central evolution of the beverage business, where 70% Indian people, they are nate to established luxury and
Government.” of the current consolidated revenues come from very passionate about what in India it arrives to a throng
“The approval of the shareholders is pro- outside of India. they do and they have an of hungry fashionastas and a
posed to be sought by way of postal ballot in ac- Current brand names will remain for its innate fashion taste. India has been one of our growing generation of cool consumers.”
cordance with the provisions of Section 192A of products. major objectives for the last 5 years, we worked Designed by the Diesel Creative Team, the
the Companies Act, 1956,” said the statement. hard in order to find the right location, the two Mumbai stores exude their own distinctive
perfect time and the best partner to expand our identity and are not a replica of any other ex-

Look forward to RIL renegotiations: Anil brand in this country. The time is now and we
are very excited to be here”.
Known as a premium casual brand, Diesel
isting Diesel flagship in the world, claimed the
- Indian Weekender news desk
Mumbai: ADAG Chairman said.
Anil Ambani on Friday said “The court has also directed that suitable ar-

Jet Airways gets World Cup packages

he is looking forward to ‘suc- rangements for gas supply should not only be suit-
cessful renegotiations’ with able to RIL but also the shareholders of RNRL,
his brother Mukesh Ambani’s whose interests have to be fully protected,” he
Reliance Industries Limited added.
(RIL) over the terms of Gas Meanwhile, RNRL shares crashed following Mumbai: Jet “Through our as-
Sale Master Agreement. following the verdict. The dispute involves a deal Airways, India’s sociation with Cutting
The Supreme Court on Friday held back the by Reliance Industries to supply Reliance Natural premier interna- Edge Travel – the par-
order in the Mukesh Ambani versus Anil Ambani Resources with 28 million standard cubic metres tional airline, has ticipating tour opera-
case and asked the billionaire brothers to re-nego- a day (mmscmd) of gas for 17 years at a rate below unveiled an array tor for the 2010 FIFA
tiation the terms of Gas Sale Master Agreement the government price. The deal was part of the of ‘2010 FIFA World Cup in India, we
in six weeks. 2005 family settlement, brokered by their mother World Cup’ pack- are confident that our
The court observed that the gas legally belongs Kokilaben. Reliance Industries argues the private ages for Indian packages will prove
to the government till it reaches the consumer and agreement cannot take precedence over govern- soccer fans under extremely popular with
said that the Ambanis’ family MoU is not legally ment policy, which determines who can receive its holidays brand soccer fans around
binding, thus giving a setback to Anil Ambani’s gas and at what price. JetEscapes. India, perfectly com-
Reliance Natural Resources Limited (RNRL). Anil, who claims otherwise, rolled out a series Jet Airways, plementing our new
The apex court also said that Mukesh Am- of front-page advertisements in major newspapers the sub-agent daily non-stop service
bani’s RIL does not have absolute marketing right accusing the government of taking the side of Re- of Cutting Edge to Johannesburg from
over gas and the price is subject to government ap- liance Industries. Travels who have India. After all there
proval. The gas, which Reliance Natural wants at been appointed the is no bigger stage in
“RNRL looks forward to an expeditious and almost half the government-set rate of $4.2 per “Participating Tour world soccer than the
successful renegotiations with RIL within the stip- million metric British thermal unit (mmBtu), Operator for 2010 2010 FIFA World Cup,
ulated period of six weeks to secure gas supply for comes from the vast Krishna Godavari basin off FIFA World Cup and we are happy to
the group’s power plants in line with the Supreme India’s east coast that is operated by Reliance In- in India” offers give Indian fans this
Court order,” Anil told reporters. dustries. these attractive packages to South Africa, once in a lifetime opportunity.”
He also made it clear that his company will not The government initially filed a petition in including match-day tickets to a game of the The JetEscapes 2010 FIFA World Cup
file a review petition on the case. India’s highest court asking to be made a party guest’s choice, exclusively for its Jet Privilege Bonanza packages start at Rs. 1,51,000 and
“By a majority judgement, the Supreme Court in the dispute, arguing the family agreement members. include return Economy class air fare on Jet
has upheld RNRL’s case that the company petition between the brothers was not applicable, and Sudheer Raghavan, Chief Commercial Airways, four nights and five days accommo-
filed by RNRL as maintainable and has upheld Reliance Industries could only sell gas with its Officer, Jet Airways, said: “Jet Airways is de- dation in applicable hotels in Johannesburg,
the powers of the court to modify the scheme and consent. However, it later modified its stance, lighted to introduce these special JetEscapes airport transfers, the all important match
make it workable. RNRL has currently no plans to saying it only wanted to assert that it is the rightful 2010 FIFA World Cup packages, created spe- ticket, travel insurance and a chance to earn 5
file a review petition in the Supreme Court,” Anil owner of the gas. cifically for the Indian soccer fan. JP Miles on every INR 100 spent.

10 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |

India Business
HCL partners Stellar for expansion Indian IT product serves
London/Noida, May
5 (IBNS) HCL Tech-
nologies Ltd. (HCL),
a leading global IT
tralasian market.
As per the agree-
ment, HCL and
Stellar will target
Middle East
services provider, and new industries and
Stellar Asia Pacific, a provide an expand-
global provider of call ed offering to both
centre and business new and existing
process outsourcing clients in the Aus-
solutions, announced tralasian market,”
that they are entering said John Hol-
into a strategic and lingsworth, CEO,
symbiotic partner- Stellar Asia Pacific.
ship. According to
Through this part- “In addition to its 26 BPO delivery Datamonitor, the
nership, HCL and centers across APAC, Europe, and the BPO services sector
Stellar will jointly in Australia which
offer a compelling Americas, HCL will leverage Stellar’s was valued at USD
business services and Australian and Philippines contact 5,551.5 million in
outsourcing proposi- 2008, is expected
tion to clients by le- centre capabilities to offer near-shore, to grow at a rate of
veraging HCL’s back 7.5% between 2008
office and technology
offshore delivery option to clients,” and 2013, and could Chennai: Ramco Systems, India’s leading IT face automatically with the different software
product capabilities reach a value of Product Company has signed up with Tradeline systems and the Ramco Financial management
which complement Stellar’s customer relation- USD 7,970.7 million by the end of the period. L.L.C., a Dubai-based trading and manufactur- system, which is currently running at the Al
ship management services. The BPO services sector derives its revenues ing group, to offer IT solutions on HCM and Ghurair Iron and Steel Company. This package
“We are delighted to partner with Stellar. via five segments; CRM BPO, F&A BPO, HR Payroll Management. is believed to empower the employees by pro-
Our clients will benefit from the combination of outsourcing, Procurement BPO and vertical- Under the deal, Ramco HCM and Payroll so- viding self service access.” 
HCL’s and Stellar’s leading technology and ser- specific BPO. lutions will integrate the processes of the differ- Tradeline Group will use Ramco HCM and
vices. This initiative is part of HCL’s aggressive “This partnership reinforces HCL’s strategy ent business units within the Tradeline Group, Payroll for their Trading, Shipping and Iron
strategy to expand its global delivery footprint to deepen its presence as a business services by providing centralized payroll processing and Steel Manufacturing business units, which
to offer the blended delivery option to global provider in ANZ and APAC. Through this part- capabilities to the group companies which will comprise proximately 450 employees. While
clients,” said Rajiv Swarup, Corporate Vice nership HCL will leverage its capabilities in help streamlining the HR process across all the implemented centrally at their head office in
President, HCL Technologies Ltd. delivering vertical-specific BPO solutions and business units of Tradeline.  Dubai, the solution will enable different busi-
“In addition to its 26 BPO delivery centers services to offer cost-effective outsourcing and Commenting on the deal,  R Shankar, Vice ness units, located across the UAE, to access the
across APAC, Europe, and the Americas, HCL offshore-able alternatives to clients,” said Vi- President, Middle East Operations, Ramco system and operate independently. 
will leverage Stellar’s Australian and Philip- render Aggarwal, Executive Vice President & Systems said, “The uniqueness of this package Ramco HCM and Payroll solutions to the
pines contact centre capabilities to offer near- Head of APAC-MEA Markets, HCL Technolo- will benefit Tradeline in multiple ways. Though Tradeline Group will comprise a package of
shore, offshore delivery option to clients,” gies Ltd. implemented centrally, it will be accessible to different functions such as Employee Data
Swarup said. HCL and Stellar will target specific industry multiple business units located in different parts Management, Leave Management, Time Man-
“Stellar and HCL have recognized that their segments such as Banking & Financial Servic- of the Emirates. Besides, it will also automate agement, Payroll, Recruitment, Appraisal,
services are complementary to each other and es, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Utili- the end-to-end activities of the HR department, Training, Employee and Manager Self service,
have entered into a strategic alliance to jointly ties Services, Retail and Media. which are currently handled manually. and many more.  
provide solutions and services in the Aus- “The HR system will be enabled to inter-

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Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |

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India - Viewpoint

The spread of
and Maoism
One of the biggest problems facing India today is the Naxal issue. The saga of violence continues daily across wide
swathes of the country’s hinterland. ANANT TRIVEDI analyses how this has come to be and looks at possible solutions

Tragedy consumed the lives of so many CRPF surpass the other in quantum of loot. It is of independence. These are areas where locals of extortion as a remedy against the miners thus
Jawans recently in Dantewala in an ambush naïve to believe that those elected are there for have been systematically repressed, their re- in turn making the erstwhile peaceful tribals
by Naxals. Media is busy with writings and reasons other than to acquire enormous illegiti- sources looted and fundamental rights violated. into a lawless mob.
debates and seminars are being held by con- mate wealth, and retain their hold on power. Police atrocities and feudal caste based hi- When they know no better, it is foolish to
cerned citizens – we love to debate issues. The nation is in the grip of a mafia, which erarchy has taken matters from bad to worse. blame them alone. Tribals have no experience
There is so much being speculated about how gets elected by hook or by crook. Political mafia These are not confined to the forest belts like of the benefit of a civilised administration and
the perpetrators of the massacre should be dealt whose strategy is to get cosy with groups who Dantewala. Pockets of neglect exist all round now do not trust a system which has exploited
with, who should be held accountable for the espouse violence and insurgency as a strategy the country and these are typically the breed- them and now offers the course of law to resolve
loss of so many lives, the failure intelligence, for winning political power continues. With ing grounds of miscreant activity and are also disputes. These locals are fighting for survival.
who should take the blame for lack of training this background, it is important to sit back and places where disruptive philosophy of Maoism They see their lives threatened by aliens who
and inadequate preparedness of those sent in to analyse the situation to determine what needs flourishes. have moved into their home and destroying
enforce the rule of law. to be done by the State and how should civil The particular belt where tragedy struck is them. They have to resist this invasion with
Politicians as always, are busy trading society intervene to arrest the slow but an where people live off the land, and have every means available.
charges at each other with the Home Min- sure decline into a state of law- been hunting for food and been tilling the It follows that the miners to protect them-
ister coming under a lot of flak with calls for lessness and anarchy. soil for subsistence for generations. This selves call for help from the administration
his resignation. No politician from the state of C a n land is there home. There are no roads, whose babus and politicians were no doubt in
Chattisgarh has accepted responsibility – the con- schools, hospitals and no presence of collusion and receiving bribes from the miners
problem belongs somewhere else. Nor even civil administration or the law enforce- to be allowed to extract minerals, coal, etc. re-
politicians from the ‘red corridor’ of Manipur, ment agencies. action of the state machinery is to violently put
Assam, Tripura, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, These are areas where subsis- down any insurgency. But is the consequential
Mizoram, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa , West tence is at a few rupees a day, collateral damage from such strategy clearly
Bengal have shed their silence. if you don’t hunt successfully understood?
The day after the massacre the CM and or are not able to convert What we are witnessing at increasing fre-
another politician could be clearly seen in a some vegetation into food quency today are symptoms of a gradually
jovial mood on this sombre occasion, caught you simply go hungry, if you failing nation. Our political class is at a loss
off guard no doubt by the cameras. It seems fall ill you die unless the local on how to deal with the situation sensibly. The
this was another item in their busy sched- voodoo doctor is able to cure nation is threatened not so much by Maoism or
ule – promise compensation to the be- you. There are still vast tracks even the spreading of Naxalism but by the in-
reaved and life moves on. of the country where millions creasing apathy for the well being of the citizen
Dantewala is not the first tragic event exist in such primitive ways, and total disregard for the rule of law by those
in recent times and sadly perhaps it abandoned by the State. whom we elect to govern and then fail to hold
won’t be the last. The country is suffer- Law enforcement has them accountable.
ing as a result of a chaotic state of gov- entered the scene only recently How should this situation be reversed?
ernance, which has been getting worse to help protect the mining mafia The law enforcement agencies will only
over years. Those elected to govern and contractors who moved into see this as a law and order situation. The
do not see the need for planning for the area to extract valuable miner- Home Minister who is charged with maintain-
the future and well being of those als but without any plan for compen- ing the rule of law has no choice but to restore
they are elected to govern. The sating those whose land is being usurped the respect for law. But should the rule of law
need to ensure proper civil ad- by providing them either money or enrich- only be enforced amongst these villagers and
ministration, communication, ing their lives with ‘value’ such as employ- tribals who are the true aggrieved in the first
adequate well equipped and ment, health schooling etc. instance from years of neglect? Should we not
trained and accountable law These are clearly encroachers who have also punish those who caused this situation –
enforcement and judicial moved in, in connivance with the elected and who allowed neglect and encouraged repression
delivery – for all particu- cerned the powerful of the area. The helpless local is to carry on for so long, who looted the land,
larly beyond the urban citizens forced to move away and make way. allowed mining mafias to move in and displace
sprawls, seems alien to afford to sit back the poor, who violated human rights for so long?
the elected leadership. and allow the nation Why would the miner or contractor need These villagers and tribals have never seen the
The elected, the to be further destroyed protection if they had reached out to the benefits of progress (food, livelihood, health,
supporting civil ad- by a minority that has local tribals and provided a package of em- education, roads, resolution of disputes....) they
ministration and proved repeatedly that ployment, education, and compensation at a have instead seen their place of abode of centu-
the law enforce- they cannot be trusted fair price? ries being occupied by strangers and they being
ment machin- to govern. At grass roots made to uproot and go some where else! They
ery are today there is very good nexus Where there is neglect by the state, there will have only experienced social injustice.
totally en- in between the bureaucrats, be poverty and social injustice. Where there is To address this problem requires a package
grossed in politicians, policeman and no redressal mechanism for disputes, there will of measures and it is questionable whether our
filling their the leaders of Maoist move- inevitably be an environment in which miscre- elected leadership is up to the task of delivering
coffers, ment. Without political pa- ants and anti State philosophies gather sympa- the required change, without a big nudge from
in fact a tronage and protection it is thy. the citizen who put them there.

race to not possible for such move- Where the state has failed to govern, people

ments to sustain. will succumb to persuasion from the anti-state - Anant Trivedi is with the National

How did we get into this situ- elements to take alternatives to safeguard their Network For India in New Delhi. NNFI con-

ation? interest and some will no doubt out of despera- nects like minded people across India as well

The troubled areas are typi- tion and foolishness take up arms. No doubt as NRIs facilitating good governance.

cally those where there has Maoists have moved into the area (often sup-

been virtually no developmen- ported by equally criminal political partners)


tal activity over the 60 plus years and in many instances preached the philosophy

12 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |


Fiji’s defining moment

sam thompson

A Fiji Indian journalist was the first to break the news of the first military coup in Fiji to the world, exactly 23 years
ago today, May 14. SAM THOMPSON tells his story.
Democracy as we knew it in Fiji ended on the army fatigues, brandishing pistols barged into B grade movie I immediately put my hand up, release by Rabuka, officially telling Fiji citi-
stroke of 10 on May 14, 1987. parliament positioned themselves behind Gov- shaking my note pad, as if that was going to zens, their lives had changed for ever. By that
The chiming of the clock at Government ernment MPs. be any help, shouting “I’m a reporter, I’m a re- time the building was surrounded by armed
buildings was the signal for the then Colonel I remember thinking this is an unusual exer- porter”. He obviously had more pressing issues soldiers. I grabbed the first the copy out of the
Sitiveni Rabuka and his men, to storm parlia- cise for the army to conduct, but than my jour- to deal with and told me to “get the #@#* out printer and jumped through a window, my only
ment and kidnap the democratically elected nalistic instincts kicked in and I started counting of here”. way out of the building.
Government of Dr Timoci Bavadra. Every jour- heads and observing details. Among those were I didn’t need to be told twice. I raced into I ran to the road to flag down a car to get
nalist has a defining moment in their career. My Rabuka instructing Government parliamentar- the Ministry of information building, shouting to the radio station as soon as possible, to get
claim to fame was this one. I broke the news to ians to follow his men out of parliament. Prime give me a phone, any phone now. The Director the official statement to air. The first vehicle to
the world. But I almost missed out on being a Minister Dr Timoci Bavadra leaning back in of Information at that time was Peter Thomp- come along was a police van which I flagged
witness to one of the most momentous moments his chair, rolling his eyes upwards, slapping son. He wanted to know what the urgency was. down. Luckily I knew the officers from my days
that changed the course of Fiji’s history. At the doing the police round. They said hop in and
time I was a cocky 26-year-old editor of Fiji’s they will drop me and started asking what was
first commercial radio station FM96. I say that
because we were redefining radio from the
“I burst through that and came to a screeching the hurry. I said there had been coup. Their re-
sponse “Oh yeah, so what happened”.
drab drivel of the government run stations at I said “you know a coup, don’t know what
the time. We pushed the boundaries by start-
ing hourly news bulletins with a three man new
halt with an AK 42 riffle in my stomach and a the hell’s going to happen now” They looked at
me blankly so I explained to them the military
team, against the vast resources of the Govern- has taken over, guns are involved, elected gov-
ment broadcaster.
They said it couldn’t be done because Fiji
balaclava clad soldier at the end of it wanting to ernment is under arrest. It suddenly dawned on
them what a coup was, they both looked at each
was too small and many on the sideline were other and said to me “we can’t take you to FM96
watching, expecting us to fall flat on our faces. know what the #@#* I was doing.” anymore we’ll drop you at the nearest taxi
With this back drop of having much to prove, stand”. By that time the military had stormed
I was sitting at my desk on that fateful day ex- the Fiji Sun, The Fiji Time and FBC and shut
ploring options of how to generate fresh news his table with both hand, pushing himself up in While dialling the radio station, I said there them down. FM 96 was the new kid on the
for the top of the hour. The tedium of a parlia- defiance. A soldier, placing a gun in his back had been a coup. He and a few others around block, they forgot about us when they planned
mentary session, trying to make sense of what and ordering him to lead the way out of parlia- at the time laughed and said yeah right. By that the coup. When I arrived at the station there
out elected representatives were saying was un- ment. Other Government MPs roughly pulled time I had been put through to the studio, I told was no soldier in sight. I got Rabuka’s official
appealing, but I decided was a necessary evil. out of their seats and shoved along at gun point, the announcer to fade the music with breaking statement that he had taken over the country to
So I ended up at the press gallery, bored silly, some stumbling, others leaning on each other news. I started my report saying there has been air and had a field day getting reactions. Emo-
and because I had skipped breakfast hunger for support, in confusion. Fiji Broadcasting a military take over and gave details of Rabuka tional clips of Bavadra’s wife and relatives of
pains were setting in. This was the pre-mo- Corporation journalist Francis Herman (later and his men storming parliament and taking other MP’s, Opposition sentiments to the coup.
bile phone era where land lines were fiercely became chief executive of FBC) and I looked Government MP’s hostage. Peter Thompson It was picked up by the wire service. The news
guarded and faxes ruled. There was just one at each other and it dawned at us at the same heard the report in stunned silence and finally had got out. It took the military four hours to
phone next to the press gallery where Hansard time that this is a coup. Both of us scrambled for said “well they are going to be here wanting to realise people knew what was going on because
recording were taking place. At 10am when the the only phone. He got there first. The nearest put out a press release”. One of the Information they had tuned into FM96.
clock started chiming, I decided I had enough phone for me was the Ministry of Information Ministry reporters grabbed the phone from me By that time I had done numerous inter-
and got up to leave, when I noticed Rabuka building next door. I went charging down the and said I can’t use it anymore. Francis Herman views with overseas news organisations includ-
striding through the parliamentary chamber gallery stairs. The old parliamentary entrance should have broken the biggest story in Fiji’s ing Radio New Zealand, Radio Australia, BBC
towards the Speaker. My curiosity peaked and had bat wing doors, like the cowboy movies. history. He later told me he was trying to con- and Voice of America.
I decided breakfast could wait. Rabuka was not I burst through that and came to a screeching vince his superiors that there had been a coup,
in uniform, he was dressed smartly, coat and halt with an AK 42 riffle in my stomach and a but no one would believe him. I had no such - Sam Thompson now lives in Auckland,
tie and a sulu, no indication of what’s to come. balaclava clad soldier at the end of it wanting problems, I was the editor, no one was going and works for NewstalkZB radio station
Shortly after balaclava clad men, dressed in to know what the #@#* I was doing. Like any to argue with me. So I waited for the first news

Tappoo Kanji passes away Don’t fight over land: Bainimarama

Fiji’s sugar industry had suffered because of non- of health problems in the Province.
The sire of the Tappoo smith business, handcraft- renewal of leases, Prime Minister Commodore The council was told tests had confirmed that
business empire, ing small pieces of jewel- Voreqe Bainimarama told the people of Tailevu the water was unsafe for drinking.
Tappoo Kanji passed lery himself in Sigatoka today. “Water is the main cause of sickness in the
away peacefully in his in 1941, he laid the foun- Mr Bainimarama said the sugar industry, Tailevu Province, Korovou Hospital Medical
sleep on Sunday. dations of a business that, mostly farmed by Indians, used to be the back- officer in charge Dr James Kalouvaki told the
The funeral for within a generation, is one bone of Fiji’s economy, but had suffered due to meeting.
Tappoo Bhai, as he of the largest in Fiji. non-renewal of leases. He told the Tailevu Pro- Dr James urged council members to go back
was fondly known, Today the Tappoo com- vincial Council not to fight over land. and inform the people to boil every drinking
was on Tuesday. mercial entity is into retail- Addressing the council, Mr Bainimarama water. He said test taken and confirmed that water
The Tappoo Group, the late Tappoo Kanji and son ing, duty-free, wholesaling, said fighting for land would not bring anything was not safe unless boiled.
an integral part of the Kanti Tappoo hospitality and much more but overgrown properties. He warned there had been an increase of
business environment – one of the biggest busi- He said the land issue should be put aside if Typhoid, Leptopharesis and diarrhea cases and
in Fiji, is the result of Tappoo Bhai’s dedication to ness ventures in the islands. Fiji was to move forward, Radio Fiji reported. these were all water related disease. He also apol-
truth and compassion. Having written several pieces Kanti Tappoo, the eldest, leads the business as Also, at the meeting the People of Tailevu ogized to the Tailevu Council for the non-imple-
on his life, I came know a lot about the grit of this its chairman, while Vinod, Mahendra, Kamlesh, were urged to boil water as it was the main cause mentation of awareness programmes.
person as he made a life for himself and his family Suresh, Yogesh and Madhu (CEO) run the day-to-

Fiji signs $9 million anti-tuberculosis deal

in Fiji in the 1930s and 40s. day affairs. Their sons are also part of the business
Starting as a gold jeweller, Tappoo Bhai went on holding, with the exception of Sumeet Tappoo who
to peddling goods on a bicycle in the Sigatoka Valley is a successful singer in Bollywood.
area. He built up his small business from there, start- The Tappoo Group has earned a name for itself Suva: Fiji’s Ministry of Health and the Global Fund ent will work with the sub-recipients including the
ing with a general goods shop, to put together a com- as a company dedicated to nation-building through have signed a $9 million agreement to help reduce Fiji Red Cross Society, the Fiji Nursing Association
mercial enterprise that has been praised for its dedi- commercial pursuit and parity. tuberculosis in Fiji. and the Fiji School of Medicine and nursing pro-
cation to the country. • The Group employs over a 1000 staff, with Minister for Health Dr Neil Sharma said the grams under the College of Medicine, the Nursing
Tappoo Bhai is the epitome of the man who made several hundred others employed by its subsidiaries. grant will contribute to upgrading laboratory and Health Sciences of the Fiji National University,
good through sheer hard work and determination. It has an unmatched number of long service awards systems in the main divisional facilities, support- the National TB program, the National Reference
His sons have always said that their father showed among its staff ing the national TB program and strengthening the Laboratory, the Fiji Pharmaceutical and Biomedical
them the way to do business: with rancour, without • The Tappoo Family Charitable Trust makes health information systems. Service Centre and The Health Information Unit.
aggression and with the common man always in the large donations for education and social works. “A significant aspect of the project is the over- The programme will be carried out over the
fore-front of their mind. It was set up as part of the 65th anniversary of the seeing of the treatment of around 650 TB patients next 27months.
A deeply spiritual man, Tappoo Bhai was an Group in 2006 over the past five years and the screening and distri- The Global Fund is a multi-billion-dollar in-
ardent follower of Mahatma. His decisions were • Tappoo City, one the largest investment in bution of TB prophylaxis to more than 750 children ternational financing mechanism intended to help
bound by ‘dharma’, something he passed on to his Fiji in the past few years, was built at a cost of $50 in contact with infectious patients,” said Sharma. advance the fight against diseases such as TB,
children. million. He said the ministry being the principal recipi- AIDS and malaria.
When Tappoo Bhai established his small gold- - Nalinesh Arun

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 13

Fiji and The Fijians
I possess this book, which was given to my Grandfather – a Methodist missionary in Fiji in the
1800s. The book was written by Thomas Williams with a preface written by James Calvert in 1884.
It is a most interesting book which gives “in depth descriptions” of the various practices and culture
of the Fijians during the 17th Century and the courage these missionaries faced journeying into
From the Editor these islands.
Sandra McGrath
As nice guys, we’re doomed to finish last
Kiwis turned up turned by the thousands on Auckland’s Queen Street last week to march in The IPL is combination of Sports and entertainment. The IPL has broken all the rules of the gentle-
protest against the government’s proposed mining plans. Though the number of marchers re- men’s game by bringing in beautiful and talented cheerleaders celebrities from bollywoood. How
ported by the media varied between 15,000 and 50,000, it was enough to send a chill wind in abour, we see one of them umpire an IPL match? We need some ladies on the field too.
Prime Minister John Key’s camp. Those numbers would have warmed the cockles of Labour Marina
Party politicians’ hearts.
The country’s clean and green image and reputation is prized dearly enough by people
to have motivated them to turn up in such large numbers against the proposed mining plans Sikhs role in Anzac
even though the value of mineral wealth that can be mined is estimated at some $200 billion. This issue could be signficantly promoted by attending the many ANZAC day events. Perhaps a
Opinion is divided on whether modern, clean and controlled mining techniques will add group can plan for the next one, make contacts with appropriate parties and contribute on behalf
of the Indians who (i think its over 1000) lost their lives. In this country we as ethnic people must
to handsomely the economy while having a minimal effect on the environment and the fragile
focus on postive outcomes or fail in the view that we have not altered our own discriminatory
ecosystems we Kiwis care about so much. The jury is out on whether the proposed so-called
surgical mining can ever be sustainably profitable. There is no agreement on whether the Ann Pala QSM
exercise will ultimately be viable economically.
Although that is an important debate, what we Kiwis also need to analyse is whether our
fiercely ecology-centric attitude is holding our economy back. New Zealand has been slip- Thanks for bringing it up. There are so many untold stories like these which are never given long
ping on several of the OECD indices for several years now and if the slide continues, things deserved imprtance because of political reasons. Thanks for touching these hidden areas. That is
will only get worse. With a small population and the tyranny of distance with our trading true journalism.
partners, global environmental concerns and Kiwis’ attitudes could put this country on a S.S Kang
downward slide that will prove hard to stem once it gathers momentum.
The laudably lofty ideals of protecting the environment and leaving a cleaner, greener
world for our children and grand children that motivated all those thousands of people on Please keep up the good work in highlighting the acheivements of fellow Indians. The local media
Queen Street has guided leaders’ policy making over the years – which lead to the previous conveniently forgets the input of Sikhs in ANZAC. Sikh forces are the only forces in the world who
government’s Kyoto commitments. have ever controlled the NWFP in Afghanistan - I remember this was also reported in detail in an
Before the last election, National promised to make those commitments more practicable article in Indian Weekender - highlighting the fearless sikh soldier which is till today unparalleled.
to minimize their potentially negative effect on the country’s economy. That has not hap- Gurpartap Bajwa
pened. In fact, the government, under its Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) has decided to
bring a carbon tax on 100 per cent of emissions over the coming few years. Contrast this with
most countries around the developed world committing to tax just 4 per cent of their emis- Fiji could be Dubai
sions. And the government has refused to postpone the scheme or take a relook. Great comments from a great Australian. Well Done Hon. Peter Lewis.Australian Politicians led by
While taking a stand against mining will never allow the country to tap into the potential the former Prime Minister imposed draconian measures to attack Fiji’s Leadership and to destroy
$200 billion wealth trapped under its surface, the ETS will see a rise in prices of every single any semblance of return to normalcy, because it favours their political purposes. Hon Peter has
commodity in the country. This will make New Zealand exports dearer and the vital dairy broken the chain. ...
industry uncompetitive in the global market. This is a double whammy with which the gov- Noor Dean
ernment is unbelievably creating an uneven playing field for the country.
Worse things are tipped to happen. The second stage of the United Kingdom’s half-baked
Air Passenger Duty (APD) – an excise duty charged on flying passengers from airports Myths of vedas
within the UK to destinations outside on aircraft with capacities of 20 or more seats – will The definition of Vedas is from the Wikipedia and not my own, although I can see where they
kick in later this year. The tax has a cascading scale related to distance, which makes long are coming from. The positing of natural phenomenon onto a personality is seen as a myth: fire
distance flying considerably more expensive. for Agni, water for Varun, thunder and lightening for Indra - and all the events surrounding their
A passenger travelling from the UK to New Zealand will have to pay a whopping 170 existence. Not knowing about the background of these entities and their correlation to cosmology,
pounds surcharge on their ticket price. This is bound to affect passenger numbers from the western critics call them myths. Not believing it ourselves makes them myths too. Which is a sorry
UK. If the European Union follows suit, numbers from Europe will also fall. The region’s state of affairs....
tourism industry in association with others all over the world is protesting this tax, which
purports to save the world by putting disincentives on people so that they don’t fly long dis-
tances and pollute the sky. Ain’t good enough mate
So we are being asked to pay a tax to save the world. The question is: what in the emission I rekon 17 years isnt enough, he took an innocent life so therefore should own up for his filthy
control strategies that the world is dreaming up would have helped counter carbon spewed actions. I dont know Navtej but i wonder what kinda person could do such a thing like the killer did.
a natural calamity like the Icelandic volcano belching out 300,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide At least lock him up for good so he can’t destroy more lives.
per day? Who pays for such an unexpected surge in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases
because of natural causes? P
What effect would this have on targets set at world conferences to deal with the problem
such as Copenhagen? Will all targets be dynamically adjusted and carbon taxes raised every Congratulations
time there is a surge in atmospheric carbon following every volcano or – god forbid – a
future Krakatoa? Who has the answers? The paper is a truly engrossing and entertaining read and one of the most professional publications
And some more questions: What sort of country do we want to leave for our future gen- in the market. Thanks for providing such a high quality publication to the Indian community.
eration – a clean green nation driven by fundamentalist ideals resulting in declining stan-
dards of living and a regressively poorer economy, or a strong nation that strives to strike a Adeela
balance between its own economic interests and its environment?
The world respects the strong more than it does nice guys. We simply can’t come up
trumps if we continue to delude ourselves as Mr Nice Guys to the world.
Top 10 stories on
– Dev Nadkarni
1. Femina Miss India now hunts for ‘Bollywood Diva’
2. New York Sikh body to appeal against Tytler clean chit
Indian Weekender Volume 2 No 4
Publisher: Kiwi Media Group Limited 3. Sumeet Tappoo’s album makes India top 10 list
Group editor-in-chief: Dev Nadkarni
Online editor: Arvind Kumar 4. Malayali Samajam celebrates Kerala’s ethos in NZ
India Correspondent: Shobha Rao
Chief Technical Officer: Rohan Desouza rohan@ 5. Shammi Kapoor’s son makes a comeback
Design: Tanmay Desai / 6. Ayurveda digitised to prevent bio-piracy
Advertising: Giri Gupta - Ph: 520 0922, Mob: 021 221 1131. Email -
Please email original editorial contributions, community notices and pictures to 7. An apple a day . . .
Views expressed in the publication are not necessarily of the publisher and the publisher 8. Pratima Nand honoured as local hero
is not responsible for advertisers’ claims as appearingv in the publication
9. NZ-India FTA first round of talks concluded
Indian Weekender is published by Kiwi Media Group, 98 Great South Road, New Market 10. Fiji ‘has potential to surpass Dubai’
and printed at APN Print, Ellerslie, Auckland
Copyright 2010. Kiwi Media Group. All Rights Reserved.

14 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |


Coup Anniversary and Forgiveness

Subhash Appana

Today marks the 23rd anniversary of Sitiveni moedonu went to great pains to clarify that,
Rabuka’s coup, a coup that brought into the “Rabuka did not go there to apologise for over-
tranquil backwaters of the South Pacific the use throwing the Dr Bavadra-led government, but to
of might over right as a weapon to change gov- admit that what he did was wrong....It was up to
ernment. Sure this had been the mode of choice us whether to pardon him” (FT 16/4/10). This is
in the good old days, but colonisation and re- the type of attached provisos that have always
finement by the British was supposed to have characterised Rabuka’s initiatives. And this is
changed this more than a century ago. And like what makes people skeptical about his sincerity.
all old habits, it was supposed to have receded Some of the public reactions have been
into the mists of time. downright vindictive and unforgiving, but
Unfortunately, the transformative effects of others have shown that we still retain what it
colonisation and subsequent experiences with takes to rise above the pettiness that enshrines
responsible self-government were left wanting the darker side of human nature. I do not wish
on that fateful day as Fiji showed that it was not to go through the more pronounced reactions
prepared to join the ranks of democratic nations here, but would like to emphasise that I doubt
and that there was still some learning left for too many of these people have known Rabuka
its people. That was ultimately the unflattering in person.
verdict that Sitiveni Rabuka invited when he I have. And like anybody who knows
unleashed the coup genie at 10am on 14th May Rabuka, can vouch that he has that elusive yet
1987. priceless quality called leadership. Rabuka has
Fiji’s first coup involved a well orchestrated such charisma that he can effortlessly take over
military operation. Firebrand Taukei Movement a gathering regardless of size. I have no doubts
leader, Taniela Veitata, proclaimed “power flows that he had all the right intentions when he ex-
from the barrel of a gun” as Captain Savenaca ecuted that Father of Coups in 1987. I also have
Draunidalo and nine masked, silent gunmen no doubts that his attempts at seeking forgive-
executed Fiji’s “treason at ten” that brought ness are genuine – that is the nature of the man.
democracy to its knees in that pacific paradise Unfortunately, the web of lies and deceit
that was once referred to as “the way the world that he weaved through all of his public pro-
should be” by no other than the Pope. nouncements about that coup and subsequent
Today marks 23 years after the fall of Fiji developments in Fiji have come back to haunt
from that elevated pedestal from where when him. Rabuka was thrust into a situation that was
PM Ratu Mara walked into any international thought to be well above his depth; at some stage
forum, the world took notice. This was, after all, he decided to take control of the political game
the man who helped broker the Lome Conven- that had rationalised the 1987 coup. And the fact
tion between the ACP and EEC in 1975. And that he successfully swam through it for 12yrs
Fiji’s PM always walked tall and proud with has to be credited to the man.
Malcolm Fraser of Australia and Lee Kwan Yew That journey, which was initially meant to
of Singapore. Those were the days when Fiji had last for only a few days or weeks, called for
to be acknowledged. the continuous plotting of a path for his politi-
cal purpose once he decided to stay on. This is
Coup Fallout where the real legacy of Rabuka lies. He created
a web of lies, a complex facade of truth to keep
The fallout from that coup has kept Fiji both the aggrieved, angered and self-righteous hordes
hobbled and crippled since that fateful day as out and continue to appease the hungry factions
an unprecedented exodus of the largely Indo- that propped him. Fiji politics, which has largely
Fijian community began from a country that been Fijian, continued in that vein – that’s what
they had helped develop into what they saw as was being exploited by Qarase and his Gang.
“home”. In the euphoria of independence just 17 Coming back to the issue of forgiveness for
years before, this same immigrant community Rabuka, no matter what model we apply, two
had enthusiastically chanted and sung: Fiji desh factors stand out as pre-requisites for real for-
hamaara hae, praano se bhi pyara hae. giveness: the need for truth and repentance. I
Rabuka’s coup extinguished that flame of doubt that Rabuka will ever be able to tell the
feeling and passion that had been painstakingly whole truth; his lies that beget further lies have
nurtured through the tyrannical trials and tribu-
lations of Girmit. Heart-wrenching farewells
Today marks 23 years after the fall of Fiji from entangled and strangled the truth too strongly.
That leaves repentance. And that is what nobody
were made as tears flowed among unprepared
families torn apart in an unexpected new search
that elevated pedestal from where when PM can strangle Rabuka with; he is free to repent in
the unending web of his lies.
for a home outside Fiji. A lifestyle that had been
built around the undulating green cane fields Ratu Mara walked into any international forum, The Now
was suddenly not meant to be.
Indian leaders, civil servants and sympathi-
sers were hounded, seized and removed from
the world took notice. 23 years later much has changed; the Indian
threat is no more, attempts are renewed at every
their positions as an ethnic “balancing” exercise turn to castigate and ostracise Fiji even from the
ensued in the civil service amid an environ- by a sense of unfairness. nurtured through his silently intensifying power Pacific fraternity. The un-neighbourly outbursts
ment of distrust, fear and hatred. Any advantage A bigger, oft-understated, fallout from that tussle with Ratu Mara. from Samoa are shocking at best. Any attempt
that could be exploited for personal gain was coup was the release of variant ambitious ethnic The “coup culture” that Fiji finds itself to try to present a non-outraged position on the
pursued with relish. Any dislikes or misunder- Fijian interests that suddenly realised that there saddled with was thus seeded by Lieutenant- Bainimarama regime is seen as pro-coup and
standings among neighbours both near and far were opportunities to be exploited. This is when Colonel Sitiveni Rabuka more than 2 decades seditious. Where will the solutions come from?
were “corrected” as enough soldiers chose to the tightly glued Fijian traditional system began ago. There is also a link between all of Fiji’s 5 Do elections guarantee democracy, transpar-
look through only one eye. to haemorrhage with increasing speed. This is coups so far, the most direct being between the ency and accountability in Fiji?
The hounding continued to Nadi Airport when the chiefly system was first defied, tested 1987 coup and that of Bainimarama in 2006. Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the
where those who chose to leave had to contend and diverted towards narrow political interests. Rabuka thus, stands in the centre of the creation 1987 coup that transformed Fiji’s political land-
with embarrassing and demeaning clearance The coup had spawned a plethora of interests, and maintenance of Fiji as “Coup-Coup Land”. scape from one of smug complacence and ac-
processes in a system that suddenly had too demands, expectations and more importantly, it It is in this light that we need to evaluate his at- ceptance to one of forceful denial of the tenets of
many gaps for abusive interpretation. Officials brought to the centre a different type of Fijian tempts at shaking off his Coup-Karma. democracy and the verdict of the voter through
made on-the-spot rules to maximise discomfort bureaucrat/politician. It also centralised the role militant advocacy of the unfettered rights of a
and many still talk about the inhumanity shown of the Methodist Church in Fijian politics. And Forgiveness for Coup-Karma section of the community that could not com-
among humans who appeared to have metamor- of necessity, the demarcation between national There have been numerous reactions to prehend the responsibilities that went with that
phosed into demons overnight. government and the Fijian “system” was now as Rabuka’s recent attempt at making a public elevated political positioning and has continued
The propaganda machinery in the meantime, confused as ever. apology for the 1987 coup. This time he took to refuse to accept the same. The trials for Fiji
went into overdrive as crass attempts were made That was the source of the tightrope that the initiative to approach the Tui Vuda, former continue.
to use race to justify the unjustifiable. Unfortu- Rabuka was forced to walk throughout his President, Ratu Josefa Iloilo. Few realise that
nately the forcibly disturbed emotions did little reign; that’s why he was always reshuffling his Ratu Josefa has direct links with Vuniduva, the - Subhash Appana is an academic and
to calm these necessary official encounters. And cabinet and making constant political deals. Ul- seat of the Tui Cakau (one of Fiji’s 3 paramount political commentator. The opinions contained
it would be unfair not to mention the many of- timately that was what led to his fall from grace chiefs) at Somosomo in Taveuni. There was in this article are entirely his and not neces-
ficials who did help in those tight times. Unfor- at the hands of the voters in 1999. Rabuka could therefore, obvious Rabuka-type strategy in this sarily shared by any organizations he may be
tunately the bad too often outshines the good in not continue to please the myriad interests that latest move. associated with both in Fiji and abroad. Email
the human mind especially when it is outraged he had spawned with his coup and strategically The Taukei Sawaieke, Ratu Tevita Mo-

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 15


Touching tribute to the sacrifice of ancestors

Arvind Kumar
Exactly 131 years ago today (May 14) the first Indians landed on Fiji shores to work on the sugar cane plantations. Most
of them made Fiji their home after years of hard labour under their British plantation masters. An Auckland man now tells
the story of one “Girmitiya” in a new book.
An Auckland accountant has formulated a unique and friends. ence of their forefathers “Often when families live very far apart, chil-
way to keep his family networks connected . . . Mr Prakash com- in whatever was being dren born in respective families sometimes never
and at the same time pay tribute to his ancestors mended the vision and enjoyed by the current get to meet or get to know each other.
who were among the pioneers of the first Indians the initiative taken by generation. “This book is aimed at connecting everyone
brought to Fiji from India to work on the sugar cane Kumar to publish the Kumar, who lives in and at the same time telling the story of Girmit of
farms. book to strengthen his Mangere with his wife our ancestors. It was a different world then, and it is
Satendra Kumar, originally of Sigatoka, Fiji, family networks and at and sons, said he hoped something the younger generation needs to cherish
has penned a book which not only lists names and the same time remind- the book would help and respect.”
contact details of family members going back three ing the current genera- his network of family According to the book, Ram Prasad, who lived
generations – starting from his maternal grandfa- tion of the struggles the members – spread across in Gokul, in Mathura district, in Uttar Pradesh, was
ther (nanaji), but attempts to tell the how and why pioneers had to endure to the globe – to be able to forced on to the boat by unknown assailants who
of “Girmit”. secure a better future for stay connected for a long grabbed him while he was away from his home fol-
The book, The Legacy of Ram Prasad – Trials their descendants. time to come. lowing a scuffle with his zamindaar’s son.
and Tribulations of a Girmitiya, tells the story of He paid tribute to “Too often we have Once on the boat – the rest as they say – is
Kumar’s Nanaji, Ram Prasad, who is believed to the mammoth hardships noticed that families lose history. Bundled together with scores of others,
have been coerced into boarding a boat bound for faced by the indentured contact with each other, they didn’t see land for weeks before landing in Fiji
Fiji shores in 1901. labourers and why it touching tribute: Satendra Kumar, especially once they and began their “slavery” under the harsh condi-
The book was launched in Manukau last week was important for the left, author of The Legacy of Ram Prasad with migrate and become en- tions imposed by the plantation landlords.
by prominent retired school principal Chandra younger generation to Chandra Prakash, chief guest, at the launch- grossed in their hectic
Prakash at a function attended mostly by families remember the influ- lifestyles,” Kumar said.
ing of Kumar’s book in Manukau on Friday.

WHAT IS GIRMIT? In Fiji, the Indentured Labourers had to use the term “Agree-
ment” as this was what bound them not only to their employers,
When the Indentured labour system was introduced by the but also to their destiny. Unable to pronounce “Agreement”,
British government in the 1830s, each labourer was required to they settled for “Girmit”, as it is known by Fiji Indians today.
sign an employment contract called the “The Indenture Agree-
ment”. The first batch of indentured labourers was brought from India
to work in the sugar cane plantations in Fiji in 1879. They first
For the Indian labourers who did not understand the English landed on Fiji shores on May 14 – the day of the first military
well, pronunciation of English words became a challenge. coup carried out by Major-General Sitiveni Rabuka in 1987.

Fiji battles termite infestation

SUVA: A joint government team led by easily enraged and are also attracted to
Fiji’s ministry of agriculture will be in the light and fly only at night.
western city of Lautoka today to try and
stamp out the termite infestation that has Agriculture permanent secretary Colonel
wreaked havoc in seven settlements. Mason Smith said the operation would
Codenamed Operation ‘Kadivuka’, it will take six months and cost $700,000.
involve 120 personnel from various gov-
ernment ministries and departments. He said they were working with the
Targeted areas are Tomuka, Tavakubu, Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Naikabula, Natabua, Saru, Tawatawa to secure the services of an overseas
and Vitogo Paipai. consultant to help them identify
measures to contain the
Senior biosecurity pest.
officer Western
Lemeki Ratu- “We will try to
cicivi said identify infested
all those structures first
involved for inspec-
in the tion and then
operation decide on
have been whether to
appointed pull down
temporary the structures
biosecurity of- and burn them
ficers by perma- on the site if the
nent secretary for termite infestation is
agriculture, Colonel out of control,” he said.
Mason Smith.
Col. Mason said if homes were
“Residents in these areas should be severely infested and beyond chemi-
expecting biosecurity officers within the cal treatment, they would make careful
next few days. The deadly termites build considerations before burning it.
their colonies six to 18 feet underground
and around 300 feet radius,” he told Fiji “This is a six-month eradication exercise
Live. which will cost about $700,000,” he said.
“The affected areas are quite large. Each
Lautoka residents who might have home will be assessed on a case by
termites in their houses are being urged case basis and we don’t want to be seen
not disturb termite colonies as they are as invading properties.”

16 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |


Christchurch celebrates Vaisakhi

More than 300 people recently celebrated the Vaisakhi festival held in Christchurch.
Gurdwara Singh Sabha (Christchurch) of New Zealand Sikh Society (South Island)
celebrated the Vaisakhi festival in Christchurch on Sunday 25 April.
The programme started with the Sukhmani Sahib path. Raagi jatha, led by Bhai
Surinder Singh of Auckland, graced the occasion with Shabad Kirtan.
This was followed by Ardaas, Hukumnama and Guru ka Langar. A Sangat of over
300 in number, including Christchurch National MP Nicky Wagner and members of
diverse ethnic communities attended the function.
- Indian Weekender news desk

Ken Patel is Wellington’s

Local Hero

Kantilal Patel, better known as Ken Patel has been recognized as one of Wellington’s Local Heroes
for his 40 years of community service at the KiwiBank Local Heroes Award ceremony in late April.
Mr Patel is a Justice of the Peace and a marriage celebrant. He received a Queens Service Medal
in 2004 and has worked with the Indian, Pacific Island and refugee communities helping them with
their transition to life in New Zealand.
Though retired, Mr Patel spends his time in social work. “I’m retired so I have all the time in
the world,” he says.
Mr Patel is not new to recognition. His part accolades have been: the Absolutely Positively Wel-
lington award, Pride of India Gold Award (which he won in London), Bharat Gaurav Award, Glory
of India Gold Medal and Pravasi Excellence Award.
- Indian Weekender nmews desk

Caption: Kantilal Patel with Grant McCabe and NZICA past president Ratilal Champaneri

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 17


Business Profile
Electronic “Third eye” that sees and records all
In the wake of continuing attacks on taxi PC, with the push of a button you can convert
drivers across New Zealand, the government videos to AVI format for easy playback in
has recently recommended the installation of almost any media player,” Mr Naidu says.
cameras as a security device for drivers. Few The device offers a twin cameras view,
New Zealand taxis have such devices installed wide-angle view and is compact and extreme-
and the sooner drivers and fleet operators use ly affordable. “No incident is too small to
them the more secure they and their families be unnoticed, captured digitally, Automated
can feel as they go about their livelihoods. driving recorder. The T-eye allows drivers to
Auckland IT firm Logical Systems has a mark video and scenes of interest for future
state of the art solution on offer, says the com- review – it’s your automotive digital eyewit-
pany’s Managing Director Daven Naidu. ness,” he says.
“The greatest risk while driving is the The T eye is useful for law enforcement or
sheer unpredictability of events on the road. personal use, Fleet Management, Accident re-
Potential hazards wait around every corner,” construction, Professional fleet and car racing
he says. “If you are a taxicab or public trans- driver training, and student driver training.
portation operator, hazards may be inside The two cameras plus audio channel pro-
your vehicle as well. vides a “third eye” observer. It also features
“With dual high resolution colour cameras, on board digital video recorder with GPS,
GPS, infrared, up to 3 minutes of pre-alarm Speedo readings and external alarm trigger,
recording, and SDHC flash storage (4GB in- an SD Card which allows for re-enactment
cluded), the T-eye is as technologically so- and replay of video and audio, Continuously
phisticated as it is practical.” records video in a loop and saving time before
T-eye offers to both commercial and and after an accident.
private vehicle operators an effective risk Logical Systems Managing Director Daven Naidu with the T-Eye Logical Systems is New Zealand’s sole
reducing means to aid in the investigation distributor for T-Eye and welcomes inquiries.
process, decrease collateral damages associ- In the event of an accident or triggered alarm or evidence in an investigation, providing Logical has been in the IT business for over
ated with car accidents, deter crime inside the recording, the T-Eye ‘flags’ these files so they concrete evidence for clarifying responsibil- two decades and is well known in the New
vehicle, and overall enhance the safety on the do not delete when the SD card becomes full. ity. Zealand and Fiji market as a reseller of Apple
road. When the T-Eye is triggered, the record- The T-Eye provides an easy user interface products for the past several years.
T-Eye, an in-vehicle EDR (Event Data Re- ing begins up to 3 minutes before the trigger to extract the data from the unit and transfer
corder), makes constant recordings of video activation (which is adjustable). These videos to a computer. “Our unique software makes it
footage using a ‘first-in’ ‘first-out’ method. may later be viewed for surveillance purposes effortless to view and save video files to your

Business Profile
TappooCity brings world-class sophistication to Fiji

TappooCity is the latest instance in the While level 4 is dedicated

Tappoo Group’s fine tradition of setting up to a food court and selected
highly reputed up-market retail stores in top speciality stores, levels 5 and 6
locations throughout Fiji. house offices. There is a gener-
Located in downtown Suva, which is not ous provision for the parking of as
only Fiji’s but also the South Pacific islands’ many as 80 cars.
golden mile, TappooCity has turned out to “The state of the art store is
be a sophisticated shopping, entertainment comparable with the best of stores
and business destination on par with such a from around the world,” says
facility anywhere in the world. Madhu Tappoo, CEO and Executive
It has been drawing both domestic and Director, Tappoo Group.
international visitors since it opened in “Level 4 is now ready for leasing The Fiji
December last year and has created quite a – and this presents a unique oppor- government is en-
buzz in the market. tunity for entrepreneurs to run food outlets couraging foreign
Tappoo’s own flagship store sprawls and specialty shops,” he adds. investment and
across three levels of the iconic building This is indeed a unique opportunity for also offering
that has a strikingly elegant elevation. It is former Fiji citizens either to open a new dual citizenship to
the first building in Fiji to boast as many as outlet or bring in a New Zealand or Austra- former Fiji citizens to encourage
four elevators in addition to escalators for lian or even an American franchise and run investment in the economy.
easy movement and accessibility between it as a franchised food outlet, Mr Tappoo - Indian Weekender
all levels of the building. says. business correspondent

18 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |


Barber on the Move Bula Vinaka, India

Ellis Avenue in Mt. Roskill has long been a
quiet residential enclave – this has been un-
dergoing silent change over the last couple
of years. The once-quiet neighbourhood is
suddenly a convenient shopping centre for
Aucklanders who prefer to access services
away from the hustle and bustle of busier
centres on the main routes.
The famous jewellery, drapery store,
Shingaar moved to Ellis Avenue from the
City almost a decade ago. Owned by the es-
tablished Rana family from Labasa (Fiji), the
owners say the quieter location has been a
Ellis Avenue also has a general store spe-
cializing in Indian groceries, a character
bookshop, and a bread shop with other con- Twenty three-year-old Amrita Sahay has just re- Amrita was equally fascinated with her visits to
veniences in the pipeline. And enriching the turned from a trip to India, and guess what she wants Gateway of India, Parliament, palaces, heritage
customers’ experience in the silently f lour- to do now? Yes, she wants to go back and see more of places, Gandhi Memorial, age-old temples adorned
ishing enclave is indomitable barber, Nilesh. the world’s biggest democracy. with intricate art, universities, wineries, farms and
Born in Madhi near the historically- Amrita, of Hamilton, was the only New Zea- the people. “Too much to see, not enough time,” said
significant city of Soorat in Gujerat, Nilesh lander among a group of 40 from around the world Amrita who was away for three weeks. “I do want to
hails from a family of barbers. Both his selected to participate in the programme which was go back and this time, the family’s going with me.”
father and grandfather were skilled masters run by the Overseas Indian Affairs Department. Amrita said while she made lots of new friends,
of the trade. His father still runs the iconic chop-chop: Nilesh attending to The programme is designed to cater for young it was an eye-opening experience for her in the sense
family business in Madhi. In fact, in that regular customer, Shiddhant in his people of Indian origin who have never visited the that many Indians scattered throughout the world
laid back village setting everyone knows the sub-continent. knew little about their cultures. “Some didn’t even
Master Barber. stylishly decorated salon. Originally from Fiji, Amrita toured various parts speak Hindi. Indians from Fiji are lucky that most
Nilesh arrived in Auckland in 2002. Over to open his own barber shop, design it in his of India with others from 16 different countries, in- speak Hindi and do know a great deal about their cul-
the past 8 years, the politely spoken barber own way and become his own boss. That was cluding Trinidad & Tobago, Fiji, Malaysia, Chile, tures and also practice it. “The experience has defi-
has worked for 2 hair salons in Auckland. In the birth of Champion’s Hair Art at 19 Ellis Russia, Netherlands, South Africa, Canada, United nitely broadened my knowledge.”
each of these, he quickly built up a steady cli- Avenue, Mt. Roskill. Kingdom, Argentina, Surinam and Zimbabwe. Amrita said she was grateful to the organizers that
entele base with his friendliness and obvious As the number of shops in Ellis Avenue Amrita, who is a graphic design graduate, said she the tour was well organized and that they felt secure
hair skills. continues to grow, visitors cannot miss was blown away by everything that she saw in India. at all times.
As he continued to attract pleasantly-sat- Nilesh as he plies his trade with the usual “I was just overwhelmed,” Amrita told the Indian Although they did not have a chance to visit Bol-
isfied customers in his stride, Nilesh decided welcoming smile that has become a trade- Weekender. “It was just another experience. lywood, she definitely would have loved to see Shah
to take a major gamble that every enterprising mark of this barber. “There’s just so must to see. It doesn’t seem much Rukh Khan or other big stars in person.
craftsman has to take at one time or another – - Subhash Appana when you hear or read about things in India, but when “Oh well, next time.”
you actually see for yourself, it just blows you away.” - Arvind Kumar
While she was impressed by the Taj Mahal,

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 19


Emraan on Mallika, Divya go

Ajay’s footsteps for sensuous in ‘Hiss’

organic food
Mumbai: Actor Emraan Hashmi seems much time together during the shoot and
much inspired by his ‘Once Upon a Time In also did a lot of Gym together.
Mumbai’ co-star Ajay Devgn. “Actually whenever me and Ajay used to
A news leaked out recently that Ajay and be at his farms, it felt so good because in
Emraan are keeping a very good company this time of a massive pollution, where you
and guess what, Emraan is actually taking can’t trust anything you eat because almost
his bonding to a new level. everything is adulterated and nurtured with
Actually, all the ‘Once upon a time….’ so many chemically involved techniques,
cast and crew, including Emraan, used it is great of Ajay to actually have his own
to frequently visit Ajay Devgan’s farm in farm. Here if not 100% then atleast 90% we
Karjat while on shoots, where Ajay grows can be sure of that what we eat is pure.”
his own veggies and fruits and several times Ask him about the tips he took from
Ajay and Emraan spent a good time Ajay and Emraan says- “I remember I
there trying their hands at did learn about several do’s and
a bit of farming. don’ts on how to manage it
Emraan was so all and a little about how
impressed by the to farm while we were
growing fad of on Ajay’s farming land.
organic farming So ‘Inshah Allah’ you
that he is thinking shall soon hear of my
of buying his own new land that I am
piece of land out certainly looking to
Mumbai: Actors Mallika Sherawat and Divya yet too hot to resist, claims the makers of ‘Hiss’.
of Mumbai now so buy somewhere out of
Dutta have found their individualistic sensual- Buzz is both these glam girls are going to go
that he could grow Mumbai and grow my
ity while shooting for ‘Hiss’. to Cannes Film Festival this year in May where
his own organic own organic food.”
An independent co-production between the the look of their film will be unveiled.
food and go the “I have under-
USA and India, directed by Jennifer Chambers What we have to now see is how they set the
healthy way, as we stood one thing in all
Lynch, Hiss, which has already been in news Cannes on fire with their own kind of sensual
had already seen him these years that if you
for its hot and bold promos featuring Mallika appeals!
lately in a new avatar, have a good health then
Sherawat has something more to offer than just The film starring Irrfan Khan, Mallika Sher-
sporting a macho look you have all the wealth
being a Freaking Horror Journey. awat, Divya Dutta and Jeff Doucette, is based
with a fabulous fit phy- in the world, so whatever
The film has let Divya and Mallika find sen- on the legend of Nāga and is about a snake
sique and six packs. it takes to keep myself
suality in their own styles.   woman whose mate is captured by an Ameri-
When asked about and my family healthy, I
Mallika will be seen in a full glam avatar as can hunter. The snake woman decides to take
his bonding with Ajay will do,” he added.
always; showing off her super curvaceous body revenge on the hunter.
and his new inspiration,
and wooing audiences with her groovy looks, The film will be released this year in English
Emraan says- “It has been
while Divya will be seen in some sensuous as well as in Hindi languages as it was shot si-
a fun working with
scenes which are far more subtle in appeal but multaneously in both the languages. 
Ajay. He is a great
human being.

Shahid play’s ‘badmaash’

We have
spent so

on Zoom

Mumbai, May 3 (IB

Bolly wood heart throb ) Ever wondered if his quick dance
Shahid Kapoor is actu- moves?
ally a ‘Bad maash’ (na
ughty) behind the sw behind his drop-dead Or, what’s the secret
Chocolate boy face? eet gorgeous looks?
Shahid will talk to
Shahid will be the hour on anything an callers for an entire
guest at Zoom TV’s d every thing includ
‘R ing A Star’ on We his interests, passion ing
dnesday to promote s etc.
upcoming film ‘Bad his ‘Bad maash Compan
maash Company’, wh y’ is Shahid’s second
he will take calls fro ere ventu re with Ya
m his fans and answer sh raj, the first being
their equerries like all Hadippa’. ‘Dil Bole
from where does he

20 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |


Khali to debut in ‘Kushti’

Mumbai: Heavy-weight star The Great stantly. However he is scared to ap-
Khali is making his Bollywood debut proach her as he finds out that he
with Hindi film ‘Kushti’. is the daughter of the ferocious ex-
He will be sharing the screen with wrestler, Avtar Singh.
actors Asrani, Rajpal Yadav, Om Puri Chander in the process of sorting
and Sharat Saxena. of letters for dispatch from the let-
‘Kusthi’ is set in a village terbox, Chander finds a letter
in North India, notorious addressed to Salman Khan,
for its obsession with wres- Super star, Mumbai. He
tling where the trustee- opens the letter and finds
ship of the village temple out that the letter is sent
is decided by an annual by Laadli.
wrestling match. He decides to play a
This match has been mischievous game and
fought for the past many Laadli ends up thinking
years by two fierce op- he is Salman Khan’s
ponents, Jiten Singh best friend.
(Om Puri) and Avtar The rest of the
Singh (Sharat Saxena). movie is all about
Both want to win Chander trying to woo
the prestigious and Laadli, and getting ap-
lucrative trusteeship proved by her father.
of the village temple But the main high-
against the other. light of the film is a fight se-
Avtar Singh has a young quence between the seven-
and beautiful daughter and-a- half feet Khali and
Ladli (Nargis). the 5 feet tall Rajpal Yadav.
She is a big fan of How Chander wins his
Salman Khan. One love in the ‘Kushti’ ring
day,Chander (Rajpal against The Great Khali
Yadav), the new postmas- forms the climax in the
ter arrives. He has come film.
to take charge of the old The movie is pro-
post office in the village, duced by Venus films

‘Want to do
which has been closed and is directed by
for some time. Rajeev Kumar. It will
Chander meets be releasing on May
Laadli and falls in 14.
love with her in-

Vintage glory at 141st stand-up comedy’

Phalke Awards
The annual prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Awards see all my movie colleagues and all of you in the
Actress Vaishnavi has come a long way from Anil Kapoor’s
Laadla and her journo stint in kid’s serial Shaktimaan. She
is now seen in Doordarshan serial Karmyudh essaying the
event in Mumbai, this time held on the Phalke’s
141st anniversary was a classy blend of vintage
audience,” reacted Pran who is fondly remembered
for his roles in scores of movies like ‘Upkaar’,’Purab
role of a dynamic cop. Excerpts
glory, traditional ethnic glamour with an undercur- Aur Paschim’ and of course as Pathaan Sher
rent of heart-warming nostalgia. As most cinema- Khan in ‘Zanjeer’ which first launched Amitabh Tell us something more about your role in the serial Karmyudh.
savvy readers may be aware, that Phalke is known Bachchan as the ‘angry young man’. Karmyudh is the story of the ever-changing social conditions, family-values and traditions, luck,
as the ‘Father of Indian Cinema’ having pioneered In his trademark staccato-style the ‘ageless’ courage and the thought process of the Indian society. The serial focuses mainly on the rampant cor-
the silent movies era, with his ‘Raja Harishchandra’ Dev Anand enthused, “Its my prerogative to be ruption taking place in our society and the way to fight it. It is not the story of a single woman, but of
way back in 1913. conferred with the Academy’s ‘Phalke Ratna’ and I an entire social system. The show also points towards the negative events taking place in our society
Not surprisingly, it was the combination of royally salute genius Phalke who gave us the mag- and encourages people to raise their voices against it. I am playing the role of Shivangi Chauhan
Awardees (80 plus) DevAnand and (80 plus) Pran ic-of-movies and the entire talented Hindi film fra- who is a strong woman, an ideal mother, wife and a daughter-in-law. My character Shivangi is ex-
Sikand which won a thunderous ovation when they ternity who have made the colorful, musical Indian tremely determined and dedicated to her work.
were presented with the ‘Phalke Ratna’ and the motion picture industry the largest in the world.”
‘Phalke Icon’ trophies. Why did you choose to work in Karmyudh?
As Dev and Pran warmly hugged each other, I really liked the story of the serial when I first heard it. I have worked with Keval jee before also
hundreds of invitees instantly jogged into a ‘flash- and I really like to work in a good and hospitable environment. We all get along very well and that’s
back’ where they recalled how both of them had what makes it a healthy working environment. Also this is a weekly series and nowadays hardly any
played lost-and-found brothers on-screen in this weekly serials are being made.
musical yesteryear mega-hit ‘Johnny Mera Naam’
(1970 ).
How was it working with Harsh Chaaya and Rohini Hattangadi?
Since it was also the eve of the ‘golden jubilee’
It was a good experience working with such talented and well-known actors from the industry.
of the Maharashtra State formation, State Deputy
Both of them are playing very powerful roles in the serial. Harsh Chaaya is shown as my husband
Chief Minister Chhagan Bhujbal who is also a huge
Yashwant Chauhan, a politician-extremely idealistic in nature and always sticking to his principals.
cultural and Hindi movies buff, extolled the phe-
Rohinji is playing the role of Maa Sa who also happens to be my mother-in-law. She is the glue that
nomenal contribution of all the veteran awardee
holds the family together especially Shivangi and Yashwant who are otherwise extremely volatile
actors particularly Pran, Dev Anand and previous
when it comes to applying their ideals in real life.
year awardee Manoj (‘Mr.Bhaarat’) Kumar who
was also present on the jubilant occasion.
“It’s a great honour for me to be fe- Are you planning to do comedy any time soon?
licitated by the I love comedy. I want to try out stand-up comedy. I have earlier acted in a comedy serial on Sahara
Phalke. Although One named Raju Raja Raja Ram.
OLD IS GOLD: (top) Dev Anand with What was your experience doing a dance reality show Saas v/s Bahu.
I need to move
on a wheelchair Prem; (below) Special Guest Manoj Ku- I really enjoyed working for a dance reality show as I really love dancing. I even bagged 2 trophies
and have lost mar with Dev Anand at Phalke Awards 2010 “Best dancer of the series and another one when our team Saas Team won. Initially I was having
the strength my some inhibitions about dancing in front of my seniors .But later on as the show progressed I shed
legs , hamaare Unfortunately, either for genuine (“out-of-town”) my inhibitions and lost my fear of dancing in front my seniors. If I get a chance I would love to
nazron mein reasons or commercial reasons (“no appearance participate in another dance reality show.
abhi bhi dum fee”), today’s gen-next yuppie stars were conspicu-
hai.( Still have ous by their absence at the Phalke Awards. Are you doing any movies?
strength in my But as event co-organiser producer Ashok Yes I am doing a movie titled as Saancha. This is a very unique film and the audience will find it
vision). It’s Shekhar (son of veteran Phalke Awardee Chan- hard to recognize me on screen. I am playing the role of a brick-maker and my role is similar to the
such a joy to drashekhar) shrugged with “The show must go on.” role of Smita Patil in the movie Mirch-masala. This movie was made especially to win the awards.

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 21


Raajneeti reflects hurly burly of Indian politics

Raajneeti is a story about Indian politics. About cal conscientious objector, who got reluctantly
Indian democracy. About Indian elections. sucked into the battle-ravaged arena of family
Above all, it is the story of a few people who rivalry. Only to turn into a master of the craft
control the destiny of millions. It is the story of of political warfare. It is the story of the woman
their unstoppable ambition, and their bitter and that he loved, and the one that loved and lost
violent battle to achieve it. This is the story of him. It is the story of his determined and fierce
people who understand power - and know how fight to protect his family. Of the bloodiest of
to wield it at will. final battles in a war alien to his character.
It is the story of Bhasker Sanyal (Naseerud- It is the story of a man’s descent into the
din Shah), the fire-brand leftist leader, as feared moral hell that is Indian politics.
for his single-handed ability to challenge the It is the story of a fiercely fought election
most powerful of leaders as he was respected campaign, where money-power and corruption
for his political integrity. Until one private are the accepted norms, and where treachery
mistake of his hurtled him into a self-imposed and manipulation are routinely used weapons.
exile and spawned a secret consequence that As the personal drama of these conflictridden
shook the destiny of the political future of the characters unfolds against this gritty backdrop,
state. love and friendship become mere baits, and re-
And of Sooraj (Ajay Devgan) who rose from
the backward classes - with anger in his heart
and leadership on his mind. And yet, his destiny
could never overcome the tragedy of his birth,
trapping him in a terrible dilemma where his
loyalty to his friend threatens to destroy his
own family. Of Brij Gopal (Nana Patekar), who
shunned every political ambition even as he
continued to mentor and guide
the younger generation of leaders while the
battle got bloodier by the day.
It is the story of Prithvi Pratap (Arjun
Rampal), heir to a powerful political legacy dent on the changing electoral fortunes of her
and impatient to seize the top position. A man love, and that even a slight shift in the faultlines
with a heart of gold but who is all brawn. A man of political negotiation would cause a devastat-
whose uncontrollable passions bring his family ing earthquake in her personal life. And yet,
to the brink of political extinction. this spirited never-say-die diva rose from the lationships get sacrificed at the altar of political
And of Veerendra Pratap (Manoj Bajpai), ashes of her tragedy to challenge every con- alignments. The darkness that rises from their
whose lunge at the throne was thwarted even tender, over-turning the political future of the souls threatens to envelope all that they hold
as he was within striking distance of it. A man state. precious. Until eventually, in the crescendo of
who believes he was born to rule, and who will Of Sarah Jean Collins (Sarah Thompson), increasing violence, the line between good and
now stop at absolutely nothing to claw his way who came from one of the bloodiest and most evil blurs, making it impossible to distinguish
back to the top. violent places on earth. Who escaped from heroes from villains.
Of Indu Sakseria (Katrina Kaif), the prin- there, bruised, hurt, and fell in love with a soul- Raajneeti is the story of Indian democracy.
cess – beautiful, passionate, arrogant. She had mate who shared a similar legacy. And her ab- private world was thrown asunder. And its ugly underside.
only one all-consuming love. Little did she horrence for it. And yet, when he was sucked And, it is the story of Samar Pratap (Ranbir Raajneeti releases on June 4, 2010.
know that her personal happiness was depen- into his destiny, this innocent bewildered girl’s Kapoor), the ultimate outsider. The apoliti-

Why is Kites called Kites?

Rakesh Roshan & Anurag Basu reveal the inspiration
behind summer’s most eagerly awaited romantic film.
Finally, we know why Kites is called Kites! Pro- Hrithik Roshan and the Mexican star Barbara
ducer Rakesh Roshan & director Anurag Basu, Mori along with Kangana Ranaut, Kabir Bedi

RECORD EVERYTHING makers of Kites one of the most eagerly awaited

romantic films of this summer disclose the in-
spiration behind their film’s title.
and Nick Brown. Kites has music by Rajesh
Roshan, cinematography by Ayananka Bose
and stunt coordination by Hollywood’s Spiro


The title and story of Kites is the brainchild Razatos. The English version of Kites is pre-
of Rakesh Roshan, the man behind some of Bol- sented and reworked by the well known Holly-
lywood’s most creative blockbusters. wood director Brett Ratner( Rush Hour Series,

“The idea for Kites came to me when I was X-Men: The Last Stand).It is re-edited by Mark
gazing at the sky and saw two kites flying,” Helfrich (Rush Hour Series, X-Men: The Last
notes Rakesh Roshan. “It looked very romantic. Stand) with additional background score by
It was very intriguing--the way they came close, Graeme Revell (Sin City, Grindhouse, Pineap-
played, almost embraced each other and then ple Express).
drew apart. Unaware that someone else was Kites releases on May 21, 2010.
pulling the strings and could cut them loose. I
sat down and penned a story around this idea”.
“Kites is the metaphor of the film. Kites fly
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22 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |
KITES is a
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‘Don’t compare
me to Khali’
Actor Rajpal Yadav is in news
again for his forthcoming film
Kushti where he will be seen
wrestling with WWE champion
The Great Khali. Excerpts

Tell us something more about

your film Kushti

The story of the movie is based on a

small village in North India where
wrestling is the most popular sport
and a wrestling match is held every
year. Two wrestling rivals Avtar
Singh and Jiten Singh have been
competing with each other in wres-
tling for many years. Avtar Singh’s
daughter (Laadli) is a huge fan of
actor Salman Khan. I play Chander,
who is a simple postman. I am madly in
love with Avtar Singh’s daughter.

How was it playing a postman?

It was the first time I am playing the role of such a humble and
simple postman; so the experience was quite interesting.

Your co-star in the film is Khali. How was your experi-

ence working with him?

It was a great experience working with Khali. He’s very down-to-

earth. He never made showed off and I never realized that Khali is
an international WWE wrestler by his modesty. We could spend
only 8-10 days with him but in that short time I found out that
beneath that entire tough exterior he is a simple man by heart.

Did you enjoy the fight with Khali in the movie?

To be very honest I don’t want to be compared with Khali. I

can never dare to even think to fight with him in a wrestling
match. Initially I was very scared of getting hurt very badly
by shooting for that wrestling match as Khali is extremely
powerful. Moreover he’s 3 times my height and size. But
luckily the wrestling went well and everything is alright
with me, that is why I am standing here, right in front of you.

How do you think audience will respond to

the film?

I have full faith and confidence that the movie which is filled
with so much laughter and comedy that the audience will be
rolling on the floors. All of us have worked extremely hard
towards making this movie and the director Rajeev Kumar
has done an excellent job in directing the movie.

It was said that the director Rajeev Kumar can-

not converse in Hindi. Did it become a problem
during the shooting of the film?

Absolutely not. Rajeev ji has assisted Priyan ji (di-

rector Priyadarshan) in his films and this is entirely
Rajeev ji’s movie. When the audience will see the
film, I am sure even they wouldn’t be able to
know that the movie is directed by a non-Hindi
speaking director.

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 23


Serious Shaan sings Rafi’s B’day song

fashion still Mumbai: Attend a birthday celebration and
a song you certainly can’t miss hearing is
“Baar Baar Yeh Din Aye…..Happy Birthday
back singer of present times, Shaan, who is
very popular amongst the youth of today.
The song titled ‘Happy Bird-Day’ is now

eludes India:
To You” from the film ‘Farz’ sung by legend- seen and heard in the Hindi animation film
ary singer Mohd Rafi. ‘Bird Idol’.  
The song has become a must for every “I have sung most of the songs in the film

birthday party since its release in 1967. but when Jyotin Ji discussed about making
But with time comes a change and so has something new and historical and came up
a new age birthday song been created after with idea of this song, I almost took it as the
a gap of over 4 long decade which has been first song of my career, because it required so
sung by Bollywood’s most bankable play- much of justice to its soul. Then there always
was an anticipation of people comparing it
Entertainment overrides creativity in Indian Kashmiri and and Parsi traditional clothing, has with Mohd’ Rafi Sahab’s song, coz whenever
fashion weeks, says designer Arnab Sengupta, a lot of embroidery and thread work and brings something new is tried, comparisons are the
who showcased his collection for the upcoming out a splash of Indian colours and style. first thing we see.  But now when people who
Indian Premier London Fashion Week. “The designs draw inspiration from the have heard it speak about it being a song of a
“The Indian fashion weeks are all about thepalaces and streets of Jaipur and has my cus- lifetime, I feel so happy to have been a part
entertainment and stars. Anybody can get away tomary traditional and ‘folk’ feel to it.” of it,” said Shaan. 
with any design by simply roping in a cricketer With heavy use of nets, velvets, Georgette, The song was conceptualized and is the
or a Bollywood actor,” he says. Brocade, and similar materials, the collection output of efforts by the producers of ‘Bird
Calling the London Fashion Week ‘the highlights the Kalamkari style of prints, veg- Idol’, Goel Screencraft, who have a long
BAFTA, of fashion industry’, he says, “Over- etable dyed on 100 per cent muslin cotton with history of producing very popular children’s
seas, people are more interested in serious painstakingly intricate detailing. songs in movies.
fashion. The design matters, not who is flaunt- Bengali actress, Ritupara Sengupta, who Jyotin Goel, Director of the film, said:
ing it for the day.” was present at the launch, clad in a blue sari “Actually this song was conceptualized by
Arnab is among the few Indian design- from the collection, says, “The thing that I love me and my son. We were at a Birthday Party
about his work is that it’s so joyful; it always has
ers selected to present their collections at the and Humming Happy Birthday and here
event, and he said he is “honoured to be able a festive feel to it.” in India we normally say Happy Bird-Day
to showcase the designs among the stalwarts of “I think Arnab is doing an excellent job in instead of saying Birthday, So that’s where
fashion like Rocky S, Neeta Lulla and Narendra making fashion wearable. His designs are in- the idea struck us and when the song came
Kumar.” novative, gorgeous and intricate without being in to happening, only one name came across
Arnab says, his collection, featuring a over the top,” she adds. my mind- Shaan.
fusion groove primarily focused on Rajasthani Arnab too feels that it is indeed very essen- “Yes, we wanted the voice which
style intermingled with tial for a design to be wearable but he says that represents the youth of today and
when it comes to fashion, wearable or not, the who better than Shaan. In fact I
consumer is still stuck in the Middle ages. was very happy when I saw Shaan
“There’s a mentality among Bengali people with the same zeal that of a young
to not invest in designer clothes; they’d much kid, while singing the song.
rather spend money on jewellery and stuff. I feel Finally the song will be out now
this needs to change,” says the designer. and I am sure from now on along
He points out how ‘investing in fashion’ and with B’aar Baar Yeh Din Aaye’,
hiring Sabyasachi Mukherjee as her designer our song will become a must in
has worked wonders for Hindi film actress the birthday celebrations.” 
Vidya Balan’s glam quotient. The story of ‘Bird Idol’ re-
Arnab, who has done 200 exhibitions all volves around a bird called
over, including the past three instalments of ‘Hummi’ who is not happy
Bridal Asia; Asian Fashion Extravaganza, with the bird music and is
Dubai; Bride & Groom, Bangkok; and DNA, greatly impressed by human
Mumbai said this collection took around two music and how he introduc-
months to complete and it features 20 outfits; es human music to the bird
the prices start at Rs 15,000. music by entering into a
Trained in Fashion Designing from the competition called Bird Idol
National Institute of Fashion Technology, and with his genuine effort
Kolkata and coming from a ‘humble back- he puts himself and his
ground and no connections’, Sengupta’s parents into trouble. 
first show was ‘Angarakha’ in collabora-
tion with the Nagaland government in 2003

A master of his craft

and he thereafter successfully launched the
‘Arnab Sengupta’ label in 2005.
The designer who said his career
started with teaching at various fashion
schools and setting up Bangladesh’s first
e s s Ri t u parna Se co ll e c tion fashion institute, works from his home- Prakash Jha, a multiple award-winning inde-
Actr ngupta
A rn a b Se on . workshop in Lake Town, Kolkata. pendent filmmaker from India, has produced
fl aunts n w e e k in Lond - Divyanshu Dutta Roy and directed ten feature films, over 25 docu-
a s h io
for a f Photos by Avishek Mitra / IBNS. mentaries, two television features and three
television series.
Jha, a committed social activist, has
always sought to document and explore the
changing socio-economic and political reali-
ties that affect the common man.
Jha’s engagement with social issues
finds voice and vision through his cinema.
Prakash Jha Productions’ trademark is
thought-provoking quality cinema.
Jha won his first National Award for Best
Documentary in 1982 for Faces After the
Storm and then went on to win the Golden
Lotus for Best Feature Film in 1985 for
Damul. Over the years he has won several Mrityudand, Damul and Parinati. Jha has
international awards and 10 National also made other mainstream popular feature
Awards including the Golden Lotus for the films like Dil Kya Kare, Rahul and Hip Hip
Best Documentary in 2003 for Sonal, the es- Hurray.
teemed National Award for the Best Feature He is also the producer of feature films by
Film on Other Social Issues in 2004 for Gan- other directors –Dil Dosti Etc (2007), Khoya
gaajal and the National Award for the Best Khoya Chand (2007) and Turning 30!!! that
Screenplay for Apaharan in 2006. is slated for release in 2010.With Raajneeti
He is acclaimed for successfully using Jha uses the vast canvas of Indian politics to
the popular idiom to discuss relevant social discuss democracy and the battle for power.
issues for films like Apaharan, Gangaajal, Raajneeti is about politics… and beyond.

24 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |


Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy to Udita turns traditional

‘Rock On’ Overseas at ‘Chase’ premiere
Mumbai: Actor mini-dress and she definitely did not look a day
Udita Goswami older than 16!
recently stunned But the main star of the evening hands down
onlookers with was director Jag Mundhra who came and posed
her traditional for photographs along with the cast.
avatar at the Anuuj especially brought Jag Mundhra
premier of to pose for the cameras. Despite of the recent
her new film speculations about Anuuj and Jag Mundhra not
‘Chase’ at Juhu, being on talking, the two seemed to be getting
Mumbai. along very well each other.
Udita, who is The duo seemed to have put back their dif-
mainly known for ferences to bask together in ‘Chase’.
the ‘dare to bare’ Aditya Raj Kapoor was also present at the
look arrived at the premiere.
premiere in ethnic Rajesh Khattar came along his better half
wear- a Vandana Sajnani Khattar and the devoted
husband made sure that when every snap of him

Mumbai: Popular music composer trio Shankar- derstand the depth of the song and hence we can’t
Ehsaan-Loy is all set rock at 12 concerts across 16 determine to which extent the audience would
cities abroad with Shri Balaji Entertainment Inc’s appreciate it. The thunderous clapping of the au-
‘Inspiration Rock On Live in concert’. dience to an artist’s performance is best music to
Singers like Mahalaxmi Iyer and Richa the artist’s ears. That’s why whenever we get an
Sharma will also be participating in the tour. opportunity to perform we try not to miss .I really
“Our main focus is on the music and the enjoy performing in front of a live audience.”
musical content,” said Shankar Mahadevan . The choreographers of the show are Kunjan
Asked about performing with Pakistani Singer and Danny.
Shafaqat Amaanat Ali Khan, he said: “We don’t “There is a huge difference in performing in a
mind performing in Pakistan as well. Shafaqat is a reality show and in front of a live audience. This stylish and elegant black kurta and salwaar. was clicked his beloved wife was in the snap
very talented singer and he is well known all over tour means a lot to us as it is challenging as well. The first arrival at the premiere was made along with him.
the world. The Pakistani people staying abroad We all feel privileged to perform in front of60,000 by producer-actor Anuuj Saxena, along with his Critically acclaimed director Tanuja
will turn up in huge numbers to listen to him”. live audiences,” the duo said. co-actress Tarina Patel. Anuuj Saxena looked Chandra also attended the premiere and looked
“We also want to spread the message of love, “We will be doing 12 concerts in more than dashing in his suit. His parents also arrived to smart and elegant in her ethnic wear.
friendship and peace though our concert,” Loy 16 cities abroad. We have the most talented artists bless their son for his successful –double stint Savita Prabhune, Narayani Shastri, and
added.“Music is to heal. When people listen to travelling and performing with us. We have made as an actor and as a producer. Raymon Singh Anuuj’s co-stars from his serial
our music they can relate to it. That is why people a commitment that we will successfully finish the Tarina Patel decided to turn up in wore a ‘Kkusum’ also attended the premiere.
loved Kal Ho Na Ho’s music because they could all the concerts in a span of 1 month,” Ehsaan said. beautiful orange color designer dress. ‘SarkarRaj’ actress Rukhsar attended the
feel the emotions hidden deep in every song.” Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy are presently working Many of Anuuj’s co-actors from the tele- premiere in a dark green party dress.
Meanwhile, Mahalaxmi said: “When a singer on Nikhil Advani’s ‘Patiala House’ and a film with vision industry also turned up for the movie Model Muzzamil Ibrahim came with a
records a song in a studio, he or she doesn’t un- director Zoya Akhtar. premiere-some with their spouses, some alone. friend.
Actress Tasneem Sheikh attended the pre- Amongst others who attended the premiere
miere with her shippy husband Sameer Nerur- were actresses Poonam Dhillon and Deepsikha,

Eros International launches

kar. Also actor Indraneil Sengupta came along and telly actors Gautam Rode and Shaleen
his wife Barkha Bisht who wore a cream colored Bhanot.

Tappoo’s debut album All movies have love-making scenes’

Model-turned-actress Tarina Patel has acted in quired to shoot for some love-making scenes but
MUMBAI: Sumeet Tappoo’s debut romantic movies like Just Married, Dus Kahaniyan, Dhol, I think almost all the movies that are being made
album, released by India’s largest film company Bhool Bhulaiyya, and Karz. She will now be nowadays have such scenes.
Eros International, has hit the TOP 10 charts in seen in Anuuj Saxena-Udita Goswami starrer
India. Chase. Excerpts from an interview with Indian What was your experience being cast
Meri Deewangi, in its third week of release, Weekender Bollywood correspondent: opposite Anuuj?
has gained momentum and has entered the
Planet M Indian Charts at number Nine, the Tell us something about your role in Anuuj is a delight to work it. He managed to juggle
Rhythm House Charts at number three, the Chase. his roles of being an actor and a producer very suc-
Mirchi Charts at number nine and the Bolly- cessfully. We had lots of fun during the making of
wood Online Charts at number six. Chase is an action thriller .The movie is the struggle the movie in Mumbai andShrinagar where had to
The music video of the title track of the of Sohail who is accused wrongly of a murder and is shoot for some song sequences.
album has also become a huge hit with music caught in the trap set by some of the most influential
lovers across the world. The video features up- the good wishes and blessings from friends and people in the city. I play the character of Surabhee This is an action-thriller movie and you
coming actress Anjali Pandey alongside Sumeet music lovers” said Sumeet. who is a journalist as well as Sohail’s girlfriend. She are playing a love interest of the lead
in a stunning music video created and produced Meri Deewangi features eight romantic endangers everything dear to her in the process of hero. So is your role secondary com-
by talented director Cunal Ranjan who has tracks which have been composed by Music Di- helping Sohail to set himself free. pared to others who shot for the action
created a surreal world with the use of VFX and rector Deepak Pandit, with Music arrangement sequences?
high- end graphics. by Hira Pandit and Dhiren Raichura, and backed How was your experience working with
Sumeet’s work in Meri Deewangi has won by well-known musicians from within the in- director Jagmohan Mundhra? Absolutely not. I have been assigned a very good
both critical and commercial acclaim and the dustry. Lyricists include Manoj Muntashir, Asir role in the movie. My character is sketched as per
Mumbai-based singer is all set to make a mark Burahanpuri and Shaqeel Azmi. The album was I had an amazing experience working with Jag Ji. the storyline and inspite of it being a complete
in the music scene in India and internationally. mastered in London by Mauro Cacclalanza. He has directed the movie very well and I am condi- action thriller movie I had to work a lot for it.
Sumeet was elated at the news of his debut As a bonus, the album also features a ‘Dance dent that the audiences are going to love the movie.
album making the Top 10 charts in India. “I Mix’ of the title track which has been pro- Do you think the audience will appreci-
am absolutely thrilled that this effort has been duced by internationally renowned and London There has been a certain speculation ate the movie?
recognised by music lovers here in India. based artists Priest J (aka Suj Joshi) and Patrick going on that you and Anuuj shot for
My honest expectation of this album was McMahon. some hot and steamy love-making I am very confident that the audience will appreci-
that it would just be liked by music lovers around Meri Deewangi is now available in all scenes… ate the movie as all of us have worked very hard in
the world. But this news of making the charts is leading music stores worldwide including in making the movie. Jag Ji has done a fantastic job di-
an icing on the cake. My sincere gratitude to all New Zealand. No this not true. I have shot for scenes which were recting the movie. I am sure that the audience won’t
necessary for the story of the film. We were re- be disappointed after seeing the movie.

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 25



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26 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |

The story of the iPhone 4 considered to be one of the most visible and suc- an improved display, split volume buttons, a me- Of course a story of this magnitude raises in-
Divyanshu Dutta Roy cessful blog-oriented media companies, went tallic finish to all the buttons and ‘what looks to numerable questions in the social media driven
New York: On Thursday, March 18 2010, a public with the scoop on Apr 19, 2010 10:00 a.m be a secondary mic for noise cancellation, at the world today.
North Carolina State University 2006 graduate (ET). top, next to the headphone jack’. Even though the web is buzzing with excite-
reportedly entered Gourmet Haus Staudt, a nice Gizmodo however was not the first one; Also, almost confirming its originality, the ment but questions such as why Endgadget did
German beer garden in Redwood City, Califor- when something as heated as the next iPhone new iPhone features an iPad-like micro-SIM not pursue the story.
nia, to celebrate his 27th birthday. is doing the rounds, whispers and murmurs are instead of the regular sized SIM cards used in Some bloggers believe that AOL, which
He also apparently updated his Facebook bound to come up. previous iPhone models. owns Endgadget, and is still a huge corpora-
status from his phone by typing “I underes- Around 7:48 p.m. (ET) on April 17, Giz- The device also sees several design evolu- tion, might have been discouraged from taking
timated how good German beer is.” And then on risks that could have otherwise put it at odds
somewhere along he lost his phone; and that’s with Apple.
where the night went wrong. AOL has in the meantime, reportedly said
The problem was that the just-turned-27,
Gray Powell, an employee at Apple Inc., was
The problem was that the just-turned-27, that they “aren’t in the habit of paying for
scoops” and this “encourages awful behaviour
using a top secret prototype phone made by
Apple - what now seems to be the 4th genera- Gray Powell, an employee at Apple Inc., was in tipsters”.
One will inevitably wonder what Apple’s
tion iPhone. action be, being a company that guards its
Powell, an Apple Software Engineer working
on the iPhone Baseband Software, the program
using a top secret prototype phone made by secrets with revered ferocity but Apple has not
yet made any signs of taking on Gizmodo on the
that enables the iPhone to make calls was using legal lawn.
the next-generation iPhone that he was testing
on the field, cleverly disguised as an iPhone
Apple - what now seems to be the Surprising many critics, on Monday,
Apple sent a polite letter to Gizmodo editor,
3GS. Brian Lam, asking for the ‘device’ back after
The man found it at the supposedly took it 4th generation iPhone. Gizmodo merely stated that all it needed was a
home thinking to be just an ordinary iPhone that written acknowledgement from Apple that they
he would return the following day. had indeed, lost the ‘device’.
Next morning he found that Apple had re- modo’s competitor blog, Endgadget, owned by tions such as a completely flat back, an aluminum At the same time, there are bloggers as well
motely ‘killed’ the phone and that’s when, after AOL Inc. had posted some images which it said border going completely around the outside, and who still feel that all this was actually a cleverly
some tinkering, the plastic disguise-case came it ‘thought’ to be the next gen iPhone. a general departure from the overall ‘rounded- executed sham for either to create the buzz or
off and there lay a distinctly different looking Endgadget, however, did not pursue the story ness’ of the designs of previous iPhones for a to get an idea public opinion regarding the pro-
iPhone. for some reason and after Gawker’s Nick Denton more ‘industrial’ or ‘squared’ look. posed iPhone specs without actually having to
Known for its legendary secrecy surround- shelled out 5000 USD for the device, Gizmodo The phone is also reported to be running the admit much.
ing its products prior to launch, the event turned brought out the electrifying piece of news. recently announced iPhone 4 operating system, The yet to be named 4th generation iPhone,
into somewhat of an embarrassment for Apple, Even though it raises many eyebrows to what is 3 grams heavier and features a 16% larger rumoured to be christened ‘iPhone 4G’ or
when almost a month later a technology blog extent a ‘story’ may be pursued and at what cost, battery. ‘iPhone HD’, is expected to be unveiled in June
completely dissected its top secret prototype in Denton, who seemed unabashed, tweeted, “Yes, Even though there is a possibility that this this year.
front of the world. we’re proud practitioners of checkbook journal- could be a fake device, but as Gizmodo reports, Apple, expected to reveal its quarterly earn-
Gizmodo, a technology blog owned and ism. Anything for the story!” it is very unlikely that ‘someone having to use ings on Monday, experienced a downward curve
operated by Gawker Media, an online media According to Gizmodo, the new iPhone fea- Apple components to design a functioning in its stock prices after the story flared all over,
company and blog network, founded and owned tures an all new front-facing video chat camera, phone, from scratch, and then disseminating it but has slowly started recovering.
by Nick Denton based in New York City and improved regular back-camera, a camera flash, to people around the world’.

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 27


While you were…not sleeping!

When 41 year old Sheel Kumar decided to lant before, during have experienced awareness occur despite our best efforts, we
go under the surgeons knife little she know and after surgery to anesthesia aware- must engage the patient in a program of psy-
that it would leave her petrified for the years ensure the safety, ness are encour- chological rehabilitation to reduce these long-
to come. The operation; which was a simple comfort and recov- aged to contact term consequences.”
surgery to remove a scar tissue from an ery of each patient.” their anesthesi- Medical community is aggressively ad-
ankle injury became a horrendous experience I nt r a- operat ive ologist regarding dressing intra-operative awareness, but there
for Sheel as she was able to feel everything awareness remains their experience. are things that even the patients should do to
despite of being anesthetized. an undesirable The first step in limit their risk.
What Kumar experienced is a phenom- complication with overcoming the First of all listing down all medications
enon called intra-operative awareness during potential for the de- adverse emotional before surgery as some might make your body
anesthesia. It’s something that happens when velopment of post- consequences of metabolize things more quickly. One also
the effect of the anaesthetic agents responsi- traumatic stress dis- an intra-operative needs to give a brief account of family history
ble for lack of awareness during the surgical order. awareness experi- and medical risk factors.
process either is not good enough or has worn Assessing the ence is acknowl- Also when researching on the choice of
off while the operation is in progress. depth of anesthesia edgement that it your surgeon, one should not forget to find
According to the American Society of remains a challenge may have occurred out who will be administering and monitor-
Anesthesiologists (ASA) incidences of aware- for the anesthesia “Int ra-opera- ing anesthesia during the surgery. It is wise to
ness occur once or twice per 1,000 surgeries provider as clinical tive awareness is find out about their credentials, training, and
performed under general anesthesia. signs are unreliable Following surgery, patients who believe obviously a ter- safety record.
“Regardless of statistics, even one case of and there is no sen- they may have experienced anesthesia rible outcome, and It could be the most important research
anesthesia awareness is too many,” Dr. Saikat sitive and specific clearly we need to you do to protect your safety when undergo-
Sengupta, Sr Consultant & Academic Coordi- monitor. awareness are encouraged to contact do everything we ing any surgical procedure.
nator, Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals, Kolkata . Fo l l o w i n g their anesthesiologist regarding their can to prevent it,” (IBNS)
“The entire team responsible for the surgery, patients who reveals Dr. Sengup-
patient in the Operating Room must be vigi- believe they may experience. ta adds. “Should

Why is Tagore still important?
ram lingam
Last week on 7th May it was the 150th birth
anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore
(7 May 1861 – 7 August 1941). Tagore as we
know him was a Bengali poet, philosopher,
Mind without Fear
artist, playwright, composer and novelist. Just
late last year we even saw the inauguration of a
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Tagore library here in Auckland at the Mahatma Where knowledge is free
Gandhi centre.
Tagore has been acclaimed as perhaps the Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
greatest literary figure in history. His extraordi-
nary output in literature includes approximately By narrow domestic walls
50 dramas, 1000 poems, 2000 songs, 38 plays,
12 novels, 100 books of verse (much of which Where words come out from the depth of truth
he set to music), 200 short stories, innumer-
able essays covering every important social,
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
political and cultural issue of his time. Tagore Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
also left numerous drawings and paintings, and
songs for which he wrote the music himself. Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
There is any hardly any Indian from main-
land India who doesn’t know about the great Where the mind is led forward by thee
bard of Bengal – Tagore. But do we know
enough about Tagore and his major ideas which Into ever-widening thought and action
renewed Indian culture in his writings?
We certainly know him to be the author of
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake
India’s national anthem – the ‘Jana Gana Mana’ - Rabindranath Tagore
and as a poet was the winner of the Nobel Prize
for literature in 1913. He was the father figure
who gave the title of ‘Mahatma’ to Mahatma home; and although at seventeen he was sent to by Rabindranath. Dr.S.Radhakrishnan who other poet. For the world he became the voice
Gandhi. It was given in response to Gandhiji England for formal schooling, he did not finish wrote his first book “The Philosophy of Rabi- of India’s spiritual heritage; and for India he
conferring the title of “Gurudev” (great teacher) his studies there. In his mature years, in ad- ndranath Tagore” believed Tagore’s philosophy became a great living institution. That’s why
upon Tagore. dition to his many-sided literary activities, he to be the “genuine manifestation of the Indian Tagore is still important.
Tagore who gave us our national anthem managed the family estates, a project which spirit.”
wrote -- “I have loved India and sought to serve brought him into close touch with common So why is Tagore still important in this
her not because of her geographical magnitude, humanity and increased his interest in social modern world? What are his major ideas? Here are samp
les of his
not because of her great past, but because of my reforms. He also started an experimental school Tagore is important because he is unquestion- famous quote
faith in her today and my belief that she will at Shantiniketan where he tried his Upanishadic ably the most towering figure of modern Indian s:
stand for truth and freedom and the higher ideals of education. Tagore was knighted by the and what he teaches us is timeless. l Faith
is the bird th
things of life”. ruling British Government in 1915, but in 1919 His major ideas some 130 years ago are sings when the da at feels the light and
His song ‘Amar Shonar Bangla (My Golden he surrendered it as a protest against the Mas- still relevant and implemented even today. His w n is still dark.
l Do not say, “I
Bengal) of which the first ten lines got adopted sacre of Amritsar, where British troops killed major ideas according to an article by Profes- dismiss it with a t is mor ning,”
na and
in 1972 as the Bangladesh national anthem. In some 400 Indian demonstrators protesting co- sor Narayan Champawat in the book ‘’Great it for the first tim me of yesterday. See
fact, in 2006, even China’s Communist Party lonial laws. Between 1878 and 1932, Tagore Thinkers of the Eastern World’ were: ‘Modern e as a newborn
that has no nam child
signalled its favourable view of the Indian visited more than thirty countries on five conti- civilisation has gathered its wealth and missed e.
l The soil, in retu
poet when the party organ, the People’s Daily, nents; many of these trips were crucial in famil- its well-being. True education must aim at keeps the tree tie rn for her serv
elected him as one of the 50 foreign person- iarizing non-Indian audiences with his works. freedom from ignorance of the laws of the uni- d to her; the sk ice,
nothing and leav y asks
alities who have influenced modern Chinese Tagore’s ideal was the universal human being verse and freedom from passion and prejudice. es it free.
l You can’t cross
thinking. The paper described his as “one of – rational, humane, creative and spiritual. He The supreme one is personality and creates the standing and sta the sea merel
India’s greatest poets, writers, artists as well was himself such a person. His philosophy was world and its people for self expression. The ring at the water y by
l If yo
u cr y beca .
as social activists”. Tagore’s poems were trans- founded on his vision of reality. Rabindranath supreme and humanity are related by mutual out of your life, use the sun has gone
lated in Chinese as early as 1915 and also pub- Tagore was not a stranger to the political arena love. The same stream of life runs throughout your tears will
you from seeing prevent
lished in influential publications of the time like either. He actively supported Mahatma Gandhi, the universe. Religion should establish unity in l Death
th e stars
is not extin
the Xin Qingnian (New Youth). and his agenda of social reforms through civil diversity.’ is only putting ou guishing the light; it
According to the biography available in disobedience. Gandhi and the other founding As a philosopher, he brought out the essence daw n has come. the lamp because the, Rabindranath was educated at leaders of modern India were deeply influenced of Eastern spirituality in his poetry like no

28 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |


An apple a day…Healthy Eating

Adeela Afiz
The need to eat healthy and have a good diet cial properties, also being used in ayurveda. I day, when you eat more calories in a day than compared to similar products. The point of it is
is something we always hear about and a lot am not saying it should be completely cut out what you use, the extra calories are stored in to make it easy for you to identify which is the
of us claim to already do. For the rest of us, of our diets. But like all things, moderation is your body as fat cells. When the amount of fat healthier brand or product when buying bread,
the array of foods and sweets on offer every- important. When using in cooking, either for cells increase and you gain weight, it impacts meat, dairy, sauces etc. Next time you are out
day are too tempting and we end up indulging making roti and parathas or using in curries, your whole body. Your heart needs to work shopping keep and eye out for the tick and try
without meaning too. pay attention to the amount that is being harder to pump blood to the areas of extra to use heart foundation endorsed products to
But what is healthy eating really and how used. You may find that you are weight and new capillaries (tiny blood help prevent heart disease.
can we easily incorporate it into our lives? able to use a lot less and still vessels) need to be formed. This Lastly remember to keep up your water
Healthy eating incorporates a lot of factors. get the taste you require is why gaining too much weight intake! Hydration is important and the best
It is not just about eating the right foods, with a without compromising your impacts your health and can source of it is natural filtered water rather than
balance of all the food groups including carbo- health in the long run. Or cause problems such as hyper- sweet or sugary drinks. . Try to have 8 glasses
hydrates, protein and good fats but also moni- you may want to experi- tension and heart disease. of water a day and to make it easier, keep a
toring salt, sugar, additives and preservatives ment with alternatives Two fairly easy changes drink bottle handy so you ca keep sipping
and using portion control. The need for edu- such as low cholesterol you may like to try to improve throughout the day.
cation in this area is perhaps becoming more or reduced salt options what you eat is eating low GI
essential as we see the rising incidence of Type so that your meals are alternatives and when doing Quick tips in conclusion:
Two Diabetes and Heart Disease in our Indian healthier. your shopping, choosing prod-
community. Why is this so? Portion control is ucts with the heart foundation • eat a variety of nutritious foods
While the foundation of the basic Indian another important factor. tick. • eat less fatty, salty, sugary foods
diet is healthy, incorporating legumes, vegeta- Even while eating the healthiest Low GI stands for Glycemic • keep fried treats to a minimum or
bles and other high in antioxidant spices, two diet, if you’re eating twice as much Index and simply means the amount of use an alternative way of cooking
areas where we overindulge is in adding extras as you need too, your body will store sugar that a product contains and how quickly • eat more vegetables and fruits
such as butter and cream and portion sizes. it as fat. Over eating on a regular basis puts it will increase the amount of sugar in your • fully breastfeed infants for at least
Ingredients like ghee (clarified butter) and your whole body under stress. The digestive blood. By making some small changes you can six months
even normal butter and margarine spreads system needs to work harder and longer every make it easier for your body to digest these • be active every day for at least 30
should be used in moderation. Ghee has been time you eat a large meal. Your body needs foods and be healthier. For example, eating minutes in as many ways as possible
used since ancient times and has many benefi- a certain amount of energy to function each brown or wholegrain bread instead of white. • add some vigorous exercise for
Mixing in wholemeal flour instead of just extra benefit and fitness
using white flour, and eating porridge instead • aim to maintain a healthy weight
of sugary breakfast cereals. This benefits you throughout life
in two ways. 1. It contains less sugar so it
is healthier for you. 2: They are slow release Chiropractors believe in using the best and
foods so they keep you fuller for longer which most natural options for your body to optimise
can help you eat less during the day and help your health. Diet and exercise is part of a holis-
with weight management. tic lifestyle and incorporated into a chiroprac-
The heart foundation tick is a red tick that tic health care programme.
is displayed on foods in the supermarket. The
health food foundation puts this tick on a wide - For more information please feel free to
variety of products that are the healthier option contact Adeela Afiz, Chiropractic Intern at
to help reduce heart disease in New Zealand. New Zealand College of Chiropractic, 6 Har-
These products have the tick because they rison Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland Ph:
contain low levels of fats, salt and calories 09 526 2100.


WEEKENDCUISINE Who can you trust?

Cocktail Prawns Oliver Pereira

Independent ratings and what they mean nies since 1971. Its premier ratings start with
Recipe by Ruby Dhillon AAA (extremely strong), AA (very strong), A
Ever wondered about the ‘financial rating’ in- (strong) and BBB (good).
Ingredients: Method: formation at the end of insurance company cor- Similar ratings schemes exist to provide im-
respondence: how important it is and what it partial benchmarking in other financial sectors.
• 1kg- Peeled Prawns - large size • Make a paste of the cumin seeds, tells you? For example, the Australasian company Cannex
We all like to know that the company we’re rates all financial products available in New
- fresh or frozen red chillis, cloves, cinnamon sticks, dealing with is well regarded and reputable Zealand, including deposit account and credit
when it comes to their meeting their obligations. card services, and home loans. Superior prod-
• [Easiest is to buy a frozen pack ginger and vinegar But apart from what you hear or are told, how do ucts and services receive a five-star rating.
of peeled prawns from your lo- you really know? That’s where ratings come in.
• Heat oil in a wok. Fry onions until A number of high-profile companies conduct For more information, go to:
cal super market] brown. independent evaluations of companies operat-
ing in the financial services industry − including
• 1- Onion (small and sliced) • Add the above paste and fry until fat insurers − providing a means of benchmarking
financial strength and dependability.
• 3tbs- Crushed Ginger leaves the masala. A.M. Best is one of the leading providers The above information is general and has
of insurance ratings worldwide, with over 100 been provided to serve only as a guideline to
• 2tbs- Cumin seeds • Add prawn, stir and cook until its years’ experience of the insurance industry. assist in evaluating your insurance needs and
• 10- Whole red chillis Their Financial Strength Rating (FSR) is an as- is not to be relied upon as a full explanation
dry and cooked sessment of an insurer’s ability to meet its obli- or substitute for obtaining professional advice
• 8- Cloves • Serve hot with chopped coriander gations to policyholders. related to your individual circumstances. You
The ‘secure’ ratings are A++, A+ (superior), are encouraged to do your own research before
• 2- Cinnamon sticks (1-inch) and/or sweet thai chilli sauce. A, A- (excellent) and B++, B+ (good). In recent arriving at any decisions.
years, these ratings have become an increasing-
• 5tbs- Vinegar • Can also be served on skewers ly important factor in consumers’ decisions to For further information, please contact:
purchase insurance. Oliver Pereira – OPM Insurance Services
• Salt according to taste Another well-known ratings provider is Ltd.
• Oil for frying Standard & Poor’s. Ph. 0800 66 77 92, Faxmail. 021 551 669,
This international company has been assess- Mobile. 021 66 77 92
ing the financial strength of insurance compa- Email.

Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 29


30 Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 |


Indian Weekender | May 14, 2010 | 31


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Indian -
Weekender | May 14, 2010 |

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