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com / april 2016

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when we are not happy
we are not love

Join in on the


Show Up and
Have an Experience
of Imperturbability!

Have abundance of wealth & health

and manifest anything
Graduates have asked for more support so we will conduct a
FREE TeleconferenceClean-up, Question & Answer Sessions
each Wednesday evening
at 5:30 pm Pacific time (8:30 Eastern; 7:30 Central; 6:30 Mountain).

In an effort to accommodate everyone who wants to join in,

we now can accommodate thousands.
You can sign up for our new teleconference and
receive your own pin number and new conference line number.
To enroll in this new teleconference, go to:
Want to Share the Method
with Your Friends?
Go to
and download a FREE MP3 of a special Sharing
The Method held by Larry recently. Your friends and
acquaintances will love it. There are two special MP3
you can have and send to your friends, no charge.

Graduates who have recently participated in the new Teleconferences

have been treated to a way of Releasing that is much FASTER AND EASIER
Recently, we realized that most graduates have not been using the Six
Steps properly or not much at all. By
fine-tuning their use of the Six Steps,
graduates have been gaining amazing
results. Here are just some of the
gains that we have been receiving.

Feels Liberated, Peaceful and Loving

After last nights call, I finally got it - the mind will
forever be the mind - offering negativity and wanting
and cant having, all the while making noise about figuring out how to get. Beingness will forever be all loving,
allowing, omnipotent, omniscient. I recognized that
there was a secret cleverness in the mind that kept
my attention as it inferred that if I finally got it Right,
figured it out, I could get what it was telling me I wanted.
That the mind could be other and better than it was
if only I could just be better and more deserving. Wow,
just to have it CLICK - having heard it from Lester, Larry
and all the teachers a zillion times, feels so liberating,
peaceful and loving. Oh boy, now the work can really
begin. Barbara O

Reduces Back Pain and Gains Income

After the last retreat, I noticed the following gains:
extremely reduced back pain; 50% income increase
with one client; witnessing more what Im creating and
the ability to directly reverse or accept; higher ability
to handle my feelings appropriately; more clearance of
why things are actually the way they are S.S.

Peace, Love and Happiness

Im spending so much more time in peace, love and
happiness than ever before. I have an opportunity to
make money from my rental house by doing absolutely
nothing. I didnt see this as a gain when it first came
to me. A local company contacted me and said they
could take over all the work to run my house, or just do
parts of it. I had a meeting with them. Then thought I
dont need them, Ive been doing this myself for years.
I can see now I was in pride and holding onto wanting
control. As I let go of these things go in other areas of
my life, I began to have clarity. I began to see how nice
it would be to have the time & financial freedom to do
what I want instead of my schedule being dictated by
the house. I began to see how the more I release, the
more Im setting up my life to do what I preferand I

hadnt even noticed it happening. When I got pride and

wanting out of the way, I can see this as a tremendous
gain. And I can laugh that I wouldnt let myself see it
before. Carrie C.

Sleeping Better & A New Perspective

Im sleeping better. People seem more helpful in daily
affairs. Learning how to heal head congestion and back
pain. I do not feel need to have eye contact and smile
to everyone. I do not feel responsible to make them
happy and seek their approval. Huge gain and relief for
me. I am able to look at myself and my life from a new
refreshing perspective Diane S

Feels Like I Woke Up to a New World

My main intension for the course was to let go of
my attachment to my mind, allow it to chatter and be
imperturbable with that. To be honest, I thought that Ill
never get it. I thought that I have a stubborn mind that
will never let me go free. Well, that was just another
thought :-)
I had this wonderful experience of peace and serenity that nothing can replace. The breakthrough was recognizing some energy that was trying to leave, and for
some reason I was afraid of it. That fear kept it in place.
And then the gates to my subconscious were opened :-)
I can witness my mind and ego, see thoughts,
feelings and beliefs and let them go. As much as I let
go of resistance I see more and released it. And when
I totally immerse myself in love my mind is gone and
Im all love. It feels like I woke up to a new world. My
gratitude to everything you are doing is much beyond
words. Diane S

Always Happy Now

I realize Im just always happy now, and I dont care
if Im doing nothing or always doing something. I know
this since I can sit in public for hours merely enjoying the
inner peace, quiet, perfection, and love. Bill H

How to Apply the Six Steps Properly

Wanting Approval
I DECIDE to release and be IMPERTURBABLE
Example: Could I let go of WANTING APPROVAL, so I can HAVE APPROVAL?
Yes. (Wait for the answer)

Yes (Wait for the answer)

Having Approval

Yes (Wait for the answer)

Does it feel like I HAVE APPROVAL or still WANT APPROVAL?

Example: Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?

Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?

Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
REPEAT OFTEN TO FEEL LIGHTER (theres no end to Step 6)

Wanting Control
I DECIDE to release and be IMPERTURBABLE
Example: Could I let go of WANTING CONTROL, so I can HAVE CONTROL?
Yes. (Wait for the answer)

Yes (Wait for the answer)

Having Control

Could I let go of WANTING CONTROL, so I can HAVE CONTROL?
Yes (Wait for the answer)

Does it feel like I HAVE CONTROL or still WANT CONTROL?


Example: Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?

Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?

Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
REPEAT OFTEN TO FEEL LIGHTER (theres no end to Step 6)

Wanting Safety
I DECIDE to release and be IMPERTURBABLE
Example: Could I let go of WANTING SAFETY, so I can HAVE SAFETY?
Yes. (Wait for the answer)

Yes (Wait for the answer)

Having Safety

Could I let go of WANTING SAFETY, so I can HAVE SAFETY?
Yes (Wait for the answer)

Does it feel like I HAVE SAFETY or still WANT SAFETY?

Example: Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?

Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?

Could I let go of the way I feel to see if it gets any better?
REPEAT OFTEN TO FEEL LIGHTER (theres no end to Step 6)

Keep the Six Steps with You at All Times

The Six Steps

1 You must want imperturbability more than you want approval, control and security.
2 Decide you can do the Method and be imperturbable.
3 See all your feelings culminate in three wantsthe want of approval, control
and security/survival. See that immediately and immediately let go of the want of
approval, want to control and the want of security/survival.
4 Make releasing constant.
5 If you are stuck, let go of wanting to control the stuckness.
6 Each time you release you are happier and lighter.
If you release continually,
you will be continually happier and lighter.



by Dennis Sullivan

sk someone who
is a releaser
if they want more
money, more love,
more of whatever.
Ask them. They will
probably say, oh, yes
I want it.
Its not a trick
question. Even as
releasers, we forget
because we have this
lifetimes long habit
of wanting.
Check. Check for
the feeling of wanting, the feeling of
wanting that thing,
that person. Notice
the wanting feeling.
Get in touch with the
feeling of wanting. Get to know the feeling
of wanting.
We have to become familiar with that
wanting feeling so we can notice when we
are into wanting and in noticing it, in seeing
it, we let it go.
We keep on wanting. Its a habit. Its a
habit that keeps us from having. We have
to get that.
We hear it beginning in the Abundance
Course but it takes us awhile to get it
because its such a strong long-time habit.
We think we have to want in order to
have. We dont see that wanting is negative.
We never notice that what we want we do
not have, that wanting is stopping us from
There is a way to prove it to ourselves,
however. In the Release Technique we are
able to prove whatever we learn, we are

able to experience
and prove that it is
true. That is the only
real learning, when
we can prove to ourselves the truth of
So, lets take
wanting. Think of
a couple of things
you want. Notice the
things you want, you
do not have. That is
proof right there that
wanting prevents us
from having.
Think of something you have. Do
you want that thing?
No, you have it.
Here is more
proof. Think of something you want. Using
the kinesthetic method of releasing. Put
your head down toward your stomach or
chestthus disengaging your brainand
notice if there is an unwanted energy, a
Think of something you want and check.
Is there a contraction, a clutching? Yes, of
course there is.
That feeling is lack; that is a lacking
feeling, the pain of wanting. The lacking
feeling comes from wanting.
Now think of something you have.
Check. Any clutching or contraction? Of
course not. Because, you have the thing or
person. When you have, you are in harmony. When you are into wanting, you are out
of harmony.
Now, your mind will not want you to
believe any of this, but when you are into

wanting, you are resisting having; you are

pushing away having.
Check again.
Think of something you have, dont
think of something you want a bigger or
better version ofjust something you have.
Check for that energy of lack in your body.
Not there, right?
Thats because you are into having,
youre not into wanting.

real long time. We have to dig in our heels

and make a decision.
Drop wanting one want at a time. And,
we can still be open to the possibility that
the next want we drop will be the very last
want and we are free of wanting.
Its a decision. I am going to look for
wanting every moment and when I see it,
I am going to drop it like a hot poker. In
order to have, I am going to let go of want-


Wanting is such a negative, long-time
habit, we have to look for it all the time and
let it go every time we see it.
By the way our mind, as you have
noticed, our mind does not give up easily.
There has to be a strong intention and determination to let go of wanting.
Letting go of wanting is an all the time
thing, just as before releasing, wanting was
an all the time thing. We look for the wanting and let it go all the time until there is no
more wanting and the mind is quiet.
We are unlimited beings so we can drop
all of our negativity, all of our wanting, our
wants, we can drop it all in a millisecond.
We have that ability, that power.
However, we are living a dream, we are
living in this imaginary realm called, I am
a limited being and I can only drop a little
bit of negativity, a little bit of wanting at a
time, just a little at a time.
Okay then, chip away at the great wanting machine. We have imagined it into
Chip away at it one want at a time, but
please, for your sake, for the sake of your
aliveness, do chip away at it. Otherwise,
you get to keep all of your pain, all of your
suffering right along with all of your wanting.
We must remember, our mind has had us
locked-up in this prison called wanting for a

ing and allow.

Being positivewhich is living in the
realm of havingbeing positive is an all
the time job.
Well, our mind is on the job being negative and being into wanting 7/24/365 isnt
it? So being vigilant, being awake and dropping wanting is a 7/24/365 job too. Until
one day, if we keep at it ardently, all of
the wanting collapses and there is no more
wanting, no more pain of lack, no more
The mind is quietwe live in having
and we are happy all the time. Its just a
And, by the way, once you have let go of
wanting, what does it take to have anything
you would like to have?
Once you have let go of wanting, all you
need to do is allow yourself to have. What
do you need to do to allow?
Its so simple. We do not have to do anything to allow.


Using this remarkable CD, I easily removed most of my I cants

Living in I Can is Wonderful and Possible! S.L., NM

Moving From
I Cant to
I Can
Learn how to knock out your
Limitations and Excuses

by Larry Crane

Also a

MP3 vdailable as

Look u ownload.
MP3avdailable as
Look ownload.
our we on
store under
websit on our

Why be frustrated with excuses for not doing exactly what you wish to do?
These CDs will show you how to eliminate all excuses and I cants and
make them into I CAN. Weve compiled a set of 5 CDs that will show you
how to do it.
Item #1060-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)
For additional shipping charges out of U.S. visit

Learn Lesters Secret to Having Perfect Health and End Suffering NOW!

Lester Levenson

Designed to MAXIMIZE your

health, wellness and fitness!!

Health and Fitness Make the Difference

Between Living Well and Living
Quality of life is what we all want. Good health helps
us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness makes us want to
live it every day. If you agree with these three premises,
keep reading.

Youll Learn a Way to Eliminate the

Underlying Cause of Your Major Health
Problems Easily!!
While we know you are interested in becoming
healthier and fitter or maintaining the health and fitness
you have, we also know you have limited time to devote
to it. We therefore pledge to you a fast, simple method
to hop aboard the fitness fast train. Get on track with this
amazing course.

If you have tried virtually everything to no

avail or with only fleeting success

Then this course is for you

Youll learn a way so vital that its bursting out of

you with unbelievable energy.
Eliminate the underlying cause of major health
Learn skills for weight loss and weight
Have optimum healthno more doctor bills, no more
If you have struggled with weight issues and body
image, self-esteem, and health concerns that often
go hand in hand with the struggle
If you have experienced frustration, disappointment,
discouragement, guilt or embarrassment

The course comes on 14 CDs, complete with workbook, and a partner to Release with.
This is an advanced course. For Graduates Only!
The cost is just $335. To order, call 818-279-2438

The Programs Course

to Clean Up the Past, Beliefs and Programs

This entirely NEW breakthrough program is radically charged to awaken you to what
you really are. You will experience infinite beingness and go deeper than you have
ever experienced before.
I urge you to let nothing stop you from acquiring this life-changing audio set. I feel absolutely
convinced that you will gain a miracle-working power that will lift you up from confusion,
misery, melancholy and failure. You will be guided to your true place of beingness to resolve
difficulties, and have IMPERTURBABILITY, happiness and peace of mind.
Not only will this new Programs Course audio set help you clean up the pastbut it will help
you to clean all those subconscious programs that have been sabotaging you all your life. We
will clean up programs like these:
Im not good enough.
I lack self confidence.
I lack self respect.
No matter what I do its never good
Fear, self hatred, jealously, shame,
grief, anger and hatred.
I hate myself.
I hate my life.
Self doubt.
Im so stupid.

No matter what I do I cant win.

Humiliation and shame.
Feeling like a victim.
The why me syndrome.
Why am I such a loser?
Feeling ridiculed.
Feeling like I dont belong or feel like an
My life will always be filled with pain
and struggle.

This 7-week intensive home study course comes on eight audios, complete with workbook,
three bonus audios and a telephone partner to release with (upon request). This is an
advance course for Release Technique graduates only.

Now available as CD set or

Digital Streaming Audio
Now supports smart phones and mobile devices!
1063-CD $335
The Programs Course CD set
Includes 17 CDs plus workbook
(plus $12.95 shipping & handling)



1063-HUB $269
The Programs Course
Digital Online set
includes workbook PDF
and digital streaming audios
(Save moneyno shipping!)

To order, go to: or call 818-279-2438



Always Present
within YOU

No matter how stressed, anxious or irritable youre feeling.
Love is ALWAYS underneath those feelings.
Heres something else you can doright nowto tap into that expansive state of delectable
Love within you.
Try this: Pick something youre feeling less than all-loving about. Perhaps you feel squeezed
for time. Perhaps youre anxious about something happening later today. Or maybe you just
feel uptight for no apparent reason.
Just pick the feeling. Lets say you feel irritable. Start with that. You dont have to know why
you feel the way you do. Just say thank you to that part of you thats showing up as irritability.
Then do this: Ask that part of you that feels irritable what it wants for you through feeling
irritable. Ask it what its positive purpose is for you. Go on ask it. And then allow your
unconscious the space to answer the question for you.
Be quiet with the question (allowing your unconscious space) and an answer will gently
arise within you. Dont force it. Just accept whatever answer/or feeling sense that arises.
You need to hear your own answer from within. But lets (for the sake of this example) say
the part of you thats irritable wants to feel IN CONTROL through the irritability.
Thank that part for giving you the answer.
Then ask the part that wants to feel IN CONTROL what it wants thats EVEN DEEPER than
that. Be quiet and listen to the answer that will arise from within you.
Lets say the thing the part wants that is EVEN DEEPER than wanting to be IN CONTROL
Thank that part for giving you the answer.
Then continue by asking the part that wants SAFETY what it wants through safety thats
EVEN DEEPER than that.
Lets say the answer that rises within you is PEACE.
Thank that part of you for the answer.
And continue again by asking the part that wants PEACE what it wants thats EVEN DEEPER
than that.

Keep doing thisgetting your OWN individual answersand (generally in 5 to 6 questions)

youll find that whatever horrible feeling you started out with youll eventually get the answer
from within you that you WANT TO BATHE IN LOVE. You might not get a verbalized answer
from within at this stagemore likely youll just tap into the feeling-essence of the LOVE that
is within you.
And it will feel wonderful. Enjoy it.
Just BATHE in that delectable Loving feeling and let it wash all through you all parts of
you and all throughout your awareness. And just BE LOVE.
And thats when youll KNOW (through direct experience) that LOVE is beneath EVERY
uncomfortable feeling or thought that shows up in your life.
Try itand experience it for yourself. Youll LOVE it!
Anyway, if you really want to tap into and LIVE PERMANENTLY with UNLIMITED LOVE
filling every aspect of your life then the Love Yourself Teleconference being facilitated by Kris
Dillard and Donna Fedor will be a profound experience for you.
Truth is, everyone on the planet (whether they realize it or not) is ULTIMATELY seeking
completion through LOVE.
The 6-week Love Yourself Teleconference (taking place between March 28th and May 2nd,
2016) will elegantly guide you back to who you really are underneath all your uncomfortable
and restrictive thoughts and feelings. Its the Express Train to Love. And it will COMPLETE
I invite you to give yourself the gift of LOVE today.

This is absolutely the best confidence booster

of all time. J.D., NM

and let the other person

have it your way.

Lester Levenson
Also a
MP3 vdailable as
Look u ownload.
For years, graduates have been store r

ur we on
requesting a set of CDs on how toogive
yourself approval. Weve compiled a
set of 5 CDs we think you will enjoy.
Item #1054-CD $59.95

by Larry Crane


MP3avdailable as

Look ownload.
store under
websit on our

(plus $8 shipping & handling)


Dont miss this once in a lifetime opportunity!

Were on a mission to show our graduates

how to love yourself and let the world have it your way!

Kris Dillard

Announcing the

Donna Fedor

Love Yourself & Let the World

Have it Your Way Teleconference
Starting March 28 through May 2, 2016

We recently asked ourselves would it be possible to give all of our graduates a gift that
would ensure them real love in every aspect of their lives? The answer was clear, we
would need to pull out all the stops. So, for 6 weeks we will be conducting an amazing
teleconference series each consecutive Monday 5:307:30 p.m. (Pacific time)
(6:308:30 p.m. MT / 7:309:30 p.m. Central / 8:3010:30 p.m. Eastern )

Now available in
European time zone
Kris Dillard and Donna Fedor doing the teleconference each
at 9:30am PT.
Monday for 6 consecutive weeks, helping you knock out your
non-loving feelings and limitations.
An all new powerful workbook custom designed to help you have the loving lifestyle
that you deserve.
Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you can play them back at your
A releasing partner to help you focus.
Access to our support line for releasing assistance.

Heres what you get:

Let me ask you

Would you be interested in finding out how to bring love to every
relationship you have?
Would you like to raise your happiness and confidence level easily just
as Lester did?
Would you like to say goodbye to arguing, stress and conflict and
restore peace and sanity in your life?
Would you like to learn a step by step program that will show you how
to have everyone in your life cooperate and be in harmony with them
without having to raise your voice ever?

ester did!

Bring love to
No matter what you answered, I want you to know that every
step of the way we will be coaching you to reach into your very
core to find the best part of you and help you get rid of your scholarshipped
in for FREE
blocks and enable you to experience having total love in your life!


see pages

The willingness to show up and have the strongest

intention to participate at the fullest for 6 weeks to do
this transformational work
The ability to block time for this amazing program
Your intention to stay committed to the process and have a whatever
it takes attitude to achieve your goals

Why are we doing this?

You seepart of the problem is that most of the time graduates set the wrong
goals! This teleconference will show you how to remove your self-sabotaging:
dont deserve, cant do it, not motivated, and the fearful thoughts and we will
help you remove them so you will have results in all areas of your life.
The truth is that we should be charging at least $3,000 for these teleconferencesand maybe someday we will. But we want to make this program affordable
so we can help as many people as possible attend.
Usually, people pay thousands of dollars for this kind of mentoring especially
since were actually going to personally work with each of you on this teleconference
for a full 6 weeks.
So in order to participate, your discounted tuition for attending is just
$895. You can even have a payment planjust pay $495 upon registering
and then pay the additional $400 the next month. Were so confident that this
course will work for you, and as a result, that will give you enough time to
have your personal problems all cleared up before you make the last payment.
If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is $695 (a $200 savings).
Space is limited! If you are excited about getting clear about doing this program
and determining how you are going to get it done, dont procrastinate and lose out
on this opportunityit is a one-time event! The question is, Are you ready to get
what you really deserve in a matter of weeksnot years? If yes, sign up NOW!

You can sign up for this new teleconference by calling

(818) 279-2438, or sign up under live classes on our
website (

The money keeps rolling in easily! T.M., PA

Graduates have been asking how to use the BUTT system. Now, for the first time,
we have a 5-audio set that shows you how to successfully use this great system.
Item #1055-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)


Now available as MP3 download, visit:

Special Clean-up Audios II

with Larry Crane
I loved the first Larry Crane Clean-up set
this is even better! G.W., CA
Larry Crane
This new 2nd edition is a powerful 10 audio CD set of clean-up sessions
recorded live. These audios are the best of Larrys clean-up exercises
recorded live from 2008 to 2012 retreats in California (Asilomar, San
Diego, Lake Tahoe), Texas and Colorado.
For years, at advanced 7- and 9-Day Retreats, the most amazing and
powerful releasing clean-up sessions are conducted. Spawned by the
intense energy and releasing momentum, these sessions often go to very
high places of consciousness. Now, these recorded sessions are available
for you to experience the same power of presence and awakening.
Please note: These are very advanced sessions that often address the fear
of dying and separation. It is best if you have taken the Goals & Resistance
10 CD Set
and What Do You Want to Do When You Grow Up advanced courses.
Item # 1064-CD $79.95
This is an advanced course for Release Technique graduates only.
(plus $8 shipping & handling)

The NEW Health, Weight Loss &

Fitness TeleConference


Kris Dillard
Release Instructor

Participate on the phone, in a conference call.

For GraduatesDesigned to eliminate your weight &
health problems once and for all!

The course is held 6 consecutive Monday evenings

Plus a month long Releasing support

5:30-7:30p.m. (Pacific ) (6:30-8:30pm Mtn; 7:30-9:30pm Central; 8:30-10:30pm Eastern)

May 16 thru June 20, 2016

Why are we doing this?

Now available in

European time zone

You seepart of the problem is that most of the time
5:30pm (UK Time)
graduates set the wrong goals! This teleconference will show you
how to remove your self-sabotaging: dont deserve, cant do
it, not motivated, and the fearful thoughts and we will help you remove them so you will
have results in all areas of your life.
The truth is that we should be charging at least $3,000 for these teleconferencesand
maybe someday we will. But we want to make this program affordable so we can help as
many people as possible attend.
Usually, people pay thousands of dollars for this kind of mentoring especially since were
actually going to personally work with each of you on this teleconference for a full 6 weeks.

So in order to participate, your discounted tuition for attending is just $895.

You can even have a payment planjust pay $495 upon registering and then pay
the additional $400 the next month. Were so confident that this course will work
for you, and as a result, that will give you enough time to have your personal
problems all cleared up before you make the last payment. If you wish to pay in
full, in one payment, the price is $695 (a $200 savings).
If you already taken the Health Mastery course (live or on CD), you can attend for $495.

Space is limited! If you are excited about getting clear about doing this program and
determining how you are going to get it done, dont procrastinate and lose out on this opportunityit is a one-time event! The question is, Are you ready to get what you really deserve
in a matter of weeksnot years? If yes, sign up NOW!

You can sign up for this new teleconference by going to
or call 1-818-279-2438


I lost 50 lbs by Releasing Only!

You too deserve a chance to be thin, fit, and have
great health. Let me show you how to do it!
Are you tired of worrying about your eating habits
and not finding answers?

Kris Dillard
Release Instructor

For years I tried to lose weight by dieting, exercising, taking fat loss pills, joining
weight loss programs, counting calories and the like, with no success. I looked
and looked for answers, but didnt find any until I started using a natural ability everyone has inside of them to rid oneself of negativity and
lose weight. You may not know this, but, you have actually been
walking around with the very same ability, but youve rarely, if
ever used it. This ability is the key to dropping those unwanted pounds, improving health and your life beyond your greatest
hopes and dreams. It is my sincerest wish that you become aware
of it, and start using it, as soon as you can, your well-being could
depend on it.

This course will help you:

Lose pounds and inches permanently.
Control your hunger pangs.
Have new pep and vitality.
Get rid of the failure habits that are holding you
back in life, such as procrastination.
Wear the clothes you want without those
unwanted bulges.
Have the admiring looks you deserve.
Stop counting calories.
Stop beating yourself up and learn to love

Eliminate stress.
Feel more secure all the time.
Achieve inner health.
Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Improved sexual performance.
Rid yourself of fear which is holding you back
from having everything in life.
Have abundant health, joy and riches.
Boost your energy and vitality like never before.
Be in total control of your life with ease.

Health & Fitness Make the Difference Loses Weight the First Week
I lost five pounds during the first week of the course withBetween Living Well and Living

out thinking about it! Lloyd Scott, TX

Quality of life is what we all want. Good health
helps us achieve a high quality of life. Fitness Lost 25 lbs. and Gains $40,000
makes us want to live it every day. If you agree I earned $40,000 more in 2002 than I did in 2001 by
Releasing only. I lost 25 pounds by just Releasing. I have
with these three premises, keep reading.
been to practically every self improvement/spiritual program out there, but none has given me as much happiness
Become Healthier and Fitter Faster
and inner peace as Releasing. Dr. Steve Deweese, MI
While we know you are interested in becoming
healthier and fitter or maintaining the health and Bakery Owner Loses 60 lbs.
fitness you have, we also know you have limited I own a bakery, and I tended to sample a lot of the sweets.
time to devote to it. We therefore pledge to you Since learning The Release Technique I have lost 60 lbs. in
a very short time. I had previously tried all kinds of diets and
a fast, simple method to hop aboard the fitness self-help programs and nothing worked till I discovered The
fast train. Get on track with this amazing course. Release Technique. What a God send. Richard Minett, CA



Special Teachers Clean-Up Audios III

Also availableload.
MP3 dowder
Look un
s toresi teon our

These Clean-up audios were reproduced from some of the 7-Day Retreats.
Some of these are very advanced. We compiled the best of the best from
our teachers cleanups that walk you through exercises that are sure to get
your mind quiet and closer to freedom. The audios provide graduates with
a variety of Clean-up Sessions and give you an opportunity to get to know
the teachers and their different approaches to applying the principles of
releasing. Prerequisite: Release Technique graduates only.
Item #1068-CD
$59.95 (plus $8.00 shipping & handling)

This is the most powerful set I have.

N.K., Kansas

This taught me how to get unstuck in seconds. Y.C., Wisconsin

Also available
MP3 downloadas
Look under .
Larrys General Releasing Check-off
store List
our website.

Also available
MP3 downloadas
Look under .
store on ou
website r

This 5 CD set shows you how to stay on courseknown as Dr. Cranes

General Releasing sheet on page 74A in the Abundance Course.
Item #1057-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

For Releasing help, to get you

discriminating again,
call us at 818-279-2438
MondayFriday, 9 am to 5:30 pm
(Pacific time)

There is no charge.
We are here to help you.

Donna Fedor

Kris Dillard



Featuring a
ase using
way to Rele
Lesters Six

The 7-Day Final

in Lake

May 29
For years graduates have been requesting a more comprehensive
Retreat that they could attendnow we have it. During the
7-Day Retreat well go even further than we have ever gone.
If youre looking for a new level of
Well now you canand its up to you
peace, success and achievement in your and you alone!! Its just a decisionand its
lifewhether it be in your physical, finan- yours, and yours only!!!
cial, mental, emotional, or spiritual life
This is the time of the year when people
I invite you to discover why the Final take a vacation. But ask yourself, what are
Step Course is the fastest, easiest, and you taking a vacation from? When you
most reliable way to experience freedom look at it clearlyyoure actually trying to
or peace of mind using Lesters Six Steps. get away from your life and the things you
Transition from where you are to where do every day.
you want to be!
Ask yourself if you really want freedomnow!

A message from Lester

Everyone is experiencing his or her infinite and unlimited Beingness every moment of ones life.
That which is not is sought for, but not that which is obvious. In other words, that which appears
is sought for, but not that which exists.
To think is not your real nature. Your real nature is to be. The natural free state is the ultimate
goal. That is to be with no thinking. No thinking happens when there are no more feelings; i.e.,
no more AGFLAP and CAP.
The essence of your self is only awareness or consciousness. When the ego dominates it,
your consciousness functions as the reasoning, thinking or sensing faculty. When you are
totally released, you identify with your beingness only. You are intuitive with no thinking.
You begin with dissatisfaction. With dissatisfaction you are always restless and seeking.
Releasing undoes the dissatisfaction. When you are totally released, you are eternally
satisfied. You will never stop your agitated state of dissatisfaction until you are
totally released and constantly satisfied. This is the sense of fulfillment. This is the
ultimate state.
You do not acquire happiness; your basic nature is happiness. You simply
remove the unhappiness, the AGFLAP and CAP.


Step Retreat
Tahoe (


June 4, 2016
over memorial day holiday

Get scholarshipped
in for FREE
see pages 36 & 37

A rare opportunity is
available to you to have
all the freedom Lester is
talking aboutand its up to
you to take this opportunity
the entire staff will be there
to give you personal assistance

Larry Crane and

his teacher,
Lester Levenson


I invite you to finally

make the decision to have
all your highest goals and
Has anyone ever challenged you to go for those
dreams? To have abundance
in every way? To live in a
As a Bonus for signing up world of having instead of
for this Retreat receive wanting (and never getting)?
Lesters Enlightenment To have the peace of mind
Digital Online Course
you deserve all the time to
a $4,260 Value!
be safe all the time, no matter what happens around you
or in the world. To be in love
all the time. To be abundantly healthy once and for
all? To have all the wealth
you will ever use?

Introducing the 7-Day Final
Step to Freedom. During this
time I will take you by the hand
and personally show you how to
attain the freedom that you have
always been looking for.

I will share with you Lesters

secrets to having total freedom.
You will learn how to let go
of the subconscious blocks that
have been holding you back from
experiencing freedom. I will help
you dissolve misconceptions you
may have about freedom. I will
help you to actually experience
just what freedom is, so that you
will be able to acquire literally
anything you wish at will.
Youll not only master Lesters
success secrets you need to create
the life youve always dreamed
ofbut also through the experience you will learn how to
rapidly apply these techniques
to your own life. You will leave
with this positive, life-changing
While this may sound like a
bold statement, its one I am confident in making. Why? Because
Lesters Techniques always work.
You simply have to put them to
work for you.

I will show you howwhen

you join me at the Final Step

Presenting the 90-Day

Celebration to Freedom material.
We will teach some of the 90-Day Program
and youll have an opportunity to
be involved in this powerful program.

Step One is Solidly in Place
My Momentum is back, and the minor emphasized it. My
commitment to step one is solidly in place and I see the need
to keep repeating it with each release. Pete Youell

Gains Peace & Loses 15 lbs.

I have let go of being offended and blaming 2 huge things!
This alone has gotten rid of landfills of garbage; meaning
anger and hatred! I love people more and more for absolutely
no reason! I am gradually seeing more people as my equal
and am judging less and less. This has been so freeing. Its
really difficult to put into words. My relationship with my son
has been more respectful and loving. I have let go of the need
to mother him. I have also lost weightabout 12/15lbs.

Lets Go of 39 Years of Anger & Fear

The Release Technique has brought me all the peace and
love I could have ever imagined. This thing I call my life is
more fulfilling in every area.
Last night I released anger-fear-resentment that had been
there for 39 years I had no idea this event was still in my body
hurting me all these years. Heat, tears, anger, grief, sadness
moved through and out. Wow the garbage just life, this was
part of an original program playing out over and over. A) I
lose B) I lose now there is nothing id change, peace with
the past!
The most impactful release has been my chronic disapproval of my husband, wanting to change him. This does not
work and never did. We lived a constant push- pull dynamic.
As Ive stopped disapproving and just love him because he is
the way he is. Everything changed. His heart opened and we
are experiencing grater love, joy and bliss than I know was
I am free of needing to control others and allow them
to be the way they are and just love them. This is profound
and as I felt before it was my job to change others and the
world thinking it would make the world a better place. I was
wrong. Shivani Grail

The course is designed to

produce profound and lasting
results and deepen your
awareness and consciousness.

So...Where is it Held?
This advanced course is for graduates only. It will be held at the fabulous
Granlibakken Conference Center in Lake
Tahoe, California (just 50 miles east of
Reno, NV). The magnificent resort is
nestled in the beautiful pine trees above
Lake Tahoe. Granlibakken is a Norwegian
word for a hill sheltered by fir trees.
Its enchanting combination of forest and
lake creates the perfect place to practice
Lesters Final Step course.
Well start on Saturday, May 29 at
7:30 pm and continue through Saturday,
June 4 at noon. Massive Savings Deal:
Sign up now and pay only $2,095 for
this entire retreat package which includes
room and board and 3 fabulous meals per
day. Double occupancy Deluxe Package
is $2,295, Standard Single Package is
$2,400, Deluxe Single Package is $2,695.
To see what Granlibakken looks like visit:

The Final Step Retreat will bring

together the Launch to Freedom course
participants. Be there to join in their
unprecedented high-energy. Be there to
share in their gains and share your own
gains. Prepare now for your own releasing

Join in the Finish Line and

Celebration of Freedom at the Final
Step Retreat in Lake Tahoe!
I urge you to call me at 818-2792438 to reserve your place, or go to When you
call, Ill talk to you personally. Id be
happy to give you any additional information you require.
Please contact us as soon as possible as
these retreats are always sold out. We will
fill spaces on a first-come basis.
We looking forward to being with you
in Lake Tahoe.

So...Are you in?

If you dont join us now, your life will
probably be the same five years from
now, ten years from now, twenty years
from now. Thats what happens to the vast
majority of peopleLife passes them by
because theyre afraid to act.
How you do anything is how you do
everything. Dont run the risk of saying
to yourself five years from now, Gee, Im
sorry I didnt invest a few bucks in myself
to experience freedom once and for all,
when I had the chance.

All attendees must book their room

directly with Granlibakken to attend.


This is here for you

Get ready
to discover

Answers that unlock questions that you didnt know you had
Real life tools and true techniques to expand, transmute and transform
your life
An opening, increase, and expansion in consciousness with new
profound awareness
Why life sometimes seems so hard and how to find the True You now
A new level of awakening, a place of peace in the midst of deep upset or grief
The abundance frequency that creates miracles of money (in fact, we have
witnessed thousands discover the miracle of being)
Experiencing you ANEW as the huge, bright light of love that you actually are AND even seeing that light in others
Experiencing true love toward yourself and others, even for the unforgivableand finding true freedom in the process
Interacting with like-minded community members and help to change the
Clearing, re-balancing, and healing on so many levelsjust by listening!
We know you will have a remarkable experience of discovery, because we have seen it over and
overthousands upon thousands with the Financial Freedom Teleconference.


Dont miss this lifetime opportun

The gains in the Financial Freedom Teleconference

are so great, were doing it again!

Im on a mission to show our graduates how

to have financial freedom and live the lifestyle
you deserve!



Starting July 28th through Aug. 28th, 2016

I recently asked myself would it be possible to give all of our graduates a

gift that would ensure them real financial freedom? The answer was clear,
I would need to pull out all the stops. So, for a full month I will be conducting
an amazing teleconference series 8 teleconferences a week, 2 hours each
Thursday, Friday, Monday at 9:30 am and 5:30pm (Pacific Time)
(10:30am Mountain; 11:30am Central; 12:30pm Eastern)
(6:30pm Mountain; 7:30pm Central; 8:30pm Eastern)
and Saturday, Sunday at 9:30am (Pacific Time)
(10:30am Mountain; 11:30am Central; 12:30pm Eastern)

Now available in European Times too!

Thursday, Friday, Monday, Saturday, Sunday at 5:30pm GMT

Heres what you get:

Larry, doing one teleconference a day for 30 days, helping you knock out your limitations.
An all new powerful workbook custom designed to help you have the lifestyle that you
Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you can play them back at your
A releasing partner to help you focus.
Access to our support line for releasing assistance.

Let me ask you

Are you better or worse off than you were five years ago?
Has your net worth grown or shrunkor are you saying what net worth?!
Do you have more or less free time for yourself or to spend with your family and friends?
Would you like to have more money for a better life, for saving and investing, or perhaps
becoming debt free?

Have financial freedom and live the lifestyle you deserve!

No matter what you answered, I want you to know that every step of the way I will be coaching
you to reach into your very core to find the best part of you and help you get rid of your blocks
and enable you to experience being unlimited!

The willingness to show up and have the strongest intention to participate at the fullest
for two hours a day for one month to do this transformational work
The ability to block time for this amazing program
Your intention to stay committed to the process and have a whatever it takes attitude
to achieve your goals

Why am I doing this?

You seepart of the problem is that most of the time graduates set the wrong goals! This
teleconference will show you how to remove your self-sabotaging: dont deserve, cant do it,
not motivated, and the fearful thoughts and we will help you remove them so you will have
results in all areas of your life.
The truth is that we should be charging at least $3,000 for these teleconferencesand
maybe someday we will. But I want to make this program affordable so we can help as many
people as possible attend.
Usually, people pay thousands of dollars for this kind of mentoring especially since Im
actually going to personally work with each of you on this teleconference for a full month.

So in order to participate, your discounted tuition for attending is just $1,190.

You can even have a payment planjust pay $495 upon registering and then pay
the additional $695 the next month. Im so confident that this course will work
for you, and as a result, that will give you enough time to have your financial
problems all cleared up before you make the last payment. If you wish to pay in
full, in one payment, the price is $990 (a $200 savings).
Or find out how to get in for free see pages 36 and 37.
Space is limited! If you are excited about getting clear about doing this program and
determining how you are going to get it done, dont procrastinate and lose out on this
opportunityit is a one-time event! The question is, Are you ready to get what you
really deserve in a matter of weeksnot years? If yes, sign up NOW!

You can sign up for this new teleconference by

signing up under live classes on our website:
or by calling (818) 279-2438

Gains from the 30-Day Financial

Freedom & Lifestyle Teleconference
One of my main goals/intentions is to be ok/accepting/
loving everything. This can really stir up my mind and
gives lots of releasing! I went to a wedding this weekend
and released with partners having this as a goal for this
Lots of gains but specifically seeing that it is all my
picture, all my mind mirror and if I am imperturbable/ok/
accepting/loving everything that is what plays out in my
life. I really got it, at that deep experiential level where
you know that you know. We really can have any picture
now... just keep releasing. Daily experiencing times of
total quiet. This could also be described as imperturbable/Beingness/Loving/Happy/Expansive/Lighter. All
just different words for the same energy. Barbara

Feel Totally Peaceful in the Now

Getting free legal assistance with court case with ease
just by releasing only. Released Attachments / Aversions
to Expectations and I feel totally peaceful in the Now.
Co-workers assisted me with a problem at work this
past Saturday and everything was resolved very quickly effortlessly. Very imperturbable while listening to
CAP calls whereas I used to feel very bothered listening
to the conversations. For a project at work where Im
getting some networking equipment set-up the person
at the site told me its impossible to accommodate all
the hardware I need. By the next day, everything turned
around and he said he can accommodate everything I
need. Levi

$10,000 Gain
Yesterday I was able to negotiate a $10,000 deal by
selling some intellectual property that I dont need. It
was effortless, and the actions were inspired through
releasing - especially releasing more of my concept that
money comes through work.
What you own owns you - I found that to be true.
That thing owned me, and by letting go of my attachment
to it - I was able to not only sell it, but free myself from
it. Omer

Accumulated Gain of $450

I was able to negotiate general services rendered in
exchange for a $150 reduction in rent 3 mos. ago; today
I have an accumulated gain of $450. I received a notice
from the State Dept of Revenue stating I have a $215
tax refund from last year coming to me. This was totally

unexpected! I was able to not let it get past my nose

twice today at work. And I maintained an even higher
positive attitude through the whole day. Val T.

Tax Refund
Changed my tax return date from Feb to today...I just
felt like it (that gave me a $50 credit for doing my taxes
in Jan!!). I wouldnt have been able to receive $50
credit on my bill for tax prep, and I wouldnt have been
able to change my health Insurance which needed to be
changed. And I have: $1600.00 State; $399.00 Fed;
$1201.00 refund!! When I was sure I was going to have
to owe! Vishali S.

Imperturbable About Refinancing

Financial gain in retirement account of $1,100 in first
2 weeks of class. Last year we refinanced our house for
the first time. Kris & release partners helped me release
my limiting beliefs, subconscious resistance etc.. & we
refinanced our house with great benefit.
About 2 weeks ago received email from mortgage
broker. He explained we could refinance the house for
no cost again, the same loan we have with a lower interest rate, and little lower monthly payment. We spoke
to him the next day. Did not understand how the bank
could give refinance at no cost ...learned they are making
money & learned you could pay for the loan to pay down
the interest rate even more. So in about a half hour we
applied over the phone with the mortgage broker for a
new house refinance. I could not have figured this out...
however I am imperturbable about refinancing.. this is
momentum ... Larrys Butt System!! Sid N

Lots of Joy and Harmony

My mind is much more quiet. Throughout the day,
everyday, I make step 1 and 2 my first priority no matter
whats going on and decide to go for imperturbability
and love is more important. I feel much more capable
and powerful knowing its all within me. When feelings
or anything coming up I see its coming from me and
release and not making it about others. Lots of joy and
harmony in relationships with my family, brothers and
other people around me. Another gain in this course
is I got clearer with my finances and investment and
now Im more engaged and making clearer decision in
investment instead of freezing my money. LN


More Gains from the 30-Day Financial

Freedom & Lifestyle Teleconference
Turns Life Around

Body & Financial Gains Happen

The VA approved my moms pension without notice,

after 18 months of waiting. They direct-deposited
$18,000 in back pension. Im no longer under pressure
to supplement my moms income.
Suddenly our family budget started working and
there was actually money left over at the end of each
two weeks.
My fianc started making more money. There is more
harmony and intimacy in my relationship with my fianc.
Weve gotten all sorts of great deals on things.
My kids mom called to see if we could be more civil
for the sake of the kids.
My fianc had breakfast with my kids mom about
supporting my daughter transitioning to middle school.
They have never had a meeting, and rarely talked
before. Justin Souter

Thank you for your steadfastness in holding these calls

& supporting me in accomplishing something Id believed
impossible for over 40 years. My body has been my
challenge & participating in this FFL class has helped
me heal/release old feelings & patterns Ive been under
the spell of for more than half my life. I continue to witness increased strength/balance/flexibility in muscles &
nerves all over my body.
Thank you for assisting me in extending the financial
abundance Ive demonstrated to my body. I look forward
to opening up to even more in my overall life as through
my releasing, I deepen my imperturbability. Im letting go
& letting it get better!!!!!! Marilyn Gausewitz

Eyesight Improves
I can now leave off wearing the contact lenses (full
strength) and manage with a pair of glasses with a minus
5.00 prescription. I feel that half my vision has returned.
Vikki Horner

Loses 70 lbs. Loves the World

Ive lost 70 lbs. and bulked up my muscle mass. No
longer do I think the majority of people around me are
trying to hurt me in some way. In fact, it is the opposite,
I feel love from them, even strangers. The world no
longer is always a personal hell, but becoming a more
peaceful place to exist. My ego is far quieter and doesnt
pick apart every word, facial expression, and general
body language when engaged in conversation with
others. Ive made peace with my Ex and see him as a
family member, not an enemy. Thoughts of learning new
things are no longer intimidating to me. Ive experience
moments of bliss while releasing and find it such a
remarkable feeling that verbal descriptions would not do
it justice. Something that was completely unknown to
me before. Loving myself, others, and the world comes
to me much easier.
I feel on the brink of tears as I write this, thank you
Larry, for you have guided me out of the darkness and
into a peace Ive never thought possible for me outside
of death. There is still a long road ahead of me, but the
knowledge you have made available to me is utterly and
completely priceless. You and your staff are remarkable
people. Please continue to light the way for those who
are still lost out there. Eric Burns

$44,000 Gain & Improves Health

I had clarity that we should sell our house in CA during
the FF course but my husband wasnt ready. I got
hootless about renting or selling and then last week he
became ready to sell and it is going on the market this
week. This would not have happened without the FF
course and especially the Lesterizing session which I did
every morning on this topic. (Thanks!)
My husband found a business to purchase in Oregon
that he said was an amazing opportunity, a perfect fit,
better than he could have imagined and can earn him
more than twice what he earned in his last career.
Greatly improved my health and realized my adrenal
fatigue is actually not a solid entity like Ive always
thought but simply a symptom of suppressed feelings
that can be released. I know now that I can heal it completely. Alaiya Aguilar

50% Increase in Business

I cannot express my appreciation enough for all you
have done with/for me the last 6 months since Camp
Allen. During the recently completed 90 day with Ken
Smythe, I bought a new car. No big deal, right? But for
me it was. My first new car in 23 years. And a BMW
to boot.
I just received a new 3-year agreement from my
largest client with a 50% increase in business. Business
I had been trying to get for the past three years to
no avail. Being hootless works. Period. Ready for the
next 90-day, then Lake Tahoe. I am so much happier,
peaceful & prosperous now, thanks to the method and
your commitment to bring it out to our suffering world.
Don Darragh

Did You Know?

That all Live Classes, as well as CDs, books,
and DVDs are Tax Deductible!
An income tax deduction is
allowed for education expenses
undertaken to maintain and
improve professional skillsincluding
registration fees, travel, meals, and

Join us on facebook!
Have your friends join us on facebook!
Join us in experiencing the new way to get informed information,
see the very latest Release Technique news before anyone else does,
share and post your gains on this exciting website, go to

This will help you be in touch with the Releasing community in

a fast, efficient way and allow millions of people to hear about The
Release Technique and end suffering in the world.

Weve just launched a new online Releasing community.

Many of the teachers and other releasers who are
using the method as a daily practice are sharing
their first-hand experiences. Youre invited to join in
and share your own.
Also, when you join in, you can download
previews of the never before heard
Lester audios.

Go to:

Sessions with a Master of Personal Transformation
by Lester Levenson, narrated by Larry Crane

Activate your beingness and ignite your unlimited potential

Lester Levenson, a recognized American Master, and Larry Crane, a Master teacher, will guide
you step-by-step to becoming enlightened. In addition, each section contains rare Lester
Levenson audios that expand on the content.
If you already own The Release Technique audio setyou will find this audio set much more
advanced and chock full of over 30 Lester sessions, which will further enhance your ability to
maximize enlightenment and oneness.
With Lesters Enlightenment Course youll be experientially guided (by Lester and Larry
Crane) through the effortless process of disengaging from the limited thinking that keeps you
from knowing what its like to feel at Oneness with everything. The Enlightenment Course will
help you: Knock out subconscious negativity that stops you from living a clear and fulfilling life;
Feel free and more alive than you ever felt in life; Be consistently positive, happy, and loving in
all things; Achieve your goals easily and consistently; Let go of negative and self-destructive
addictions; Get in touch with your unlimited side more consistently.

Now available as CD set or

Digital Streaming AudioNow supports smart phones and mobile devices!
1066-CD $335
Lesters Enlightenment
CD set
Includes 30 CDs plus

1066-HUB $225
Lesters Enlightenment
Digital Online set
includes workbook PDF
and digital streaming audios

1066-BND $435
Lesters Enlightenment
Digital online set and
Workbook/CD set

(plus $12.95 shipping & handling)

(Save moneyno shipping!)

S hipping included for domestic and

international orders.

To order, go to: or call 818-279-2438

21-Day Financial Freedom Program

This course consists of 25 audio sessions that guide you step by step to
experiencing everything youre looking for in life. Accompanying the course
sessions are additional bonus audios from Lester, as well as digital eBooks from
Lester, that highlight and enhance what youre learning through the course.



1065-HUB $197
The Digital Online Home Study Course is an online
streaming product, and is now supported on
smart phones & mobile devices.


To order, go to:

NEW Lesters 90 Day

Quiet Your Mind Program
Sept. 13 Dec. 9, 2016

Now You Can Effortlessly

Experience Your Untouchable



Whenever You Want

Have you ever longed to experience the boundless potential of your own
to directly experience the effortless joy, freedom and peace of your innate
Do you long to live your life from an awakened consciousnessas the real
Younaturally free of all limitations, open to the wonder, passion and the
fullness of life?
If so, the feeling (the knowing) of being complete, unlimited and unbounded
by any external circumstances is available to you.
Not only is it available to you

It Can Be Your


Within Just 90 Days

You are just 90 days away from being in the continued state of bliss with no
Thats what happened to Lester Levenson.



It Just Takes Acceptance


Acceptance that you deserve to live your life from the awakened Consciousness
of total bliss with no sorrow.
And the giving yourself permission to experience the continual state of bliss with
no sorrow in this lifetime.
Acceptance and permission and It is yours. Where It is the Ultimate State
where there are no impossibles. There are no limitations. And you can create any
life experience you want for the mere thought of it.
Its all about coming to the full completion of your divine right to Effortless
When you live your life from the Ultimate State of Effortless Beingness (like Lester Levenson did) your life will become like riding the Universal wave.
The Universal wave will naturally move you into the positions, the opportunities
and the relationships that will fulfill your hearts desires.
The Universal wave will also tide back to you events, circumstances and gains
that will appear at just the right time and in the most perfect way possible for
your soulful completion.
Whats more
Youll feel the direct experience of the Universal wave rise up and flow through your body as
waves of bliss atop an ocean bed of delectable stillness of peace.
Once you reach that Ultimate state (the state of
Effortless Beingness) nothing and no one can
harm you.
All problems fall away.
Life flows smoothly.
In the most perfect and brilliant way imaginable.
Part of you already understands completely.
That part of you is your inner Beingness recognizing a description of itself in words.
Your inner Beingness has called forth these
words. Its the reason why you are here, now,
reading them.

Your inner Beingness has brought you here to this moment. Prompting you to
accept it fully and give yourself permission to let it guide you fully into the
Ultimate state of bliss, freedom and untouchable peace at all times.
So you now stand on the threshold.
You can ignore your inner Beingness. You can shut it down. Turn your back on it
and return to life as youve always tolerated itwith the same problems, annoyances, upsets, and agitations. Thats called incomplete living.
You can embrace the wisdom of your inner Beingness. You can allow it to protect you. To guide your Higher Self and lead you into the one thing that will take
you all the way to total peace and joyfulness in every moment of each day. That
one thing is

The 90 Day Quiet Your Mind Program

Its the ultimate program designed not for you as your limited self. Instead its designed for your real Self (your inner Beingness) so your real Self reveals itself
to you in all its fullness, awareness and unlimited possibilities.
When your inner Beingness is allowed to flourish throughout your entire consciousness you will fully experience complete living

Where You Feel

in More Ways than are
Possible to Describe.


Thats because the Ultimate state (the state of complete and utter fulfillment)
can only ever be felt.
Just like you are beginning to feel deep within you right now.
You just have to stop.
To pause.
And get in touch with the feeling of whats its like to feel you have your every
need and want already met.
Just rest into that feeling for a moment.
Feel it in your belly.
Allow it to expand into your heart.
Open up your awareness to feeling it spread all throughout every cell in your
body and even to the area around your body.
Enjoy it for a moment.
Thats just the beginning. Its only 1/1000th of what
you will naturally feel in every moment of your days by
the time you have completed the 90 Day Quiet Your
Mind Program.
But for that feeling of alive, expanded Beingness to
anchor itself into your permanent awareness it needs
your total acceptance and permission.
Just the decision and the act of fully accepting and
permitting it will enable the good feeling to expand.
To feel exactly what I mean give it your acceptance
and permission now by registering for the upcoming
90 Day Quiet Your Mind Program.
That will be the start of allowing your inner Beingness
to reveal itself to you fully.
Then each day the 90 Day Quiet Your Mind Program progresses the inner wave of your Beingness
will spread and expand until your life rides on Universal wave allowing you to finally experience effortless


Youll see.
Its what your inner Beingness brought you to this page to fully embrace and

Register for

while spaces are still available.

Congratulations!! What a wonderful set.

It showed me how to be happy in secondsWOW!

AF, Idaho

This CD set showed me how to

deal with my ego. BP., Hawaii

Also available
MP3 downloadas
Look under .
store on
our website.

Also available
MP3 downloadas
Look under .
store on ou
website r

Graduates have been asking how to use page 82, on how

to stay positive at all times. This 5-audio set shows you,
step-by-step, how to accomplish it.
Item #1056-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)

Finally a
solution to
having a
quiet mind
Lesters 90-Day
Quiet Your Mind Program

September 13 through December 9, 2016

If youve ever experienced any sort of executive mentoring programs,
you know theyll cost you in excess of $25,000.
Why do these executive programs cost so much? Because they
absolutely work. They get results!
So, we thoughtwhat if we could take the quality of the best
executive programs, and not only reproduce their effectiveness, but
give you something 100 times better?
Better, because were

applying the highest teachings,

direct from Lester: Total Mastership!
As a result, weve modeled the

best, most scientifically

proven, coaching program out therea program which
creates more success in its field than anywhere beforeso you will

than 95% success rate in achieving what

youre looking for.
have a greater

And guess what?


Thats exactly what you will get if you decide to join this

Can you see how this tremendously

successful 90-Day Program will allow you
to completely transform your life?

Just imaging having the ability to:

Express greater personal freedom
Be fully released (imperturbable)
Make every impossible in your life
immediately possible

So you can easily master areas of your life

such as: finances, health, relationships,
confidence, clarity, peace and happiness.

Save over


by joining in for a

total value of

Exclusive Participant benefits include:

1. 12-week one-of-a-kind interactive telecourse including 1 extra daily and weekly
teleconference at a different time (so you actually get 24 weeks of calls in 12
2. Larry and 5+ Inspiring and Committed teachers sharing their unique
guidance and perspective
3. Archived recordings of the 12 week telecourse for playback at your convenience
4. An all new, Ultra Powerful Workbook with custom designed exercises for
freedom & life mastery
5. A releasing partner for Synergy, Support and Accountability
6. Daily 30 minute CAP Power Call (MonFri) to master CAP in your Day, Week &
7. Archived recordings of the CAP Power Call
8. Success Mentoring & Advanced Private Coaching
a. Weekly accountability check-in with mentor by email with homework and gains
b. Bi-weekly (2 times a month) (small group) conference call with your mentor
c. Exclusive Direct Access to your mentor for unparalleled advance support
available ONLY to 90 Day Quiet Your Mind Program participants

So heres the bottom line

If you are ready to make 2016 the best year of your life
Join the 90-day program so you can have the power to
master your life.
And you wont have to pay $25,000 like other courses charge.
And, because Id like you to have freedom and gains that graduates
worldwide are able to experience, Im going to allow you to have
the best offer Ive ever made.

Right now this life-changing program is yours for only



Join today for two 90-Day Programs and

I will drop the price of your tuition to just $5,180
(thats a savings of $810!)

But it gets even better

Since Ive never done this one time offer before, I am making it
an even greater value for you
4 the Final Step Retreat, Lake Tahoe, CA, May 29June 4,
2016 normally $2,180*absolutely free !
(*does not include room and board)

4 OR

you will get the Beingness & Lesterizing Retreat, Orlando, FL,
September 2-8, 2016 normally $2,180*absolutely free! (*does not
include room and board)
4 and you will get the Financial Freedom & Life Transformation course,
July 28Aug. 28, 2016normally $1,190absolutely free !
p.s. If you dont own the Goals & Resistance and Grow Up courses, I will even
include these amazing coursesnormally $670for free !

SpecialOne Time Only Get invited to a very special FEAR OF LIVING

COURSE at Larrys home, July 1417, 2016 (priceless and not available for sale)
for FREE!
This is a limited time offer and I am making this incredible
package available to the first 50 graduates who join in now (or
until it fills up).

So, to be perfectly clear

Register for two 90-Day Programs for only $5,180 and Im going to scholarship you in to:

4 the Final Step Retreat, Lake Tahoe, CA, May 29June 4, 2016

normally $2,180*absolutely free ! (*does not include room and board)

4 OR you will get the Beingness & Lesterizing Retreat, Orlando, FL,
September 2-8, 2016 normally $2,180*absolutely free! (*does not
include room and board)
4 and you will get the Financial Freedom & Life Transformation course,
July 28Aug. 28, 2016normally $1,190absolutely free !
p.s. If you dont own the Goals & Resistance and Grow Up courses, I will even
include these amazing coursesnormally $670for free !

SpecialOne Time Only Get invited to a very special FEAR OF LIVING

COURSE at Larrys home, July 1417, 2016 (priceless and not available for sale)
for FREE!
All you pay is the low price of $5,180!
And thats not allcall us at 1-818-279-2438 to hear
about other additional offers we have that will

totally blow you away!


You must be serious and Fully Committed to achieving Life Mastery

Own the Goals & Resistance course
Own the What Do I Want To Do When I Grow Up course
Dont worry if you dont have either of these coursesWE WILL GIVE THEM TO YOU.

Dont worry if you have not completed these courses yet

We will give you direct, hands-on instruction

so you will be running at full speed to participate at the
highest level with all of the other graduates in the course.
This program is recorded for playback, so we
will work with you to bring you up to speed on these
advanced course requirements.
We all know releasing works and it works great.
You know that, or you wouldnt be reading this
right now. Its worked for you. Its gotten you
amazing gains, I know.


Lester said, and youve heard the recordings many times, So why dont you do it?
There is one simple answerMomentum. If you arent releasing enough to satisfy yourself,
enough so that you can say, this releasing works great and Im doing it all the time, its because
you havent developed momentum.
Unless you can say youre entering really nice, impressive gains in your gains book, like those
people on the 90-day courses, its only because you lack momentum.
What those people did is make a Commitment to themselves, to their happiness, to their
freedom. They decided to be the best releaser they could be. They decided to be willing to extend
themselves and go the extra distance.
You can do that too. You can do it right now. Get started this very moment with a decision to not
let anything stand in your way of achieving all you are capable of achieving, to reach the heights
you are capable of reaching, to be the big winner you know you have inside of you waiting to be
Make a commitment like those who have taken a 90-day program did.
Decide to join in on this very special 90-Day program and share in everybodys gains and
have your own gains. Make a decision to join in and have your own releasing crescendo.

To learn how to participate in this program please go to
or call 818-279-2438
we also have other packages to accommodate everyone!
Graduates who have decided to go all the way to freedom felt it was high time
to get all their goals. They decided to forge ahead and get all the goodness
available to them from releasing. They also decided to not leave any more
treasure on the table. They decided to go for it, and finish the job. The 90-Day
course provides the tools and skills to do that.

You can have a quiet

mind just make the
decision to attend!!
Specialattend the
July 1417, 2016

You can have a quiet mind

just make the decision to attend!!
Graduates who have decided to go all the way to freedom felt it was
high time to get all their goals. They decided to forge ahead and get all
the goodness available to them from releasing. They also decided to
not leave any more treasure on the table. They decided to go for it, and
finish the job. The Fear of Living Retreat provides the tools and skills
to do that.

attend the



JULY 1417, 2016

To learn how to participate in this program please go to
or call 818-279-2438 or see pages 3637


The Ultimate CourseFor Those

July 2 thru July 10, 2016

Set Yourself Free from Worldly Problems

What would it be worth to you to get rid of

all of your frustrationsonce and for all?
What would it be worth to you to get rid of
all of your fears, concerns and worries once
and for all?
What would it be worth to you to get rid of
all of your guilty feelings? Finally!
How long are you going to wait to finally have
all the things youve been looking to have in
Well now you canand its up to you and to
you alone!! Its just a decision and its yours,
and yours only!!!

This is the time of the year when

people take a vacation. But ask yourself, what are you taking a vacation
from? When you look at it clearly
youre actually trying to get away from
your life and the things you do every

Ask yourself if you really

want freedomnow!
Open to Graduates as well as

A message from Lester

Everyone is experiencing his or her infinite and unlimited Beingness every moment of ones life.
That which is not is sought for, but not that which is obvious. In other words, that which
appears is sought for, but not that which exists.
To think is not your real nature. Your real nature is to be. The natural free state is the ultimate
goal. That is to be with no thinking. No thinking happens when there are no more feelings; i.e., no
more AGFLAP and CAP.
The essence of your self is only awareness or consciousness. When the ego dominates it, your
consciousness functions as the reasoning, thinking or sensing faculty. When you are totally
released, you identify with your beingness only. You are intuitive with no thinking.
You begin with dissatisfaction. With dissatisfaction you are always restless and seeking.
Releasing undoes the dissatisfaction. When you are totally released, you are eternally
satisfied. You will never stop your agitated state of dissatisfaction until you are totally
released and constantly satisfied. This is the sense of fulfillment. This is the ultimate
You do not acquire happiness; your basic nature is happiness. You simply
remove the unhappiness, the AGFLAP and CAP.

That Really Want Freedom Now!!

Save $ 600

The 9 Day
Register Today!

at the Mennorode Conference Center

in Elspeet, Netherlands
(Tel +31 (0)577 498 111)
Bring a friend who has not attended a 7 or 9-Day Retreat and save $200 off the regular price
for yourself and $200 for your friend! Bring 2 friends and save $400, bring 3 friends and save
$600, bring 4 friends and save $800, bring 5 friends and you go for FREE! Plus each
friend saves $200 off the regular price.
Bring 5 new people and stay the entire week at the retreat for FREE including room & board!

A rare opportunity is available to you to have all the
freedom Lester is talking
aboutand its up to you to
take this opportunity now!!

Mennorode Conference Centre

I invite you to finally make

the decision to have all your
highest goals and wishes!
Has anyone ever challenged
you to go for those dreams? To
have abundance in every way?
To live in a world of having
instead of wanting (and never
getting)? To have the peace of
mind you deserve all the time to
be safe all the time, no matter
what happens around you or in
the world. To be in love all the
time. To be abundantly healthy
once and for all? To have all the
wealth you will ever use?

Sharing the Lesters Way Course with you is a promise I made to Lester and
its a promise I aim to keep. My greatest reward for sharing this will be your
success. I have reserved a week at the beautiful Mennorode Conference Centre in
Elspeet, Netherlands. This spacious Conference Center is set in acres of woodland
countryside. Deep peaceserenitya sense of awe for the beauty of this secluded
Conference Centerall who visit here feel it. You cant miss it! All your senses
awaken. It is the quiet that makes this Conference Center the perfect place to learn
these proven methods of generating unbelievable wealth and health.
You can also take advantage of the fitness center, steam room. All rooms have a
view of the wooded surroundings.
Well start on Saturday, July 2, at 5:30pm and continue through Sunday, July
10, at noon. Tuition is only $2,495 (US dollars), plus room and board of 663.79
shared room, or single room (limited availability). If you register today, the
tuition is only $1,895 (US dollars) (plus room and board), includes three fabulous
meals per day). To see what the Mennorode Conference Center looks like visit:
This course is for anyone that wants freedom. It will be held at the Mennorode
Conference Centre in Elspeet, Netherlands. Mennorode has its own shuttle service
to and from the railway station Nunspeet. Guests can use this service by paying a
small fee. The trip needs to be booked at least 24 hours in advance. For information
and reservations please contact the reception of Mennorode + 31 577 498 111.
Room registration is now open by calling Mennorode Conference Centre at +31
577 498 111 if you are making a room reservation for a single or double room.
When booking a double room, indicate your roommates name upon registration.

Mennorode Conference Centre, Apeldoornseweg 185, 8075 RJ, Elspeet

Tel: +31 577 498 111 W: E:


Theres Still Time So... Are you in?

If you dont join us now, your life will probably be the same five years from
now, ten years from now, twenty years from now. Thats what happens to the vast
majority of people
Life passes them by because theyre afraid to act.
How you do anything is how you do everything. Dont run the risk of saying to
yourself five years from now, Gee, Im sorry I didnt invest a few bucks in myself
to experience freedom once and for all, when I had the chance.
Why not take a permanent vacation and have it all? Take a vacation that balances
mind, body and spirit. Return to graceful living and beingness that adds joy to each
I urge you to call me at 818-279-2438 to reserve your place or go to our website When you call, Ill talk to you personally.
Id be happy to give you any additional information you require.
Please contact us as soon as possible as these
For signing up for this
retreats are always sold out. We will fill spaces on a
Retreat today receive
first-come basis.
Call me at 818-279-2438. Why not take the next
step to abundance, bliss and perfection in your life.
a $4,260 Value!
You deserve it.
We look forward to being with you in Holland.

30 sessions with Lester


This course has never cost anyone any money! Thousands of

graduates have made millions with this course. Dont be left out!


An Advanced Course Specially
Designed by Lester


his special course is facilitated by Larry Crane. The new 17

audio set contains 8 audios newly created in a recording
studio where Larry personally guides you through the Goals &
Resistance course in the same way he guided you through the
Abundance Course sessions, and you get the 8 newly digitally
remastered live Teleconference audio set in which you will
hear amazing gains by the participants as the course unfolds,
along with workbook and assignments, and one special audio
which consists of two sessions by Lester on goals and resistance. You will also be assigned a releasing partner to release
with each day. The Goals & Resistance course was created to
fill a need. Graduates wanted more. The tools they had acquired
were powerful and yet they asked for something which would
help them incorporate the Release Technique even more into
their daily lives.
We all have subconscious resistance, which we hide from
ourselves. The Goals & Resistance course was created by Lester
to help you knock out this subconscious resistance thus allowing
you to start winning more in life, move closer and closer toward
freedom and make releasing more consistent and powerful. If
you wish, you can call us directly with any questions you might
have about the next steps, at 818-279-2438 in Los Angeles.

This Exciting
NEW Advanced Course
Will Help You:
Achieve all goals more easily
and consistently.
Identify your resistance and let it
go with ease.
Have fun by releasing all day and
having a partner for support.
Gain freedom fastermaking it
easier to stay in touch with your
beingness all the time.
Knock out subconscious blocks
that stop you from achieving
whatever you want in life.
Feel free and more alive than
you ever felt in life.
Be consistently positive in all
Get in touch with your unlimited
side more consistently.

Now available as CD set or

Digital Streaming AudioNow supports smart phones and mobile devices!
1021-CD $335
Goals & Resistance CD set
Includes 17 CDs plus workbook
(plus $12.95 shipping & handling)

1021-HUB $269
Goals & Resistance
Digital Online set
includes workbook PDF
and digital streaming audios
(Save moneyno shipping!)

To order, go to: or call 818-279-2438


Dont just sit on your assets. The more you invest in yourself
the more youll appreciate in every way.

What Do You Want To Do

When You Grow Up? Course
A Very Advanced Course
(for graduates only)
Are you ready to go all the way to freedom? Are you ready to stop tolerating things in your life? Are
you ready to take charge of your life and do what you truly love? If you are finally ready to really find
the way, then this 16 CD set, digitally remastered, is for you. You get 8 New Studio version CDs
and 8 Bonus Live CDs all digitally remastered. This advanced course works on the fear of dying
and the wanting to be separate, which is a very deep, hidden program. Working on these deep,
suppressed areas allows you to go very, very deep.
Discover how to have the life you truly love
Discover how to do only what you love
Enjoy a life free of worry and stress
Increase self-confidence
Attain better relationships at work and home
Be the person you were always meant to be
Get clear on your goals and then reach them

Make the most of your life and have the

freedom to choose
Get unstuck and move forward with a
wonderful life
Get clear on the direction you should go in life
Move beyond constant, frenetic doing
Lift the ceiling of your success once and for all

Take back your life and your power

Resolve your money issues and have financial


Be in charge of your life, fully

Create the life you always wanted

At the core of this course is the magic Lester Levenson

taught to go all the way to freedom.
Now available as CD set or
Digital Streaming AudioNow supports smart phones and mobile devices!
1018-CD $335
What Do You Want to Do
When You Grow Up? CD set
Includes 16 CDs plus workbook
(plus $12.95 shipping & handling)

1018-HUB $269
What Do You Want to Do
When You Grow Up?
Digital Online set
includes workbook PDF
and digital streaming audios
(Save moneyno shipping!)

To order, go to: or call 818-279-2438


For releasing graduates and non-graduates

The Stay-at-Home,Convenient Teleconference

for Graduates and Non-Graduates
the NEW & Improved
Abundance Course called



June 17th through June 26th, 2016

The NEW Change Your Life Course

delivered to you via teleconferencewill be conducted during 3-hour shots

over two weekendsthe dates are as follows:

June 17, 18, 19, 25 & 26, 2016

Friday evening for 3 hours starting at 5:30 pm Pacific time (6:30 pm Mountain; 7:30 pm Central;
8:30 pm Eastern) , each Saturday and Sunday for 3 hours starting at 8:30 am Pacific Time
(9:30am Mountain; 10:30 am Central; 11:30 am Eastern) .

Also available in the European time zone!

Friday evening for 3 hours starting at 9:30am PT which is 5:30pm UK time.
All the other times are the same as above.
Do you have a telephone or Skype account?
If so, you can now take full advantage of the NEW Change Your Life course right from
the comfort of your own home. Or, if youre travelling or away on vacation you can still take
advantage of it wherever you happen to be.
Hundreds of people have attended one of the live Abundance Course classes when theyve
been held somewhere around the worldattendees often made their way from across the
country (and very often from another country) just to experience the life-altering events. In fact,
its reached the stage where so many people want to attend (or re-attend) a live Abundance
Course we were having trouble putting on enough live events in enough areas of the world to
keep up with the ever-growing demand. So instead of you having to travel to attend an onlocation Abundance Course classmake plans to attend the NEW Change Your Life course!

Heres What You Get When You Register for The

NEW Change Your Life Teleconference Course:
Larry, teaching the total LIVE Release Technique
course directly to you in the comfort of your own
A powerful workbook custom designed to help you
practice and learn the Release Technique so that
you can live the lifestyle that you deserve.
Archived recordings of the teleconferences so you
can play them back at your convenience.
If you do not have the Release Technique
basic set we will send you a link to download
the MP3 FREE of charge so you can practice
Releasing whenever you want. (a $279 value).
We will also give you the complete FULL MP3 RECORDINGS of Larry and teachers doing clean ups
never released before, yours to keep and use
again and again. (a $165 value)
You get full access to all of the Release Technique
teachers throughout an entire weekend.

A releasing partner to help you focus.

You will be able to participate in breakout groups
that allow you to talk in independent, private
groups. You will be able to work with other releasers one-on-one. And with a press of your phone
keypad, you have the ability to raise your hand to
ask questions and express opinions, as well as
request to work directly with your favorite teacher.
This course will incorporate a powerful technology
that gives you the experience of being right there
in the room with all of the other participants and
Access to our support line for Releasing assistance during the week (a $3,000 value).
Lean how to move from I Cant to I Can and
eliminate all your limitations once and for all!
Learn the Lesterizing Goals System

Have you been trying to have financial freedom and the perfect lifestyle,
but it just isnt happening for you? Stop right now!

The new Change Your Life Teleconference

will actually show you how to make it
work for you in only 2 weekends.
In this course you will discover:
How to have 93% more time and 362% more money doing what you love
What really causes successful people to win, time after time
How you can master the real principles of success and systematically recreate your life
A system you can use to guarantee your best life in as little as two weekends

You May Be Wondering

Do you miss out on any of the value of the seminar-type Abundance Course class if you dont attend
a live event and meet with other people? Actually, no. Not according to all the releasing graduates
that have taken advantage of the full support, stay-at-home programs like the 30-Day Teleconference, the 90-Day Teleconference and the Health and Weight Loss Teleconferences. The overwhelming response (from the people that have participated in one, or more, of the teleconference programs
we offer) has been that they love the fact that they can build up so much focused momentum in their
releasingand knock out so much resistancewithout ever having to leave the comfort of their
home or take time away from family/work. And the gains theyve experienced? Theyve been phenomenal. I could literally send you pages and pages worth of exceptional gains. In fact, the gains
seem to be better than those we receive from participants of the 3-day on location Abundance
Course events.

Heres Why I Think The Gains That You

Will Accomplish Will Be So Fabulous:
When people can stay at home and participate in a full support telephonic releasing program they
tend to be very relaxed and ready to take their releasing to a much DEEPER level compared to when
they have had to travel miles and find themselves in unfamiliar location with a lot of unfamiliar people.
Anyway, whatever the reason isthe gains weve received from people who participate in the full
support stay-at-home teleconference programs seem to be off the charts. Want to be the next
person to have a life-changing gain? If so

Register for the Upcoming Change Your Life course

& Get Ready for a NEW Life
Learn to Love Yourself totally
Have Perfect Health the natural way

Apply the Release Technique to maximum

advantage in all areas of your life

Understand and put in practice the

principles of the Law of Attractionfast

Find your Purpose in Life!!!

Learn much faster with the Accelerated

Learning System

We will feature the Lesterizing Goals

Mastery System during this event.

Realize greater gains from Releasing faster

than ever before

Move from I Cant to I Can

Learn how to use the BUTT System

The Change Your Life course tuition is only $545. You can even have a
payment planjust pay $295 upon registering and then pay the additional
$250 the next month. If you wish to pay in full, in one payment, the price is
$495 (a $50 savings).
The course is open to all people who want to attend, graduates and non-graduates. If you have already
taken a live Abundance Course class, teleconference or Retreat, you can take the Change Your Life
teleconference course for just $350.

Enroll now for the Live Life-Changing teleconference. Bring a friend who has not attended a live class you get to go for free. Space is at a premium and the course will be filled on
a first-come basis.

You can sign up for this new teleconference by calling

(818) 279-2438 or sign up under live classes on our website


Gains from the

Change Your Life Course
Nothing Bothers Her
Ive been catching up with the playbacks of the CYL
course and doing the homework. I had a wonderful
trip to NY as a guest at my friends music school
and was showered with love! The students I taught
were receptive and want me to return next year.
Another interesting gain...while taking my violin to
a violin shop in Manhattan the maker was trying to
show me what a violin with a perfect neck feels like.
Mine is in need of restoration. Anyway she went to
a safe and pulled one out and I played on it. It felt
and sounded amazing! All so easy. As it turns out
( I didnt know before hand) it was a Stradivarius!
Whats awesome is that a week or two before, I
was dreaming and saying to myself wouldnt it be
wonderful if I could play on a Strad before I leave the
planet? I totally forgot about it. Ive been in and out
of violin houses since childhood and not one violin
maker has voluntarily given me a Strad to play. She
was keeping it for someone. Im also tickled she
trusted my friend and I to play on it! I also had a
colleague call me a couple of weeks ago to complain
about something that happened on stage that night.
He had a tantrum and wanted to vent. I was calm
and as it turns out he said to me I dont know if you
get it. Nothing seems to bother you! I giggled to
myself and thought OK now Im getting somewhere.
Im also handling overwhelming situations better
than I used to. S. Blumberg
Mind is Rewiring Itself
I allow my life to unfold effortlessly at all times. I
see this as countering my out-of-control thinking.
Later in the week, I began releasing on this goal.
One day in particular was heavily booked with things
that I had to produce, not just attend meetings. I got
2 more big things that I had to produce thrown at me
that day, and I completed everything in a reasonable
time (1 task vaporized and wasnt needed), including
taking my 1 hour at the hotel across the street for
my time. In the lab one day, 2 colleagues sat across
from me and began bragging between each other
about a particular thing. I could have one-uped
them on this particular thing, but was quiet. It didnt
occur to me to say anything. Only noticed this at the
end of the day when I was reviewing the day. Mind
was quieter that day. One day, a colleague asked for
help, and I went over and stood beside/over this colleague and we worked. Later, when I was reviewing

the day, I realized that I hadnt viewed this colleague in

an objective body-way, as had been typical in general.
My mind is rewiring itself. Continue to be blessed w/
free use of hotel gym, pool and meeting room for
releasing at lunch. Continue to be blessed w/ approved
free Internet use at a hotel near home b/c I dont have
Internet in the apartment. Donated blood and got free
coupons for food. Got $414 back from Cashback
Rewards from a credit card. Gain was seeing that this
small stuff happens to me all the time, and the size is
limited by my thinking. R. Nakai
Toxic Person Goes Away
I have 50% less back pain. I ordered a water filter
after 4 years of carting jugs back and forth to the
grocery store.
My 3 year old goes around saying More, and
more, and more...and hes happy all the time. I
released on his picky eating and he actually ate some
hamburger today. Yeah! A toxic person went out of
my life. Thanks for the great course. Look forward to
sharing more gains. C. Victory
Basking in Beingness
Been having great gains from the change your
life course. A couple of ones I wanted to mention:
Realized and released a program about money: my
parents fought over money and it was my fault. When
I did the squeezing the lemon question to release my
attachment to money, I got to the really quiet place and
realized I am does not need money. It actually needs
nothing. I stayed there basking in beingness for quite
some time. I am finding it a lot easier to forgive people.
Thanks for the great course. C.J.
Accomplishes More & Feels Calm
After the class yesterday I didnt think about what
to do and just started working on a sewing project
that I had started a few weeks ago that had been
problematic. The work went easily and I finished a
whole section. I hung a curtain rod. Then I vacuumed
the entire apartment, went for a walk, visited with a
neighbor and did releasing homework. That was a lot
accomplished for me in one day, considering I didnt
start until 3pm.
Today I woke up with some negative thoughts
and was able to release them easily. I feel very calm,
peaceful. K. Rosen


Are you sick and tired of being in a

relationship that just doesnt change?

Are you sick and tired of working

and not having enough time
to do the things you want?

Item #1019-CD

aving enough
time seems to
be one of the
biggest problems people
have today. Everyone is
running and running and
people dont seem to have
enough quality time for
themselves to have the fun
they deserve. Learn how to
collapse time.

This special audio course is facilitated by Larry

Crane. You will receive the entire course on 8
audios. You will also receive a course workbook and
assignments, and a special audio which consists of
two sessions by Lester Levenson on time and what
it is about. You will also be assigned a releasing
partner to release with each day.

Youll learn
How to retire this year
The advanced way to
use the Butt System
How to effectively
How to eliminate crisis
How to be efficient
and productive with
a minimum waste of
How to get things done
How to achieve more
personal balance

How to double
personal productivity
How to increase
personal time
How to stop
procrastinating and
have things happen
effortlessly, without
How to achieve
personal goals
How to eliminate time
How to be in Release
24 hours a day

This is an advanced course for Graduates Only!

The cost is just $295.
To order, call 818-279-2438


Item #1020-CD

Youll Learn
How to let people have it your way!
How to build effective relationship
How to live in the present
How to repair old relationships that
no longer workand how to get
them to work again
How to start a conversation so it
doesnt end up in an argument
That love is the most powerful force
in the universe and how to use it
every day
The course comes on eight audios,
complete with workbook, two bonus
audios and a partner to release with.

This is an advanced course.

For Graduates Only! The cost is just $295.
To order, call 818-279-2438

The Way To
Complete Freedom
Sessions with a Master on
Personal Transformation

Transcripts from Lesters talks and

subjects including:

The Basic Goal and Ways to

Problems and How They Resolve
Spiritual Growth
Helping Others
The World
A Perfect Body
All About Love
and much more!

Item #1013 $100.00

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Talks with Lester

Silver Edition Volumes 3 & 4
Item #1016-DVD $59.95
(plus $8 shipping & handling)

This Limited Edition 10-CD compilation
consists of talks with Lester Levenson though
his life, spanning from the 1950s to the 1990s.
Included is a beautiful book with rare Lester
photos that have never been released before.
We selected the best of the audios that takes
you through a journey of Lesters life and the
development of the Technique taught today. You
will be astounded and inspired as you listen to
Lesters talks and answers to many questions,
previously unanswered, covering many topics.
Item #100-CD $150.00 (plus $10 shipping & handling)

limited edition
dvd of rare
This rare video footage had been lost for over 22
years and has never before been seen or offered
to the general public. In addition, we added
some very rare pictures from Lesters private
collection throughout his life. The video was
filmed in 1986 at a retreat center and has been
digitally mastered.
Item #1010-CD $59.95 (plus $8 shipping & handling)
for additional shipping charges out of U.S.

To download a sample of
these sets, go to:

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