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VOLUME 3 Bright Green News

February 2009
October 2008 The Campus Sustainability Newsletter

IN THIS ISSUE Service Learning at UCB

• The Office Update Building Sustainability at Cal waste audits, taking building occu-
(BS@C) was created by under- pant surveys, and creating sustain-
•• Building
Building Sustainability
Sustainability at
at Cal
Cal –

Service Learning graduate students Laura Moreno ability action plans for individual
Service Learning
and Desirae Early in spring 2008 in buildings and units. Student led
• Chancellor’s Advisory Commit- close collaboration with staff and projects have included organizing a
• Green
tee on Activities & Events
faculty. The goal of BS@C is to “What is Sustainability?” meeting
Fund Grants
• Water & The Itty Bitty Fruit
educate and engage students in with custodial staff, reducing the classes have a variety of projects to
• Water & The Itty Bitty Fruit educational and operational activi- campuses’ water usage by replacing choose from. Projects under con-
Label Alert
Label Alert ties that reduce environmental some sink aerators to the most sideration include sponsoring de-
•• TGIF Grants- Callfor
TGIF Grants-Call forProposals
Proposals impacts of campus buildings. efficient flow (saving the campus partment brown-bag sustainability
$14K annually), and beginning an meetings, collaborating with cam-
The program began as two service
• Berkeley Energy Resources inventory of T12 bulbs in College of pus cafes to reduce waste, and
learning classes offered by Profes-
Collaborative Events
Events Natural Resources buildings to be conducting a refrigerator inventory
sors Bill Berry and Dan Kammen:
replaced by more efficient T8 bulbs. to determine which can be replaced
Environmental Science 84 and En-
BS@C has grown to include seven for energy efficient models as part
ergy and Resources 199, respec-
year-round interns and two cam- of the campus Strategic Energy
tively. ES 84 focuses on general
The sustainability topics like waste and
pus-wide projects. Plan.

water use reduction and increasing At the end of the semester stu- If you have any questions or would
Office use of alternative transportation, dents compile reports – see the like to get involved, email sustain-

Update and ER 199 focuses on energy effi- Spring 2008 report on the Facilities
ciency strategies. Services Green Buildings website.
The fall 2008 report will be avail-
• How can you make your depart- Students apply their knowledge by
able soon on the same website. Article By, Irene Seliverstov, BS@C –
conducting lighting, water, and
ment more green? Contact us to This spring, students in the BS@C Student Lead Program Coordinator
talk about ideas and simple steps
you can take.
C h a n c e l l o r ’s A d v i s o r y C o m m i t t e e o n S u s t a i n a b i l i t y
• Welcome to our newest student
intern. Joanna Young has The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on Sustainabil- Sustainability Assessment for the cam-
joined the Office as the new ity (CACS) first met in 2003, with the mission to: pus and playing an instrumental role in
TGIF Forum and Communica- the formation of Cal’s Climate Action
Engage the campus in an ongoing dialogue about
tions Associate. Partnership and the Office of Sustain-
reaching environmental sustainability ability.
• Please encourage your friends
Integrate environmental sustainability with exist- CACS is still going strong, as the 2009
and colleagues to join our list
ing campus programs in education, research, year starts, managing on-going programs and identifying
operations, and public service new initiatives to take on to benefit campus sustainability.
Contact us:
Instill a culture of sustainable long-range planning Campus and community members are welcome to partici-
Lisa McNeilly: and forward-thinking design pate in the meetings and projects. CACS meets on the fourth Thursday of each month from 3:30pm to 5:00pm in
Highlights of the work of CACS include the hosting of Stanley Hall, Room 177.
Kira Stoll: an annual sustainability summit during Earth Week, an
annual Green Fund Grants program (soliciting To learn more about CACS, to find out about meetings,
Check out our Office website and to get involved check out the CACS website and/or
proposals NOW for the 2009-10 year), funding
and the CalCAP website contact CACS Administrative Intern.
student environmental internships, producing the first
Bright Green News VOLUME 3 February 2009

Wa t e r & T h e I t t y B i t t y Fr u i t L a b e l A l e r t
pumps and hoses, attached to screens and filters,
or even worse, in San Francisco Bay. Some plas-
Who knew that tics neither float nor sink, making it difficult to
little plastic capture them in the treatment process. Unfortu-
nately, they may end up where we don’t want
stickers placed them.
on fruit could
In this case, there’s an easy solution. Prevent
be such a big pollution by always removing plastic stickers and
problem? wrappers and placing them in the garbage before
washing and peeling your fruits and veggies.
Surprisingly, those little stickers and myriad
other plastics, such as plastic food wrap and Remember the plastic shouldn’t go into garbage
bags, are washed down home drains all too disposals, which waste water and energy and send Article and graphics courtesy of East Bay
frequently. And they can end up in a variety of even smaller bits of plastic down the drain; nor do Municipal Utility District, Illustrations by
places – stuck on wastewater treatment plant they belong in your compost or green bin. Kimiko Chan.

S u s t a i n a b i l i t y G r a n t — S e e k i n g P ro p o s a l s N ow
The Green Initiative Fund (TGIF), a involvement, can be large-scale developed by two graduate students
sustainability grant supported projects, and will most directly that will display resource consump-
through UCB student fees, is now address sustainability at UCB.” tion data from all the buildings on
accepting applications to fund campus for anyone to view, was
Grant awardees are selected by a
environmental projects for 2008- granted the largest amount award of
cross-disciplinary grant-making
09. $76,750.
committee consisting of students,
In April 2007, students resound- staff, and faculty in which students All students, staff, and faculty are
ingly voted to create TGIF through have the majority. This year the eligible to apply for a grant. Infor-
a $5 per semester self assessed fund will award about $250,000. mational sessions will be held bi-
student fee. “The goal of TGIF is monthly until the submission dead-
Support for Earthweek events, a
to fund projects which demon- line (March 31st at midnight);
native plant garden, and the “I
strate the greatest reduction in awardees will be announced in April.
Heart Tapwater” campaign were
environmental impact on the cam- This Water Campaign is
some of last year’s grant recipients. For more information about
pus for the least cost,” said Mor- supported by a grant from
Nine of the twenty-eight submitted TGIF and to download the ap-
gan Wallace, chair of the TGIF plication, visit http://
grants received funding in 2007-08 The Green Initiative Fund
Grant-Making committee. “We
for a total of $168,615. The Cam-
look for projects which are highly
pus Dashboard, a website being
quantifiable, have strong student

Berkeley Energy Resources Collaborative Events

Wednesday, February 11: back to work; driving down energy Monday, February 23: The
BERC 2nd Annual Lecture: and food prices; creating green third annual UC Berkeley En-
Van Jones and the Green Col- ergy Symposium – "Bold Ideas
collar jobs and new chances to
lar Economy for a New Energy Landscape"
underserved groups; and forever
will explore the cutting edge sci-
As climate chaos and soaring fuel ending the need for resource wars. ence and policy that will craft the
costs batter the U.S. economy, future energy landscape in Amer-
Van Jones brings a unique perspec- Bancroft Hotel (2680 Bancroft ica. This all day event is being held
tive to the color green. He argues Way, near College Ave) at the MLK Student Union and
that a green economy that rescues 6:00 Doors open & book sales includes a morning keynote ad-
6:15 Lecture & discussion dress by Mary Nichols, Chair of
the polar bears can also rescue the
Book signing to follow the California Air Resources
U.S. economy -- putting America
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