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Nice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Coordinates: 434212N 71559E

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Nice (/nis/, French pronunciation:[nis]; Niard Occitan: Nia [classical

norm] or Nissa [nonstandard], Italian: Nizza or Nizza Marittima,
Greek: , Latin: Nicaea) is the fth most populous city in
France, after Paris, Marseille, Lyon and Toulouse, and
it is the capital of the Alpes Maritimes dpartement.
The urban area of Nice extends beyond the
administrative city limits, with a population of about 1
million[1][2] on an area of 721km2 (278sqmi).[1]
Located in the Cte d'Azur area on the south east coast
of France on the Mediterranean Sea, Nice is the
second-largest French city on the Mediterranean coast
and the second-largest city in the Provence-Alpes-Cte
d'Azur region after Marseille. Nice is about 8 miles
(13 km) from the principality of Monaco, and its
airport is a gateway to the principality as well.
The city is called Nice la Belle (Nissa La Bella in
Niard), which means Nice the Beautiful, which is also
the title of the unofcial anthem of Nice, written by
Menica Rondelly in 1912.
The area of today's Nice contains Terra Amata, an
archaeological site which displays evidence of a very
early use of re. Around 350 BC, Greeks of Marseille
founded a permanent settlement and called it Nikaia,
after Nike, the goddess of victory.[3] Through the ages,
the town has changed hands many times. Its strategic
location and port signicantly contributed to its
maritime strength. For centuries it was a dominion of
Savoy, and was then part of France between 1792 and
1815, when it was returned to Piedmont-Sardinia until
its reannexation by France in 1860.
The natural beauty of the Nice area and its mild
Mediterranean climate came to the attention of the
English upper classes in the second half of the 18th
century, when an increasing number of aristocratic
families took to spending their winter there. The city's
main seaside promenade, the Promenade des Anglais
("Walkway of the English') owes its name to visitors to

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General view of the city


Coat of arms

Motto: Nica civitas delissima


Location within Provence-A.-C.d'A. region

the resort.[4] For decades now, the picturesque Nicean

surroundings have attracted not only those in search of
relaxation, but also those seeking inspiration. The clear
air and soft light have particularly appealed to some of



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Western culture's most outstanding painters, such as

Marc Chagall, Henri Matisse, Niki de Saint Phalle and
Arman. Their work is commemorated in many of the
city's museums, including Muse Marc Chagall,
Muse Matisse and Muse des Beaux-Arts.[5] Nice has
the second largest hotel capacity in the country[6] and
it is one of its most visited cities, receiving 4million

tourists every year.[7] It also has the third busiest

airport in France, after the two main Parisian ones.[8] It
is the historical capital city of the County of Nice
(Comt de Nice).

Coordinates: 434212N 71559E

1 History
1.1 Foundation
1.2 Early development
1.3 Defenses
1.4 Nice and Savoy
1.5 French Nice
2 Coat of arms
3 Administration
4 Climate
5 Vegetation and geography
6 Economy and tourism
7 Transport
8 Sights
8.1 Squares
8.1.1 Place Massna
8.1.2 Place Garibaldi
8.1.3 Place Rossetti
8.1.4 Cours Saleya
8.1.5 Place du Palais
8.2 Religious
8.3 Sports and entertainment
9 Sport
10 Population
11 Observatory
12 Culture
13 Cuisine
14 Education
15 International relations
15.1 Twin towns Sister cities
16 Notable people
17 See also
18 References
19 Sources


Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur
Nice-Cte d'Azur

Mayor (2014

Christian Estrosi


71.92km2 (27.77sqmi)




5th in France
4,800/km2 (12,000/sqmi)
06088 (
o=COM&codgeo=06088) /

French Land Register data, which excludes lakes, ponds,

glaciers > 1 km (0.386 sqmi or 247 acres) and river estuaries.

Population without double counting: residents of multiple

communes (e.g., students and military personnel) only counted



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20 External links

The rst known hominid settlements in the Nice area date back about
400,000 years;[9] the Terra Amata archeological site shows one of the
earliest uses of re, construction of houses, and int ndings dated to
around 230,000 years ago.[10] Nice (Nicaea) was probably founded
around 350 BC by the Greeks of Massilia (Marseille), and was given
the name of Nikaia () in honour of a victory over the
neighbouring Ligurians; (Nike) was the Greek goddess of
victory. The city soon became one of the busiest trading ports on the
Ligurian coast; but it had an important rival in the Roman town of
Cemenelum, which continued to exist as a separate city until the time
of the Lombard invasions. The ruins of Cemenelum are in Cimiez,
which is now a district of Nice.

Nice in the time of the Roman


Early development
In the 7th century, Nice joined the Genoese League formed by the towns of
Liguria. In 729 the city repulsed the Saracens; but in 859 and again in 880
the Saracens pillaged and burned it, and for most of the 10th century
remained masters of the surrounding country.
During the Middle Ages, Nice participated in the wars and history of Italy.
As an ally of Pisa it was the enemy of Genoa, and both the King of France
and the Holy Roman Emperor endeavoured to subjugate it; but in spite of
this it maintained its municipal liberties. During the 13th and 14th centuries
the city fell more than once into the hands of the Counts of Provence, but it
regained its independence even though related to Genoa.

The medieval city walls surrounded the Old Town. The landward side was
protected by the River Paillon, which was later covered over and is now the
tram route towards the Acropolis.

The Tower of St Franois

The east side of the town was protected by fortications on Castle Hill. Another river owed into the port on
the east side of Castle Hill. Engravings suggest that the port area was also defended by walls.
Under Monoprix in Place de Garibaldi are excavated remains of a well-defended city gate on the main road
from Turin.

Nice and Savoy



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In 1388 the commune placed itself under the protection of the Counts of
Savoy. Nice participated directly or indirectly in the history of Savoy
until 1860.
The maritime strength of Nice now rapidly increased until it was able to cope
with the Barbary pirates; the fortications were largely extended and the
roads to the city improved. In 1561 Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy
abolished the use of Latin as an administrative language and established the
Italian language as the ofcial language of government affairs in Nice.
During the struggle between Francis I and Charles V great damage was
caused by the passage of the armies invading Provence; pestilence and
famine raged in the city for several years. In 1538, in the nearby town of
Villeneuve-Loubet, through the mediation of Pope Paul III, the two

Duchy of Savoy (red) and

other independent Italian
states in 1494.

monarchs concluded a ten years' truce.[11]

In 1543, Nice was attacked by the united Franco-Ottoman forces of
Francis I and Barbarossa Hayreddin Pasha, in the Siege of Nice;
though the inhabitants repulsed the assault which followed the
terrible bombardment, they were ultimately compelled to surrender,
and Barbarossa was allowed to pillage the city and to carry off 2,500
captives. Pestilence appeared again in 1550 and 1580.
In 1600, Nice was briey taken by the Duke of Guise. By opening
the ports of the county to all nations, and proclaiming full freedom of
trade (1626), the commerce of the city was given great stimulus, the
noble families taking part in its mercantile enterprises.

Nice in 1624

Captured by Nicolas Catinat in 1691, Nice was restored to Savoy in

1696; but it was again besieged by the French in 1705, and in the following
year its citadel and ramparts were demolished.
The Treaty of Utrecht (1713) once more gave the city back to the Duke of
Savoy, who was on that same occasion recognised as King of Sicily. In the
peaceful years which followed, the "new town" was built. From 1744 until
the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748) the French and Spaniards were again in
possession. In 1775 the king, who in 1718 had swapped his sovereignty of
Sicily for the Kingdom of Sardinia, destroyed all that remained of the ancient
liberties of the commune. Conquered in 1792 by the armies of the First
French Republic, the County of Nice continued to be part of France until
1814; but after that date it reverted to the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia.

French Nice

Kingdom of PiedmontSardinia (blue) and other

independent Italian states in

After the Treaty of Turin was signed in 1860 between the Sardinian king and
Napoleon III, the County was again and denitively ceded to France as a territorial reward for French
assistance in the Second Italian War of Independence against Austria, which saw Lombardy united with
Piedmont-Sardinia. The cession was ratied by a regional referendum: over 25,000 electors out of a total of
30,700 were in favour of the attachment to France. Savoy was also transferred to the French crown by



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similar means. Giuseppe Garibaldi, born in Nice, opposed the cession to France, arguing that the ballot was
rigged by the French. Italian irredentists considered Nice one of their main nationalist goals, along with
Istria, Dalmatia, Corsica and Trentino. In 19421943 the city was occupied and administered by Italy.
The 20th century saw the arrival of modern transportation. In 1900, the Tramway de Nice electried its
horse-drawn streetcars and spread its network to the entire dpartement from Menton to Cagnes-sur-Mer. By
the 1930s more bus connections were added in the area. In the 1930s Nice hosted international car racing in
the Formula Libre (predecessor to Formula One) on the so-called Circuit Nice. The circuit started along the
waterfront just south of the Jardin Albert I, then headed westward along the Promenade des Anglais
followed by a hairpin turn at the Hotel Negresco to come back eastward and around the Jardin Albert I
before heading again east along the beach on the Quai des Etats-Unis.
As war broke out in September 1939, Nice became a city of refuge for many displaced foreigners, notably
Jews eeing the Nazi progression into Eastern Europe. From Nice many sought further shelter in the French
colonies, Morocco and North and South America. After July 1940 and the establishment of the Vichy
Regime, antisemitic aggressions accelerated the exodus, starting in July 1941 and continuing through 1942.
On 26 August 1942, 655 Jews of foreign origin were rounded up by the Laval government and interned in
the Auvare barracks. Of these, 560 were deported to Drancy internment camp on 31 August 1942. Due to the
activity of the Jewish banker Angelo Donati and of the Capuchin friar Pre Marie-Benot the local
authorities hindered the application of anti-Jewish Vichy laws.[12]
The rst rsistants to the new regime were a group of High School seniors of the Lyce de Nice, now Lyce
Massna, in September 1940, later arrested and executed in 1944 near Castellane. The rst public
demonstrations occurred on 14 July 1942 when several hundred protesters took to the streets along the
Avenue de la Victoire and in the Place Massna. In November 1942 German troops moved into most of
unoccupied France, but Italian troops moved into a smaller zone including Nice. A certain ambivalence
remained among the population, many of whom were recent immigrants of Italian ancestry. However, the
resistance gained momentum after the Italian surrender in 1943 when the German army occupied the former
Italian zone. Reprisals intensied between December 1943 and July 1944, when many partisans were
tortured and executed by the local Gestapo and the French Milice. Nice was also heavily bombarded by
American aircraft in preparation for the Allied landing in Provence (1000 dead or wounded and more than
5600 people homeless) and famine ensued during summer 1944. American paratroopers entered the city on
30 August 1944 and Nice was nally liberated. The consequences of the war were heavy: the population
decreased by 15% and economic life was totally disrupted.
In the second half of the 20th century, Nice enjoyed an economic
boom primarily driven by tourism and construction. Two men
dominated this period: Jean Mdecin, mayor for 33 years from 1928
to 1943 and from 1947 to 1965, and his son Jacques, mayor for 24
years from 1966 to 1990. Under their leadership, there was extensive
urban renewal, including many new constructions. These included
the convention centre, theatres, new thoroughfares and expressways.
The arrival of the Pieds-Noirs, refugees from Algeria after 1962
independence, also gave the city a boost and somewhat changed the
make-up of its population and traditional views. By the late 1980s,
rumors of political corruption in the city government surfaced; and
eventually formal accusations against Jacques Mdecin forced him to

The waterfall on the Colline du

Chteau (Castle Hill)



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ee France in 1990. Later arrested in Uruguay in 1993, he was extradited back to France in 1994, convicted
of several counts of corruption and associated crimes and sentenced to imprisonment.
On 16 October 1979, a landslide and an undersea slide caused two tsunamis that hit the western coast of
Nice; these events killed between 8 and 23 people.
In February 2001, European leaders met in Nice to negotiate and sign what is now the Treaty of Nice,
amending the institutions of the European Union.
In 2003, local Chief Prosecutor ric de Montgoler alleged that some judicial cases involving local
personalities had been suspiciously derailed by the local judiciary, which he suspected of having unhealthy
contacts through Masonic lodges with the defendants. A controversial ofcial report stated later that
Montgoler had made unwarranted accusations.

Coat of arms
The coat of arms of Nice appeared for the rst time in a copy of the
Regulations of Amadeus VIII, probably written around 1430.[13] The Nice is
symbolised by a red eagle on white background, placed on three mountains,
which can be described in French heraldic language as "d'argent une aigle
de gueule pose sur trois coupeaux".[13] ("Argent, an eagle gules on a
coupeau of three") The arms have only undergone minor changes: the eagle
has become more and more stylised, it now "wears" a coronet for the County
of Nice, and the three mountains are now surrounded by a stylised sea.[13]
The presence of the eagle, an imperial emblem, shows that these arms are
related to the power of the House of Savoy. The eagle standing over the three
hills is a depiction of Savoy, referring to its domination over the country

Arms of the County of Nice

around Nice.[13] The combination of white and red (argent and gules) is a reference to the colours of the ag
of Savoy.[13] The three mountains symbolise a territorial honour, without concern for geographic realism.[13]

Located in the Provence-Alpes-Cte d'Azur region, Nice is a commune and the prefecture (administrative
capital) of the Alpes-Maritimes dpartement. However, it is also the largest city in France that is not a
regional capital; the much larger Marseille is its regional capital. The current mayor of Nice is Christian
Estrosi who was elected in 2008. He was reelected for a second term in April 2014 ( that will end in 2020).
He is a member of the Republicans (formerly the Union for a Popular Movement), the party supporting
former President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Nice has a hot-summer Mediterranean climate (Kppen: Csa), enjoying mild winters with moderate rainfall.
It is one of the warmest Mediterranean climates for its latitude. Summers are hot, dry, and sunny. Rainfall is
rare in this season, and a typical July month only records one or two days with measurable rainfall. The



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temperature is typically above 20C (68F), and frequently reaches 30C

(86F). The climate data is recorded from the airport, located just metres
from the sea. Summer temperatures, therefore, are often higher in the city.
The average maximum temperature in the warmest months of July and
August is about 27C (81F). The highest recorded temperature was
37.7C (99.9F) on 1 August 2006. Autumn generally starts sunny in
September and becomes more cloudy and rainy towards October, while
temperatures usually remain above 20C (68F) until November where days
start to cool down to around 17C (63F). Winters are characterised by mild
days (11 to 17C (52 to 63F)), cool nights (4 to 9C (39 to 48F)) and
variable weather. Days can be either sunny and dry, or damp and rainy. Frost
is unusual and snowfalls are so extremely rare that they are remembered by
inhabitants as special events. The average minimum temperature in January
is around 5C (41F). Spring starts mild and rainy in late March, and is
increasingly warm and sunny towards June.

The Palais de Justice

Climate data for Nice (19812010 averages)




Record high 22.5 25.8

C (F)
(72.5) (78.4)


13.1 13.4 15.2
high C (F) (55.6) (56.1) (59.4)






30.3 36.8 36.3
(78.8) (86.5) (98.2) (97.3) (99.9)





25.4 22.0
(85.8) (77.7) (71.6)


20.7 24.3 27.3

16.6 13.8
(69.3) (75.7) (81.1) (81.9) (76.3) (69.8) (61.9) (56.8) (67.24)

Average low 5.3

14.1 17.5 20.3
C (F)
(41.5) (42.6) (46.2) (50.4) (57.4) (63.5) (68.5) (68.9) (63.1) (56.7) (48.6) (43.3) (54.23)
Record low
C (F)

7.2 5.8 5.0

(19) (21.6) (23)

(37.2) (38.7) (46.6) (53.1) (52.5) (45.7) (39.6) (32.2) (27.1)


69.0 44.7 38.7
44.6 34.3 12.1
73.1 132.8 103.9 92.7
(2.717) (1.76) (1.524) (2.728) (1.756) (1.35) (0.476) (0.701) (2.878) (5.228) (4.091) (3.65) (28.859)
mm (inches)






























Source #1: [14]

Source #2: [15]

Vegetation and geography

The natural vegetation of Nice is typical for a Mediterranean landscape, with a heavy representation of
broadleaf evergreen shrubs. Trees tend to be scattered but form dense forests in some areas. Large native tree
species include evergreens such as holm oak, stone pine and arbutus. Many introduced species grow in parks
and gardens. Palms, eucalyptus and citrus fruits are among the trees


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and gardens. Palms, eucalyptus and citrus fruits are among the trees
which give Nice a subtropical appearance. But there are also species
familiar to temperate areas around the world; examples include horse
chestnut, linden and even Norway spruce.
Geographically, Nice consists of two large bays. Villefranche-surMer sits on an enclosed bay, while the main expanse of the city lies
between the old port city and the Aeroport de Cte d'Azur, across a
gently curving bay. The city rises from the at beach into gentle
rising hills, then is bounded by surrounding mountains that represent
the Southern and nearly the Western extent of the Ligurian Alps

Economy and tourism

Nice seen from Spot Satellite

Nice is the seat of the Chambre de commerce et d'industrie Nice Cte

d'Azur. It manages the Nice - Cte d'Azur Airport and the Cannes Mandelieu Airport, as well as the Port of Nice. Investors from France
and abroad can benet from the assistance of the Cte d'Azur
Economic Development Agency Team Cte d'Azur.
Among tourists, Nice is the second most popular French city after
Paris, a fact which, combined with the difculties of land travel at
long distance (partly because of the Alps), allows it to have the third
busiest airport in France in terms of passenger numbers (close to
10,000,000 passengers in 2005). It is easily accessible, being less
than 6 hours from Paris by train, and the airport is located just
minutes away from the city.

View of the old town

Nice has one conference centre: the Palais des Congrs Acropolis. The city also has several business parks,
including l'Arenas, Nice the Plain, Nice Mridia, Saint Isidore, and the Northern Forum.
In addition, the city features several shopping centres such as Nicetoile, Nice TNL, Nice Lingostire,
Northern Forum, St-Isidore, the Trinity (around the Auchan hypermarket) and Cap3000 in Saint-Laurent-duVar.
Sophia Antipolis is a technology park northwest of Antibes. Much of the park is within the commune of
Valbonne. Established between 1970 and 1984, it primarily houses companies in the elds of computing,
electronics, pharmacology and biotechnology. Several institutions of higher learning are also located here,
along with the European headquarters of W3C. The park is named after Sophie Glikman-Toumarkine, the
wife of French Senator Pierre Laftte, founder of the park, and incidentally, Sophia, the goddess of wisdom.
The second half of the park's name is derived from Antipolis, the ancient Greek name of Antibes.
The Nice metropolitan area had a GDP amounting to $47.7 billion, and $34,480 per capita,[16] slightly lower
than the French average.




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The port of Nice is also known as Lympia port. This name comes
from the Lympia spring which fed a small lake in a marshy zone
where work on the port was started in 1745. Today this is the
principal harbour installation of Nice there is also a small port in
the Carras district. The port is the rst port cement manufacturer in
France, linked to the treatment plants of the rollers of the valley of
Paillon. Fishing activities remain but the number of professional
shermen is now less than 10. Nice, being the point of continental
France nearest to Corsica, has ferry connections with the island
The port of Nice
developed with the arrival of NGV (navires grande vitesse) or
high-speed craft. Two companies provide the connections: SNCM, a
partially public company and Corsica Ferries Sardinia Ferries, an entirely private company. Located in
front of the port, the Place Cassini has been renamed Place of Corsica.
Nice Cte d'Azur Airport
Nice Cte d'Azur Airport is the third most important airport in France after Charles de Gaulle Airport and
Orly Airport, both in Paris. It is on the Promenade des Anglais, near l'Arnas and has two terminals. Due to
its proximity to the Principality of Monaco, it also serves as that citystate's airport. A helicopter service
provided by Heli Air Monaco and Monacair links the city and airport; it averages 39 ights a day. It is run
by the Chamber of Commerce and the Nice Cte d'Azur industry. Its director is Herv de Place, director of
the Cte d'Azur airports, which includes Cannes - Mandelieu Airport. In 2009, 9,830,987 passengers
travelled through the airport.[17]
The main railway station is Nice-Ville, served both by high speed TGV trains connecting Paris and Nice in
less than 6 hours and by local commuter TER services. Marseille is reached in 2.5 hours. Nice also has
international connections to Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, and Russia.[18] Nice is also served by several
suburban stations including Nice St-Augustin, Nice St-Roch and Nice Riquier.
Nice is also the southern terminus of the independently run Chemins de Fer de Provence railway line which
connects the city with Digne in approximatively 4 hours. A metro-like suburban service is also provided on
the southern part of the line.
Tramway de Nice began operating horse-drawn trams in 1879. Electried in 1900, the combined length of
the network reached 144km (89.48mi) by 1930. The replacement of trams with trolleybuses began in 1948
and was completed in 1953. In 2007, the new Tramway de Nice linked the northern and eastern suburbs via
the city centre. Two other lines are currently in the planning stage. The second line will run east-west from
Place Massna to the Nice Cte d'Azur Airport,[19] extending to Cagnes-sur-Mer and Le Port, while the third
line will provide a connection to the future TGV Nice Saint-Augustin Lingostire rail station.[20]



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The A8 autoroute and the Route nationale 7 pass through the Nice agglomeration, linking Marseille with


Panorama of the town (including many main sights, like Hotel Negresco) and the beach

Panorama of Nice from Colline du Chteau

The Promenade des Anglais ("Promenade of the English") is a

promenade along the Baie des Anges ("Bay of the Angels"), which is
a bay of the Mediterranean, in Nice. Before Nice was urbanised, the
coastline at Nice was just bordered by a deserted stretch of beach
covered with large pebbles. The rst houses were located on higher
ground well away from the sea, as wealthy tourists visiting Nice in
the 18th century did not come for the beach, but for the gentle winter
weather. The areas close to the water were home to Nice's
dockworkers and shermen.
Hotel Negresco

In the second half of the 18th century, many wealthy English people
took to spending the winter in Nice, enjoying the panorama along the
coast. When a particularly harsh winter up north brought an inux of beggars to Nice, some of the rich
Englishmen proposed a useful project for them: the construction of a



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Englishmen proposed a useful project for them: the construction of a

walkway (chemin de promenade) along the sea.
The city of Nice, intrigued by the prospect of a pleasant promenade,
greatly increased the scope of the work. The Promenade was rst
called the Camin dei Angls (the English Way) by the Niois in their
native dialect, Nissart. After the annexation of Nice by France in
1860 it was rechristened La Promenade des Anglais, replacing the
former Nissart name with its French translation.
Seafront of the city
The Hotel Negresco on the Promenade des Anglais was named after
Henri Negresco (18681920) who had the palatial hotel constructed
in 1912. In keeping with the conventions of the time, when the Negresco rst opened in 1913 its front
opened on the side opposite the Mediterranean.

Another place worth mentioning is the small street parallel to the Promenade des Anglais, leading from
Nice's downtown, beginning at Place Massna and running parallel to the promenade in the direction of the
airport for a short distance of about 4 blocks. This section of the city is referred to as the "Zone Pietonne", or
"Pedestrian Zone". Cars are not allowed (with exception to delivery trucks), making this avenue a popular
walkway. Here, tourists can nd a ne selection of restaurants, specializing in various types of cuisine,
including Nioise, French, Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish and Italian. There is also a large
selection of cafs where one can sit and enjoy an apritif, as well as several bakeries with coffee, cake, and a
terrace. There are also plenty of small shops selling clothing, shoes, and souvenirs.
Old Nice is also home to the Opra de Nice. It was constructed at the end of the 19th century under the
design of Franois Aune, to replace King Charles Flix's Maccarani Theater. Today, it is open to the public
and provides a regular program of performances.
Other sights include:
Monument aux morts
The port
Cours Saleya
Jardin botanique de la Ville de Nice (botanical garden)
Musee Massena
March aux eurs
Old Nice
Grand Htel Imprial
Fort of Mont Alban

Place Massna
The Place Massna is the main square of the city. Before the Paillon River was covered over, the Pont-Neuf
was the only practicable way between the old town and the modern one. The square was thus divided into
two parts (North and South) in 1824. With the demolition of the Massna Casino in 1979, the Place Massna
became more spacious and less dense and is now bordered by red ochre buildings of Italian architecture.



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The recent rebuilding of the tramline gave the square back to the
pedestrians, restoring its status as a real Mediterranean square. It is
lined with palm trees and stone pines, instead of being the
rectangular roundabout of sorts it had become over the years. Since
its construction, the Place Massna has always been the spot for great
public events. It is used for concerts, and particularly during the
summer festivals, the Corso carnavalesque (carnival parade) in
February, the military procession of 14 July (Bastille Day) or other
traditional celebrations and banquets.
The Place Massna is a two-minute walk from the Promenade des
Anglais, old town, town centre, and Albert I Garden (Jardin Albert
Ier). It is also a large crossroads between several of the main streets
of the city: avenue Jean Mdecin, avenue Flix Faure, boulevard
Jean Jaurs, avenue de Verdun and rue Gioffredo.

View of the Place Massna

Place Garibaldi
The Place Garibaldi also stands out for its architecture and history. It
is named after Giuseppe Garibaldi, hero of the Italian unication
(born in Nice in 1807 when Nice was part of the Napoleonic Empire,
Place Massna by night, 2012
before reverting to the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia). The square
was built at the end of the 18th century and served as the entry gate
to the city and end of the road to Turin. It took several names between 1780
and 1870 (Plaa Pairoulira, Place de la Rpublique, Place Napolon, Place
d'Armes, Place Saint-Augustin, Piazza Vittorio) and nally Place Garibaldi
in September 1870.
A statue of Garibaldi, who was ercely in favour of the union of Nice with
Italy, stands in the centre of the square. The recent rebuilding of the area to
accommodate the new tramway line gave mostly the entire square to
pedestrians. The architecture is in line with the Turin model, which was the
norm of urban renewal throughout the entire realm of the House of Savoy.

Place Garibaldi, pedestrian since the

introduction of the Nice tramway.

It is a crossroads between the Vieux

Nice (old town) and the town centre.
Place Garibaldi is close to the eastern
districts of Nice, Port Lympia
(Lympia Harbour), and the TNL
Garibaldi's monument, Place
commercial centre. This square is
also a junction of several important
streets: the boulevard Jean-Jaurs,
the avenue de la Rpublique, the rue Cassini and the rue CatherineSgurane.

Place Rossetti



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Entirely enclosed and pedestrianised, this square is located in the

heart of the old town. With typical buildings in red and yellow ochres
surrounding the square, the cathdrale Sainte-Rparate and the
fountain in the centre, place Rossetti is a must-see spot in the old
town. By day, the place is invaded by the terraces of traditional
restaurants and the nest ice-cream makers. By night, the
environment changes radically, with tourists and youths ocking to
the square, where music reverberates on the walls of the small
square. The square's lighting at night gives it a magical aspect.
Place Rossetti is in the centre of the old town, streets Jesus, Rossetti,
Masconat and the Pont-vieux (old bridge)

The Cathedral

Cours Saleya
The Cours Saleya is situated parallel to the Quai des tats-Unis. In
the past, it belonged to the upper classes. It is probably the most
traditional square of the town, with its daily ower market. The
Cours Saleya also opens on the Palais des Rois Sardes (Palace of the
Kings of Sardinia). In the present, the court is mostly a place of
entertainment. There are good restaurants serving typical Nicois
cuisine, markets and many pubs. It is no doubt one of the most active
spots in Nice.
Place du Palais

Saleya Course (2007)

As its name indicates, the Place du Palais is where the Palais de la

Justice (Law courts) of Nice is located. On this square, there also is
the Palais Rusca, which also belongs to the justice department (home
of the tribunal de grande instance).
The square is also notable due to the presence of the city clock.
Today, the Place du Palais is alive day and night. Often, groups of
youths will hangout on the steps leading to the Palais de la Justice.
Concerts, lms, and other major public events frequently occur in
this space.
It is situated halfway between the Cours Saleya and Place Massna.

Place du Palais view of the Rusca


Sainte-Rparate Cathedral, 17th century
Russian Orthodox Cathedral
Notre-Dame de Nice
Sainte Jeanne d'Arc Church, 20th century

Sports and entertainment



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Stade du Ray
Allianz Riviera
Stade Charles-Ehrmann
Palais Nikaia
Nice Jazz Festival

The city's major football club is OGC Nice. They play in Ligue
1 (the top division in France).
The Olympic Nice swimming club (French: Olympic Nice
Natation) is also notable; Camille Muffat and Yannick Agnel
used to train there for example.[21]
Nice hosts the nish of the annual cycling race ParisNice.

The church of St. Martin in Nice

Population Change (See database)
































































Sources: Ldh/EHESS/Cassini until 1962 (

984), INSEE database from 1968 (
OM06088.pdf) (population without double counting and municipal population from 2006)
The metropolitan area of Nice, dened by INSEE, is home to 888,784 inhabitants (fth most populous in
France) and its urban area totals 933,080 inhabitants, which makes it the sixth largest in France.
Roughly 10% of the population has foreign citizenship.
The six largest immigrant groups are from:
1. Tunisia
2. Italy
3. Morocco
4. Algeria
5. Portugal
6. Spain



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The city saw a big demographic rise in the second half of the 19th
century, a period when the population more than doubled, mainly due
to French immigration. At the beginning of the 20th century, this rise
intensied with the arrival of internal immigrants from the County of
Nice itself.
After the First World War, the city had a strong increase in
population. Immigration was again the reason of this growth. The
hotel industry and that of the construction industry, in full strength in
Nice residents of Vietnamese descent
the 1920s, attracted the world more and more and thus made it
stand in front of one of the many
possible for Nice to become a town of national importance. In 1921,
Vietnamese restaurants of the city.
Nice then became the eleventh most populous town of France, then
in 1931, the eighth, before being ranked sixth in 1946; thereafter the
city reached its current demographic level due to the arrival of sixty thousand people including French
citizens from Algeria.
Since the 1970s, the number of inhabitants has not changed signicantly; the relatively high migration to
Nice is compensated by a natural negative growth of the population. Nice has a high proportion of elderly
people., and as such has one of the highest median ages in France.
Currently, the population of the city is growing again, the most likely reason of which is a preference for the
climate. Nice was projected to have 360,000 citizens in 2008, and will have 370,000 by 2012.

The Observatoire de Nice (Nice Observatory) is located on the
summit of Mont Gros. The observatory was established in 1879 by
the banker Raphal Bischoffsheim. The architect was Charles
Garnier, and Gustave Eiffel designed the main dome.
The 76-cm (30-inch) refractor telescope that became operational in
1888 was at that time the world's largest telescope. It was
outperformed one year later by the 36-inch (91-cm) refractor at the
Lick Observatory at University of California, Santa Cruz.

View of the Bischoffsheim cupola,

main cupola of Nice Observatory

As a scientic institution, the Nice Observatory was merged with

CERGA in 1988 to form the Observatoire de la Cte d'Azur. Many
scientic activities still take place on the Nice Observatory site on Mount Gross above the city including
gravity-wave and high-energy astrophysics, astrometric and interferometric astronomy and planetary
science. The city is the namesake for the Nice model, which was developed at the observatory in 2005.

Nice is one of the oldest human settlements in the world. Terra-Amata, an archaeological site dating from the
Lower Palaeolithic age, is situated near Nice. Nice itself was established by the ancient Greeks. There was
also an independent Roman city, Cemenelum, near Nice, where the hill of Cimiez is located. It is an
archaeological site with treasures, of which only a small part has been excavated. The excavated site
includes thermal baths, arenas and Roman road.



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Since the 2nd century AD, the light of the city has attracted many famous painters and sculptors such as
Chagall, Matisse, Niki de Saint Phalle, Klein, Arman and Sosno. Nice inspired many composers and
intellectuals in different countries e.g. Berlioz, Rossini, Nietzsche etc.
Nice also has numerous museums of all kinds: Muse Marc Chagall, Muse Matisse (arenas of Cimiez
containing Roman ruins), Muse des Beaux-Arts, Muse international d'Art naf Anatole Jakovsky, Muse
Terra-Amata, Museum of Asian Art, Muse d'art moderne et d'art contemporain which devotes much space
to the well-known cole of Nice ), Museum of Natural History, Muse Massna, Naval Museum and
Galerie des Ponchettes.
Being a vacation resort, Nice hosts many festivals throughout the year, such as the Carnaval de Nice and the
Nice Jazz Festival.
Nice has a distinct culture due to its unique history. The local language Niard (Nissart) is an Occitan dialect
(but some Italian scholars argue that it is a Ligurian dialect). It is still spoken by a substantial minority.
Strong Italian and (to a lesser extent) Corsican inuences make it more intelligible than other extant
Provenal dialects.
In the past, Nice welcomed many immigrants from Italy (who continue to make up a large proportion of the
population), as well as Spanish and Portuguese immigrants. However, in the past few decades immigration
has been opened to include immigrants from all over the world, particularly those from former Northern and
Western African colonies, as well as southeast Asia. Traditions are still alive, especially in folk music and
dances. The most famous dance is the farandole.
Since 1860 a cannon (based at the Chteau east of Old Nice) is shot at twelve o'clock sharp. The detonation
can be heard almost all over the city. This tradition goes back to Sir Thomas Coventry, who intended to
remind the citizens of having lunch on time.[22]

The cuisine of Nice is especially close to those of Provence but also Liguria and Piedmont and uses local
ingredients (olive oil, anchovies, fruit and vegetables) but also those from more remote regions, in particular
from Northern Europe, because ships which came to pick up olive oil arrived full of food products, such as
dried haddock.
Nice has a few local dishes. There is a local tart made with onions and anchovies (or anchovy paste), named
"Pissaladire". Socca is a type of pancake made from chickpea our. Farcis niois is a dish made from
vegetables stuffed with a mixture of breadcrumbs, meat (generally sausage and ground beef), and herbs; and
salade nioise is a tomato salad with green peppers of the "Corne" variety, baked eggs, tuna or anchovies,
and olives.
Local meat comes from neighbouring valleys, such as the sheep of Sisteron. Local sh, such as mullets,
bream, sea urchins, and anchovies (alevins) are used to a great extent, so much so that it has given birth to a
proverb: "sh are born in the sea and die in oil".
Examples of Niois specialties include:
Beignets de eurs de courgettes



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Soupe au pistou
Tourte de blettes
Salade nioise

University of Nice Sophia Antipolis
Institut Eurcom
cole des hautes tudes commerciales du nord
cole pour l'informatique et les nouvelles technologies
Villa Arson
ESRA lm school
Institut suprieur europen de formation par l'action
Skema Business School

International relations
Twin towns Sister cities
Nice is twinned with:[23]
Alicante, Spain
Cape Town, South
Cartagena, Colombia
Cuneo, Italy
Edinburgh, Scotland,
Gdask, Poland
Hangzhou, China
Houston, Texas, United
Kamakura, Japan

Kamakura, Japan
Laval, Quebec, Canada
Libreville, Gabon
Louisiana (state),
United States
Manila, Philippines
Miami, Florida, United
Netanya, Israel[26]
Nouma, New
Nuremberg, Germany
Phuket, Thailand
Xiamen, China
Can Tho, Vietnam

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Saint-Denis, France
Saint Petersburg,
Santa Cruz de Tenerife,
Sorrento, Italy
Szeged, Hungary
Thessaloniki, Greece[27]
Yalta, Ukraine or
Russia (disputed)
Yerevan, Armenia[28]

Notable people
Giuseppe Garibaldi Italian general, politician and patriot.
Albert Calmette French physician, bacteriologist and immunologist,



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Simone Veil French lawyer and politician who served as Minister of Health, President of the
European Parliament and member of the Constitutional Council of France. Survivor from the
Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp
Joann Sfar French comics artist, comic book creator and lm director.
Jean-Pierre Mocky French lm director, actor, screenwriter and producer
J. M. G. Le Clzio French author and professor, was awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize in Literature[29]
Ren Cassin French jurist, law professor and judge, former student of Nice's Lyce Massena, he
received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968[30]
Andr Massna 1st Duc de Rivoli, 1st Prince d'Essling, one of the original eighteen Marshals of the
Empire, French military commander during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, his nickname
was l'Enfant chri de la Victoire ("the Dear Child of Victory")[31]
Henry Cavendish British scientist noted for his discovery of hydrogen
Surya Bonaly gure skater
Jules Bianchi (19892015) Formula 1 Driver
Dominic Howard Drummer for Muse currently lives in Nice
Hugo Lloris footballer
Georges Lautner director born in Nice. He is buried in the cemetery of the Castle.
Dick Rivers born Herv Forneri, rock singer, born in Nice in 1945
Ren Goscinny Asterix creator buried in Nice.
Christian Estrosi born in Nice in 1955.
Lon Gambetta (18381881), buried in Nice
Queen Victoria Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland stayed many winters in
Eric Ciotti born in Nice in 1965.
Jean Behra (19211959) racing driver, born in Nice
Elton John singer, owns a house in Mont Boron on the hills of Nice
Dominique Jean-Zphirin footballer
Gilles Simon tennis player
Aliz Cornet tennis player
Freda Betti opera singer
Henri Betti composer and pianist
Priscilla Betti singer and actress
Alexy Bosetti footballer
Michel Siffre adventurer and scientist
Robert W. Service poet and writer of the Klondike Gold Rush lived in Nice during the summers
from 1916 until 1940.[32]
Aim Teisseire (19142008) French Army ofcer, lived in Nice after his retirement from the
military until his death at the age of 93[33]

See also
Albert Spaggiari
Cimetire du Chteau
European Institute of High International
Le Mridien

Rugby Nice Cte d'Azur Universit-Racing
37th G8 summit



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1. Demographia: World Urban Areas (, March 2010
2. INSEE Rsultats du recensement de la population de 2008 Aire urbaine de Nice (http://www.recensement.inse
2010&idTheme=3&rechercher=Rechercher) INSEE, 2008
3. Ruggiero, Alain, ed. (2006). Nouvelle histoire de Nice. Toulouse: Privat. pp.1718. ISBN978-2-7089-8335-9.
4. Alain Ruggiero, op. cit., p. 137
5. "Nice, France travel. Comprehensive guide to Nice". Retrieved 3 April 2011.
6. Un savoir-faire et un quipement complet en matire d'accueil (
oire.htm), site de la CANCA Archived (
hiffres-cles-atouts-territoire.htm) 24 February 2009 at the Wayback Machine.
7. Les chiffres cls du tourisme Nice (, site municipal Archived (http
s:// 17 December 2007 at the
Wayback Machine.
8. "Union des aroports franais Rsultats d'activit des aroports franais 2007 Trac passagers 2007
classement page 8" (PDF). Retrieved 3 April 2011.
9. "Le Nouveau venu" (in French). Muse de Palontologie Humaine de Terra Amata. Retrieved 5 March 2009.
10. A. G. Wintle; M. J: Aitken (July 1997). "Thermoluminescence dating of burnt int: application to a Lower
Paleolithic site, Terra Amata". Archaeometry 19 (2): 111130. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4754.1977.tb00189.x.
11. "The Chsteau of Villeneuve-Loubet". Villeneuve-Loubet Guide and Hotels. Retrieved 30 September 2009.
12. Lon Poliakov, La conditions des Juifs sous l'occupation italienne, Paris, CDJC, 1946 and bibliographies of
Angelo Donati and Pre Marie-Benot
13. Ralph Schor (Edited by), Dictionnaire historique et biographique du comt de Nice(Historical and biographical
dictionary of the County of Nice), Nice, Serre, 2002, ISBN 978-2-86410-366-0, pp.2223 (French)
14. "19812010 Data". July 2012.
15. "Nice, France". Retrieved 10 July 2015.
16. "Global city GDP 2011". Brookings Institution. Retrieved 4 March 2013.
17. 2009 trafc details from Nice airport website (
18. "French Riviera train for Russia". BBC News. 23 September 2010. Retrieved 24 September 2010.
19. "Line 2 tram expected to be nished in 2017". Attika International. 20 March 2013. Retrieved 8 March 2014.
20. "Dates et chiffres cls / La ligne 1 / Accueil Tramway de la Communaut Urbaine Nice Cte d'Azur" (in
French). Retrieved 2011-09-15.
21. "Olympic Nice Natation homepage" (in French). Olympic Nice Natation.
22. Nice French Riviera: Noon on the Dot ( from Retrieved 11 February 2013.
23. "Villes jumeles avec la Ville de Nice" (in French). Ville de Nice. Archived from the original on 29 October 2012.
Retrieved 2013-06-24.
24. "Twin and Partner Cities". City of Edinburgh Council. Retrieved 16 January 2009.
25. "British towns twinned with French towns [via]". Archant Community Media Ltd.
Archived from the original on 5 July 2013. Retrieved 2013-07-20.
26. "Netanya Twin Cities". Netanya Municipality. Archived from the original on 2013-02-01. Retrieved
27. "Twinnings" (PDF). Central Union of Municipalities & Communities of Greece. Retrieved 2013-08-25.
28. "Yerevan Twin Towns & Sister Cities". Yerevan Municipality Ofcial Website. Retrieved 2013-11-04.
29. Licheld, John (9 October 2008). "French novelist Le Clzio wins Nobel literature prize". The Independent.
Retrieved 22 October 2012.
30. "Ren Cassin". Nobel Foundation. Retrieved 22 October 2012.
31. General Michel Franceschi (Ret.), Austerlitz (Montreal: International Napoleonic Society, 2005), 20.
32. "Biography". Robert W Service Estate. Retrieved 3 May 2013.
33. Muse de l'Ordre de la Libration. "Aim Teisseire" (
me-teisseire). Retrieved 19 January 2016 (French).



Nice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This articleincorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Chisholm, Hugh, ed.
(1911). "article name needed". Encyclopdia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press.
This article incorporates text from a publication now in the public domain:Herbermann, Charles,
ed. (1913). "Nice". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton.

External links
Nice: between sea and mountains (
ountains) Ofcial French website (English)
Ofcial website of the City of Nice ( (French)
Ofcial website of Nice Metropolis ( (French)
Visitors and Convention Bureau Nice ( (French) (English)
Nice ('Azur/Alpes-M
aritimes/Localities/Nice) at DMOZ

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Categories: Nice Communes of Alpes-Maritimes Prefectures in France Massalian colonies
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