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D I A B L O w a t c h

Save Mount Diablo Protecting the Mountain Since 1971 Fall 2003 No 36

The “Eye of Diablo” Intelligent Tinkering

and the Standard Diablo Tower East County Habitat Plan Comes Together
Each year Save Mount Diablo holds its July Board Meeting some- Bay Area newspapers feature articles every day about endangered
where in the State Park. This year’s location was at Diablo’s peak, species. It seems overblown, but there are good reasons for the cov-
on the upper deck of the Summit Building, underneath the beacon. erage. California is isolated by high mountains and desert, and its
It’s the site of one of the most extraordinary views in the world. range of topography and climate have resulted in unusual localized
habitats in which a tremendous diversity of species has evolved—
One announcement made at the meeting was that ChevronTexaco the Mt. Diablo manzanita, globe lily and Diablo sunflower all live
had agreed to again sponsor within a ten by fifteen mile area,
SMD’s Moonlight on the for example. Meanwhile, human
Mountain anniversary event as impacts have accelerated with
well as the enclosed Autumn on intense population pressures
Diablo hike schedule. SMD since the 1849 Gold Rush.
and Chevron began working
together in 1997 when their Three years ago the most com-
communication tower on North prehensive accounting of rare
Peak came up for renewal; species in the U.S. was pub-
instead the company removed lished, Precious Heritage: the
the tower in December 1998 Status of Biodiversity in the
and restored the site. United States. What it showed
By chance, Cris Benton, a U.C. was dramatic. California is in
Berkeley professor was on the the top five hot spots for num-
summit practicing an unusual bers of rare species (Hawaii is
hobby, aerial photography with #1), the Bay Area has the biggest
a camera suspended from a kite. concentration in California, and
eastern Contra Costa is one of
He was drawn to the peak’s SMD holds a Board Meeting on the mountain each year, this July at the Summit the most important places in the
Museum. Crowned by the “Eye of Diablo” relocated from the old SD tower, the Bay Area for threatened species.
view, the building and its bea-
peak has a mythic view and supports a wide range of rare species, some found
con, which is lit just once a nowhere else. Photo by Cris Benton - Kite Aerial Photography. So what? Why are rare species
year on December 7th to com-
memorate Pearl Harbor Day. What very few know is that the bea- important; extinction has been
con is called the “Eye of Diablo.” It predates the Summit build- going on for millions of years? According to an American Museum
ing’s construction by more than a decade and crowned the of Natural History survey of 400 scientists, a majority believe the
“Standard Diablo” tower erected in 1928 by Standard Oil Company world is in the midst of the fastest mass extinction in the planet’s
of California…now 4.5 billion-year
history, largely
known as
ChevronTexaco. Thanks to Governor Davis and our legislators: from human caus-
es. Previous mass
In the early 20th Diablo to receive $3.4 million (see next page) extinctions took
century, gasoline hundreds of thou-
was a new product. Oil had been used as a lubricant and for sands or millions of years; this one is taking hundreds of years.
kerosene and was just beginning to compete with coal as fuel.
They rated loss of biodiversity as more serious than depletion of the
Though oil use would bring its own challenges, it also helped limit ozone layer, global warming or pollution. Seventy percent believe
wood cutting. Petroleum companies promoted uses that would cre- that during the next 30 years as many as one-fifth of all species will
ate demand for their product, including the automobile and tourist become extinct and a third of the respondents, that half the species
Continued on page 5 Continued on page 10
From The Executive Director . . .
Board of Directors Thanks to Governor Davis and our legislators:
Malcolm Sproul $3.4 million pledged for Diablo
The news is full of negative stories about the recession and the state’s budget cri-
Arthur Bonwell sis. Good news doesn’t play as well. Before the economic downturn, California
Vice-President voters approved the two largest resources bond acts in history, almost $4 billion.
We’ve asked you to write to legislators to get Diablo’s fair share. Well, our efforts
Allan Prager have paid off!!!
The Dept. of Parks and Recreation is one of our biggest allies. They came through for us in the State
Doug Knauer budget that was approved in early August and signed by Governor Gray Davis. The DPR was able to
Secretary program $3 million for Mt. Diablo State Park acquisition projects (in spite of the recent budget cuts).

Frank Varenchik In July, Save Mount Diablo dedicated and transferred its 427-acre Silva Ranch property to the State Park.
Treasurer Half of the $1 million sale price came from the Federal Land & Water Conservation Fund, half from state
Burt Bassler bonds. We repaid a $400,000 Coastal Conservancy grant and the Conservancy has pledged that money
Mary L. Bowerman will also be available for our next project. We sincerely thank our elected representatives, Senator Tom
Donald de Fremery Torlakson and Assemblyman Joe Canciamilla, who were sponsors of the bonds, and Representatives Ellen
Tauscher and George Miller, who made the Land & Water Fund monies available.
Scott Hein
Stephen Joseph So, we must have all the money we need, right? NO WAY!!! Though this is great news, SMD is negoti-
Robert Marx ating for eight properties valued at over $10 million. After we sign a deal it can take a year or more to
Steven Mehlman complete state applications for these funds and some of them require us to have matching funds. Our
John Mercurio ability to negotiate requires that we have funds in hand until the state can act. In addition, expenses for
Dave Sargent appraisals, down payments, staff time and general operating costs need to be raised in order to support our
acquisitions. So, continued contributions from donors and groups like the student club below are critical
David Trotter
in helping to support our land preservation efforts.
Sharon Walters
Students Go Green For Mount Diablo
Staff This winter, students in the California Junior Scholastic Federation (CJSF) placed containers in each
Ronald Brown home room class at Foothill Middle School in Walnut Creek. For a week prior to St. Patrick’s Day, stu-
Executive Director dents were encouraged to donate spare change. In keeping with the St. Partrick's Day theme, CJSF chose
Seth Adams to donate the money to SMD. On March 31st, I accepted a check for $418 from club president Tiffany
Director of Land Programs Hsu and showed a slide presentation of SMD’s land preservation activities. (Photo by Julie Farabee)

Talia Smith CJSF is a statewide organization open to 7th and 8th graders with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
Development Associate Their motto is, “Scholarship for Service.” Paula Deems, Foothill Spanish teacher serves as faculty advi-
sor. The club holds a variety of activities, including an adopt-a-family program that provides holiday
Suzanne Bitz gifts for needy families.
Office Manager So, you can see that every contribution makes a
difference, whether large or small. Please con-
Publisher sider ways that you can help! Make SMD part
Save Mount Diablo of your estate planning or volunteer to organize
1196 Boulevard Way #10 a fundraising event. Together we’ll get the job
Walnut Creek, CA 94595 done.
925-947-3535, Fax 925-947-3603 Thanks for always being there.

Founded in 1971, Save Mount Diablo Save Mount Diablo Merchandise

has been instrumental in increasing T - Shirts
open space on and around the mountain
from 6,788 acres to more than 83,000 N av y Blue or G r ay
acres. (100% c otton)
Adult Siz e s :
Masthead Panorama S, M, L, XL, XXL
by Stephen Joseph $ 12.50
Embroidered Hats
CONTAINS $ 15.00
SOYOIL Place your credit card order by phone (925) 947-3535, (Master Card, VISA, American Express),
or by mailing a check payable to SMD: 1196 Boulevard Way, #10, Walnut Creek, CA 94595.
DiabloWatch is printed on recycled paper
Merchandise can be purchased and picked up at SMD’s office or shipped for a $5 charge.
with a soy base ink and can be recycled.
Garaventa became continue up into Paradise Valley proper for
an attorney and in a longer loop and bigger views, back via a
1935 won a law- right turn on the Lime Ridge Tr. (more
suit against chaparral), or right on Manzanita and
Cowell; the stack Buckeye, in both cases looping around the
spread the lime transmission tower at the crest of Lime
over a wider area Ridge at 1001’. For the shorter trip, take
as part of the set- the first right onto the Blue Oak Tr. and
tlement. quickly cross Lime Ridge and the Ridge
Tr., an old water tank above, expansive
Follow Ohlone views beyond Walnut Creek to the Oakland
Trail up from the hills. Blue Oak Tr. is at the north edge of a
west end of the large patch of west-facing chaparral slope
staging area, curve and on hot days you’ll walk with milk-
left onto Paradise weed, bright Indian paintbrush and the
Valley Tr., leaving spicy smells of black sage (with its stems
Ygnacio and traffic of flower balls or seed heads), chamise,
noise behind. yerba santa, and sagebrush as their oils
You’ll follow a volatalize. The oiled leaves slow water
Claudia Hein, SMD’s Recording Secretary, on the Paradise Valley Trail. (Scott Hein)
small spined ridge loss on hot, exposed slopes. Below you
preserved by SMD, punctuated with lime will be the grassy bowls of Newhall N & S
Into Paradise Valley out-croppings and poison oak. Crowded on either side of Ygnacio, their names
By Seth Adams, Director of Land Programs with cottonwoods, valley, blue and live referring to an old farm company, stopped
oaks, it’s almost the only natural part of from development in the mid 1990s by
Lime Ridge Open Space this beginning. Most of the hills and Walnut Creek residents.
Trailhead: Montecito Staging Area swales were left by the quarrying, includ-
SW corner, Ygnacio & Cowell Rd. ing white lime dust and rocks at your feet. As you drop into open grassland, traffic
Map: W. Creek Open Space Map (web) Behind, the Kirker Hills on the northeast noise returns but meadowlarks add pleas-
Short Loop: Ohlone Trail, L to Paradise Cyn., ing notes. Oaks are scattered on the hills,
stretch to expanding views of Suisun Bay
R on Blue Oak, R on Buckeye, R on Ohlone dense cover in the ravines, and the occa-
Longer Loop: Ohlone Trail, left to Paradise and Solano County and, further west,
Central Contra Costa and Briones. In sional tubex tube with young oaks sticking
Canyon, right on Lime Ridge, right on Buckeye,
Spring, wildflowers crowd the trail. out. They’re part of a subtle restoration by
right on Ohlone
Distance: 3 miles, or 4.5 miles, round trip the Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation.
Elev. Chnge: 310-610’ elevation gain & loss Soon the Montecito houses come into view. Loop right onto Buckeye Tr., Lime Ridge
Difficulty: Moderate rise in short loop, In 1990 they were proposed for the ridge descending north, curve right onto Ohlone
more steep sections in the longer loop above you with more houses and a shop- Tr. and past the Paradise Valley Tr.. Look
Best Time To Go: Any time. ping center in the quarry scar below. Herb around—the grassy bowls to the left and
Notes: No water; No dogs (rare wildlife) Sihner, a founding partner of developer the ridge to the right were proposed for
Braddock & Logan, reached a compromise houses. A gentle rise back over the ridge
Open space can restore your spirit in an with SMD in 1997, pulling the houses off which has dropped to meet you, more
hour. On this walk you reach Paradise in the ridge, eliminating the shopping center, views, a short walk and you’ll be back
half that. This new hike is made for sunset and preserving half of the property. Birds where you started.
views; if you live nearby it will become a love the trees and you’ll hear mourning
favorite. Montecito Staging Area and an doves cooing in the evening. As you pass
addition to Lime Ridge Open Space were above a detention basin, a new single track
dedicated on Oct. 12, 2002, a condition of trail, veers right and rises into the heavily
neighboring development. A year later the wooded canyon. The slope is crowded
trailhead is a little stark. Don’t be fooled; with native bunchgrasses.
it’s the gateway to beautiful loop hikes,
varied habitat, interesting history, and Woodland closes around you. Imagine
incredible views in under five minutes. Spring: fragrant buckeyes blooming cream,
flowers under the trees. A red-tailed hawk
Lime was discovered locally in 1850 and takes flight, its call a descending “kreee-
quarrying provided jobs during economic ee.” You rise into the first part of Paradise
downturns. The trailhead was part of the Valley, low ridges framing the sky. If it’s
“Old Sand Quarry”, a leftover piece of the late the eastern slope may be rose- or
Henry Cowell Lime and Cement Co. which amber-tinted by the setting sun. The forest
moved to Lime Ridge in 1909 and closed belies the Open Space’s image of exposed
in 1946. Cowell included a town, grassland and dry chaparral and the lime
employed 250, and ran 24 hours a day. All colored clays give way to sand. But chap-
that’s visible today are quarry scars, a few arral isn’t far: three-leaved Hop tree shows
artifacts and the 235’ “smokestack” dust up, less allergenic than the poison oak it
spreader across Ygnacio. John L. resembles, with smooth leaf edges.
Garaventa’s family and other farmers had
experienced problems from the dust. Partway through the woodland you can
Print this map from the Walnut Creek web site
Leave A Legacy For Join SMD’s
E-Mail Distribution List
the Mountain By signing up for Save Mount Diablo’s
Did you know that seventy percent of email distruibution list we will be able to
Americans make gifts to charities each send you our monthly “action alerts”
year, yet only eight percent make provi- about current land use issues, notices of
sions for charitable gifts from their estates. events and activites and images of land-
scapes that we are working to preserve.
There are a variety of ways in which you
can include Save Mount Diablo in your To join the Save Mount Diablo email
estate planning. Current and planned giv- distribution list, send an email to:
ing - modest or ambitious - can take full <>
advantage of a wide range of personal and In the message box type the word “sub-
estate tax incentives. Whether your goal is scribe” (without the quotation marks).
to reduce your tax burden or to generate
income, Save Mount Diablo and our pro- Members may not post messages directly
fessional financial consultants can help to other members of the list, but they can
you create an individual philanthropic plan send messages or information to staff at
that reflects your personal values and prior- Save Mount Diablo. We will review the
ities. message and pass on important informa-
tion to the entire list. Messages can be
Get Dirty on Diablo - There are many ways of giving, each with sent to:
its own financial benefits, and each with its
Sunday, November. 2 own rewards. Carefully planned philan-

Half Marathon, thropic investments can supplement income

and preserve assets for you and your heirs,
Visit Our Web Site:
10 K Run or 10 K Speed Hike, while reducing your family’s capital gains,
10 K Interpretive Hike personal income tax and gift and estate tax.
Beautiful images of the mountain . . . his-
Starting from Castle Rock Recreation Area Future issues of Diablo Watch will outline tory of SMD and its acquisitions . . . infor-
in Walnut Creek, hike and run courses trav- various types of planned gifts. This issue mation about our current land use planning
el through Diablo Foothills Regional Park, will discuss bequests. efforts & aquisition projects . . . read arti-
to spectacular Castle Rock, up the slopes of cles from past newsletters.
Bequests are the most common type of
Mount Diablo’s Pine Ridge, and then back
planned gift. They may be made in any Our web site was created by and is regu-
to the starting line through Pine Canyon.
amount and they will reduce your estate larly updated by SMD co-founder Art
Throughout the morning you will enjoy tax. There are several different types of Bonwell. Art changes the web site fre-
live musical entertainment provided by bequests you may consider: quently and encourages site visitors to
Grab Bag, an eclectic band. A Community share their own Diablo images for posting
Expo will include booths from a number of • A specific bequest is when you leave a on our site.
community organizations, various recre- specified dollar amount to SMD; or you
The Wild Bird Center, in Newell Plaza in
ational clubs, and a number of active recre- may designate that SMD receive a spe-
Walnut Creek, hosts SMD’s web site.
ational and equipment vendors. cific asset or assets - such as stock,
Thanks to Joanie & Chris Smith. Chris
bonds, or a life insurance policy.
Festivities begin at 8:00 am and all of the also provides SMD with the technical sup-
• A percentage bequest can assign a spe-
races begin at 9:00 am. A bar-b-que lunch port Art needs in maintaining the web site.
cific percentage of your estates value to
will be available along with activities for SMD.
children. • A residual bequest will give SMD all or United Way Donor Option
a portion of your estate after all debts, You can designate Save Mount Diablo as
Fees for timed races: $30 per person
taxes, expenses and other bequests have the recipient of your United Way Pledge.
(includes registration, t-shirt and lunch)
been paid When you are asked to make your annual
Community Expo: Free
• A contingent bequest is used in the event workplace donation, please consider des-
Save Mount Diablo Trail Adventure that your named beneficiary either pre- ignating it to us. Our tax ID number is
information and registration: deceases you or disclaims the property 94-2681735.
call the SMD office at 925-947-3535 or when the estate settles. SMD can be
stop by Forward Motion Sports or Outside named solely as a contingent beneficiary Business Contributions
Interests, two of our event sponsors, at 422 or in addition to other provisions speci- Many companies will match your chari-
and 432 Hartz Avenue in Danville. fying it as a specific or percentage bene- table contributions to Save Mount
ficiary. Diablo. Ask your employer if they have
Proceeds benefit Save Mount Diablo pro- a matching gift program.
grams. Event Sponsors: Forward Motion If you are considering a bequest to SMD,
Sports, Outside Interests, New Balance, we would be happy to provide you with Also let us know if your employer has a
RBC Mortgage of California, Diablo sample bequest language. foundation or corporate donation pro-
Roadrunners. gram to which we can apply.

new PG&E lines for power. Twelve foot
“SD” code letters illuminated with red neon
lights, facing east and west, further oriented
fliers. The lens and mirror of the 10 mil-
lion candlepower Diablo light are 36” in
diameter, and revolve six times per minute.
500 hour lamps were good for about sixty
days of operation; when they burned out a
“‘robot,’ or electrical servant, automatically
tilts the platform and brings a spare lamp
into the focus of the mirror and lights it.”

“‘SD’ because of its location, probably will

excel in visibility any similar light in the
world…one of the most useful aviation
beacons in the country. Because of its
location, it will correspond to a beacon on a
tower 4,000 feet high.” Standard Oil
placed letters identifying towns on the
roofs of more than 500 of its warehouses
along the Pacific Coast and ultimately built
65 beacons.

The summer’s completion of the beacons

The Standard Diablo tower depicted at Diablo’s from Salt Lake to the Bay Area would also
peak. The March 1928 Bulletin, for the first time complete a chain from New York to the
questioned the claim that Diablo had the world’s Pacific. “It will be possible to revise our
largest view. (courtesy of ChevronTexaco) schedules, sailing to and from the Bay
Region at night, thus saving an additional
“Eye of Diablo” business day for mail, express and passen- 12 foot ’SD’ initials designate Standard Diablo,
continued from page 1 gers between the Atlantic and Pacific illuminated by red neon tubes (c. Mike Dillon)
industries. Both would soon define
California and create support for preserva- broadcast by radio. Herbert Hoover, the
On April 15, 1928 The Standard Diablo
tion of its spectacular natural areas. Auto Secretary of Commerce (and later
tower was dedicated. It was first lit by Col.
races were held on Mt. Diablo, for exam- President) participated along with another
Charles A. Lindbergh by remote control
ple, to drive car sales. Another promising speaker who is mentioned in the Bulletin:
from Denver, Colorado in a ceremony
new venture was commercial aviation.
“The owner of Mt. Diablo, W.P. Frick, of
Until the spread of radar technology during San Francisco and Oakland, who maintains
World War II, aviators had to rely on land- a public observation platform on the sum-
marks and visual clues to fly . In the 1920s mit of the mountain, and the highway lead-
the U.S. Dept. of Commerce began encour- ing to it, the Mt. Diablo Scenic Boulevard,
aging the creation of “chains of lights” — a toll-road, has granted permission for the
beacons every hundred miles across the erection of the light.”
country—to establish airways and to guide
pilots and new commercial flights. In 1939 Standard Oil agreed to become the
financial sponsor for the Park’s new
The March 1928 Standard Oil Bulletin is Summit Building, providing steel and con-
informative: “The Summit of Mt. crete, and in 1942 the company’s beacon,
Diablo…is the site upon which Standard which had by that time become known as
Oil Company is installing a beacon light the “Eye of Diablo,” was transferred to the
for aviators. This mountain’s most notable new structure.
attribute is its isolation from other high-
lands, such as surround other famous We appreciate ChevronTexaco’s support of
mountain peaks. Its aloofness affords a Mt. Diablo these past seventy-five years.
scope of vision declared to be unequaled— In the Spring 2004 DiabloWatch, we’ll
and a visibility that makes it an ideal loca- publish “Who Was Walter P. Frick? The
tion for a fliers’ beacon.” (See page 6: Creation of Mt. Diablo State Park.” See
Except for Kilimanjaro: George Davidson Cris Benton’s kite aerial photos at:
and Mt. Diablo’s Mythic View)
Diablo’s peak was covered by an observa- Diablo/Diablo.htm
The “Eye of Diablo” is a ten million candle
tion platform, with metal guides to identify power beacon which was moved from the SD By Seth Adams, SMD’s Director of Land
landmarks, so the 70’ Standard Diablo tower in 1942 to the recently completed Programs;
tower was located just down slope, with Summit Museum (c. Mike Dillon)

a tourist attraction, another group of survey- During the mid 1910s, Robert Noble
ors spent weeks on the mountain’s summit. Burgess assembled much of Diablo’s west
They were led by George Davidson (born face for a speculative development pro-
1825 - died 1911), an English born posal, the Mount Diablo Estates, with an
astronomer who became famous as a survey- expected population of 10,000. He built
or and later as the honorary chair of geodesy the Mount Diablo Scenic Boulevard auto
and astronomy at the University of roads to the top, sponsored auto races and
California. He founded California’s first in 1915 published a brochure to build visi-
observatory. Years after he debunked a tation. Widely distributed, the brochure
fraudulent claim on the highest point in San misidentifies and quotes Davidson, who
Francisco, the Sierra Club sponsored the had died and couldn’t respond, “One can
naming of the site for him—Mt. Davidson, see a larger area of land and water from
the city’s peak with the large white cross. here than from any other point in the
world, because of the atmospheric condi-
In 1876 Davidson’s US Coast and Geodetic tions and Mount Diablo’s isolation. —The
Survey erected a 3-story signal station at late Professor George Davidson, noted
Diablo’s summit to be used as part of the geologist of the University of California.”
Transcontinental Triangulation Survey of the The quote hasn’t been found in the origi-
United States. Caroline Coggins and a nal but, unless he simply took Whitney’s
group of women traveled to the summit that word for it, is hardly likely given
The claim that Mt Diablo has the world’s largest summer - Coggins later published a descrip- Davidson’s scientific achievements.
view is credited to U.C. Berkeley professor tion of a trip there, probably in the
George Davidson (1825-1911), who led the U.S. Sacramento Union: “about fifty rods from After Burgess’ company went bankrupt, in
Coast and Geodetic survey to Mt. Diablo in the summit, we discover eleven white tents 1919 Oakland businessman Walter P.
1876. No evidence has been found in a cluster, scarcely higher than the chapar- Frick began reassembling the Diablo
that he actually made the claim. ral, yet making a perfect village on the lands. He negotiated with the State, which
mountain top. This is the temporary habita- was attempting to create Mt. Diablo State
Except for Kilimanjaro tion of some of the officers and employes of Park, hired a publicist and soon printed his
George Davidson the United States coast survey…the wives of own brochure. The claim was simplified
two of the gentlemen (Prof. Davidson and to “from the summit of Mt. Diablo a larger
and Mt. Diablo’s Mythic View
Captain Rockwell) are at present with their area of land and water is visible than from
“Mt. Diablo has the largest view in the husbands…This little settlement is cheered any other point in the world.” Frick
world,” doesn’t it? In an emphatic word, by one baby girl, and two fine looking lads leased a beacon tower site to Standard Oil
“NO.” Diablo has one of the world’s most make sport for themselves in this isolated Company of California and finally some-
extraordinary views so you’d be excused spot.” The tower became a tourist attraction one began to question the idea. The
for thinking the myth true. For 125 years along with Hall’s Mountain House Hotel. March 1928 Standard Oil Bulletin includ-
thousands of articles, books and brochures Hall added a telescope to the tower and ed the claim, and quoted Burgess’
have made the claim, modified in more Coggins states “the vision commands an brochure as a footnote, but with an added
recent years to include, “except for Mt. area of not less than 100,000 square miles...” phrase, “with the possible exception of a
Kilimanjaro.” It’s too romantic a notion to point in Africa.” Thus enters the elusive
Railroad companies began publishing travel Mt. Kilimanjaro.
resist, such a superlative, and Diablo cer-
guides during the late 1800s to increase
tainly has a big view but where did the idea
ticket sales. Automobile use was encour- Purcell’s 1940 History of Contra Costa
aged the same way. With increasing County, further modified the claim, “a
East of Diablo, the Central Valley slopes up tourism, many publications included the panoramic view of a larger area of land
like a saucer to reveal a broad expanse. In Diablo claim, generally as ‘the largest view and water than is visible from any other
1851, surveyors established the initial point in the world’. continued on page 7
of the Mt. Diablo meridian at the moun-
tain’s summit, beginning the survey of pub-
lic lands in California and Nevada. Ten
years later, Josiah Whitney’s (b.1819-
d.1896) geological survey of California vis-
ited Diablo numerous times, believing it to
be the key to the State’s geology. In his
report to the legislature, Whitney wrote,
“… it is believed that there are few, if any,
points on the earth’s surface from which so
extensive an area may be seen as from
Mount Diablo...The whole area thus spread
out can hardly be less than forty thousand
square miles.”

Meanwhile, in the 1870s, about the time In the 1940s the Contra Costa Development Assoc. held Easter sunrise ceremonies at the top of
that Joseph Hall built wagon roads to with- Diablo & published materials which spread the myth that it had the world’s largest view.
in a mile of the summit and Diablo became (Collection of Roger Epperson)
“Except for Kilimanjaro” Participants carry just a daypack, enjoy
continued from page 6
April 29 - May 2, 2004
beautiful and lush landscapes and thou-
point on the American continent,” but it Four Days Diablo sands of wildflowers, and stroll into
was too late. By 1940, the peak had An elegant experience camp to gourmet meals prepared by area
50,000 - 60,000 visitors per year. chefs. Experts are along to identify flora
Each April Save Mount Diablo leads its and fauna, you learn about the geologic
That same year the Contra Costa County Four Days Diablo backpack trip on the 30- and cultural history of the mountain and
Development Assn. sponsored the first mile Diablo Trail. The four day -three night dinner is followed by evening lectures.
Easter sunrise services at Diablo’s summit. adventure takes participants across six parks
Thousands of souvenir pieces were printed from Shell Ridge Open Space in Walnut The next trip will take place in April of
with “The world’s grandest view—more Creek to the Round Valley Regional 2004. Call the SMD office at 925 947-
territory visible than from any other point Preserve in Brentwood. 3535 to reserve your spot, for more
on the globe.” The new State Park began information, or check our web site at:
The entire route is on permanently protected
printing its own brochures, prefacing the
open space -- half of it protected in the past
claim with, “It has been stated… .” but Space is limited to 20 participants, $750
fifteen years -- and crosses just two narrow
equivocations were of no use. The world’s per person. Don’t miss out!!
auto roads during the four days.
biggest view was too easy to remember and
to this day most publications or articles that
mention Diablo repeat the claim, as do
thousands of web sites, amplified by more
than 500,000 visitors annually.

Finally in 1991 Ed Earl, a San Diego engi

neer who had hiked the mountain, said
‘hold on’. Whitney estimated 40,000
square miles visible. That 19,000’+ Participants carry a day pack with their
Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain not part water and a catered box lunch (provided
of a range, might have such a view might by Sunrise Cafe). Sleeping bags, tents
be believable, but 3,849’ Mount Diablo? and other food are transported from site
For one thing, 135 degrees of Diablo’s to site by SMD volunteers.
view are defined by nearby peaks less than Each day’s dinner is a catered feast.
40 miles away. Diablo’s role in survey Above, Prima’s Executive Chef,
lines, which were extended into Nevada Peter Chastain, General Manager
and Oregon, has also been confused with Marco Powell and staff member
Rory prepare the first night’s meal,
visibility, obstructed by the Sierra and other which is served on the elegantly pre-
mountain ranges. While Diablo’s view pared table (china & linen provided
includes high, distant peaks such as Lassen, by Sunrise Catering). Prima owner,
they contribute little to the area visible. Michael Verlander helped to prepare
and serve the second night’s dinner).
As participants arrive in camp at the end of the day, they are Each evening ends with a guest lec-
Earl asked, ‘what does the view include,
greeted with iced drinks and receive assistance in setting up ture. The first night’s was about
how, from where’—water, from a single their tents and inflating their air mattresses. Diablo myths,legends and folklore.
point, if you walk around the summit?
Using topographical atlases and aeronauti-
cal charts he calculated a range of view
shed areas for Diablo and three other U.S.
peaks, the horizon’s circle modified for ele-
vation and obstructions:

1) Mt Diablo (3849’ - 76 mile horizon)-

13,000 to 21,700 square miles; 2) Mt square miles and a few dozen over 50,000.”
McKinley (20,320’ the highest U.S. moun- The upshot? Mount Diablo has figured largely
tain, - 170 mile horizon) 60,500 to 71,800; in California history. It doesn’t have the We need help from people who are
3) Mauna Kea (Hawaiian volcano 13,796’ world’s largest view but the claim helped draw interested in putting on fundrais-
above sea level - 144 mile, mostly oceanic attention to the area and aided in its preserva- ing events, soliciting businesses
horizon) 59,100; 4) Pikes Peak (14,110’ - tion. The CCC Development Association got and corporations for goods and
116 mile horizon, blocked by the Rockies, it partly right “The world’s grandest view” dollars, leading hikes, identifying
overlooking the Great Plains) -27,800. and…without a doubt…the most beautiful. locations and then delivering
Earl’s analysis is at: Diablo’s view is spectacular any time, but cold newsletters and hike schedules to
clear days have the best visibility, especially area businesses
All three peaks exceed Diablo’s likely after rains and late in the day when the sinking
view. His study wasn’t exhaustive and sun cuts through Central Valley clouds. If you would like to volunteer, call
used readily available info, but concluded, Talia Smith at the SMD office
“there are probably hundreds of mountains By Seth Adams, SMD’s Director of Land
Programs; 925 947-3535.
whose view shed areas exceed 20,000
Diablo Celebrated
Silva Ranch Dedication July 26
The day dawned clear in Riggs Canyon as guests hiked or were shut-
tled up Riggs Canyon to the Silva Ranch dedication. Save Mount
Diablo transferred the 427 acre property to Mt. Diablo State Park, fol-
lowed by a hike on the Tassajara Creek Trail. The event was generous-
ly underwritten by Shapell Industries. Thanks to Kerry Randall of
Concord Feed & Pets who provided seating and site prep, and to John
Pereira allowed the use of his orchard for offsite parking.

From upper left: tents on Highland Ridge; former Sen. John Nejedly, Hulet
Hornbeck, Bob Doyle; SMD president Malcolm Sproul; Bob Doyle, Shapell’s
Chris Truebridge & SMD’s Seth Adams; Senator Tom Torlakson ran to the event
and joined SMD Founder Art Bonwell

From left: Cave Point view from Silva; Kirk Sturm, Chief of the Dept. of Parks &
Recreation’s Northern Division, accepting the property; Ron Brown, SMD
Executive Director; Sam Shuchat, Executive Officer of the California Coastal

Vasco Caves Large Donor Tour - Saturday, March 15, 2003

In March
Doyle led two
tours of Vasco
Caves for SMD,
one for large
donors, the
other public.
SMD offers spe-
cial events for
donors above
the $100 level
and special
The Vasco Caves are crowned with vernal pools and have
tours for those
abundant wildlife
above $250.

Diablo Celebrated
Morgan Monument - June 8
Flowering buckeyes provided a backdrop above Marsh creek and,
despite June heat, the Morgan Red Corral was in fine form for the
Jeremiah Morgan (for whom Morgan Territory is named) monument
dedication. Bill & Naomi Morgan, who sold the property to Save
Mount Diablo, attended with their family and dozens of Jeremiah’s
descendants joined SMD large donors for the event. Kerry Randall of
Concord Feed provided seating and site prep.

From left, counter-clockwise: the monument, a condition of the Red Corral’s

purchase; Cheryl, Naomi and Bill Morgan, who sold the property to SMD; SMD
Executive Director Ron Brown speaks to the crowd; the Morgans held a family
reunion the same weekend.

Healthwise-Dornsife Round Valley Hike

One hundred
friends & clients
of Greg Francis-
co’s Healthwise
Fitness and of
Dana and Dave
Dornsife joined
SMD for an
annual tradition,
this year a
Round Valley
hike. $3000
were raised to
SMD’s Ron Brown, Dave & Dana Dornsife, Greg
benefit SMD.
Francisco; group shot - from the March 30 hike..

SMD large
donors joined
Cowell Ranch State Park Dedication - Saturday, May 3, 2003
the Trust for
Public Land to
celebrate the
birth of
newest State
Park. The
3,891 acre park
near Brentwood
encircles the
John Marsh
Home and
Marsh Creek
reservoir. TPL’s Tim Wirth, Ass. Joe Canciamilla & Sen. Tom
Photos by Scott Hein (Round Valley by Greg Francisco)
Torlakson; Mt. Diablo view

Intelligent Tinkering natural resources, including the endangered Along with grants and other funding
species that live there. Though a slow sources, the fees are used to purchase
continued from page 1 growth consciousness is emerging in the habitat or conservation easements from
on Earth will be lost. The rate equates to area, given existing approved land use willing sellers, and for monitoring, habitat
between 17,000 and 100,000 species lost plans, urban development is likely to con- enhancement and management.
each year, each of which represents 50,000 tinue for years to come and the conflict
between development and conservation is The East County HCP will attempt to be a
to several million years of genetic evolution
likely to get worse. “win-win” for development and the envi-
in how to survive. The loss is the biologic
ronment. By ensuring that the most criti-
equivalent of burning all of our libraries.
Seeking a smoother resolution of the on- cal habitat areas are protected by preserva-
Rare species are impacted by change faster going conflict, a coalition of local govern- tion of wildlife corridors and sound con-
than more common ones. They serve as ment agencies is now preparing a Habitat servation biology (as opposed to the isolat-
indicators of environmental health like Conservation Plan (“HCP”) for East ed, postage stamp reserves that can result
canaries in a coal mine. On the bright side, County. The HCP will examine the needs from project-by-project mitigation), the
many rare species respond well to conser- of at-risk species, establish goals for habitat HCP can be good for conservation. By
vation strategies, such as restoration of bald acquisition and restoration, and commit making the permitting process more effi-
eagles nationwide, grey whale populations funding to implement the plan. The HCP cient and certain, developers can avoid the
on the Pacific coast, pere- delays and wastefulness of
grine falcons in California, the current process.
and red-legged frogs around
SMD is participating in the
Mt. Diablo. Save Mount
development of both HCPs
Diablo has been involved in
to help make sure the final
the latter two efforts and
documents live up to their
nearly every piece of land
promises, and to ensure that
we preserve is habitat for
public recreation is guaran-
rare or listed species.
teed along with conservation.
One promising new effort is We are joined in our partici-
taking place in Contra Costa pation by other conservation
County from Mt. Diablo’s groups and by developers
peak stretching through East and agricultural interests. So
County. Part Coast Range, far, there has been more
part Central Valley, the east- agreement than conflict
ern slopes of Mount Diablo among these diverse inter-
support a wide variety of ests. There are many tough
unique habitats and species. issues ahead of us, including
Many of these species are so SMD’s Galvin Ranch (central canyon) supports five rare species (photo by Scott Hein) the location and extent of
rare that they’ve been listed development permitted under
under State and Federal Endangered will also serve as the basis for the US Fish the plan, the funding strategy, and details
Species Acts as threatened or endangered. & Wildlife Service and the California Dept. of habitat acquisition and restoration strat-
of Fish & Game to issue an endangered egy.
San Joaquin Kit Fox (looks something like
species permit to local government agen- The preliminary conservation strategy in
its cousin, the gray fox, but cat-sized with
cies that covers public and private develop- East County calls for the acquisition of
bigger ears) is one such animal. It favors
ment projects consistent with the plan. 33,000 new acres, 150% of the area in Mt.
grassy plains and hills and avoids woodland
Another, smaller HCP is being considered Diablo State Park, over the next 30 years.
where it is at risk from predators. With so
for Mt. Diablo State Park, where the con- If implemented, it would protect land
much of the San Joaquin Valley either
flicts are largely recreational or related to around the State Park and better connect
developed or irrigated, Eastern Contra
management. Save Mount Diablo is partic- Black Diamond Mines, the Naval
Costa is one of its few refuges.
ipating in both efforts. Weapons Station, Cowell Ranch State
Other endangered, threatened, or at-risk Park, Morgan Territory, Round Valley,
Regional HCPs establish a coordinated
species in East County include Alameda Vasco Caves, and Brushy Peak and other
process for permitting and mitigating the
whipsnake, California red legged frog, tiger open lands to the south. Of course, when
impacts on endangered species. This
salamander, burrowing owl, golden eagle, habitat is preserved for rare species, com-
process creates an alternative to the current
vernal pool fairy shrimp, and the Mt. mon species benefit too.
project-by-project approach. Rather than
Diablo manzanita, and Diablo sunflower.
individually surveying, negotiating, and In 1953 Aldo Leopold, one of the fathers
The trouble is, Eastern Contra Costa securing mitigation, project proponents typ- of conservation biology, wrote “To save
County has also been a refuge for develop- ically receive an endangered species permit every cog and wheel is the first precaution
ers. The cities in East County have been by simply paying a fee, though some of intelligent tinkering.” That is just what
among California’s growth hot spots for HCP’s may contain additional conditions we are attempting. The EC HCP is two
years; some are often rated in the top three (protection of on-site habitat is one stan- years into a three-year planning process;
fastest growing cities in the state. dard alternative to paying a fee). The fees the State Park HCP is just beginning.
Development in this area can be directly in are collected by an implementation authori- Additional info is available at the East
conflict with conservation of the region’s ty, often a Joint Powers Authority com- County project website:
posed of representatives of local agencies.
Spotlight on Volunteers
Frank Varenchik, Sharon effective organizations I have encountered mountain and discovering new trails and
… with an all volunteer board and a staff of vistas. I want to do all I can to preserve
Walters & Scott Hein join just four employees. When donors make the mountain." She and her husband Bill, a
contributions to SMD, they can be assured principal at Antioch Middle School, live in
SMD’s Board of Directors that it is a lean, efficient operation. I am Danville and have two sons.
Frank Varenchik has been involved with proud to be part of it."
"I've been following news about SMD for
SMD for some time, first as the organiza-
Sharon Walters is a native Californian and years. I initially signed up for events, and
tion's auditor. "Supporting SMD is my
just celebrated her 20th year as a librarian afterwards learned more about the mission
way of giving back to the mountain for the
at Saint Mary's College where she’s been of the organization. SMD's accomplish-
hours of joy it has given me." A CPA and
Head of Access Services for 10 years. She ments have been so impressive, I had
former V.P. of Earth Justice Legal Defense
has been a member of the SMD always assumed SMD was a large organi-
Fund, Frank served on the Development
Development zation. I was surprised to learn just how
Committee and is
Committee for small they really
now SMD
several years. are. I soon began
Treasurer. He and
his wife Barbara "As a 20-year res-
live in Clayton and ident of Danville, Scott Hein, whose
have five children. seeing the moun- photos fill these
Frank enjoys out- tain always brings pages, was recently
door sports and me a sense of profiled in Diablo
baking. "I find coming home, a Watch and is the
SMD to be one of sense of place. I new Chair of SMD's
the most cost- Frank Varenchik love hiking on the Sharon Walters Land Committee. Scott Hein

Spotlight On Sponsors
Among SMD's best new business support- Randall has helped with many projects -
ers are Tony and Tina Akins and General installing gates at the Galvin property and
Manager Kerry Randall of Concord Feed the lending of hay bales for event seating.
& Pet Supply. What do SMD, equestri- On Oct. 4, Concord Feed will be a sponsor
ans, and pets have in common? Plenty! of Dressage for Diablo, bringing sponsor-
"Save Mount Diablo does great work, and ship by Purina Mills with them.
we're proud to participate in supporting
Concord Feed is a family run business-
preservation of Mt. Diablo. SMD’s acqui-
daughter Erin, sons Bobby and Donny,
sitions include trails that serve our cus-
Tony's brother Barry, Tina's brother John,
tomers," said Tony. Tina added "Diablo’s
and nephew Mike. Established in 1922,
parks are the daily playground of residents
the store carries a wide range of feed;
and their pets. Longer recreational routes
equestrian, stable and pet supplies; cloth-
are a special benefit for equestrians."
ing; and delivers to Lamorinda and the San
Concord Feed & Pet Supply Over the past year, Concord Feed has sup- Ramon Valley. Their Superior Koi division
228 Hookston Rd., Pleasant Hill, & 5288 B ported SMD's Moonlight on the Mountain stocks imported koi and pond supplies.
Clayton Rd., Concord; (925) 906-0130 events with auction items, and Kerry SMD appreciates their support.

Forward Motion and Outside Interests

are two of SMD’s strongest supporters;
they also happen to be located next door to
each other. Key sponsors of the SMD Trail
Adventure, they help us in a myriad of
ways. Forward Motion is a full serve run-
ning and walking store; Outside Interests
carries a great selection of hiking and
camping gear and organizes trips. Small
businesses have a tough time in economic
downturns but these businesses are great
community leaders. Show your support by
Marty Breen of Forward Motion Sports shopping there and thanking them for sup- Dave Husted of Outside Interests
Forward Motion Sports porting Save Mount Diablo.
Outside Interests
432 Hartz Avenue, Danville, (925) 820.9966; Contact us if you would like to explore 422 Hartz Avenue, Danville, 925 837-1230
1245 N. Broadway, Walnut Creek
ways your business can be a sponsor.
(925) 979-9966,
Smart Growth Incentives
• Maintaining local streets and roads: 10%
• Smart growth and affordable housing to
reduce commuting:10%
• Mitigation for transportation impacts: 5%

Transportation Choices to Alleviate

• County-wide web of express buses: 9%
• East County rail extension -eBART: 10%
• Ferries for Antioch, Martinez, Hercules,
and Richmond: 5%
• Highway improvements that increase
We can relieve congestion if the renewed trans-
transportation choices: 10%
portation tax (measure C) has an enforcable
Growth Management Plan and funding for mass • Commuter information and coordinated
transit. planning: 3%

Transportation for a Community Transportation to

Welcome to Talia Smith
Maintain Mobility
Livable Contra Costa • Mobility for seniors and disabled: 13% Save Mount Diablo's New
• Better feeder and local transit:15% Development Associate and
The county's current half-cent sales tax for
• Safe transportation for children: 5%
transportation expires in 2008, and the
• Safety and access for pedestrians and Volunteer Coordinator
Contra Costa Transit Authority (CCTA) has
bicyclist: 5% Natalia Smith, "Talia" to her friends,
begun planning for its reauthorization,
joined SMD in August as Development
through a ballot measure planned for As an example of the difference being sug-
Associate, a position focused on fundrais-
November 2004. gested in this platform, the existing sales
ing, events and volunteer coordination. A
tax devotes 60% of spending to roads and
The renewed measure, that requires a 2/3 California native from the Sierra foothills
highways; the TALC plan would bring this
vote to pass, is expected to generate $1.6 town of Westpointe, she graduated from
down to 20%.
billion over 20 years. To create a program Monterey Bay State College and is finish-
that could win such support, the CCTA and The new plan calls for strengthening the ing her Masters at San Francisco State.
the County Board of Supervisors will be GMP. It calls for the strengthening of the She has worked for a variety of non-prof-
listening to a broad range voices in the Urban Limit Line, requires each city to its for the past seven years including
community. adopt Urban Growth Boundaries, and to youth, HIV/Aids and affordable housing
plan for and actually provide housing at all organizations.
The original sales tax was at first opposed
income levels. It would also strengthen its
by environmentalists and passed only after "I have always found comfort and inspira-
efforts to have new development fully pay
a Growth Management Plan (GMP) was tion in nature and am truly grateful for the
for itself.
added. However, the measure has not amazing serenity that Mount Diablo pro-
achieved the intend results. Sprawl devel- CCTA is currently doing environmental vides our community. I have chosen to
opments have proliferated, congestion has impact reports on various plans for a reau- work in the nonprofit world because I
worsened and new development has not thorized measure. We encourage you to want my work to mean something to me
fully paid for its impacts. support the platform contained in TALC’s and I want the results of my work to bene-
“Transportation for a Livable Contra fit the community in which I live. I look
In order to positively influence the reautho- forward to helping to preserve the Bay
rization effort, Save Mount Diablo has Area's natural environment for others to
joined with other environmental, social- enjoy in generations to come."
You can see the full report at:
equity, labor, faith, and community based
organizations to create a unified voice
through the Transportation and Land Use After reading the report and its recommen- • Support for the Urban Limit Line
Coalition (TALC). dations, we encourage you to express your • A strong, enforceable growth manage-
support for the TALC platform by sending ment Program
The coalition has created a plan for the the following message to: • More funding for public transit, bicycles
reauthorization entitled, “Transportation for and walking
a Livable Contra Costa County”. The plan Chairperson Julie Pierce & Commissioners • More funding to support basic mobility
redirects this tax revenue towards projects Contra Costa Transportation Authority for ALL County residents - including
and programs designed more effectively % Save Mount Diablo seniors, disabled, low income and chil-
manage growth, reduce dependence on sin- 1196 Boulevard Way, #10 dren
gle occupancy vehicles, and to provide Walnut Creek, CA 94595
meaningful funding for transit, para-transit End the message with your additional
and bicycle and pedestrian paths. I support the “Transportation for a Livable comments, and your signature plus printed
Contra Costa” platform developed and sup- name and address.
The plan proposes the following allocations ported by environmental, labor and social- (Thanks to the Sierra Club Yodeler for con-
(percentages of total sales-tax generated): justice groups. I want to see: tributing to this article)

Membership Matters
Save Mount Diablo’s annual operating expenses are underwritten by the financial support we receive
from membership revenue. In addition to providing financial support, the number of members we
have is a statement to legislators and others about the level of community support for our projects.
We would like to thank the following individuals who have become members since mid-December
of 2000. We invite you to join them in supporting Save Mount Diablo’s efforts to preserve open
space. Indian paintbrush

Summit Club Gerald & Rosette Koch Mark Bole Katherine Hart & Donna Grant Petersen, Rivendell
($1,000 or more) Paul & Yen Yee Fun Locklin Marcheta Bowdle King Bicycle Works
Douglas Lacey & Cindy Patricia Lopez Malcolm & Sylvia Boyce Robert Heaton Tod Rubin
Silvani-Lacey Eleanor Loynd Don & Jeanne Boyd Kristen Hein Linda Sanford & Richard
James & Patricia Scofield Robert Maynard Kate Boyle Eric & Debbie Hinzel Moore
Braddock & Logan Services Steve & Linda Mehlman Butch & Lynn Brear Roz Hirsch Sheryl Sankey
Burt Bogardus Tom & Maria Monica Brent Briggs Michael & Nadine Hitchcock Dylan Savidge
Linda Locklin James & Sharon Moore Ron & Sharon Brown Carolyn Hunt Earl & Kathryn Sawyer
Jed & Rosemary Daniel Amara & Clark Morrison Walter & Joann Brown David Jesus Jean Saylor
Marian Scott Michael O'Donahue Diane Brown Kimberly Johnson Melvin & Pat Sayre
Greg & Cathy Tibbles Nigel Ogilvie Richard & Alice Brown Roger & Donna Johnson Anthony Schilling
Paul Liu & Cheryl Young Joyce Payne Raymond & Patricia Buck Lew Jones Rob Schonholtz and Jane
Marty & Amy Reed Lawrence Peirano John Butera, Butra Video Jim & Janis Judd Hicks
Stephane Pelchat Production Fonda Karelitz & Mark Earle & Judy Schremp
Peak Guardian Brad & Trish Piatt Michael Buturla & Gineth Rosen Rich & Ann Sexton
($500 or more) Christine Schmidt - Plant Soto-Buturla Richard Kawin David & Eileen Short
Lee Glasgow Décor Melinda Campi Ray & Lynne Keck Sierra Club - Mt. Diablo Grp.
David Ogden & Sandi Biagi Sandor & Faye Straus Sharen Dodson, Ciao Bella John & Marian King Sharon Singer
Gordon & Donna Monroe Paul & Bea Stunz Salon Jesse & Sharon Krider Ron & Judy Smith
Kaye Decker Greg & Maria Thurman Charles Clem Philip Lathrap Bob & Geraldine Smith
Peter & Judy Hagen David & Deborah Trotter Alan & Kathleen Clute Jeffrey & Deborah Leighton Alan & Mary Louise Smith
Scott & Claudia Hein Jacob Van Akkeren & Leslie Nancy Collins & Francesco Ellen Lerner Beth Snortum
Dina Colman & David Bartholic Adinolfi David Lingren Leonard & Barbara Songster
Luczynski Frank & Barb Varenchik Janice Costella David Loeb Malcolm & Casey Sproul
Jim & Carolyn Butler Tom Wagner Randall & Jacqueline Curtis Jon Maienschein & Andrew & Karen Stein
Earl & Marlys Worden Carl & Lynne Walter Richard Davis & Sandra Lisa Cline Nancy Storch
Henry Stauffer Milton & Margaret Watchers Jones Bunny Martin Patricia Thomas
Sally Dalton & Peter Gochis David Whippy Brenda De La Ossa Martha Martin Patricia Thunen
Raymond & Laura De Pole Hobie & Ann Woods - John Deeming Steve & Marcia Matthiesen Tom & Jill Toffoli
Carolyn & Bob Mills "Roughing It Day Camp" Frank & Janice Delfino James & Joan McCracken Alvira Valladao
Barth Foundation Ernest & Florence Dickson Stuart & Barbara John & Linda Van Heertum
Bob & Becky Hazleton Robert Docili McCullough Verne Van Vlear
Ted & Marjorie Plant Linda Domeier Winton & Margaret Craig Vassel
Michael & Chryl Dumas McKibben David & Laura Waal
Mountain Saver John Edwards Mark McLaren & Nancy Rudy & Sandy Wagner
($250 or more) Donald & Jeanie Egan Norland Michael & Joyce Wahlig
Mary Baldwin Bill & Margaret Espey John & Jill Mercurio Clifford Walker
Geoffrey & Sandy Bellenger Riley & Karen Etheridge Patrick & Nancy Miller Bill & Stacy Walter
Lesley Benn Carol Evans Melissa Moehle Barbara Walters
Dave & Rena Brantley David & Julie Farabee Barbara Monsler Douglas & Ruth Waterman
Peter & Waldy Breidbach Toni Fauver James R Moore David & Elaine Wegenka
Bette Brockman & Jim Wild Rose
Diablo Donor Paul & Kathy Fitzpatrick David Moss Stuart & Kim Weinstein
Richards Susan Flautt Maynard Munger Tom & Carolyn Westhoff
($100 or more)
Patrick & Shirley Campbell Greg & Cindy Francisco Theron & Elizabeth Nelson Robert & Karen Wetherell
Rick & Suzanne Cordes WJ Frank Aileen Nichols Judy Wobleski
Phillip & Jean David Edward Fraser Richard & Carol Northing Milo Zarakov & Deborah
James Day Charles Fraser Charles & Ann Olsen Long
David Devine Alex & Deborah Friedman Orinda Garden Club George & Sarah Zimmerman
Fred & Susan Donecker John & Julia Fuller Family Orinda Hiking Club
Bozena Adam
Tom Fannin Leslie & Virginia Gallaugher John Ormond Friends ($35 or more) over
Thomas & Annette Alborg
Sidney & Linda Fluhrer Bruce Garner Carly Owens 500 members support SMD
Roger Alperin
Liana Genovesi & Scott Barbara George Albert & Pam Palitz in this category.
H. Ward Alter
Ahrendt Bingham & Larry Gibbs Susan Peterson
Louise Baldwin
Dick Heron & Sue Elizabeth Girgich E.L. & Carol Pollock
Burt Bassler
Pitsenbarger David Gray Paul Popenoe
Stephen & Karen Beck
Harlan & Gayl Hirschfeld Julie Grisham Jeffrey Radigan
Edward & Mildred Bennett
Sandy Hood Donald & Melinda Groom Bill Ralph
Bennett Berke
John & Linda Judd Phil & Susan Grover Connie Regalia
William Bernell
Dave & Lois Kail Liede-Marie Haitsma Jennifer Rice
Bruce & Sandra Beyaert
John Kiefer Jean Halford John Richardson
Patty Biasca
Michael Palucki - Knapsack Sydney & Helen Hammill Carol Riddell
Jim Blickenstaff California poppy
Ralph & Doris David & Diane Goldsmith Jane Logan Nicola Place George & Helene Strauss
Copperman Robert Grady Robert & Beverly Loomis Marjorie & Ted Plant Althea Streb
Katharine Cossette Susan Gray Jay & Caroline Lutz Nancy Prescott Marjorie Studebaker
Henry & Dorothy Couden David & Sharon Gumz Ted & Barbara Lynch Mildred Rafoth Fred & Georgine Sullivan
Jeffrey Cowling Liede Marie Haitsma Terrence Mackin Patricia Rankin Nanette Sullivan
Elizabeth Crane Marilyn Halberg Robert & Valerie Mahoney Walter & Hertha Velta Suna Bovey
Christopher & Dee Dee Carlyn Halde Bob & Diane Malucelli Reifschneider Joanne Taylor
Cross Judith Hanks Bill & Georgia Marshall Walter Rex David & Susan Terris
Scott Hein
Bradley & Carol Davis James & Mary Hannon Bob Marx Jean Reynolds Marilynn Terstegge
Graham & Mary Davis Beth Hansen Anthony & Cathy Massoni Ronald & Patricia Rhody Jeanne Thomas
James & Gail Davis Cynthia & W.R Hardie Matt Masters Margaret Rice Deborah Thomason-Olson
Owl Jay & Edythe Davis Kathy Ann Harris Carolyn Matthews Brian & Janet Richards Larry Thompson
Alma DeBisschop Hugh & Rosita Harvey Theodosia Maurer Jim Richards & Gregory & Cathy Tibbles
Wallace & Dabney Karl & Billi Haug Robert Maynard Bette Brockman Yulan Chang Tong
General DeWaal Brad & Judy Heckman James McCall John Richardson Thomas Topolewski
Donations Kaye Decker James Hendon & Robert McClain Elsie Richey Erica McClenahan -
John S. Deeming Katheryn Brown Ted & Janice McKinnon Charles & Linda Touchstone Climbing
AAUW Donnell & Janet Degraf Dan & Carol Henry Mark McLaren & Rickenbacher Larry Tracey
Daniel & Carol Altwarg David Devine Della Hill Nancy Norland Tom & Ulla Rieger Thomas & Delinda
Arthur A. Amos Anthony & Lucy William & Marilyn Hoenig Gloria McLaughlin Don & Sharon Ritchey Trowbridge
Carol Anderson Di Bianca Leo & Eva Hollenberg Robert McLaughlin & Brian & Sandra John & Susan Tullis
Jack Anderson Jeffrey Dickemann Myrtle & Conrad Hopper Theresa Rumjahn Ritchie Maryellen Tyler
Alan & Helen Appleford John & Nina Dickerson Hulet Hornbeck Richard & Darlene Octavino Romano Jacob Van Akkeren &
Andrew & Agnes Ariey Carl Dinerman & Mariann Scott & Frances Hovey McLean Steven Rood Leslie Bartholic
Paul & Joan Armstrong White Julie Hudson John & Betty Meers John & Lucille Rowoldt Evelyn Van Dreser
Dennis & Linda Ashlock Jack & Anne Dini Harry Hugel Daphne L. Miller David & Janis Sammons Karen Van Duinen
Henri Audiffred Karoline Doberenz Carl Hughes Samuel & Mary Mills Nancy Sampson Clyde & Barbara Vaughn
David Baer Barbara Drew Don & Ann Hughes Jane Minor Edgar & Jean Sanderson Arthur & Jean Verhaeghe
Boyd & Jean Ballenger Andrew & Rosemary William & Lesley Hunt Louise Moises Peter & Maureen Mark & Christine Von Der
Doris C. Banfield DuBois Leon Hunter Ann Moldenschardt Sansevero Lieth
Thomas & Ester Bargar Ken & Sandra Duckert Alex & Debbie Imholz Sue Monson Glendoris Sargent John & Norine Vouri
Greg & Joanne Bartow Peter & Judith Duncan Hazel A. Irvine Joseph & Anne-Martine Daniel & Mae Scalabrini Julian & Elsa Waller
Sam & Barbara Beeler Thomas & Jane Dunphy Eleanor Jardine Moore Daniel & Janet Schalk William & Elizabeth
Hans & Jeri Beetz Amy Ensign-Barstow James & Toril Jelter Fred & Katie Morehouse Roberta Schane Walsh
Bob Benson Memorial Fund R. Peter Johnson & Yolanda Moreno Maxine Schmidt & Valerie Sharon & Bill Walters
Bennett Berke Kip & Sarah Edwards Susan Neyer Richard & Carol Schmidt - Pomerantz Mashuri & Rahima Warren
Margot Bevis Donald & Jeanie Egan Arthur & Jacqueline Jones Mortensen Ethel Schneider Bjorg & Jan Wasserfall
Pamela Billings Michael Egan Fonda Karelitz & Dave Moss Alice Schofield Dick & Margo Watson
David & Elizabeth Anthony & Marie Mark Rosen Marvin Moss Mady Schubarth Sandra Watson
Birka-White Emerson Jordana Katcher Margaret Mowery Jeff & Jacqueline Schubert Dan & Chris Weingarten
Duan Bjerke Howard Enderle Paul & Deirdre Katz Jay & Jasmine Mumford Allen & Alyce Schwartz Vincent & Rosemary
Bertell & Mary Black John & Robbin Eudy Nedda Katzburg Joyce H. Munson Arlene Scoles Weltz
George & Jean Blackmore Charles & Margaret Evans David & Vannie Keightley Gail Marray Louise Shalit Tom & Carolyn Westhoff
Charles Bloomer Susan Fairclough Jacob & Violet Keisler Dione & Brad Mustard Joe Shami Claudia Whitnah
Robert & Lisa Blum Fred & Mary Farhat Dana & Mary Kilgore Carl & Ada Myers Richard & Sherry Martha Whittaker
Alan & Katharine Boren Jacquelyn Fava Selma King Sylvia Nachlinger Shandrew Joyce Willis
George & Syble Boswell Edith Fell Elizabeth King-Sloan Nikki Nahmens Gage Shapell Industries of Bruce & Mary Louise
John & Paula Boswell Larry Ferri Doug Knauer Beatrice Neetz Northern California Wilson
Doug & Kristine Brady Ora Nell Folkman Helen Knopp William & Edith Nettleton Robert Sieben Peter & Amelia Wilson
Roland Brandel Foothill Middle School Bonnie Knowlton Anthony & Marcia Newey Nancy Siegel Pat Wolf
Dave & Rena Brantley Ronald & Barbara Dale & Janet Kohler Helen Newman William Sikkema & Ellen Wolter
Peter & Waldy Breidbach Forsstrom George Kohut Raymond & Judith Nickel Linda Young Ed & Carolyn Wood
Angela T. Broadhead David Frane & Charla Ralph & Carolyn Kraetsch Lisa Nicolini & Harry Silcocks Carole Woods
Allynee Brown Gabert Bauer & Marta Kramer William Ingram David K. Smith & John & Betty Woodward
Alice Bunn Norman & Evelyn Franke Kenneth & Marilyn Kratz Helena Niemi Theresa Blair Toi Lynn Prevost & Jordan
Pam Butler Edward G. Fraser Ronald Kuhl Rosanne Nocerino Morgan & Sarah Smith Wyle - World Yoga
Patrick Butler Morris & Nell Fraser Alan & Joan Kunz John Nygard Roger & Helen Smith Healing Arts Center
Harry & Beth Byrne Francis Frederick Jr David Kwinter Roberta O'Grady Todd Smith Phil & Barbara Wright
Richard & Helen Carolyn Fulcher Peter Kyle David Ogden & Mildred Snelson James & Sieglinde Wyles
Cakebread Aaron Gabriel Doug Lacey & Cindy Sandy Biagi Gary & Carolyn Snyder Janet Wyllie
Emily Campbell Gail Murray Silvani-Lacey Woodruff & Mary Ogden Bob Solotar Milo Zarakov &
Ronald & Marcia Carlberg Leslie & Virginia Wayne Ladd Beth Ogilvie & Gregg & Anne Sorensen Deborah Long
Laurie Carlson Gallaugher Lynn & Gordon Lakso S. Straghalis John & Elaine Spiecker Frances Zurilgen
James Castner James & Joan Galletly Jane Lamph Nigel Ogilvie Cindy Spring
Reno & Shea Cervelli Adrienne Galvin Marilyn Lang & Michael Ogles John Sproul
James & Nancy Chang Liana Genovesi & Scott Walt Donovan Richard Olsen Dave & Sharon
Rosemarie Chiavini Ahrendt Philip & Jean Langley Thomas & Barbara Olwin Stafford
William Chilcote Fred Gerner Philip & Betty Lathrap John & Constance Ormond Suzanne Stanke
Tim Cleere Elwood Gerrits David Lee Evelyn Orthwein Sherry Starks
Charles Clem Melvin & Sylvia Gerton Edward & Carol Lee Verna Osborn Tunette Steiner
Marguerite L. Clemens Linda Ghysels Cecil & Mary Louise Leith Stephanie & Alan Oswald James & Barbara
Annabelle Cloner Thomas Gibson David Lenehan Carly Owens Stevens
Close to Home Colin & Sara Gillies Dean & Kimberly Leonard Donald & Georgia Palmer Dean & Samantha
Howard & Betty Coates Gary & Judith Ginder Hilary Lerner & Paul Schwenger Stoker
Carolyn Cogan Mary Givens & Austin Yuriria Lobato Dale Perkins John & Nancy Stone
Valley Oak
George & Joan Colvin Burchell Edward M. Lindsay Grover & Jane Peterson Mark Stott
Rudolf Glauser William & Dorothy Michael & Connie Pierce Jurgen & Madeline Scott Hein
George & Virginia
Constable Marilyn Goebel Llewelyn Strasser
Frank Landreth Elizabeth Simmonds Anita Korenstein's Harvey & Linda Green
In Memory of Leslie & Gayle Servin Herb & Ruth Schiller Graduate Degree Marjorie Griffin
Edith Adams Ruby Lyons Al & Analee Benton Ron & Sharon Brown Ilene Gusfield
Mildred & Peter Shinn Bill & Barbara Sam Rice, Jr. David Lingren/Ilana Schatz Jerry & Donna Hoeg
Terry Aston Sickenberger Walter & Shirley Hausser Wedding Steve & Judy Holtkamp
Andy Aston Isabell Marcellini Bertha Lagerquist & Duane & Marcy Ciurleo Kenneth & Joanne Hughes
Jack Binkley Doug & Fran Woodard Karen Carpenter Ami Nahshon & Ivy Margaret & William
Paul & Elizabeth Baxter Hank Moises J. Michael & Sue Carney Cohen Hughes
Victoria Bowers Louise Moises Margaret Steele Bernard & Barbara Helen Kimball
Richard & Mary Bowers Susan Badr Frank & Barbara Cohen J Lemmons
William Brandt Nancy Kempf Heffelfinger Leslie Benz Janet & N.C. Luhmann
Kim Brandt Nancy & Bill Marshall Joanne Bourland Fran Biderman Vivian Marguleas
Wanda Carmona Judith Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ilene Gusfield & Judith Bill & Georgia Marshall
Duane & Kit Hagen John Borden Long Dambowic Sandra Mata
Sydney Engelberg Billy & Janet Hiebert Laurence Fitzgerald MD Lawrence & Kathleen James McCall
Louise Moises Jo Ann Reisler Marvin & Ruth Epstein Horsch James & Emily McCormick
Charles Gresham Stu & Jean Mouser Donald & Joan Baum Tamar Wallace John & Betty Meers
Amy Melissa Ensign- Glen & Georgene Thomas & Phyllis Nagle Jane Manning's Birthday Ed & Francesca Mitchum
Barstow Deardorff Thomas & Margaret Sally Manning Yolanda Moreno
Amy Ensign-Barstow Bob Nootbaar Jones Jack Marks' 60th Birthday Thomas R. O'Brien
Memorial Fund, East Ralph & Jo Ann Hanna Bill & Lorraine Thomas Fonda Karelitz & Mark Rudy & Marge Oehm
Bay Community Ted & Marjorie Plant Wilma Nurenburg Rosen Ralph & Joann Otten
Foundation Doreen Del Testa, The Richard & Mary Bowers Dann McCright & Jennifer Frank & Julieanne Palermo
Anna Ferri Mechanics Bank Bob Otten McKinney Wedding Warren & Irene Peters
Larry Ferri John & Susie Checci Vivian Marguleas Bob Penny Jennie Phillips
Jeff Giles Susana McComb Francesca & Ed Mitchum Shirley McPheeters Michael & Connie Pierce
Judy & Andy Adler Mount Diablo Robert Witbeck The Wednesday Walkers John Richardson
Ron & Sharon Brown Interpretive Dorothy Abrahamson Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Barbara Riggins
Betty Goldstein Association Bill & Joanne Ghirardelli Mitchelson Meredith Rose
Rachel & Leo Levinson Robert & Joan Nootbaar Mary Ann Grbavac Edward Milbank Michael & Kyle Ruggieri
Grace MacNeill Dick & Gai Perry Steve & Judy Holtkamp Marvin Reed Al & Mary Anne Sanborn
Marianne Darrow Luman & Marilyn Dale Paradis Marty & Amy Reed Hazel Sawyer
Dave & Julie Kaufman Hughes Frank & JulieAnne Ursina Rutz Arlene Scoles
Dan & Judith Steckbeck Terry & Susan Stiffler Palermo Jeanne Thomas Andrew Sessler
Vonnie Read CO & Gloria Scilacci John Raventos Jeanne Smith
Dorothy Macomber Suzanne Bitz Patricia Raventos Land Fund Richard & Sandra Smith
Carolyn Matthews Richard & Karen Hyde Donegan & family Leonard & Barbara
Jacob & Gale Chapman Sherm Terry Dorothy Abrahamson Songster
Charlotte Weber
Concetta Hagen Ellen & Bruce Fraser Joyce T. Anderson & Mark Stevens
Walking Buddies of
David McCloskey John F. Tullis Sharon Lloyd Steve & Jane Tanner
Walnut Creek Senior
BD & Trudi Garland John & Susan Tullis Leslie Benz Daniel & Kathryn Templin
Ann Lagerquist Laura Wax-Grossman Samuel & Barbara Richard Victor
Rose Bower & Ed
Tak & Carle Hirahara Randy, Becky & Alan Berghorst Pete Walker
David & Joan Cox Litteneker William Bernell Martha Whittaker
Jeannie Harmon
Stanley & Sally Morner Ruth Wolfe Fran Biderman Robert Witbeck
Robert Hannon
Frank & Adah Clapp Leslie & Gayle Servin Sue Bollinger Marge Wood
John & Thelma Dana
Carolyn Kraetsch John Bouyea Leslie & T.R. Wyatt
Jenny Bell Harmon
Richard & Mary Bowers
Elizabeth Hopping Robert & Shirley In Honor of
Catherine & William Sherman Brian Bray In-Kind Gifts
Selma Soss Stan Abernathy's Birthday Pauline Browne
J Fred & Connie Allen Scott & Claudia Hein Reno & Shea Cervelli Ken Dyleski & National
Richard & Carol
William & Norma Mary Beth Anderson Duane & Marcy Ciurleo Geographic:
Combs An Mari Ericsson Bernard & Barbara Cohen topography software
Mr. & Mrs. John Brain,
Edward Milbank Ron Brown Ivy Cohen & Ami Nahshon Anonymous:
William & Jean Tarr Lafayette-Orinda Contra Costa Hills Club 17" Gateway monitor
Walter Johnson
Jamie & Charlotte Presbyterian Church Sharon Cummins Paul Fitzpatrick Co:
Ann Johnson
Panton Sally Christensen Park & Adele Cupit Panasonic phone system
Clarence Kelly
Andres & Julia Matisoo Leslie & Gayle Servin Janet Decker Scott Hein:
The McCarthy Family
Fred & Margaret Trask Gracie & Dick Dickenson's Melvin & Lois Decker map software
Joyce, Jared & Cole
Peter & Grace Hartdegen 50th Wedding William & Evelyn Farry
Gordon & Theo Johnson Anniversary W. J. Frank
John King
Harvey & Phyllis Ceaser Barbara Hayworth Bill & Joanne Ghirardelli
Joyce Kelly
Susan Newcomb Naomi Giddings Elizabeth Girgich
Shelby King
Frank & Edit Valle- The Wednesday Walkers Roy & Elsie Glotfelty
Jeanne Thomas
Riestra Abby Goldware’sHigh Iretha Golden Monkey flower
Barbara Krelle
Gary & Susan Barker School Graduation Bruce J. Granicher
Dick & Mary Bowers All contributions were
Herbert & Elinor Ron & Sharon Brown Jeremy & Risa Graves
Mildred La Conte made from January 25 through
Nootbaar Mary Ann Grbavac
Joan Allen July 31, 2003

“DRESSAGE FOR DIABLO” Please frequent these businesses and thank
them for supporting us.
October 4, 2003 The Gateway Parcel is 36 acres of rolling
Equestrian Center Club House meadowland adjacent to the North Gate of “Moonlight On The Mountain” Sponsors
Mt. Diablo State Park. Bordered by Arroyo NAMED EVENT SPONSOR: International
Heather Farm Park, Walnut del Cerro creek, the property offers spectac- Brotherhood of Electrical Workers -
Creek ular 360 degree views and is a crucial Local 302 Dale Peterson
wildlife corridor between the State Park MOUNTAIN STAR AWARD SPONSOR:
Pre-event VIP reception: 300 - 4:30 pm
and Shell Ridge Open Space. The County Blackhawk - Nunn Steve Beinke, Ron &
Main Event: 5:00 - 6:40 pm
Board of Supervisors Bob Nunn
An entertainment event have granted the
to raise funds to assist is Gateway Alliance an GOLD SPONSORS: Braddock and Logan
acquiring a conservation option to acquire a con- Services, Inc. Herb Sihner & Joe Raphel;
easement on the 35.8 servation easement to ChevronTexaco, Marielle Boortz;
acre Gateway Parcel, at ensure perpetual open Plumbers and Steamfitters UA - Local
the Northgate entrance space and recreational 159 Aram Hodess
to Mount Diablo State uses for the property. SILVER SPONSORS: Sycamore Associates
Park. The event will The property has other- LLC Mary Lee Guinan
feature renowned state wise been proposed for MEDIA SPONSORS: Contra Costa Times
and national champi- development of 34 large BRONZE SPONSORS: Diablo Lincoln
onship riders and local homes. Mercury Mel Haas; LSA Associates
residents Creeky Malcolm Sproul
Routson and Chelsea Ticket Information:
·$50 - Includes pre- Caffe Delle Stelle Walnut Creek, Dominico
event VIP reception; Testa; Concord Feed and Pet Supply
Featuring: Event T-shirt; Reserved Concord & Pleasant Hill, Kerry Randall;
• Olympic style Championship freestyle seating; After-show opportunity to meet Diablo Analytical Concord, Scott Hein;
exhibition; the performers.. Forward Motion Sports Danville &
• "The True Story of Cinderella" a fantasy Walnut Creek, Marty Breen; Outside
to music on horseback; · $10 - General admission, limited seating Interests Danville, Dave Husted; Plant
• Championship vaulting (gymnastics on provided. Decor Walnut Creek; Prima Ristorante
horseback); Walnut Creek, Michael Verlander, Peter
Tickets available at Concord Feed & Pet Chastain & Marco Powell; Shapell
• Bareback pas de deux (2 horses dancing
Supply, 5288 Clayton Rd, Concord, and Industries Chris Truebridge; Sunrise
in unison);
228 Hookston Road, Pleasant Hill, or Bistro, Cafe & Catering Walnut Creek,
• East meets West (competition between a
charge by phone by calling Save Mount Cindy Gershen; Wild Bird Center Walnut
reining horse and dressage horse).
Diablo (925) 947-3535. Creek, Joanie & Chris Smith
• Intermission dog training exhibition
Save Mount Diablo's Mission . . the history and heritage of the mountain and its · Aids in the restoration of habitat and the pro-
surrounding foothills tection of rare species
To preserve Mount Diablo's peaks and surrounding
· Works with landowners to preserve their prop- · Offers technical advice to community and
foothills through land acquisition and preservation
erty and to ensure that they receive fair value neighborhood groups regarding preservation of
strategies to: protect the mountain's natural beauty,
in any transaction aimed at preserving open open space
integrity, and biological diversity; enhance our
space · Raises funds and sponsors events to build pub-
area's quality of life; and provide recreational
· Works in partnership with Mt. Diablo State lic awareness and to carry out our programs
opportunities consistent with protection of natural
Park, East Bay Regional Park District, and · Temporarily owns and responsibly manages
other public and private entities to increase lands prior to their transfer to a public agency
In support of our mission, we: and manage open space and to identify mitiga- for permanent preservation.
· Protects open space through purchases, gifts and tion opportunities · Encourages recreation and public enjoyment of
cooperative efforts with public and private entities · Participates in the land use planning process Mount Diablo's parklands consistent with the
· Educates the public regarding threats to the for projects that could impact Mount Diablo protection of their natural resources
mountain's flora, fauna and rugged beauty, and to and its surrounding foothills

s av e MOUNT DIABLO Non-Profit

1196 Boulevard Way, Suite 10 Organization

Walnut Creek, CA 94595 U.S. Postage Paid
Concord, CA
Address Service Requested
Permit No. 525

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