APRIL Project - Landsat Technical Process

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APRIL Project.

Landsat 5/7/8 - Technical process using ENVI 5.3

By: Ida Bagus Ketut Wedastra

1. Import or download LANDSAT 8

Landsat 8 downloaded from USGS official website. The website name is
Find the area of interest and choose Landsat achieved data and than
choose result tab.

Download images that you need.

2. Image band stacking

Landsat 8 consist of 11 band with 1 panchromatic band and we only use
seven low resolution band (band 1-7) and one high resolution band
(band 8).
Staking process needs seven low resolution bands (band 1-7) into one
raster file with seven layer. This is process using ENVI software.

3. Radiometric calibration
Corrections related to the sensitivity of the remote sensor, topography
and sun angle, and atmospheric scattering and absorption. Calibrating
image data to radiance, reflectance, or brightness temperatures.
ENVI/Radiometric Correction/Radiometric Calibration.

4. Edit Header
If using data from tiff file, you should change wavelength value using
header editor in raster management edit ENVI header. Below is value of
wavelength that you can use to full fill.

5. Masking Image
Masking is a process to crop an satellite image based on boundary of
study area. The boundary is vector spatial data (*.shp) that use as
focused area.
Open shapefile data, File/open/

a. Vector to ROI
/Regions of Interest/Vector to ROI


b. Subset Data from ROIs

/Regions of Interest/Subset Data from ROIs

Pilih: YES


Do same step on panchromatic band (band 8) for Landsat 7 or Landsat 8

6. Cloud removal
To reduce cloud and cloud shadow, we will mask original image with
cloud or cloud shadow, and here some step to masking the imagery.
Using ERDAS Imagine/Ermapper:
a. Convert or save as the imagery to Ermapper format
b. Open imagery in Erdas Ermapper
c. Using formula
d. For Landsat 5 can use syntax below;
if SIGMA(I1..I3 | I? * PC_COV(I1..I3 | , R1, I?, 1)) > TotalBand*mean
(,r1,i1)+mean (,r1,i2)+mean (,r1,i3)+mean (,r1,i5)+mean (,r1,i6)
then null else
if (I1 - I4) / (i1 + i4) > 0 then null else
if (I2 - I5) / (i2 + i5) > mean (,r1,i2) + mean (,r1,i5) + mean (,r1,i6)
then null else

if ((i1-mean(,r1,i1)) * stdev(,r1,i1))+ (i1-mean(,r1,i1)) > mean(,r1,i1)

+ mean(,r1,i4) then null else
TotalBand = 6
e. For Landsat 8 can use syntax below
if (((i1 - i2)/(i1+i2)) < 0.05 and ((i3 - i4)/(i3+i4)) < 0) and ((i5 ((i5+i6+i7)/3))/(i5+i6+i7)/3) > 0.02 then null else
if (I2 - I5) / (i2 + i5) > 0 then null else
if (I3 - I6) / (i3 + i6) > TotalBand*mean (,r1,i3) + mean (,r1,i6) +
mean (,r1,i4) then null else
if ((i2-mean(,r1,i2)) * stdev(,r1,i2))+ (i2-mean(,r1,i2)) > mean(,r1,i2)
+ mean(,r1,i5)*TotalBand then null else
if I1 / I2 < mean(,r1,i1)/mean(,r1,i2) then null else
f. Use filter Median 5 x 5
g. Save the image in ers format.
h. Open image on ENVI

Hitam = 255
Putih = 0

Build Masking
/Raster Management/Masking/Build Mask

Option, use cloud data,

put output name. contoh: cloud_mask

j. Apply Masking
/Raster Management/Masking/Apply Mask

Put output name

7. Atmospheric correction
Atmospheric correction using Dark Pixel Subtraction, this process aims
to adjust spectral value from all band to minimum value (0).

8. Image Mosaics
Mosaic multiple imageries into single imagery.
/Mosaicking/Seamless Mosaic
First open reference image than second image as adjust image.


Save as Imagine format

9. Image pan-sharping (Landsat 7/8)

Image pan-sharping is combine low resolution image with high
resolution image. This process result is high resolution image with seven
/Image Sharpening/Gram-Schmidt Pan Sharpening

Visual interpretation
We have to prepare shapefile data (polygon) before start digitizing
process. Digitizing process depending on image combination,
interpretation key, and experiences on image interpretation.
Image combination is combination of band with color composition on
Red layer, Green layer and Blue layer. Based on function of each band,
the combination layer using band 5, band 4 and band 3 (Landsat 5) or
band 6, band 5 and band 3 in Landsat 8.
Combination band 543 will show vegetation in green color and soil with
red color. We also can use combination 453 to show vegetation
differences (crop, mangrove, wet shrub, etc.) and other combination to
help user to distinguish object in the images. Below is step to start the
a. Open data in Arcgis

b. Create new shapefile (polygon)

c. Start Editing, Using cut polygon to separate polygon

d. Save editing.

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