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Table of Content


Table of Content


Preface 2


Chapter I - Introduction


Chapter II - Company Profile


1. History of the Organization

2. Vision, Mission, and Objective

3. Organization chart

4. Core organization activities


Product and services


Chapter III-Internship Activities 2


Chapter IV-Personal Results/Evaluation/Points Learned 2


Chapter V-Recommendation


Appendices/References/Attachments 2

II. Preface
I want to express my deepest gratitude for considering me an eligible work for this
internship program. I gladly accept the offer to work as an intern for PT. Mandiri Manajemen
Investasi. It is an exciting opportunity for me to nurture my professional growth at esteemed
I want to ensure you that my coursework has prepared me to take the responsibilities of
this internship seriously. I am up to date on the latest techniques in IT maintenance, and I am
sure can be a valuable addition to the team.
Working in investment industry has always been my personal interest and passion.
Through this internship, I hope to make positive and productive use of my talent and education.
I want to thanks for all my friends that always supporting me during internship period
and cheers for me.
Thank you again for my supervisor Mr. Baskoro Adi for suggestions regarding my future
education and career. I am truly grateful for the opportunity and looking forward to learn more in
the future.

III. Chapter I - Introduction

The Internship is one of the best program study in President University. There is a lot of
benefit that can help students in facing real work life. By following the internship program,
students can increase knowledge and most importantly be able to add experience to feel the
world of work. Therefore, the internship program can improve student ability to communicate
with others, work in team and creative.
In addition to getting a lot of knowledge and experience in the work, an internship
program can add a very important connection for the future. Because only in internship program
students can get what they do not get in university life.
At the beginning of the internship I formulated several learning goals, which I wanted to

To understand the functioning and working conditions of a non-governmental

To see what is like to work in a professional environment
To see if this kind of work is a possibility for my future career
To use my gained skills and knowledge
To learn more about mutual fund
To learn about the organizing of a research project (planning, preparation,

permissions etc.)
To get fieldwork experience/collect data in an environment unknown for me
To enhance my communication skills
To build a network.

This internship report contains my activities that have contributed to achieve a number of
my stated goals. In the following chapter a description of PT. Mandiri Manajemen Investasi and
the activities is given.
The internship is described. Finally, I give a conclusion on the internship experience
according to my learning goals.

IV. Chapter II - Company Profile

1. History of the Organization

PT Mandiri Manajemen Investasi, or widely known as Mandiri Investasi, was established

in December 2004 following a corporate spin-off from PT Mandiri Sekuritas. Mandiri Investasi,
a part of PT Bank Mandiri Tbk group, is the largest national fund manager and experienced in
investment portfolio management since 1993.
Since the enactment of new regulations by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) in 2004, which
did not allow companies investing stock and mutual fund investments in a single company,
Mandiri Securities and Mandiri Investment used as a separate company until today. Since
splitting with Mandiri securities, Mandiri Investment growing and increasingly well established.
Currently Mandiri Investment has fewer than 100 employees, it is a small amount but very
PT. Mandiri Manajemen Investasi is one of the best manager investment in Indonesia.

Table 1. Mandiri Investment shareholders

2. Vision, Mission, and Objective

To become the most trusted fund manager with innovative investment solutions and best services

To provide additional values for clients with innovative investment products and services

To recruit and develop the best human resources in fund management industry

To strive for optimal and sustainable return for stakeholders

To participate in the development of financial industry, particularly the mutual fund

industry, in Indonesia.

3. Organization chart
Board of Commissioner and Director

Board of

Board of

Board of

4. Core organization activities

Mandiri Investment is focusing on managing individual and corporate financial by producing
mutual fund on equity, balanced, fixed income and money market fund.

5. Product and services

Armed with deep understanding of the market in Indonesia, Mandiri Investasi will assist in
managing funds via innovative and professional investment products:

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund with a larger portion of assets allocated in Equities.

Equity Fund
Mandiri Investa Atraktif (MITRA)
Mandiri Investa Atraktif Syariah (MITRA-SYARIAH)
Mandiri Investa Equity ASEAN 5 Plus (ASEAN 5)
Mandiri Investa Cerdas Bangsa (MICB)
Mandiri Investa Ekuitas Syariah (MIES)
Mandiri Investa Ekuitas Dinamis (MIED)
Mandiri Investa Equity Movement (MIEM)
Mandiri Dynamic Equity (MDE)
Mandiri Saham Atraktif (MSA)
Mandiri Saham Dinamis (MSD)
Mandiri Investa Equity Dynamo Factor (DYNAMO)
Mandiri ASA Sejahtera (ASA)
A mutual fund that provides a combination of investment asset class, such as equties,
bonds or money market.
Balanced Fund
Mandiri Investa Aktif (MIA)
Mandiri Aktif (AKTIF)
Mandiri Investa Syariah Berimbang (MISB)
Mandiri Investa Dynamic Balanced Strategy (MIBS)
A mutual fund with a larger portion of assets allocated in fixed income securities.
Fixed Income Fund

Mandiri Investa Dana Utama (MIDU)

Mandiri Investa Dana Obligasi Seri II (MIDO II)
Mandiri Investa Obligasi Dinamis (DINAMIS)
Mandiri Investa Keluarga (MIK)
Mandiri Investa Obligasi Selaras (SELARAS)
Mandiri Investa Dana Syariah (MidSya)
Mandiri Investa Dana Pendapatan Optimal (MIDPO)
Mandiri Investa Dana Pendapatan Optimal Seri 2 (MIDPO2)
Tugu Mandiri Mantap (TMM)
Investa Dana Dollar Mandiri (IDAMAN)
Mandiri Obligasi Utama (MOU)
A mutual fund with a larger portion of assets allocated in money market instruments.
Money Market
Mandiri Investa Pasar Uang (MIPU)
Mandiri Dana Optima (MDO)
Mandiri Kapital Prima (MKP)
A mutual fund with a larger portion of assets allocated in money market instruments.
Protected Fund
Mandiri Protected Dynamic Seri 9 (MPDS 9)
Mandiri Protected Dynamic Seri 8 (MPDS 8)
Mandiri Protected Dynamic Seri 7 (MPDS 7)
Mandiri Protected Dynamic Seri 10 (MPDS 10)
Mandiri Dana Protected Berkala (MDPB)
Mandiri Terproteksi Dana Pendapatan Berkala 5 (MTDPB 5)
Mandiri Investasi Terproteksi Syariah 1 (MITS 1)
Mandiri Terproteksi Dana Pendapatan Berkala 19 (MTDPB 19)
Mandiri Investa Terproteksi Pendapatan Berkala Syariah Seri 1 (MITPBS 1)
Mandiri Investa Terproteksi Pendapatan Berkala Seri 1 (MITPB 1)
Mandiri Dana Protected Berkala (MDPB)
Mandiri Dana Protected Berkala 2 (MDPB 2)
Mandiri Dana Protected Berkala 3 (MDPB 3)
Mandiri Dana Protected Berkala 5 (MDPB 5)
Mandiri Investasi Terproteksi Seri 2 (MANTAP 2)
Mandiri Investa Terproteksi 2010 Seri 2 (MAESTRO 2)
Mandiri Investasi Terproteksi Seri 3 (MANTAP 3)

Mandiri Investa Terproteksi Pendapatan Berkala 1 (MANIVEST 1)

Mandiri Investa Terproteksi Pendapatan Berkala 4 (MANIVEST 4)
Mandiri Investa Terproteksi Pendapatan Berkala 7 (MANIVEST 7)
Mandiri Investa Terproteksi Pendapatan Berkala Seri 3 (MANIVEST 3)
Mandiri Investa Terproteksi Pendapatan Berkala Seri 5 (MANIVEST 5)
Mandiri Investa Terproteksi Pendapatan Berkala Seri 6 (MANIVEST 6)
Mandiri Investa Terproteksi Pendapatan Berkala Syariah Seri 1 (Manivest Syariah 1)
Mandiri Investasi Terproteksi Syariah Seri 1 (MANTAP Syariah 1)
Mandiri Protected Regular Income Fund 8 (MPRIF 8)
Mandiri Amanah Syariah Protected Dollar Fund (MASPDF)
Mandiri Protected Dynamic seri 1 (MPD 1)
Mandiri Protected Dynamic seri 2 (MPD 2)
Mandiri Protected Dynamic seri 3 (MPD 3)
Mandiri Protected Dynamic seri 4 (MPD 4)
Mandiri Protected Dynamic seri 5 (MPD 5)
Mandiri Protected Dynamic Syariah seri 1 (MPDS 1)
Mandiri Protected Income Fund Dollar (MPIFD)
Mandiri Protected Income Fund Dollar 4 (MPIFD 4)
Mandiri Protected Income Fund Dollar 5 (MPIFD 5)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 1 (SMART 1)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 10 (SMART 10)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 11 (SMART 11)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 2 (SMART 2)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 3 (SMART 3)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 4 (SMART 4)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 5 (SMART 5)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 6 (SMART 6)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 7 (SMART 7)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 8 (SMART 8)
Mandiri Protected Smart Seri 9 (SMART 9)
Mandiri Protecterd Smart Syariah Seri 1 (Smart Syariah 1)
Mandiri Protecterd Smart Syariah Seri 2 (Smart Syariah 2)
Mandiri Terproteksi Dana Pendapatan Berkala 19 (Mandiri PRO 19)
Mandiri Terproteksi Dana Pendapatan Berkala 5 (Mandiri PRO 5)
Mandiri Terproteksi Obligasi Pemerintah Dollar (MTOPD)
Mandiri Terproteksi Obligasi Pemerintah Dollar 2 (MTOPD 2)

6. Chapter III-Internship Activities

During Internship program at Mandiri Investment, I worked in product & development
management team which is create a mutual fund report for costumers. To finish my
responsibility, I used Adobe InDesign as my tool and Excel for calculating data.
During my internship period in Mandiri Investment, the company has big movement on
designing new template for mutual fund report, thats first time Mandiri Investment used Adobe
InDesign and Illustrator as the tool for creating report.

I create more than 25 mutual fund products report for 2 weeks in the beginning of the month.
Beside creating mutual fund report, I also help product development to fill in document
that consist of new product mutual fund to be submitted to Otoritas Jasa Keungan (OJK).


Sometimes I help investment department to call bank for ask sepcial rate rupiah and dollar to
make investment simulation.

7. Chapter IV-Personal Results/Evaluation/Points Learned

Internship in PT. Mandiri Manajemen Investasi help me to grow up learn about work life.
I learn a lot about mutual fund from the beginning of making till released. Knowledge I had
acquired when the internship is in accordance with expectations because it adds to my
knowledge in the field of capital market investment.
Although at first internship I get a little difficult to adapt to the world of office, my
manager provide direction which made me quickly adapt to demanding work environment to
work diligently and hard work.
With an internship in the field of investment, I came to understand a lot about the
mechanism in the capital market, especially mutual funds. I learned how to be good employee
with hard work and spirit. Meet new people makes me feel confidance to do right things.

8. Chapter V-Recommendation
While undergoing internship period over 14 weeks, I felt a tremendous work experience
that can support my future career. However, I think for the internship period is too short, so that
students cannot do the maximum for a lot of knowledge and experience at work place. To
understand the company and the way to work I took one month, so as to work for 2 months, I
think it less.
Therefore, I recommend the University to re-add the internship to the students so that they can
optimizing time working to gain the experience quite a lot for their future careers.

9. Appendices/References/Attachments
The appendices content consists of mutual fund report the old and new report.
Table 1. Mandiri Investment shareholders


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