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has dramatically
changed our lives in recent
But people still disagree
about whether the effect of
has been good or bad
Most people would agree
It is true that However,

But I feel that

In the past 50 years has
is caused by
has caused problems
However, is even more
is an especially good
One thing that I think is
very important is that
We should (do sth) even if

I believe that
There are many different
opinions about whether or
Some people with more
traditional view think that
, but I believe that
However, possibly the best
argument for is
Some people say that ,

has caused dramatic
changes in our lives in recent
However, there is still some
disagreement about whether
the overall effect of has
been good or bad
It is a proven fact that

Although , .
However, I would argue that

has brought significant
changes to our lives in rec
Yet, there remains some
disagreement as to wheth
the overall effect of ha
been positive or negative
It is an indisputable fact t

It is an irrefutable fact
Despite ,

Nonetheless, I would cont

The past 50 years have se
a dramatic increase in

are responsible for

associated with
has brought with it proble
such as as well as an

Even more worrying,

Even more disturbing,
however, is
though, is
one especially good example One particularly salient
example is
it is very important that
it is vitally important tha
One thing which I believe to
One point which I believe
be vitally important is the
be absolutely pivotal is th
fact that
fact that
We need to make sure that It is necessary for us to
inspite of
ensure that regardless

It is my belief that
There are various different
There are a variety of
opinions on the question of
different perspective on t
question of
whether or not
Some people still take the
While some still hold to th
traditional view that ;
conservative view that
however, I personally believe my personal belief that
However, perhaps the
strongest argument in favour
of is that of
Although some people might Despite the arguments of
is involved with
has created problems like
along with and

but I think that

it is clearly best for us to
causes problems like
The main cause of the
problem is that
One other way to (do sth )
would be for (sb) to (do
is the main cause of
this problem
However have become
more common recently.
So it is not surprising that

One other cause of this

problem is
is a very important
matter in the
world today.
Many people in the
world today believe that

In my opinion, what
prevents (sb) from (sth) is
These subjects are
interesting. However, they
Of course, the truth is that
this question is not really
so simple.
While they are certainly
not impossible to
overcome, I believe these
problems will probably
continue for some time.

argue that , I personally

believe that
it is clearly in our own
interest to
leads to problems like .
and .
At the centre of the problem

some people that , it is

personal belief that

Another method of (doing sth

) would be for (sb) to (do
The chief cause of this
problem is
Recently, however, have
become more normal.
It is no wonder, then, that

One further method of (do

sth ) would be for (sb) to
Chief among the causes o
this problem is
Recently, though, have
become the norm.
Little wonder, then, that

Another factor that adds to

this problem is
is an issue of great
in the world today.
Many people in the world
today hold the perception
From my perspective, one of
the greatest barriers to is
Although these subjects
are interesting, they .

Another contributing fac

The issue of is of great
in the world today.
There is a widely held
perception in many part
of the world today that
From my perspective, o
of the most significant
obstacles to is
Interesting though they m
be, these subjects

In truth, of course, this is an

oversimplification of the
Although they are by no
means insurmountable, it is
highly unlikely
that they will be resolved in
the foreseeable future.

In reality, of course, thi

a vast oversimplification
the issue.
In reality, this problem is
unlikely to be resolved in
short term. However, it is
no means insurmountable
and I am convinced that

gives rise to problems

such as
At the heart of the matter

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