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Not only a drawing anymore - page 3


Order for
provisional liquidation of

People with strong social connections tend

to live longer. Ms Mosebu Kgopa mesmerized
the crowd at Maandagsgoek -Swale village. At
the age of 86, she still won dancer of the week
amongst the group of Magogos on 21 May
2016 says reader, Mr Jenny Mogolane Phala,
who supplied this picture of the feisty senior

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

86 - and dancing

27 May 2016


0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements)

0865549031 / 013 231 7147

J.P. Morgan Equities

South Africa (Pty) Ltd,
the business rescue
practitioners of EVRAZ
Highveld Steel and Vanadium Limited, has announced on 18 May that
the companys Mapochs
Mine at Roossenekal
will be provisionally
A order by the High
Court, Gauteng Division, Pretoria, to this
effect was granted at
an urgent hearing on 17
May. The court based it
decision on the fact that
Mapochs Mine is unable
to pay its debts as and
when they fall due in the
ordinary course of business, as contemplated
in the Companies Act.
Before the court
order a decision in this
regard was taken by
the board of directors
of Mapochs Mine on 17
March 2016. Shareholders gave their accent
to the step on 13 April
2016 before application
for the court order was


27 MAY 2016


Delivering water to Kalkfontein

Dwarsrivier delivers
hope (and water) to
Kalkfontein Village

Dwarsrivier Mine is commi ed to invest in communi es

surrounding the mine through projects that will have a
las ng outcome.
Through one of these projects Kalkfontein has received
water on the one side of the village where no water access was available. Residents will no longer have to cross
the busy road, to fetch water.
On Thursday 19 May 2016, the community and
Sekhukhune District Municipality and Greater Tubatse
Municipality took delivery of the short term project.
The event was a ended by residents, mine employees
which included shareholder representa ves, poli cians,
municipal ocials and other stakeholders. This project
saw the Mine survey and drill for boreholes which will be
able to deliver water.
A er the ini al
drilling, pumps have
now been installed
and water tanks put
in place with easily
accessible taps from

which the community can collect water. Dwarsrivier

Mine is also the driving force behind ge ng Kalkfontein
formalised as a se lement a er which they will be able
to complete the project through installing pipes and
access taps to the various residences in the village.
The Community Property Associa on of Kalkfontein,
municipal and council representa ves thanked Dwarsrivier Mine for the investment they made to bring water
to the people. They also warned fellow residents to take
care of the equipment that has been put in place - saying: This is our project now and no longer the mines.
Mr Rian Burger, General Manager of Dwarsrivier
Mine told the community that in these dark days with a
tough economy and many other problems, Dwarsrivier
Mine would like to remain a beacon of hope. They truly
care about the community, the children of the area
and making a dierence. He praised the community for
their commitment to look a er the project. The ocial
programme included cu ng a ribbon and tas ng water
from the taps to celebrate the ocial handover of the
project to the community and authori es.

27 MEI 2016


Goldbroz Investments reveals:

The new face

of Steelpoort
When you asked us to talk to you two years ago, we did not want to reveal too much of our
plans. As we just took over from Growthpoint Properties we were careful about what we
could promise and deliver in Steelpoort town.
Mr Nicholas Shapley, a director of Goldbroz Investments, talked enthusiastically to the
local media in Steelpoort towns management offices on Tuesday this week.
The recent developments residents of the area are seeing happening in the town, are still
progressing and will take a number of years to complete.
We have faith in the future of Steelpoort as a vibrant economic and retail hub in the area
Mr Shapley said, explaining that Goldbroz are sure that the economic slump will not last forever and that the town will be ready for the upturn.
He said the company is doing the spatial development of the town in partnership with local
businesses, industry, government and national retail groups. The work is also progressing
with a local labour force.
You must remember, it is not only jobs in the development phase that count, but you must
take into account how many job opportunities a properly developed town in a future growing
economy will provide to the local people. That is the long-term aim, said Mr Shapley.
Apart from the buildings in town that already had a facelift, the new Pick n Pay is almost
roof high. The plans are that the building should be ready by September this year, with a
refurbished parking lot and taxi rank. The shops floor space will be about double that of the
present one according to Mr Shapley. He explained that the area where the Pick n Pay is
presently situated, will be redeveloped, possibly with another retail tenant.
Goldbroz also revealed that in the future Steelpoort, a fully fledged Police station is also
envisaged with controlled security for the town. A safe environment to live and to do business in is important, and we must look after our Police they told the media.
They also said that it is not only the business part of town that will receive attention. Mr
Shapley says, We are in discussion with various partners, some of it in an advanced state,
about things such as education, health facilities and housing. We are confident that another
2500 residences can be added to Steelpoort as the town develops. At this stage with the
economy et cetera, nothing is clear cut and we carefully steer what we do around the obstacles towards a future goal.
Exact figures were not exchanged, save for the fact that the company is initially spending
more than R100 million from our side, we believe in the future.

27 MAY 2016


Operation Basadi
The SAPS Burgersfort Clusters Women network held
Operation Basadi at the Leboeng policing precinct on
Thursday 19 May 2016.
All female police officials from different police stations
within the Burgesfort Cluster participatd in the
operation. The operation was led by Lt Col Kgoedi,
the station commander of Burgersfort. The operation
started with a roadblock at Tswenyane Village on the
R36 road where one motorist was arrested for driving a
motor vehicle without a
valid licence disc.
The operation proceeded
to Mapareng Village
where they conducted
shebeen raiding. One
shebeen was closed
down and the owner
was charged with selling
liquor without a licence.
We strongly warn those
who are still selling liquor
without a valid licence
that we are not going to
rest until all shebeens
are totally closed the
SAPS said.
ended at

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr.

Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street,
Tel: (013) 231 7529


Maremishe high School were Detective Constable Glory Kgatla

addressed the learners. She told them to refrain from using
drugs, especially dagga because is prevalent in this area. She
further warned them to stop engaging themselves in criminal
activities because a criminal record will destroy their future. She
encouraged them to report any form of abuse and bullying to
their teachers and the police. They dont want learners to drop
out of school because of bullying. (Information & photographs:
Sergeant M.A. Sibatana)

Open Mondays - Fridays:

07:30 - 17:00;
Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00;
Sundays and Public
Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00




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Promotion valid from 25 May 2016 to 4 June 2016. All prices incl. VAT. Delivery exclude. E.&O.E.

27 MEI 2016


Locals benefit from AMMSA charity

The Association of Mine Managers South
Africa (AMMSA), an organisation comprising
managers from mines in the Eastern District
last week donated R20 000 to different charitable causes.
The Kwokwaneng Mogokane Disabled
Group, Ngwaabe Community Home Base

Care and Estralita School: Institution for

Special Needs each received a R20 000
AMMSA has about 825 members with
five different districts. The Eastern District
includes mines from Polokwane, Steelpoort,
Lydenburg, Barberton and the Evander
The funds
that was
was derived
from a very
golf day
hosted by
Eastern District on 23
last year.
organisations on the
end of the
and assured
representatives from

that it will be used wisely to the benefit of

their respective organisations.

(Information and photographs: Amelia van

der Merwe).

The Kwokwaneng Mogokane Disabled Group received a R20 000 donation.

Ngwaabe Community Home Base Care also received a R20 000 donation.

Estralita School for Children with Special Needs with their R20 000 donation.

To advertise
in Platinum
Gazette contact Bennla
Celliers on
083 543
1676 or 013
231 7147 or
e-mail her
on adverts@
deadline is
Tuesdays at

27 MAY 2016


Election date proclaimed

Registrations closed

The new Mampuru road to Eerstegeluk is progressing slowly, but well. These photographs of the new roads construction as well as the detour road was taken this
week, but oi,oi, oi - the road from the R555 to Eerstegeluk, which nobody seems to
take responsibility for, is deteriorating by the day. See photograph on page 7.

Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) Minister Des van Rooyen has
called an election of all municipal councils and set 3 August 2016 as the date of the Local
Government Election.
The Minister announced this proclamation of the coming local government election date
on Monday, in terms of section 24(2) of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998
(Act No. 117 of 1998).
In effect this means that the voters roll closed at 17h00 yesterday [Monday]. We are
encouraged that the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) holds an untarnished reputation
having hosted a number of successful national, provincial and local government elections,
since 1994, said the Ministry.
He thanked all voters who registered, verified their details and provided addresses or sufficient particularities to ensure that they are eligible to vote on 3 August 2016.
I encourage all eligible voters to help strengthen our democracy by voting in the coming
local government election scheduled for 3 August 2016, said Minister van Rooyen.

Isaiah 54:10 (NIV)

10 Though the mountains be shaken
and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
nor my covenant of peace be removed,
says the Lord, who has compassion on you.

This photograph of the Three Rondavels at Blydepoort was taken by reader Tsakani
Mkhabela during the past week.

27 MAY 2016


Bring your
check along

Tar? What tar?

When applying for a PDP permit a person should not have any criminal
A fingerprint verification check to ensure that you dont have a
criminal record is done by the Department of Transport. Fingerprints
are submitted to AFIS (Automated fingerprint Identification System) to
check for criminal records according to the National Road Traffic Acts.
The Department of Transport is not able to to issue a person with a
PDP if that particular person have been convicted before, that is why
people are requested to bring along results of screened finger prints
from the SAPS. The SAPS work together with MIE (Managed Integrity
Evaluation) cause is the largest and most trusted Background Screening Company in South Africa.
Due to the high volume of fingerprints to be verified, the fingerprints
are checked electronically directly against the SAPS database. It takes
five to six weeks to get the results because is a centralized database.
Its advisable that you go for fingerprints at least two months before
the expiry date of your PDP said the departmental spokesperson,
Mootane Kagiso.

Come take note - resident invites

The Eerstegeluk road to the R555 is supposed to be

a tar road with clear road markings. It has however
deteriorated to the point where it is not clear wheth-

er it is a tar or a very bad gravel road. Residents have

been complaining, but this seems to fall on deaf ears as
nobody formally takes responsibility for the road.

Mr Hennie Fourie from Ohrigstad writes:

I wish to bring to the attention of the municipality and district authority that Ohrigstad has for the past 3 months had no street lights
working, roads had not been fixed and bushes are overgrowing the
side walks.
What is the local municipality now really doing for our community in
Ohrigstad? When I see the state of our small town, it is a shame to
pay these people for no work and lack of service.
Somebody should take the responsibility and get off their backsides
and come drive through Ohrigstad and take note of what is happening in real life. Stop riding the gravy train.

Developers to tender for dream opportunity in Lydenburg

Vans Auctioneers have an opportunity for residential and commercial developers to obtain a
21,7 hectare property with former approval for
township development by public tender.
The property is situated in the in the centre
of Lydenburg Mpumalanga and is one of the

few remaining portions of land with development potential. The former rezoning and
township development of the property consists
of residential-1, residential-2, business, private
space and private road approval. Approximately 12,985 hectare of the property has
the potential for 253
residential-1 stands of
400m2 each. 1,5 Hectare of the property is
suited for 68 residential-2 units.
The business
stand is 1 hectare in
extent and the private
road 4,4 hectares in
extent. There is a private open space zoning of 0,5 hectares on
the property.
Lydenburg has a
prominent agricultural
and mining centre and
the town is expanding
at a phenomenal rate.
The Booysendal Plat-

inum Mine is located approximately 35 kilometres from Lydenburg. Lydenburg is situated

approximately 100 kilometres from Nelspruit
and is a convenient stopover for tourists on
route to Pilgrims Rest, Sabie and the Kruger
National Park.
The town has star guest accommodation
and is considered the heart of the fly-fishing
industry. The town lies at at the base of the

idyllic Long Tom pass encompassing of panoramic scenery and rolling hills surrounded by
the majestic Steenkampsberg and Mauchsberg
Mountain range.
The documentation for the tender can be
obtained from
The tender will close on 10 June 2016 at 12:00.
For upcoming property and loose asset auctions visit

27 MAY 2016


It is Comrades Ultra-Marathon weekend

On Sunday 29 May athletes from all over
the world will participate in the Comrades
Ultra-Marathon. This race is dubbed as
the ultimate test in human endurance and
stretches over a route from Pietermartizburg
to Durban - a distance of 89,2km.
The route alternate between starting in
Duban and Pietermartizburg. This year is a
Athletes have 12 hours in which to finish the
race and 20 000 runners will attempt to do
Local runners will also be heading to the
event and traditionally local Clubs have performed very well, with runners in the top 10
finishers for the last 5 years.
Readers will be able to follow the event on
SABC Sport who will be broadcasting on
television (on SABC 2) as well as radio on
the day.
Platinum Gazette has accredited Willem
Montgomery as our representative and will
be bringing you all the finish line action in
next weeks edition.
Runners to watch on TV this weekend are:
Marula Marathon Club - S. Serage, J. Mpuru,
I. Mkhabela, R. Seerane, G. Mohubedu.
Dwarsrivier Mine will be sending 16 runners
to particiapte in the event.
Samancor Chrome will have Costy Mothoko,
Fanie Matshipa, Simon Maroga, Pontsho
Shai, Johan Lesch, Latudi Makofane, Lekganyane Stephen Mabilo, Victor Raliphada, Lazarus Mogoane, Jeffrey Mbuyane, Tshakhuma Maesela, Mongalo Johannes Mogoane,
Tshepo Marobane and Mosala Leburu.
Another Steelpoort Runner participating is
Tienie van Wyngaard.
Modikwa Marathon Club will have Ernest
Leboko Noto, Adolph Boshego, Albert Tutu
Twala, Peter Molapo, Jeffrey Tiyisela Nkuna,
Sonia Malekapu Makuoa and Tiriselani Capri
Maluleke participating.

Surprise Latudi Makofane will be running for Samancor Chrome.

(Information & Photograph: Tshepo Marobane).

The Marula Platinum Mine runners who will be running in the Comrades Marathon. Back (Left to right): S. Serage, J. Mpuru, I. Mkhabela. Front: R. Seerane, G. Mohubedu. (Photograph & Information:
Marula Platinum Mine).
Right: France
Tshakuma Maesela
will be running for
Samancor Chrome.
(Information &
Photograph: Tshepo

Firing the gun for cut-off times

The Comrades Marathon Association (CMA)
has announced the names of the dignitaries
who will fire the cut-off guns for the various
medals at Sundays 91st Comrades Marathon
(29 May 2016).
As per the Comrades Marathon downrun tradition, Msunduzi Mayor, The Honourable Chris Ndlela will fire the gun at 05h30,
to signal the start of the 91st running of the
worlds greatest ultra-marathon outside the
Pietermaritzburg City Hall.
The 11h30 Cut-off Gun for the Wally Hayward Medal, which is awarded to
runners from 11th position who finish under
6 hours, will be fired by the winner of the
1966 Comrades Marathon Tommy Malone,
in honour of the 50th anniversary of his
historic win. Tommy who has since passed
on his Green Number 62 to his daughter
Amanda, completed 10 Comrades Mara-

Watch out for Johannes Mogoane from Samancor Chrome. (Information & Photograph:
Tshepo Marobane).

Tshepo Sechaba Marobane will be running

for Samancor Chrome Marathon Club.
(Information & Photograph: Tshepo Marobane).
Local runner Zinho
Mokoena will also
be participating.
(Information &
Photograph: Tshepo

Simon Maroga
will be running
for Samancor Chrome.
(Information &
Tshepo Marobane).

thons between 1966 and 1980, earning 2 gold and

8 silver medals. Famous for his 1966 win, he is
perhaps even more famous for the 1967 Race in
which he finished 2nd to Manie Kuhn in the closest
finish in the history of the Comrades Marathon
after stumbling, falling and desperately lunging for
the finish line, only to be beaten by 1 second and
less than 1 meter. The 13h00 Cut-off Gun for the
Silver Medal which is awarded to runners who finish between 6 and 7 hours, will be fired by CMA
Board and Life Member Terence Hoskins. Terence completed 8 Comrades Marathons between
1984 and 1993. Since then he has selflessly given
back to the Ultimate Human Race as a volunteer,
portfolio holder, executive committee and board
member. In 2006 he was awarded Life Membership of the CMA for his services to Comrades. The
honour of firing the 14h30 Cut-off Gun for the
Bill Rowan Medal, which is awarded to runners
who finish in under 9 hours, goes to Helen Lucre
3-time winner of the 1985, 1986 and 1987
Comrades Marathons. Helen who is only the second woman in the history of the race to perform this
honour (the other being the late Alison West, CMAs
first female chairperson). The Bill Rowan Medal is
so-named in commemoration of the winner of the
first Comrades Marathon Bill Rowan in a time of
8:59, which is also the slowest winning time in the
history of the race.
The honour of firing the 16h30 Cut-off Gun for
the Bronze Medal, which is awarded to runners
who finish under 11 hours, has been given to one
of the most popular of the post-2000 winners of the
Comrades Marathon, Fusi Nhlapo. Fusi has also
been one of the most consistent and successful
post-millennium Comrades competitive athletes.
The 2003 winner earned an impressive 9 gold
medals between 2000 and 2010, including 1st, 2
x 4th, 4 x 5th, 6th and 10th positions.
The Final Cut-off Gun at 17h30 for the Vic
Clapham Medal which is awarded to runners
finishing under the 12hour time limit will be fired
by the Chairperson of the Comrades Marathon
Association, Macdonald Chitja. The CMA
Chairperson will be running his 18th consecutive Comrades Marathon on the day and hopes
to finish well in time to fulfil this duty. It will signal
the end of the 2016 Comrades Marathon. The Vic
Clapham Medal is named after the visionary founder of the Comrades Marathon in 1921.

27 MEI 2016

Platinum Gazette

Doing business without
is like winking at a girl in
the dark. You
know what you
are doing but
nobody else
- Stuart

To find out how to advertise your church contact Bennla Celliers on 083 543 1676.

Klein Advertensies Smalls

Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Bennla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151.
E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031

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4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight
5. Troeteldiere/Pets
6. Persoonlik/Personal
7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous
8. Finansies/Financial
9. Te Huur/To Rent
10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Dienste/
Gas and Ice for
sale. Ice available
to individuals and
Delivery available
(terms and conditions).
ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg
or 48kg bottle.
074 565 6231 or
082 072 0051.

Private Nurse
Are you looking for a
private nurse?
Contact me, Tanya
Greyvensteyn, on 072
104 2965.
This all includes:
The making of doctors
Helping and taking
care of daily medicine.
Making and taking
care of food.
Buying monthly groceries. Taking care of
wounds and sores.
And so much more.

9. Te Huur/
For Rent

Platinum Gazette contact details:

Lang en kort termyn

verblyf beskikbaar
op plaas 10km buite
Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad.
Kontak Miena op
082-960-3689 of
(013) 231-7899.

Editorial: William Zwart

Tel: 083 271 9151
Advertising: Bennla Celliers
Tel: 083 543 1676
Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147
Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150
Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit.
Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and /
or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are
expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright
Act (98 of 1978).

Twee slaapkamer
woonstel in klein
naby Tubatse Crossiing Mall in Burgersfort.

Kontak Mike by
082 357 1954.
Two bedrooms with
water/prepaid Aloe
West R4000.
2 x Bedroom with
Aloe West. R5 000.
Three bedroom
available from R6000
with water/lights/
security. Viewing
available after hours.
Please call or whats
app 082 578 6113.

to save
money is
like stopping your
watch to
save time.

Ten volle toegeruste 2
slaapkamer Rondawel
10 km uit Burgersfort
op plaas.
Geen troeteldiere
R5500.00 per maand.
Drienie 084 461 8808

Platinum Gazette
Tel: 013 231 7147

Enquire about our first advert special for
start-up businesses. If youve started a new
business and would like to advertise it: E-mail: or call Bennla
Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147.

Members of the public including Magoshi, Ward Committees, Business
Sector and other stakeholders are invited to attend the Council meeting
scheduled as follows;


27 May 2016
Municipal Chambers
(Burgersfort Civic Centre)

The Mayor of Greater Tubatse Municipality Cllr RS Mamekoa will table

the 2016/17 IDP and Budget
Ps. all guests are expected to be seated at 10h45 in the Council
Chambers. For more information please contact Mr Mphego SS @
013 231 1130.
Mohlala JNT
Municipal Manager

Tel: 013 231 7147
or 083 543 1676
or 083 271 9151
To advertise contact
Bennla Celliers on

Submit your
stories and
invitations to
the Editor at
editorial@ or
fax: 013 231


27 MAY 2016


Modikwas soccer team shines at SAMSA tournament

Modikwa soccer team participated in the annual South African Mining Sports Association
(SAMSA) Soccer tournament that was held
in Carletonville from 17 to 21 May 2016.
It was hosted by Sebanye Gold Mine
Kloof Operation. This year proved to be a
better year for the team as it was the first
time ever that they advanced from the group
stage to knockout stage of this tournament.
Modikwa lost by 1-0 to Sebanye Gold
in the quarter-finals and Sebanye Gold was
ultimately the winners of the tournament.
Modikwa was the only team that lost narrowly to Sebanye Gold, all other teams were
beaten heavily by the 2016 Champions. (The
Sebanye Gold team scores looked like this:
Sebanye Gold - Northam 5 - 0, Sebanye
Gold vs Royal Bafokeng 10 0, Sebanye
Gold vs Harmony 3 1 in the final).
We are happy with the performance from
our boys and most coaches congratulated us
as if we were the winners, we were congratulated for our great performance improvement
compared to previous years. said coach
Protus Sikhakhane.
Modikwas team also received a feather
in their cap with Protus Sihakhane being
named the most organised and professional
coach of the tournament. They were also

named the most disciplined and smart team

of the tournament.
The team did not contain any temporary
employees and they
hope to next year
build on the depth
of the team as the
players improve and
gel as a team. The
Modikwa team captain, Shima Sekgokgoba was given the
opportunity to read
out a professional
pledge the team had
to compile regarding
player and officials
conduct through-out
the tournament. The
pledge was accepted
with loud applause.
The team is
now busy with the
preparations for the
upcoming Eastern
Limb top 16 soccer
tournament. We are
inviting all the Eastern
Limb Mines to register

for this coming tournament. Kindly contact us

for more information regarding this tournament on 013 230 2092 or 082 318 4179.

Masters at play
On Thursday 19 May, Tubatse Masters
visited Minisoda F.C, a local soccer team
from Ga- Madiseng for a friendly match.
In first half both teams created many
scoring opportunities but failed to convert.
And the half time score was 0-0. In the
second half both teams continued creating opportunities. Masters managed to
score first when Seun Maroga hit the back
of the net. The hosts managed to level the
score line in just few minutes before the
final whistle to make final score 1-1.
On Saturday 21 May, Tubatse Masters
visited Maroga Masters. The match was
played at Ga-Maroga village just outside
The hosts dominated ball possession
in the first half and scored the first goal
of the match in the opening 15 minutes.
Masters faught back and managed to
level the score when Jerial Mvundlela
scored. A mistake by Tubatse Masters
defenders led to the second goal of
the hosts and they took the lead for the
second time. Just few minutes before
halftime Jerial Mvundlela levelled the
score to make half-time score 2-2. In the
second half Tubatse Masters dominated
the ball possession and managed to score
two more goals by Marumo Malatji and
Tshepo Ntsoane. The final score: Tubatse
Masters 4 and Maroga Masters 2.
(Information and photographs: Jerial

(Photograph and information Protus (Kruger) Sikhakhane, Modikwa Soccer Coach).

Soccer in Mashishing
A soccer tournament sponsored by Northam Booysendal, Thaba
Chweu Municipality and the Department of Sport and Recreation saw
many teams compete for the trophy last weekend. Read more about
this event on page 11.

27 MEI 2016



Thinus skop
Sanlam Kanker
Golf Uitdaging
goed af

Rugby Bulle
by Steelpoort
Steelpoort Akademie spog hierdie jaar met drie
uitblinker rugbyspelers.
Dakalo Lebakeng (O/12) het aan die Limpopo Bulle se rugbyproewe deelgeneem. Hy
is in die O/12A span opgeneem wat tydens die
Junie vakansie in Vryheid in die Vrystaat gaan
rugby speel.
Twee O/13 seuns is ook deur na die finale
rondte van
die Bokkie
le Grange en
JC Knoetze
het op 25
Mei 2016
by proewe
wat by HTS
gehou is,
na die fiinale
uitdunne toe.
en fotos: Arlene Malan,

Thinus Labuschagne het die afgelope

naweek as die A-divisie wenner van die
plaaslike Sanlam Kanker Golf Uitdaging se
kompetisie weggestap.
Thinus het verlede jaar tot in die finale
rondte by Sun City gevorder. Daar het hy n
algehele sewende plek behaal en n vierde
plek in die A-divisie.
Hy het na die toernooi ges dat dit n
reuse belewenis was en dat hy alle eer aan
God gee vir sy talent. Hy het ook sy familie,
vriende en Tubatse Chroom Klub bedank
vir die ondersteuning gedurende die
toernooi. Hy het bygevoeg: Volgende jaar
(2016) wil ek ekstra hard werk om weer
goed te doen en die Klub se naam hoog
te dra. Hy sal nou in die volgende uitdun
rondte gaan deelneem.

Laeveld Ratels wen op Belfast

Die Laeveld Ratels van Ohrigstad het
die afgelope naweek n ligawedstryd op
Belfast gespeel.
Die span het n weghol oorwinning
behaal met n eindtelling van 53-11 in die
guns van die Ratels. Teen halftyd het die
telling op 24-6 gestaan.
Die volgende spelers het elk drie gedruk: WK de Jongh (2), Juan van Zyl (3),
Panda Richards (1), Edward Latsky (1),

Willem le Grange (1) en Ulrich Deetlefs

(1). n Totaal van 9 drie is gedruk. Martin
van den Berg het 4 van die drie verdoel.
Die Voorspeler van die dag was Dick
Viljoen en die Agterspeler van die dag was
Panda Richards.
Hierdie naweek pak die Ratels die
span van Hazyview. Hulle speel op Ohrigstad en verwag n harde wedstryd. (Inligting: Quartus du Toit, Laeveld Ratels).


Crime prevenon
through sport
Northam Booysendal, Thaba Chweu Municipality and the Department of Sport and Recrea on hosted
a soccer tournament in Mashishing on 21 and 22 May 2016.
The idea was to not only bring some soccer and netball ac on to town, but also keep youngsters o
the street through healthy ac vi es. The two days were a ended by scores of local soccer enthusiasts
suppor ng their favourite local teams.
Teams par cipa ng in the tournament were Real Stars, City Royal, Movers F.C, Coromandel Kings, Skhila United, Liverpool F.C, Black Eagles and 11 Experience. A
Booysendal team also played against Coaches and won 5-4
on penal es.
The tournaments final was between Real Stars and 11
Experience. The match went into a penalty shootout a er
both teams scored 3 goals. Real Stars won the penalty
shootout 6-5. The winning team walked away with a
trophy, medals, soccer kit and soccer balls. The runners up
also received medals and soccer balls.
The tournament underlined Booysendals commitment
towards meaningful involvement in the community.
A similar event is planned within the Greater Tubatse
Municipal area.


27 MAY 2016

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Playing to
support Cansa
On Saturday 21 May 2016 the Sanlam
Cansa Golf Challenges local competition took place at Tubatse Chrome
Club. The competition stretches over a
few months with different rounds and
the final eventually taking place at Sun
Players competed to proceed to
the next round and the days eventual
winners were: Thinus Labuschagne
(A-division), Pierre van Staden (B-division) and Adrian Dreyer (C-division).

Izelle van Staden was the winner on

the Ladies side.
The competition is held annually to
raise awareness and funds for cancer
and the Cancer Association of South
As per tradition on this day, Mr Nico
Cross from Sanlam was at the halfway
house to ensure that music sets the
tone and this year Cansa Nelspruit also
(Information: Willem Montgomery)
than 40

Sanlam and Cansa

made sure that the
players were sun
protected and had an
enjoyable day.

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