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Study Guide (vague hints really)

Historical Timeline
Court cases
- Brown v Board of Education
- Mills
- Larry P. Riles
- Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (including Section 504)
- 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (was originally Public Law 94-142
All Handicapped Act) (IDEA)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
How are definitions of someone with a disability the same for 504 and ADA and
different from IDEA?
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
Categories of students with disabilities (Learning Disabilities, Intellectual
Disabilities, Emotional Disturbance, etc.)
Relative size of categories know the biggest ones versus which are the smallest
People first language
Disproportionate representation in 3 places: risk ratio (being put into certain
categories), restrictiveness of place being served, gifted placement.
Factors that lead to disproportionate representation
Universal Design for Learning
- what are two of the complaints against Full Inclusion?
- what is a reason to have Full Inclusion?
IEP 8 parts required in an IEP
Who is in an IEP meeting
Transition when do you plan for it?

What do we call an IEP for very young children?

Professional personnel likely to be involved in special education services
Family definition
Who is in a partnership?
Be able to write the definition of Learning Disabilities
In what areas may a learning disability manifest itself
Learning Disabilities Inclusionary Standard
Exclusionary Standards for determining someone has a learning disability
How do IEP teams determine if someone has a learning disability
- Discrepancy model
- Response To Intervention (RTI)
- What does Tennessee use?
Where are studts w/LD placed what kind of settings?
Curriculum-Based Measurement
PARC results
IDEA Principles
NCLB Principles
Accommodations for testing
Differentiated Instruction
Using labels
- people first language
- just people language
Age span for IDEA
Due Process
- mediation vs. adversarial hearings
Full definitions of Categories in chapters:
- e.g. Autism repetitive behaviors

Intellectual Disabilities manifested in developmental period

Increases/decreases in numbers in categories
IEP Team roles
- Review of assessment by multidisciplinary team
- Eligibility
- Category
- Goals for instruction
- most time usually spent here (based on Present Levels)
- Accommodations for formal testing (& likewise teaching adaptations)
- Behavior Manifestation Determination
- Functional Behavioral Assessment
Where do categories spend most time for education?
Intellectual Disability factors associated with
What is adaptive behavior?
IQ for mild ID
AD/HD types

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