Dunlap DR - Owen MaryJo 1972 Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)

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For we preach not of ourselves, hut Christ Jesus the Lord;

and ourselves your servants for Jesus sake. II Cor. 4:5

January 1972

Vol. 4

No. 1

Owen, Brenda, Charma, David, Mary Jo

Dear Friends,

As the New Year begins and the fuss and rush of the Holiday season
settles down, we thought you might like to hear from the Dunlaps. First,
our sincerest thanks go to those of you who have remembered us in your

prayers this past year and have been so generous in your support of the
work in Rhodesia. Thanks also for your many Christmas greetings, notes,

and remembrances. We had a very happy holiday with our families and
loved ones, something we really miss when we are in Africa. This poem
sums up our feelings:
Christmas is more than a day at the end of the year,
More than a day of joy and good cheer,
Christmas is really God's pattern for living,

IN 11

To be followed each day by unselfish giving.

Then peace on Earth will come to stay,
When we live Christmas every day.


Owen teaching High School cla

Brenda, Gabby, Rod Cameron, Charma


It will be only a few days before Charma

goes back to Milligan College to resume her
studies. Brenda and David are already back
into the routine. Charma really enjoys her
friends at school and feels more at home there

than in Cincinnati. I guess this is understand

able as she has spent more time at school.

Brenda starts the last half of her senior year

at Oak Hills High and is really looking for
ward to her graduation in June. David has had
to slow down his studies at night school
because his job at WCET television is a full
time job. He still hopes to earn his degree
in Radio and Television Communications a

year from next June.

Since our last letter to you, we have
traveled another 20,000 miles, serving in
Vacation Bible Schools, Christian Service

Camps and participating in several FaithPromise Rallies. We have visited churches as

far east as the coasts of North Carolina, as

far west as Dallas and Brownsville, Texas,
Over our goal! Boca Raton, Fla.
Linda and Mike Berry, Owen and Mary Jo

as far north as Rodney, Ontario, and as far

south as Boca Raton, Florida.


New recruits to Salisbury

Andy, Pal, Charles and Charley McDaniels

Dr, Jerry Smith writes from the field, "The church atHighfield (African) is still doing
well," and "They are having baptisms at regular intervals" in the European Church
(Whites). Praise the Lord, the congregation meeting at the Thomlinson Police Camp has
decided to continue worshiping on their own each Lord's Day even without missionary
personnel. Their enthusiasm is running high. Our FIRST INDIGENOUS AFRICAN CHURCH!
A letter received yesterday from Zindoga,(one of our Goromonzi High School students)
reports that there were 34 baptized believers at the beginning of the school year, but now
there are 66 meeting on the Lord's Day to worship. They have also given $2.00 and $1.30

another time as a mission project to help the crippled children at the Jairos Jiri School.
Maybe this doesn't sound like much, but these are high school boys and girls who cannot
write us as often as they would like because they don't have the price of a postage stamp.
We feel this is a great accomplishment for them.
At present Owen is still helping with the International students at the Cincinnati
Bible Seminary. There are 24 enrolled this term, representing ten different countries.

We would like to introduce to you the Charles McDaniels Family. They are recruits
for the work in Salisbury and plan to leave for the field in June of this year, Lord willing.
They are needed so badly. If you have any funds you could share with them, we would
recommend them very highly. This fine family is living in Cincinnati, now, and you may
contact them through us if you would like for them to come visit you at any time. They
need our prayers and are worthy of our support.

Paul tells the Philippians that he "presses

on," and we shall do the same. We plan to be
available this summer to help you with your Vaca
tion Bible Schools, Christian Service Camps or
individual speaking needs. We will come as
individuals or even bring the family when we can.
We are still raising funds to help support the
the work we started in Salisbury. The Lord has
done His part by finding us a new family to help
bridge the gap until we can again return to the
field. There is no limit to the possibilities in

this capital city of Rhodesia. We pray you will

see this vision also and want to be a part of it
along with us. God bless you all.
In Christian love,

Charina at Miliigan

Dr./Mrs. Owen Dunlap

3366 Harwinton Lane

Cincinnati, Ohio 45211

Phone: 513/574-2690

BOX 31



Forwarding Agents
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall J. Leggett
828 Hildeen Dr.

Lexington, Ky. 40502












XI r A




J Mission Stations
i;' I


*.; 2



: j chibeoei (Hiebo)



5 Dewuri iGurul


6 Gwelo


7 Umtaii


;l| 8 Buiawayo



9 Chioamoyo

: 10 Binga (Zambezi)




Pof we preach not of ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord;

and ourselves your servants for Jesus sake. II Cor. 4:5
December 1972

Vol. 4

No. 2

David, Charina, Brenda, Mary, and Owen.

Dear Friends,

Once again it conies lime to report on the past and project the riilure.
We have had a wonderful time traveling a distance equal to two and a hall
limes around the world. Re have tried to visit all of jou grai'tous (Chris
tians who have supported us in the missionwork of our Lord in Hhodesia.
Africa. We will never forget the friendly way you received us and the
hospitality you have shown to us on these visits. Re just can't say thank
you enough.
Charles and Pal McDanlels went to Salis-

hury in June and report that the work is still

progressing with the usual ups and downs.
Reggie 11iomas and latiiily visited in our
home during the C.R.S. Conference on Fvangel^
ism. They have just returned from a tlirej; month


Chartna and Brenda loading ?lfncan village display.

evangelistic tour of Rhodesia and were all aglow with the results. Approximately 300
accepted Christ as their Savior in Salisbury.

Dr. Jerry Smith writes of the need for an African church building in the new Glenara
township. The African church will need some financial aid to construct this building as
they have to build by European standards. The average African income just doesn't
measure up to these standards.

We get the report that there are seven students attending the Bible College in Salis
bury. It is always difficult to start a Bible College and we hope and pray there will be
enough interest to keep it going.

Charma and Brenda have just been home for fall break from Milligan College. Brenda
made Junior Varsity Cheerleader and is all elated about this. While home she and her

mother spent part of their time crocheting a big "M" on vests they made for the Cheer
leaders. Charma is keeping herself busy at school having the jobs of Resident Assistant,
Dorm President, Student Council and various other jobs. David is still working for WCETTV in Cincinnati and going to school at night.

A couple of months ago we, Owen and Mary Jo, announced our intended plans to
return to Africa. We started making the usual preparations to leave in January, with the

thought in mind that this would be the last Christmas that our family would have together
for a while. As our plans progressed it seemed that the Lord might have other plans for
us. Owen was asked if he would consider staying here in America to become manager of
the Allendale Christian Assembly near Trafalger, Indiana. It was rather a strange request

as Owen hadn't pursued this position. We prayerfully considered the possibilities know
ing that wherever we went, it would be the Lord's work and this is what we had dedicated
our lives to. We then laid it before the throne of God knowing that if it were not His will,
nothing would come of it and we would pursue our original course. Strange as it may
seem, many other concerned parties felt the same way. Our name kept coming up and
Owen was called for the job. We can't help but feel that God in His mysterious way has
persisted in changing our plans, so we must yeild. We must confess that we will miss
those precious African people we worked with, but we also know our American young
people are no less precious in His sight.
We hope you will all understand our position and pray for us as we prepare for another
new experience in the Lord. Remember in one of Owen's messages he mentioned that the
"Lord will have you going places and doing things you never dreamed of before!" Well,
this seems to be another example that we are not our own when we surrender our lives to

We would like to encourage you to continue supporting the work in Salisbury and if
you need any help in this matter please let us know. Any funds we receive beyond Janu
ary 1st will all be sent to the field.

It is now the Thanksgiving season. As we sit down and pause a moment we just can't
help but be thankful for all of you. You have been just great. Never once did you let us
down in any way. Many have told us that you prayed for us and this meant so much. Your
letters and all your deeds of kindness encouraged us so much.

While saying thank you we just can't forget our wonderful forwarding agents, Marshall
and Jean Leggett, they were just tops and did this laborious task when they already had
too much to do. Then there are Bob and Pat Wyatt of Dayton, Ohio who did such a fine
job of printing our News Letters. The Kum-Join-Us Class, at Lynn, Indiana, headed by
Alice Hartly mailed it to all of you. Thanks should go to many more, but we must stop
as there just wouldn't be enough room.
Our new address will be R.R., Trafalger, Indiana 46181. We will have an Indianapolis
phone. Drop us a line or better still come see us. We will be just thirty miles south of
Indianapolis. Remember the North American Christian Convention is in Indianapolis
in 1973.




Thanks again! It won I be long until

we will celebrate the birthday of Jesus,
our Savior. After all this is what it is all

about. May we all labor together no matter

where we are to hold Him up before all
men that they, loo, may worship Him.
God bless you all.
Please come visit us!

In His Love,

ynu, hci\/e arru -ei

A /l8io d q /

Sf. 9o,r\C



Non-Profit Org.


SOX 301



Forwarding Agents
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall J. Leggett
828 Hildeen Dr.

Lexington, Ky. 40502


No. 8

leanings ( foir Hor Dec, 22, 1972 bby W6lJ. m )

Dr. wen and Mrs. Mary .?o ynlap have decided not to return
to Rhodesia as previously announced, fhey have accepted the

position Of camp manager at Allendale Christian Assei^ly, R,R.,

Trafalger, Zndiana 46181.
il fw fV



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