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Peace Council

Tom Gardner
P. O. Box 5
Barrett, MN 56311
Leon Johnson
19330 150th Ave
Barrett, MN 56311
Brenda Long
19594 120th St
Herman, MN 56248
Jennifer McLaughlin
107 6th St. South
Hoffman, MN 56339

Charles Johnson
16357 County Road 2
Barrett, MN 56311
Gwen Rollofson
311 Hawkins Ave E
Barrett, MN 56311

Marilyn Frykman
21398 140th Ave
Barrett, MN 56311

Peace Lutheran Church

JUNE 2016


Sunday School is out for the summer after another great

year of learning. We had a fun end of the year picnic at
the park on May 22nd with a lesson on the Holy Spirit and
Bananarama treats. Then we honored all our volunteers
during our worship service. Thanks again for your help
everyone Im so blessed with each and every one of you!
Thank you so much for the lovely plant. I think of you
every time see it. You are so good to me!
Now on to Vacation Bible School! Our plans are to hold
VBS in August either the 7th through the 11th or the
14th through the 18th. Please let me know which would
best for your families. I am searching for a new and exciting theme this year and Im leaning towards Go Fishing which has endless possibilities! More information to

In the near future there will be registration forms sent

out, along with a list of volunteer opportunities and a
want list. Its not too early to sign up!
Enjoy your summer and save time for VBS!

Lois Scherer
26873 Grand View Road #1
Elbow Lake, MN 56531

Joyce Hanson, Director

Peace Sunday School
320-528-2354 (home phone) (email)

Get Involved
No matter what you are able to do to help, someone, somewhere in the world, will
always remember your kindness. And the more people that get involved, the faster
we will end poverty, injustice and suffering.

Personal Care Kits

When LWR distributes Personal Care Kits, its often to people who have lost everything.
In the wake of an earthquake, or having fled from violence as their homes were overtaken,
they clasp a towel from a faraway place, with a bar of soap, a toothbrushand washing
up, they know that they have not been forsaken by the world.
The very simple gesture of giving a Personal Care Kit can give someone the
encouragement to start anew, starting with a bath. You can share Gods grace and love by
providing that simple comfort.

School Kits

Why school supplies? To the children who receive School Kits, these supplies mean the
difference between getting an education or not. Public school is usually free, but in the
places where LWR works, even a few required supplies, like pens and paper, may be more
than many families can afford. And when parents can only afford to send one of their
children to school, girls rarely get priorityyet the education level of mothers has the
biggest impact on development

Baby Care Kits

Baby Care Kit from LWR is like a promise. It says to that baby, Your needs will not be
neglected by this world. You matter to us. When you send Baby Care Kits, you provide
encouragement by welcoming these little ones into an international community that cares.
Baby Care Kits are distributed as part of emergency and relief efforts, to be sure, but they
are also given out as part of LWR health initiatives to encourage women to seek prenatal
care. One such initiative in Mali provided training for local prenatal health care workers,
who were given Baby Care Kits to distribute when they assisted with births. These kinds
of programs help more babies in rural, poor areas receive a healthy start in life. We hope
you will join us in this effort!

Fabric Kits

Teach a person to sew and youve given them tools they can use to earn an income,
support their family, and break out of poverty. Many of the thousands of Fabric Kits
Lutheran World Relief distributes are used in vocational training programs to teach young
men and women useful and marketable sewing skills.

June 2016
Peace Church Council Meeting Minutes, April 13th 2016
Meeting called to order by Chairman Tom Gardner at 6:02 p.m.
Present: Jennifer, Brenda, Charles, Pastor Don, Leon, Marilyn, Lois, Tom, Sandy K. Absent: Gwen R.
We gather in Gods Name: Devotions lead by Pastor Don from Bishop Wohlrabes Healthy Congregations series. Council discussion focused on assessing our churchs health, how to make change, and the comparisons of the Peace church family to an individual familys dynamics and how we all solve problems. Pastor Don will be leading us in this series at future
council meetings.
Kyries and Glorias: Collective sharing on individuals highs and lows for the past week.
We celebrate our past, our history as Gods people: Treasurers report was defined by Sandy K. with an explanation of
the retained earnings data on the balance sheet. Motion to accept Treasurers report made by Jennifer, second by Leon,
Motion Carried. Secretarys report was reviewed. Question re: Old Settlers community service. Pastor Don and Tom G will
clarify with community representatives. Pastors report: Member visitations continue with very positive receptions. Pastor
Don and Jennifer are meeting with the 2016 confirmation class, working on faith statements and meeting with the families.
Service is scheduled for May 15th, worship. Jennifer and Pastor noted that group confirmation pictures are missing from our
picture board from the classes from 2002 to present time. Requests will be made to forward to church offices. Motion to
accept Secretarys and Pastors report made by Brenda, with a second by Lois, motion carried.
We look to the future: Tom gave an update from the Call/Search committee. Site Profile completed. Call committee has a
pending informational congregational meeting scheduled in May.
We offer our concerns of the past (old business):
Jennifer expanded on her teaching process with the confirmation class. Five students are prepared for the rite.
Refurbishing of the pews and altar completed. Invoice sent to Sandy to be paid {$1,500}. Monies given for the project
from mens group and WELCA. Pending project will be to refinish the conference table in the Hegne Room.
Spring clean-up will be scheduled for the first complete week in June. Sign-up sheets will be posted and necessary jobs
will be identified.
Mission/Vision Statement discussed in detail. The council is to work on individual input regarding this project and collectively we will complete a proposed statement at the conclusion of our May 11th meeting and bring the statement
to the congregation in May. Goal is to have process completed by early June.
Council continues to seek bus driver volunteers in order to utilize bus for transportation for Sunday worship. Goal to
have volunteers available prior to September 1st.
Audio system appears to be working. Concern over the lack of audio for the televised services. Tom and Pastor Don to
problem solve. {i.e. choir selections not heard well}
We offer our concerns for the future (new business):
Discussion regarding establishing a mutual ministry committee. No action taken; will be considered at future meeting.
Brenda and Leon initiated discussion re: Youth activities. {Voicing concerns from church family} Motion made by Leon
with a second by Marilyn to form a Youth committee {3 members} within the congregational family to focus on
Youth activities. Motion carried unanimously. Pastor Don will call a youth meeting after services sometime in May
to glean input from interested families.
We offer our prayers: Tom led us in closing prayer.
We go out in Gods name: Shared the peace.
We adjourn to serve: Motion to adjourn by Brenda, second by Charles, Motion carried. M. Frykman, Secretary.

June 2016

We are updating the confirmation pictures. We

are missing the following years:
2003 D. J. Lien, Mitchell Ronhovde,
Heather Norris
2006: Aaron Ray. Adam Ray, Zachary Gisi,
Nicholas Gerving
2008: Shelby Dreier, Beau Kashmark,
Erin Rudell,
2013: Mary Thompson, Ryleigh Johnson,
Wyatt Odegaard
2015: Alliah Johnson, Carter Overson,
Kore Seifert
2016: John Stewart, Danika Deidrich,
Teigen Moritz, Alexis Danner, Jordon Nohre
Please contact the office if you have a picture
that we can either use or copy and put in the
display case.

June 2016





























5:30pm Council



Service at

Faithful Folders

Faithful Folders

Faithful Folders

Faithful Folders

Serving in June

June 5


Jason Puchalski

June 5

Roger & Paulette Dalum

June 12

Joyce Hanson

Roger & Paulette Dalum

June 12

Jennifer Combs

June 19

Joyce Hanson
Jennifer Combs

Norma Olson

June 19

Bea & Dayle DeFrance

June 26

Jason Puchalski

Community Service
at Pavilion
Old Settlers Days

Norma Olson
Bea & Dayle DeFrance

June 26

Community Service
at Pavilion
Old Settlers Days

Work Group #3

Altar Guild

April Financial Report

Lee & Pat Ronhovde

Diane Puchalski

Needed to Date $40,168

Tom & Sandy Perry

Heather Danner

Received So Far $35,123

Fundraiser for Heather and Josiah Norris
Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction
June 11, 2016 from 8 -11 a.m.
Barrett Community Center
Free Will Donation
Sponsored in part by Thrivent Action Team
Josiah (JoJo) is a premie born 5-1-2015 at 1 Lb., 8 oz. and 12 inches long
A year later, he has had 16 surgeries and has at least two more coming up.
Heather is a single mom and has been unable to work due to the
constant care and hospitalizations JoJo has had. Heather has had many
expenses associated with JoJos care and stays in the Twin Cities during
his surgeries.
(Heather was confirmed at Peace and Josiah was baptized by Pastor Matthew as well.)
Donations of Silent Auction items welcome.
Contact Karen @ 320-528-2382


PO Box 206
Barrett MN 56311


Office: 320-528-2536 Church:

218 Church Street PO Box 206 Barrett, MN 56311

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