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Gnosis Dzyu

The primary spiritual energies are called in our

Dzyuoi system. These energies manifest as
deepest archetypes of human experience. These
Gnosis Dzyu energies of rest and realities underlie
living in the deepest parts of the human soul, as well as
in all areas of the universe. They are therefore energy
creative and archetypes of existence.
Buddhists hold (HP Blavatsky says in his Doctrine
Secret) that there is no creator, but an infinity of powers
Creative, which collectively form the eternal substance, which
essence is inscrutable; hence not subject to
speculation for any true philosopher.
It happens at some point in the consciousness of the initiate, which
embarks on a mystical exploration of esoteric logic.
First you will feel united with the divine energies and then they
They will manifest in him making his consciousness is transferred
from the mundane regions to the hidden roots
eternal and immortal gods. Then will the
direct awareness of Laws (Loas) and principles
archetypal constitution and regulation development
direct consciousness soul of Dzyuoi.
Dzyu Gnosis has 17 steps or stages, as was
Michael Bertiaux determined as a result of their
research into the depths of his own mind
ideal. These 17 steps or stages are power topologies
transcendental and divine. Incorporate the powers of the current
Solar and are expressions of a theological experiment
deepest sense.
These 17 steps or stages are themselves parts of the body
Grand Legbha, the Logos or Christ of esoteric voodoo. These 17
16 stages along with the perfections of the IFA, are the
hidden symbols roots of the number 33, by which we understand that the entire existence is present
Gnosis of our apostolic succession, which assimilates this
Gnostic number to the historical figure of Jesus Christ.
The Gnostics of our system should see the Book of
Stanzas of Dzyan of H. P. Blavatsky as a plan or system
organization that derives all manifestation. Michael
Stanzas Bertiaux has studied and found in them
basic plans for the creation of the universe, analogous to
a spider web which projects towards the ideal future. In the
Stanzas and esoteric Buddhism this is called a spider web
Alaya, and the Gnosis Dzyu this Alaya is an organic reality.
The man reflected in their myths and their own internal process your
conception of creation and cosmic manifestation is but
a symbolic representation of his own microcosm, its
own personal individuality.
Just as man is immersed overnight in the
Sleep darkness for rebirth in the morning in a world of
light, also views the universe at an exit of the Void
unmanifested or Pralaya to becoming as light cosmos.

In the same way that the darkness of his own unconscious

get the energetic material makes it possible to human life as well
Man also conceives the universe in its genesis, arising
analogously to an infinite darkness and eternal source.
There in the cosmological myth of the psychic process symbology
human, which represents the passage of universal consciousness from
the deep zone of the unmanifested (transcendental Id) to
Sleep region (Id) to reach the full day
waking consciousness (ego).
The creation myths of all Gnostic systems created
Man, they're talking about the origin of the individual when
They refer to the remote origin of the cosmos.
Gnosis Dzyu must be understood as being outside the
circles of time and as the source of different points
view or aspects of time. These aspects are expressed as
Past, present and future.
The timeless space is what is known as "space
Infinity "with our consciousness spatiotemporal but located
abstractly "before" time. An abstraction of what
There is, of existence, necessary to conceive a state
before time. It is the Pleroma where "Father" was in effect from
center fulfillment of all before the creation or
emanation of the universe.
It is the abstract principle of which is to emerge chaos,
Akasha that will lead to the quadripartite demonstration
archetypal of Elements. In our Gnostic system
Maion also called the Great Mother of where everything comes from and where
returns. The Void, the Great Yoni or Cosmic Matrix.
Time exists because consciousness has discovered since
no time without consciousness. Why not at infinity Pleroma
He had time, nor had consciousness and existence. Without
But this Pleroma of the Father is in darkness for us
and our current rate of consciousness, although it is not within
the Pleroma itself, because for us it is the Matrix
Eternal in our light was to appear.
The Father and the Pleroma constituted what the Sankhya Yoga
considers Purusha and Prakriti, the eternal duality that being
together forever is the source, essence and substance of
The Father is Father only because it is within Maion, the Great
Mother, therefore it is both Father and Son, with one Father
because it is the first man that is inside the mother. For being
eternal Mother, the Father is also eternally within the
Mother, because one without the other are neither Mother nor Father. Therefore
Father says it is chaos, when in fact it is only
Chaos and the end of the beginning of the Cosmos.
When the primary element is shown in which it is generated
creation, is done by a female figure called the Mother
Cosmic. This original feminine being has a virginal aspect
all mythologies and many were assimilated into the Waters
Ones that are fertilized by the Sky Father.
Hegel's philosophy of the unconscious begins his laborious

task of developing the universe in order to achieve clear

self-consciousness. This concept of unconscious
transcends the human concept of consciousness and is only named
and because of his state of darkness to the light of our
individual consciousness.
This is because consciousness manifested
individually, you can not access directly to the
universal, unless you perform a difficult and long process that will
leading to discover within himself that plot
absolute and universal consciousness, which has given life and
from the darkness of his own unconsciousness illuminates your
ego and personal consciousness.
Says Hegel in his Philosophy of History, "The essence of
Man is spirit and only after shed its mode
finite and voluntarily surrendering to pure
self-consciousness, it's like you can reach the Truth. "
So Gnosis says the first production arising from
Cosmos is the first pair of light and dark, unconscious and
conscious. Both are two poles of the same thing, with the
unconscious and conscious the beginning to the end. There is one
number of mediators that make possible the reunion of these
two opposite constituting the first primary Syzygy, and
always these mediators appear as couples or Syzygys
intermediaries between the two main, but always with
both components. We can call these intermediate Sysygys
Within the Cosmic Matrix Maion was the focus of the
scale energy future more intense vibration. This
Vibration was the first thing was to emerge from her womb.
All things come from this matrix and all things must
back to it for the knowledge of the root
wisdom. This is the law that determines the Gnosis. Within
Matrix or Cosmic Vagina this is the route
mystical initiation, because all symbols are stored
This Alaya consciousness or store.
Emissions arising from this Cosmic Vagina (Yoni) form
a spider web. The projection into the future, within the
time, these emissions is what produces the Cosmic Matrix
the future, Aditi Yoni or Maion, where we will be
reabsorbed back.
Lines as cobweb issuing the Matrix or Yoni
Primordial cosmic produce the projection of the ideal future.
These lines must be received by the Gnostic magician to
to build their ideal future world in this time.
Without there being an abstract idea is shown in the
Eastern philosophy. Such abstraction of mind isolating being
of existence it is only possible to perform in the ideality
transcendent man draws from his own essence and
From our point of view here and now this can
Noetic constitute an idealistic setting that is not supported
in reality. But for man, such an ideal setting

It is necessary to orient themselves in their conception of the

transcendent from a rational structure of consciousness in which the space and all the time, impose
a priori scheme.
It is the starting point from which man can begin
gradually integrate this abstract idealism of being in its
own existential reality.
It is possible that such an ideal abstraction has never existed
the principle of the genesis of the universe, which does not have
irrelevant, because such mental abstraction is necessary
so that man can address itself to transcendence
underlies his existential world.
That Void, this matrix or cosmic Yoni of the Goddess Mother of
Matter, the Cosmic Egg shaped inside which there
the germ that had to be fertilized by the Light of the Father. Are
so they formed the original three aspects of the Pleroma: the Father,
Mother and Son. Of these three divine aspects of the One
Absolute says emanated the four archetypal aspects
the demonstration, that in our system of Gnosis Zothyriana
They are called the Four Seasons-patriarchate of the time
the Ecclesia Gnostic or Gnostic Assembly Spiritualis
There in the Stanzas of Dzyan (III, 3) a description of
beginning of the universe as the abstract ideal of mind
author of the Stanzas reflected in this book. A ray of light
Father thought entered the Matrix and the Cosmic Mother
fertilization conducted germ Cosmic Egg. Here the
Ideal abstraction has relied on an existential reality
unavoidable, the creation of the human being, the microcosm.
Father God and the Mother Goddess are metaphysical aspects of
father and human mother, and the Cosmic Egg, the microcosm
It is the body where the son resides.
The universe emerges as a spider's web that expands each
Again, being his son currents creative force
form trellises where it brings together and orders the matter.
This spider expansion causes vibration emerging
from its center and this vibration emitted from the center
the Pleroma or Cosmic Egg is the Logos.
Mother, the Father and the Son, form the supreme Triad which
emanates the Quaternary. This is cuaternidad Four
Kumaras of the Stanzas of Dzyan and the four aeons or Archangels
Throne, from which emanate the four patriarchates of the
Stations-Time Ecclesia Gnostic Spiritualis.
The Son is first a "Golden Egg resplendent as
the sun "as Blavatsky, it is only the mother's womb
When filled Cosmic Light.
The Son, the Logos, is dual (syzygy), ie, androgynous, and
So bring within it the potential of opposites,
duality. This Son separates from the Mother, it becomes
himself in Father or Mother future, as its expansion in the
address what enters or what is penetrated, and always
will produce at each end of opposing a mother or a father.

Dzyu in Gnosis, says Michael Bertiaux contact

creative spirits that represent the different levels
Creative Matrix and saw that followed a scheme mandalic
He is corresponding to the eight directions of space, more self
hidden true center of the universe, which makes handling
number nine. Thus we saw in each of the
spirits concerned, the laws of syzygy or logic
pairs of opposites, and that the spirits of time (past,
present and future) they were connected by a trellis ontic
spirits directions.
The energies that existed between these two types of spirits were
be understood as monadic twin aspects of reality. The
connection between the two powers should be considered a
magical representation of the state of the universe at that time.
When the Shinto states that the universe exists because 17 Laws
Cosmic or Kami, it means that there are 17 ways of the universe. There
of course, an infinite number of universes magical imagination,
but as symbolic finite level and organizes the Gnosis
infinite ocean of possibility, the wide range of these
esoteric mental fields is located within the potential
17 levels of power or Creative Hierarchy.
Each level is actually a self-contained type of spatiality,
because it is updated and contains its own set of powers
Internal internal culture and civilization, and their own
initiation systems and direct participation in energy
mental spirit. Using such universes vehicles
magic to be transported to the space potential
root, they become a source of it can
deriving a warehouse full consciousness or encyclopedia
hides and artistic imagination, including all powers
involved in the initiation, by which a world is created
extensive experience and potentially infinite.
The system used by Bertiaux meditation in his Gnosis Dzyu,
It was the reverie. This was not a form of dreaming or
It was also a meditation in the ordinary sense. It was something he saw as a combination of dream
and meditate. Your Ego
transcendental was activated and what was latent in the Ego
He was awakened and produced a series of initiations and entered
possession of a new connection to the magical world. He could see
directly for the first time the Gnostic universe
magical imagination as they see spirits.
Vibration on the primordial chaos, as we have said,
the Word, the Logos, that gives rise to Cosmos. It is the quality
ordering Dzyu creative forces of Chaos, beginning
to produce a trellis or lattice model on which it is weaved
the Cosmos. This same vibrational quality present throughout the
universe, is what makes human consciousness to vibrate
put in touch with their own divine source. It is the Logos
incarnate Christ Legbha or Voodoo and Christianity
The vibration produces spiral motion divergently. The
light expands well and is divided into seven rays or Colors in your

external manifestation material.

Primitive Trinity manifested in four aspects
Stanzas as represented in the Four winged wheels, which
They correspond to the four archetypal Divine aeons giving
rise to the patriarchate of the Four Seasons-Time
Ecclesia Gnostic Spiritualis. Govern the Four Points
cardinal called in Kabbalah the pedestal of the Throne of God.
They are responsible for formalizing the lattice model
energy on the material manifestation of occurs
universe. These four aeons are a barrier that can not be
going through the mind of the Ego to within the Pleroma, where
dwells the real me. Within the space plermico
They circumscribed by time does not exist, but outside of Them
temporal sequence begins consciousness.
There are three power centers as Three Goddesses in
oriental symbols that follow the way flow
the mind organizes the continuum of consciousness as time. Every
Goddess is assigned to the elemental power as manifested in
the form of 11 basic energies or "stations
imagination ".
These are not visions but multiple personalities that
Gnostic has to develop in their own lives. Each of
November 3 shows the contents of rivers or streams
time. The contents are merely objectives because the subject
and it never exists independently of the object, both are
These three goddesses are in fact the process of time,
physical reality of immediate experience of which we
part. When we can distinguish between a Goddess and the other
two is that we have learned to distinguish between the past,
present and future.
Each goddess is manifested in 11 temporary possibilities. Together
These 11 are the archetypal matrix of experience
concrete. They are pure realization and all that is abstract
It is derived from them.
We can say that time is the primary substance of
universe, manifested as the Goddess within
specialized processes magical experience.
Also in the Stanzas is seen as the Triple Goddess Mother,
the wife and daughter, with the female manifestation of the Logos.
This large female triad called the Goddess Michael Bertiaux
Imyaen and Erzulie, is a pure abstraction of spacetime
and it relates to the development of Stations-Time
and its influence on the higher forms of Gnosis. It
It represents in its three aspects: last time, time
present and past-present-future, and the future tense. Namely
because as this is always a subjective point
changing, we can say that there is and always
moving between past and future, ie what it is
This now becomes immediately past and what is future
immediately followed now is present. Its manifestation in
Gnosis is the four-time stations.

Weather Stations-have an inherent logic, ie, a

system understanding of the organization of time and
space. The time is divided into areas, fields and regions, each
one under the direction of a non-physical entity. Forms in
These stations communicate with each other based on laws
logic. Each station has its own logic which
emanate certain sublgicas and magic systems. Logical
They represent basic laws governing the types of magic
Gnostic. The basic logic is the past, past-present,
present-future and future that can be assimilated to the aeons
the ancient gnosis. They are actually functions of a system
created by Bertiaux to structure the magical universe. These
logic governing all universes and apply equally to this
and other alternative universe, although the way in which
manifested in the latter is completely different than in
Bertiaux says that exist within the matrix space or Yoni
Primordial Mother, 68 types of Auric Egg, divided into
four subgroups of 17 eggs. These eggs are what is called the "Roe" or ovary of the Cosmic Mother.
it's about
the revelations of the Goddess and are manifested through
oracular systems from scratch eternal chaos.
Each group has its divine point of initiation emanating
16 potential we know in our system as Axioms
Gnostics. Bertiaux sometimes referred to as the Spirits
Kammamorianos, and must be experienced by the magician himself
These spirits or energies are organized in a kind of
geometry thanks to the interactions of the three goddesses and their
projections. Just contact with them makes it possible
started to be elevated to new levels of potential.
These energies of Gnosis Dzyu form a Pleroma is
open to the manifestation of an infinite number of physical systems
alternative. These forces are activated via processes
physical initiation and enter the physical plane
manifesting as current events.
Therefore it is said in esoteric psychology everyday life
It is formed and constituted by the Id (subconscious). If it is
this is because the ID is the primary cause, as it is
synchronistic and is beyond empirical causation, ie,
is a hidden causation, the principle of Maionica intervention,
sometimes called the Forgotten Old invasion.

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