Main Stage

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Main Stage


Based on the Myths of Ovid

Written and Originally
Directed by Mary Zimmerman
Directed by David Storch

OCTOBER 13 - OCTOBER 31, 2010

As you take your seat, be prepared for the

possibility of your own transformation.

Based on a 2000-year-old epic poem, and taking

place in a 2000-gallon pool of water designed for
Globe Theatre’s stage, Metamorphoses will be one
of the most ambitious and magical productions
you've ever seen at the Globe Theatre.

First published in ancient Rome, Ovid's Metamorphoses is a mythological history of the world
populated by vengeful gods and goddesses, and mortals both noble and notorious. It is a comic
and tragic exploration of how we are all transformed, by love, by hate, by circumstance and by
our own choices.

With this contemporary adaptation, Mary Zimmerman has brought the passion, romance, and
boundless emotion of Greek myth to new life. The disastrous greed of Midas, the immortal love
of Orpheus and Eurydice, the blinding power of Eros -- these and many other mythological
characters will take the stage and grab our
imaginations once again.

Main Stage
HONK! A Musical Tale of The Ugly

Music by George Stiles

Book and Lyrics by Anthony
Directed by Ruth Smillie


Based on one of Hans Christian Andersen's most beloved tales, this high-energy musical comedy
tells the story of Ugly, the duckling who is born into ridicule and loneliness because he is

From the moment Ugly breaks out of his unusually large egg, his father and siblings will have
nothing to do with him. Some of the other waterfowl whisper among themselves that some eggs
are best left unhatched. Even the love of his loyal mother is not enough to keep Ugly in the
duckyard, and when he follows a treacherous cat into worlds unknown, he will need to brave
untold dangers before he can find happiness, love, and the beauty of his true self.

With its exuberant music and steady stream of hilarious characters, Honk! will delight every
member of your family this Christmas. A fowl play has never been quite this much fun.

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Main Stage
Having Hope at Home

By David S. Craig
Directed by Andrew North


For Carolyn Bingham, there's a lot riding on

tonight's family dinner. She wants to patch things
up with her perpetually disapproving parents. She
wants peace between the man she loves and her
ornery grandfather. She wants a perfectly cooked
turkey. Carolyn is determined to make an
impressive domestic showing, and she's not going
to let the discomforts of pregnancy get in her way.

But when the family gathers in

Carolyn's dilapidated farmhouse, all of the old
tensions and hurts gather with them. It isn't long before the awkward moments and familiar
arguments begin to pile up. Even the turkey won't cooperate. And as if that isn't enough, those
pains Carolyn has been feeling all evening are getting stronger ... and stronger ...

Hilarious and moving, Having Hope at Home is all about the pleasure, pain, and redemptive
power of family. The Binghams will never forget this evening. Neither will you.

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Main Stage
Theatre dot.calm & Marquis Entertainment Inc.’s
production of

Shakespeare's Will

By Vern Thiessen
Starring Seana McKenna
Directed by Miles Potter

FEBRUARY 23-MARCH 13, 2011

It is 1616 in Stratford-on-Avon, and William

Shakespeare's widow has just returned home from
burying her husband. As she studies the unopened
sheaf of paper in her hand, Anne Hathaway
reflects on 34 years of marriage to a man she rarely saw. For while she had remained in Stratford
to raise their three children on her own, her ambitious husband had long ago followed his dreams
to London. Now he is gone, and Anne sits alone with her memories. Her husband's last wishes
lay in her hand. So why is Anne reluctant to uncover them?

Inspired by the actual contents of William Shakespeare's last will and testament, Shakespeare's
Will is a powerful depiction of love public and hidden, loyalty tested and betrayed. Above all, it
is the story of one remarkable woman and her determination to remain faithful to herself.

Main Stage

By Michael Frayn
Directed by Del Surjik

MARCH 23-APRIL 10, 2011

In 1941, Niels Bohr, a Danish and half-Jewish

scientist renowned worldwide as the 'father of
quantum physics,' has seen his country come under
the control of Nazi Germany. As he and his wife
Margrethe take refuge within the wiretapped walls
of their Copenhagen home, they receive an
unexpected visitor: Werner Heisenberg, Bohr's
former student and a close friend, now working in
the service of the Nazis. The two men take a walk.
By the time they return, their relationship is
forever altered, and the era of atomic warfare has
drawn nearer.

This award-winning play explores a mystery that has puzzled scientists and historians for
decades: What did Bohr and Heisenberg discuss during their secret meeting? And how did this
conversation affect the outcome of the Second World War?

Copenhagen has riveted audiences around the world with its story of a friendship placed on the
altar of war and conflicting loyalties. A mystery and a thriller, this play will take your heart and
mind on an invigorating ride.

Main Stage
W.O. Mitchell's Jake
and the Kid
Adapted by Conni Massing
Directed by Glenda Stirling

APRIL 27-MAY 15, 2011

It's been a long, hot, dry season for the Canadian

prairies, and the good people of Crocus are
spending a lot of time looking anxiously at the clear, blue sky. The Kid isn't worried, though. His
parents' hired hand, Jake, knows how to make it rain. Jake said so himself. And now that word
has gotten out about his special skill, Jake is busy building the rainmaking machine that's going
to save Crocus.

As rainmaking day draws near, the prairie sky remains bright and cloudless. The Kid can't
understand why the townspeople don’t believe that Jake can make it rain. He also can't
understand why Jake himself is beginning to look a little worried...

Adapted from W.O. Mitchell's classic short stories, Jake and the Kid is a warm-hearted and
humourous tribute to life on the Prairies. The friendship between hired hand, Jake, and the Kid, a
young farm boy whose father is fighting overseas, is one of the most unforgettable relationships
in Canadian literature.

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