Pilot Fleet Brochure Provisional-DingLi

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Product Overview

Product Overview

Pilot Fleet 4.0

Pilot Fleet 4.0

Pilot Fleet

is a new generation client-server based system, developed by DingLiCommunications

CORP.,LTD., which automatically collects large volumes of cellular network air interface data into a
central data server for use in multiple engineering, statistical and reporting applications. Up to 300
autonomous probes may be mounted in fixed locations or moving vehicles and each remotely
programmed to collect data from multiple networks simultaneously. This data is uploaded automatically
to the server,time and position stamped, and then stored. Voice, including PESQ measurements,and
data traffic are both supported. Operation is via a browser based web client from any IP connected PC to
provide full configuration, operation and reporting facilities from any location. Local processing and
network traffic are both minimised.Engineering analysis software may be installed in any client to provide
comprehensive engineering post processing.

Fleet is Different
Traditionally operators and service companies have used multiple RAN testing tools to meet different needs eg
benchmarking, management reporting, optimisation etc. This is no longer necessary. When using Pilot Fleet you
can collect one set of data and use it for all applications, providing considerable savings in systems costs, staff
costs,training and tests (unnecessarily) repeated.

Simple PC Architecture
Efficient programming and advanced database techniques have resulted in a Fleet software system which is
totally PC based. Mainframes and bespoke call generation hardware are not required. The system is fully scaleable
ranging from a small system running on one computer up to a large system requiring three PCs.

Powerful Reliable Probes

Fleet remote Control Units are Remote Control Units, which automatically
collect data according to easily configurable Test Plans. Each unit has
channel capacity allowing up to six UEs to operate simultaneously. The UE
comprise up to six embedded
modules; this allows representative testing of
applications through a typical mobile phone,
or via mobile laptops and other portable
devices. An seventh channel, an embedded module, is normally dedicated to transferring
data to the central system ensuring that data collection is never interrupted and the
upload is not unnecessarily delayed. An RCU can be maintained and physically
reconfigured in the field to meet the precise needs for the test or project application,
return to manufacture is not necessary. Firmware can be updated remotely without the need to call in the vehicle. The
RCU is controlled by a Linux programmed processor to give stability and, crucially, fully synchronised data calls. The
high spec hardware, including the 1GB memory card, will operate comfortably between -25 to +70C ensuring correct
operation in a hot car.

More Efficient data collection.

Each RCU channel is programmed remotely to perform the tests as required; voice calls (uplink or downlink and
with or without PESQ), any type of data call, supplementary service or video connection can be performed in any
combination. Where the network supports simultaneous operation of different services then Fleet will similarly test
them. Different test plans can be scheduled according to the time of day to allow for variations in traffic; during the
working day, for example, data services are increasingly required whereas in the rush hour voice calls predominate.
You can even change a test program, on the fly, remotely and instantly, in order to test new situations or respond to
help desk queries.

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Dingli Communications Corp.,Ltd.

Product Overview

Pilot Fleet 4.0

Seamless Drive or Pedestrian Testing

While Fleet RCUs are powerful they are light enough to fit into a backpack and be used for
pedestrian testing. When out of GPS coverage the tester simply uses a handheld device to
provide mark positioning (otherwise known as pin pointing) and the data upload proceeds as
normal according to its programmed setting. Fleet then converts the indoor positions to Cartesian
coordinates allowing the pedestrian and drive test data to be analysed seamlessly. No more cut
offs between roads and malls. For ultimately discrete indoor testing Fleet will accept test data
from a Pilot WalkTour handheld unit.

Dual Function Alarms

Monitoring functions in each RCU continuously check both the unit's operation and the integrity of the incoming
data, and alarm information is uploaded to the central system for real time monitoring. Major alarms, like a
malfunctioning RCU or repeated network connect failures can even be reported instantly via email or SMS
enabling immediate corrective action to be put in place.

Web Client Operation

Fleet system operation, RCU setup and control, statistics, report
generation and real time monitoring are all controlled via a standard
web browser. No special client PC is required, just set up a Fleet
user account and
make an IP connection from any PC anywhere.

Automatic Statistics and Reporting

Fleet includes a wide selection of functions and parameters available
for inclusion in statistics and reports; including the entire ETSI KPI
list, all L1, 2 and 3 data, and the ability to create any number of conditional or Boolean expressions. Just select
the required functions, time periods, areas, report style, reporting frequencies and distribution list and Fleet will
automatically create and send the reports; no further operator activity is required.

Real Time Network Monitoring

This function takes the higher level data immediately on
receipt from RCUs and makes it available for real time
display on any Web Client - once again no local software
is required. The operator can visualise the trace on a
map and also examine multiple network parameters,
sudden or unexpected problems can be rapidly detected
and isolated enabling the initiation of immediate
remedial action. And this capability is additional to the
real time alarms sent by email or SMS.

Powerful Engineering Analysis

Engineering fault diagnosis is simple. It takes a couple on minutes to install Pilot Navigator software your PC, enter
a Fleet data server IP address and it automatically accesses all its logfiles. If required multiple Fleet data server can
be accessed sequentially You can select data by route or area and fault find by replay and drill down, or use the
powerful binning and event analysis facilities to diagnose problems and create technical reports.

Open Data Format

If you wish to use your data for a specialised application not supported by Fleet, eg to run your ACP tool, we will
provide full support for a seamless connection. We already support direct real time export to MS SQL and have an
agreement in place with Actix to enable Fleet logfile data to be imported directly into their ACP and post processing

All Rights Reserved

Dingli Communications Corp.,Ltd.

Product Overview

Pilot Fleet 4.0

Responsive Supplier
Fleet uses UEs which provide the maximum number or test parameters, all are made available for customer use. In
addition the system contains a wide selection of KPIs, including the entire ETSI list. However, we recognise that we
live in a dynamic environment and all customers have the assurance that new KPIs will be provided on request
within agreed timescales.

Customer Benefits at a glance

h Improved efficiency - system architecture scaled to match your corporate structure
h Reduced tools costs - unified product family reduces training and increases effectiveness of tools and staff
h Compact probe - all channels in one box
h Improved productivity and lower network costs - includes all the engineering power of Pilot Pioneer.
h Better information flow - flexible but automated reporting system
h Assured future - the availability of new system functionality, including custom KPIs, is assured
h High confidence - large installed base


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Dingli Communications Corp.,Ltd.

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