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Adapt to Stress Naturally with These Power Herbs

The feeling of being overwhelmed, overscheduled, and unable to keep a sense of
mental balance is becoming all too common.
As people feel more exhausted, it affects
everything else in their livestheir
relationships, jobs, blood pressure, sex life
and libido, immune systemseven the
ability to relax. Stress erodes all of it. If this
sounds familiar, you know youre not alone.

that means stress relief, more physical or

mental energy, or a calmer outlook.
The name ashwagandha comes from the
Sanskrit word used to describe the smell of
a horse, referring to the scent of the plants
roots after harvesting, but also to the feeling
of strength and vitality that all those using
the herb experienced as well.

Unfortunately, few things hold us back more

in life than stress. Whether its physical
stress because youre working out or have a
demanding, physically intense job, or mental
stress due to a schedule that always seems
to be in overdrive, theres no doubt about it,
stress is a killer.
But the fact is, you will always have some
stress in your life. So the ideal goal isnt to
eliminate all of the reasons for stress
(although that can help, when it can be
done), it is also to be able to healthily adapt
to stress and respond in a way that doesnt
cause any ill effects.
I believe ashwagandha and rhodiola are the
botanical answers to stress. These two
outstanding herbs can make a life-changing
difference, and they are the subject of this
Terry Talks Nutrition.

Ashwagandha, Indias Wonder Herb

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a
frequently utilized adaptogen in Ayurvedic
medicine. One of the oldest healing systems
in the world, Ayurvedic medicine has been
practiced in India for over 5,000 years.
Practitioners of Ayurveda incorporate diet,
meditation, breathing, yoga, purification
(detox), massage and herbal extracts in their
treatment plans to restore patients to a state
of balance and good health.
Adaptogens are special herbs. They seem to
do exactly what we need them to do. An
ashwagandha provides the appropriate
support you need at a given time, whether

The plant itself is a small woody shrub with

small yellow flowers that bloom year-round.
It thrives in a sub-tropical climate, and does
very well in harsh situations even with little
water, making it easy to cultivatea perfect
match for its environment. In fact, its actually
better for root development if the plant is left
Traditionally, ashwagandha has been
prescribed for many things: calming nerves,
reducing inflammation, and increasing both
libido and stamina. Like other botanical
adaptogens, it is recognized as having the
special ability to be simultaneously
energizing while being calming, too.
Aside from these more psychological
effects, ashwagandha is a well-known
traditional therapeutic for arthritis and joint
pain, so it is an excellent all-around herbal
medicine for just about anyone.
One of the scientific explanations for
ashwagandhas success? It contains a
wealth of potent natural compounds,
including withanolides that boost resistance
to stressorsphysical and psychological. In
fact, in scientific studies, ashwagandha has

When youre stressed out, mentally

fatigued, or physically exhausted,
you cant always change your
circumstances, but you can adapt to
them. Instead of trying to overcome them
with sugary, so-called energy drinks
that only make you jittery, lose restful
sleep, and pack on needless calories,
there are clinically-studied herbs that
help you stay focused, build mental and
physical endurance, keep perspective,
and adapt to busy schedules.
Ashwagandha and rhodiola are two
must-have herbal adaptogens that
help you thrive during times of mental
and physical stress. Together, these
amazing botanicals:
Sustain your mental and physical
energywithout jitteriness
Help you stay focused, even with
demanding schedules
Boost physical endurance
and stamina
Help you recover from exercise
and physical labor
Improve sexual performance for
men and women
Proprietary Complex

500 mg

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Root Extract

standardized to contain 5% withanolides,
Rhodiola (Rhodiola Rosea) Root Extract
standardized to contain 5% rosavins and
1.8% salidrosides

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Adapt to Stress Naturally with These Power Herbs

been shown to reduce corticosterone levels
and increase antioxidant activity. The result
is less fight or flight, more calm, and less
oxidative damage as well.
Understandably, these effects make
ashwagandha a natural stress reliever. But
clinical and scientific studies have found
that ashwagandha can significantly reduce
stressby over 50% in one clinical trial (as
measured by a standard rating scale).
In this 60-day, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial, volunteers were separated
into ashwagandha and placebo groups.
Each individual completed surveys relating
to stress, depression, and fatigue. Cortisol
levelsagain, our fight or flight
hormonewere also noted.
Reporting cortisol levels is a good real
world way of telling whether a stressreducing ingredient is really working.
Obviously, some cortisol is a good thing
we need it to help speed up our reactions
and make us more alert in potentially
dangerous situations. But in many people
with chronic stress, cortisol levels are
elevated all the time. After a while, they
simply feel exhausted.
Other real world symptoms this study
investigated were the somatic symptoms
of stress.
Somatic symptoms in stress cover the
physical attributes of the condition. The
muscle tension in the neck, back and jaw,
increased heart rate, and other sensations
are just as real as the psychological
impressions for anyone suffering from
chronic stress. Obviously, these somatic
symptoms can cause a lot of long-term
Throughout the test, researchers measured
the differences between the ashwagandha
group and the placebo group. By day 60,
they were dramatic.
In each scale subset of the survey, the
ashwagandha group showed clear

Ashwagandha and Chronic Stress Clinical Results


Anxiety &

Dysfunction Depression




FIGURE 1: Percentage of
reduction of symptoms




Ashwagandha Group

reductions in symptoms (see Figure 1). As

seen in this chart, the control group, by
contrast, was nowhere close to the same
results. The difference between the
treatment group and the placebo group was
as high as 89%a very strong showing by
ashwagandha overall.
Additionally, in the stress subset score,
those in the ashwagandha group saw a 64%
reduction. Those in the placebo group only
reported a 10% reduction. There is no doubt
that this botanical would be perfect for the
regimen of anyone feeling overwhelmed.
This study is an excellent example of the
range of ashwagandhas benefits, because
it shows how the herb is able to promote
mental and physical health. Ashwagandha is
practically a botanical cure all for fatigue,
exhaustion, stress, and depression, because
it addresses both the mind and body.
As it happens, the extract of ashwagandha
used in this study was a special type, and
one that I thoroughly recommend. It is a
root-only extract, produced without
chemicals, that yields at least 5% withanolide
content. Withanolides, along with
sitoindosides and other alkaloids and


Placebo Group

compounds, account for much of

ashwagandhas strong effects. However,
standardizing for one compound alone
doesnt always mean that you have a good
ingredient. Its important in the case of
ashwagandha to keep the balance of the
whole-root compounds that act together for
the most benefits and yet have a credible
yield of withanolide content. The extract I
recommend does exactly that.
Of course, not all stress and exhaustion
is necessarily brought on by our mental
state or some other type of deep-rooted
issue. Sometimes, were just plain tired.
Or, we simply want to do more and have
better endurance. Ashwagandha can help
here, too.

Athletic Performance
Consider this study that focused on the
performance of 40 elite cyclists in India,
20 male and 20 female. Recognizing that
the sports nutrition field is teeming with
products that claim to improve aerobic
capacity, researchers in India decided to
try a traditional, yet updated, approach.
They used ashwagandha.

Adapt to Stress Naturally with These Power Herbs

The 8-week study was broken into placebo
and treatment groups. At the beginning of
the clinical trial, these elite athletes were
examined via treadmill test for their maximal
aerobic capacity (the rate of oxygen uptake
by the body that fuels red blood cells), and
the respiratory exchange ratio (how much
oxygen is inhaled versus how much carbon
dioxide is exhaled). The researchers also
measured the total time until the athletes
reached a point of exhaustion.

and differentiation while stopping cancerous

cell proliferation of neuroblastoma, a serious
and often fatal nerve cell cancer of

In every parameter, the ashwagandha group

improved. The botanical was able to boost
the endurance of these athletes and support
the intensive interplay between the ability of
the lungs to bring in oxygen to fuel red blood
cells, and the hearts ability to pump those
red blood cells to the muscles in the body.
The placebo group showed no change at all.

Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) is another of one

of natures amazing herbs.

Because ashwagandha is a natural,

traditional ingredient, the Sports Authority of
India accepts it as a non-doping energy
booster, too. It will be interesting to see
whether or not ashwagandha becomes as
popular in North America as more athletes
learn about the botanical.

Ashwagandha is also being investigated for

its ability to fight bacteria and fungus, and
even to help the body clear out beta-amyloid
plaques that cause Alzheimers disease.

RhodiolaEnergizing Adaptogen

Like ashwagandha, rhodiola has a long

history of traditional use that, in more recent
years, has become validated by clinical and
scientific studies. Native to northern Europe
and Asia, rhodiola figured prominently in the
medicine systems of the arctic, Siberian,
Mongolian, and other cold-climate cultures.
Labeled rosea by the great Swedish
taxonomist Linnaeus because the freshly cut
roots reminded him of the scent of roses,
rhodiola has been noted in Western medicine
since the 1700s, and has been popularly
called the golden root or the roseroot. It
grows naturally in cold, harsh environments

If youre active, and incorporate

ashwagandha into your regimen, the result
is ultimately going to be better
workouts, faster recovery time, and
improved muscle tone. Believe me,
your body will thank you for it.
Recovery Time

Loss of Libido

And, if all of these stress-reducing

and energizing effects werent
enough, there is an exciting study
being done on ashwagandhas
anti-cancer potential, too. For
example, ashwagandha has been
shown to boost normal cell growth


In traditional medicine, rhodiola was often a

gift to newlyweds, assuring them of a fruitful
household and many children. Apart from
that, the root was used to treat fatigue,
illness, infections, and altitude sickness.
In fact, Vikings considered the plant
invaluable for boosting endurance, while
infusions made from the plant were
prescribed in Mongolia for colds and flus.
Over time, the herb was widely traded
throughout northern Europe and Asia.
However, the best harvesting places for
the plant were often a well-guarded
family secret.
Serious research of rhodiola really began in
the early 1960s in the former Soviet Union.
Like many nations with a rich heritage of
beneficial herbs, the Soviet scientists were
eager to see how a home-grown botanical
remedy could be utilized in a more modern
Laboratory studies showed that smaller
doses of rhodiola boosted endurance and
increased the time to exhaustion in mouse
swimming tests. However, larger doses
showed a reverse effect. Interestingly, the
middle-range doses helped mice to
learn new tasks.


Other Benefits

In other scientific laboratory

research, ashwagandha reduced
the blood sugar levels, depression,
gastric ulcers, and immune
deficiencies induced by chronic

in sandy soil, produces yellow flowers, and

reaches a height of about two feet.






The reason for this may be because

of the way that smaller dosage
levels stimulate brain chemistry.
The early laboratory studies
showed that rhodiola increased
neurotransmitter activity, including
norepinephrine, dopamine, and
serotonin. Because of this, the
sections of the brain that
emphasizes analysis, planning,
memory, and attention work more
effectively, yet calmly. Thats what
makes rhodiola such an effective


Adapt to Stress Naturally with These Power Herbs

What Makes Rhodiola Tick?
Key Compounds
Important constituents of rhodiola include
salidrosides and the compounds rosavin,
rosin, and rosarin, which are specific to the
Rhodiola rosea species. In chemical and
scientific analysis, it is primarily these
compounds that are responsible for the
cognitive, stress-reducing, and energizing
effects of the herb.
Clinical research on rhodiola has shown
some remarkable results.
For instance, one well-known clinical study
focusing on fatigue associated with night
duty for young physicians showed an
improvement in the rhodiola group for total
mental performanceimportant for anyone
working over the evening hours, but
especially critical in this case.
Other clinical research focused on
individuals trying to accomplish many goals
in a limited time period, something many of
us could identify with, but in this case,
relating to students and final exams.

Other studies have looked more specifically

at physical stress factors: endurance,
reaction time, speed, strength, and attention.
These studies of Olympic athletes showed
marked improvements versus the placebo
groups, especially for heart rate (104-106
percent of baseline, versus 129 percent in
the placebo group) and recovery time.

Consider your lifestyle. Prune away the

unnecessaries that add to your stress
levels. Take that timelimited as it may be
and become centered and focused. And
consider, too, a natural, safe, and effective
combination of rhodiola and ashwagandha
that gives you the support you need with
none of the baggage that you dont.

So again, like ashwagandha, rhodiola is

another botanical that will help you adapt to
the situations at hand, and meet your
physical goals as well as the demands on
your mind and attention span.

These botanicals wont give you a temporary

boost only to let you down later, or conversely,
to make you feel jittery and off center.
Thats why I recommend adaptogens for
anyone with mentally or physically
demanding jobs and schedules. For those
times when you feel tired or slightly stressed
even before you begin your day, ashwagandha
and rhodiola can help give you the boost you
need to get started on your way.

Interestingly, despite the fact that rhodiola

can help give you the energy and clarity you
need, it does not contain caffeine, nor will it
affect your blood pressure or heart rate.
That is part of what accounts for the feeling
of calmnessyou just feel better. And,
conversely, it is not a sedative. So even
though youll get past that revved up
feeling that stress can bring about, you
wont feel like taking a nap, either.

Rhodiola for More Than Energy

and Stress Reduction
Like ashwagandha, rhodiola has also been
studied for other benefits, including
preventing stress-related heart damage,
tumor inhibition, and antioxidant ability. It is
quite possible that in the near future, rhodiola
will be recommended to help reduce the
negative effects of chemotherapy and
radiation treatment.

Stop Feeling Stressed

Adapt and Thrive Instead!
In one double-blind study of 60 college
students, the rhodiola group saw improvements
in mental fatigue, overall fitness and wellbeing, and final exam gradesa real world
test with positive results if ever there was one.
In another study of high school students,
those in the rhodiola group also experienced
better endurance, less fatigue, and reduced

Maybe youve dealt with a lot of stressful

events in your life. Maybe youve always had
a tough time with social or work situations.
Perhaps you are in a physically stressful job.
You may feel like stress is getting the upper
hand. Were always going to have some kind
of unavoidable stress in our lives, so adapting
to itworking through it as the best person
you can beis a much more positive
response. You are stronger than you realize.
You are in the drivers seat.

If youre looking to improve your exercise

regimen, recovery time, or your sex life, they
are two of the best herbal remedies available.
You can use these herbal extracts
continuously, or simply when you need them
most. Youll probably find that over time, as
you develop a better way of adapting to
stressful situations, that you wont need to
rely on ashwagandha and rhodiola as often.
But rest assured that they are there when
you do need them. Youll notice a difference
with these herbs. Youll feel more vital, more
energetic, and more able to swim through
the tide of challenges each day.
Overall, I believe that ashwagandha and
rhodiola are extremely effective natural
medicines to help you sail through the
challenges of everyday life and not only
survive thembut thrive in the midst of them.
When in doubt, always consult your physician or
health care practitioner. This article is intended to
provide you with information to maintain your health.

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