Business02 Telephoning 08 01

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Business English Telephoning


Telephoning 08: Dealing with a Wrong Call

Practice 1 | Useful Expressions

Directions: Listen and repeat.

Im afraid youve dialed the wrong number.

I think youve got the wrong number.

Are you sure you didnt misdial?

What number did you dial?

Who are/were you trying to reach?

May I ask who you are trying to contact?

Excuse me, Featherly who?

Theres no Featherly Gage.

I am so sorry for the inconvenience.

Sorry to bother you.

Sorry for the trouble.

Its not a problem at all.

No problem at all.

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Business English Telephoning


Practice 2 | Dialogue

Directions: Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Mr. Michaels is trying to check if the package has arrived over the phone.

Mr. Michaels

: Hello, has the package arrived?

Mr. Walters

: Hello sir, who is this?

Mr. Michaels

: Im Alan Michaels and I am trying to check if my package has arrived.

Mr. Walters

: Mr. Michaels, Im sorry but there is no package here. Who are you trying to reach?

Mr. Michaels

: Oh, this isnt Mrs. Featherly? I was trying to call 555-5698, this isnt it?

Mr. Walters

: I am Walters. Im afraid youve dialed the wrong number. This is 555-5689, not

Mr. Michaels

: I see. I am so sorry for the inconvenience.

Mr. Walters

: Its not a problem at all. Have a nice day.

Mr. Michaels

: Have a nice day as well.

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Business English Telephoning


Check your understanding: Answer the following questions.

1. Who was Mr. Michaels trying to call?

2. What was Mr. Michaels calling for?

3. What went wrong with the call?

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Business English Telephoning


Practice 3 | Role Play

Directions: Have a role play with your teacher based on the following situation.

Somebody calls to make an appointment at the dentist only theyve dialed the wrong number.


Hello. Who is this _________?

Who were you trying to contact/reach _________?

Im afraid you might have misdialed.

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Business English Telephoning


Practice 4 | Discussion

Directions: Discuss these topics and exchange thoughts with your teacher.

1. Have you ever had to deal with someone calling the wrong number? What did you do?

2. How do you react when you have called a wrong number?

3. When you misdial which do you think is better, just hang up the call or talk with the person


4. Do you mostly get wrong calls at work or at home?

5. Have you ever had to deal with prank calls? (prank call: nuisance phone call; spam phone call)

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