Activity For IRIS Module On UDL

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Activity for IRIS module on UDL

Name: ______________________

Either google IRIS Vanderbilt or go to Click on

Resources. Under Topics, click on Differentiated Instruction. In the center column, click
on Modules. Scroll down to Universal Design for Learning: Creating a Learning
Environment that Challenges and Engages All Students and click on it. Move through the
Module, answering the questions below.
Outline Questions: These questions show participation. The answers are easy to find, if
you take the time to work through the module. Dont share your answers with anyone.
We all want our colleagues to be prepared to help all students.
1. What are the two Challenge questions?
1) ___________________________________________________________________
2) ___________________________________________________________________
2. What are the two Objectives?
1) _____________________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________
3. What is your preferred learning modality from the Barsch Inventory?
and what is your highest score? _________
In 2009, a report on the scientific validity of learning styles practices was published
(Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R., 2008). The panel determined, "at
present, there is no adequate evidence base to justify incorporating learning styles
assessments into general educational practice. Thus, limited education resources would
better be devoted to adopting other educational practices that have strong evidence base,
of which there are an increasing number."
There are arguments both pro and con on the use of learning styles or preferred learning
modality. Cook and Odom (2013) refer to learning styles being used by special education
teachers even though it is an ineffective practice. Thats not a good idea.
Therefore, its probably a good idea to focus on the parts of UDL that are not so
intertwined with learning styles or modality instruction. If a student cant read, then
visual text is not going to be effective. However, we should be cautious in limiting a

student who has an auditory learning style to only auditory presentations, etc.
Cook, B. G. & Odom, S. L. (2013). Evidence-based practices and implementing science
in special education. Exceptional Children, 79, 135-144.
Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2008). Learning styles: Concepts
and evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9, 105119.
4. What are the three principles of UDL?



5. What does CAST stand for? ____________________________________________

6. Who is the CAST founder? ___________________________
7. After Page 2, you can answer the first Challenge question. Do so. This is a summary
8. What are four main curricular components?




9. On Page 4, what was the traditional goal?

What was the UDL goal?

10. What are barriers to the traditional Anne Frank goal?

11. What does NIMAS stand for?
___________________________ ____________________________________________
12. What is one online source for digital books? _________________________________
13. In the section on Instructional Methods:
a) What are four methods to address Representation?
1) _____________________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________
3) _____________________________________________________________________
4) _____________________________________________________________________
b) What are four methods to address Actions and Expression?
1) _Models_skills_in_a_variety_of_ways______________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________
3) _____________________________________________________________________
4) _____________________________________________________________________
c) What are five methods to address Engagement?
1) _____________________________________________________________________
2) _____________________________________________________________________
3) _____________________________________________________________________
4) _____________________________________________________________________
5) __Utilize_flexible_grouping_______________________________________________

14. Under Representation, the module states: When teachers present many examples and
___________________ of a concept, students begin to understand that concept more
15. Grace Meo says, Formative assessment, which is _______________ and that
actually helps teachers understand if students are in fact achieving the ____________ in
an _____________ basis, that is the time that the teacher can ____________ and
________________ and _______________ a little differently about the
_______________ and __________________ that theyre using to achieve the goals.
16. Page 7 Grading UDL Assessments
Allowing students to demonstrate their knowledge in a format and medium that best met
their learning preferences raises questions about how to grade the variety of assessments.
One way is to use a
The steps for developing a rubric are:
1) __Define_____________________________________
2) __Identify____________________________________________________________
3) __Identify____________________________________________________________
4) __Identify____________________________________________________________
5) __Create______________________________________________________________

17. Page 10 What is the complete citation for this module?

18. In the reference list, Tracey Hall is the first author of which article?
The next three questions assess what you learned from the module. Answer these
19. Briefly describe Universal Design for Learning. Make sure to include the three
principles of UDL.

20. When they develop goals using the principles of UDL, what is the main thing that
teachers need to keep in mind?

21. Next week Mr. Schlotzsky, an eighth-grade social studies teacher, will begin a chapter
on colonial America. Hell lecture, write notes on the chalkboard, and give his students
handouts. To assess their knowledge, Mr. Schlotzsky will ask his students to research
colonial America in greater depth on the internet and to give a three-to-five minute oral
Help Mr. Scholtzsky to evaluate the traditional materials and media he plans to use. For
each a) list any potential barriers, and b) suggest UDL solutions.
Lecture/notes on board
Internet research
Oral report


UDL Solution

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