Dutka Boris Eloise 1959 Brazil

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May 8, 1959

Name in full^




Complete address on fi<=>lri.

(none as vet)

Complete forwarding adrirfti=;s.

Darrell Decl^.



Name and address of sponsoring or endorsing cliurch (or churches):

These- churches are to he used for references only:
Oonfluence Christian
Confluence ,


First Christian Church.

llev7 Tazevrell Christian

T.e\r Tazswell,

River Hill Church of Christ

Duquesne Christian Church

Kononp:ahela, Pennsylvania

Name and address of hometown np.wHpa.pp.r^

rlttshurgh Sun-Telefrraph, Ffgh,, Pa,

Names and addresses of other papers which might carry stories of your work. . .
J, J.U

Place of Birth


U UP ,

Pittsburgh Press,


Braddock Free Press







Month July ^ voar,1934


Where haptigoH?, Braddock Chrlctlan Church, Sraddock, nato

Bec> 23, 1946

On back of page, please describe any special circumstances regarding conversion

Marital status: Married,

. Single



Date of Marriage^JS?^

List children by full name giving place, day, month, and year of birth:




Loren Dutka

Day Month Year

Hartselle, Ala.

May 18, 1953

Corinth, Mjsa.

Aug.. 18, 1958

Please list places of previous Christian services. Give approximate dates. . .

Christian Church, Custor.. ckla,




i-jgnnnrnhela, lenna.

nviMrn.Vij Cnnfi

, Fa^

Christian Church, New TazewelljTenn.


student church

part-time (Sundaya

part-time (Sundays)
ad Interim

Schooling (High school and later):

Name and Location of school

Major Degrees with dates .

Number of Years

Scott Hifch, No, Braddock, Penna,

ma J or}
(incomplete scientific.

Johnson Bible Gollecre. Tenn.


(cum laude)


graduate work

Phl.llins Univ., Okla.

1 sem.

Johnson Bible ^olle^e

1 sem. crraduate v:ork

What things influenced you to become a missionary? Your own story In some detail might
be influential in leading others into fulltime service (use back of sheet for more space)?
This could he called a story of closed doors and open doors,
I have experienced this G-od-directed process and sometimes stand amazed

that it has happened to me,

My primary ambition in college was to become

a Bible professor andjteach others to preach the gospel. My record vras

above average in school. After graduation, I proceeded to take seminar
work v.'-ith the desire to teach in an American Bible Gollege, Financial
considerations as well as'discovering for the first time the full .reality
of the liberalism in one of our schools made me leave further graduate

training. The church where I served as a student preacher was my 'charge"

due to the efforts of the school I attended.

Since I had previously

signed an agreement to leave the church were 1 to leave the school, I was
bound, I felt, to keep my vrord with the school. Thus doors were shut to
receiving graduate work and this church, I returned to Benna. to my home
town and not being able to locate any churches in need of a pastor I
took a small ccn?rre~ation as my charge, I then located a Job with Westinghouse

Plans must be largely indefinite until upon the field,

u-enerally, plan to work in the Belem Bible Seminary eventually

several days a v/eek and establish churches the rest of the time.

Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?

Bible College teacher.


Social worker

Father's name and home address (if living),

. Public School teacher^-^ Homemaker_

Office wnrkpr

Name other.

Metro Dutka

5227 Valley ^treet, Ivest Mifflin, Pa

trXworks in h'estin^dicuse
His occupation.

Is ,
he a Christian?


What positions of-leadership has he held in the local church? .

Mother's full maiden npm. ^mina Mary Rosso Dutka

Is she a Christian? ,

Her occupation if employed outside of home

What leadership positions has .she held in the local church?


congresation on the same basis as the first- Sundays only. In the meantime

I was constantly supporting and writing to a missionary school ftiend of*-

mine in Brazil. I had never considered to any degree of being a missionary.

I felt that teaching and teaching aione was my major talent. One day a
letter arrived from this missionary friend and he asked outright without
any previous overtures if I would come down and teach in the newly

established Belem Bible seminary, Belem, Brazlj^Jt seemed as if a special

task was suddenly revealed to us and that we

especially interested ano
Qualified to accomplish that task. It was a simple request to come and
teahh from a man. It sounded like the voice of God saying that here is a
work to be done - would we go for Him?
I never had even thought of mission work. If one needs a call to do
the Lord s will what more of a call could-one be sriven than to see a need

and knowfthat you can personally fulfill that needT I still was hesitant.
I had just been promoted to a new job leading eventually to training for
management in V^estinghouse. An idea grasped my mind and would not let go.
Visit Brazil and see if the Lord/has a place fon^ou. On my facation from
my job I.made the trip by airplane to Brazil. 'There for two weeks I saw
enough which eventually led me to make the decision that Christ has a

place for me in the Amazon Valley. This is a story of doors. To settle

the decision concerning my job the regression came and my job was placed
in a very perilous state.

Since I had very little service I was about to

be dismissed in accordanc e with seniority rules. And yet this job opened
many doors.

It enabled me to finish paying my school debts which I had

accumulated since I was married and'had a family while attending school.

It gave mefthe finances to make this- trip to Brazil. It cleared up many
debts and left us free to consider'Brazil more practically.
I vras still hesitant. Times were bad economically. I entered
Johnson Bible College to continue my graduate studies until conditions

improved aomevj-hat. Again a door was ^ahut and due to financial problems
but moreao the impossibility of our earning a degree within a year, we
discontinued this effort. We were pasturing a small church in Tenn.
We thought perhaps we should take a fulltime church and get on our feet

a little better. VJ'e didn't even have a house or place to stay if we

tried to raise our supoort for Brazil. But before we could seriously
consider a church God:began opening doors.

A woman ;in. our nhurclL L.

offered U(the use oi' aer house couiDletelv furnished until we leave for

Brazil.; .,A friend quickly accepted'the ehallenge and grinding work of

being bur forwaj^ding agent; --a problem, which seemed.insurmountable, for^ v.
a moment only. One missionary donated enough funds to pay for ou r

printing matter. Another allovrs u^o make use of his wideaoread paper
without charge. In all of this we see Gg^Cever leading us onwaj^ft to
Brazil, i-^any people may not see much value in such opened and closed
doors. I confess I never did. I believe in such doors now. Of course
we must cross through the doors when God opens them and we must not-

loose faith because our plans

from being fulfilled when

God closes doors to them.

are.,facing spme doors nowhwhich for the moment are closed.

People are falling to ansv;er bur letters v.'hen we reouest speaking

engagements in theW c^ urclies,

People are reluctant' to-make a small

contribution or pledge and are always leaving our support to the other
man better off financially - the other man we have never found.


we blieve that God has opened all the doors mentioned prevlcusly and
that He will eventually open this door - our financial support, God has
asked who will go for Him. I said, "Here am I, send me". "l know that
the door wl^Ll open and that I wlli be ^eqi^eby the ohurohfl for how shall

they preach except they be sent? What influenced me to be a missionary?

The gospel In ones heart makes all Christiana mlsElcnarieV

Tae area

\^here you are a missicnary, home or abroad, in my opinion, is the ability

you have to answer the^n^sd that God presents to you.

Personal File - Page 3 - Namft Boris Dutka

Name of forwarding agents Darrell l^eck

(^vton. Georgia


What duties are performed by your forwarding agent?

receives all funds and makes all disbursements
accounts for expenditures official accountant

vrlll publish our periodical report

legal agent for all matters
promotional agent


Shoiilfi money be sent to forwarding agent nniy? ves


If it can be

mailed to you, please indicate how in "what form?

Does your forwarding agent receive a salary?

completely voluntary
agent is minister of Christian Church

Use the remainder of this sheet to supply other information vhich you think might be helpful
to the staff of Mission Services in preparing news stories about your ministry:


Jun3 5, 1959



Since his graduation A. B, from Johason Bible College, Kimberlin Heights,

Tennessee in 1955) Boris Dutka has served small churches and taken sone graduate

training at Philips University, Enid, Oklahoma and JBC, During part of this time,
he supported his family through employment at Westinghouse.
While at Westir^ouse,
he received a eail from Clinton Thomasj^sking if he

would come to Brazil and teach in the newly established Belem Bible Seminary, Brother

Dutka later wrote "It was a simple request to come and teach from a man. It sounded
like the voice of God saying that here is a work to be done weuldre go for Him?"

h}s ioh,

Ui^fTeJ ^

It was one of many open doors, and the Dutkas prepared to step through,



Brother Dutka was born at Brookl^, New York July 19, 193^ and was reared in

North Braddock, Pennsylvania as a member of the Russian Orthodox Church, In

December 1946 he was baptised into Christ. He graduated A, B. from JBC in 1955.
Mrs. Dutka was bom Eloise Sandlin June 14,1932 in Masey, Alabama,

They were married irodtS^ May 28, 1952 and have two children Niels 6,
and Loren about a year old,
NQ.ssionaries William E, Loft and Clinton Thomas are anxfeous to have

this family on the field to work in the Belem Bible Seminary, and in the

Belem area generally. As references they give the churches/which Brother

Dutka(|as preached: First Christian Church, Custer, Oklahoma; Christian

Church, Confluence, Pennsylvania; First Christian Church, Duquesne,
Pennsylvania; and Christian Church, New Tazewell, Tennessee,

In writing to Horjsifons, Brother Dutka said "We would appreciate requests

made for prayers. We would also appreciate whatever can be done to encourage
the brethren to have us for speaking engagements. We have slides and a

display." Forwarding address is Darrell Deck, Guyton, Georgia,



, faa(? we//, Tf

Christietn Mission to the

Ammon Valley

(Church of Christ)



Vottt Uissiomries for Christ in

*'The Amazon Valley"


I was born in Brooklyn, New York on July 19,

Reared m North

Braddock, Pennsylvania as a member of the

was baptized into Christ and His Church on December 22, 1946. I ^aduated

from Johnson Bible College in 1955 with the degree Bachelor of Arts.

Since then I have completed one year of post-graduate work. I have serv^

churches in Ouster, Oklahoma, Monongahela and Confluence m

Tazeweli, Tennessee. Since graduation I have worked largely

with small congregations unable to secure a full-time mmister.

In April 1958 I made a visit to the Amazon Valley and was introduced
in BrazU and seeing the pressing need for the proclaiming of the gospel I

to the^S in that field, i was invited to help harvest the lord's ^n^ard
have dedicated myself as His servant in' this area.


I was born on June 14. 1932 and reared in FaMUe,

Johnson Bible College and completed two years of study. On May 28. 195Z
I married Boris and graduated with a MRS. degree. My primary job is rear

ing our two sons Niels, age 6 and Loren, bom August 18, 1958.


We plan to work in the Belem Bible Seminary and i^in^ediate Belem

be pledged and any cash donation as our immediate need is funds for supphes.

area the Lord willing. We would appreciate any monthly support that can

Si iomtro^

be sent to our forwarding agent while aU personal cor

respondence may be sent to our own address.


First Christian Church

c/o Chairman-of-Board .
Ouster Oklahoma

First Christian Church

c/o Chainnan-of-Board
Duquesne, Pennsylvania

Confluence Christian Church

c/o Chainnan-of-Board
Confluence, Pennsylvania

New TazeweU Christian

c/o Chainnan-of-Board
New TazeweU, Tennessee


I wish to recommend to the brotherhood at large Brother Boris Dutka,

who has announced his desire to serve the Lord here in the Amazon Valley.
From personal actjuaintance with Brother Boris during his visit to the field
last year we are convinced that he will make a good missionary.
The most important thing I can say in his behalf is that he is needed.

This Is a tough field and he knows that from his visit here. His volunteering
for the job shows his willingness to sacrifice for the Lord. It shows his love for

these people steeped in sin and paganism. Other than what we know person
ally of Brother Boris we have heard only good concerning him.
I am sure that he will be a credit to the Lord, to the churches and to

you if you send him to tMs field. We urge that you send him, and as quickly
as possible. Every day that he is unnecessarily delayed many souls will

pass on unnecessarily to a Christ-less eternity. Our prayers are that you

will speed Brother Boris Dutka and his wonderful helpmate, his wife to this

Yours, in the Lord's South Vineyard

William E. Loft, Missionary


Greetings m the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am very
happy to commend to the Churches of Christ our brother Boris Dutka as a
candidate to serve in the Amazon Valley of Brazil. My association with Boris
spans .some six years of Christian experience. It was my privUege to study
with him for four years at Johnson Bible CoUege and I have foUowed his
work since we graduated in the same class from Johnson in' 1955,
As a student Boris had a very nearly perfect record that will be invalu

able here in his work in the Amazon. Those of us who studied with him look
forward to the day when he may apply his understanding of the Word to
teach those who "know Him not". In connection with his preparation to come
I to BrazU Boris has visited with us here on the field and therefore understands
many of the physical difficulties he wUl encounter. This fact is important.
His coming is in direct answer to many of our prayers and we trust that

the brethren will quickly supply him with the support he needs to begin
his work with ik.
Yours in TTirn

II .

Clinton B. Thomas, li^slonary


Forwarding AgOliti
Home Address:

Darrell I>eck
Boris Dutka

Guyton, Georgia
Koute 7

Tazewell, TeniL

Many people aslc us a there is a P^rticolM item the^im^

aU articles given to us personally or mailed must be on approval first.

, ,

$ 1700

1959 Chevrolet pickup


Freight charges truck to Brazil

Brazilian customs on truck


Transportation of Family to Brazil


Freight Charges ot household goods

Customs on household goods and supplies
Medical Supplies
Mimeograph Machine

Portugese typewriter


Office Supplies
Cooking Stove kerosene


HZZ. 25

Refrigerator kerosene

Washing Machine gasoline

Water Pump & engine
Generator 500 watt
Tools-tor house &i5M'
Tape Recorder

Clothes (four yr. supply)

Tropical Supplies misc.







aririitiAtt of course are our travel eigienses promoting missions m


We are also in need of monthly pledges to support us ijer^jM ia Bra^

and wl SusThave ^s raised before we cah leave. PleSse remember us in

this matter. We appreciate your gifts. We covet your prayers.
Vours in ChriStf

the dutka family

Boris and Eloise
Kiels and Loren

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