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Section C-Group 10

Mother of all opportunities

Electricity was a game changer. Electricity not only laid the foundation of many
life changing inventions but also made our lives easier and safer. In the present
time, it is something we take for granted but at the same time it is almost
impossible now to imagine a world without electricity. It must have been a
completely different world to rely on sun and very few lamps even for illumination
at night. Electricity is a convenient way to transfer energy and once that was
discovered, it has been adapted to be part of our everyday lives. Benjamin
Franklin has been termed as the inventor of electricity when he found that currents
and sparks could form electricity through flying a kite with damp twine. His
constant effort along with contribution with many others finally shaped the
electricity as we know today. The scientists around the world continue to strive
eben today to improve it regularly. Some aspects that electricity has improved
Communication With electrically powered gadgets and computers, people now
communicate with each other no matter how far the distance is.
Consumer electronics People can use mobiles, televisions and radios because of
electricity. It is used in any electronic gadget we use these days.
Work From construction to corporate jobs, from white-collared to blue-collared
work, people need electricity to operate some equipment needed to finish their
daily tasks.
Transportation -Aside from trains, cars and other vehicles are now being designed
to be powered not by gas but by electricity.

Home - Electricity is also very efficient for households. Homes can use lighting
and air-conditioners when there the summer is on.

Products that change our lives

1. Mobile: When mobile was invented as an extension to phone, as a luxury
which could be afforded only by a particular section of society but within a
very short span of time it became a part of everyones life. It didnt even
take a decades time for mobiles to pose a threat for a lot of watch
companies, music player companies, cameras etc. Accessing the World Wide
Web has become compulsory in many careers. Now cell cellphone is also
changing the laptop by empowering also through the cell cellphone. This has
given way to companies to provide various online services. Cellular banking
and stocks up-dates have become a common matter for the cell cellphone
individual. Thus now cell phones are positioned as an indispensable part of
our lives when almost 90% of the people start their day by looking at their
phones and end in the same fashion. The market for fixed landlines and
cordless phones has been diminished by 80% due to cell phones. Accessories
like watches have shifted to ornamental value more than functional one
2. USB
Modern technology has changed lives throughout time. These days, everything
that we need or want to do appears before us on an electronic device. Many of
those products use a simple thing called a USB. The USB takes up far less space
and needs no care or protection The USB drive is faster, easier and lasts longer.
The USB drive helps in transportability, storage and decreases time consumption.
It has made our life clutter free.

USB has changed modern computing and its commercial use. The number of USB
ports has exploded exponentially. They have become indispensable part of modern
electronic hardware. The find application form data transfer, storage, accessibility,
device charging to running of peripheral devices. We can use a USB flash drive to
keep information at hand, have program settings with you for secure use on any
computer, troubleshoot and repair computer problems, run a different operating
system without changing your hard drive.
3. Photocopier
4. Computer: The advent of computer has brought in manifold changes in the
lifestyle of the people. It has impacted all facets of life. Initially it had started as
a tool to carry out a set of arithmetic and logical operations. But now, the scope
of its utility has increased exponentially. It has changed the manner of data
storage systems. Instead of keeping thousands and thousands of file, all these
records are stored in a computer. This has made the process of record keeping
more safe and reliable. It has also reduced the search time for any data that may
be required for any purpose. Computers have enabled to perform complex tasks
in quick time with coded logical operations. Computers have enabled us to
improve the efficiency of our work. Later, computer also became the base of
digital technology revolution. Internet, cloud computing, artificial intelligence
etc have been built on computers.

Game changers
1. Kelloggs
Kelloggs Corn Flakes have been around for literally over a century, and may not
be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of an innovative product.
However, the company has laid down the foundation for one of the most profitable

industry in the west and continue to grow in the emerging markets. Kelloggs relied
not only on its manufacturing techniques but also introduced many marketing and
advertising techniques to disrupt the industry.
They were able to disrupt the market with the new format of the ready-to-eat
flake at a time when most cereals were hard biscuits that required preparation.
Their unique product spawned countless imitators, and more importantly drove
further innovation at both Kelloggs and their competitors.
Kelloggs presented the food aligned with health and nutrition objective in a never
before manner in the modern times. Health and nutrition were always related to
medical products but Kelloggs was able to introduce a home product with the
same objectives and capabilities.
2. Fogg
Before FOGG THE highly cluttered Deo market was full of brands which
promoted themselves as a tool to attract girls. The quality of the ads was so
pathetic and stereotyped that many brands projected themselves as aphrodisiacs. It
was in this scenario that Fogg became relevant. It was a wise decision not to keep
the focus narrowly pointed at attracting girls. The decided to move away from
focusing on girls. So instead of focusing on attraction, the brand focused on
something very interesting - quantity of deo or in broader terms Value. The brand
rightly identified that the so called functional benefit of the deodorants has been
commoditized and trivialized by other brands that no one believes any of the
claims. Hence the brand wants to differentiate by focusing on the value part of the
product. The brand claims that it has more deos hence more value for money. The
brand tries to convey this value proposition by

suggesting that other deo brands has more gas than actual deo by
Guaranteeing 800 sprays for a bottle. It has to be noted that the brand
is priced at the premium end of the market.
Its tagline is Bina Gas wala spray with a punch line of Phir khatam.Its
USP is it doesnt get blown away like other Deos and lasts longer.
This gave it a strong differentiated positioning which set it aside from all
other competitors.
3. Google
Google started with being a mere idea of Larry and Sergey and then it transformed
into being used as a noun for something which had a lot of information on all sorts
of queries and currently it has become a verb used for each and every individual
across the globe. Information search would have been limited to books had it not
been googles invention. Google's first product is so ubiquitous it is now a verb
synonymous with looking up information online. The search engine is by many
accounts the single most-visited page on the Internet. Google indexes much of the
world's online information, putting any desired public knowledge just a few
keystrokes away. They have never stopped since then be it music, storing photos,
making documents, youtube and these innovations have changed a lot of games for
the market players. Google Maps is yet another break through which has changed
excursion for people. Most people cant find their way across the street anymore
without Google Maps. By rolling in traffic data and local public transport
information, its become an absolute necessity, further bolstered by the Street View
tool, which captures locations in real life through car-mounted cameras

4. Whatsapp: WhatsApp has changed the way people communicate with each other.
The messaging communication system has been transformed with the coming of
WhatsApp. Initially, people used to use SMS to communicate via message. It had
certain limitations. WhatsApp had improved the messaging platform. It has
enabled the users to share photos and videos with other people. Today, people are
totally dependent on WhatsApp for their day to day activities. It has also enabled
people to do voice calls using internet. It has improved the file transfer system.
People are using WhatsApp group to communicate with large number of people. It
has distinct advantages as compared to earlier messaging communication by
adding features like file transmission, voice calls and Group features.
Market Makers
1. Maggie
The BusinessWeek magazine commented in 2006: "Maggi has managed to enter
Indian homes to change the traditional food habits of Indian children on its promise
of convenience. This brand has understood the psychology of Indian mothers and
positioned itself for mother-child indulgence." The idea that anything could be
cooked in two minutes had an immediate impact on a people. The "two-minute
noodles" advertising campaign turned out to be an instant attraction. It was
credited with liberating women. This coincided with the changing profile of Indian
customer and changing position and perception of women in the society. When
Maggi instant noodles arrived in India in 1983 they instantly caught the nation's
imagination. The idea that anything could be cooked in two minutes had an
immediate impact on a people that had invented slow food centuries before it
became fashionable in fast food cultures.

The "two-minute noodles" advertising campaign on state-run television with which

Maggi launched itself turned out to be an instant attraction because of its liberating
message for women. The "Maggi Mom" was not only seen as loving and caring of
her children as her mother was of her, but she was also able to juggle her
workplace and domestic responsibilities because of the snack. Priced at 12 rupees
(18 cents; 12 pence) a serving, and with three generations of Indians growing up
with it, Maggi was able to transcend all age and economic divides.
The recent controversy about Maggi dipped its reputation for a short while but
made no denting impact on the product. Infact, most of the customers were waiting
for the product to return to the market and did not believe in the allegations put
against the product. The phenomenon indicates how strong is the customer
association for Maggi and the brand equity it has built across all these years.
2. Asian Paints:
Asian Paints Limited is an Indian chemicals company headquartered in Mumbai,
India.It manufactures paints for decorative and industrial use. Asian Paints is
India's largest paint company and Asia's third largest paint company, with a
turnover of Rs 140 billion. Though the Indian paint industry had its advent with
Shalimar Paints but Asian Paints has been making the market by launching series
of paints starting from distempers, introducing a new category of emulsions and
now making paints to be a decorative experience. The markets perception of
paints has been maturing with their positioning and products and services. Now the
company is try to servicify the process of painting for Indian consumers, by
launching services like home solutions and use of technology to make customers a
part of process by showing them the virtual simulations. They were the first one to

develop dealer counters, and use IT infrastructure to improve their process

efficiency and inventory management.
3. Cola-Cola
There has been a huge competition for share of throat. This segment can be divided
into alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Non-alcoholic drink is further divided into
tea, coffee, bottles water, juices or soda water. Coca-Cola has been the pioneer in
the soda market. Today, people drink Coca-Cola instead of water as beverage when
we have their meals. People buy coca-cola when they go to McD and Dominos
along with ordering burgers and pizzas. People drink soda water when they are
thirsty. People also serve these drinks to their guests in their homes or in parties.
Coca-Cola has been the pioneer in developing the soda market which since then
has been followed by Pepsi.

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