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In this chapter, information about the chosen company including its
current problems and objectives for business advancement will be carefully
discussed accordingly to be knowledgeable of the study being conducted by
the researchers in order for them to give solution for the enhancement of

The Background of the Study

In todays technology, a lot of inventions and innovations are being

introduced to the world of business. In order for one company to get along
with all its competitors, it needs to cope with the constant changing world of
business. This study aims to develop and design a solution for the current
situation or problem the Luscious Cookies & Cream Bar is encountering
which pertains to providing an Online Ordering System for the business.
Most of the companies today are getting into web based system since
most of the audiences now are using websites through internet. Doing so,
this could give great opportunities to Luscious Cookies & Cream Bar, could
promote brand awareness to potential buyers, provide better service and
earn better. The current problems that the business is encountering are the
business owner cant do fulltime business and the business is not yet wellknown.
This study conducted by the researchers focuses on providing
solution for the problem the business is facing and be a help in enhancing
the process of the business which makes it convenient for the owner to
work. This study will be directed by knowing what the business needs and



how to be a help to Luscious Cookies & Cream Bar on enhancing its

The purpose of development of this project is to give solution to the
business the researchers have chosen as their subject in this study. Upon
developing the proposed online ordering system could help the business
owner of Luscious Cookies & Cream Bar to work in comfort of his home
since he is having a hard time being full time on his business and this could
help for their brand awareness in order for the customers to be familiar with
Luscious Cookies & Cream Bar.

Statement of the Problem

The general problem of Luscious Cookies & Cream Bar. is how to

develop and design an innovated system which is Online Ordering System

that would help provide an all-in-one solution to their everyday issues and to
make faster transactions.
The Specific problems of the company are:

Time Consuming

Transactions are slow due to writing customer details and invoices are
manual, it takes minutes retrieving orders, and tallying the transactions will
take time or can be missed by an employee. Also, customers would have to
go to the local store just to place orders.

Data Loss or weak back-up of records

The files of orders are difficult to back-up and are vulnerable to data loss.

Outdated ordering system












Tracking of Orders

It takes more effort for the employee to check or keep tracked on the orders.

Lack of files Security

Theft of files are easier; a natural disaster can wipe all the data written on

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to develop a computerized

and systematic Online Ordering System for the Luscious Cookies & Cream
Bar. Specifically, it aims to:

To design a system that

Helps double the work of the company and make faster


Have a strong back-up of records inside a secured database

that doesnt have to be locked inside a vault.


Helps a company to handle large volume of transactions make

it work more efficient.


To keep track on every transaction that is being made.


More secured and safe from theft or loss.


To construct a system that does the process of accepting

orders from the clients.


To test and improve the project based on the design and

development parameters of the SDLC Model.


To evaluate the performance of the developed system based

on its functionality, reliability, and usability.




Significance of the Study

<Significance of the study should focus on what contribution your

study will give to the body of knowledge, to the industries, to students and
scholars or researchers.

Significance can also discuss the essence of

pursuing the study and what benefits it will give the researchers and other
concerning fields in the study. It should have a new learning or knowledge to
adopt by others or contribute to the field or industry.>

Scopes, Limitations and Delimitations

<Scopes are the area of your study that will be focus on, while the

limitations are the things your study will not cover. These scopes are
bounded on the confinement of the study and should not cover the things
that are not part of the study. Features that are not included in the study can
be the limitations. The content for this section should clearly explain how big
your study is? Write this area in a bulleted format.>
Limitations are influences that the researcher cannot control. They are the
shortcomings, conditions or influences that cannot be controlled by the
researcher that place restrictions on your methodology and conclusions. Any
limitations that might influence the results should be mentioned.
When considering what limitations there might be in your investigation, be
thorough. Consider all of the following:

your analysis.
the nature of self-reporting.
the instruments you utilized.
the sample.
time constraints.



Delimitations are choices made by the researcher which should be

mentioned. They describe the boundaries that you have set for the
study. This is the place to explain:

the things that you are not doing (and why you have chosen not to do
the literature you will not review (and why not).
the population you are not studying (and why not).
the methodological procedures you will not use (and why you will not
use them).

Limit your delimitations to the things that a reader might reasonably expect
you to do but that you, for clearly explained reasons, have decided not to
Delimitations define the parameters of the investigation. In educational
research the delimitations will frequently deal with such items as
population/sample, treatment(s), setting, and instrumentation.


Operational Definition of Terms

Avoid laymans term here.



Review of Related Literature
<Describe what will be the content of this chapter. It is like an
overview of the chapter from where you have to discuss what will be the
content of the entire chapter in brief (summary).>

Review of Related Literatures

<Write a brief summary of the all the related literature you have

included and give some overview how it will help the study>
2.1.1 Literature Title 1
<Each literature that will contribute to the completion of the
study should be synthesized. It should discuss in details what is the
content of the literature and how it will be aiding the propose study in
a particular manner. The literature to be synthesis here should focus
on the study problem and how the researcher solves it and then
relate it in your propose study. The related literature should also
include the result or finding the author found out, in support to your
own study together with the conclusion to the author or the literature
to validate the relativeness of the literature to your study. Finally, your
own synthesis of the study and how this literature will help your study
and how it will be used in the study>
2.1.2 Literature Title 2
2.1.3. Literature Title 3
2.1.4 Literature Title 4
2.1.5 Literature Title 5




Conceptual Framework

Figure 1
Figure 1 shows the conceptual model of the study. It shows he different
stages involved in order to achieve the objectives of this study.
Knowledge Requirements. This includes the knowledge requirement in fulfilling
the developed project. Online Ordering System: Refers to an ordering platform
used by a company to lessen workloads of employees and to handle the records of
the sales efficiently.
Software Requirements. These refer to the computer software used to accomplish
the development of the system. Notepad++ is where the codes for the system were
created to build the desktop application. Xampp is responsible for connecting the
website to database. Adobe Photoshop is where the pleasant design for user
interface was created. Web Browser will be use view the created website.
Hardware Requirements. These are the requirements for hardware equipment in
order to accomplish the task of the desktop application. A personal computer with at
least Pentium 4 or higher processor, a RAM of at 128 or higher and a video card 32
or higher would be needed to use the system. For mobile, Android or IOS is enough



Figure 2
Figure 2 displays the processes done in the system that was developed and
designed by the researchers. It shows the different processes to create the Online
Ordering System.

Figure 3
Figure 3 presents the output after the input and process phase. The
researchers had produced the system they planned to help the company they have
selected and achieved their objectives.

Figure 4
Figure 4 is where comments from the users will be given to the developers
of the system after the deployment or implementation of the system.




Research Study Synthesis

<A synthesis is a piece of writing that combines information from two

or more sources (literatures). If a writer is explaining a concept or event,

research from different sources can be synthesized to offer a well-rounded
explanation of it. If a writer is arguing a point, his/her point can be
emphasized by synthesizing several pieces of research that back his/her
claims in the propose study. It should clearly explain the essence of all the
literatures and how it will be used or be part of the entire study. The research
study synthesis should be written considering the literatures gathered
together with the influences and framework created for the propose study. In
short, it is like a summary of this chapter focusing on linking literatures to the
influences to the created framework to use as the blueprint (guide) for the
entire study.>



Research Design and Methodology
<Describe what will be the content of this chapter. It is like an
overview of the chapter from where you have to discuss what will be the
content of the entire chapter in brief (summary).>

Specification of Research Design


Sources of Data
3.2.1 Interview
1. Who is the founder of the business?
Gabrielle Mary Rose Tatco
2. When was the business established?
3. What type of business do you have?
Food Business
4. What type of system are you currently using for selling products?
Online Ordering System
5. What problems do you encounter in your business?
I cannot work with my business full time because I am also
working on a company but I need to earn extra money
6. How do you want to give it a solution?
Have my business online. So I can handle it better.
7. How many users are you planning to support with the Online
Ordering System you intend to implement?
Only two.
8. Would you accept using Online Ordering System instead of paperbased system?
Already Semi-computerized. Trying to keep paper based system
to a minimum.
9. Do you think computerized system will help you work efficiently?
Yes, computerized system is already proving to be more efficient



10. How does the process of your POS system run?

Customers contact us for their orders and we process them.
Collect necessary records and store on our log book.


Description of Research Method or Techniques Used

Analysis of the System and Implementation





<Describe what will be the content of this chapter. It is like an

overview of the chapter from where you have to discuss what will be the
content of the entire chapter in brief (summary).>

System Architecture of the Proposed System


System Design
<Describe what will be the content of this section. It is like an

overview of the section from where you have to discuss what will be the
content of the entire section in brief (summary).>
4.2.1 Data Flow Diagram
4.2.2 Entity Relationship Diagram
4.2.3 Database Design

System Requirements
<Describe what will be the content of this section. It is like an

overview of the section from where you have to discuss what will be the
content of the entire section in brief (summary).>
4.3.1 Hardware
4.3.2 Software
4.3.3 Peopleware

Security and User Control

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations




<Describe what will be the content of this chapter. It is like an

overview of the chapter from where you have to discuss what will be the
content of the entire chapter in brief (summary).>


The Online Ordering System of Luscious Cookies and Cream Bar is

a web based order entry technology that captures orders and record data. Having an
online ordering system in a business adds convenience, accuracy and save time in
difficult situations. Luscious Cookies and Cream Bar is a company that sells
cookies and cream bar. The researcher made a Online Ordering System for them to
make the business more well known and to give the customer a very convenient and
fast service. Providing more advantages than disadvantages, Online Ordering
System can provide in-depth information about the sales of company allowing the
company to be more efficient and secured.



<The area of the document is for further enhancement of the system

with were not included in the system presented. This might be additional
features you have found out after doing the test cases/scripts you were not
able to include it. This can be also a recommendation of the actual user who
tested the system during the system testing. You can also drawn the
recommendation coming from the results of testing the system, from where
you have found out that flaws in the system.>


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